i !''!.-. . .2 r::c3-vi:iTQ, PI BUSUED BY TUB VISITOR-PS. ESS COMPANY fWCOBPORATD. , CONSOLIDATION OF THC VISITOR, ESTABLI8HD 1878, AND TBI TRESS, K8TABUSHBP 1994.-" T' " Office In the Pullen Building, corner s Fayetteville and Davie' Streets. r GREEK O. ANDREWS, ! '. V ; "' Bdlto aad Maaafsr. JASPER NMBABY, SoUatttas Aj.ot. Subscription Prices. Om Yea 4.00 8U Month 2.00 One Month '. ' .85 (Entered as Second Class Mail Matter J The Leader in the Mews and In Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. WEDNESDAY. . February 3 If rumor be not at fault the coun try owes a uew debt of gratitude to Speaker Heed. It is said that only bis strong protest prevented Major McKinley from naming Congress man Boutelle for Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of War today trans mitted to the Senate an abstract of the militia force of the United States for the year 18, according to the latest returns received. The grand total of all arms of the service is 115,627, and the number of men available for military dutv (unorga nised) 10,149,184. larger arms of the service are given as follows: In fantry 102,488; cavalry, 4,970; light battery, 4,569. In a recent speech in Parliament Wrf Joseph Gharnberlin. British Secretary of State for the colonies, took occasion to denounce, in rather severe terms, what he called the duplicity of President Kruger, of the Transvaal. He also took oc casion to warn the Boers that Eng land would not hesitate a moment to adopt such steps as would best insure the continuance of her su premacy in South African affairs did the occasion demand it. Boston's extensive and expensive intercepting sewerage S3rstem is now completed. It was twenty-nine years ago that the first step was taken to ward this vast and comprehensive system. It was brought about by the consulting physicians of the city remonstrating against the then ex isting sanitary condition of the city and declaring the urgent necessity of a better svstem of sewerage. The main sewer is about three and one- half miles long. lis inclination tnrougnout its wnole extent is one for each 2,000. The cost of this three aud one-half miles of main sewer was $606,031, being an aqerage of ?.i;.09 . per lineal foot. Ex-Congressman and Kx-Gov. Long, of Mass., isabout to find Mm self in the same class with Bliss, of New York, who after having virtu ally accepted a Cabinet portfolio .was compelled, by the red hot op position to him, to recall his accept ance and to try to let himself down easy by saying it was on account of his wife's health. Massachusetts men headed by Senator Hoar are making a fight on Long, and the friends of every other New England man who has cabinet hankerings are helping it along, and present indi cations are that all this will be too much for Long and that he will soon be letting himself down easy. Miss Maud Stalnaker, a young lady of Washington, D. -C., was re cently an applicant for a position tinder the Civil Service Rules, tnd probably passed the most difficult examination that has ever been pre-. pared by the Civil Service Commim. sion. bne as the only one who was ' able to. pass the Examination but the .War . department refuses to appoint her to the vacant clerkship on the ground that she is s woman. The examination required transla tion into English of Technical M ill-, lary Works In French, German, Spanish and Italian; typewriting in all of hese languages; and ability to do proof-reading and prepare manu script for the press; a knowledge of modern library methods; catalogu ing, Indexing and of the English language and 'literary composition. The Salary of the position demand ing all these requirements is 11500 a year. t Sleep, Sound and Refreshing, Comes to those whfl take Anheuser Busch' s Malt-Nutrine the food drink. To be had at all druggists. Baaklea'a Araioa Salve. The best salve in the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents tr S)x. wor sale by John Y. Mac Rat. Von Con Be Well. When your blood is pure, rich, and nourishing for nerves and musics. The blood is the vital fluid, and when it is poor, thin and impure you must either suffer from some distressing disease or you will easily fall a victim to sudden changes, ex posure, or overwork. Keep your blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla and be well. Hood's pills are purely and do not purge, paiii All druggists. 2uc. vegetable or gripe. New Shoe Store. S. 130 Fayetteville St. HEADQUARTERS FOR Books, Stationery i.uuuiimiunuiiiiiiimu A. Williams & Co.'s Book Store. I We carry the largest line of Books of all kinds in the have the most complete line of Stationery in tbe State. Have coin $1 Fountain Pen ? Alfred Uilliams & Co. A. R. I. JOHNSON Johnson and Johnson. COAL and WOOD. ir you want to make your houses comfortable, call on us. Lowest Prices. Complete stock Antracite ard Bituminous Coals. Wood kept uiiuer sueuer. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Phone 150. Office 109 Fayetteville St Yard: Foot West Hargett street. w I Tired Feeling Makes yon teem "all broken op,'1 with out lite, ambition, energy or appetite. It is often the forerunner ot serious 111 nesa, or the secorapan!niit of nervous troubles. It is a positive proof of thin, weak, impure blood; for, if the blood la rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it im parts life and energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling is therefore apparent to every one, and the c;ood it will do yon ia equally beyond question. Remember rSoodlS Sarsaparilla Is the bestIn fact the One True Blood Purifier. i i. r:n eureltYerllls.ei flOOd S FlllS easy to operate. cure Hrer Ills, easy to take, racenis. A. Y. FRAPS, AGENT FOR THE German Electric Belts, APPLIANCES and BATTERIES, For the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Liver Complaint, Lame Back, Week Lungs, Nervous Debility, Female Complaints, Paralysis, etc. After Suffering 16 with Rheumatism, I was cured by using a Corman Years entirely Electric Belt. No. 4 East Davie, second door from Favotteville street, Raleigh. jl2-lm Shoe Bargains For this Week, 60 pairs men's calf and Russia calf bals, needle toe, $1 98. 60 pairs men's calf and Russia calf bals, coin toe, $2 50. 60 pairs men's calf, Russia calf and Vici kid $3 00, $3 50 and 14 00 in all the new toes. School Shoes . Special bargains offered on all school shoes best line in the state. C. POOL. B. NORRIS, Manager. -t- State, you a We Lin- Very truly. JOHN 8. JOHNSON, Undoraoar Reduced in Price. We have a large stock to select from. Prices 25, 35, 50 and 75c for Undershirts. Drawers to match at same prices. Woolen Gloves at cost. 20c Suspenders reduced to 10c. Heavy Cotton Socks reduced to 5c per pair. Don't fail to see our reduction' on heavy Suits and Overcoats. Our Spring stock is beginning to ome and we need room. -Have you a pair of pant stretch ers? If not you ought to, as i ---'... they put your old pants in perfeat shape and make them lok a? gdbd as new. We sell . , them. : The Coir TJave; Has : Reahed Us! And so has-the LYON RACKET STORE with a full line of goods to suit such weather, and prices to suit the times. Below you can see what we are selling. Such goods as: Good Rubber coats $1 24 Mcintosh coats 3 40 Rubber shoes 24o Boys Rubber coats 95o Ladies' Gosmeres 98c Good'shoes tor ladies'. 1 00 " " - men --v 124 " Double blankets 50c " Comforts 87c " 41b feather pillows 49c " Horse blankets. . 94c " BufcTKy Robes 2 24 " Umbrella 94c These goods have all Ivimi -narked down to suit times. If in m-i-il of any of the iitx"e i.m!s it will VOU to examine our .-.luck In-f.uv buying. Yours to nloasc, LYON Racket Store, 16 East Martin Street. iiiirrmi )0UBLEJA1IY SERVICE ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS "Atlanta Special" AND "S. A. L. Express." l; ITWKF.X New York, Washington, Norfolk, Atlanta. New Orleans Sonthwcst SCHElltTLE IN KKFKCT APRIL 5TH, anj "(Ml. sorrn boi'mi. No. 4l3.jNo. 41. Lv. Now York . . . 3 20p.mI9 00 pm ' Baltimore ... 7 31 ' ! 2 65 pm " Washington. . 8 40 " ', 4 30 ' ' Richmond 12 36a.m 9 05 " Lv. Norfolk 11 30 pm 9 00 " Portsmouth . 12 01 ' 9 15 " Lv. Wcldon , 3 05 " 11 65am Ar. "Henderson . . . 4 32 " 1 39 PM Ar. Durham -.....! 7 32 H 09 " Lv. Durham 5 20p.m 11 00am Ar. Raleigh 5 55 am! 3 34 pm Sanford .; 7 14 ' I 4 58 " " Southern Pines-: 8 0(1 5 49 " " Hamlet 8 50 ' 6 55 ' " Wadesboro ... .' 9 52 " 8 01 " " Monroe ..."....! 1 40 ' 8 55 " Ar. Charlotte jll 35 ' 10 20 pm Ar. Chaster !1 03 pm? 1 32 " " Abbeville 3 00 " I 32 " ' Athens 5 10 " 5 20 " " Atlanta 6 45 " north bound. No 402. No. 38 Lv. Atlanta Ill 45 am 8 10 pm ' Athens I 2 55 pm 11 40 " " Abbeville 5 00 " 1 47 " ' Chester 7 39 " 4 43 " Lv. Charlotte 8 20 " 5 25am Lv. Monroe 9 15" 6 13 " " Hamlet 1035 " 8 15 " Southern Pines 11 21 " 9 15 " Raleigh 1 26am 11 31 " Ar. Durham 7 32 ' 4 09am Lv. Durham 5 20 pm 11 00 " Ar. WTeldon 4 05 am 3 00 pm ' Richmond 6 40 ' 6 40 " " Washington... 10 45 " 1110 " Baltimore jl2 00 m 12 48am " New York... 4 53 pm 6 53 " Ar. Portsmouth ... i 7 30 am 5 50 pm " Norfolk j 7 50 " 6 00 " Nos. 403and402, "The Atlanta Spe cial, ' Solid Vestibuled Train with Buffet Sleepers and Day coaches between Washington and Atlanta. Parlor and Dining Cars, New York to Washington, Pullman Sleepers, between Portsmouth and Charlotte (open atPortsmouth9p. m.) Connect ing at Atlanta for and from Macon, Florida, Chattanooga. Nashvflle. Memphis, Texas, California and the West. Nos. 41 and 38, ' The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid tram of Pullman Sleep ers and Day Coaches, between Ports mouth, Wedonand Atlanta, also New York to Weldon and Cane Charles. Connecting at Attlanta for and from Montgomery, Wew Orleans, Texas, Mexico, Macon, California, Florida; at Portsmouth with Bay Line and coastwise steamers and all rail routes to the -north and east. First star () and Datrsrer ft) aD- ply to the first column second to the second column. ( Daily, f Daily, except Sunday. NO EXTRA FARE ON ANY TRAIN. For tickets, sleepers, and infor mation, apply to ticket agents, or to H. 8. LEARD, Travelling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. E. St. John, Vice-President and Gen 'l Mgr.; V E. McBee, Gen l Sup; hhb uiover, irarac Man. ; t j Anderson, Gen'l Pass. Agent. GeneraljOffic.es: Portsmouth, Va, HOUSES AMD LOTS FOR BALE. On Saturday, January 23d, 1897, at we coon nouse aoor in ttaieign, a . u., I will sell at public outcry to thehls-h' est bidder, the following houses and lota in the cltr of Ralelfh:. fl A house and lot at the southwest corner of Lenoir and McDowell streets, front-J in? oa net ou Mcuoweu street and so feet on Lenoir street, being part of lot No. 9 in Shaffer's Map of the city of Raleigh. (i A houae and lot on Blount street. The said lot beirtna at a point in ther eastern line of Blount street, - 22 feet touth of the north west eorner of lot No. 47 in Shaffer's Map of thecitv of Raleifh: runt thenaa south along Blount street 25 feet, the noe east 210 feet, thence north 25 feet; thence west 210 feet. , f. .-. Sale made by me individually as at Corner la fact for all other interested parties. Tersaa of sale, cash; hour of sale, 12 b,- , , - , Jainta Mooks. NOTICE. 1 1 a ve moved my place of business.' to the corner of Fayetteville and Davie streets, where I will be pleased to see my customers and the public i generally. I am prepared to do any work in the tailoring line. ' , Wra. T. TAYLOR, Merchant Tailor;, jan20 lw Raleigh, N. C. Nntlcfi ol'Seiaure and Libel. Cini'cir Coi.rt of ths United States K.tSTKRN JlSTRIOT OF NORTH CARO LINA AT Rai.sigh. - No inoiibel.-UnitedStatesagainst a casks or corn wniskev in the pos session of and claimed by John D Denkins, Craven county, N. C. To John D. Dinkins, Craven countv N. C, and to all whom it may con cern- ureeung: Notice is hereby given, that the above mentioned property was sew ed by r M Simmons, collector of in ternal revenue for the 4th collection district of North Carolina, on the 12th day of June, 1895, as foifeited to the uses of the United States for violation of the internal revenue laws, and tbe same is libelled and prosecuted in the circuit court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said libel ot in formation set forth;-and that the said causes will stand for trial at the court room of said court, in the city of Raleigh, on the 4th Monday of May next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where you and all personsare warn ed to appear to snow cause why con demnation should not bedecred, and judgment accordingly entered here' in, and to intervene for their inter vene. Given under my hand at office in Raleigh, this 23rd day of January, IH97. U, J.Uarroll, U. S. Marshal. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-UNE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, ls. Trains Leave Kaleifh Pally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 4,12 p, n, Dally,-8olid Tratlbuled train with sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. sails- bury. Horganton, ishevllle, not springs and Knoxvills. Coiuieeto at Durham for Ox 'ord, ClvksrlUe and Kejsvllle, except 8unduy. At Greens boro with the Washington and Sooth western vestlhnled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train No. U for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate loea stations ; also has connection lor WtnstoihSalem and with main line train No. SB, united states rast Mall" for Charlotte, Bpaitanbarg, Green- Tllle, Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia, Augusta, Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville, and all points in Florida, Sleeping Car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Oar for Aucusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. li:4S A. n. Daily-Solid train, eonsistln Pullman Sleeping cars and eoaehes from Cba taaooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 5:00 p m in time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Wahs tngtoo and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Bich mond 8 S Co's for all polntraorth and east Connects at Selma for FaretterUle and In termediate stations on the Wilson and F ettevllle Short Cnt, daily, except sandayfor new era and Horehead City, daily for Goids boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. :SO A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, KeysrlUe, HI hmond; at Oreensbor for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:09 P. fl. Dally--For Golds boro and Inter mediate stations. -4Mal Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro for all pi hits for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carolina BaUroad. At Salisbury, for all points In West ern North Carolina, KnoxTllle, Tenn., Clneln natl and western points ; at Charlotte, fc Spar tanbnrg, OreenTllle, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: Express Train. 1 Og P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte. Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited, 4:la P.M. Dally From all aetata east. Nor folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldiboi a, 'Wllmlogtoa, Fayetevllle and all points m Kwtera Carolina. Wnrfnllc mmA fh.M.i.M.. 1 1 11:40 A, a Dally From New York, Washkic- ton, Lynchburf , Danrille and Greensboro, Chat tanooga, xnoxville, Hot springs and AsbevUIs, Exprees Train l,M a, at. Dally From ooldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local. 7:W A. n. Dally From Greensboro and a points North and Booth. Sleeping Car from Greensboro te Baleigh, t:09 a. as. Dally exe pt Sunday From Golds- boro and an points East. . Local freight trains also carry paueniers. Futtmaa ears on Bight train from Baleigh to Greensboro, . j Through rullmsa vestlbul d -nrawmg Boom Buffet sleeping Car and VesUbuled coaches without Changs oe aorlolk Umittd, - --: . Double daily trains between Baleiah. Chat lotts and Atlanta. Quick ne unexceUed ac- osnasodaooa.. v . : - W. B. OKBXX, ; General Superintendent, W. A. TOBK, ' Vk - -,'. --MpX U ': General Passenger Agent i'r ; -:r.Waslmiaion.O.C.jt;';';:i5-j;: - Ji IS'. CoiF, TrafBov 'A -iVl Executor's Notice. Having this day Qualified as Execu tor of the estate of the late Crady Blake, deceased, this is to give not toe to all parties having claims against said party Will present them to me oa or before the 18th day of November 1897, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery. A J ELLIS, -'.; novW lawow . ..- Ezenutor the te. On eight years', time to reliable men on real estate mortgage. Loans made promptly to persons owning stock in the company. This com- S any has furnished the money and as mortgages oir about . Twenty Houses in- Raleip. and has a number In other parts of the state, where they have agencies. Loans are made on the most favor able plan possible and at small cost to . borrower..- The ; company also makes liberal loans on the stock of the Union, thus allowing its mem bers to bare the advantage of a sav ings institution, and yet obtain the use 01 ineir money on snort -nonce. This plan protects the company and. protects its members from disaster,' and.insurea pernancy and profit to the persistent members. Monthly payment stock, requires a monthly payment of 65 cents per share of 1100 full paid siock, of $100 par value With cash dividend cuoponth-will be sold to a limited extent of $75 cash per share. echanics Invesiors Union 2 Pullen Building. SALE or uw. By authority of a mortgage from Sarah Williams to Peter Knight re corded in Book 105, p, 380 Register's offloe for Wake county I will on Mon day 1st day of February, 1897 at 12 m. at the court house door of Wake county sell to the highest bidder for cash a certain parcel of land in St Matthew's township Wake county, being the northern end of the tract of land on which the late N. B. Wil liams lived at his death, bounded on the north by the lands of Elizabeth Sater and N" V. Denten. on the east by lands of C. W. Williams and on the south by lands of N B Williams hiers and on the west by lands of the late Mrs S E Pulley; being land cut off from the northern end of the N B Williams tract of land by an east and west line so as to make 40 acres. Hxnbt H. Knigiit, Ex'b. W N Jones, Atty. janl-30d Trustee's Stlt of Ltnd. ' By virtue of power conferred by mortgage executed to me as Trustee on the 21st day of December, 1895, by Bright Jones and his wife, Laura Jones, which said mortgage is record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county in Book 136, Sage 460, 1 will sell at the court house' oor in the city of Raleigh, at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at 12 o'clock m. on the first day of February, A. D. 1897, the foUowlng described estate: A oertaln tract of land lvintr and bein? in Wake countv. North Carolina, in Panther Branch township and described and defined as follows to wit: Beginning at a stake, side of Guffev's swamn. runs weatsl.sA chains to a stake, W. H. Young's corner, thenoe north 44 degrees east 10 chains to a nine, thence east 7.1S chains to a stake, thenoe north 1.70 chains to a stake, thenoe east 8.16 chains to a stake, thence south 1.36 to a nine, thenoe south 85 deirrena east 6.26 chains to a nine stumn. thenaa north 70 decrees east 1.86 chains to an oak stump, near the branch, thenoe down said branch 2 chains to a sweet thenoe north 6 chains a pine. enoe east 6 chains to OuffeV's swamp, thence down said swamp to the beginning, containing 61 1-6 acres. b. (i. KYAN, Trustee. Dec. 30, 1896 tds Sale to Uske Assets. Under and bv virtue of a decrm nf the Superior CouJt in a snenial nm. needing entitled J. O. Mareom, Ad mmistrator of Cora Taylor, deceased, vs. John Taylor et a Is.. I will on Monday. February 1st. 1897." anil at public auction at the oourt house door n Ralelch two lota of land allnat.. In East Kaleiirh On a road loadtnir frnm Harget to Lenoir street extended, bounded as follows: 1st. John Hin- ton on south, Mary Spenoe on the west, W. B. Wilder on the north and east, containing about one-sixth of an acre, conveyed to Cora Taylor by deed in Bk. K ill. nam 166. 2d. BecTnninir at Cora Taylor's northwest corner, thenoe north to W. H. Pace's corner, thenoe east along Pace's line to the Moss property, thence south to Core Taylor's corner, thenoe with Cora Taylor's line to the beginning, con veyed by deed in Book 135, page 87. Hour of sale, 12 m.; terms, cash. J. V. MAHCUMf . . Adm'r and Cora'r. SALE OP REMAINING LOTS. , WATSON Under and bv virtue of a decree of Wake superior- court in the case wherein Emma Karrer la nlalntiff and J W B Watson and others are defendants, the undersigned will on Monday. February 1 1897 at 11 o'clock aw m. at the court house door expose to publio sale 4he following unsold lots in the plat of the land be tween tbe southern city limit and Walnut creek: 6. 19. 21. 22. 2A. 2R 27, 29, 31, 35, 39. 44 46, 46 4 54, 65, 56. 62, 72, 73, 77, 81, 83, 87, 87a! 91. 93. 102ft. 104 112 Tia lift inn I 162, 153. 158. - 161. 182. ' ia! f euiu aiao a trace Oi sixty acres Delng . J 1 A 4. I . 'a . '1.' the bottom. land Ivlntr alonir WaTntit Creek. . u. 'fy'-;.:r,.., -- i'm? Terms, one-third cash: balance in in six and twelve months, The sale may be adjourned from the oourt house door to the premises. . v ' ' .. F.H. Bvtm,vM ill tds , Commissioners A LOST; BOND . I' On tb 3d dav : of Januarv. 1MS. V nu no wue,-wary A., mil. exeouiea ano noil versa lei mn their - bond, under seal, secured by mortgage, on real estate for two hun- area dollar Wltn i ner cent intAmat. payable semi-annually, due and nay able on the 3d day of January, 1897, which mortgage I have, bat the bond I have lost Or miinliumt and nannnt find, and I hereby warn any and all persons irom nuying or trading lor said bond with anv narann arnn ma have found the same, as I have aaulnd debt with said Hit and wife by sua .-.- -: . vxoxm w, Thompson. - - Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a mortgage from Marcus Hill, Milly Hill, -his wife, and Andrew T1U to William Watts, dated the 27th day of February, 1801, and reirtatered in Boolr 133. paire 619, of the offloe of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, . u., i win sen on Saturday, January 30, 1897y at the eonrt house door ut Baleigh, N C, at publin outcry to tbe highest bwaer, that part or parcel of land situated in St. Mary's-township, county afore said, adjoining the lands of fir. J. B. Bobbitt, Mrs. James Creech and oth ers and bounded a follows: begin; nlng at a stake on Big branch, thenoa aouth 1781 poles to a stake and point ers, theneo west 80 pole to Creech's spring branch, thence wltn said spring branch to Orr's Mill branch 86 poles, thence with Orr's Mill branch to the beginning, containing 100 . acres tvnd being the same land that was convey ed to Marciyr Hill by Catherine Pool by deed recorded in Book 44, page 242, Register of Deeds offloe for Wake county. - Time of sale, 12 m. Terms 'erms - of sale, eaahd , . W, N.. Jones Odeo 29 tds r - " . Attorney, MALE OF IiAND. By virtue of a decree of the Bit b of the Sur April, IS!?"3-" rlor court of Wake count: dered on the 15th dav of . in the matter of Mary A. Smith, some times called starv Ann acorehead, etc., pending In said court, the undersigned ' commissioners ' appointed by said court, will sell on Monday, the 2d day of February, IStTt the hour of 12 o'olock m., at the court house door In the city of Raleigh, N. C, at public auction the following described tract -ot land,, to-wit: , Situated in Barton's creek township, - in Wake county, N j C.. known as the Emory place, con tainlng 1651 acres more or less and do, scribed In a deed from Peleg Rogers, trustee, to Richard Smith reoorded Id book 20, page 307, In the offloe of the Register of Deeds of Wake county. . Terms of sale: One third ot the pur chase money cash, the remainder la two equal payments In six and twelve months to be secured by note bearing legal interest from day of sale. Title will be reserved until purchase money is paid in full. Ed. Chambers Smith, john t. pullkn, CommiBsiOnet-. Ssrvloe of Summons by" Publication. North Casolina, Wak Cocrtt. . Sufxkiob Court, Fkb. Tibm, 1897. W H Weatherspoon, plaintiff, . vs. lone Weatherspoon alias lone 'Corthorn, defendant! The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as superior court of. Wake county for-l divorce and to declare null and vara the marriage had between the Dials. ' aoove nas oeen oommencea in idi . m tin ana aeronaut; ana the saia ae fendant will further take notice that . she is required to appear at the next civil term of Wake superior .court to be held on Monday, the 22 day of February, A. D., 1897, at the court house in said county of Wake in the state of North Carolina, and answer ' or demur to the complaint In -said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint. - d. ayouNG. c. ae. " Peele & Mayna.d, attorneys for nlaiatUL inn8.iw.Rv t - Notice of 8elf Libel." Circuit court of the United State, -Eastern district of North Carolina, at Raleigh. No. 106 libel United States agaiust 2 copper stills, 2 worms, 2 oaps, 1 heater and pipes, 10 barrels ot corn hlkey and 9 casks, seized as the property of N W Porter, Johnston county, N C. '- To N W Porter, Johnston county, N C and to all whom it may con cernGreeting. . Ooticiis hereby civen that the above mentisned property was seiz ed by F M Simmons, collector of in ternal, revenue for the' 4th collection district of North Carolina, on the ' 11th day of October, 1896, as for feited to the uses of the United. States, for violation of the internal revenue laws, and the same Is li belled and prosecuted in the ehcuit court of the United. States for con demnation for the causes in the said -libel of information set forth; and that the said causes will stand for -trial at the court room of said court, ' in the city of Raleigh, on the 4th v Monday of May next,, if that bo a jurisdiction diy, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, . when and where you and allnersons are warned to appear to show cause ' why condemnation should not be de creed, and judgment accordingly ' entered herein, and to intervene for their interest ' :.' . Given under my hand, at office in In Raleigh. this 13rd day of January ' 1897;; 0. 3. Cabboll,V . ' U. S. Marshal. Notice erielsaurV and Iilbel. , "1 GoEvrrCfmn? tF 'mi United " . States, Eastern ; Distkict i ov' WORTH UABOLINA, AT RALEIQH. No. 107 Libel United StaUa anln.'t 2 casks of whiskey, claimed by . W D Rrlfrht n,ii,-, xr n . To WD Briirht. Durham countv. K." C'L "d to all whom it may conoern Greetlne: .-v:;j ' Notice is hereby given,-that tbe above mentioned property was seized by F. Jt Simmons, eolleotor of inter- -nal revenue for the 4th collection dis trict of North Carolina, on the 6th day of May: 1896. as forfeited to the uses Of the United States, for violation of '.1 ine internal revenue laws, and the same la libelled and prosecuted in the 4 circuit oourt of the United - State for condemnation for the causes in the said libel of information setforth; and that the said causes will stand fortrial at the court room of said court, in the city ot Raleigh, on the 4th Monday of Hav next, if that be a jurisdiction day, . and If not. Ittthe next daw nf inA tion thereafter, when and where yc" ' ana ail persons are warned to apper to show cause - why oondemnatwn i - Should not ha dMimd. iatuf Inrt.rmAnt I aoeordlngly entered herein, and to in tervene for their Interest. T - Given under my hand, at oflXfe' 1" Raleigh, this 23rd day of Janibary, MWiv " V O. J. CARROlV jan23-4t U. 8. Marshal. ' fAfiTED-Arj iCari-" tWattapahmtf PrortTonr' !f . , bn: n too wt"h. Vrn Juu.4 t. ponN Sk CO., , ftpnt Aturrrs, Waaiuuabua UCfurtaaiiauMiDMasauw. Y 'i

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