- k -..JilJ, Pl'BUSllED BY.. TUB VISITOB.MUiSS COMPACT f INCORPORATED!. . A C0NSOUDATI0H OF THE VISITOR, KST ABUSED 1878, AgD THE PSSSS, kstaeushed 1894.; ' : r . Offloe In th Fallen Building, corner ' Fayetteville and Davie Streets. ' UKEEK fi AlTDREVf S. ; ' JASPER KVAUHABT, S r-.C--v' toltltrnAswt. Subscription Prices. One Year... t 4.00 Six Months. 2.00 One Month . 35 Entered m Second Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 188. MONDAY. February 22 Although the rejwrted row be tween Speaker Reed and Repre sentative Boutelle, of Maine, has been repeatedly denied by others, neither of the principals have said a word . They do not speak to each other when they pass, and mem bers of the House are wondering how Boutelle will fare when Reed makes up the committees of the next house. He is now chairman of the naval committee. The police departmentof Taunton, Mass., is trying a novel experiment to decrease drunkenness in that place. The name of every person arrested and convic ted of the offense in question is to be sent to each licensed liquor dealer in the city, with a warning that if liquor is sold to any of them within six months after the receipt of their names the person so doing will be liable to fine. Forrest. ' He was in the company that supported Macready, the Eng lish tragedian of the historic Astor place riot in New York, and during the war Sol Smith Russell sang bal lads with "Uncle Charley '"". mins trels. When the, palmy days were over "Uncle Charley" went : to Texas, where. he managed Vande shows for many years. In 1892-3 he came to Kansas City in advance of Pain 's Novelty company . The company stranded and ''Uncle Char ley" took up his abode - in Kansas City, where he has since eked out a precarious subsistence, waiting for the last calL BnakJaa's Aral flalv. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by afl druggists. A Point to Remember. If you wish to purify your blood you should take a medicine which cures blood diseases. The record of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla proves that this is the best medi cine for the blood ever produced. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures the most stubborn cases and it is the medi cine for you to take if your blood is impure. Hood's Pills are the best after dinner pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 25 cents. . : U 0 UGOG': Upon having last what you call (of when yo CO to boy Hood's Sarsaparilla. There ia bo substitute lor Hood'a. It la an. In a alt to jour Intelligence to try to sail you something; sis. Kemerabe that all effort to Indue yon to buy an article jron do not want, are baaed almply- m u '00011;: the desire to secure more profit. - The dealer or clerk who doe tab earea noth ing tor your welfare. He almply want your money. Bo not permit yourself to be deceived. Insist upon .having Sarsaparilla AaAaaly Hoed. It la ta Oh TrMMoaa u j niil- easy to buy. easy to take. IIUUU 9 rilis easy to operate. Ve. A. 7. FRAPS, AGENT JOB THE , s German Electric Belts, APPLIANCES and BATTERIES?, For the cure of Rheumatism. Sciatica, Liver Complaint, Lame Back, Week Lungs, Nervous Debility, Complaint, Paralysis, etc After Suffering 16 Years with Rheumatism, I wai entirely cured by using a German Eleetrio Belt. No. 4 East Davie, second door from Fsrrettevllle street, Raleigh. J12-lm New Shoe Groat Reductions Store s. During a discussion in the English parliament the fact was brought to light that the only currency in the delta of the African river Niger, rum and gin, which the missionaries re compelled, much against their will, to use as such forall purchases from the natives, thereby promoting the demoralization of the latter. Meanwhile, King Prempeh, the ex- ruler of Ashanti, las been trans ferred from his prison at Elmina to Sierra Leone, where, according to letters from Freetown, he is drink ing himself to death with benedictine 1 resident Cleveland has placed his country residence, "Woodley in the bands of a real estate agent for saie, and it is said he has no in tention of spending portions of each winter season here. To the politi cans it signifies also that he has no lurking designs on the presidency four years hence. As real estate has made little advance in the last few years it is unlikely that Mr. Cleveland will realize much more from the sale of "Woodley" than he gave for it His former purchase of the country residence netted him about $100,000 and gave the neigh borhood a boom that resulted in most of the land being quickly dis posed of at high profits to the o era. With a home in New York city, another at Princeton and summer residence at Buzzards Bay, Mr. Cleveland will be well provid ed. 130 Fayetteville St. IN CHILDREN'S SHOES. Buying children's shoe for a family la a near j expense. It s wortn aavini something on every pair, and it's wort something to have every pair a few weeks longer than you expect. Now, we can make the expense of shoeing your lamuy a good deal iignter man it nas been, and every pair warranted to give you satisfaction. All children's shoes at a great reduc tlon to make room for spring goods. Don't Fafl to Visit This Great Shoe Sale! C. POOL. S. V NORRIS, Manager. We Wish to Call Attention To our new Hurd Papers, just arrived. Our stock is always kept up to date with the latest styles and nicest qualities. We have also the nicest 25c "pound" Papers ever shown in the city. We carry constantly all kinds of I Typewriter and Office Supplies, Phone 210. Alfred Uilliams & Co. Kew Crop Nuts. Now Dates : Table Ralalna. New FUa, w New fceedlesa kalslna, Now Citron. . New Cleaned Cnrraata, New Prone reporated Peaebea, ... - Evaporated Aprleota, , Evaporated Peara. , .. .--U1 .:':,-J Evaporated Apples. NOVICE. j b .LG. U -- tt.t i. it-Kin x v J 1 U Preserves, Jellies and Jams in three and five pound stone jars, Cooking Chocolate, Breakfast Cocoa, Fine Ex tracts, Plum Pudding, Mince Meat.Ac New Prepared Buckwheat, Fresh Oat Meal, Oat Flakes, Grits, Hominy, etc"'!' " - : New Canned Goods from best pack-J ers: includes any variety of vegetables or fruits, and surprisingly cheap. 5Melrose" : Flour never fails to please the most ...Vv.. fastidious housekeeper. My service la prompt a ad accurate. Tour orders are respectfully solicited. J. p. TURNER -: Cor, Johnson and Halifax Sts. ' - Telephone 125 " Li. 1 nT moved my place of business to the corner of . Fayetteville and Davie streeU, where I will be pleased to see my customers ' and the public generally, i am prepared to do any work in the tailoring line. ;'. Roses, Carnatlons,Chrysanthc-nuiLs Bouquets,! Floral Designs, Va. T.Tmci, Merchant Tailor, Raleigh, N. C -jan20 lw.- ... (-'.-iui') nifiTrn doubCedaiiy SERSICE ROUTE OF THE FAMOUS ; "Atlanta Special" AND , A. L. Express." J' BETWEEN New York. Washington. Norfolk, and ' Atlanta. New Orleans Southwest SCHEDULE IN EFFECT APRIL 6TH, '96. ' " SOUTH E01ND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv. New.York .... 3 20p.m 9 00 pm " Baltimore 7 31 " 2 55 pm f i Washington ... 8 40 " 4 30 " " Richmond. ... 12 36a.m 9 05 Lv. Norfolk 11 30 pm 9 00 " " jPcrtsmouth ... 12 01 9 15 " Lv. Weldon 3 05 " 11 65 am Ar. Henderson .... 4 32 ' 1 39 pm Ar. Durham 7 32 " t4 0 " Lv. Durham ...... 5 20p.m 11 00 am Ar. Raleigh 5 55am 3 34pm Sanford 7 14 " 4 68 " " Southern Pines 8 00 " 5 49 " I " Hamlet 8 50 " 6 55 " Wadesboro . . . . 9 52 " 8,01 " i " Monroe 1 40 ' 8 55 " Ar. Charlotte .... 11 35' " 10 20 pm Ar. Chester 1 03 pm I 32 " ' Abbeville 3 00 " 132 " " f Athens 510'" 5 20 " ." Atlanta . . . . . . . 6 45 " nobth bound. No 402. No. 38 Lv': Atlanta 11 45 am 8 10 pm " Athens 2 55 pm 11 40 " Abbeville 5 00 " 147 " " Chester. 7 39 " 4 43 " Lv. Charlotte . . , . 8 20 M 5 25am Lv. Monroe..;. .. . 915' 613 " " Hamlet. ..... 10 35 " 8 15 " " Southern Pines 11 21 " 915 u Raleigh, 1 26am 11 31 " Ar. Durham 7 32 " 4 09am Lv. purham .-. . . . . 5 20 pm 11 00 " Ar. Weldon . 405am 300pm " Richmond 6 40 6 40 " Washington ... 10 45 " 11 10 ' " Baltimore. .... 12 00 m 12 48 ax " New York .. . 4 53pm 653 " Ar. Portsmouth .. . 7 30 am 5 50 Pm " Norfolk 7 50 " 6 00 " A. R. D. JOHNSON JOHN S. JOHNSON, jonnson ana jonnson. COAL and WOOD. it you want to make vour houses cnmfnrtAhliv PAl1nn. ua TiwAot. Prices. Complete stock Antracite and Bituminous Coals. OWotxi kept Satisfaction Guaroritcil ! Phone 150. office 109 Fayetteville St. Yard:: Foot West Hargett street. r Charles Christy, the last of the , famous Christy minstrels, died in ' the City hospital in Kansas City on Saturdav. savs an ezchanov nf cirrhosis of the liver, aged 68 years. Christy was one of Jibe original Christy minstrels frounded by bis uncle, Edwin P Christy, tn the palmy days when the burnt cork ar . insu nrppff n ip&iurwnr junaf Mn lira "Uncje Charley "was a grand ballad j singer. The Christy minstrels went to Europe and played before the crowned heads. . "Uncle Charley'.' had only $2.60 -when be died, but during war times be used to get so tired of the load of 'shin plasters" that he threw quantities of them in the stove. In 1848 "Uncle Charley" played utility parts with Edwin HATS HATS HATS Nothihe! Think of It! $2 Hats going for 25c. . 20c Suspenders for lOc. 10e Socks for . 5c a pair. v"i nnn pairs liXJXJU COMING. la taking stock about - - we found we had Nos. 403 and 402, "The Atlanta Spe cial," Solid Vestibuled Train with Buffet Sleepers and Day coaches between Washington and Atlanta. Parlor and Dining Cars, New York to Washington. Pullman Sleepers, between Portsmouth and Charlotte (open atPortsmouth9p. m.) Connect ing at Atlanta for and from Macon, Florida, v Chattanooga, . Nashville", Memphis, Texas, California and the Wester- Nos. 41 and 38, "The a A.. L. Ex press, " Solid train of Pullman Sleer ers and Day Coaches, between Ports mouth, Wedonand Atlanta, also New York to Weldon and Cape Charles. Connecting at Atlanta for and from Montgoniery, New' OrleansTexas, Mexico, Moon, California, Florida; at Portsmouth with Pay Line and coastwise steamers nd all rail routes to the north and east. First star () and Datrtrer (f) an ply to the first column second to the second column. Daily, t Daily, except Sunday NO EXTRA FARE ON ANY TRAIN, For tickets.'' sleeoers. and infor mation, apply to ticket agents, or to a. a. uaAtiu, t Travelling Passenger Agent, , Raleigh, N. C, E. St. John. Vifi-Prnsldpnt anil ben I Mgr.; V JC McBee, Gen'l Sup: HWBGlover, Traffio Man.; T J Anaerson, uen 1 i'ass. Agent, i Ueneral offices: fortsrnouth. va, Notice of Selswre and liibeL Circuit Court opths United States, Eastebh Jistbict oi North Caro lina at Raleigh. , -No 106 libel.-UnltedStates against 5 casks of corn'whlskev in the pos session of and claimed by John D, Denklns. Craven eountv. N. C. To John D. Dinkins, Craven county, N. C, and to all whom it may con . cernGreeting: r . a -v?:.?'-y , Notice is hereby given, that the above mentioned property was seiz ed by T M Simmons, collector of in ternal revenue for the 4th collection district of North Carolina, on the 12th day of June, 1895, as forfeited to the uses of the United States for violation of the internal revenue laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the circuit court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said libel of in formation set forth; and that the said causes will stand for trial at the court room of said court, In the city of Raleigh, on the 4th Monday of May next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction . thereafter, when and where you and all personsare warn ed to appear to show cause why con demnation should not be dec red, and judgment accordingly entered here in, and to intervene for their inter vene. .- "h ..V: Giwen under mv band at office in Raleigh, this 28rd day of January, U.S. Marshal. On eight years' time to reliable men on real estate mortgage. Loans made promptly to persons owning stock in the company. This com pany has furnished the money and has mortgages on about - . - - Twenty Houses in . Raleigh. and has a number in other parts of the state, where they have agencies. Loans are made on the most favor able plan possible and at small cost to borrower. "The company also makes liberal loans on the stock of the Union, thus allowing its mem-1 , Pi1a paia44 bers to have the advantage of a sav-l " lr WIIIla PGTIlli fil ings insutution, and yet obtain the use of their money on short notice. This plan protects the company and protects its members from disaster, and:insures pernancy and profit to the persistent members. Monthly payment stock, requires a monthly payment of 65 cents per share of $100 full paid siock, of 1100 par - value with cash dividend cuopons. will be . Golden band, white and-pink Jji pan lil(es. : -Finest of all hardy lilies Hyacinths, Chinese Sacred Lilies, Freesia Narsissus, Tulips for . forcing in 'the house and ' . 'early -spring blooming J&&k?'-hi k outside. V i 1 100: HATS a little off in style, but good value that we .want to rush off to make room for eorlne stock. The v cost irom si du to fi each. Your Choice 25c Each. lot won't last long, so be -Having Qualified as administratrix with the will annexed of Clara A btnckland, deceased, this is to notify all oersons indebted to the estate to mat immediate payment to me. All persons having claims asrainst the estate will present the same to me within the tune prescribed by law, or this notice will be Dleaded in bar. Address me at Wakefield. N C. or my attorney F H Busbee, Raleigh. . vinniNiA v.nrr.r. Aim'w j of Clara A Strickland. diM sd.2,: "97-SOd si'v; .. This quick. NOTICE.? " " " . - rrrTv-'V'i ' notice Is hertbr riven that artDlica- tlon will be made to the next session of the General Assembly of North Carolina for the passage of an act in corporating the "Woodmen of the world." a benevolent assessment in surance association, and authorizing 1 1 to do Duslness m the tstate. . , J. B. FROST. Dee. i3nd iyov. Uead Consul. . SOUTHERN; RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AUt-UNB.) Condensed Schedule. ' laBsetJiBMl.lB. . ( Trains Lear ltaielh DeUy. 1 "NorfoUt and Ckattasutof a Limited." 4,12 p. DaBy.-SolKl restlbuled train with tioeper rxoa Hanoi to Cbattuwoc Tie. aUs bury, Morgaatoa, itberille. not pimss and KooivWa, ... . v ''",..,,:..?;... v.'s''- --:-... Oooneets at Darfawa for Oxford. OterksrUls and KeysrlUe. except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and Booth western Vestibuled TLlmLtedt. trale fr ell point Vorth. and with aula Uae tnbtNo.il for DaavUe, Btehmond and istemedlatsloea UttonsialsobaseooneeUontorWlaftaevSale! asd with sum line train Ko. as, TnHed spates mrtvajlf tor Chariot Spartanlmri. Greea ?Ule, AUanta and all points South; IsoComav bla, Augusta, Charleston. Savauah. Jaekaon. rill, andean points In florid, Bleeping car for Atlaata, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bieepmavarior Aoanata. i z Norfolk nd Chattanooga United. li:4 A. n. Dear-Solid train. eonilsUa rollmaa Stseprnfoai and eoaehs from Cha tanooga te Rorf oik, arriTtng Norfolk g pas in tun to sonaeet with the Old Domlnloa terehanta' and Miners,' Norfolk and Wans tDgtoa and Baltimore, Chesapeake aad Eich HDdg S Oos tor all polntenorth and east. at Beloa for rarettevlUe and tn- termedlat stations on the Wuso and V -etterllle Short vut, daOy, exeept sundartor sew en and Morehead City, dally for Gold, bora, aad Wilmington and . Intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldoa Kallroed. Expreae Trala. S:80 A. M. Dellr Connects at Durham foe Oxford, Xeyirille, v hmond; at Greensbor for Washington aad all points north. Train. :0 P. n. Dally For Odds boro sod inter- edlateststlons. - . Loeal Aeeotnsodatlom. - :00 A. Jn-Oonnect at Greensbore for all inu lor north aad Bouts and Wnutoa-Salesi and points on the North westera North OaroUaa Sallroad. At Sallsbory. tor all polnu In Wrst ra North Carolina, XnoxTUle, TenaClnern nati and western points) at Charlotte, fc pr tanborg, QreenvUle, Athens, Atlanta and : points South. ' , , - a Train ArrlT at Kalelgh, V. C.i V , Cxpresa Train. J:Q P. M. Dally-From Atlanta. Charlott. Greensboro aiidaupottits South, jrorfoik sad ttmmnaof Limits 4:is P.M. Dsnyrroa an points east,' Nor folk Tarboro, 'Wilson and water Una. From Goldsbore, Wumtngton, fayet vol and all points In Eastern Carolina. ' Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. sold to a limited extent of $75 cash Pr share, h eclianicsljnifGsiors'l Uriidtij l-- ::' '' 22 Pullen Building. " , By .virtue of power -conferred by mortgage executed to me a Trustee on the 21st day of December, 1896, by Bright Jones and his -wife, Laura Jones, which said mortsrasw Is record ed In the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake eonntyin Book 135, page 450, 1 will sell at the court house door in the eity of Raleigh, at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at 12 o'clock m. on the first day of February, A. D. 1897, the following described estate: A certain tract of land lying and being in Wake county, North Carolina, in Panther Branch township and described and defined as follows to wit! Beginning at a stake, tide of Guffey's swamp, runs west 31.60 chains to a stake, W. H. Young's corner, thenoe north 44 degrees east 10 chains to a pine, thenoe east 7.15 chains to a stake, thenoe north 1.70 chains to a stake, thenoe east 8.15 chains to, a stake, thenoe south 1.35 to a pine, thenoe south 85 degree east 6.25 chains to a pine attune, thenoe north 70 degrees east 1.85 chains to an oak stump, near the branch, thenoe down saia branch 2 chains to a sweet tbence north 5 chains a pine, east 6 chains . to Guffey's swamp, thenoe down said swamp to the beginning, containing 51 1-5 acres. . ---.; S. O. RYAN, Trustee. Dee. 30, 1896-tda , . . ' Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Gemot in a special pro ceeding entitled J.- Ot Maroony Ad ministrator of Cora Taylor, deceased, vs. John Taylor et als., I will on Monday February 1st, 1897, sell at public auction at the court house door in Maielfi-h two lota of land altuAte in Eajt Raleigh on a road leading' from narges to jenoir street extended, bounded a follows! . 1st, John Hln ton on south, Mary Spenee. on the west, w. B. wilder on the north and east, containing about one-sixth of an H Steinmetz, Florist, . North Halifax Street, near Peace In? f$:i.S! mf LerJsi ; ' Under and by virtue of a power' of sale eontalned in a mortgage from Marcus Hill. Milly HUl, his wife, and Andrew Hill to William Watts, dated the 27th day of February, 1891, and registered in Book 113, page 619, of the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake county,. N.C, I will sell on Saturday, January 80, 1897, at the court house door In Raleigh, N. C, at public outcry to the highest bidder, that part or parcel of land situated la St. Mary's township, county afore said, adjoining the lands of Dr. J. B. Bobbltt, Mrs. James Creech and oth ers and bounded as follows: beginS nlng at a stake on Big branch, theno south 178 pole to a stake and point ers, thence west 80 poles to Creech's spring branch, thenoe with said spring branch to Orr's Mill branch 85 poles, thenoe with Orr's Mill branch to the beginning, containing 100 , acre nod being the same land that was convey ed to Marcus Hill by Catherine Pool by deed recorded in Book 44. page 242r.Reglster of Deeds offloe for Kvake county. Time of sale, 12 m. Terms of sale, cash ; - W, N. Jones, r-t C.deo29tda - Attorney. r.V' SALE) OF IiAHD. - By virtue of a decree of the Supe rior court of Wake county, N.C, ren dered on the 16th day of April, 1893, in the matter of Mary A. Smith, some times called htarr Ann aforebead, etc, pending In said court, the undersigned commissioner . appointed by said court, will sell On Monday, the Z2d day of February, 1897, at the hour of 12. o'clock" m., at the court house door 1b the city of Raleigh, N. C., at nubile auction the following described tract of land, to-wlt: 81tuated in Barton's creek township, In Wake county, N C, known as the Emory place, con talnlng lttSl acres more or let and de J scribed in a deed from Peleg Rogers, - ihn w Auvuani oujlbu nvuniuu III book 20, page 807, in the offloe of the acre, conveyed to Cora, Taylor by deed I 'g Zt t'nltf??????1' In Bk. K 111, page 106. $, Beginning 1 One third of the pui at Cora Taylor's northwesTWner: I ce m?"y cash, the .remainder in thenoe north to W. H. Pace's corner. thenoe east along Pace's line to the : mom property. - thence . south to Core Taylor's corner. . thenoe with Cora Taylor's line to the beginning, eon- reyeu oj ueeu id xiOOK 1M, page 91. : Hour of sale, 12 m.; terms, cash. -2 v J. p. MAROOM, '"'! ' " " ' Adm'r and Com'r. ' : two eaual Davments in six and twnlv months to be secured by bote bearinr legal interest from - day of sale.. Title will be reserved until purchase money is paid in full. - 1 Ed. Chambers Smith, n. . iOHif T. PpiXEN, ' - ! ' . - u Commtsslonei . SAUK OP REMAINING IXJT8. WATSON Under and by virtue ot a decree of Wake superior court in the ease wherein Emma Karrer Is plaintiff and J W B Watson and others are aeienoants, the undersigned will on Monday, February 1. 1897 at 11 o clock a. m. at the courthouse door expose to public sale the following unsold lots in the platof the land be tween the southern city limit and walnut creek: 6,19,21,22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 44, 45, 46, 4, 54, o, oo. oa, a, IS, i l. 81, 83, 87, B7a, ? ""T!" Of "ws bfPnbUoatioa. Nobtb Cabouna, Waks Copntt. ' DUfEBlUS UOUHTh SB, '1'XHM, 18SI7. W H Weatherspoon,. plaintiff, vs. : lone - Weatherspoon aallas lone Corthorn, defendant The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior-eoirrt of-Wake' county for divorce and to declare null and void the marriage had between the plaii. , tiff and defendant; and the said de fendant will further take notice that , she is required to appear at the next ww, veal St. ni. cw. 31- DHL 1 n tr . - - 91, 93, m;i0i 112, 113, '116 15$ l haM ?iEZa ZnT, 152. 153. '168..... 161 ,162. ' 163 1 2?eldon the ?2 dajr of .j . ' . . i r eDruarv. a. u.. ixyr ar. th ennrt and also a tract ot sixty acres being the bottom land lying along Walnut isreeavr; n- fi--: -.to v.--.r-.i; s ; Terms, one-third cash; balance in in six and twelve months.' The sale may be adjourned from the court house door to the premises.- , r t ' C. M. Bcsbxs, , ' F. H. BrSBKB, , dl7 tds ? .'j Commissioners. - Sale continued until Monday, Feb ruary 8th on premises. v a - -I . A LOST BOND.' ; On the 3d day of JanuaryJ Ar orew O. ' H1U and wife, Mary A. uiu, weouiea ana aouverea to me their bond, under seal, secured by 11:40 A a Dlr-rromNew York. WJ,ta-. 1 j V"jiV Jor two nun- 0 . 80 "y of January, 1887, which niortgage I have, but the bond I have lost or misplaced and oannTt una, ana 1 nereby warn any and all persons from buying or trading for om uuuc wim ,ny person wno may have found the same, as I have settled the debt with said Hill and wife by agreement, j - , - 30d Eddie W. Thompson. tanoosa, snoxvlll, Hot sprlsgs'aod Asbsrllia BUM). at. DsJlr iromeolasbora ami tutor SMdlat ftatloa. . , .. 1:M A. ft Dally From Ureaasboro aad a point Worth and Sonta. Slosptuf Car froai Oretiabortealeiii. 'V p.-Ce.i.Dflu ptSuiklarroniOolda. or and an points East ;- -,-; r t . 4 loeal fralgut. trains a) aarry passsmsia. - niuaaa vara so mfUf traia front KalsJgk. I Throng rulloiaa Tostlbnl t nrawlni Rosa aSct slmptng Oar and Tattttraled aoaobea witnontahanga on xorfolk Uauttd. - -.- iwaDM uuy trains betweea Balel(n,Cnar w asn Asianns. unicK tunsi nnaxaaOsdai '. A.tUKat. ... :,,;., Oaaaral rwmnjm Ant. "vW.'":iV v WsaUassM, O. a jtl f. J. M Culp. Traffio : rfei Executor's Notice. Havintr this dav oualinl m vM tor of the estate of the l.tn rv.. Blake, deceased, this is to irl Lt.i to all parties having c)aUn against said party will present them to me on or before ihe 18th day of November 1897, or this will be plead In bar of their recovery. A J. KLXJS, novfu Jawtlw , Kxeoutor Administrator' Notice! Haying qualified s administrator of the estate of Uayid U. King, de? OMsed, late of jvake county, N. 0.. tni is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or ba fore the 6th day of February, 1803, or uia nunuo win oe pteaa in bar of tlielr recovery, and all persons Indebted to the said estate will please make Im mediate payment to the undersigned. - J, C. Marcom, m - Admlntetrator of David IX. King. Feb. 4, Hil)7-ltwflw 8 Notice. , Notice is hereby triven that sodII- cation will be made to the general assemoiyoi jNortb Carolina, at Its present session, f -' passage of an "act to declare i i,orth Caroli na Teachers' Asmblv a dulv in corporated coirj any, and to ratify confirm, amend and enlarge its char ter." ' TniN. j2C'30d house in said county of Wake in the state of North Carolina, and answer or demur to the comDlaint in said action, ar the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded Irt the said complaint. - D. H. YOUNG, C. S. C. , CPeele A Mayntud, attorneys for plaintiff. jan8-lw-6w - Notion of Setsare and Libel. Circuit court of the TJnItad Ktntr? Eastern district pf North Carolina, at Raleigh. No. 105 libel United States-against 2 copper stills, 2 worms, 2 oaps, 1 heater and pipes, 10 barrels of corn jrhikey and 9 casks, seised as the property of N W Porter, Johnston county, N C. To N W Porter, Johnston county, NC and to all whom it mav con- cern Greeting, w ' DOoticels hereby given, that tho above mentlsned property 'was seiz ed by F M Simmons, collector of in ternal revenue for the 4th collection district of North Carolina, on tbe ' 11th day of October, 1895, as for feited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the internal revenue laws, and the same is li belled and prosecuted In the ciicuit court ci the United States for con demnation for the causea in l 1 libel of information set for i that the said causes will st,. : r trial at the court room of said 1 in the city of Raleigh, on the 4 1 Monday of May next, if that a jurisdiction day, and if not, at t' next day of jurisdiction there.: ', when and where you and all ret are warned to appear to show c why condemnation should not 1 1 creed, and judgment act-or,. entered herein, and to Interv-' their interest, . Given under my band, at r ' in Raleigh, this 13rd day of J in ; v 1897; . . O.J. Casrou., ' .. U. S. Mar- ' -, C. TtArriFR's AssBfBLT. Br C. J. rarker, Sec. tr'""-sr to rA 1 I ' v 1 tt 'r h. v '"t A .