o , t .1 THE PRESS-VISITOR, , RALEIGH. N. C. I'l HUSHED 1Y TUB VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY INCORPORATED . OONSOUDATION OP THE VISITOR, K.ST ADT.I SEP 1878, AND THE PRE88, KSTA11L13HED 1894. OtJice in the Pulleu Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. OKF.EK O. ANDREWS. Bdltor end Mhiim. I tSIKN I. MeKAKt, Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. ,).- V,..ir i-00 Sii Months 2.00 . Month 35 ' i-.nun-it as Stvniid Class Mail Matter (UNIONilFSiLABEi Hit- Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168 TUESDAY April C IPI CATIOVAL PKOr.KDSS IN NORTH CAROLINA. The next ' sessiou of the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly, which meets at Morehead City, Jjfiie 15. bids fair to surpass any occasion of the kind ever held iu North Care lina, The work of tbe session has been planned on a different systi-m, and will be conducted differently from that of ary session yet held. The most important innovation is in the introduction of departmental work. Half of each day will be de voted to the study of the subjects taught in our public schools and academies, special emphasis beiDg given to methods of teaching these subjects most successfully. Each subject will be handled by a teacher of distinguished ability and experi ence. There will be informal dis cussions, and the opinions and ex neriences of all can be heard and discussed. There willalso be classes i in Elocution, Vocal Music and Draw ing; and lectures on School Law and Civil Government. All of these de partments will be presided over by teachers from this and other South ern States who are in thorough sym pathy with our Southern people, and who felly understand the con ditions and needs of our schools and teachers. Special departments are being organized for the County Examiners and other school officers, college presidents and professors, city school superintendents and teachers, academy and high schol pri ncipals and teachers, primary teachers. Each department will b- in charge of a committee appointed especially to prepare a program that will iu terest and instruct those engaged in that particular work. The convention feature will be managed differently, and is expect ed to he more interesting and profi table than it has been possible to make it heretofore. Questions will be discussed that will interest al! classes of teachers and intelligent citizens. The speakers will include leading educators and others among them, some of the leading business and professional men and editors of the State. So that tbe question of education and its influ ence and effect upon the professions and business interests will b; dis cussed from every standpoint. The evening, or "Culture, '' lec tures will be of such a nature as to instruct and entertain everybody. The pleasure feature will be looked after with greatest care, and the musical part of the program will be complete. Hotel rates will be same as before, and railroad rates will be less than ever offered before. Official Buletin, containing com plete program and full information, will be, issued about the'" 15th of April. All the friends of education are invited to attend. W. H. Payne, Chancellor of the J University of Nashville, and Presi dent of the Peabody Normal College, of Nashville, Tenn., will be at the Teachers' Assembly this year. President Payne is the leading edu cator of teachers in the South, if not of America. He was for Several years' President of tbe Normal De partment of the Universityof Michi gan. He made such a reputation in that capacity that, n 1887, the Board of Trustees of the Ptabody Educa tion Fund, composed of such men us President Cleveland, J. Pierpont Morgan, Dr. J. LM. Curry, hief Justice Fuller, President Gillumof Johns . Hopkins ''-University, and Governor Porter of Tennessee, sent a committee to see President Payne, with instruction? to secure his ac ceptance" of the position offered at any salary he might name. Under his administration tbe at tendance has increased from about one hundred and eighty to nearly eight hundred. All the Southern States, and a number of the North ern States, have contributed to this number. President Payne is author, editor and translator of numerous works on the Science, History, The I ory and Art of Education. He is in full sympathy with the Southern people, and fully understands the conditions that couf ront us i The Peabody Normal has exer- i cised a "wonderful influence in edu cational circles in North Carolina The State has nineteen scholarships at this college, each worth 1100 cavh and travelling expenses to and from the college, annually, for . two years, with free tuition and books. This is about sufficient to defray the student's expenses. Many of the leading teachers of the State were educated there. Bncklen's Arnisa Salt. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price . 25 cents pr box. For sale by all druggists. Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as Execu tor of the estate of the late Crady Blake, deceased, this is to give notice to all parties having claims against said party will present them to me on or before the lsth day of November 1897, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery. A J. ELLIS, nm-19 lawfiw Executor THE FROST Has come and gone and you may seeus without tear or their being killed. We have just rep emsbed our stocks and offer a full assortment. HENRY T. HICKS, Prescription Druggist. Successors to Hicks & Rogers, Corner Fayetteville and Morgan Sts. New Shoe Store. We display for the next few days the grandest line of Easter Slip pers, Oxford Ties and Fine Button Boots ever shown in the Stat New styles in all the new colors, Patent Leathers, Patent Tans. etc. See our window display. S. 130 Fayetteville St. A. R. D. JOHNSON Johnson and Johnson. COAL and WOOD. If you want to make your houses comfortable, call on us. lowest Prices. Complete stock Antracite ami Bituminous Coals. Wood kept under shelter. Satisfaction Guaranteed ! Phone 150. Yard: Foot West Hargett street. CHASING Tk chue of tin dollar aomoays beat ptulud ob a Bnt-clM Bicycla. Suits Made to Measure See Oar New Spring Outfit Samples. OQG la essential to I health. Every nook 3 if) Of and corner ol the BBBr I J M yitem 1 reached by tbe blood, aad on its quality the condition of every organ de pends. Good blood means strong nertes, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood Is to take Hood's Sarsaparllla. This medicine purities, vi taliies, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ aud tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cures that tired feeling. Reraem ber, LHloods Sarsapariila Is tlie best - In fact the One True Blood I'urlflor. j. cure Liver Ills: easy to HOOd S PlIlS take. asy too:rate. S5C Sale of Land in Wake County. On Monday, the loth day of March, 1897, at the court house door in Ral- eign, 1 win aeuaL yuuuu auvbiuu, virtue of the authority conferred in the deed of mortgage executed to George B. Moore by W.J. riollemau and wife (Register's office for Wake county, Book 8.1, page bo'-i) the fol lowing described parcels of land in Wake county: 1. A tract of land in Cary town ship, adjoining the lands of (former ly) H P Tucker, the heirs of Nancy Williams, George Coover (formerly) and others, particularly described in a deed from O P Alston to said W J Holleman in book 20, page 415, in said office and alss from V P Brewer to Martha Holleman, book 26, page 641, in said office, containing Hi acres, more or less. Sale at 12 m. Terms cash, B. H. Battle, Executor of Geo. B. Moore. Raleigh, N- C, Feb 12, 1897. now plant your garden and flower Easter Slippers -AND- Oxford Ties. C. POOLr. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. JOHN 8. JOHNSON, Office 109 Fayetteville St. DOLLARS. Everybody is chasing dollars, and if you want to save them after you've caught them, Our Prices Will Help You, "LINENE" collars (reversable) 5c each. ' LINENE" cuffs, 10c a pair 10c socks, 5(a Pa'r- 20c suspenders 10c a pair. Working shirts 25c. The best umbrella on the market 50c. 75c laundered lured shirts 49c. New spring goods coming in every day. - Harris' Lifhia Carbbnaiod ImfnTOfrnfroffmRmnH We guaraLtee thot one glass of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water will relieve any case of indigestion in one minute's time or money re funded, or if taken after eaclj meal rill cure any case of indigestion. Read what the noted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C, has to say for it: Ma. J. T. HARRIS: , , ; Dear Sir For the past eight months I have been using Harris' Lllhia Water, with the most excellent results, where I have been able to get my pa tients to drink a sufficient quantity dally. The Carbonated has no equal in Gastric disturbances. Jn old chronic dyspeptics If you will wash the stomach with salt and water, and have an hour later have your patient drink the Car bonated Lithia you will make many friends and Improve many stomachs. It is an excellent table water. It is an excellent laxative, and is a sure cure for flatuleut dyspepsia. S. M. DAVEGA, M. D. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers, Aud wholesale agents for Harthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. Marchl8 ly U.H R-S-TUCIIERaCD DRESS GOODS WEEK. Novelties ! This week we place on sale an additional shipmect of high class Dress Goods, including many novelties never shown here before. You can buy one of these novelties with confidence that it is strictly new, of the latest fashion and the only dress of its kind in this country. Every new and desirable weave and color represented in this sale. Among the most attractive are : Moire Tringaline, Mexecanine, Canvas Etamine, Grenadine, Pplinettes, Grill Cloth, Open-Mesh Novelties, Railway Lace, Hasketines, Bordered Etamine And a host of other exquisite weaves. Silk Department. Now riUv Mocked with a rare Fabrics, pres nting a complete assortment of the most select weaves in high class silks fn.in medium to finest New Laces ! Our new spring stock is all endless varieties or the most winsome Net Top, Bourbon, Oriental. Irish Point, Arabian, Besides a complete line of New Insertlngs to match all Laces, in black, white and cream, at our usual W. H, & R. S. Simpson's Ointment CURES NASAL CATARRH. A Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. ; Pleasant Medicine The food you eat is of vast im portance in keeping the system 1 rgM. tat right ana you 11 rare ly have doctor's bills to pay. Good bread and butter is the host medicine In existence. If lt's bad it's the vorse. Probablv it's . never occurred to you how careful I you should be about your bread' ana your butter. We have a. flour which we iruar- aaUx to make the best bread 4t's possible to produce. There's no. adulteration, no bad wheat in It' simply the best wheat grown, ground in the best and most clean ly manner, 1 1 'a I'm a pi.cn Floor! And it costs S3 per half barrel. ' Better buy the -best, but we can ', give you cheaper it you want it. Now fur he Butler! It's just as important as then bread. We have a butter which perfectly matches the brand made 1 from Patapsco Flour. It's gilt-4 edgtu creamery butter, fresh,: sweet, clean, appetizing and abso lutely pure SOCrmii Pound: D. T. J0IINS1N, AGENT. EE. M. Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco A Positive cure for: Hay Fevej Catarrh, Asthma, Colds, Etc. They may be sboked not only with pleasure and impunity, but .with pronounced benefit. -. , Try Them. " Ask your dealer (or them, con tinue to use them and cure ia as sured. . v vl, . POOL MlORiriGj WHOLESALE AGENTS, malStf Raleixh, N C. "Pnfrvntc u- S-0 Foreign pro JraiLIllS curea. CgeneW. John son, Solicitor and Attorney In Patent :auiKM, 1729 New York A venue, Wash ington, D. C. Office established 1068. Charges moderate. Correspondence equeited. . - . collection of Novelties and Plain Silk grades. New Laces ! on display immense quantities and ana prettiest fancies in Valenciennes, Torchon, Russian, Point de Paris, Giujes. low prices, we invite inspection TUCKER & GO, Cut Floras Roses, Carnations, etc.. Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, For outdoor planting. Roses, chrysanthemum, 00 leu. and all kinds 01 bedding plants. Vines for the veranda. - Cabbage, Tomatoes, Egg and other vegetable plants. Evergreen, magnolias and shade trees. Extra-strong Marescnal Neil HO ES. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In stitute. Phone 113. octn Scrvlo of Summons by Publication. North Carolina, Waki County. Superior Court, Fib. Tkbji, 1897 W H Weatherspoon, plaintiff, vs. lone Weatherspopn alias lone vxrcnoru, aeienuani. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Wake county for divorce and to declare null and.void the marriage bad between the plain tiff and defendant; and the said de fendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the .next civil term of Wake superior court to be held on- Monday, the 22 day of February, A. D., 1897, at the court house in said county of wane in the state of north Carolina, and answer or demur to the comDlaint - in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the said complaint . - - " . d. h. young, a S. C. Peele A . Maynaid, attorneys for plaintiff. nno-lw rimli. Mil Trill tms Ihllirwd fi fl fst- :t k nS far Mmit Fir. .' iOWQmcfMOwtniu.s,pmsrOfnni ; Shm mL dimvlac m tksts, wltk WM Has. W m, u ssmuMs m mat, tnt m ckts vmtmvx atui mm i n puMUT, . Hjf Obtti. Psmsis,' M l MM UMlht, kmm Addnm, n: a -nrmwAfl ft. TOSS tiff tw imnrn Drains- DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE TO 1 Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleaus, Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia; Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 7 , 'D7. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv.N.Y.,Pen.R.R1100am 900pm Lv.Philudelphia" 112pm 1205am Lv. Baltimore, . 315pm 260am Lv. Washington, 440pm 430am Lv.Richmond,A.CL.85Gpm 905am Lv.Norfolk, S.A.L, Opra 905am Ly.Portsmouth, " 845pm 920am Lv.Weldon, "1128pm 1155am Ar.Henderson, "1256am 139pm Ar. Durham, " t732am t409pm Lv.Durham, " t520pm tlllOam Ar.Raleigh, " 216am 334pm Ar.Sanford, " 335am 503pm Ar.Sou'n Pines, " 422am 555pm Ar.Hamlet, " 510am 653pm Ar.Wadesboro, " 554am 811pm Ar.Monroe, " 643am 912pm Ar. Charlotte, " 830am 1025pra Ar.Chester, " 810am 1047pm Lv.ColumbiaCN&LRU . . . t600pm Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 945am Ar.Greenwood, " 1035am Ar. Abbeville, " 1105am Ar.Elberton, " 1207pm Ar. Athens, " 115pm Ar. Winder, " 159pm Ar, Atlanta (cnttime)250pm M210am 107am 140am 241am 345am 430am 520am No. 33. 750pm 1042pm 11 26pm 1333am 140am 109am 3 05am NORTH BOUND. Lv Atlanta, SAL. LvWinder, " Lv Athens, " LvElberton, " Lv Abbeville, " LvGreenwood," LvClinton, " No 402. 1200pm 240pm 216pm 415pm 515pm 541pm 6 34pm ArColumbiaCN&LRR,. 7 00am LvChester, S.A.L. 8 13pm 4 33am ArCharlotte, 10 25pm 830am Lv Monroe, LvHamlet, 940pm 1123pm 6 05am 815am ArWilmington" J530am 1230pm LvSou'nPinea " "1214am 920am LvRaleigh, " 216am 1135am ArHenderson, " 828am MOOpm ArDurham, LvDurhamf t732am t409pm t520pm fll 10am ArWeldon, " 455am 300pm ArRichmond.ACL. 815am 650pm ArWash'g.PenRR. 1231pm 1110pm ArBaltimore, " 143pm 1248am ArPhiladphia, " 350pm 345am ArNewYork, " 623pra 653am ArPortsmouth " ArNorfolk, " 730am 750am 550pm 605pm Daily. fDally Except Sunday, J Daily Exoept Monday. -, Nos. 403 and 402, "The Atlanta Spe cial, "Solid Vestiboled Train of Pull man sleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38, "The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Company keep ers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia, Mexico Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. New land, Gen. Agt...P. Dept. 6 Himball House, Atlanta, Ga. H. S. Leard, Sal. Pass. Agt , Ral eigh, N. C. E. St. John, Vice President and General Manager. H. W. B. GIovef, Traffic Manager. V. E. McBee, General Superinten dent. T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General offices: Portsmouth. Va, . Sale of Valuable Land. By virtue of a degree of the Supe rior court of Wake county,' N.- O., made and entered at the February term, 1897 of said court In the case of E. B; Barbee, turvivtng partner of the Arm of. Barbee & Barbee. aeainst Richard Taylor and wife. Dora & Taylor, it being no. ioe upon tee summons docket of aaid.oourt, I will offer for said at publlo outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the conrt- nouae door in the- eity or itaieigo, n. C, on Monday the 1Mb day of April, 1807, at 12 o'olock m., the following diacrlbed tract of land situated in said eounty about one mile north-east of Kaieign, n. u., adoinuigta aower iana oi mt. BiizaDetn xayior ana others, and bounded a follows: - Be ginning at a stake the north-west cor ner of the dowar land of Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, thence north 35 -degrees, east 318 poles to Crabtree creek, thence up aid creak to the mouth of the line branch, thence up said branch 278 poke ton stake, thence east 8 poles to the beginning, containing 72 mores, more or less, and being Lot No. 2 in the division of the land of the late George C. - Taylor, -ar appears upon record in the offloe of the Clerk of the Superior court of Wake county in record book- or partition o( land. pages 433 and 434. - ABMttTXADJONKB, UotnmUsioner : Adaalnlatraior's Moiloel Having Qualified as administrator of tbe estate of David H. Kinff.de oeed, late of wake eounty, M. o.( this ia to notify all persons havlnir claim against the said estate, to pre sent them to the undersigned on or be fore tbe 5th day of February, 1888, or this notice wilt be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make im mediate payment to- the undersigned. Administrator of David H. Kins-. Feb. 4, lS97ltw6w i Sale of Und. Under and by virtue of a powur ul sale contained in a mortgage . trout Marcus Hilt. Milly Hill, his wife, and Andrew Hilt to William Watts, dated the 27th day of . February. 1801. and registered iu Book IS 3, page 610, of the office of the Register of Deeds for : Wake county,. M. C. , I will- soll ou Saturday, January 30, 1807, at the court honse door In Raleigh, -N. V., at publi" outcry to tbo mat part or parcel oi i St. Mary's township, said, adjoining tee Bobbitt. Mrs. James ers and bounded as follows: begin ning at a stake on Big branch, thenoc south 1781 poles to stake and point- -ers, thenoc west 86 poles to Creech's spring brauuh, thence with said spring branch to Orr's Mill branch 85 poles, thence with Orr's Mill branch to the beginning, containing 100 acres Aud being the same land that was convey ed to Marcup Hill by Catherine Pol by deed recorded in Book 44, page1 242, Register of Deeds offloe for Wake county. Tune of sale, 12 in. Terms, oi sale, caen w. . jones, dec20tds Attorney. SAL.E UP I.M. By ylrtue of a decree of the Supe rlor court of Wake county, N.C., ren dered on the 15th day of April, 18ttt. in the matter of Mary A. Smith, some times called Mary Ann Morehead, etc., pending in said court, the undersigned commissioners appointed by said court, will sell onMonday, the 10th day of April, 1897, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, N. C., at public auction the following described tract of land, to-wit: Situated in Barton's creek township, in Wake county, ICQ C, known as the Emory place, con talnlne 1651 acres more or less andde ,' scribed in a deed from Peleg Rogers, trustee, to Richard Smith recorded In book 20, page 307, in the offloe of the Register of Deeds of -Wake county. Terms of sale: One thlriLof the pur chase money cash, the remainder in two equal payments in six and twelve months to be secured . by note bearlnr legal interest from day of sale. Title will be reserved until purchase monoy is paid in full.' Ed. Chambers Smith, JOHN T. Pullen, Commissions - LOST BOND. On the 3d day of January, 1808, Ardrew G. Hill and wife, Mary. A. Hill, executed and delivered to me their bond, ander seal, secured by mortgage, on real estate for two hun dred dollar with 4 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually, due and pay able on the 3d day of January, 180.. which mortgage I have, but the bond I have lost or misplaced and cannot find, and I hereby warn any and all persons from buying or trading for said bond with any person who may have found the same, as I have settled the debt with said Hill and wife by agreement. 30d Eddie W. Thompson. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-UNB.) .Condensed Schedule. la Bftact Jum 14, ISs. Trains Leavs Hallk Dally. "N6rfolk and Chattanooga Limited." 4,12 p. m, Dalljr.-Soud yestltHilsd train with sleeper trom Norfolk to Chattanooga via, sails bury, Morgantoo, isbevllle, not sprints and noxTllle. Connect, at Durham lor Ok'ord, Clarksyule and KeyiYlUe, except Sunday, at Green boro with the Washlntton' and South western VesU uled (Limited), train tor all points North, and with main line train No. U lor Danville. Blehmond and Intermediate luea -stations ; also h "S eoaneetkn tor Wlnston-Saleai and with main line train No. is, ratted states nut mil" for Charlotte. Bpaitanbnrt, Qnea. ylUe. Atlanta and all points South i lae Colum bia, Augusta Charleston; Savannah. Jaeitou Tllle and all points In Florida Sleeping Car for Atlanta JaoksonrlUe and at Obarlotto with Sleeping Car for Aosuata. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited, 11:45 A- Dally-SoUd train eooilttls Pullman Bleeping Cars and ooaebes trom Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 8:00 p m In Ume to connect with the" Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners.' Nerfolk and wah- Ington and Baltimore, Chesapeake and kMco mond 8 S Go's tor all polntraorth and east. Connects at Seuna tor Fajrettsvllls and iu terpiedlats station on the Wilson and P ettevllle Short tut, dally, except Sunday for new ers and Morehead city, dally for Oolds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate su tkms on the Wilmington and Weldoa Hall road. Express Train. 8: SO A. M. DaUy-OoooeeU at Durham for Oxford, Keysvule, IU hmoad; at areeasbor lor Washington and all points north. Express Train. 4:09 P. ft. Dally Por Ooldsboro and laler. highest bidder, I iana snuaiea in . I county afore- . I lands oi ur. j. u. i ureech and otn- I mediate stations,- Loeal Aaeommodatloa. ' s:0O A. I.OoonecU at Greensboro for all p UiU for North and south aad Wlnston-8alei and points on the Northwestern North Carolina Bailroad. At Salisbury, tor all points In West ern North t arollaa Knuxtllle. Tena , CumIb " natl and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spar tsnbnrg. GreenTlUe, Athens, .Atlanta and ' ' points south. Trains Arrive at RaUlah. N. C: Express Train, P. at. Dally Proa Atlanta. Charloue Oieensboro aad all points South. Norfolk end Chattanooga Limited. Q 4 : 1 a P. M. Dally Prom all point east. Nor folk Tarborov wilsoa and water Unas. - Prom Qoldsbora, WUmtngton, Payeterlll and all potaU ra Kaatern Oarouna. - tI Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11 14O A. It Duly 1 Prom Hew York. Washing- -v tea, Lyackbta-g DearuM and Grtwantaro, chat- aaaooga. nsajivtlle, Hot springs aad aahevtue . -- "'-o . ". . lapraseTrntn -. . . .fea. avtny-vomeoldberonad later f - . Loeat ftae A. a Dady-Proa "Ureeusbora and a poutt North and South.- SwrpUic Car from Greeutboro 10 KalelgB, - liNl a Dally exs pt Sunday Pram 0li. koro aad an points Bast Loral ftelgt trains also carry pasewigw -ftllsaatfears a alght Bate frw Kairlfv 1., - Greeuebwrn, ' Thniugli rullmaa veatlbut d Drawing Moom BanVt Heeyhig Car and Teatlbnled eoabae wttnmnetw.siinorMkUmn' DotiDle iially train tetwree . Balelirh tsar tatte ai d atlaula. lilek lla; unexaKTIad a . aonimNlaili4t - H. mi'iei, V 1 - : .. IJHHrl Hl,Mrttli.M, ,K W. A riUiK. " ' ,'linmal rmmprt ttrw. ; aablMliia I) n J, M. CntP. Traffic Mauitci - i

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