Wlnttm Hot. "ARinjinTO!, April 5, 1897. - Seuutor Jones, of Arkansas, chair man" of J be democratic national com- . imuee, uas issued an aa areas in dorsing the appeal made by Presi dent Black, of the national associa tion of democratic clubs, for a cele bratton of the 164th anniver ary of th birthday of Thomas Jefferson the author of the declaration of in dependence and the founder of American democracy, on the 13th day of this month by all democrutio organizations. i It really looks as though Speaker Rtftd really intended to carry out the announced programme of only having the house meet twice a we'k, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and adjourn. It may be that he can kePp this thing up during the two or three mouths that the senate will take to pass the tariff bill, but many are predicting that he will have to give the house n chance to do some thing or it will do something in spite of him. Is It to Clow .' The Greensboro Record of yester day say : It has been rumored around the city and elsewhere recently that the Mo Adoo House was to be closed up that it was not paying expenses, etc. It is a difficult matter to find out the truth of it, though for the boat information ob'ainable it seems such a step has not been fully de cided upon, yet something is going on regarding the matter, exactly . what we do not know. It is probable some change will be made this week. If the system is fortified by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which makes rich, red blood, there is little danger of sickness. MyMammaSays Takeme toThain.' A Point to Remember. If you wish to purify your blood you should take a medicine which cures blood diseases. The record of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla proves that this is the best medi cine for the blood ever produced. . Hood's Sarsaparilla cures the most stubborn cases and it is the medi cine for you to take if your blood is impure. Hood's pills act easily and prompt ly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. Panacea Water cured papa, big bud- uie, utcie sisaie ana 'me too.' Yes, every time mamma hear anyone com plain sho says, 'Drink Panaoea Water.' And mamma never makes a mistake, for she told me so." YELLOW KID. "Klght you are, my little follow, for It will certainly cure dyspepsia, gen eral aeoiiiiy, kidney ana imr com plaints, loss of appetite, chronic diar- rnaea, scrofula ana eczema, and re stores weak men, delicate women and sickly children to vigor and health." Mrs. YELLOW KID. Mattings, Baby Carriages and Parlor Soifs will be Oar Specials for !i:x: XI nl ! 12 large hottleg In case $3 50; single vuuie .vmj: ijuo miowea lor case ana empty bottles if returned Received fresh from the spring every week. North Side Drag Store. (COPYHItlHTKD.) Notice to the Public. I have Queried a hospital fur the cure of Blck watches, jewelry, etc., at the omoe formerly occupied by the s A L as a ticket office in the arboro buildinir between Otev's burlier slum and the Yarboro Hotel ofttcc. Work Hrat-class and cure warraut- ed to last one year with proper unaire. licspectruiiy, Wm. THAIN YANCEY S BOVEN, I )0 Morgan street. MANUFACTURERS OF Fam78gons,Buggies Spring Wagons, Carts, k Repairing done promptly. Horses and mules shod skilfully. uur wagon department win be un der the management of Mr. T. A. Bowen, who is well known as the boss wagon maker. ml2 lm r (COI'VIIKIIITFU. I "I have been thar. m23 lw ECONOMY HAIifai OK LAND. By authority of a mortgage from Augustus strotner and wife recorded in book 139 page 106, Register's office for Wake county, I will on Wednesday, April 14th, 1897, at 12 o clock m. sell to the highest bidder for cash at public aution at the Court House door of waif e county, Kaieigb, N. 0., the following described lands in Little River and Wake Forest Townships Wake county, to-wit: First tract lvinir on the waters of Buffalo creek and begins at the north corner of Newbern Watkin's and, thence east to Sam. Jones' cor ner, thence up said creek to Bright , Faisoa's line, thence west to a post oak on the new road leading from Seth Jones to Rolesvilie, thence . usinth tl tha Kn iri n i n rr Anfal nl nr 100 acres more or less, known as t Lunsford land. Second tract b the land conveyed to II W Jo j and Wm A Horton by Jas. Fowler, admr. of Moses King, and adjoins the lands of F W Montague, Seth Jones. Hartwell Hnrtnn W A Horton and others, containing 273 acres. For further description of said lands see the aforesaid mortgage. W. N. JONES, mrl5-lw4w' Attorney. BALE OF LAND. By authority of a mortgage from A. L. Ferrell and wife, recorded In book U2, page 6J3, records of Register of Deeds offloe. for Wake county, I will on Saturday, 10th April, lm, at 12 o'olook m., at the court house door of Wake county, sell to the highest bid der for cash, the following described land In Marks Creek township, Wake county, to-wit: Begins at a stake, P. H. Mangum's corner, runs south 87 i degrees, west 42. 6u chains to a stake and pointers, thence south 3i degrees, west 10. 70 chains to a state, thence, l south 87 degrees east 10 chains to al stake and pointers, thence south 3 de grees east 16.64 chains to a stake, thenoe south 87 degrees east31.72ohains to . a slake in P. H. Mangum's line, thenoe north 4 degrees, east 30.63 chains to the beginning, containing US acres. . The land described above be ing lot No. 3 of the Richard Terrell lands allotted to A. h. Ferrell. tds W. N. JONES, Att'y. May be necessary in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many-, but It is not desirable to practice it in the purchase of food, which is life. Below a oertaln standard food Imperfectly nourishes: up to tha'. stand ard It costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable prioe for our Groceries. RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that is not the best of Its kind. and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it. ROBT. PORTNER Brewing Co.'s Bock Beer 05 S O a. 9 4s iTttmfuiil I j OS W to vj O so i i o 2 5' O X o CD 9? Now on sale: Our greatest success Superior to Bavarian Beer, There are others, but you will know PORTNERS by the Delicious Flavor, Heavy Body, Rich, Creamy While Form. Gall for Portner's. CHOICE GROCERIES Always In stock and promptly delivered when ordered. TINS. PESCUD. You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious Question What to Give the Bride By sponding a lew moments looking through our new and comp etc stock of Sterling Ware, Got Glass, Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SONS, JfWILERS AND OPTICIANS. Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. Ale and Porter $1 per for private families. Special Prices on Baby Carriages Next Week. 300 to Select From. THOMAS AND CAMPBELL. Cross & Linehan. Mid-Winter Sale-Clothing Excitement, It is more than sensational it is intensely exciting. Never before nave you had just such an opportunity at this season of the year, but we ar' determined to follow our old time custom of clearing up winter goous i'i.i you reap the benefit. Below you will rind some of the bargains: Men and Youth's Suits. (Jo.CD hottll'H Thos marl lw Jones, Raleigh, N. C. ZACIIARY & ZACIIARY Wholesale and retail Commission Dealers in All Kinds of kouqii Lumber, AND DRKSSKI Laths. Piue and Cvm-essShi'iirles. Frames. Doors, Sash and Blinds, Hard and Soft Wood Mantles. Slate and Marble Mantles, Iron and Wooden Tubs and Tanks, Iron Col umns, Beams and Iron Stairs, and all other Iron structures. Iron Fencing a specialty. Iron and Steel Roofing, Siding and Ceiling. Finials andGalvanized Iron Cornices. Rave Trough, tin andGalvanized Conduct ing Piping; Heating and Ventilating Apparatus, and all kinds of wood working machinery. tnce, Koom MPullen Building- correspondence solicited; fll lm MORTGAGE SALE OF I, AND. s By virtue of power conferred by mortgage executed tome, bv Lucray Blake, W G Blake and wife M L Blake and A Mooueybam, on the 24th January,, 1894, which said mortgage Is resorded in the office of the register of deeds for Wake county in book 131, page 195, I, will sell at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door In the city of Raleigbs at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder on Saturday, March 27th, A. I). 1897, the following described tract of 'and, lying and situate in - Wake county, in House's Creek TAwhshin. betnff the land occunied by Lucraty Blake (at the time of the execution of said mortgage), and the same which was conveyed to Mrs - Malinda Howie by Lewis W Peck ; administrator of William. Peck ' by ' deed flited May 2, 1853 (see Agis ter 'office (or Wake rounty, book 1 9, page 550) and from WTboa Howie to said Lucraty Blake and others by JA A-A Qm TannkKV IRfiA fu VICUU UIHI ai.. -" regiaver uiuco iui o wuuvj , book 58, page 332) which aoid deeds are made a part hereof, and which said tract of land contains one hun dred acres. W R Blam, feb23-dta . .Mortgagee. Tte Dew Ide. Ar jroa brlM nd dmrl U m, ftM BhMrtr af Um of your erwq, lio nwrt iogrupcood Bw oom wbi off end. WhM'M yooHumwtiwiiwuiiuiwiM omwrn par, eh turn onnUliili Pto of Murie. VoaJ or lM4nimital, UtUU FuhioM. Good 8tort, DnunatksHeiraudPortraitoof Pretty Actr Mil, HouMboU,ToUatwI Tutor Work MinM, aU for BeeBHyw,poMpidt mH too food to br Irva, hut fir joa meOr wbM wo wlnctln. Sim oonki and aw lot jsonatf. THB JTKXT IDKA. CO., . Mil BroMwav. How Tork Ctty. inyaraiLtci:! mS fwhhMloanwlM AKMrtok, fu olMM music W " kud- aaa.ankU(mkloMltlMt of voool m hwiiniiul rario.boridwfoar or ttrm porUmlM of I ding ootruweo, auanriptiM kf t Tmr, ounpto 0007, M OU. AdOxMl Tk Off TOU IUSICAI, WM CO t BraoAwoy Tkoura BoJUteft Hmt To, NOTIOH Having qualified at administratrix with the will annexed, of Clara A. Strickland, deceased, this U to notify aU persons indebted to the estate to make Immediate payment to me. All persons having claims agnlimt the estate will present the same to me within the time prescribed by law. or this notloa will be pleaded in bar. Address me at Wakefield, N. C. or my attorney F, H. Bnsbse. Raleigh. VIRGINIA N. GILL, Admx. e. t. v. of Clara A. Strickland, dee'd. mar II lm ; SALE OF LAND. By authority of a judgment of the Superior Court of Wakecountv. made in special proceedings entitled L. B. Young, executor, Wm Mitchell vs. An nie E. Debnam and others, 1 will on Monday, 5th of May, 18w7,atl2o'cloclc m. at the court house door of Wake county, sell to tha highest bidder at fiublio auction a certain tract of land n Wake Forest township, Wake county, beginning at a stake on the cedar prong, Scarboro's corner. thence south 21 degrees west 170 poles to a stake in the Fenny Hill tract ol land, thence east 101 poles to a Dlack oak, corner of Penny Hill tract, thence north 21 degrees east 391 poles to a stake, thenoe south 87 degrees east 25 poles to a white oak, thenoe north H degrees east 130 poles to a poplar at the low grounds, them e hlong with the low grounds to a red oak on the banks of the creek, thenoe up said creak to the beginning, containing 150 acres, and known as the Hart afield land. Sale made to make real estate its sets. Terms of sale, one-fourth cash, balance within six months from sale day with interest Title reserved until purchase money is paid. W. N. JONES, Com'r tliK Of CITY PROPERTY. By virtue of a decree tof the Supe rior Court of Wake county, N. ;., in the cause entitleu "Hill, trustee, vs. Elizabeth Reaves et alu," 1 will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Raleigh, N. '., on Monday, the Hd oar of May, 1SD7, at 12 o'clock noon, the following lot of land: Situate in the city of Raleigh adjoining the land o. the eotate of the late Churchell Harris and others on the east side of South Hlount strett, and beginning at said Churchell Har ris' southwest corner on said Hlount street, thence east with ' said Harris line 1274 feet to another line of said Harris, thenoe south with said line 861 feet to Bledsoe avenue, thence weet with said avenue 1271 feet to Blount strret, thence north with east side of said Klount street. 801 feet to the be ginning, ai being the lot conveyed to Elizabeth Rivers by S. P. Penning ton, mortgagee, deed recorded In Book 113, page 462, Register of Deeds office for Wake county. This is a corner lot near Shaw University and la val uable property. 1 B.C. BECKWITH, Com'r. March 81, tds All our X 00, $10 50 and $11 suits now $8 OO All oiir 112, $1250and $1.1 f0 suits now $10 0O All our 1 . j , $1H and $IK f0 suite now $12 SO All our $17 50, $18 50 and $20 suit now S I R OO Mens' Trousers. All our $2 50 and :t';wits now $2 00 All our $.1 50 and $4 pants now $:i OO All our H, $1 50 and $5 pants now $4 OO All our $li, $1! 50 and $7 pant im $3 OO Colored Shirts. Ponnor price 7.V, l and $1 25 now GENUINE Early Rose : White Star SEED POTATOES. Ordered direct from Michican. the ; best potato country. Be sure to ret ! the best und at low 1. rices of Jones Si Powell. Goal! Goal! Goal! Eureka Black SpliM aud durable. Jellico very hard Splint, very ftOc Former price 1 ' anil $1 50 flow A glauce at our window, or a call will convince you of the above (nets All our $7 50, S8 and $10 pants 11. $ 00 The above is only a few of the bargains will do well to compare prices. CROSS & LINEHAN'S, store foi you, anil voti 210 Fayetteville Street. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY I A. luur easier Linen Will be as spotless as the Raster lily, if you let us do your laundry work. If you lo not notice a marked improvement over the way your laundry has Ik en done, we shall be very much disap pointed. Shirt buttons and lielii a'e articles of woman's wear are per fectly safe in our hands. Page & Marshall, proprie,orS iPHONE 87. Rubber Stamps of All Kinds Made to order on 24 hours' untie Isaac's Celebrated Glucium Pens MM) tfross, 10.00 i-eat jjrns.x Alfred Uilliams & Co. The Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid-up Capital . $100,000.00 Depoits .... $300,000.00 Offers its customers every accommodation consisto'tit with safe banking Safe Deposit Boxes for Sent on Reasonable Terms. Nome ixl business olliccs to lei ' J. J. THOMAS. I'residenl. A LK A THOMltsON. Vice I'l csi,lc.,i II vJKRMAN Cao e ' M JACKSON AssiKU.it Cashier free burning. Anthracite. Nut, Stove and Kgg. i-OCAUUNTAS STEAM COAi. cornea from the cek brated Pocahontas Flat Top 'Field" where there are about forty oiieratifnia or separate mining companies. We have spent sometime in this Field" and then visited the general agents for the 1'ocahoutas Loal in Philadelphia and arranged that uly the best coal in this held be shipped to us. All we are receiving, or shall receive, is of this kind. This means the Ix-st steam cal in America. Those who want the best anil want to save money in fuel aud boilers should burn this coal Those who have 'money to burn'' can do so more rapidly by burning othr coals. Weight and quality guaranteed by authoriey of the general agent. Jones & Powell, Mitiers" Agents, Ualcinh, Phones -11 and 71. N. ('. TO THE Southern Baptist . . Convention AT WILMINGTON, N. C, May 5th to 14th, 1897. THE Seaboard Sir Line OFFKRS Best Service ! Quickest Routes ! AM) A HALF RATE. In addition to the regular superb double dui y srrvice, it is proposed to run Three "Baptist Special Trains' FROM Virginia. Noitli Carolina. Soma ('arullni unj Georgia, Making immediate connections with trains from all oints. North. South. Fast and Wcmi- For special primed matter, maps, time tables, rates, tickets, sleepers and all information, address or eal on D. A. Xkv I.ANII, Gen 'I A't Pass'r Dept. Kimball House, Atlanta, fia. -Or T. .1. Avpkhson. ften'l Pass'r Ag't . Portsmouth, Va. SAliKOF REAL ANI I'KltSOVAl, PKOPKItTY. By authority of a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county in an action entitled T It Crowder and N fijl'TiauTr-trading us Crowder und Rand vs. E G- Rogers and others, rendered at February term 1897, 1 will on Monday, April 10th, s)7 at 12 o'clock in. at the court housedoor of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder at public aud ion for cash l he following described real and per-.onnl property: First parcel begins i the point where the eastern line of Saunders street extended touches the Rhamcat nl. thence mum h -eastwardly wilh said road 52j feet lo I he soul hw est corner ol Int No 2 in block 8 of the lands of the Rex hos pital trustees thence north vrnh l la line of lot No. 2. ."ill fe. t lo stake corner of Fideiia T Rogers, lhencc west vi n ner line ..- i-j led lo , ,.,.s ,.x j win MfHV. Saunders si reel, liieme south willi! ,.rii mi. n 1S'17 ui ,U l, ( i-i ' nniiig c h'ck in . scl at the ourl house Hale of a Valuable Oily Resilience. I.ol Mini of an order and clerk of the Suoe In pursuance judgment of the nor court in and for said Wake county, North Carolina, in special proceedings upon a petition for par tition of land, entitled Nettie Br. tig ers and husband, W H Bridgers. Dora Wal, man and husband, Henry Wiibinan. Blanche Freeman and oth- said si reel ti: fi ct to tlie br Second pio sel Begins ,,l Ihi- i si side of Saunders st reel al IJ M l'i man's i oruer, runs west wilh i 1 Uizinan s lire an 1 that of R Vy.bit aker US feet to a st ike. I henc si'un h wardly 211 feet lo a slake, i hence eastwardly 84 feet toS.iuiidersstivet, thence gorth with said street 2." feet to the beginning. At the same time aud place under tlie ; foresaid judgment 1 w ill also sell In the highest bidder for cash. one eight horse Mope engine, one baud planer made by Fay A Co., and one saw and fixtures. W. N. Jones, Commissioner. i 3olentlflo Americn u. m & m w -jar I 111 XWJi OairwaTa. rana iZiibm- MaroN Mruri AMvinuv. For tnfnrmatloa and tnm tbadtnak writ to UMN CO, Ml Bkoaewit, Naw yc. Oldcat Irarcu Kf aaenrlaf patents la Aincrlr Etstt mwiit taken out by tula brmtjrht beforv lb pabUo br otlolraa tn oi gtiaej la Ux gtintiftt $mtltnu frrnat rln-nla1o of ur aHnUfln paper hi i r worlil. bplanlldlr llluatratad, Ko ljilellleni aw abould b without It Warklr. ai.Ow a reari 1.50atKtnoolha. artdrwa, Btwri oo,. Viiauavuu, attt Bruartwaj, w Vur Olij, Ooor oi said county the foi oit,g de scribed pli'pi lit lo llie higliesl bid tier at public inHciy, viz: litin; n lot upon which there is a rcsioci . . situate in the cily of Baleih. -;.m county, and bouuilctl autl de-i ritn .1 as follows: Hy a line hvgii .mi ;.i a point tin tlie i'-l sitle ot Smih Salisbury street 52J he' mulh liciu its intersection with West Stilh si reel, rui.niigtl ei.ee west HKi.fo I tiieiHC i or h S24 feel, ll.ilni ( uM 111') fed. lliene. miiiIIi ;"i2. fid lo Il e beginning. In n j; l"i nil ilv the l.i tne place ol I' A I iii ii iin ; ml l.er I. us band, h J l'lei n an. Terms of said sale, one half cash and the balance in one year's time Iobkrt C. Stiuim. March 3. Commissi, ,, ( AOMINlSIHAIOH rK Mi'llCl: Having qualified as aln,ii isii.,i, of the estate of Nancy Hat i is, h . ciBscd. late if Wake rmii.l t. N, C. ilns is I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;i.i (eis. i.s l aving claims against the mid estate present them to Ihe nudersign. d i.i his office in Raleigh, N. C ,on or le fore the 26th day cf March, 1S98, or this notice will be plead in liar if their recovery, and all panic in debted to the said i sinle it ill p!i r make immediHle payn.ii.t to 1 1 .- un dersigned. J.' C. Mahcom, AdminLstratiii' B. C. Beckwithr Atty. . mi'f, w

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