VOL. X'YL NO. 131. RALEIGH, N. ft, THURSDAY EVENING,' JffARCH. 25 1897 .11.00 PER YEAR. SAW T:ATtREE But Animal Trainer Smith Got In t,-f Hie baadlv Work Uwr.iiij Frank Watson, a white man ho drives a wagon for thGentcjr Dog and Pony Show was srreted this evening and placed :tn the- station house..;; ''!;,;:f't: 4:?";f'!i!i:-' Willi Smith,, who drives for Dr. Buffalo and a number .of men and boys were peeping under the, tent, getting the benefit 'of the matinee this evening free of charg , When Watson espied the invaders be made a ferocious attack -on them, ' hitting right and left.. Dr. Buffaloe's driver ; came. out of. the melee with "an indented stuli? wWle.; fortunate peeper is said to have had his head pto6lnitfl4$f?tH Officer Mullen .'; happened 'along about the time Watson- was getting In his deadly work arresting the aggressor, ftnd Smith also. At the 'station house Watson said he was from Pennsylvania. '-fJ. SALARIES THE ' SAME 5 ' , ., . '.- -.- f'.Vv Board of Asriwltsra WakeaHo Chanfaa Meeting Thle Morning-, .t r.' , The board of agriculture met again this morning, transacting the usual routine business. -. ,- ;, . The salaries of the officers were made tie same as heretofore. The news given out yesterday that there had been increases" ift the salaries of several; o$cfi andthat pew Jones bad beencreated' was incbrrebt'. ' A committee consisting of J. C. L. Harris, John Graham, J p. Pay, J ; W. Bailey,, W. Sprinkle and D, Vsaulra spam ri.fniaA twntt with Governor Russell fpr the pur pose oi ascertaining whether ths ap- ipropriatlon or $2,0 w made py : we . . .. .r t j.r Lt:i!.i v., -M ers Institutes. '; lseettie-fk State Treasure hi;refused to give the appropriation to the department on the ground that the act IS defect ive The, board desires 'tbajt Gov ernor Russell pass on. the matter.' i ' 1 W.iAn. eATrakW kto Wwtv7.I Afn4 another meeting WiU beheld OFFCERa&ElECTEP- Asaoal Meetlag OI taa uauiore anie ';"K:;Chad'0mBy.-Ni. 'fiuv; -iff The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Guilford BattleGround Company was he'd at the office of W E Bel vlll&i Ca,' , North Elm .treet," Greensboro. N 0., on' Mon day. ;Thtf;:'foltowinSrsk were dulyand i unanimously elected directors for the ensuing term, vis ; I" Hon Pavid SoaeWcfcy Hon Rqbett - R Klng.'Maj Joseph' MMorehead, br'D'R Shenck, MrJ Van JJndley, Mr Ei vnartonACapt JXA,Jeli; Hon-1 Robert M". Douglas, Col Levi J Scolf,' aj Jno W Fry, Cap J W ftcoll?' ;Mf' Samlet Wittkowsky, : ppl Bob,eVt M sloan; Mr.W t BeyUl, Capt Neil mn)MiS4:$ , v ImmfKllaly '"affep :th,e; djduc ment of the stockholders the newly elected ; Boardrof Direptors of the Guilford - BattleCJro'Hnd' Xpapy The following lcers ejre then unanimously, elected. , for heen suing term '- Bon D Schehok. Presideni' Col Thos B Keogh, Secretary, MaJ J W Frv, first Vioe President, ; MaJ Jos M Morehead.Second Vioe-Presldemt, Cant 1 Woott." Treasurer. CaDt D 4. Sohenok, Jr., Assistant to the Preel ".WU 5 cew'dlalejt stories ,nd seogs Polk Millet willno floubt draw a crowded houss at the Acade my of Musio, -April l&tk. We are receiving letters saying that his en ; tertalnments this season : are' more charming and 'amuafiigj ihan .' ever bef ire and large audiences give him unbounded : applause.- The .only 1 chance to hear him this' season will be on the 4.5th of April. 1 The admls . sion will be fifty cents with, no extra charge for reserved seat. (a tli Sanat Today, By Telegraph to the Preaa-Vlaltori WAsraNOTOX, Feb., 25. --Objection Is again made today to the consider atlon of the PaciQo Rail way Commit sion bill- The Senate entin execu tive session In consideration of the arbitration treaty!' ' . , - 1 1 '; ' : '- 4 iari: . We desire to express our- sincere t'.:arlr8 and 'appreciation totbose v-t.o so kindly assisted us in the c cprt given TuesJay evening, I r b 23. V Mrs EL T Hicks, . , s" : Mas J DF-ioais. GROVES GETS 20 -YEARS Found Guilty of Harder in the Second Degree; w JURYjOUAlL!GHT Font Said tha Marda wa 1 ra Pacraa Jndia AdaiM Told tha Mao.1 . aar hf Us Wall tava WaSaafi '"'"taaaai ta ba Haad.i.-,' -: John Groves,, who last January fatally .shot'Henry .Wall In Forest. ville, was sentenced to twenty years Imprisonment: at hard ''labor 5' by Judge': Adams InWake ; superior court this morning. rrX'i v heiurfVM.Jwt' all jiilght and It was not until eieven o'clock Ahls. morning that averdict " was ftgreed upon. bnortiv at'er . eleven .. infr twelve jurors filed in ths court room; Groves, weak-eyed, ; but seemingly listless, gMd upon the twelve men who had fixed his fate as they pass ed br The jury was polled. Judge Adams commanded the" prisoner to stand up. - Groves,' inr accordance with .Instructions, raised his X right hand and'. beard . tbe verdict ' of lit. A- W Moye spoke for the jury.' He said that they had found that he prisoner wasapt guilty of murder in-the first degree as charg ed in the bin of indictment; but that he was guilty of murder In the ' sec pnd degree. t . w- ii Solicitor. Pou prayed the full judg ment and Mr. J. C. L. Harris moved that it be set aside .He-maintained that the jury oould not return the verdict rendered is accordance wltb he bill of indlctmenfct KAn objection was taken to a ruling of the court, which it was claimed was -contrary to as opinion of the Supreme court. The motldn Aiade by!Jlr. 'Harris denied. . - " Judge Adasoommaiided Qroves to stand up -while he; piissed tence upon him. . The judge talked very p'alnly to the prisoner and'Tn. a feeling wanner jfeil',;; ..' Before pronouncing the sentence, Judge Adams said f This la very serious offense for bloh you:i have been voonvioted. You have taken the life of a fellow man, the: highest crime bhown to man. you jnignt nave weu oeen convicted of murder In the first de. gree,and lts(ead of belag sentenoed to serve a term of years in the penl- tenuary ; Been : saentenoea to ne hanged. '! : i "it'-t i "This is another demonstration of ths end which befalls a man who so tar forgets himself as to be engaged IB the-buktnesi'liyblr we'r'pn ' the night pf, :th"e murder : ou seVm o n'.S' Ised, :,weU. -.T Md goo4 opportunities and comi of a good fm,Uy nd yo uft'jta feavti beenbtte?jna,n,1."t:T wt " -The judge then sentenced Groves to twenty yeas at Darq laoot in. toe state pplsfln,i-i... Mrfli5 meeK-iooking, young man, nsvepea to the pemarks o the f judge atten tlwlyPUt h Iwi. out ;yisi Wr. af fecWdrf k&--K&&f rki'--- Groves' unsei;' 1 Q 1: Harris. then: te' a motion for irtesV of judgment.-tS;Kri . xne jur? was oaaiy oiviaea in ine GroVes fAse. . One colored man sod jreB wfteinen wer.e 1 favpr of torntng a yrraict or murqer in tne first degree.. They flnaliy Kt . The jury wa ;aR; ijnysvial)' iaK'Ui Hent one.; two, of ine jurors were 3olored.v 7 Mr. B A, Uwi to fee Marrta4. , , Y The following from the, altlmors NewsV will be read bythe many friends in this city of one of the for tunate parties; . K ?. " " ': : ."Ahuounceinent has "Just been made of th engagement of .Miss Florence WiHiamsflrt, of Baltimore, to Mr. Edwin Ashley. Lewis,; of Philadelphia, forni(frlt of North Oar olina; Miss Williamsgn is the dau'gb tor of Mrs L. Tier nan Williamson, of St.- Paul street. Mr. Lewis is young eleotriclan, "who formerly lived, in' Baltimore!: The "wedding will take place. In April . ut the home of toe bride, and will be : a quiet One owing to the mourning of the groom's fa'pjiiy.'iss $anie ilqrlfoe Will he malc( of honor and Mr. Prank Lewis, the groom's brother, will bo best man. - -. A limited reception . wllll foltow the ceremony. - After a ' wedding journey the bride and groom will live ia Philadelphia. DRAWING TO A CLOSE Criminal Docket marly Conplte4--Cenrt ... . Will Adjourn Tomorrow. . . The criminal docket is nearly cotm pleted and court will adjourn tomor row Judge Adams has transacted business With great dispatchThere vers 72 cases: docketed and in four dys, 'neajiy all'.of ( 4bese have been disposed -of. . ' : ' ' y-S-vif.'-' Solicitor Pou has been largely in Btrumental ia disposing of thedooket so quiok B,;h alwaysllst vMrt Pou ts"00 Of the; ablest Ckai 'irnost. .efficient officers in, the-service of the iUM goyajraqiOTW-;.-'5.i;i.-.-. : John f 'otki wa&ttod gnUt d seutencedta th rw(a for '30- days forcarrymg cdbcealed Weapons. ; Robert Garner who was con victed of "! earryiog a ' concealed weapon and sentenced to thirty .days on the roads, was taken to the work house this mornngitf?s'-'i?;; : "Willis Dunn -wno wa charged with cruelty- to ; animals was ac quitted, t ip..-.: ri.vS..i-s,i . J)? j" Bj.' Rogers was fined 180 for failing to answer to his name when it was tolled Dr Rogers was a tfttness la-the. Blake case. : It. is understood that Judge. Adams will remit the fine, as it was afterwards learned that, Dr Rogers was attend ing a very sick pailent,.;'' A NOTABLY GOOD SHOW. A Cold and Blustery Ninbt Dido't Kaas . ' , -'l tlia Crowd away.'f ; . Last night was blustry, with a breeie which found its way every where, yet over 1500 people, many of. them ladies and ..children, saw the: performance of. Prof Gentry's famous dog; nd pony JshOw.,.. All were delighted ami 'for two hours there was applause and, laughter. There is ,no other show of the kind so; good. Dogs,' ponies and mon keys vie in intelligence. One dog turnej sommi-rA iults backward; an unprecedented feat. The band' fur nished merrf 'misic all fee while, and the 4g9 ind ponies were as pratty as pictures. The last per formance begins at 8 o'clock this evening." ' Ji;WElTHE;RV' ;': Irailiatad Baavy . Froat Tonlsht' - aod Jh Warmar Tomorrow. ' .'t- " - i..r1. ... The weather oureau says this morning that a period of fine weath. eirls probable, now, . Pair weather is predicted tonight ; with A heavy frost. T Fail! and warmer weather Is the forecast for tomorrow.1.. The stornf now out in the nortlj Atlantic - is; still influencing- .the weather over New ; England and the east lake region, wherebigh westerly winds prevail.? Very ligh snow Is falling at Pittsburg and Cincinnati. .-nrougpout iue cuvrai. vaueyana west tlie " weather 'Is now fine; apd cool, with temperatures down ' to 22 it St. Louis' and pincinntf, f ypst cjcourreq t JVU.JM8- ew -9' ie4ns,-::-i;v,,J!-'..'Io-.''v '"--"' -' . ; Tbe weather is. warming up In Ue qrcaasfeoro Fffla( Cltof CcmBtaaee Ths approaching ootnmeooement of JBreenaboro JVmale college prom ises to 'l be ; one of the most Inter-, esting In Its long and glorious' hlsr -4 Thegraduating class is composed of eleven - ydung ' women, : whd . wiU gq out W qiess ai wun wnoni rtney obmi la ciltMtTne 6iQlaareat i.'iV a til .' j 1 sermon to be preacneo; pj( ; fltsnop Cha.rje B eaUoway, 4 O, of Jaclf son, Miss., whq Is on of the best actors (to 'e wntinefttv; i 5''"89l5T jpNorraanf Vwl)l,t-de itverf th6r5literafysaddresa.;Mr Norman' laf oneif of , the-stete's best preachers sad roost successful pastors.; He- counts; his friends la this state by ths hundred- and .-Probably tb: best Known woma.n ia the'Sou-h li-' Mrs." SallteJaaothall Cote'iii V RQ delUrera the address to the Alunansei Mrs. Cetton's recent address to th? Mothers aongress in Washington was. reported In the northern papers and received very favorable comments Everyone ox" peots something good from ner, sad she will . not .fail, to meet expecte- tions. ' C ""4 " v -" ... ' ; - j - v, r "- '. ' faV MaClara tq Ba tba Orator.' Colv A. McClure, the brilliant editor of the Philadelphia,; Tiwes wilt deliver the literary - address at the Salem Female Academy Com mencement this year. .Mrs.McCiure Is expected toaccompany the Colon 1 and attend the commencement. " i A SPECIAL TRAIN Wilt Carry Ralalshltaa to Chapal UiUtoSaa '. " ' tha Bis Oatna. . f ' ' Raleigh will be well represented at the big base ball contest between the nines of the universities of Vir ginia and .North Carolina, 'which comes off at Chapel Hill next Satur-. day5:i:;;;4 fif 4 - :. ' ": The Southern railway will operate a special f rain- Saturday - from Ral eigh to Chapel Hill and return leav ing Raleigh t ll;00 av jn4 and j fti riving at Chapel Hill at 120 'noon. Returning thetrain. will leave Chapel Hill'at 6:30 pml'and varrlv i-Ral. elgh at o'clqckJhe rate wUl be 3:?5ihedM:;Svi ?. Posters have been placeoiali'ove ths city announcing the game. A great' number of "Jranks"ftnd friends of the varsity will take: advantage of the feoutherns special. GREEK BOAT CAPTURED By as Aastrlaa Vaaaat WkUa Trylns to '". "-s , Ka th Bloakada. Casba, March 25. The Austrian Cruiser Satellite has arrived at Suda Bay, having ; in custody a Greek steamship with sixty volunteers aboard, The 6reek,sali vessel was laden with ammunition intended for the Cretan insurgents. The vessels were captured by the Satellite while attempting to run the blockade. The insurgentsmade'adeterminej attack upon the; block bouse fort at Malaia.outsideof Sudathismorning. The Greek government has ad dressed another protest to tha pow ers against (he blockade of th is land of Crete, and V formal repudi ation of all responsibility for any consequence to which it miy give rise. The newspapers which rep resent the ministerial oppositieo in the Boui dencunee' the "proposal of autouomy under Prince George as a betrayal of Hellenic interests. ' 40aMa(njnlay. Mr.. W. E. Janes, Raleigh's up-to- date hustling and wide-awake mer chant, Is to be congratulated on his unique, magnificent and brilliantly successful; i opeping -wbiah. --bega n at 8:30 oolocH last evening. Five hundred or more of Ral eigh's fair women visited - the millinery parlorsof this progressive establishment. -It was a most inspir ing sight. No, descrip ion is ade quate to picture the gorgeous and pleasing : effeot of the harmonious and perfeot blending of rich decora tion'?' under, the glo of numerous electa ligbts;f Lovely paAi$ lent an additional charm and grace to the scene..- 'We never- heard ; warmer words of praise from the lips, of fair, women than -was pasedj on . Jones', en te rjprlsel Sj- 6 evening... Mr. 6. Il'il to k eigratulie'd fil io, it o i IWftSadue to h is .bjllt and taste as 'an expert designer a,nd ecqrater tht the pie asi ng effect vas pBQduceq The big show win dow , was. . pronounced by a,U the most perfect wqrK of, th,e kind ever prpdnaed:n, h,epity. Mr Wilson is ' naran born a.rtist." The trimmed hte were designed by MUs Bertha Dunnocl , Mr. Jones' expert njlUineft MU Dunnook was with Mr; Jones tlast season ano oy ner artistic" skiU 'Won the ! distinction amongburRalelghladies,of being one of the most tasty and best trimmers in theJpityLast,evenIng's display gears out - this testTmooy xuiyf. cw tne hole was prooouncea by an to be the nost splendid and successful mlllnery opening evr ftttemptea in Ws prophesy, that M r, Jones busi ness., this season doubles that or any other.; season . he . has had. everything is, so , neat, -' tasty and elegant that no .lady can fail to be pleased. The opening continues toniifht. We advise those who could npV attend last night not i rlslt Kaeapttoa at lha. Maaaloa hl Kraa r, Mrs.. Russell will give a reception this evening complimentary to Mr, and Mrs, O T Bailey. Among the ihvitea guests are ex-J udge Connor, Br Matt Moore, of Duplin, Dr. and Mrs J W Cartorf Seoretary of State Cyrus Thompson. Col L C Edwards, of Oxford ; and Mr.rJS G Butler of Sampson Mrs.? Russell Is a most hospitable and charming hostess an$ during ths winter she has given many delightful receptions.- ij" Scaton Galea Lods. ?o. 6, O. 0, f . Regular meeting . of Soaton Galas Lodgy N M, I, O. O. F.,Thursdsy ntghtatT:30o 'dock. It is earnestly de sired that every member be present. . Members of sister lodpp are cor' dially invited to atteni. v- . . v ' - . f Hxjtar JYoyso, N. ' Touoi, Sec. - - ' TODAY'S MARKETS. . , . V . ' in .ml Tka Movraaata ia Hew York and Uvar i aool Markata , ' " Nw Yoac, March 85. Market quotations furnishm) by E. B. Cuthbert A Co., 30 Broad street, New . Yorft, and 305 Wilmington street, Raleigh, N. O., over their special wire: The following are the opening, highest, lowest and closing quota tions of the New York cotton market todayr" s-f' MONTHS. OPWrl HIGH- U5W- CLOS- e sr r 08 61 7 08- 7 Ol 7 10- 6 80 7 11- 6 67 6 70- 6 78 6 67- 6 76 6 68- 6 19 6 77- KST, January, February, Mayfh' June, . July; A MM . tut eo; wr' im 104 7 05 6M U78 5 6o a w t 03 7 06 711 7 12 8 6 78 6 70 8 U 8ept'mb'rJ uctoner, , Novemb'r, Dooember, Naw TorS Stook Market. The following, were the closing quotations on the. New York Rfciok Exchange today: Sugar American Tobacco Burlington and Quincy Chicago G.. American ftplrltt General Electric Louisville and Nashville Manhattan It ock Island Southern Preferred St. Paul Tennessee Coal Mid Itol Western Union. 1121 76i Ui 78 121 331 461 61t 27 751 264 3 Chloago firala sad Provialoa Market. Thefollowingweretheclosingquo tationsOn thoChicagoGrainand Pro vision market today: Wheat May, 721; July 71. Corn May, 241; July, 25i Oats May 17. July 18i; Pork May, 8, 75; July 8.S5 Lard May, 4.25; July 4.35 Clear JUb Slides May 4 67; July 70-. ! i! ; Uvoraool Cotton .Market. The following were the closing quo tations of the Liverpool cotton market today: March March-April April-May . May-June .v. , H.57-68 . 3.57-5t . 3.57' 58 . 5.57-58 . 3.57-5S , 3.57-68 3.CT-58 3.51-52 3.48-47 3.45 s 3.44-45 June-July July-August August-Septamber . . . September-October. . October-November . . November-December January-December. . Closed steady; sales 10,000 bales. V s. Marshal's Office to ba Located Greeasboro. The Greensboro Record says : James M. Milliken,, who was yes terday appointed U- S. marshal for tb.ls, the western district, Tame back from Washington this morning 5n the Florida special. Naturally he is a.mu,oh pleased in dividual, but he deserves bis good luck. He is a self-made man, start ing with nothing in the way of this world's goods, and making bis own way. It seems only a few years ago when he was hauling for the Snow Lumber company, of High Point, a bare-foot boy, receiving for his compensation &0 cents a day.. These are the men who make their mark la the- world. Mr. Milliken will move the 'office to Greensboro as soon as things can, be put in shape. Col la pee of Chleafo Poatoffloe Building. fiy Telegraph to the Press- Visitor. j0Hl.CA.qo March 35 A portion of the wall to : the postoEBoe bailding fell today." It la supposed' several workmen were burled. Oscar Encc son was taVea out dead. - BBIEM.- There,, are rumors pt '-several tashtoaabre;pps aetes weddings and the. Saster seMow promises to be very brilliant. The Governor appoints Dr Frank Bright of Rutherford a- delegate te tho Southern insurance Convention which meet in . Southern -Pines March 23th and X9ih- n ; - n ''; The new X-Ray machine, which was presented . to Trinity allege sometime ago by Mr. B N Duke, has arrived and for the past few nights has been on exhibition. ; j Mri 0 Cooke had quite f' curl osity on exhiblMon today . . It was three eggs," alf of which were. Uid by one hen aV or aboat. the same time. This la ft good hen and, one which should be encouraged, s Those who , desire to assist in a "pounding"' for- the beneGT of i worthy widow and three small chil dren can do so by sending a pound of provisions to. the01 residence of Mr. harleJ Lumsden at 216 North Harrington street Friday morning Manipulated Many. AROUND THE CITY. Pat-Pouni of tha Nawa Plotnrod on par Point aad People Pertinently Ptekad aad PlthUy Pa- la Prim .. V. Mrs. J. B. Alford is slowly re coveriiig from her reeentUlaess? - : Ashevilfe joins the Southeastern baseball league. Commissions were issued today to the newly appointed, directors of the North Carolina railway. The W B of St Agnes' Guild will meet at the home of Miss Mary Wil liamson Foster on Blount street to morrow (Friday) evening at 4:30. "The Baltimore base bail team has cancelled the date in April for a game with Wake Forest in this city. The cancellation -vas made on ac count of a bad schedule. Iron posts are being received for the state geological survey. At every seven miles from Morebead City to the Tennessee line these posts are to be placed and the eleva tion of the locality shown . Commencement at Shaw "Univer sity for the medical, pharmacy and law departments, occurs April 2nd. Dr. Wayland, of Philadelphia, is orator and Judge Walter Clark awards diplomas and confers de grees. State Treasurer Worth has in mind a plan to hold an "institute" for sheriffs during the. summer, with lectures on the: revenue and machinery acts. The treasurer wants to eive each sheriff a keen "nose" for taxable things. It is said here that King & Spaul- ding, Georgia counsel of the Sea board Air Lino, .and "Henry Smith, of Charleston, will appear against the Southern railway in the injunc tion case before Judge Simouton April 5th at Greensboro. Mr. George W. Grady, the eff cient manager of the branch furniture establishment of Messrs. Q. S Tucker & Co , at Wilson, Is in the city.-'Mr. Grady is always welcome in Raleigh by- a large circle of friends. It is expected by some that Mr. Grady will not return to WilsOri alone. There are openings and openings going on at this season, but the Messrs. Derwanger announce .that their grand opening of spring and summer wearables is going on every day at their popular store. If you doubt it give them a call. See their new announcement to day. The first number of the Pouthern Sanitarium was issued today. Dr. Scruggs Is the editor. It is the special representative of the Pick- ford Sanitarium, which has been established' at Southern Pines for the care ard treatment oi negroes suffering from pulmonary, bronchial throat troubles. Freight conductor Mowery on the Western N.C.RR. had his first experience with a female "hobo The woman was found between two of the car Mowery .'ordered her to orawl down and she did so with alacrity. The Salisbury Sun remarks that it is an unusual occurrence to see a woman among their number. The live jirm of Royail & Borden announce ; that they - w ill begin the greatest rocker, sale they have ever held on Monday next and will, con tinue it three days. Some unparal leled bargains will be offered and those who want to get the most at' tractive novelties in that line should call , as Manager Goodwin says be will be ready.' for them at the very lowest figures, .y'v'v? -;, . Mr! Harry Ward, the 'NextPresi dent of Minstrelsy,-, has' paade study of the weird dances 6t the ne groes of the tut south; and this year has produced with the great Barlow Minstrels correct .Tepreseutatuw of the comical dance the fPasmala' (pronounced by the colored peopl :--'rlB'!7"3lft.ll6 combination of gracefol and Intricate steps, which ate produced while the dancers sing ft ' nonsensical "negro melody, whioh lingers In the ears of the auditor for days after hearing it. ' Theord "pas mala" is a deri vatioa front the French words. La pas-, malaise" which, signifies "the peculiar fttep? '' - Minor Matters for the rm. f w a Rim Aa applloaot forth Eaaaarajaae-ial . . Ha la Ulsbly Eadoraad-. r xne name Of .vat. i. m. Argowm be presented to President MciCinley' for appointment to f the tasters Judgeship made vacant by the death of Judge Seymour. .:; -&'':VZf Strong recommendations ' have been sent to' the President urging the appointment of Cot. Argo. Lead ing and eminent lawyers from vari ous parts of the State have endorsed . Col . Argo with a view of, taking the appointment out of poUtteav-'v-'- CoL Argo has .the distlnctfon of being -one of the ablest lawyers in the state andasaxjrimiaai practitten er there are. not halt ft- dowft. ftttory, neys in the State who are ranked with him. Col. Argo voted for McElnley and generally speaking is classed as an independent factor in politics. Bather Queer. Greensboro Record. Governor Russell could not find a man along the line of the North Carolina railroad to take the place of director in the company. -He made a shy at our townsman,. Tyre Glenn, but seems to have dropped him like a hot potato. This republican Governor seems ft queer man. He has two distinctive peculiarities. - : First, he hates the man who brought about his nomination for Governor. We rather think he has reason for that. Second, he will have nobody but bootlicks around him. They are reliable people. He wilt find them his worst villifiers whenever his favors fail them. Aboat the Poblle School. The 1896 school tax receipts were $824,238 in the state. This gave 6$ school days, or a fraction less than 13 weeks. This falls short 17 days of the four months required by the constitution. The cost of the com mon schools is $12,500 a day, or $212,500 for the 1? days. To raise the total amount weeded the school rate would have to be 27 1:5 cents on the $ld0 valuation. The Legislature gave $80,000 to encourage local taxation, and if the townships can get together $132,000 in any way whatever four months schools are assured. Much the larger part of the money spent for common schools in other states is raised by local taxation. State Convention Yonag Peopie'a SoMay The state convention of "Young People's Society of Christian En deavor" will meet in Charlotte, the queen city of North Carolina, on April 23-25, and for the accommoda tion of delegates and visitors to this occasion, the Southern railway will place on sale round-trip tickets from all stations in the state of North Carolina to Charlotte and return at reduced rates; tickets on sale April 21, 22 and 23rd, final limit April 27tb, continous passage in each .di rection, thus affording a splendid opportunity to visit Charlotte. . Full information can be obtained by calling on any agent of the South ern railway. Blackburn to be Diatrlot Attorney. The Winston Sentinel of yester day says: Representative Speneer Blackburn, of Ashe, arrived to the city last nigbt. 'He was one of the republican leaders in the house during the "late" legislature. Mr. Blackburn has been to Washington since the 13th icst. He went home today. He received a telegram after arriving in Greensboro yesterday announcing the appointment of . J. M. Milliken, clerk of the superior court of Randolph coun'y, United States Marshal for the Western North Carolina district ' Ex-Sheriff Bailey, of Davie, had strong en dorsements and his- appointment was. ft foregone conclusion by . hi friends-, and supporters. . - Mr. Blackburn is on the programme for assistant district attorney. . ., , ' I I I I. I. i f . M Soathera B L- Held aa SolvaatL '" J udge Clarke, of t?ieUaited State court, has rendered ft decision In the Southern Building and Loan case ia which he declares the association solvent and "orders It affairs back into the; hands of the officers of the association and enjoins the, stock -holder i from , filing, further suits against the association on theground that a stockholder is a part of an as sociation and is not a creditor and therefore Cannot file bills for reciver against such association . ... , - . .. ' We regret to note that Dr T D Martin who has been so ill continues in a very weak condition. . -. ..