1 'I : ' ' - - .. . '.. )VOL. XXXVI. NO. W4. RALEIGH, N. 0, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 22, 1897.: .14.00 PEE YEAR. CALLS FOR LNIOS LABOR "-V; . t:-'' f Bill.to Let Public Printing ; 'Y to Guy V, Baimey THE RIGHT LINE . Bill Introduced 4y Senator Butler -Pro vldes that Printlna ha Done In-- " ; ' The senate met at 12 o'clock m.", .' Lieutenant Governor Reynolds pro-" siding. Prayer by Rev, Dr. W. 0, , Norman of this city. . . . - .- - Billa and- resolutions introduced . as WlowKi!; - i By Utly. to authorize the collec- "' tioa bf back; taxes due tbe;:clty of ,Raleighby the charter ; of ; tow of Apex ;in-j Wak$ - ; r .county; by Per jbn,! o bill to leir sen : the maintainence of prisoners; ; by Butler, a bul to regulate, the publio Bills passed to provide for print- V.Jbg .htiri.!'''.;' the cnarter oi tne town oinurham and ." W issue bonds,- To provide; for e ;'T; chauge of criminal ourt circuits and . - 'i 'to employ; stenographers, vPassed 2nd idStei;?St 'f ?, "... V By leave. Mr Moyeintrodvced bin for relief of women and children In ottottirtsjU t i v Adjourned until tomqrrow. ; at 10 o'clock' ' 4:.!;'', 'w- " ,r,..Th0 followbg is en'iji;&irV' f duced 'thtrmoriiiug by Sviiatut But- ler, by' requests t i' ,,,, A bUl entitled '-'An act to regu--'. late the State Printing,1'; i ; " j- Skctto j; Thatxhaptei'. 20, jAists of , 5, enUtIed'rAnaciprotidingforthe v letting of the publio Printing to the h lowest fresporisib.lebldd!&r;an.d for 'ls mother purposes"- be,; and the same ; fs bergby;tepealed.;fj ''fl', ' " T .'. 8M. 2,That the joint cxmjm'jktee on printing are directed and instructed on the part'of thf Stat? ;b rnik.;ex . '.ecute and deUyer a' contract with - T 'Goy V, Barnes for the publio print ,. Jag at such rttes as they thint to the , interest of the State, and . not ex-. ( 1 ; oeedlng thoso ol contrsX: . 'The said Guy ;yK.BarnesJ.io . whom said contract is awarded, ehal give , J bond with approyed;iecnri taya ' '' ble to the State of. North Carolinaio , the silth Of fl.ce' thousand : dollarsj : . conditioned npon" the faithfuf per r ormatoe of-hi-dttiiea-"attd-nae r- takings, under the contraot and ' - der this chapter. r .''lsf .""Ji Sw, S..iieAf?ot'- state, furnish to the pubilo 'ptintor, on his - , requisition And receipt for thesanW, such printing paper as may' be nec ' ' pssary lfl jpxecutlnjf the public prloiJ' - Sio. 4v1t shallba4ha(;fy ol the . publio -printer" tor have tl laws, t (5cctimctts',?ttf'nalndra1l:tae ' printing, p!ln.tpfl:-:attd - the utmost expedition, jknd the worlc -' t. shall be done in the oity of Raleigh 1 pnd with" union TabQri'f f ;H Igj VJ "Skc, ,pWroVtei,3ahiiU' keep a'stk.ook.shoing paper . . and material received from (he state, " what part ther -has.ea- osed and the balane&.haThls stock book shall ba open tq the inspection of any state officer; Each- job' jBhall " J be ntimbered, and each bill rendered shairhp w th1r"is unibeoOms; im- t pression volumes bound, andfltber '''litems charged on each job,'! , ! . - Ssc. .'J8.: The pblic printer j shall , inake a report to the: general assemJ - blyThowitag1at'fataiaed-'t.jthe C amount of workv;ikd Iforhtit de cartment aone.-r- -4i -Tt-'- ' Sm, ,.7tibjai K Wi' abd clauses - of laws In conflict- with thia act ia herebv renealed.V . i-'-' r"-- , i' : ! 1 Seo. 8. That ihti lhallbe p force f rotn a,nd after-! it? ratification ", , S.'iJ 6:nrti ltt&l&-l x', j The hu (Mi;jCdQalj:f te bills ere introduced: cByf; Brewer, ' to provide for Iurnlshing the laws to ' - theraltway' oonmfssidnoyljirUsoa . to allow the people.of Gastoa coun'.y to vote on the removal of the. court "-bouse from Dallas to ; Gastonlaj . by ' ' Burgess topay.road Yerseers for "v putting up road and sign.'postsj by .Burgess, to prohibitthe ibipment of white shad out of - the tate. be - tween" Aptil; 16 'and' jfan' ij.' the penaItjrbeingfJflaeV!m-;diiy imprisonment jir) .by. White of Ala mance, to add thatcounty to the pro visions of chapter 280, acts 1889; by Johnson, to provide for the appoint ment of additional county commts sioners upon petition of 12 electors (half to be free holders) and state- ' "- menFlbSFer'county -affairs; are be'mg improperly managed; by Lusk, to amend the charter of Ashevllle so that the people-will elect Jail offl cers.'" ; !'rh-,. " Besolution- by." Creech v that jthe hpuse adjourn at two p tri In memory of George Washington, "'.l :'' To allow Charlotte to issue $300,. 000 in bonds to pay for water works W To forbld'Tex-Conf ederate soldiers whp'Jari 'Jjnrabqr'of:inlders home from receiving pensions while therein, and giving them the option as between remaining' In' the borne 4j receiving '.'pension (Bill recbm mended by the joint committee on penskn8.i To -Incorporate; Stone MouatemrauwayJti;;r,'?,'U : Pinnfx" on behalf 'ot the' eoffrbss- ing' committee presented; . the bill making apprppriations,to,the insane asylums, i, saying it' was in such a shape as opt to make sense, owing to amendments. The, chajrmao of the finance fcoiLmittee and the engross ing committee was directed . by the speaker to make the bill read ;pn perly daslntendedg.f! .- tiiii, passed - w, auow jonnswn cbunty to levy special ta. V:,7 ?' The., speaker, announcea , tue ioi' lowing as - enrolling clerks, to be gin February 22! lf ; !' White, of Bertie, James C.TVhite.oftlandolpbt W ' H - Quick, W: F -young, - James 01ythe:, ,lThe.' house' cpnfirme'd the appointments. 3v,t ..nejft'-W'f vf When the resolution to distribute 350 mpieaiiottiia, Colonial' Secords came up tber- wae - a'1 protest by BSwifhi:'( HvdeHaniwk'said f it were not:-corrected ,inere.-.womft tim to :be:, VepMnt of the records Itvwas contended that the'ratiflca iion;,b6 jil not Istojpped,! the speaker signed. Hancocjf had a sup plemental resBlntton which he said J;-r:-j.T. .vf 1r-: jr SPLENDIDilACING At the IMbr Falr-om f rh Entrlra , 7'Be'M'l,, Today. . . The Newborn 'fair opens today. Many Balolgh people will be present durbg the weeki including the ma- ority of the members of the legisla ture. I The fair is oneof the most in teresting ' and attractive' given in the '6tate;and It is Iklw'ays. a pleasure to visit the delighUul old ity of Newberne The'raoea begin on: Tuesday, 'ijd they promise to furnish the: closest contests "between : a higher'clifcs of horses thaa "have, heretofore1 beea seen at the Newborn track, which is a thlf d-pt-a-inile ori';' V;'' v?: ..'.For the. 3.60 class, trotting, four teen ijntrieS have been received; for the?5'.;trqft seven ; for the 2:25 jreleyen;; tor -tte-gffOrtrptgtihir- teen; fdr tM$W trot and pace mbt ed, eight; for -the 2:40 trot, twelve, and fof the 2:80 trot, twelve , :. a f.The wwiiihg tacesoBepf which will take place on -each ;oF the four days of the meeting, . filled well also; attractingsofrery fair'.ho'rses.- - Among those wbarwllf .'belbkeiy to f tart ia ' he"2 Q 'trot ; nitf rpao6, irhich closed with eight entries, are Miss ThpoipsoiD, liSpflullait-May, 2i26J Prince-Albert;' Baron -Wood, fJZ6tlMoy: fyl'A:&ffii$j) fast mare," Eufaula C.f by PamletbiPrince and ''the;ttlal;geIdi'ngTrimThe 2:25 class, Hrottingfattractedia' Ad dition to several of.. those.--named, Kity Bit"2;84i; Jw Paicoasti Myrtle Peek aiSd Bird Eyej-2:25i Ih'S la. tert.th0. best. three year old or last 8eas6wnedln North Carolina. The;Nwbtne fair f and ;race-meet- ln Is -well: worth i. seeing, and vist j tors will gather frottf many.-eotions tp-wltnea.Qne exhlbite-of nsET oys ters aod-gme wbtehsare' such at- sctivefeatures.jier --j n ,,'ji.M : nil .i.... -iLlXf. ' H ::&3-i-i'.Ciottoii mum edition.aii The ; Amertcab'1 Wool 'and -Cotton Reporter ior the second Thursday o each month will be a special Cotton States: :"immberj p , andrwitl rpofatain much, matter devoted, to, cotton col? tur aftd" textile ; manufacturing in the Luther n stoteSj'itt"8'1'011 iJ the regular . featurea-which-, have uade the Reporter the strongest and most widely circulated textile . jouV ntjrfprldjhf Importer has enjoyed a growing circulatioa in'the southern 'states Ipr- Several ;Jear past, and how", preppsfis VloVopen a southern 'offloe at some convenient pxinthd ;tekss the Pcpperatipn-"oi southern manufacturers andner chants in presenting so stronga dis- 1 play of advertisements, ot raw cot- t3 and. southern fabrics in the Cot tan stated edition that distributors and consumers . .ih - other sections- may bestow increased attention upon the product of the southern tates, usjj a.;.' ( r : . ' ' ' -.: , era' Home on the 20th Instant, Lewis Browhingof Company T; First North Carolina remanent. He had long suffered from t!ie ejects of three severe wounds.. . . ; . Celebrated Insurance Swin ;"EMer l.Pardoned; J IS SLOWLY DYING, Pardon' RMommended to tba Governor by " Well Known Pnon County Physl ' ' etan Stafaa Tfeaf ha Wonld Die Governor Russell today granted a pardon to Dr. T.' B, Delamar, one of, jthe celebrated Beaufort county to surance . s windlersV who , was con victed of conspiracy at the October term of Carteret Bflperrjor court and sentenced to two' years imprison mei.,';((E(pyerftor, JRusselli gives Dr., Delamar-his liberty because he is in ill health and his' malady is pro nounced a hopeless one. 4 The' case Is fresh in the minds of the people. Dr Delamar who is a physician; was one of the leading Citizens in Beaufort, He with several 'dtr ; '.equally welVknowh Ciiizens of the town conspired to defraud lend ing insurance companies and to ac complish "'tbis,' palmed off several 618008 03 368(3.; V The. governor, in granting Dr Delamar a pardon gives the fol lowing reason: ; w - ; ;"The pardbn; in this case was re commended ;. by, .Poa. T J Jarvls Judge C H Allen, tw hundred citi tens of: Carteret county, ..represen tatives Duncan' and Hancock, and other gentlemen; and it appearing the certificate of DrJiuffy-chair- man of the state board - of charities, and Dr Robert 3 Primrose, -acting superintendent of -health of Craven cpunty, th&t the applioant.for par don fa In-ili-healthslowry dying, in Craven countv-ail; and that further conflnement would soon bring about his death; this pardon is granted. KILLED HIS COMPANION. Man Found Pead on S. A. U Track this it -i- 8id of Southern l'lnci. Some time Saturday, a stranger of good -appearance and fairly well dressed, was foully murdered three miles this side of Southern Ptues. The murdered man was first dis-1 66vered" by -Qapt.Vf illlams pi the Seaboard Air Line, iho was r unr nlng Into' Raleigb. ' Capt. "Williams i was in the observatory of the caboose and ' Pbsevirved prostrate form lying .,': on a small embankment The man's skull s waij broken to pieces; and a piece iof, ' raft way with which the atrocious deed hadj been committed as iying pearby.-: Capt' Williams says the- body presented a frightful appearance,! ' The conductor! , hre w out a. note to the first section, mas ter, who- was at" wprk a short dia tanpe infpirhg'tiUaoi th.niurder. Conductor Williams, while telling at the next station of what he had seen,,v was 'Informed, by; on old col ored nian. named. Johnson, that he had seen two men at the point de sjf rlbetl during theinor 4?n . They were swing on ine grouna- i;.-: ' It is oresnmed that the murdered man taetdeathift4 the. lapds of his companion. Both are supposed to havs been tramping. It was" learned-today from parties from Southern" Pines that the dead man's was cut from ear to ear -ilaU -ST. ,1 : BAILEY BESIGNS ThroW; Hlf tplleti ald jindr Is No W&BKia-!KX.,rZ JJ -.it.:.-;.!..;;-.--) Bailby,- of North Carollna'-today gave up Ws military honors, ? which he has possessed ,fpr li- very.; brief time. Before officially parting with his" tlti this'tiipTning;8iby; addressed the!;, ioDowig . letter to Adjutant Geherai Cowlese M "I hereby tenderT(ny!f,reslg'na as assistant adjujtant general f the State Guard. The samtfto take , Gent Cawles; received the; docu ment dnrinjtf thb" morning!' and th reslgoatiPn Jwas '- accepted Mr; Bailey's suocessor has not been named;' V- ''-- . vi v Mr- Bailey 'a resignation', was the result of disoord in the guard. Mr. Bailey protested against the appoiat- mentjbl MrTS'Br fiatcheTor Mcoav mtssarygenewV-y'-Batchelor was however issued his commission Saturday. K ; 't : :A --"! Mrs. R T Cochran and little daugh ter. Liuie Chavassa Cochran; of Hock j Mount are in the city visiting Mrs. Cochran s sister,. Mrs, -T-. H. Chavassa. THE STATE OEMAIkK - "7. ;"';V - ' : ' -' T,-a :.r- Soma IntsrMtlng Facts Abokt tha Schoor ..:.V:i-wa0aaiiBbaro.?-' 'j- The Greensboro Reoord says: ! ; f'Here are some facte worth read ingi taken from President Melver's report of the board of directors, just puousnea. ,xaat is a great work being done at this Institution. Peo ple la this section realize it more fully, of purse, than those at a dis tance, unless it be those interested almost; altogether In E educational work. I "Under the head of statistics, ob tained from the registration cards, this deduction is made: . '-'-'l-Thatdurlnff thrf'jur vears about 33 per cent of the! ud, n fray their own expenR.tt- w.ouuut help from parents, v; " -! '"2. That 67 per cent, would not have attended any other North Caro lina college. .! ,';" x'TStii " '3. That about 80 per cent, re ceived their previous, training par tially or entirely In 'he publio schools. V;'" "'The total number Of matricu- latos will at the end of th(9 "fifth year, reach nearly 1,200. , " 'The patronage of the institution has been what its' best friendsi.de- sired for it. Confined to ho class as to wealth, locality, social position, or previous educational opportunity, it has been thoroughly representative of our good old State. To the efforts of the students the success of the in stitution is largely due. They have suffered many inconveniences dur ing these first years, and have borne them with cheerfulness1 because they knewl that the board! of direc tors was providing for their comfort and their, education as liberally as its means would justify.' " PERSONAL. Mr. E. S. Martin, of WilmiDgton. is here. Mr. F. L. Fuller, of Durham, is in the city, Mr. George Allen has gone to New- bern. Mr. Clifford Carroll left Saturday. for Newborn. nv Mr. A. JCramptoo,of Charlottey 14 the Park. Dr Chas E Taylor of Wake Forest is in the city. ; Prof M C S Noble, of Wilmington is in the city. Mrs. F, 1, Hollo way is visiting in Lynchburg, Va. ' " ' Mr. H..R. House, of Fayetteville, is at the Park. ! Mr 0. W Johnston, of Chapel Hill, is here.. - Mr C B Aycock, of Goldsboro, is in the city. 1 ' Mr J,S Manning, of Durham, isat the Yarboro. Messrs W C Maxwell and S Linton are here; B H Dula of Lenoir was in the city yesterday. Dr. J F Miller, of Goldsboro ar rived in the city today. Judge Spencer B Adams arrived in the city yesterday. Chaiman A EHolton, of Winston ar rived in the city yesterday. Mr. J. A. Gates, editor of the Fay etteville Baptist Is in the olty. Dr Mel ver, President of the State Normal school is in the city. Capt S B Alexander, of Charlotte, arrived in the city this morning. MajChas E Davis, U. S. A., of Asheville, is registered at the Yar boro. ! . Mrs. J. R. Holder left this morn ing for the Newpern fair and to jristt friends. i. Jl A MclJeithan, D A McMillan, a. J Deal and J A Bowes of Fayette y ilje are in the city. "&' i TnTsccte,ot the Cincinnati! met this evening in the adjutant gen- firaljpfficc here was iot ij very large, attendance.; ,;; j'j g s;We tegretto note that Mrs. Judge Davis has been stricken with paral ysis, and is very .ill at Oxford.; 5 , , id Mrfilggaa U offeateg some attrac tive nPvelties and: bargain: Don't forget to see- his new advertisement Al th? Cententlal8cho6tto!day; ex' ercises were held commemdratlve of Washington.'i.birthday. Also Miss Camelia , Bailey presented to her grade- a large - framed portrait of Washington.,. Supt, , noweHijnade the presentation Speech on the lire and Character of George Washington in language adapted to young chil dren. " - " ' , MAY MOVE ON UAYANA ft?-. Bance'8 Squadron"' Ordered in Readiness. CRICES AT HAND. Foul Murder of Dr. fialz, an Amarlcan Cltizco, Officially, Confirmed - Par etnptory Demand Wni be Made on Spain. By Teiegrapfi Xo tee1TreVUtta)ii ; jij WA8HisaTOf; D. C.Feb;: 22-The foul murder!.pf Dr!! Ruiz, an ;Amert7 ca'u cltizn, by Spanish soldiers may force decisive measures by the ad ministration Teiatlve-to -Cuba. The administration' has' wired Consul General Bee for additional informa tion about the outrage. A peremp tory demand will be made on the Spanish government. Simultaneous ly Admiral Bunco will be-'Prflered to hold his fleet in readiness for im mediate departure to Havana. Key Wes, Feb. 22 General Lee attended the autopsy of the body of GenvRuix. He pcrsonatry-fn gated the wounds and found the re porte in np way exaggerated . The rnivarsallst Services. Re?, Q. Hr Shinn, D."J- Of St Louis, general missionary of ' the Unlversalist church for the United States, held two services yesterday in Metropolitan hall, 3:30 and 8 pm. He had large audiences, and the subjects discussed awakened a gen eral interest. Many questions were asked and inquirers were glad to learn of the Universalist's inter pretation of christian religion. Some said, "If that is Universalism, then I am a Universalist.',' Dr. Shinn em phasized the certainty of punish ment, said , Universal ists believe there is no scheme which any guilty soul will ' be ' exempted from the penalty which is his due.-'But punishment is to cure, therefore must have an end. He believed in final victory for God and not final defeat. There is.no evening that Omnipotent Love will not subdue, The forces of good are stronger than the forces of evil, and will ul timately prevail. Full, complete salvation is likeliest to Christ, and that is not reached here by the best and noblest Christians.. The highest heaven conceivable, in -the true sense of that word is likeness to Christ. In a word, Universalism. is this: God wants to make all his bad children good and he can. He has the means and he has the time: The time probation theory is fatattp all, if moral perfection is ever to be reached Endless suffering could enly be administered by a malig nant being. God .will not e'.ernally quarantine, he will cure. Dr-Shinn has been prevailed upon to stay Over and hold aconver- sational meeting tonight at the res idence of Hon, O. J. Carroll. All are invited, 7:30 tonight Railroad Commissioner. It is announced that Mr. Walton, of Burke, has withdrawn from the contest for railroad commissioner, and Col. Edwards withdrew several days ago. The number of aspirants is growing less every day, and the friends of each candidate are claim ing victory. Mr. James B. Mason t of Chapel Hill believes that b -4s-the ooning man, and not without strong reason Neither of the hold-over commission ers are lawyers, however? well they may be qualified in other respects, and as Mr. Mason is the only law yer now in the field, and the current opion being that a lawyer should be on the commission gives them-. re newed hope. Mr. Mason is a lawyer of ability, a business man of experience, a gen tleman of affable manners, he natur ally has many friends who desire to see him honored. . , . Another Contempt Case. From the Concord, N C Standard. Inthe early "80s r Jim Shulta was justice of the peace In Twin .Groves township, Neb. One day an attor ney wasjjxceedinfcl) domineering in bis words and actions. His honor finally gavetent.to Mi feelings as follpwsiTh court wilr take a recess.; Mr. Attorney, you are a liar and a ' scoundrel . '. Tba court will now come to order. Mr Attor ney, if you open your head 111 fine you for contempt". n t Dr. J..w MdJee f r.,- nd?aLra, H. 0. fcachary left this morning for Baltimore, where Mrs- Zachary goes for medical treatment SPRING BEAUTIES A Brilliant Display of Them Today at the Tuckers - Nowhere, except Raleigh,- can there be found such an extensive and up-to-date establishment as that of W, H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. Those who have traveled the coun try far and wide have yielded the palm to this magnificent house as being the most progressive, enter prising and superb concern in the country south of Washington. It is rarely the case that any one can walk into any similar place of busi ness in New .York, Baltimore or Washington, and find a more, artistic display of goods, -and one - which shows finer taste In selection. There may be a larger display elsewhere, but none which is more artistic and attractive, and which embraces a more comprehensive selection, Today was opening day at Tuck er's, and their spacious and elegant store was thronged with callers from morning till evening. The ladies turned out en masse, and ex clamations of admiration and delight were heard on every side. The fea ture was foreign and domestic or gandies and these were arranged iBd'-tlrsplayed -m- the most artistic manner, with floral decorations by MrUartel Wise. These' flowers were beautiful roses and carnations, and their blending with the pretty colors in the elegant fabrics was most delightful in effect. It was a stroke of attractive enterprise' never before seen in Raleigh and elici ted the most enthusiastic admiration for all. The store was a perfect garden of flowers and one would suppose on entering that a section of Thorley's beautiful establishment had been transferred there. The exhibit of pretty and at tractive fabrics for the spring was unsurpassed and Tucker's store was the center of attraction throughout the day.1 It was a brilliant throng which gathered there and abrilliant sight which met their eyes. : MAY BE RANSOM, Talked of as the Successor of Scmour--- The Mexican Minister In the City. Hon Mat W Ransom, minister to Mexico, accompanied by his son George, arrived in the city yester day from Mexico. General Ransom remained in the city only a few hours going from here to his home in Northampton county. Minister Ransom was summoned from Mexico to the bed side of his wife, who has been very ill, but is now much im proved . In connection with Minister Ran som's return to the United States, it is reported that he " will!' be ap pointed to the judgeship made vacant by the death of Judge Sey mour, it is not oeuevaa mat fresi- dent Cleveland would appoint any one else. It is hardly probable that any democrat, save Minister Ransom could get the approval of the United States senate. . Masonic. HiramLodgeNo.40A F & AM will meet in regular communication Mon day evening February 15th, 1897, at 7 o'clock. A full attendance of the membership is requested to at tend. , Brethren- of other lodges cordially invited to be present. ' By order of S! W, Walker, W. M., E. B. Thomas, Secretary. Too Many Married People. TTrcrTnVIslian Advocate. The bill taxing bachelors has been taken seriously by many all overthe state. In bur opinion, the greatest objection to the bill is that it would increase the number of marriages. There Are, already, too many mar ried people in the state and else where, It is to behoped that some bachelors majTcontinue to enjoy the state of "single blessedness." Washington's Birthday This,"the ahnfversary of Washing ton's birthday, was observed in Raleigb. , , Being a. natktual holiday all the banks in the city were closed. The Federal departments hive were clos ed for the day; and the post-office a part of the day. " All the state departments observed the holiday. Ladles' Hospital Aid .ssocistion Th : regular "mdilthly meeting of the Ladies' Hospital Aid Association will be held at the home of Mrs Her bert Battle corner Wilmington and Edenton 'streets tomorrow at 4.30 p.m. By order of the president, Mrs. Walter Montgomery- .- . c Mbs. F. A. Olds, , , " Secretary. . Minor Matters Manipulated 4 ' for the Many . AROUND THE. CITY. Put-Pourri of the News Pictured n Pa per Points and People Pertinently " ' Picked and Pithily Put la . Print. Mp" Richard Busbee is here on a . visit from the University. Mrs. J. R. Holder left this morn . ing to attend the Newbern fata. Mrs. Walter H. McDaniels and Miss Henrietta N. Hustings of Lowell, Mass., are registered at the Yarboro. Wm. G. Hill Lodj."?, No. tlH, A. F. & A. M., will have their regular meeting Monday evening, February 22, at 1 :30 o'clock . All American markets are closed today. Liverpool cotton futures opened 1-64 down, improved slowly, and closed at Saturdav's closinir prices. Spot sales 10,000, dull. Mr. Sam Heller returned to the city Saturday after an absence of several months for a brief visit Mr. Heller is now traveling for a large shoe house, and we are glad to know is meeting with success. Military commissions have been issued to Starke S. Batchelor, of Raleigh, as commissary general, George E. Butler, of Clinton, and H. F. Brown, of Tuckahoe, assisfttntad- jutant generals. A new section has been put in the revenue act. it imposes a tax on legacies and inheritages as follows! Those in a direct line 2-3 or 1 per cent, and to those collaterally (save for charitable uses) 1J per cpnt No administrator or executor is to be permitted to file final account ul such tax is paid. Your attention is called to the new advertisement of Raleigh's big de partment store Woollcott & Son. They sell everything for cash and their prices will astonish you. Read their advertisement. Their grocery department is' worth a visit and will whet your appetite to smell their cjood coffee. Mr. W. E. Jones left for New York this morning for his spring stock. He will be joined at Baltimore by Miss Dunaock, his milliner, who will accompany him to Mew York and spend a week in selecting the latest and best things for his milllnary de partment. Miss Dunnock was with -Mr. Jones the past season, and he has secured her for the coming season. Dr. Leak announced to his congre gation yesterday morning that "his letter" inviting him to be one of Mc Kinley's escorts was the genuine article, and that he would go to Can ton next week. Rev. Leak did not say who the letter was from, and he also said that he could not exhibit it as it contained other matters. We expect to be able to present our readers with an account of the rev erend gentlejian's trip to Canton (?) Seaboard engine, No. 540, which started the Atlanta Express to Wel don yesterday morning met With a seriousaccident near Crabtree Creek. One of the driving rods snapped,' knocking the cylender head out and -breaking up the side of the engine very badly. The knocking of the. cylender head out caused an explos ion which was heard for some dis tance. The train was brought back to the round bouse and another en gine secured. Senator Sealea Condncts the Service. The prayer meeting service held Sunday evening by the Westminster League of the Presbyterian "church was one of unusual interest.' : The service was conducted by Hon. Al fred Mt Scales, who was formerly a member of the Presbyterian church of this' city, aud his many friends here availed themselves of the op portunity of hearing1 his ! excellent address. - His subject waav "Our Troubles, ond How to Get- Rid of Thenv".and he drewIrom Scrip ture, lessons almple ,. andi helpful, that will long be remembered by those present. 'I'- (u- ' l..-:'J ' i,i j ;.,)' . Mr.,,W, J...JJogers, of Valdosta Georgia, a brother of Dr. J. R. -Rogers Is' here on' visit.' Mr. Rogers : is a native " of Wake county and : has met - with ' success In his adopted bomeiv He is engaged in naval store and lumber business. . Y.-. MM :r.l -t 'vtu tl