i : ("eldsi.'oi o-'t'z-ov ilJ?l9 nO j ' . - " ' - ' nj'Kriiru T'. 1 coli0bo'1(? ;lt'- "c0 Lo3f j ' V ' ' " ; . - , tffffffla . - -: , ;y ;tvY: t -: BAmggajm Za : ii.oQ per ykak. obei . I fru tiO-I lo Bi-uar dto nt tdtfSu'SSS IbB. . t . ' 1 TJ -iotsj Jeotn erii nrajKiraBSBtuwdnd - ... Eastern I ft ' ciiAA, lac sJidwblrdHitJVlAN SeneM flJ&ffm?cf Ma2mbr thenrovisions .TRUSTEES EEltwi ay.fuada now In Woo iMMtlwaaaM Women jo All Prof. C. WV: Tomj J!??; - aor of thaCbalrbf Prof -luwoq 101 etwT LMfTT ioni i.i v . i ciiij ni iuuu 1 . 1 a j; ji T- Tr,.rrrr. i 1 r 2?. rjHzErs WU Mil : fMMA colored A) to UiitCcA bare 1 01 the btnu teTom8, tlnei- arafbdys.i'fPheitK - m.n LiluniinllUfliL jiji luuvvtuiuj vub , " i i,. T.??,'-VaJRMJia'ne''d the code, t Aia tbhoaanow qunoinKHdiPtw woeekts. a&d een -. I K..Hn..,7. .wJnl:t UlHWMWH - v . t v ul 100b oeuoii aUJ4fij.uI jl-jyli o,!,;. I IV"-' ..tA'A',. I. .L Oot t9f Not; Goodnla a . i x; lies hb i ' 'iiuutu im mtv iaij j. jiu isDnui ivo. .iaiviuk.uwAoji'irk . vl v MotMAviHdsflMf 'cinru. Jurnlab-1- ni fh9RXT. " . and bis exce UaatcdmDaaivu si to (non t 9bba,a3l iw.i una km ui u,JoriXWJUiajKU linuq limu bjvSatwrdyai!IilJi - iwo(ifii(HiK, meanor, - 3UdaysJmDfi ooiJttvHJq'itn aMiiui3e,ii wnK i ... ..u tins' . . ... -n remiirn vlfkn milk ininur thMT.lW. report, and asked Schnlkea Baio some njt .Wit . lull iMuuUI. KEuiabLt f 1. oj I bdiabijoO inrtHh' Whtirvi'WHrf'HHKim,: wMw-rwwaiiwurjuwjHMo p&tmaainn wm&rthi nawer seen v , vimWfm ttWinia Saturday tijhwr"" nu rvwuj JftiB-ii1Jwuw-Ui .anoaya Mi.1BtWP fiftl Ho .uor o; lfo7& .et 411 J IIJU J Itff KKiUB i ntm H' I" "--l i .- i ti ni I 111 t hUMI n HUlin I HNIIHV I ial HLnlhll aiantn a " ' i . ... . .ULu.t a.ACa lUiXtU 1 I .K.TTV-,i.ff -ITnT . n - ,, , kHi , Jr.W lo v LiwibtiaJ)itMt Uxjuwul llv T.0?1? . . Ivvj Wi w Tlsi?..,MS4,mMaA ioJ " T .T . ... : umucauvt iiuu uuuu VM RWVfnSWuilWLllWUVtUW QIWi L.a ' T ml..:.L.. . J!. 11 Dul Tii,nwf ti ,oirw ffl-ij w ..rf o gt vetae rauroaq camm aissiokrjuTls l.slidet card 4 1 -rofo,., public and the honoTaWniBaTAs- oidSSt-i bit if vhp. . - rt . . - r ' ' . "'nrn.BBfmnnnnviirA,Tit na parnvnon . ta . . . - i miiiji-j nui imtfli u k i a 1 1 i iji jui 1 1 n i i 7 s 9DI4WUP cum coomm ffi?be3fttobrsl-aBI thjoO tftkalUM. - , f The foltowlafff!iu(teUiuMrra. su;iiirefla8viawauaHMtot HI HI "O ffiffMMMIeoK-WJJ.aoBaoJVo.waai 1 an IOIIOW8 ;. vuav uo urn ujiniirniRs; O iWHHitMf 6W Wt romn..U!MieiimaMaoZl5&lzmtu"ZCt2 filicw(irjaprr.Kiseii presided aaa 1 1 mew .Hanover, iJiacttDunrsna M a ihedartM4teeti Miakur-anta w a n T To Pnst. t! n;.iye.cerxiucAMPt.t Dresiaent 01 uie e- lo 0)ifilr.a-A!Jtiv& taioredaatote nregfft. (f .fflYf uiwuu vat uiacxjitt0r0o8"M:anemen. injured and odi .-.9j2iib moil laaftftifiabgjsa thaLieasAn 5"-10l Kfl 1 ;i - - - . . . , ..-I -ill! V Alt BUaa It 1 r- . f. I 1 tnurtiM .W ,, p. 11 was ordered sent backuto vtbat bodM a . m a -a ( . '-;' V tbMo9D(naat,iI7r..bne: I railroad relative :1. . !bjimllaa, w 1 weaiuer, pqjvtuis ut'vaakniK,Hiweaj ior ,) , ... . tbTIalnoDlItaMTIMTAablSfflIa1i ejioiiowiDK resoifuoai auus iub 1 was ui. ..uuoM aiiiioy j ' ' ' " , ! 3 - -. . -a . 1.1 ... . . 1 mu . t 1 . u.j iri.u'M4. 1 i?.jhebtemittMifB'een (0 investicrale-'lw t BeUidd coast. , , ,i..,5 "'lvjjTtHeAoWitilsslojurlsdtt HiiA r(jKiU.WffliainBWR ipirtWtetfrilhia t! eHishjbStiiHa iei4aaUra,BIsinarcK. - . . . . 1 rwiui. ... 1 i r .. 1 1 j . 1. . rtr . i . 1 , -i . :aiu" .nMH.K ,t-j i x " 1 . .fT hn aiih . r t su(aa-wnukH uwi m.3 veto irmodEl iraoJpiivadlaJit lolAt'-uniitt oil l'Wfl-feaMtatareitth a: P"-'"- " " - I . Jf IkUP I,,! Ji' tWMtM'ain4Hit-w.w tttoltellwhhaaI1iQlj GhBi&kithiA:A 11 ioliart ifor) lhannoioved' Vuli'J. CO "u.Baa,3 rizhmmpve ylnr&WTJ(W& w itmSi ,.Am iow$vW aucawon. ; v,tomi' Mrs. Jotieslia'ot baati telhleiab I for : several years aw he Aa unusually aou01 ??M,a ..PA na :rtjini 4'J (aTrawtrRiiiH. m twit t-.,, m ajjuaa bdRttMl'tffel.lrBAWni'N Kvefl tODiaDll ,i bi.f.M n.w SuWoMPJW.'HiBateTNandJjsl'j t . ! . i .. . r 't i J ..rku.w v wire era tut. uv. ..vt mt iioimnff nnurpam nnai nun arntntrpn I " .. .... V w i.t uih. er '-IBWWimttMOia-a WlWtTW41Mia'ft ntttuM th onturtnla.. .. . ..WMum.tu.jKuiv.ia vu '""I I -j.t- .n- . . t. iini - -T nino-wB justi?(i?iiofl'ww ucatnuucu umiot , i93on tnrag383"'' ,;' """".n .swioJirr ol taasaad Biapsjifna (Hftv'l!iW()il X"srta Wil6HWa,tiii 1 . 1 P aenva enougn money ironTi nira jalitfsR'IWi'Wiaotltti HP'"', ihw mk.. s. . ijjrr Jones', lecture to pJacetbe. in- i jt. ,u.i.uiunia Wi.W Wi"Wr1 a9.iftlrinothL.iweUBeiisf iBtildtto . . . r. . : - . . . .. the UniirerBilyi .ooo3 Mi.a Mild) i t l iu M nol IH, tsiix taatii ujikwann.- a i-1 i u. ( 4"" Kill ounijaoo ,-iflicoIl .ulinit) ; ttokuJjyaov lo VJi'li ilf aidtMhtmiai um-m ...-- iiesia!iv tffHowe witiNot mr(vn ? - V- - I aCtvUlMI' loot T fc uUri "' T ua,j5M ooaiM .arakaimrostacati WnaewKatewb t'o vi.ci to ai idT sik wuiii.ii o- J : JTr. ...,T arm .aiis oiota twuis tad suojeoi, ana aJTulJlBfcm. ;J.J(vUJ eiFfB .E'r'imiWH5 frMbllo a air Jo rdlherjl At . Aid :.fC.tttWUl,. ...w.-al &T hus D4niels b tSciaei lot tyi TWamKf.r I Jba.Istterrom ARril l8t,11893, DecmuUer 1,' 18961 v rv . . r .i ui iiuans.:ij.ii mt. Orlite20J12.Si 17 T? 4f'lAmtv.lao1'rhn i iidedunanimdvttfr'K1.'' A r i . cja. i. rltifl -. 1 " ' ' 1 "il'i.tM.' . .J!M.t.!i WW)M99if4, adjourned, -rtr 00 Mn. jtioinoJ U:JL u i :.'it ilels .TT . 13784CT1 rPannr'uaarl nnilaii "contract f. .. . . .1 Plaper used under . f. n BL: Regular State PrldtfBg: .7.1 Railroad Comtbisalpn worK , Paparoy. waX .v.bj '.inrfTi.!l.f,H ' :k Tbe'OKUttJs caaowaiwoe: 1 -q-i Ji:: Bid Jliw in sed3 dT .91! lloj the dJadLWSKCl? bsDaiiiOO liiJ iSni j la., an i SB Belle UDcburcb. COMMENT oaT .iioooua Id it-Bapmlsad 0paatton,W,lha, !Y1 Slow, saia w I J7 Visitos today; bi ofc U; eon" 1diaMnetehiae 8 aAiiAf I of Mrs. U pchurch, I time to umd. Mr. 'youiMy loiMme that revjffj&ifc,, iveJiAe SBinent. ihat he rame It Vfio&auVlSlt to bride ovem be celebrated as usual announced Tues sfi. 7:rjB.oft: iaaT inax.a -coanjination naa oeen R. R. Commission Work done knvAl'.inti.ui. ,H to cm m I T.u .iNlf.WuaASi'1 '' u ..i. e1 t-.UVUlV I UUWBr wuuiu .w'Latmu JWUV uxuu rk doBB'j uoo.ri.i ltyvi gjG.d .oi .tirS. iv. fl,49T.2 Mira wojild name thajin89tM(i o( mtliJaWirious institutions! ttstaSBTthat efaba JelifcUfture UmaDbl I to acoomnlish this. Ifc'vas'stated that Kd too aSrthe )Sares IS' be;dlsiAtta; t'bynahf;6heapr : As .toIttW.iqdilityJw Litorlt ndoneiTifrJ is noteer4brrtbi!- WHfWrl maka liiiv'cbmmfc'tlti.. . It , shows. for its sel .rit -is fnot atmaartto drawA picture of i J0f ayienj - Th'ilWiihp'otBsour wottfliOL president. j-fid ,ao mention: ThaL greahiiKnAto State officiality i' occaaioweii't the vork being doner. "J T OH ITtl impitTbir&f tbem to pay such at tentiotftivprO(rf.attd a i hfi fkdHT governor slow in m:ai4ere8it bis. 1 :ivjnl, (lTSJ'jfiio i of a ,talUinW)g'3ts trHeatB8',$i1n6r. esCttl aor'aojnca llminirtotf olnbaentj I I CO CftVO represeDtedlhiscdunty in the. legis- -mSSfe'f kfifiepana! ba'accurad tta aVttifife ii hisrbilsTrtfess eblef- pnses. JJe is one 'of 'the' 'largest lumber mill dcalcrs'in tbe.south. Mrs. Upchurch 5s .q .most-cbarJ Ing yMjr-lady and is popularly rknowi in Raleigh, jiaviDg a host of WriencJ)! heras lid ARRETS? one . .QttomrA insiciiotio, great inoobVenienit and expense a P0rtio4h0fciKvkJnas.bjee! outsiddsbeiState; which has not as ftiMW denied. order tft.d?pr ye J)i)r own mecmlnlcs of a lirWflhose I who live here, pay a'Jaifh are : building np our horias land doing the '.yxwH) if wrt Tbls'-aTtloli is1 not politicai,'itondpoii1 -irely tfF Bring.,, ut . fACTsp 'r Kno why .'these: are..adt tuets. l 1 If ihej La mm i!V..i.a. br .f'i Aairairrcnt AMrTtVuatrissmBpti vaitey ,'Tboniy Mf tr"oW MI-WtM'fffltf1 small amounts of oWSt&i.' I . f T . . 1 . . .i t. I 1 . juiti.wititron-wrt tfMiiiK."''( rn HaVV tmiioual teouUtlanias an uinni. ai."'' - I. ,.. ... ..-,.5 ' I . . jnyritu.taiil I " ' "' 2 T ,' , oytf xUmic ttWit WeahraflaTi tfte lILld atrb UDU U . UtL .- Ail 1 Ft WW Ala. WKifttWMav naa Mauanjerfd , ... i. a' . .ri ip jvaiiBaviDg Liirqi.i!:maic.ng. MWBajB8fegiyt to estabiisn 7 mm so ntt in New YorlfajhJ Liver- n sw Yqbk, FeblSi1' sTurnTsEfiorbs.;E7 30 fftd s 305 SWllmi N. C, over their SatuMi kotqil. thbeti Yorl. street, Raleigh, uoecial wire: tions of the New York cotton market today: it MONTHS. January,! February, March, from auMay, aw ')oW, the ' I S! tate . -'and' ievery WdrHhK mail tt ' has been gross! iority .6i ithe, labai ipfS the Rewubl'waw aad Populist parties. "aa WHeii'thev cast their vol ,a;JL:, 1- - r.-,. a ' idid It ..thibkinK ,H ! not only o Hir r " i' .... . , ,0J4 V interest, but to we interest 01 tne en tir Stated The time has now come to i, state thai there is no personal feeling Df Animosity in this matter, g ut'- justice :stpold tatie. fiur.JCity .Jafhersand throw tvM i,tOHr unon.the auDiect. no . i; in ''i" '.I , 'Mi Davidson, and his fgmJpjrtSI&'tyA qf aptors,' sibgers and dancers, ar- ''Tt ' ' t..i i rivea toaay ironi; uuratuo, woe hey gaYe a performance last night. This evening, . at g iv;ejjronoiijao PperHouse,',pid IMgpMlaT will 'Ae iprasentedj. to tha people of this'b1tyi;,fhi 'play bas been re- fvBBd is now mucD Mt.ter aaia.Tepeiore:.1.)yu INQ. EST. EST. .tmojuH. 82- 8 78 ccos- INQ 8 78 6 84 o oi o cat a. W1 - l r on I uff SS,'.fi. K . jj.M m m k an t: in as aa aa i asedi.i- naa.vsi mpmbrw ruMtHmkii . I i nn a m In I m iim October, I 8 89 8 89 8 83 I 0 67-( .VN&rfih'r. A (M I II 70 I RA A S- ' December. 6 7 6 77 8 72 6 74- can bank dn one thing, and at the W will 8MajJrslasa flclaoB.Coajr Lpaoyt , preseatedxj'Oltl Jamie Hop kins4 at the pea jfiovse'last night d without a' ple that is iai'''L'iVfL'A Lath-.mpaellgl ihaa etrr.assembed;in Spartanburg, If is-; for Paids6a( 'wbot a; Jeremiah Hop WdW' kefittbe' fentire house in foniijthe jr.isQjta the fall of the cur 'taifl! w vi.ii.ntw J , . j Cotton Movement. emant for tue week; P &v4sjWis we 8IIIPSI?NTS. 8T0JCK8. ""'""aoS.ftttJ' 351,923 351,009 32,370 30,005 oak Markef, B mum k Stock teri week, last y rec'pts. aHiaW.'.'fi L&et year. .24,850 In 1895 25,451 Haw YorB fiilno we Quotauons on tne new xor Exchange today: w lm Itmorican baea..1. f.5?.7. .'ft tWrUhirtottagtl (jalbcy- 1'U Chicago Gas its io Louisville and Nashville : Manhattan.. Rock Island Bouthefta Xtefei 1M Tennessee Coal nd I Western Union jfifAjW" Ntebitbl!wl fftnalB Mr 1'iwliiii-ftk . uasv vTw&hujT rmrx iv t Mr , .J.obJL. Utpqbnrch, ofCaHa- uau, jr lit UlliJ ds ii i -yyi'-iO ' for the ba bfttrttynitp parried Saturday lsi ftb JlernaadiBai Plaat. i:h;i.k . ..The members. of Mts. Uucburch "s enhinH event vestoruav. anu. as mav -be'tma'girieti'.'triey WKre greatly sur ttwr B8 ew was -not surprising. has been payinir MauipuiateU Manjr.-,:;'..' ik S95ttP THE CITY; attention-. upenu ... . . . , ... oer last, and be often sard be war .... 1 l ! T'. 1 . TT cfcunia;aQj,nalod him to fl ir?r ieie'7WNalrf,T?rJchurch father of aui53-ji:i )d 'i0 i ; 1ooj; .IMBBid:fl0jftfftd a , strppg attach 'ibentrfdr tb4ouple anff ia'st''Satur Pot-Wlurrl ul'' fhe 'Sewa lletnxi oa f. " per Polalii andPeoplt Psrtlaaatl ' ''''WekftaSatf Pithily Pb' la r" Print. - f. ' Uv'-'. t Net ilatidav is tbe anniven.nf f1lrMiton 's birthday, and it- uaaks rill be tbeir ; day in far off Fernandinajj Miss Up cnluMS bfetme Mrs.t7pcliurch'. 'The tn$trriapB: wS ibe' sieq,a'ei''df a bo less Miff tuan.,intc'r'eBtie;love afTair: Mr:X(t4iwA-4t.-a;rj8ipg- young man in tha itiita ofi F.pr jda,, , .Jte has ..,.The,.W. C. T.U. will hold regubr meeting tomorrow at 4 p. 4ujiftt.i:ber headquarters. An I membera .that Jiave not attended ; regulaiflyittillj iftease be present, as business of importance must" be at-' Thi Itinerary of thoConfluetor. A nuipberfiof our tdfc'al1 conductors' will atti meeting- of the G raod h vision,: 0 tbe (Jder oc. iiaawav ,' aductiirs, which will be held at f4Angeles, Cal ., in Slay. The aciSL train that is to carry the egates 'leaves 'Atl&iifa y iSj'.pnti'in-New Orleans, several hour, in Sau.An-, tonio. long stop at JJoustfin; anfl J1 Paso, five days speWtatLos Angeles, Sa'a'iljtegei Coronado" Beach" "a'ncl outherrJCam61r'tla;-, day tbISan FrnciSjCo, stop at remetitcj I day in bait Uike City, p at Leadvitle, twb" da'ys Tn Colo rado Springs, Man iton 'arid Pike1 Peaii) two ifHFfSrq Dehvei, one in sa$ Cnty,.6pjiti.St.XtluiSv three. ih Na8hvaileisitr?ih&;fi0tennial,. a day spent at Chattanooga and 5kou MfHn(aTJj the train return IngU Mknta-tEo morflittfrbf 'STtrae 2d. Capt. T. H. CavA9se; f -the1 S. A. L,, if the representative from this division and will, atlpd the meeting of the Grand Divisipn. tl' (!o'riest.' ' , lBfltJrtTOirS have been issoed tlllFfl fifTffual' ' 'o'ratttr WaT 'ctfn - KefeVW '(be' Pullen Literary vSociety of the A. St MiCollege to be held. on exercises ..ill be: President C D Hams, Rileigh. Sacretaryv-J R Powell, Lehoir. rw. Jt w r. c. : i .1 c ... . I MarkSquiras, Lenoir; J L Knight, arboro; A H Olive, Mount, Olive. ;."Mr;s'als f.-tf Carroll,. West Ra'legb;-,.iS'ub;, J C Tucker. Fair Bluff; G B Newby, tt6rtt6fJ; Lbui's- C Skinner, Green vilre'i H C ' Irwti,' Moore Parker,-Ral1 akee Sugisit. Hida, Japan . Cleveland, Olncy, and I'M 1 hi c7 : .... 8ii ChlMfO Qrala sad Provision Market. The following were the closin. aTohsbB'th vision market todat Grainan !"S1 Oau Maj ij; July 7U. iJbly, 251. IU. July 17i; .:.Gv1t.., o 10 4.17. i Righted onethatloio9lai1wftYttM(lritet. utterly Impossible go intoT.. LlI jfT 1 T ' 5 UsM t. . "T. " T " .ppncerBing 11 Bn,a """rftX jaijflLgoed. vBut it does .w,. 1 3.68.51 s.o LjvAa-- 1 fc.it! howeveabarevtal KApriip. Wiro " Uon snouia oe made 01 J! rank 1 Anril-Mav 3.53 ' " 1.' . : .. May-Juno , .o iroaMJntuae-joiy -" hfAugut.......i.. 3:54 jcVugidysales 10, jlailnithecitT. "" i --- Ai. . Telegraph to ihe Press-Visitor. iAND Rapids, Mich.. Feb. 18- It led that President Cleveland iry of State OIney, and Ed- Uhl, of this city n'ow'minis- . t riprlinj,!! form a law part- '"rrr.viork. Mr. Uhl's an ujitOTity for the state and government buildings is4hj;'Kl 9liT tended. to., ,:,. Dr, Bugene G'rtssom bas been ap- pointed Assistant Physician of the -insane,, -jAyluffr of Colorado, at Pueblpuap,d;e.n1tjaed upon duty Sat urday, February the thirteenth, This Witf be 'very gratifying news to hisrie'trd's'ili P&leigh and through out tbe -StBteJ ioda ' ' TheineberSfef tbe Young Ladies' Auxjliaryiof tbeufrist Presbyterian qburifh.iWillo.dgljightfully entertain theirfriendsjBt No. 204 South tJawsop street. Fridav pvpnlno- February 19,?!$ recitations, vocal and instrutneaictf music an d gener- lcial.njoymait. No admission yA.k&IMdvJi. Ay voluntary of ferings will berepeived and applied " tothe'drcanTunij. '' . .The Old Dominion Steamship com pany s new steamer, now building : at CheStet', ;PttfJwill be launched ; about the middle'of April, and is. to be, completed, ebout the middle oTv, August nejt. , I fahe is completed be fore that time, the builders are to get $160 per Say for every day in adVabce'ttf th'at oil te, and if not com pleted by JthaJ,t.ime they are to for feit $1 00 per day after that. " Last evenine .a large oartv of young ladies from St Mary's attend-?' ftrl t.rtr. nArTnrVriitnpA n! "An AmtrT. j cain,':Cfti4eii.',s'vlTbat each of them t woflB-beWitobrbjit'tonnets goes With- 1 aotayingU: These young ladiaerre'- moved.. the'E ,hAis when thaCurtain went up and thereby rendered a special service io every one behind . them. '''It'-lls J1JdmmendabIe in the " . , young ladies-oG. Marys to set the 1 pace in RitloighjW this respect and i 4s,,.t be .jhojjed that Raleigh's . k charming, theatre, patrons will do : ' likewise. . '. , . 4. S A. L.-CHANGES CBfrt. A New Town. The Greejsbom Patriot sa S. Mr. (JT tftPIS s in Moore county last week look ine after the. extensive 'orcbafcirn which he.,is,.1so -Jafgely 4tt1arrucrAr1 TT!& onm rn n v nnnr hits a V MW 1VA u a U0 VI V uu t u HUU . J tl T Bi a... Jl i ?WA u'lJ I trees. 1500 tr rape vicwrd. 500 : testes cently been laid out inj town site. The bfew town will be. called Lind- Tha Kalelth Eoehrt tlnrT.' The Raleigh Eucbre'CTub 'wilt'io--' night be the guests of J Miss ''"Little Ashe at the residence of, Capt S. A Ashe on Hillsboro street n.d. will meet at S o'clock. . r -,, I M TaVwcr' iisHc Returned at Train- ' moster. The PorUmonth Star of yesterday , says: Acbonfe'ewiii take place on Saturday ne?;f,,in,,the transportation department of tjie Seaboard Air Line which 'will' "result in the re moval of the traFiimaster's office from this 'City. ' Tbeiifirst and second divisions . ol the i road will be con- solidated under, v.the charge of one :" trainmaster, who, will have an office in Raleigh. J1 M"JTumer, formerly - ; with;the Seabda'rii Air-Line, but of . late general Wabager of the New Orleans and Western railway, has-"v beon, .appointesd.-to tho position of trainmaster of the consolidated . ;: divisions. CaptL'W Reh'h, trainmaster tor the first divisitfiif bas tendered his ?..:.. resignation totake effect next Satur- -day,. Capt Reno. has made an effl- , cieDtand trust troby officer, against whom there have never been any,. , charges made, ''lie will resume bis s 2 former vocation, ' that of passenger . conductor on: tha. line. '' , The clerical ,lQ6e of the office will ' 1 not be diminishej ; Batldrn and'Laan Ataoolatlona. 1 The AlkbaTna,'tegislature has just. 'passed ffBewcewof laws for build- V ing: and Uoan, associations. Some ..! Xrx,gret.bew4pip were sought -.' . to be icflicted oq these associations r . . by some of the bilfa introdue'ed, but v the"meauVe"kab')ied, while Jt im- , posesl tniiByew1 regulations OB the ' &soo'stidoy.; was - accepted by the building,Tad,iki5i men as a fair compromise. n Itj Requires all com panies to, make an annual statement to 'heaudlto aoito keepthUatate mentHditit 'advertisements free of ambiguity, fend "that no association ahall;,undec any .fjroumstances, col lect great jcbargjs for the use of money than 1, per cent a month. oiAI-Jilli lllaj- J.6. a