- a fm-:jYi El 1 A & VOL XXm NO.a22. RAlEIGH,.i C FJIIUAY EYENDfG, MARCH 26, 1897.; $4.00 FEB TEAK. : CLOSE CALL MM Partisan Decision bj Chair- v pan paired the Bill v REPSv NOTITHER6 And Democrats Sad Majority Seott, of , Penniflvanlaaoee to Parle Preei, " ; ' den la BeeoguUraf HUy ?OrtiJ ; - ' mP JMUater MeaLi - By Telegraph to the PresYMtor.; Washisqtojc, Laohmt o( Texas, offered an amendment la effect kill-. Ing tha Urlff bill while the demo crats had a majority this rooming, It caused consternation." ;A partisan decision by Chairman Sherman on a motion, which was' ruled out of or der, saved the bllC JJockery' then offered an anti-trust ; amendment Dlqgley rose in defense, but the chair declared. bimout of order.! ' President Mckinley today sent to the senate Hie nomination uf Edgar Thomson Scott, Of Pennsylvania, as second secretary to the embassy of the United StatesJn'IsiS; Although the outputof the ad mi nistr tion pjancbatlnues limited in quantity, the fact is noted ' with wiath 'Uj those who ; werenot original McKinleyjtes. that nearly all that has been dished out has ' gone to the original McKinley men. Th Is too, In the face of Mr McKinley 'a continued-reiteration of bla . inten tion to recognize no factious of -his party in making appointments. , It . is beginning to dawa upon the minds ot some of the republicans who were not fcr; McKinley' Jbeforiyjihe St. Louis convention, that they are' being trioked. Whenever one looms up as a prominent . aspirant for a good position, it ''happens that h run against ; Mr McKinley V very convenient rule sot to appoint men who cannot "get the endorsement of their entire congressional delegation- ' It looks very much as though the old antl-MYa would have to con tent themselves with '"the smaller federal offices i a their states, while Eing Hanna lakes cajra of " "our frlendsC . -A MeHlaley'a Proteotor Daad-v. Prrrsatrtd; Pa., March 23. 'Wmi i Fainter, a brakeman, whose borne Is in Altoona, died at the West Penn hospital tonighl frcm - injuries' re ceived while trying to protect the person of President McKinley from ,the pressing mob at the Union Depot on the night of Marcn2. - While try ing to push the mob back' Painter was thrown , down and .' trampled upon; He was carried, to the hos pital, and a lew daysigoqhderwent aa operation frorij whlcVhe died to . nigh,t 'Painter was ne of the three trusted brak.emeq on the president's private eav ead when: tho. train reached Pittsburg the., great crowd broke down the gates and tried, to enter the president' car.' Painter a,n,d bis fellow brakemen fought like demons tq keep the crowd off the car platform; hut Pointer was pulled from, the platform and -badly hurt. Jt was thought he was dead when , plowed np. lie was 2$ years ' r a , . TJW M of y;;v.." MaJ 0 Dowd tells the Charlotte News that he expects his life of Sen ator Vance to ba ready by th i st. pf Mayi;3VJS.'icK'''':.f r The book includes' C50 pages; the cheaper edition will be sold at II CO and the edition in better binding at t2 bo., i';::?-: The book will be illustrated with numerous portraits and views. -; Portraits of all the VancO family will be included.' . There will, be . three portraits of Senator Vance, one as a young man, one taken ! at about forty years of age, and his last photograph. -: There will' be, views of Vance's birthplace, his first . law c"ice. his residence here sod his mountain hbme'Gombroon,!'' '.) u i ' .. fjv Jtm of St Wcwf. Rpnriil Sunerlntendent - McBee. nf the Seaboard, savs the contract has been let for the oon'structiQa of the short llrfe from iydgeway, N. 0., and Kicbmond, va. ' ' : An InlunCtlon has been issued restrainlnghe new direotors of the Aliantio and Korttt . varouna rau ro;id from takinu any steps towards ionizing or getting control of the n .d. The case will, be .heard in April before Judge Allen. ,- -, " v TLe summerschool at the Unlvcr 6':y will t - is'ia Tuesday, Juoe 22, 1! ,a rrlJ.y, July '. THE LILLIE DAMAGED. Governor RiumU Consider U m BltMlgf it'n'Tttmturtr Worth BaBp.pV s A letter was received at the': ex ecutive office this morning giving information of an injury which the state steamer, the Lillie, sustained a few days since. .-l$'W .The Ullte was struck a hard blow on the stern by the vessel Columbia, which was towing the barge Jupiter. The injury to the Columbia is Mn a a vital part" though not a- serious one. : When . Governor Russell was in formed of he occurence he' is report ed to have ilVodAtMd'mbtA a blessl sTitefey Treasurer Worth, says it is a pity that the accident to the Lillie had not occurred two- yeai-s agaH.Uf-W;' The state officials have little love for the state's only ipaanolswir.rj.'jtj; If Vtj ProbsbU Fair Toaifht ett4 Set- 3 l-JS-ii y;?rii;?:'jtjr, The weather predlotlonfor Ral eigh and vloinityJa fair tonight and Saturday. A heavy frost is prob able.Saturday morhlngSp?;; The thermometer, was 38 Aula morning and the barometer 29,94. ;- The Influence ot the otorm is still being felt over New England. -The arrangement ofpressurf is favorable for a continuation of the fine weather now prevailing over almost the , en tire country east 'of the . Eocky The temperature .has fallen eon siderably in the east,, the -line of freectfg reaching as far aouth, as Knoxvilte. ;..Tbe temperaturef', has rtsea') invVhe' vest andVnorthwest where cloudiness Is Increasing, . Hons f tha Kcirolntlaa. ' . j The general socIetT; Sons of - the Revolution pf the United States wiU meet la the oity of Philadelphia, Pa., on Mondayj April 19th;-1897,' at 11 o'clock i. mi: H'M The following is the delegation to the general convention to represent the. North Carolina society at the above named time: ' ' - - . Delegates Ellas Carr, "James D, (Jlenn, Graham Dates, 'GeoxgdB Curtis," B Audrews,7r, AlternatesCollier .Cobb,". Mar shall DeLaucey, Haywood: Harlot Clarkson, George B Powell, Wm K - v Coartotad of MaaaUaghwr. s-'-' la Surry court Robert Moseley was convicted of manslaughter add sentenced Id; fifteen years Inf the penitentiary for shooting and kill ing bis brother-in-law, W M Gayer, last year. The families ot both men are among the oounty 's best citizens Moseley claims his;, brQtber?io?law was trvlns to burn his house when he .BOTit hint? Tbimur derecl man Ieavea a wits and si children'.1 Aotarprilat ttm&em? The enterprlslnir and up-to-date firm of Thomas & Campbell, "of this city, announce today that theyl' wil have a special rocker eaje to begin Tuesday, March 30th, at 19 a'clock. The rocker ' thai ha, been sold for 5 00 will be put ottsale that day for the sunt of t 'ftuV ora ,iban a pair to one enatomer.' Jx-'- ;; Those who fall to attend the rooker sale will have aa opportunity to get nice centre table on Thursday, April 1st, very -cheap.. Sea adver UsemenW . Y,M'.';,C,-4kJ The' rehearsal for fMyslle; Mid- gets" will be held at the rooms to morrow, Saturday; at 3:30 p.;, nv!n- stead of at the Academv.7 v.- The blcvcle club will hold Its an- nnat'me'eio nexVljonay evening at ' SiaiJ. ' Alt' membera who - riae wheels are' urged to 'be present. Officers for the year will be elected. There are no extra dues , of assess? ments.' ,-.- ..... ' - v. v .': : t t t. T ; : ' . ' "Rev Mr Glenn will be the speaker next Bunoay atternoon at o-cioc Wata'Saai45! ? The Me!ca.n E(eral4 savsi '; .' .: . 'iSUta' Jones, erra.tlo- evangelist, says1 he is going to Atlanta to. fjght the devil. Here la thp. place, O,' Samuel Here his Infernal majesty lures men to ruin with all . his most Ingenious devices, with bulls, cards mining shares,' underdone frljoles, and swapping lies with tourists. " , .i-.j ','- ' Corrtcttoa.'" :5 . It was .the popular firm of Jas McKimmon A Ca, that Invited Joppat millfners ofet to drink' onooolate, after the millioery opening On Wed nesday evening, instead ot " Dr. ilat' l-ez cs stated in a morning eon t. '.i-;r.'.ry. . - ' 7.'.-.' .' ' . ' ' ALDERMEN MET v vs: . . , . .",J; ta Spaalal Saaatoa Today 'St Sooa Waw ;: xne board, or : aldermen bad ..a special meeting today at noon, which lasted less than Bve mlnutes,-; ,. The meeting was called tor the purpose of making' several changes in the registrars, who were elected at the last regular meeting. - ' J J. Rowan Rogers; republican from the first ward, was elected to sue- ''' M R Haynes, democrat, from the second, ward was chosen to" suc ceed RG Upchuroh.:i;ji:; W 'A Gattls, Democrat IfronKythe fourth ward was elected to Buooeed D S HHrfito,7 W P Debnam repub lican f iron tbe, fourth'-ward was elected.to; seeedFagan Clements. . . The two republicans were chosen on tie recommendation of 1 1 O u Harris, la place of the two prflvious- lS appointed who declined to, serve Messrs Upchurch ' and Hamilton coiil4 not leave their pusluesi'la The ''. following ' Aldermen 1 were present- at the i meeting ; Simpson,. Mills," Drewrjr.Ivey, Perrall."Bnjr csutt Roovar and Bakerr: il ' L .... - - - -.mjaoaa'thaaynattomaaa,. ? .tthe Southey a) Express company has decided to close :a . number pf small offices in Florida. ;- Tbe 'jcause laths recent dectsbn of the supreme court o the United-States' sustain ing the state on- the appeal of the case whereia the validity of "the 1 state nd county, licenses was In volved. : The law" Is that au 'office having from' fifty ;to a hundred in. habitants ahall pay a total license of $15. $10 for the atate knd (3 for the county. ' This part of the law relates only to to was or offices not Incor porated. .The - com pany intends to close all that do not yield sufficient profit to mora than pay state and countr taxes'.v - Strawbarrtaa and Othar Ooed Talaga. The shipment of straw berries From Charleston, 8. C, will', begin this week. ' There is promise ot a very large crop. ' House-raised spring cabbage wilt be in the Charleston markejs the fi rat week in April, and 'sijBjkytejrwHl. .come the more tender "garden bers, squashes, beans and tomatoes,. To News and Courier quotes a well-informed truckman as , saying that the conditions on the ' farms were better than for. several years past ! The truck is all ahead of last season and is In " fine condition - ' It Is not too late for a frost to come and smash everybody's calculations, but the; planters ar j ; not expecting a cold Bnap this" season,' and unless if comes very quickly now thera will be ao rqrthef WlriXS?' -1 .''.- i ThP funeral of W. Sk Mitchell, who was associate: editor 'of the Gazette occurred yesterday afternoon at the Congregational church, The f aner al was one iof . the most largely at tended even herd iq Raleigh and It s an flyi("eice ioI the high esteem lo whioh the 'deceased was held, The funeral services were oonduot. ej by Ihe pastor of the church, Re v. tie. jCurtiav'; MrvMitohell iwaa Jii terred with Maaonlo honors by the Widow and Son 'a Lodge,' James H Youngi M.' W,', flrand v Mwjr, offt otating. 'SI The pall bearers wer O. Dunston,: M Upperaianr H. l Alston. M. Worthanv 1?.D Hrtoo, Stephen Hawkins, 8. 4 Webb.aad i Solomon Toung. Visiting Mason from Excelsior and Mentor .Lodges took y,. y-, . r-,..- . , ) 2'''''v W Baal Batata JPaaL , from, the Littleton, lewa Reporter we )earn particulars of a big land deal of which Vaughns, a station pi the Saa board Air Line, In Warren county. Is tle centre.. The Southern Farm Land Assoolattotti with H. W. B.' Glover as vpresidetV John- H. Sharp as treasurer,' Jottn T Patrick, as aecreary, "; baa ; p,Hrshtse4 ,000 acres of. land; m and acoun4 that place, a,n4 steps w, ill, at onoejbe made to Improve It b the fouadlnj; of prosperom aettlement ..Jt Is; the purpose of tha-promoters toiof dace the best olass of farmers, me cha.nios and- others to, settle upon these lands and- avery reasonable encouragement will.be extended In that ;directloa.-jfc.v xu. Il ls said to be the richest body of land " taken as a whole ia Warren county. V V: : v.. . . .f Pratt Safa. V"-"? . Mr, ,-Va Liudley and John A Foung, the Buraertmea, tar that frost did not hurt the fruit. .: Not ail the trees are yet in bloom. , . Vf- Q B AIlord'. Holly 'Spring. lain the city.'- ' ' . ,-.v HI Ambassadors 'caTing '; and ; Troops Withdrawn.. PRINCE Ootag Tfcaaaaly t paamaad tha Oiaak itroopa Ambaaud6ra aonaidarlM -' if-itf-i aWwysaa oWieraaaiat . p f ?' X-T'fjt? :;':. y. V BiiomcA, TMafeh jifiTha Tur, klsh'ebifsuls are'leaving their post tot .TbaaWy;;SJb4Hyta.( artillery Is going on in ; the front ; Thia au gers an advance.. the Turklafa armyir;?viiJi . v Atnuif MaTC2B,The; brown priflc'e' will atari tomorrow morning for heIywnerhe "will take command pt the Qreeic troops. Vixsha,, March 28.W-A battalion of Austrlaa infa.ntryett.T,e,e-far 3retotway.lVPart.,.bf the men will be stationed at Suda and -the re mainder at CaLeav-sl ? : CossTASTOtoPta; "March. 26. The ambassadors anv considering the advisability of reoommendidg that a European government be appoiuted for Crete. s The Turkish troops are withdrawn. t" Casxa, March ' SO.--Jnsurgents burned Mussulmen. property at fort Keratld. 'cSkirmialu? .proceeding about niage.; f Tikraria ' outside Soada this morning;' Shariff JovmIxmm All kU Boardara Bat i . foar Bjirokin tba Paa. Sheriff Jones and , hia force were busy today discharging and remov-' ing -boarder'a.' '';' fo-. ' Deputy Sheriff. ;Ei vers, took Tom Burch to the penitentiary this morn ing. The prisoner had nothing to say except to comp' .in. that his head still hurt blm. : C -ch has fifteen years tn which to r, cover, , Fifteen prisoner . were taken to the oounty - woi c ' house this evening to Serve out e various terms trf itBprWBriigawiTbeirjiames and terras for which tenoed ts as follows. Tom Richard son, 12 months? Florence Brooks, 4 months; Dune Matthews, 6 months; Frank Bnrcb, ?yearsj FrahkO'Nell. 6 montbsrMac Roak, 30 days? Robt. Garner, 39 ' daysjv John - Hunt, 6 months; Nelson Mangum, S months; Will, Solomon, 3 years; Doc. Locus 4.'months; Jim Jeffreys, 4 months; Jaa Brodief months; Tbos Rutb, 4 months:uaLee, 13 months)- John Lee 6 months. V1 ; Only "four prisoners are j left in jail. One of these isDicksona United Statea"prTsdner;' another.-is young Moore- ot Franklin,! kept- here for safe keeping.' ' Grorea is also in jail having fak'ea fan 'appeal itliBa preme courVr -4 t , JqstLieteaatlhla. . 5 Jim Ypuog'a paper, the Gaiette aays: Several sore-head negroes are circulatTfrfpeUtioos in. favor.oj A W Shaffer tor postmaster of Raleigh. Shaffer.belonge to the kickers, and he has put his petitions In the hands, of the right men. Let loyal JyepuW liiaa jbewsre bt.tbe fellows, jfj. .;:.v,,..:tU'aryBaliaVii.'i"i:- ' By Teiagt ph to the Pre VllK)r. 1 6ai,TmbBB,"Maiic4.- toVrrThe-' jury la the case of Dr. Joseph Tubs In the United State court for fiUhusteriog, after, berg p,u.t all night failed to aijree. 5 Tbe judge sent .them back again this thlf nornlog to deliberate further. ' ' , "- May Bava CkitH Bi Mina. The statement la, going; th rounds of the press, that Qoyeraar Ruasell made the positive statement that ha would sot accept the Judgeship .of the Doited States pist)ripi.CpHrif The Pnss-V8rQ iaowa ahsrj. lutely that Governor Russell made the remark soon vftor tbfc office : be came vacant that he would rather be appointed Judge, of thelastem Dis trict than eleoted sPrealdent of the United States.- r,fc?gs. May Hot Set ka and. ' ." i ' The State Board of Education met today in the Governor office..,. The Peabody fund was a subQCt pj did mission.; T, here. ts. s . .aeaslness es p,r',' Qurrie wUl refuse to allow aay of the fund to the colored nor mal school, in this state because the legislature refused to act upon his advice' aod, consolidato them. ', ' . : Mr. Waller, of Rurnngton, on oJ the trustees of the A A M. coljlege, was in the city today. . . . , TODAY'S MABKET8. TW Mareataata In Hew York and. V -.-.-; ' , pool Market y " Niw YoaK, 26. Market quotations furnis J by E. B. Cuthbert A Co., 30 Broad street, New , Tork, and 305 Wilmington Btreet, Raleign, N. C, over their special wire: The following are the opening, highest, lowest 'and closing quota lions of the New York cotton market today.- MOITTHS, toPKK- HIGH LOW OL08 IN8. INO EST. EST. January, reDruary March,! 0 04 7 7 03 7 08 T 12 7 It 6 80 6 78 70 84 6 93 4 91 6 U7 .7 07 7 08. t 08 6 81 78 75 4 73 95 7 01 7 05-7-10--7 U 7 11 6 8i- 7l. 78- 6 9i 8 W June,- - 1 VI 08 Jiept'mb'r.l 6 82 uotooer, , i Novemb'r, 0 71 75 ueoamner, " Maw Tort StooK Markat. The following were the closing quotations on the New York 8tm-k Sichimge foday-; . Suirar llll American Tobacco 73 J Burlington and Quinoy 71 Chicago Gas 781 American Spirits 121 General Electric Z21 Louisville end Nashville ' 46 i Manhattan..' : Rock Island 611 Southern Preferred 26 St. Paul 75i Tennessee Coal snd I rot. 254 Weatern Union 8'H Cblgafto Grain and Provision Market. Thefollowing were the closingquo- tations'ontheChlcagoGrainand Pro vision market today: Wheat May, 721; Julj 711. Corn May, 21; July, 25. Oats May 17. July 18; Pork May, 8,65; July 8.75 Lard May, 4.22; July 4.32 Clear Rib 8 ides May 4.62; July 4.65. Liverpool Cotton Market. The following were the closing quo tations of the Liverpool cotton market today: March - ... 3.57-68 b b b b March-April April-May 3.67-53 3.57-58 3.57-59 3.56 S.5& 3.55-5S 3.4&0 May-June JuneJuly v - -b b a b s September-Octobor . . . October-November 3.45 November-December 3.43 January-December 3.43 Closed steady; sales 10,000 bales. BRIEF. Messrs. Myatt & Hunter today re ceived a large order from Denver, Colorado, for the celebrated Kger- ton'Scotch Snuff. Mayor Russ ordered two white men, J. M. liowies and a. M. Law rence, to lt-ave the city this morn ing. Mrs. J S Woods and MissCEwing of Massachusetts are registered at the Park. Tbey have been spend ing some time atSouthern Pines. Col John S Cunningham and wife who have been spending some time here, since the adjoui nment of the Legislature left for their home in Person county yesterday. The entire stock -of the live and progrfjsslve firm of WooUcott and Son, for springes here and ihoppers ill Hod many pleasant sur- "prises. tWt styles areiitriotly up to date and the prices are the lowest on record. Don't tail to read their ne w announcement today; ' Mr. L' NJWblte Returned tp the olty i yesterdsjifrorn Baltimore, where he has been 'under medical treatment, very much" benefitted . He wad accompanied by Mrs. White who has been with him for the last ton'dajrsr."'"'T'""'"''V''',r': '' Messrs- J no. R Ferrall, jvey and Simpson,! iha - present . aldermen in the ftraV, ward, -will gn before the primary for re-election, and we bave no doubt they will receive that en doraement. .. They have no opDosi- tion and deserve to succeed them aelrea. .- v;:ir.. J :vl - ' ' Col. TiM. Argo, who is- promi neatly mentioned for '.the Easter j judgeship, continues to receive. let ters of endorsement from . learning members of the legai fraternity from alt directions, f CoLX Argo baa the distlnotipn o( being on of the lead,- yf McKln'ey me of tha.SW ; : Dir. S P WrigH one of th 'repub1 llcan.aldernjea Of Wilalngtoa, ap pointed by Governor Russell will be elected mayor-, of ;; tba; Clw Dave Sutton la said ta haw talked too, touch, to, sut , the goyernor, and thereby he let the mayorality of the largest city In the state slip away trom bun, WANT H0RE PIE. Tba Board of Agrlonltnre ATtn the Ex periment Station. ';'' The Board of Agriculture, which has been In session for several days past completed all business this morning and adjourned until June when the next meeting lakes place. A member of the board suggest ed that the Executive Committee meet here in June, as there was no necessity for the entire board meet ing at that time. There was objec tion to this and a member bravely spoke put that be wanted to be on hand if there was any ''pap" to be parcelled out ' Mr. Hill King stated in the meet ing this morning that a single session of the Board cost the State not less, than $800. It was decided that the Board should meet four times a year. There was some objection to this, as the previous boards have only met twice a year. The most important business f the day was the election of Mr J C L Barris as attorney to the board. Honors are being swiftly showered upon the idolof Wake republicanism but the god ot War accepts them with becoming modesty. Since the election in November the honorable gentleman, who is best known by the monysliabic word Loguef has had eight offices thrust upon him. And there are others to foilow. The Board this morning autho rized the executive committee to make a special examination into the Seymour decision and the Hatch act with reference to the experiment station. The board is not certain as to whether it can throw the ex periment station into the pie hopper and this committee is expected to find out. The board is very anxious to oust Dr. Da, tie and all other officers connected with that depart ment. Barlow'e Mlnstrcla Coming. Of Barlow Bros'. Minstrels which appear at Metropolitan Hall on the 29th, the Grand Rapids Democrat said : Barlow Bros. Minstrels made their appearance last evening at Powers' Opera House, to an excel lent bouse. -ThftJjiu steal portion was parti suiarlv strong. The bal lads of Messrs. Cbas. Ei may, Tom Crockett and Bert Gilroy were pretty renditions . The monologue work of Mr. Hr' 'Ty Ward was very funny, while the popular Mack and O'Day met with an ovation that must have been exceedingly pleasant to those favorite comedians. Abernathy Found Guilty. Arthur T Abernethy, the author of those two books of anomalous nomenclature, has been under ar rest for assault with deadly weapon on Rev R P Goode. On a plea of in sanity he was confined to the state hospital at Morganton. He has been tried and the jury readily brought in a verdict of guilty, thereby set ting aside the idea of insanity. But on being called it was found he had "given them the slip." Heisbeing sought. Mr. Lea. H, Adama Candidate for Tax Collector. Mr Len H Adams, announces him self a candidate for tax - collector. Mr: Adams is one of Raleigh'a- best known citizens and has resided here since bis boyhood. He has been a large tax paver to the city and has never before asked the support of the people for offioe. Mr. Adams enters the field with strong support and: if auooessfuji he will use his best efforts to make a satisfactory and faithful official. Rev. KL Chicago Record. The Hem Jli Gudger, of Buncombe county. N. C, is a candidate for minister to Brazil,- and, Senator Pritohard, who Indorses him, says that, notwithstandiar his extraordi nary name, he possesses o,ualifica tioes desired for a diplomat. Nottaa 1 . ' There will be aa ' oyster supper" tonight, March 26, '97. at Mr D. T. Moore 's.oorner of Morgaa and Blood worth streets, tot the benefit of the 'primary department" of the Bap tist Tabernacle Sunday school. The public are invited to attend and art assured ot Laving a pleasant cvea-lag.x;?'x?Vf.-v-t-i- -' .' "J 'fT'J "r' por4 aa t The Uillaboro Observer is respba aibia for the following, but as to Its correctness we cannot say i , It la reported at Hillsboro that Col. Carr haa sold the Occo&eeebee FaroA to northern partlea tot "big 'aiooey.t' ' SHORT ' STAT01ENTS.:.' Minor Matters; Manipulated 5 for the Many. AROUND THE CITY. Pot-ruarrl of the Hewa Matarad oa per Point and Peopl Pertiawatly Picked and Pithily Pa- la Print Mr Eugene P albea, of Winston, Is here. .. Caldwell county is to have a term of court next week the first In a year Mrs Russell will entertain the A fc. M college trustees this evening at the mansion. The Daily Journal is to be the . name of a new paper in Winston. It is democratic. Mr. C. L. Knight Is " the editor. rt -'.y Easter comes the 18tb of Aorll. Easter car 's are already occupying prominent positions in the book stores. Remember Royal 1 & Borden's rat tan rocker sale for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Note Drices in . their advertisement. General Robert C. Norfleet of Winston has accepted an 'invitation to assist on March 31st in making' President McKinley a member of the "Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine." By the advice of his doctors, Jude W. A. Hoke, who has been unwell for several days has adjourn ed Burke Superior court being too sick to continue, and he ia now con fined to bis bed. The Women's Exposition in Char lotte will open the 4th ot May. Twenty five cents will be the fee for admission. There will be three kinds of special tiokets individual, season tickets, clubticl ets and chil dren's special. Invitations are issued to the A vera Bible Lectures of Trinity College, to be delivered by Bishop W. W. Duncan, D. D., at Main Street Meth odist Church, at Durham, March 30 tb, 31st, and April 1st, at 8 o'clock, p.m. Farmers are busy preparing the soil for planting crops. They com plain that until the past few days the ground has not been in condi tion to plow since Christmas, and that consequently it is impossible to make a full crop of anything. Gar dens are just being planted . There will be a meeting of the sub- committees of the North Caro lina Teachers' Assembly this after noon at 4 o'clock. The purpose of the meeting will be to decide upon the time and place for the meeting of the next session of the Teachers' Assembly. Col. A. L Smith, o' Charlotte, late inspector general ot the state guard, having served over ten years, is, at his own request, and in ac cordance with state guard regula tions, placed on the retired list of the officers of the North Carolina state guard, to date from February 25, 1897. Uisbop Cheshire addressed a fairly good number of the alumna) of St. Mary 'a and other ladies in the Chapel of St. John 'a Church yester day on the subject of raising an endowment for St. Mary's School. His address was very forceful and entertaining. Fayetteville Observer. On account of the base ball game between the Universities of North Carolina and -Virginia, at Cnapel Hill, N. C, tomorrow, the Southern Railway , will run a special train from Raleigh to Chapel Hill and re turn, affording all who desire to witness this game to viait Chapel -Hill and return the same .evening. , Round trip tickets from Raleigh to Cnapel Hill 12.25; good returning Monday. ' There was an exciting race ba- . tween the Southern and Seaboard . Air Line trains west bound yester day afteTDOon. The Southern pulled out with about a quarter of a mile . the start, and was overtaken by the Seaboard near Method, but was passed again by the Southern train which ran into Cary : first Both . trains were aide by side tor a while and were knocking off a trot of about sixty milea an hour. ! The passeng ers on each train took a lively in terest in the race and each otTcred , to bet ea hia train at aay odd. . f I i. - - On.