t::z phess-yisitor, PI'BUSUED BY TUB VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY riWCORPOlUTKDI. . CONSOLIDATION OF THE VISITOR, KSTABU8ED 1878, AND THK PSK88, ESTABLISHED 1891. OflBce in the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. CUiEEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Muajir, JASPER N. MoRABY, Solloltlna AseaL. Subscription Prices. Ctaa Year . . Six Months . One Month . . I 4 00 . 2.00 . .3S Entered as Second Class Mall Matter The Leader iii the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 18. FRIDAY January 29 finvtrnnr Rlnxhrim. of Florida, has issued a call for a rational farmers' congress, to be held in SaDford, in that State, from March 1C to 17, in clusive, and at which meeting of the representatives from the several States of the Union important ques tions relating to the colonization of the State will be introduced and dis cussed. Discussion on what crops would be suited best to Florida and Florida climatic conditions will con stitute a JeadiDg feature of the con vention. The production of tobac co will be encouraged, and the pro portion of various crops to produce the best financial results will be stimatcd. The entire subject of legitimate crops will be covered in detail. Things are not going well with the trusts. The recent Georgia law against them has crippled their op erations in that State severely and in half a dozen other States Legisla tures are considering bills very similar to that passed by the Geor gia Legislature at its last session. To add to these troubles, actual and threatened, the Federal courts have recently shown a disposition to deal severely with the trusts A recent decision of the United States circuit court of the eastern district of Penn sylvania declares a tr"ust to be il legal on common law grounds. The facts are as follows The National Harrow compauy applied for an in junction to restrain the defendants, .Hench and Drumgold, from selling certain kinds of harrows, harrow frames and attachments upon more favorable terms as to price to pur chasers than the prices stipulated in certain contracts. The principal defence was that the contract was invalid and against public policy, and could therefore be disregarded without any liability to damages for breach. A detailed statement of these is desirable because it affords an insight into the exact methods and modus operandi cf what are popularly but vaguely called trusts. The National Har Krw company a New York corporation to whose rights and general objects the plaintiff, a New Jersey corporation, has succeeded originated in a written agreement between a number of leading and district manufacturers operating nnder patents, whereby it was stip ulated that they should all unite and organize a corporation under the liberal and loose lawsof New Jersey. It was further agreed that they should assign and transfer be new corDoration all patents which :' ney respectively owned or mignt .thereafter acquire relating to their kind of barrows, and that they would not thereafter be interested in the : manufacture or sale of such articles :i- ii 'l' uvept as tne ai(eHu or uwuseen ui the large corporation. ' The corpora- . .1. .. ..m - turn to issue to tuese manuutc turera licenses tO manufacture and sell on their own account, subject to uniform terms and conditions, but the corDorotion itself wis not to engage In the business of manufac turing or selling harrows. (Each agent or licensee was to pay to the corropo ration (1 on every harrow I manufactured and sold bjr him, And each agent was to receive, in pay ment for his rights and good wilf, the price fixed upon by arbitration or otherwise agreed upon, in paid up stock of the corporation. The court declared the contract between the corporation and the defendants to be part of an unwarrantable conspiracy in restraint of trade and refused to grant the relief asked by the plaintiff. This is one of the clearest and most emphatic antitrust decisions that has been made in a Federal court. BaoXlen's Arauoa Salve. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents jwr ox. "or sale by John Y. Mao Yon Can lie Well. When your blood is pure, rich, and nourishing for nerves and musles. The blood is the vital fluid, and when it is poor, thin and impure you must either sufftr from .some distressing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes, ex posure, or overwork. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla and be well Hood's pills are purely and do not purge, pain All druggists. 2oc. vegetable or gripe. New Shoe Store. Pl s. 130 Fayetteville St. HEADQUARTERS FOR Bookc, Stationery illiililUUimmmiiUUilU A. Williams & Co.'s Book Store.; We carry the largest line of Books of all kinds in the have the most complete line of Stationery in tbe State. Have coin $1 Fountain Pen ? Very truly, Alfred Uilliams & Co. A. R. 1. JOHNSON Johnson and Johnson. COAL and WOOD. if you want to make your bouses .Prices. Complete stock Antracite 3 -1. -Is. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Phone 150. Office 109 rayetteville St Yard: Foot West Hargett street. GOLD WAVE MENS' Aa n t 90 w and -Sa. Tired ; Feeling Make Ton seem "all broken up," with out lite, ambition, energy or appetite. It U often the forerunner of serioaa Ill ness, or the stccompanimw&t of nervaaa troubles. It is a positive proof ot thin, weak, impure blood; for, it the blood it rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, It Im ports life and energy to every serve, organ 'and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Barsspartll for that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one, and the (rood it will do yon Is equally beyond question. Eemembet Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One Tree Blood Purifier. II j. n:n cure Hrer Ills, easy to take, HOOd S PlllS easy to open!, ascents. A. W. FRAPS, AGENT FOB TBI German Electric Belts, APPLIANCES and BATTERIES, For the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Ltver Complaint, Lame' Back, Week Lungs, Nervous Debility, Female Complaints, faraiysls, etc. After Suffering 16 with Rheumatism, I was cured by using a German Years entirely Electric Belt. No. 4 East Davie, second door from Favetteville street, Raleigh. j!2-lm Shoe Bargains For this Week, ' 60 pairs men 's calf and Russia calf bals, needle toe, $1 98. 60 pairs men's calf and Russia calf bals, coin toe, i SO. 60 pairs men's calf, Russia calf and Vici kid $3 00, $3 50 and $4 00 in all the new toes. School Shoes Special bargains offered on all school shoes best line in the state. C. POOL. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. State, you a We Lin JOHN . JOHNSON, comfortable, call on us. Lowest ard Bituminous Coals. Wood kept r SIGNAL UP! Now for Overcoats mm m m . ana Heavy un- derwear. OVERCOATS N 00, $4 50, ii 00, as An " ' m w. Ravc' roo75,f200.$225 Mxjjis vcat.s3-2Bo and J300. We have something fei; tra nice in the way of over coats for men, and;-at .at tractive prices. 'f-'&ft Undershirts ; and Drawers to Match: , 25c, 40c, 60c and 75c . " " IlilRipgiStatiefjlComp 131 Fayetteville Street TC ; We bought late m u to give our customers the benefit of Low Prices and remember that all of the Xmaa goods we are Show ing are useful, durable, and lasting. Not the PENNY TRASH "kind to last only during the holidays. kTk are just opening from the Vf C large line of LEATHER GOODS, which are strictly first class in both material and workman ship. None of low grade or inferior quality: all fresh and seasonable. Many new styles not before on tie market - We name ia part: Poekat Bookit, Moaj Books. CotM tkn Poeket Book, Car Case. Card and LMfr Cases BUI Boltet Pnraasv Bankers' Csms. BUI Books. Preaatng Case, Collar and Caff Boas. Glore and Handksreiilsf Seta, Work Boxes, Wrttln- Caaeev VortfoUoa. frraln calf, anake. Russia. aiz. ootrhlda. crnahad lavant.- (TaUl morocco, sea serpent, tenazto calf, mllgrove oaU, and style. -Manicure toilet j j VaseS. Plaq UCS, Odor Jewelry cases, ; cigar boxes, writing s desks, phbtagraph albums, cases, boxes, gold pens and pencils, celluloid. pearl and woo4;stafi&, fountain pens, smoking sets, memorandum 1 a r calendar pads, diaries, memo books. FINE BOX PAPER, Wu have the finest line ever opened in the State. Hurd's, Crane's, Hulb'rt H Murous Ward and Parson, Green A Co., beside many others in. all the latest novelties and in the new shades and tints. Be sure you see our goods; u you do not you will regret it. Raleigh OJPJEIV A.T . SIQTVT. The Cold WaYe Reahed Us! Has And so has-the LYON BACKET STORE with a full line of goods to suit such weather, and prices to suit tbe times. , Below you can see wnat we are selling, bucu iroods as: Good Rubber coats $1 24 Mcintosh coats 340 Rubber shoes I 84o Boys Rubber coats -Mo Ladies' Gosmeres , 98o Good shoes for ladies - 1 00 " " "men 124 " Double blankets 60o " Comforts 87o " 41b feather pillows 49c " Horse blankets 04o " Buggy Robes 2 24 " Umbrella... ..fi94o These igoods have all been marked down to suit times. If in need of any of the above goods it will-pay you to examine our stock before buying. lours to please, LYON Racket -Store, 16&t Martin Street. NOTICE. I have moved my plaoe of bualnet to theoomer of Tayettevlll and Parle atreeU, where I will be pleased to see my customer and the public generally. I am prepared to do any work In tbe tailoring lis. v Morchaot Tailor ' Ralehrh,. C. HOUSES aMO LOTS, 7tB SAtE. On Saturdar.' Januarv 23d. 1897. at the oourt house door la Raleigh, N. C. win eu a vaoiio ouwrr to me aiim est bidder, the following house and lota in the cfty of Baielgh: (1 ) A bonwand lot at the-outbweat corner of Lenoir and McDowell street, front- Insr 65 feet ou McDowell street and 00 feet on Lenoir ttreet, being part of lot No. I la tibaffer' Map of the city of naieign.- (J) a nouse antt lot on Blount street. ; The laid lot begin at point i the eastern line of Blount street. 22 feet touth of the north- wet corner of lot No. 47 In Shaffer' Map of the city of Raleiirh: run thence south alonr Blonnt street 2& feet. thence east 210 feet, thence' north 26 feet; thence west 210 feet. t - 6a'w made by ma Individually aa at torney in fact for all other Interested parties..' Tonsk of sale, eaah: hour of ami. 12al ' Juam Moonw i Kit, manufacturers and importer a very las. StaaJe, Oeek Blotters. Desks asid Tablets. Photograph rassa IHetare Praases. . Card Cassa, Clamtad Cttar aaaaa, Mirrors, Poeket CoBpaBlosu, Poker Seta, Ortokla Caps. t- saflaa calf, etc., in all the ttiffarent color . ii . sets, glass and porcelain ii.ir i.' " a- DOttleS, , atOmiZerS, CtC. - - . - . . -... , . SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT Ant-UNB.) Condensed Schedule. (I4.IS. Traiaa Mav ftatelffc Dally. - " .- . v. t .w r "Horfol and OMttaaooce Uaslsed." 4.M,. BlIy.-)lklvsttboldlralwttb I letper tmn Ifortopi Chaaoeaca rts. an borr, wnrtanfa. aslTlu,-nit pclDfs aa anaxtfll.,: : ... ,"- v CooDeett at Durliaia lot Ox'erd, Qlsiksvul awl Kerntll. atespt Saoday. At bat " wtta- the i Washiutem. b4 westsra TSstr Je4 (Umttd)J train for all olDte Hor-aad with atata 1st trafa Ho. It tor nanroie. axiMaoB ana wtswiaaisis ywa staneas; an snsasella l ad wttk aula Ha has . wtttats rastMSll- .ew crtott Spartanbart Oreea U1' Atlanta and all touts South r Uo Ootu' Ma Aogosta OharteetDev SaTaaoaa. iMtwomr rm an ad joints tt Florida Slsepliic oar tor AtlaaU JaeksoavUla anaChrtott with "Korfott amdChattaaywsa Usslted. liu A. t. OaSy-SoM trala ynllinaaaiSilBcarsaa4 soaahes bom Caa taaooca te MorfoU. .arrtTla Heriolk m e ta time to MfaMot "Wtta tt i OU Domtaioa MaMhaaW and Mtnen JraM mad Waha. avpoa aaq nauissor . cneeaprac ana BioB- SfcudS S OdI lor an pototrnor and east, eatMSSi at Setea toe ftyetterul ana I MrniSlsW tttoD- ea at. Wllso tad fi ttovtll Short Out, dafly. exeept sandayfoi w era aad Morehea Ctty tny tor M her, aad Wflanuclea aa. latiinhsillsts ta Up entM WOBlattpa an Weldoa Ballroad. S:M A. M. DaUr-Oasarceta at DartM lot Oxfcrd, XeysvBle. mt asaoad at 1st WaUatfi a4 all poUth) aorta. ; bar Traui. tie P.ft.lMiT-far oWhof 4 tnter- Mdlat stattoa. . X-" & ii. HA.IMksaMti at Oraensboro fsr an tutt lor Horth aad Sooth and WhntoMalaas aad pntnt oa the HorthweeUia HorU Carolina EaUroad, At Battsbary.fbr aB potnt t West- era Mora areitaa. KnoxTtlle, ttssuOhMia Laafl aad weatera point si at Charlotte; ff Bpa wreesTme, Athens. Atlanta aad Traim Arrty at Kalatsh, M. C.i ' . . ;rKzpree Train. ? . 1; j. K M. tsllrrroia Attanta, Ohariott. rsnsber aaB points South, ,-. . c . ttafolka'Cbmisnoosa tumite.- 4il . M. OaB-rroi all pelats sast, Kor ttnm oUh)boi, Wllmlnrton, fayat rtu ta u points m Eastern Carouna. : u , , . . irorfolk aad Chattanoofs United. - M i0 A. M. IMrjp-kBYoti Maw Tort, Washhi tsa. Lynebbunr PaarUKaad Btstastate, aa taneotA.aaoxTUle, Hot aprlnt and asnerms , '..llsTialsi. . i a,. as. oaur-rgaiaoiOjDore.and Inter lira wanogm. ; ; t . . a f:M A. ft Dny-ris-6rsMboni soda point Morth aad eoath. Sleevlnf Oar from eraetiaborotoBalelxa.'-' . . ' p-s Dalfysi ptSimdap-rrsaieold. or and an points Kaat. Looal fralsht trains also tarrr paassnsera. rvUsMaaaisaaatcht wala troai BaMeat Onenshote. . Thronth nUntta Vestibal'd nrawtnt &ooa anvt sieephif Cr and VeaOboted saashes wtttHmtabaase oa sorfulk UauM. . Double sally trains between Balelth. Char lotsa aad Atlanta, Qoleh time: anexeeUed ae- Stationery Jo. w. H.esxia, .Qeaeral SnpsrlBtaanaiH. r. A. TVBK. " - , : flea era! raaseoter Afent - . - - . v: WsshtaKtoavp.o. . J. M Cour. Traao t ot a., x Hl 10 ti' LCeHI. . On eight years V, time" to reliable men on real estate mortgage. Loans made promptly to persons owning took in the comtmnvr- This com pany baa furnished the mflney nd, has mortgages on about -. 'i - T' and Jhas a number in other parts of the state, where they bave agencies. ' Loans are made On the most favor able plan possible and at small cost to ' borrower.- The company also makes liberal loans on .the stock Of the Union, thus allowing , Its mem bers to bave the d vantage of a par lngs Institution, and yet obtain the use of their money on shorV notice. This plan protects the company and protects, its members f rom disaster, and Insures permaneV nd profit to toe persistent members." Monthly payment stock,'- requires s monthly payment of 65 cents per share of $100 full paid slock, of f 100 par value with cash dividend ouopoos. will be bviis lotkuuuieu e,ini oi uibu ber share. ." 'w . 4t Mechanics : , InvesiorsVj Union 22 Pulletf Bufldinv: l By authority of a mortgage from Sarah Williams to Peter Knah re corded in Book 106, p,380 Register's office for Wake county I will on Mon day 1st dsy of February, 1897 at 12 m. at the court bouse door; of Wake county sell to the highest bidder for casn a certain parcel of land" in St. Matthew's towosbio Wake countv: being the northern end of the tract of land on wblcn tne late W. t. Wil liams lived at his death, bounded on the north by the lands of ij&lisabetb I Stater and jn. v. JJenteu, on the east by lands ofc, , w. wiijiamsand on Saterand N. V. iiucBouiu oy lanasccix u ;w imams biers and on the west by lands of I ,u 1.. u o i? n..n... i jk ui saw uis o ai, ATuiiojr, isejug iuuu cut off from the northern end of the N B Williams tract of land by an east and west line so as to make 40 acres. Hxnkt H. Knioht, Ex 'b. WNJonea, Atty. 4 VTrcstM'tj of lend. ByVlHue of ' power oonf erred by mortffara executed to me as Trustee on the 2lst day of December, 1896, by Bright .Jones and hi wife, - Laura Jones, which said mortiraire is record ed In the offloe of the Hefflster -of Deeds for: Wake county m Book 135, page 400, J wlU sell at the court house door In the city of Raleleh. at nubile auction for cash to the higheat bidder I at 12 o'elock m. on the firt day of r eoruary, a. u. W(, tne foilowinir aary, described estate: A certain tract of land lylnar and belnar In Wake countv. North Carolina, -in Panther Branch township and described and defined a ioiiow to wit: ueginnlnr at a stake. side of Gutter' swamo. run west al.fiO chains to a stake, W. H. Young' oorner, thence north 44 degree east 10 chain to a pine, , thence east 7.16 chain to a take," thence north-1.70 chain to a stake, thenca east 8.15 chain to a stake,, thence south l.6 to a pine, thence south 85 degree east .25 chain to a pine attomn. thence north 70 deeTeeeeaat 1M chains to an oak Mump, near the branch, 'thence down said branch 2 chain to a sweet gum, thence - north 6 chain a pine, thenoe oast 0 chains, to Guffey's swamn. thence down said swamn tn ujo oeginumg, ooniammg oi d-e. acres. ' jr- - -r. nx AXf, iTUBtee. VStii )p UzU AstetiT Under and bv Virtue of i a decree nf tne Superior CouJt In a special pro- oeedlnsr entitled J. C. Mavreom. Ad. miaistrator of Cora Taylor, deceased. v. . John Taylor at als.L I will on Monday, February 1st. 1897. tell at puhlio auction at the court house door m Kaieign two lota of Und situate In at Haleigh on a road leading from nargev w xenoir street : extended, bounded a follow) 1st.; John Rln- ton on sou, Mary Spenoe on the fw. w.,u. wuaer on tne norm and east, containing about ono-stxth of an acre, oOnveyed to Cora Taylor bv deed In Bkv K 111, page 18fl. 2d, Beglnnlnir at Cora Taylor's 'northwest oorner. thence north to iW,'H. Pace' corner, thenoe -aat along Pace's line U the UOM Dronenv. ihenon annui in Hnva Taylor's corner, thenoe; with Cor Taylor's line to, the beginning,' oon- uj uwea ia xiouk no, pare at. iiour or saie, iz m.; term, cab, -; : :t:i-!f . T -,. -Adm'r and Com'r. SALK OP RBKAININ0 tiOTH. ' ; WATSON r Under and by virtue-of a dnnrM of Wake superior court In the case wherein Emma Karrer la nlaintifl ana 4 w . a waison ana others are -W www - - s a, r defendants, the undersigned will on Monday, February 1. 1 189T at 11 o clock a. m. at the court house door expose to public sale the following unsold lota in the platof the land be tween toe southern city limit and wainni creek: tf. i. a. zz. Z3.-2n. tl, 29. . 86. 89. 44. lA. 64l 64. '5 ;M 8?T lOtot 104 W mTl iMfr at w ft ttft A am awssl -) 8V93, 1K5. 103. :fr 168.,:. 161. 1 182. P Id. and also a tract of aixW acres beino- the bottom land lvlnsr alonir Walnut . ....... - vr....T 7 Terms; one-third cashi balance in in six and twelve roontjhs., The sale may. .on aojournea irora tbe court house door to the Dretirises. v-' -' -4OS1BONl. On' the Sd dav of Januar 1RM. ("oww v. :. ruii ana wire, Alary A. A J rr.,i f - . uiu. executed ana delivered to me tneir nond, under seal, secured by mortffaee, on real estate for two hun dred dollar- with 9 per cent Interest. payaDie aemi-annuaiiv. due and twt- I able on the 3d day of January, 18., which mortgage I nava, but the bond I have lost or misplaced and sannnt Ail . . I find, and I hereby warn any and all person from buying or trading for aid bond with any nerson who met have found tbe tame, a I have fettled tha debt with aaid Hill and wife by agreant. -. . .. Notion of Seizure ana Libel. Circuit court of the United State, Eastern District of North Carolina a Raleigh No. 10. Libel United State ' aealnst 0 barrel of corn whiskey, t - .popper tills, cap and worms, 12 fer : . .. Tndrews of -ro 0. M. An rnenter, seized a cue property oi v. i oi jterson county, sx, v., Andrew of Peraonoounty, au.wnotn ia may .con-' - era Greetlngp. - Notice . la - hereby ,v given that tha above ihentlonedvprop-- erty wak SBiied. by V.fiL Simmon, collector of Internal Revenue for the 4th collection District of -North oaro- - j, Una, on the 22d day of 1wav, 1895, a forfeited to the uea of the United . State for condemnation for the cause 4 in uxe . said -lloei Of information et fortht apd; tha tthe laid cause wiU tand for trial at the court room of aid court, In thr city of Raleigh, on ' the 4th Monday of Hay neit, if that be Z a Jurisdiction day, and if : not, at tha :. next, day of Jurisdiction thereafter, when and where you and all pernor) ( are Warned to. aDueisr io'.ahnvns.aM. why condemnation should not he de ' "reed, and Judgment scoot dingty -teret. herein, and to later res tor their interest.. : i yiven nnder my hand, at ofBoa in 1 Raleigh, this 23d day of January, 189T O. J-CARROLL, ' . . - - United States Mrha. Notice ofHeUare anALibeL r ;;gl- : , i ' Craocrr Covm or : -thb r TJtrrnai ' ; ' BTTX8, , E ABTKBlf , DlSTHICT OX . Hobts CAsouNAt At Rauaaa. --. 1 2 cask of whiskey?1 claimed by W O iiv. xvi uioei uniiea uum amnes crign vurnam oounty, t. C. TO VV D Bright, Durham county, , Knn ui as. 1 1 srnnm ic - , -"Greeting: w Notice U hereby , given that tha . above mentioned property waa eisd ujr c w. Simmons, collector oi Inter- ' nl revenue for tea 4th eoUeotlon dis- -triot of North Carolina, on the 6th day r of May, 18y, as forfeited to the iuea of the United State, for violation of r tha Internal revenue laws, and tha same is uoeiieu and prosecuted in tha circuit court of the United State tot condemnation' for the causes In tha - aid libel of loformAtloQ setforth; and that the said cause will stand fortcial atthecourtroomofaaldeourt.il tins oity of Raleighi on the 4th Monday or -' y next, that be a Jurisdiction dav. ; and if not, at the next dav of iurtsdlo- tion thereafter, when ! and where, ion. a.fld all IMfanni M oraanul a .niuaw i "v ' nui wiunu4Hftwir .. hould not be decreed, and iudgmeot , accordingly entered herein, and to in-, lAnAIlA Aid thai IntliM,., -. : Given under my hand, at OBlat la ' Raleigh, thA 2ari day-of January vm.M ,. . ' P, J f OaRroll, . jan23-lt . , J- ... tf..8. afarenal.. " Servloe of SaojBons ayPabMttoBv . ' North C aeolina, Wikt Cotfirrr. , ; SUPKKIOB CODET. FEB. ftXU. 1 RflT W H WeathersDOon.DlaJntiff. vs. lone? WaathHrBDoOn : Alias Tnni - Corthorn, defendant -A''y - The defendant above named wit take notice that an action entitled aa , mirnv ubs oeen . commencea in inn oujwrior court, ot waef county ior divorce ana to aeciare null ana void - uc uisu i ntvi! ijuai jiRLWfwn inn niain.' " tiff and defendant; and: the 'said dev' ' fehdant will further take notice that ,." she fsreouired to aDDearat the nest v j civil term of Wake superior court to ' ' oe neia oa Monday,, the zz day of February, A. P., 1897, at the court house in said oounty Of Wake in tha " ! state of North Carolina, and answer i or demur to the compiaiBt in said nctloni or the slaintiff -will annl ta tbe court for the relief demanded In . tae sata complaint. ' - - .. y, Ur yvuiNO, u. . w. ' Peele 4 Mavnaid attorneys for piaiatui. , :, , -vjviri Jano-lwmw . tjnder and bv virtue of A cower nf sale contained In a mortifa from - u.mii. Li ; 1 1 k 4 : 1 1 ttiii 1. 1 .. . . . . v uMiiuo wuijr oia wuo, mnu -v Andrew Bill to W illiam Watt, datwl the 27th day of -February, laul. and reflBtored in Book, i:a,'-page 61U, of the omos o( tbe Regiswr of Deed for Wake county, 'N. O. 1 ; will sell oa Saturday. -January -BO. -18U7. at tha ooun house door in Baleijh, N. C, at pudu" outcry o tne niirneat bidder. . that part or parcel of land situated in " tib Mary ' ' townahiD. county af ore-. said, adjoining tbe land of Dr. J. B. . Bobbin. Mrs. James Creech and oth- ' ersand bounded "a follow: becini : ' nine at a stake on Bis- branch, thanoa ers, -thenoo weateo pOle to Ortech'' spring branch, thenoe with said apring ' , branch to Orr' Mill branch 86 uolas. f thence with1 Orr'e 'Mill hrs.nnh IaDx "V beginning, containing luo 'acres and being tha same land that was convey- ' ed to Marcur JUll by Catherine Pool , 42. RMrlltw nl IWull. nldo. . U . u county, Time of .sale, 12 m. Tana ' otaaie, eab' . '. -W. N. Jones. .deott td : Attorney. s A.ai or iuM. t -By virtue of a 'decree of tha Sana - rior court of Wake county, V. C, rn derea on tha 16th . day oi April, ISM, in the-matter of Marv A. Smith, soma-: times' called Mary Ann -forehead, etsr pending in said court, tha undersimed oommissioner .appointed - by said. court, will Mil On Monday, the 22d day , of Fvbruarf fTarS houVcf IS ?J0,wck ' hous door in auction the following dpurrlhert tr. of land, to-wit: Biiuated in Barton' creek townanip, in Wake oounty, Nfl , Ct, known a the Emory nlsr, nAA talnlng 165J acre more or tea andde ' oribett In a deed from TV loo. Rn,,.. trustee, to Richard Smith recorded Id book 20, page 807, in the office of the Regiter of Deed ot Wake oounty. - xerm oi sate: tin third nf tH chase money cash, the remainder in two equal nayment In alz and t.lu month to be secured by note bearinr lecTtl Interest - from' dsv nf .. i. Title will be reserved untli purchaas money is paid in full. ""vu" ; . KHM T. PUIAEN, Commissi ' V .' tnilM T Dn. M ' Commisslona-, ; Notice. " Notice is hereby n-lven that annii. cation will be made to the general cation will oe man a tn tha crsnsroi assembly of North Carolina, at iu present session, for the oassnire Dasssir. an "act to declare the North Oun . . . . . . I na Teachers' Assembly, a duly In corporated company, and to ratify confirm, amend and enlarge itschai ter." The N. C. Teacdee's Asstwht v ud XXKSM W. THOUPSOJf. j28 SOd By C. J. Parker, Sco.M

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