THE PRESS-VISITOR, HALKIGII. N. C. Ml III.ISHEIl HV THK VISITOR-PR ESS I'OMPMV IINCOKPOKATKM A CUNSOt.UiATION OP THK VI8ITOR, KSI'WtUSKD 187H, AKII THK PRESS, ":ST.lll,rSHKD 1W4. Ollice in the Pullet) Building, comer r'ayetteville and Davie Streets HUKKK l. ANDREWS, Pditor and Manager. I ISI'KH N. McRAKY, 4nllsltln( Kin. Subscription Prices. one Year 4.00 Six Months 2 00 i in.- Month 35 KuuTfd as Second Clans Mail Matter IIH Leader in the News and in Circulation. old millionaire to spite one of his neighbors. The house is a four story structure. It is only 5 feel wide and is 100 feet deep. The hall way is so narrow that two persons cannot pass one another therein. This strange residence was built some years ago. It occupies a nar row strip of ground which a neigh bor wanted to buy from hiui for $1,000. Richardson refused to sell it for less than $5,000. This sura the neighbor would not pay, and the millionaire built the house, and has since occupied it as his home. Hnoklen's Arnica sslve. The best salve in the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pr box. For sale by all druggists. TKLKr'HONK No 18S. FRIDAY April 23 Persons informed that a ':.i;e peanut oil factory has been erected at Norfolk, Yd., are apt ta ask what the oil is used for. It seems that it is already sold as a table oil, a base for soaps, and as a lubricant for con fectioners, makers of plug tob ceo and maeninists. I'eauut meal will be refined for invalids, and the coarser material pressed into cakes for cattle. The humble peanut may yet restore wealth to the unproduc tive fields of Virginia and other parts of the south. Mrs. Hirdie Morgan, who has re cently made formal application to enter as a soldier under the colors of the nation and the state of Col ordo, has no intention of withdraw ing her application. At the office of Mayor MoMurry she reiterated he intention of joining the militia. Iu a, joking manner one of the promi nent city officials said that she would make an attractive appearance in the garb of a militia man. She replied that not only was it her in tention to become a soldr but more serious consideration of the matter had led her to believe that a com paDy of women would prove an im portant adjunct tothe national guard of the state. Notice. Pursuant to the resolutions of the board of directors of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, adopted at a meeting held April 10th, 1897, a general meeting of the stockholders of said company will be held at the office j( me company in the city of Raleigh, N C on Monday, the 12th day of May, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m. By order of the board of directors, R. C. Hoffman, President. apl2 lin Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Susan V. Alford, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claisss against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the Gth day of April, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery; and all persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the un dersigned. J. H., aprli lawo'w Adm'r. Paf onfc '- and Foreign pro X dLClllS cured. KugeneW. John sou, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, 1729 New York Avenue, Wash ington, D. C. Ofllce established 1868. Charges moderate. Correspondence They A Back "There are fads in medicine as well a in VUISIC other things," said a busy druezist. " bot the most remarkable thing about Hood's Sarsa parilla is that customers who try other remedies all come back to Hood's, and this is why the enormoui sales of this great medicine Hj kP "1 alld continue the g OwholB year round, steady B Was a clock. "Why is it?" "O, simply because Hood's Sarsaparilla has more real cura tive merit than any medicine 1 ever sol.!." This is ot daily occurrence in almost every drug store. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured more Bickness, and made nnre happiness through restoration to health than any other medicine. tmoo Sarsaparilla Is the standard the One True Blood Purifier. m, n-n are the only pills to take nOOd S PllIS with Uood sSarsaimrllla. EE. M. Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco A Positive cure for: Hay Fever, Catarrh, Asthma, Colds, Etc. They may be smoked not only with pleasure and impunity, but with pronounced benefit, Try Them. Ask your dca'er for them, con tinue to use them and cute is as sured. POOL &M0RING, WHOLESALE AGENTS, malStf Raleigh, N. C. An Open Letter. HTTTTTTTTTTY iTtTTTIHTI miiiiuu hummus HAGERSTOWN, Ma, April 21. 1897. The Julius Lewis Hardware t'ompany, Raleigh, N. C. Gentlemen: We are sending you under separate cover a pho gvaph of a train load of Crawford Bicycles which left our factory April 9th. We frequently ship from one tothree or four car loads a day, but this was an extraordinary shipment. We were loading from seven o'clock in the morning until the train left at half past four, and would have sent another car load could we ha"e got it loaded. The shipment went to New England, and shows that the "Crawford" is a seller. We are Very respectfully, THE CRAWFORD MANUFACTURING CO i-x: tj Harris' Lithia Carbonated We guarai.tee that one glass of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water will relieve any case of indigestion in one minute's time or money re funded, or if taken after each meal will cure any case of indigestion. Read what the noted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C, has to say for it: Mr. J. T. HARRIS: Deais Sir For the past eight months I have been using Harris' Lithia Water, with the most excellent results, where I have been able to get my pa tients to drink a sufficient quantity daily. The Carbonated has no eaual In Gastric disturbances. In old chronic dyspeptics If you will wash the stomach with salt and water, and have an hour later have your patient drink the Car bonated Lithia you will make many friends and Improve many stomachs. It is an excellent table water. It is an excellent laxative, and is a sure cure for flatulent dyspepsia, S. M. DAVEGA, M. D. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers, AuJ wholesale agents for Harthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. Marchl8 ly According to a New York tlorist, the sale of Easter flowers amounted to more than $200,000 in that city alone. Azalias, ascension lilies and bulbous flowers, such as tulips, hyacinths and lilies of the valley, are mostly sought. The prices are very high, for, according to the florist, iu no other business is Hie connection between demand and price so apparent. Sometimes there issuch a glut in the flower market that it becomes necessary to sell surplus stock to street venders. It often happens that 10,000 roses are sold in a day for $10, and twenty four hours later, when the demand suddenly renews, that number would bring $1000. Let Me Speak to You About Tooth Brushes. You have probably bought some high priced Tooth Brushes that were not what they were represented After using one a short time it loosened up and shed bristles in your mouth. We do not make brushes, but we sell them an ' guarantee them. If they shed you get your money back. We believe this i-, fair. That's the way we do business. HENRY T. HICKS, Prescription Druggist. Corn- r Fayetteville and Morgan Sts. The Queen of Greece is looked upon as a mother. Her lastes are simple, and her disposition must kindly. She has never got over her own great sorrow the death of her eldest daughter, the Graud Duchess Paul, whose departure from Athens to be married was more liks a fun eral than the preface to a bridal. All Athens turned out to wish her jc V. But the faces of the bride and mother were blistered with tears This being thought a bad omen, the air was tilled with lamentation The princess was entreated by the women to turn back and wait for some propitious time to begin her journey. liut tne princess was married and was killed in less than two years by a fall from a carriage that was going at a furious pace. New Shoe Store. A New Shoe in Town. We have just received the latest thing out in en's Colored uark Dottle green, vict kid, cloth top, new coin toe. "It is a beautv." Also new styles in Chocolates, Ox Blood, Browns, etc.. at prices that will please you. F!.$.TUCEflCC After Easter Buying IN DRESS GOODS. This big store's after-Easter showing of high class Dress Goods at the most remark able prices that have been offered. We have made great preparations for the greatest rush of business during the coining week in our Dress Goods departments, both black and colored. Mary new ideas and after thoughts will be introduced. We have exercised every faculty we possess to have these Dress Goods stocks perfect true to fashion, beautiful in shades and design, elegant in taste and economical in prices. This week must be the most notable Dress Goods week of the season. We gladly welcome you. 7. 11 & R. S. TUCKER & CO. Shoes. 130 Fayette ville St S. C. POOL. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. Don't Be A Ready-made Man When you can get a Tailor Made Suit so cheap. See our samples and prices. 0 Joseph Richardson, the eccentric millionaire of Harlem, N. Y , is dan gerously ill. He is 84 years old and is reputed to be worth $20,000,000. This fortune he made as a builder and contractor. Richardson's resi dence is one of the curiosities of Il.'iiein. It is known as ihe "spile bouse, ' because it as built by the j an 1 nl.... 1 ffl x ' -srvrauRiiir. X tm mm am w' TyaAV jm ill IP MAD& Simpson's Ointment CURES NASAL CATARRH. Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. lit urn w mm DOUBLE DAIIY SERVICE TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 7, '97. SOUTH bound. No. 403. No. 41. Lv.N.Y.,Pen.RRl 100am 900pm Lv.Philadelphia" 112pm 1205am Lv Baltimore, 315pm 250am Lv. Washington, 440pm 430am Lv.Richmond,A.CL.856pm 905am Lv.Norfolk, S.A.L. 830pm 905am Lv. Portsmouth, " 845pm 920am Lv.Weldon, " Ml 28pm Ml 55am Ar.Henderson, "1256am M39pm Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, t732am t409pm tSaOpm til 10am Ar.Raleigh. " 2l6am 334pm Ar.Sanford, " 335am 503om Ar.Sou'n Pines, " 422am 555pm Ar.Hamlet, " 510am 653pm Ar.Wadesboro, " 554am 811pm Ar. Monroe, " 643am 912pm Ar.Charlotte, " 830am M025pm Ar.Chester, 810am M0 47pm Lv.Colurobia.CNALRU . . . f600pm Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 945am M210am Ar.Greenwood, " 1035am 107am Ar. Abbeville, " 1105am 140am Ar.Elberton, " 1207pm 241am Ar. Athens, " 115pm 345am Ar. Winder, " 159pm 430am Ar, Atlanta (cnttime)250pm 520am NORTH BOUND. LvAtlanta, SAL. LvWinder, " LvAthens, " LvElberton, " LvAbbeville, " LvGreenwood," LvCltnton, " No 402. M200pm 240pm 216pm 415pm 515pm 541pm 6 34pm No. 38. 7 50pm 1042pm 1126pm 1233am 140am 109am 3 05am ArColumbiaCN&LRR,. t7 00am LvChester, S.A.L. "813pm 4 33am ArCharlotte, M025pm 830am Lv Monroe, LvHamlet, 940pm Ml 23pm 6 05am 815am ArWilmington" J530am M230pm LvSou'nPines " M214am 920am LvRaleigh, " 216am 1135am ArHenderson, " 828am MOOpm ArDurham, LvDurhamf t732am t409pm t520pm til 10am ArWeldon, " 455am 300pm ArRichmond, ACL. 815am 650pm ArWash'g.PenRR. 1231pm 1110pm ArBaltimore, " 143pm 1248am ArPhiladphia, " 350pm 345am ArNewYork, " 623pm 6 53am ArPortsmouth ' ArNorfolk, 730am 750am 550pm 605pm Dally. tDaily Except Sunday. fDaily rjtcepi Monday. van le My Property for Sale. Alley ()() 321 120 EARN IIOW 60 CO !l IIS 66 if : t'lllij 60 ! 60 ! tiO 60 1 60 LITTLE IT COSTS Stylishly town suvercoat5. TO YOUR MEASURE.. Wilmington Street. Ten large and valuable city lots now on Bale, including th elegant home place of the late Hon, A S. Merrimon, situa'e on North Wilming ton street, near Peace Institute. Parties wishing to purchase lots for homes or Investment in a most desirable location will pleae call at once as it is our intention of disposing of this proierty verv qttiuklv, and our word for It, if you neglect this opportunity you will regret it, as there Is no other property of this class for sale. Will take pleasure in showinir vou the nron- nd making right prices. . A. W. MOYE & CO., Real Kstate and Fire Insurance Agts., 224 Fayetteville street. Phone 207 C. api iu in erty an Nos. 403and402. "The AtlantaS- cial" Solid Vestibuled Train of Pull man sleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38 "The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports- moutn and Atlanta. Company sleep ers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. Newland, Gen. Agt. P. Dept. 6 Himball House, Atlanta, Ga. H. S. Leard, Sal Pass. Agt., Ral eigh, N. C. E. St. John, Vice President and General Manager. H. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager. V. E. McBee, General Superinten dent. T. J. Anderson. General Passen ger Agent. General offices: Portsmouth, Va, Gut Flowers Roses. Carnations, etc. Bouquets, Floral Designs, palms, Ferns, For outdoor planting. Roses, chrysanthemums, coleus and all kinds of bedding plants. Vines for the veranda. Cabbage, Tomatoes, Egg and other vegetable plants. Evergreen, magnolias and shade trees. Extra-strong Mareschal Neil ROSES. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In slitute. Phone 113. octl7 LOST BOND. On the 3d dav of January, 18M, Ardrew G. Hill and wife, Mary A. Hill, executed and delivered to me their bond, under seal, secured by mortgage, on real estate for two hun dred dollar with per cent Interest,, payable semi-annually, due and pay able on the 3d day of January, lt,, which mortgage I have, but the bond I have lost or misplaced and cannot find, and I hereby warn auy and alt persons from buying or trading for said bond with any person who may have found the same, as I have settled the debt with said Hill and wife by agreement. 30d Eddie W. Thompson. jli m .. . . .. . , . i. Notice to Contractors. Scaled proposals for the erection of an annex to the northern exposure of the colored department of the North Carolina Institution for the Kduoatio.i of the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, in the city of lialeigh, will bo receiv ed at the otlice of the principal until noon of May 10, 1817. Plans and specifications can be seen by applying to the principal. The Institution will furnish brick and the contractors all other materials. The Board of Trustees will require bond for the faithful performance of the contract, and will reserve the right to reieot any bid or bids. 20 101 JOHN E. RAY, Principal. Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as Execu tor of the estate of the late Crady Blake, deceased, this is to give notice to all parties having claims against said party will present them to me on or before the 18th day of November 1897, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery. A J ELLIS, iovl9 lawtiw Kxecutor SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, 1806. Trains Leave Raleigh fatly. "Norfolk end Chattanooga Limited." 4,1 2 p, m, Dally, Solid vestibuled train with notice ok sAiiE under execc TION. J. D. Turner ) North Carolina, vs. ! Wake Countv. J. J. Whitehead, i Raleigh Township. By virtue of an execution directed ' to the undersigned from J. C. Mar- j com, J. P. of said town-hin in the above entitled action, I will on Mon- 1 day, the 3d lav of Mar, 1897 at 12 I o'clock noon at the oourt bouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said eieou t'on all the riht, title and interest which the said i. J. Whitehead, de fendant, Has In the following personal property, to wit: 9 cane bottom chairs, 4 rockers, 1 centre table, 1 large lamp, 1 open Frai-klio stove, 1 sewing ma chine, 1 lar? e safe, 1 washstiDd (mar ble top), L dresser (marble top) 1 cen ter table (marble top) 1 large bed stead, springs and mattress, 1 fetthrr ben, 1 boUwtr, 4 pillows and one stu dent hmp. HAM T. JONES, Sheriff Wake County. Raleigh, N. C, April 21, 1897. YANCEY & B017EN, Lit) Morgan street. MANUFACTURERS OF Farm Wagons, Buggief Spring Wagons, Carts, 4c. Repairing done promptly. Uumh mid mu e& ah' U skilfully. Our wagon d pnrtment will be un der the management of Mr. T. A Bowen, who is well know as tha boat wagon maker. mt lm Sale of Valuable Land. By virtue of a degree of the Supe rior court of Wake county, N. (J., made and entered at the Februarr term, 1897 of said oourt in the case of E. a. Barbee. surviving partner of the firm of Barbee & Barbee, against rucnara xavior ana wire. Dora. b. Taylor, It being No. 758 upon the summons docket of said court, I will offer for said at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door In the city of Raleigh, N. C, on Monday the 19th day of April, 1897, at 12 o'clock m.. the following dlsoribed tract of land situated in said county about one mile north-east of Raleigh, N. C, adjoinlngthe dower land of Mr. Elizabeth Tavlor and others, and bounded as follows: Be ginning at a stake the north-west cor ner of the dower land of Mrs. Ellis, be th Taylor, thence north 35 degrees, east 310 poles to Crabtree creek, thence uo id creek to the mouth of the line said branch, thenoe up said branch 278 poles to a stake, thence east 8 poles to tne Deginning, containing vz acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 2 in the division of the land of the late Ueorge C. Taylor, as appears upon record in the office of the Clerk of the superior court of Wake county in record book of partition of land, pages 433 aad 434. AbmktiadJones, Coiximlssioner Adaalaiairator'a Notice t Havinc Qualified aa a,fmlnUtit. Of the estate of )Yid H. ging. df peied, lat of wake county, JT. o., this la to notify all nersona havinu .i.i -: i it. ..ijf -rrr. otnuna a)(iua-fue am estate K pre? sent them to the undersigned on or be. lore toe otn aw. l of February. 180A. or this notice will be plead In bar of their mediate payment to the undersigned. J. C. MABOOM, Administrator of Pvid H. 7ln Feb. 4, l07-ltwftw - - i recovery, and all persons indebted to ill please make im- the said estate will sleeper from Norfolk to chattauooKa via. sails bury, Morganton, Aslievllle, Hut springs and iDoivllle. Connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksvllls and Keysvllle. except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and Sou In western Vest): uled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train No. II for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate loca stations j also h it connection for Wlnston-Balem and with main line train No. 35, ' united states Fast Mall" for Charlotte. Spartanburg Oreen. ville Allan ta and all points South ; I so Colum bia. Augusta Charleston, Savannah. JacMMiu vtlle. and all points In Florida Sleeping Car for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car for Anausta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 1 1:4s A. ri. Dally Solid train, eonsfottu Pullmaa Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 11.00 p m In time to connect with the 0!t Dominion Merchants' and Miners' Norfolk iwi Walls lngton and Baltimore Chesapeake and Kich mond 8 8 Go's for all polntnorth and east Connects at Selma for Fayetteville and in termediate stations on the Wilson and P ettevllle Short -'ut, dally, except Sunday for . Hew era and Moreliead 1 lty daily for Golds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Kallroad. Express Train. 8:80 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvllle, hi hmond; at (Ireenshor for Washington and all points north. Express Train. :09 P. n. Dally For Goldsboro and Initrr mediate stations, Loal Accommodation. :00 A. M. Connects at Ureensboro ft.r al p lute for North and South and Wiuston-Saleni and points 00 the Northwestern Nottli Carolina Railroad. At Salisbury, for all poluU In West ern North 1 arolina Knoxvllle. Tenn , Cincin natl and western points ; at Charlotte tr Kpni tanburg. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and pnlnU south. Trains arrive at RalelKli, N. :.; Express Train. :QjP. M. Dally From Atlanta. Charlottn Greensboro and all points Mouth. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited : 4:1a P. M. Dally From all points east. Nor folk Tarboro. Wilson and water lines. From Goldsboio WllmliiKtou Ravel rrtn- nd all points In Kasteru Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:40 A. n. Dally From New York, Washing ton Lyuchbnrg Danville and Greensboro, 1 bat tanooga. anoxvlUe, Hot springs and Aahrville Express Train 8.S0 a. at. Dally rrom ooldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local. 7:J A. n. Dally From Greensboro and a point North and South. Bleep! tig Car from Greensboro to Kalelgh. :00 s si Dally exe pt 8unday From Golds bore and all points East Local freight tral as also carry passengers. Pullman can on night train from Raleln. t Greensboro. Through rullnuui veatibnM prawlni Room Buffet sleep log Car and Vestibuled coaches witfcotrtebange on strfolk Umiud. Double dally trains I etween Ralelgb Char lotts and Atlanta. Quick time; uneieelled as- eommodaOon. W. H. GKKEN, Geuend 8uinteiwimi . W. A. TURK Qsneral Paaseuger Agent Wasblmtton D.U. J. M CtTLF. Truffle Matiani v5

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