Jlil YOUNG ! r House Kills 'Ithe Charlotte ' -Police Board, i,.'. J CAPITOL STREETS TeM pavad-Biu naa passed notn .jaousea -bockery's Fertiliier Measure-No ." ' Bills" to be lntroduoed In Senate r .- , After Tomorrow, i . The bouse met at 10. . The N. C. R i R. lease bill was made special order . for next Friday at noon., . ' ; V. TV fnllnvtnir hills nasRfld:' : '- To levy a special school tax in WakeForesttownship.Wabe County. : io allow tnei&iieigniownsnipHuuuuj .committee td Issue bonds for. school -houses. " To appropriate $23,000 for ,new . building nd ether improve unents at the colored deaf-mute and blind institution here,' 111,500 for each of the years 180.7-93. The vote was unanimous on i, the passage of -this bill; ; "..'. i The bill to increase thelannual appropriation to the state fuard to '412,000 came up with favorable re- niwt It u ra-rnfarrnd tn financs : for tonights . v 'I ; : mk. t.:ii t 1ft nnn tnw -each of the years 1897-97 for the aeat-mute scnooi at morgauwn pww ed aftersomedebate, Dixon, of Cleve land making the statement that the armament the democrats met dur- - jng tne late campaign- ww we re "publican-populist liberality in 195 4a making appropriations: 'to Instt- - ' A..i.4 Jl .L. L U t. .n. .9 t.A Alia mituns, sou maw u uuyou wo, uu .record would not be broken.' v . Bills passed to allow a colored .institutions for deaf mutes and blind here and to establish graded sohools .at Washington -. Dockery brought up bis bill to !less substances in-fertilizers. Its tt l bji follows- "Whereas, any commercial fertil zer or ferttliiing material shall be' , analyzed as required by law and if ueh analvsls shall sho the presr ence in such-fertilizers,, hair,, hool , meal, horn, leather scraps, marl or . other delaterious materials known m fillers, publication shall be made jn the monthly bulletin by the de - : partmentof agriculture showing the result of such analysts and calling "ithe attention or: me puonc to me .presence in such fertilizers ' of such substances and the same shall be ' islgned and condemned as : provided Jby law In other "cases. - . - Dockery - offered " the following Amendment, strike out the .-words jnarl or other dclaterious materials known as' fillers"nd substitute "or other substances non-available for plants, but which contains ingredU ; ants.wiat go to mase upiae roqunou or guaranteed analysis.",. The ''amendment was adopted and the The special order for 11:30 1 o'clock, t wastaicea up. . A s i Ml . 'A k .t aw J iAn ef the bill. Whea it came up on the second reading it was defeated, ayes rail, at Wake voted against it. ; . , : i The case of Broughton vs Young "ocauie up.- A majority report was . .. intiti in tavnrnt Yrtutiirana mmoriw ' in favor of - Broughton, - Mr. Cook Col. Cunningham spoke eloquently . The majority report seating Young was adopted, ayes 0 noes tt" The seLate met 10 o'clock, LIGov. ' Kevnolds presiding. 1 Prayef y Rev. Dr. Daniel of this city. , Bills I n I.rf li 1 1 1 111 "l J An JU1U Ha Ij V Wwtmm 4)ill to amend sec. 1024. of code relat ing to crimes and punishment..' - ' R MnTwnll. resolution to Invest! : gate the business of the Stole Farm ers Alliance. . . r .vx B Person, bill to improve the ef fiolency of public schoolteachers and Increase their Day. also a joint reso . liitlnn ia favor of employees of pres- nt lpcislature. - v By Grant, to amend the charter of t.h town of Goldsboro. To protect real estate sold under mortgage or deed of trust. . , . . Bv Move: Resolution that after to , day no bill shall be Introduced at this session unless by suspension oi tViA mien - Passed. ; . - The bill to amend the charter of Wilmington providing for a pohce commission passed third reading, vna 24 noes 18. Tbe bill is now a j - - .i The- bill to Incorporate: the Har nett - Cpntral ' railroad ; company. Passed. : v ' . . The bill to'amend the charter of the . city of Fayetteville," providing fora police commission was taken up. Maultsby, moved , to table the bill. Ado'ptedjand "clincher put on." .'-' To es'ablish a normal school for the colored raoe so as to improve the advantages ' of the same.- The -bill carries an,; appropriation of $5,000 . - PassedA",-)'" 7 Tbe bill authorizing the governor to have paved the streets around the capital passed itg readings. ' GRAHAM STILL HEBE 1 Be Make -sttmont Dnounoe hi ' ! ,J ' f ; . Aeousari. ' ; Mr J L Graham, chief clerk in the office ofSuperintendent Mebane of public instruction is still in tbe city, although a true bill has been re turned against him by " the grand jury at Catawba court on the charge bf burning his own house. - . Mr Graham was seen today by-the PBEss.Visiroa and he made .the fol lowing statement; . , ' "All J have to say in regard to the card which appeared in a morning paper is that 1 ask -the public not. to be rash in their conclusions based upon malicious reports but .to wait the result of the proper court. As to the cardbeiog signed by republi cans, the falsity of the same ' Is only surpassed by the deoeitfulness of tbeir deception. ; AJlderbrand , alias Hilderband and bis sou 4 B are re publicans wbp hae beenxepudiated and read out of the party on account of their collusion with the demo cratic, ring at Newton. For the other two who sign themselves re publicans, I would say that they are worthless' characters and are mad with me because I appeared against them ; as counsel and had. them bonded to keep the peace as against my client. And for the democrats who sign the card I expected no better of them for the late Hon TM Finger informed Hon 0 H Mebane that if he appointed me his clerk .'statements would be published that would ruin Graham and as a result you will have to disoharge him." From the above the public can well ascertain their motive, and any unprejudiced mind oan draw the in ference necessary to the conclusion; do not deem it proper nor expe- dlentat this time to reply to their misrepresentations, but will pay my respects to the articles which have been published in due time, and the public itf respectfully asked to re serve their opinions until they have the facts fully before them' -, TICKETS FOK CARNIVAL Thav Are bolng Fast- 'You'd Better Get ,' Yours and Da inttbe Posh. Seats for the "Carnival" have been selling at a lively and gratifying rate today, i which : shows that tne people are in an appreciative mood. With such encourasrementtheClique will doubtless exce' itself this even ing. If you have 'at yet secured your kat, do so at once. Fair seats ill doubtless be obtainable at tbe hall. ' It is something more than gallan try which makes the yellow kid speak in such nattering termsof ae laddies." You should see them in gala costume. There is ; only, one weak point about the play. Madame Pollard can't look her part of ancient wife. She plays it though J'out 'o sight'' . ; Gave Bit Ufa for Girl. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Ntack, N.TT., March l.There have been many - sympathizing call ers today at the little cottage of Rob t Lawrence, where lie the remains of his v brave ' 17-year-old ' son. - Ar thur, Who lost his life while trying to save little Mamie Lynch early last evening from drowning in Fetters ice pand. 1 , The boys and girls were playing on the ice yesterday when Mamie Lvnoh broke through and went down Arthur Lawrence hastened to. Mamie's "rescue. Be secured board and put it over tbe edge of the ice to" where the girt was 'strug gling, in the watei. v Mamie caught hold of the board, when, the thin ice cracked again and. Arthur broke through into the water. Tbe boy struck out toswim toward .the girl, but threw. Up his arms and sank. Several' men with ropes rescued Mamie, but the boy was dead When taken out.. - ' .' Mr. H'E'C Bryant,' of the Char" lotte Observer is one of the delega tion that came to Raleigh in opposi tion to the Charlotte police bill, which fell by theway- side in the house this morning. Senatorial Investigating. " Committee Reports. THE TESTIMONY Is a Var(4 AitOrtmant Morrison Swora fit Never Of tared Morton Jpb Senator Utley on the Stand - Parker Denlea statement. J B Schulkenj chairman of special committee to investigate the charges of fraudu and bribery in the election of TJ. S. Senator, made a long report m tne bouse toaay . u coniainea the examination of many . witnesses sworn and examined by the commit- tee. some oi me evioence causeu a laugh, particularly that part in which Senator D. Beid Parker said he had discovered that he had a pe culiar fitness for the position of commissioner of agriculture. These questions were asked wit nesses: First. If witness knew of any offer of money or office to vote for or against any one for U. S. senator. Second. K it was given to under stand to witness that he would re ceive either federal or state patron age for his vote or influence for or against any one for TJ. S. senator. Third. Whether In voting for TJ. S. senator he was actuated or in fluenced in casting such vote by the hope or expectation of receiving either money or office as aconsidera- tion therefor. Robert Hancook, H.T. Brown and Senator Odum and others answered the questions negativelv. Odum was asked if he was promised the position of postmaster at Wadesboro and he said not. Y. C. Morton swore he was offered a four years' job by D. M. Morrison to vote for Pritch- ard. . Morrison swore before the committee that liu did not. Senator Utley testified that while the bolt rs were la session in the Branson House he heard one of them say that there were 200 good offices they could get by voting for Pritch- ard. Parker, of Perquimans, denied Mr. TJtley s statement. ANTE-LENTEN GERMAN. The Capital Club Entertained Soeietv X.aat Evening, The Capital club gave a delightful and brilliant german last evening, which marked the close of a bright social season., The german was led by Mr. Henry W. Miller and Miss Lillle Kenan.- The following couples participa ted: Miss Lizzie Taylor, Mr. Thomas Bush; Miss Jane Andrews, Mr. Stark S Batchelor; Miss Gertrude Bush, Mr. Henry Litchfordj Miss Lillie Hoke, Mr. Henry King; Miss Simmons. Mr James O Litch fordj Miss Blanche Blake, Mr Wat- kins Robards; Miss Sophy Busbee, Mr Richard Gwathmey, Miss Berta Smith, "Mr Q M Pritchett; Miss Nan nie Jones,' Mr T A Ashe; Miss Eliza beth Hinsdale, Mr Robt Gray ; Miss Kathryne Haywood, Mr Benj Baker; Miss Ethel. Bagley, Mr. '- rr'" ' Miss Mary Smith, of Salisbury, Mr Victor H Boyden; Miss Sallie Smith, of Salisbury, Mr Malcom Boyden; Mrs Thos S Kenan, Mrs F L Bush, Mrs'C G Latta, Mr and Mrs John Munson. Mr Billy Boylan, Robt. Gatling, Wm B Snow, Dr J M Ayer, Geo H Snow, J Crawford Biggs, A J Cowan. T O Denson, Mr Catbrane, ofvA.tlanta, and Mr Kuebne. - Broke J nil to Sea Ilia SIek Child.. By Telegraph to the PressVlgitor. WatiAMSPOKt: Mar. 2. James B. Denworth, whq walked' out of jail yesterday with, several visitors, and for ' whom Sheriff Rorthfuss spent most of last night hunting, returned to jail at 9 o'clock this morning. , He was accompanied by bis young son. Denworth explained .that he had gone to his home to see a sick child, and last evening, when about to re turn to jail, his family clung to him and begged him not to go. He then sat down by the bed of the sick ohild and fell asleep. ; He declares that he did 'not hear the Sheriff when he pounded on the door, although the neighbors, were awakened by the noise. ,. , . i 'r Sheriff Rothfuss says that from now on7 until the end of bis three months' term,: Denworth will have to go from the jail chapel to an ordi nary cell. ' ., .1 - ... 5 - V. POPULISTS CLASH Boltera and Kesolara Dad a. Sharp Meet- ( ' Ing la tbe Senate Chamber. Last night the bolters and major ity populists clashed, but there were no serious results. .The ma jority pops bad announced tiat they would caucus in the senate alter the legislature adjourned. So when Lt. Gov, Reynolds gave up his chair, chairman Atwater took posession Mr, Atwater rapped his gavel on the desk and requested all save popu lists in good standing to move out of the hatl. Nearly all the bolters were, sta tioned on the left of the hall, except Brown of Jones who had taken the seat of the reading clerk. , ' Someone asked Brown to move on, then the fun began. "We have given you the hall three fourths of the time to caucus jg and l ain tlredof it," said BrewnT "I don't Intend to move out of this seat and there isn t a man here who can move me.". , ?We'llblnd you then "said Hauser. 'l won't be bound by anything this motley orowd does. ' ' " 'Brown's come back to us, he's all.right," saidanother. "I denounce that as false ' spoke up the intrepid Brown, Then Chairman Atwater and Brown had a wordy spat, passing the compliments of the hour. "Where is vour chairman" Mr. Atwater said addressing Brown. I don't know, this chair suits me." Down came chairman Atwater's mallet on the tabic and the sergeant at arms was commanded to clear tbe hall. Brownrearedbackandsmiled. ''I move we spnd for the captain of police to clear the Hall," said Moyo. 'You do it" cried Brown. "We are willing to give you one side of the senate chamber and will take, the other. We'll never leave. " About that time cbaiman Mc- Caskey of the minority entered the Hall. He raised his hand and Brown who was shooting at Atwa ter ceased. MoCaskey announced that owing to the lateness of the hour there would be no minority caucus. So Brown and his friends walked out and the regulars took possession. CAPT T W MASON To polivertho Oration May Tenth Ladiee Memorial Association and Daughters t of the Confederacy Meet. Yesterday at Mrs. Hinsdale's these two associations m6t. The Ladies' Memorial Association departed from its rule of having a North Carolina Confederate General as a subject for memorial day and decided that the subject should be the "Private Soldier's of North Carolina." Capt. T W Mason of Northampton, who made such a magnificent address on the laying of the corner stone of thp Confederate monument has- been asked to be the orator for the asso ciation on May 10th, After a little routine business the meeting ad journed. The meeting of the daughters was then held. The charter of our chapter, which is called the "Raleigh Chapter" and is No. 96, has been re ceived . By a unanimous vote the Jefferson Davis memorial was se lected as the object to which our funds are to be applied. Each chap ter being given the choosing. Miss McKimmon has at at. Mary s a num ber of fao-simiie copies of the last letter ever " written by President DavisIt was to Col Wharton Green, expressing his regret at .not being able to attend the Fayetteville cen tennial. These are for sale, the pro ceeds to go in the treasury of this chaDter--25 cents each. The presi dent and treasurer, , Mrs Hinsdale and Mrs Annie Parker, ask all the members to send in at once the dues now past due 10 cents for last October and 10 cents for January. The next dues to be-paid "Will be 10 cents in October. Twenty cents a vear is all that the members are as sessed. This money will please be sent to either the president or the treasurer as early as possible. Mrs. F. A. Olds, ; Secretary of L. M. A." and D. ofC , 1 ACnriona Way.: CThe News of Rio de Janeiro says that among the benefits which the governor elect of Para intends con ferring upon his" ! people when he takes offtce Is that of giving, them free admittance, onae a month into -the Pi Theatre.' It is not stated whether they will see anything when they get inside the building, , t , -1 ,..,.. li, -' ..Mr Jas E Shell, o Winston .is here. ' 1 t'1. tJt 11 LL Greeting to McKiuIey on Ar rival in Washington, WEATHER PERFECT. Piatt Coll on the President Ktect l ode elded as to Who will Hcprcsent New York lathe CebinetLong " for the wavy. By Telegraph to thePress-V'isitor. .: Washington, March 2 President elect McKinley and party arrived this forenoon. They weTe greeted by a throng which filled Pennsyl vania depot and spread all over the side-streets. During the afternoou McKinley saw Senator Piatt, Cornelius Bliss and othef prominent New Yorkers. Major McKinley is having diffi culty in finding a New York man satisfactory to ail factions as well as himself. The cabinet may not be complete for several days. Major and Mrs. McKinley will dine at the WhiteHouse with theClevelands tonight. The complete cabinet may not be known until Wednesday. The city continues to fill. The attend ance at the inaugural ball will prob ablyexceed all previous records. The weather is perfect. Boston, Mar. 2. Ex Governor Long formally announced his ac ceptance of the navy portfolio. BURGLAR CAUGHT. Thos. Bureh Taken Neai Apex Confesses Crime --Shot in the Head. Thas Burch, whoburglariaedTur ner & Wynne's store Sunday morn ing and who was shot while making his escape was arrested last night two miles south west of Apex at the home of his grandmother, Edna Burch. The arrest was made by police officers Woodall and Thompson and constable Upchurch. Burch was brought to the city and placed in the station house. Subsequently he was sent to jail, where the facilities are better for keeping him. Burch was wounded in the back of the head and he is suffering verv much. He is not rational a good part of the time. The ball was removed from the burglar's head yesterday afternoon by Dr. Moore, of Apex. It was a 32 and discloses the fact that Mr. Birdsong is a good marksman. The negro left Raleigh yesterday morn- ng about daylight and wasdriven to Ape by Daniel Jones. The latter has been arrested and placed in jail as an accomplice. Burch sent for Dr. Moore at twelve o'clock, but he was not able to get there until later in the even ing. The burglar told Dr. Moore that he was shot in a street fight in Dur ham. Of course the physician sus pected nothing and successfully re moved the ball, which was imbeded in the skull. Dr. Moore stated to the Pbf.ss- Visitor today that the ball went in the skull sufficiently far to press the bone on the brain. He says that Burch's conditions is serious and he should have hospital treatment. Burch has confessed having com mitted the burglary. If he had ac complices it is not known. After he was shot ho went to the house of a woman named Brown on the corner of Davie and Dawson streets, where he is in the habit of going. This led to his arrest. A dangerous looking knife, atleast ten inches long was on Burch's per son when arrested. Burch will have to sUnd trial for burglary. Judge Clark, who knows tbe premises says that it is a clear case of burglary. The Floy Crowe 1 1 Company. The Floy Crowcll Company pre sented tbeir first performance here last night It is one of the best popular priced company's that ever played in Raleigh . They will pre sent tonight a French play entitled. La Belle Russe. Charlotte sent a large delegation to Raleigh today' for the purpose of opposing Walter Henry's police commission bill. The Charlotte boys, a clever set they are, were in a happy frame of mind this evening. None were more pleased than Mr. WCDowd, editor of the Charlotte News. Mr Settle Dockery editor of tie Rockingham Index isrin the city on his way to the Inauguration. - - DISPENSARIES t-:vcry County In the State Mav be Allowed to Vote on the Question. This legislature is distinctively a prohibition body. Every dispen sary measure brought up so far has been passed or acted upon favorably. Blackburn of Ashe, the leader of the opposition has on every occasion when a dispensary measure was brought before the house tacked on an amendment to leave the dispen sary question to a vote of the people of the territory for which it was asked. But Blackburn has been overwhelmingly toted down and his amendments given little considera tion. He has placed several of the local self-government advo cates in an embarrassing position. His amendments have been intro duced with the sole view of giving the people in which the.dispensaries were asked local self-government. A general dispensary bil' provid ing that every couuty in the state can vote on the question will be in troduced. It will in all probability pass. TODAY'S MARKETS. The .Movements In New York Bnd Liver pool Markets Nxw Yobk, March 3. Market quotations furnished by E. B. Cuthbert & Co., 30 Broad street, New York, and 305 Wilmington street, Raleigh, N. C, over their special wire: The following are the opening, highest, lowest and closing quota tions of the New York cotton market today : MONTHS OPEN-HIGH- LOW- CLOS- i us. INQ EgT EgT INQ January, 6 86- Pebruary, - March, 7 07 7 07 7 02 7 01- April, 7 10 7 11 7 06 7 0(5- May, 7 16 7 17 7 10 7 11- June. 7 20 7 20 7 15 7 15- July, 7 25 7 26 7 19 7 20- August, 7 27 7 25) 7 21 7 SI- Sept'mb'r, 6 89 7 89 6 85 6 85- October, 6 78 6 78 6 77 6 74- Novemb'r, .... 6 82 6 76 6 76- December, 6 85 6 89 6 83 6 81- Cotton Movement. The following shows the semi weekly movement of cotton at 13 leading interior towns "this week compared with that of last week, last year and 1895 r REC'PTS. SHIPMENTS. STOCKS. This week.. 20,903 31,331 316,716 Last week.. 27, 364 37,953 378,008 Last year.. 16,482 30,154 330,376 In 1895 41,975 44,595 337,053 Mew York Stock Market. The following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchange today: Sugar 1171 American Tobacco 75i Burlington and Quincy 76i Chicago Gas 761 American Spirits 141 General Electric 341 Louisville and Nashville 491 Manhattan 86 Rock Island 68i Southern Preferred St. Paul 77 Tennessee Coal sad Iror. 284 Western Union 83i Chicago Grain and Provision Market. Thefollowing were the closingquo tationsontheChicagoGrainand Pro vision market today: Wheat May, 751; July 721. Corn May, 241; July, 25i. Oats May 171. July 18; Pork May, 8,05; July 8 17 Lard May, 4.05; July 4,15 Clear Rib Sides May 4.17; July 4.27. Liverpool Cotton Market. The following were the closing quo tations of the Liverpool cotton market today: Febrtiary-March 3.60 s March-April, 3.60 s April-May 3.60 May-June 3.60 v June-July 3.60 b July-August 3.61 s August-September 3.58 b September-October 3.52 s Ootober-Noveinbor 3.47 s November-Deoamber . , . . 3.46 b January-December 3.46 b Closed quiet; sales 12,000 bales. LIGHT SHOWERS Will Prevail tonight and Tomorrow. So Col. Von Herrmann Says. The weather prediction for Ral eigh and vicinity is threatening weather with occasional light phow ers tonight and Wednesday. The slight barometric depression still extends from Texas northwest ward into the central Mississippi and Ohio valleys, and is causing cloudy, threatening weather over the entire country. The weather continues .warm in the south, but the temperature is still below xero in the extreme north' west. CAUCUS IN A Majority Want to Make Rus sell a Registry Clerk. NEGROES BOLT And Mad Because Thev Are Not Given Pie -High Old Time Last Night Committtee Appointed to Walt on the Governor.. Bolting seems to be the fad. Last night Senator Lee Person and . Represenative Dancy.of Edgecombe, walked out of the republican caucus. These worthy eolored members of n the legislature had addressed the caucus on the subject of pie. They -laid out tbeir ultitomato which was to the effect that the negroes must have . the Eastern asylum for the insane. Fearing that they would be bound -by caucus action, both Person and Dar.cy left the caucus. Senatoi Hen- derson was the first to leave. " What the negroes objected to was r Blackburn's bill alio wing the Gover nor to name the directors of the Goldsboro Asylum. A motion was made to adopt the bill as a caucus measure. Person protested and he came out plainly and told the caucus tlfat if the bill was endorsed he would hold upevery caucus measure in the senate. "Nothing will satis fy me" said Person; 'but a bill naming negroes for the offices in the Asylum. ' ' The negroes say that the Governor and the white republicans , want to get the bill through so that Dr. Alexander can be made super intendendent. Dancy left the caucusafter Person , did. He stated after leaving the Hall : "I asked the cancus toexcyse me. I wont abide by any caucus action. If I can't get what I want, I wont take anything. The nero must . have tbe eastern Asylum or I will vote against all caucus bills. All of the collored members of the house except Jim Young, Arrincrton and Rawls are with us. The appoint ment of a committee does not satisfy me." The caucus was in a turmoil for more than a hour. The question of recognizing the negro came in for a great part of the discussion, but the breach that exists between the Governor and the republican caucus brought a number of speeches. Cook, Hancock and Sutton defended the Governor. Nearly all the other members took ground against the Governor's course. His excellency came in for muc hcondemnation. There was a strong sentiment In favor of curtailing the governor's power and giving the legislature all appointive power. Feeling was better and the cau cus was in a big stir when Dockery introduced a resolution to appoint a committee to wait on the governor and ascertain if he would recognize caucus recommendations. That committee was appointed as follows: Grant, Shore, Cook, Arring ton and Freeman. Tbe democrats causused also. It was the sense of the caucus that the democratic members of the legisla ture should be allowed to name the membor of the code commission, if the democrats were to be recognized. The majority populist agreed unanimously in their caucus to oppose the proposed amendment to the election law. providing for elec tion commissioners. J B Scbulken was also endorsed for code commissioner, Rrvan'a Movements. By Telegraph to the Press Visitor. Washington, March 2. William Jennines Bryan, the late Democratic candidate for President, spent an hour this afternoon in the press gallery of tbe House. During his four years in Congress Mr. Bryan enjoyed a wide acquaintance among the newspaper fraternity of Wash ington, and the purpose of his call today was to meet these gentlemen. He was in good spirits, and express ed his gratification at seeing so large a number of his old friends. Ha leaves the city tomorrow for Dover, ' Del., going thence to his former home in southern Illinois, where he will remain a few days. It U his purpose then to make a brief trip to Tennessee, proceeding from there to Nebraska tomorrow. - Manteo Lodge, to. O.F..- '. ' Manteo Lodge, Na 8, L O. O. F., meets tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Every member is earnestly requested to be, on hand. .