V i ,. f- - f. . i i THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. TUESDAY April 6 THOS. J. PENCE City Editor. Index to New Advertisement- Miss EdnaRobeson Stenographer Administrator's Notice J H Al- ford. Alex Kreth Scouring, Dyeing, Repairing. The Weathsr Tomorrow. Forecast for Raleigh. I 1 Local forecast for llalelgh I rm not extending beyond a ra I Tus of 20 miles: Fair tdnight and Wednesday. In creasing cloudiness Wednesday eve ning. Local Data. Local data for 24 houra ending at 8 a. m. (today) April 6, minimum temperaturo, 54; rainfall, 0.02 Conditions of the Weather. The following were the weather con ations at, 8 a. m. today: Slate of the weather Clear. Temperature of the air t l) deg. Sensible temperature 00 deg. Wind Vttlot'itv i't Direction of wind W PKKSON.il . Mr W B Counsel. Jr. of lioono, is in the i-ity . Mr W M l'er.soii. i f Luuisburg, was in the city today. Mr Sum Harper, of b'uyettevillc, a popular trawling nan. is at the Yarboro. II A WA I IX ANNEXATION Mckmlej in Send u Special Commission cr to the Isl.ind to report. By Telegraph t" tin- lYes-Visilor. Sax DiBio, Oal . April li -Prom hints dropped by officers of the United States Cruiser, Philadelphia, it is now accepted that lim vessel is awaiting the arrival here of a special commissioner to be appointed by the President to take him to Hawaii whete he will investigate the condi tion of ailiirs there with a view of making a report on the question of annexiug the islands to too United States. iov. Steadman to Locate at Greensboro. The tlrcensboro Record says : Hun. Chas. M. Stedman, Lieut, (ioveruor of North Carolina from 1881 to 18S8, is iu the city and what is more has decided to make this place his home iii the future. Col. Steadman hns been residing in At lanta for the past few years, practi cing his profession, the law, and has beeu'very successful, butthe colonel is a native North Carolinian and no matter how successful, he has yearned for the State of his nativity. This has grown upon him until it has be come almostamaniawith him Atlast he decided to come back to the Old North State to live and die among his people, although it is to be hoped the latter contingency is a long way olT, for Col. Stedman is a gentleman any community will be proud of and Greensboro is glad to have him cast his lot among us, hopingthathe will find it remunerative fioma business point of view, and knowing that he will certainly find it pleasant. He is known as a great constitutional lawyer all over the couptry and should have no trouble in finding business abundaut. Ulcyclc Hiding on llillshoro Street Hillsboro street has grow n very popular of late asa bicycle thorough fare und many jray riders frequent it every afternoon. The riders and various vehicles have come to be so thick that it is feared that collisions. may occur, and the suggestion has been very properly made that the bicycle riders lake one side of the street, say the North side, and the buggies and other vehicles the other. We think this is avery good -suggestion and may possibly avoid a bad accident by the smaller ve hicles coming in contact with the large. New and Sparkling'. Many who have heard Polk Miller twice will be delighted to know that he comes this time, with au entirely new program of songs, stories and sketches, Every oneshould bear him at the Academy of Music Thursday 15th. Admission 50 cent, no extra for reserving seats. , . Manteo Lodge, I. O- O. F. Manteo Lodge, No. 8, I. O. O. F., meets tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Every member is earnestly requested to be on hand. ,Mr Rule Temple, who has been one of the most prominent citizens in the county died last week at Temp's Pt O. this county. . V Hood's Sarsaparilla is known; to be an honest medicine, and it actu ally cures when all others fail- Take it now. Did Tom EW Try Electric Bitters as a remeny foi your troubles? If not, get a bottle now ana gei renei. xm u.v.... has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief ana cure 01 an female complaints, exerung a derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and II at all druggists. Alex kreth, Seoarinc Dyeing, Repairing. I do to perfection scouring, clean ing, dyeing and repairing at short est notice and at the lowest rates A. KRETH, It 122 South McDowell st. Miss Edna G. Robeson. General stenographer, typewriter and neograpner nas an omce in vuo Yarhnrn and IS Dreoareu to uo au kiiHs of writinir. Understands the forms of law papers and offers her services to the lawyers especially. aprC lit Stands at the Head. Aug. J, Bogel. the leading drug wist of Shreveoort. La., says. "Dr Kinff's New Discovery is the only King that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have. " J. F. Camp- hpll. merchant of Ariz, writes: Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it nevei fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds. 1 cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King s New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has hflen tried for a ouarter of century, and todav stands at the bead. It never disappoints, r riv iriai ties at all druggists. hot hoe Lost. Liver and white female pointer wiili short cut tall. Reward will be naid. Deliver to l his office a5 lw For Over Fifty Year-s Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It smithes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrha'a. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggists, iu every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle Bo sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. " and take no other kind Wanted. To buy or loan money on watches, cloaks, pistols, guns, all kinds of old clothing, shoes and hats, jewelry of every description, h W C Harris, pawnbroker and steam dyer Suits cleaned 75c; cleaned and , ed $1 50. East Hargett street, Ral.-igh. 2 lm Wanted. Experienced sa'emen for :i full line of Lubricating iU ami . reases Outfit free. Send r Terences Lib eral commissions. The Clinton Oil Co. ap5 2t Cleveland, O. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Charles McLean, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said Charles McLean to present the same on or before the 5th day of April, 1S9S, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate wiil please make immediate payment to me or my attorneys. This 5th day of April, '97. Daniel McLean, Executor. Argo & Snow, Attorneys. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Susan V. Alford, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of April, 13H8, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery; and all persons in debted tj the sad estate will please make immediate payment to the un dersigned. J. H. Alwrd, uprti lawGw Adm'r. t file at lee iiuiiiumiiuiiiiuiuiium rnmTffnnTTifTnWfTfTnWW Jones' Millinery is a very popular place these days. All the ladies stop at Jones' Millinery whenever they are down town. And no wonder, for what woman ever tires of looking at and talking pretty, stylish milli nery, and when did you ever see as handsome, roomy, airy, cosy a milli nery room or as handsome a stock of millinery goods, or one half so good at near so low prices as Jones? You re ver did: no, not one. Lovely hat shapes in all the new, pretty materials, hundreds and hundreds to select from Miles of Rainbow-hued Ribbons. Piles upon piles of vari colored braids, acres of brightest hued flowers, from the tiniest wild flowers to the most gorgeous of the floral kingdom. Nature copied iu all its splen did ; fiar monies -f colors-. , Then see our magnificent array of trimmed hat --oros of grace and beauty a delicious airiness and lightness tnateriuls m sofi and HiJh'sy a woven threads of spiders' web. Hats fit to ... ., - h,. j i ;, grace Jh. Bnt broifi i s s, ., . - . -rWt iwe ioft, clinging, airy, filmy, graceful dress fabrics to match all these Indescribably lovely hats, and they are as cheap as the hats. No wonder the ladies hawjuade the phrase, "Meet meat Jones' UInery,' so pepular alt oree town is it. W.E; JONES. CRESCENT BICYCLES Are the Best. They are made in the largest fac tory in the world . They are made by skilled workmen. Every part is carefully tested. There was seventy thousand made last year. We have sold Crescents over threeyears, and the first one we ever sold is now in daily use. Skill, experience and honest work places before bicycle riders this line of Bicycles, which is the BEST IN THE WORLD. Tbos. H. Brings A Sons, RALEIGK. N. C. ? Peter Henderson's Garden and Flower w Seeds AT McKimmon's Drug Store, 13! Fayelteville St., lUleigh, N.C. PLANT Landreth's Garden Seeds And you will make no mistake in the begin ning with your gar den. The oldest and best seed house in the country. Kor sale iu Ualeigh only hv, W. H. KING & CO., Druggists, Jones' Millinery. Oa.ch this Space TOMORROW ROYALL The a1) just receive 1 gentlemen in t-f-nrufifiit a few , I . Uanifler Co w i.iK and ci "' i iat-ni HELLER A very fine Ih.e of Pickles, Cutsups, Sauces, Olives, etc. Any variety of sweet mixed, sour mixed . Gerkins, Midgets, Chow-Chow, Picallili, etc, in bottles or by measure. We Offer Today An extra fine lot of Southampton, Va., Hams. Utmost care taken in the curing and smoking of these Hams. Also best brands of sugar cured and North Carolina Hams. Breakfast Bacon, etc. We want you to try a small SAM PLE sack of our unsurpassed "Melrose" Flour. It will surely please you. This Flour is ground from finest-selected wheat and has all the prop erties that go to make the best bread, etc. No Shoddy Staff Kept. My complete line of staple and fancy Groceries are fresh and of the best quality obtainable. Your orders will be appreciated and will have our prompt and care careful attention. J. D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax S'.b. Telephone 12S Easter Novelties, Easter Toys, Easter Eggs, Easter Egg Dye, n's Loose Raisins 5c lb; London Layer KaisinsiOc lb; Sweet, Fresh Oran ges 12c doz; sweet, fresh Oranges 20c doz; sweet, fresh Oranges 25c doz; best Candy only Uc ID; tinoco late Cream Marshmallow Drops. Nut Chocolates, Bon Bons, Fruit of Paradise. Best line of Flower Pots, plain and painted. Flower Nurishers. Now w, the time to look after your Flowers. Base Ball Bats, Gloves, Mitts and Balls cheapest. AT Riggan's Toy Store. One pound ruled or plain Writing Paper, worth lOo at lOo. One pound ruled or plain Writing Paner (linen) worth 30c at 18c . Linan Envelopes 8o package; heavy Envelopes 6c package. Box Paper 6o 24 Enve lopes and 24 sheets Paper; better at 10 and 12c box. - : HAVE JUST OPENED7!!. B. STRONACH. fa BORDEQ. of Ihe new rdiaDes for spring wear, and J. S. Punier Co. Fiue Shoes for leather, Hussia calf and vici I id. BROTHERS. Goods the People Want, Prices the People Like The Newest Wash Goods at the LowestlPrlces Ever " Known. Our wash good stock contains man; new and beautiful things for the spring of 18M7 many high class goods that have been beyond the price of economical buyers. The designs in Koechlln Organdies and Dimities 20, 26, 35, 40 and rOc yd. Sheer Crisp Dainty Paris Organdie, Flower Designs, from smallest to largest effects, L'5c yard. A magnificent assortment of new American Organdies. Very choice French ideas, which have beeu clever ly imitated by an American manufac turer 8 l-2c and 10c. Scotch Dimities, hie yard. French Jaconets, 10c yard. Scotch Lappets, Mull and Stripes, the new pale shades, flower designs. The newest and prettiest novelty of the season, linen silk Grenadines for waists and dresses, in stripes, in re sada, gold, cardinal, navy blue, black and white. Silk and Linen Batistes. Allovers and Embroideries to match. Black Silk Grenadines, figured in brocaded make, elegant summer gown, having 11 the richness of silk without its weight. For Confirmation7 CZ3 and Other Wear. 72 in. white French Orgaodies,36t to $1 yd. OUin. white swiss organdies, zat to KOc yd. 40 in. sheer white Lawns, 7c to 15o vd. White Habitual Silks, 60c, 60c to 7Sc yd. FASHIONS.: ions," the most attractive Issue of our popular maifazioe, is now ready. Call aod set and copy. No tiharira to our customers. : v A. !BV Ctrdnach, Dry Goods, Notions and Sfioes) - Raleigh, N. 0. Wodllcott & Son, Big Department Store. Short Verses from ShoeDep't Ladies' iongola oxfords, (1 75 1 00 ' 1 25 1 00 inese lour items are very nne goods for the money. All the latest toes and lasts. Our general line of medium priced shoes for all feet can not be excelled. Wash Goods Your special notice is called to our 10c line of percales in stripes, checks, dotted and Dresden effects. Our new stock of fine ginghams will go at 10c, goods that have 'heretofore sold at Hi and l?o Cheviots, ducks, lawns, prints and other wash goods can be found in the stock. Crockery. Special liue oflinglish dinner sets at $4 99 Large assortment of hand somely decorated toilet sets just re ceived. Prices ranue from $2 99 to $13 50 a set. Porcelain and Japan ese fruit plates 50 ar.d 60c per set. Underwear Ladies' gauze vests 5. 'i, 10, 12, 15, 25, 37 and 50o. Full stock mus lin underwear cheaper than you can buy the material and make it. Apion ginghams 10c. Stamped linens, all kinds miehiue oil, paper weights, buckets and brooms. Fly paper, vasaline, clocks and other useful articles. Our terras are cash, Our stock is large, Our clerks are polite, Our aim is to please you. Woollcott and Son. The New Fashions Are Astir. LiiilUllUUliUUUUliilUUUlllil According to the Calendar, Spring Is here, Likewise the Spring Suits. The phophecy has come true. We promised to boost perfection up a point or two higher. The trying has succeeded. It we do say It our selves, there never has been sach a "bang up'' good stock shown before. Beyond comparison, now, you'll agree. Already you're speaking your appreciation not in words in actions. Your satisfaction is conta giousit has spread new faces tell us how deep it has "struck in." - The better we do, the more we do. We've done our best, and we'll do the biggest business we've ever done That is OUR Reward! Yours is a greater variety to select from a bigger money's worth. You can see that in our superior liue of Suits at $7 50. $10, $12, 915 to 125, and we show you the correct suits right in style, right in fabric, right in make up the best for the money at every prico. They Are Simply Superb ! The Hats, the Neckwear, the Underwear are all ready. All flavor of spring, all smack of this same superiority that make Berwangers' leaders. 8. k D. BERWANGER, Leading One Price. Clothiers. Sherwood Higgs arid Company SECOND Ask your attention to their second Spring Opening display m mgn ciass nery and invite your tiori of their new models, Thursday , April 8 Jarious Departments. Notions See our new line of $1 kid gloves in white, black4 and colors. Ladies' drop stitched hose 10c, all colors. Embroidery silk novelties in shirt waist sets to sell at 10, 25 and50c White parasols 99c and $1 61. We are show in ir the very latest novelties in ladies' cuffs, collars and neckwear. Belts of all descriptions in plain and fancy. 500 new novels by the most popu lar authors, 5, 10, 15 and 19c each. Millinery This department for ladies sur passes any stock ever shown in the city. We have an extraordinary large assortment of medium priced hats to show you. Say you want a hot from $3 to $5. If you do we can please you in style and fit. Our stock of fine summer organ dies, lawns and other sheer goods is very complete. Silks in the new effects at 25, 35, 50, 75, 85o and $1. Velvets and velveteens, linings of all kinds Groceries. Try our 50c tea. It. will please you. Black and green. Burilett pears, Californias, 18c can Extra large California peaches 18c Medium California peaches 14c can uereals of all kinds. Flour, sugar, meats, meal, pickles, coffees, teas, spices, soaps, rice. crackers, etc, Give us a call when you need some groceries. We are agents for Butterick Pat terns and New Home Sewing Ma-, chines. We also have a good' ma chine for 125. Woollcott and Son. jmuir .;&iWv; .im irispec - ; C jl 'i'L , 3 ra OPENING i . : "A It

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