i 1 l' THE PRESS-VISITOR, KAI.EIGU, ff. C. MONDAY I May 3 TIIOS. J. PENCE City Editor. Indc to New Advertisements Kev Lout. K P Howell Specials. Fox's Crackers. A Krcth-Semiring. Dying, Press ing. THE WEATIIEK The. follow in i,' is the weather pre diction for Raleigh ami vicinity (not extending beyond a radios of 20 miles) issued atSa. in today May 1: Fair tonight and WARM I I fm Tuesdav. betowiii I warmer Conditions of the vt i?aitie;i Barometer (ins) Dry bulb (deg.) Change in 24 hours Wet bulb Minimum temperature Wind velocity Rainfall Direction of wind State of weather K 'I. 42. trf. Lt. i). s. Cl'md.y PIKSONAI Mr. A. V. Haywood of II.iw Rive was in the city today. Mr P 1! Wilkes, of (he Southern Express company, is in the city. Miss Baker, of Baltimore, is in the city visiting Mrs. G. W Swepson. Judge ST. J. Riddick went to Gates vi lie this morning to isit rela tives. Mr Ernest Haywood has returned from the North where he has been on legal business. Mr C E Marshal! of the Cartridge Metal Company of Philadelphia, is in the city. Mr William Pepper, representing JohnWWatsou A Co. we!! known distillers of Maysville, Ky.. is in the city. 11HIEI s. The old board of aldermen meet tomorrow night. Governor Bussl-'.I will not return to the city until tomorrow. The board of county con. mission ers are in session today The secretary of state says that 100 insurance companies have ob tained license. Remember the birthday lea to tie given at the i.iranson 11 nise Tues day eveninir. Let ad go and have a good time There was no disturbance of any kind in the city and the election passed off as quietly as usual. All the saloons were closed today and they will not be opened until tomor row. New machinery is being put in the Pilot cotton mills here, mainly spindles, so as to till the lloors There is to be an addition to the weave room. The supreme court failed to de cide the case of S. P. SatU'rfieid. the principal clerk of the iower house of the legislature of 1-'!C. w ho was convicted -A fraud in the enroll. meat of the notorious ' assignment act. ' ' If the system is fortified by Hood's Sarsaparilia, which makes rich, red blood, there is little danger of sickness. BUSINESS ITEMS. Don't forget Fulcher's tomato plants. Now ID certs per (WeTT Full line of vegetibles both native and from further south at stall 7 City Market. Clarance Howell, sales man. Office key No 9,2353. Liberal re ward offered for return of same to this office. may3 2t A Good Motto "Crack and try- Before you buy. Next time you goto the grocer s for nrackers remember this and put it to practice. If you are a good judge Fox's XXXX Square Wafers will please vcu best, no matter how many brands you try. m3 3t Fresh supply of fine fresh meats always at R P Howell's 19 City Market , may 3. A. KttEftf, Soourins, pressing, tiepairing- - I doto perfection cleaning, dyeinjr, repairing, pressing of coats, pants and vests at short notice, at as low prices as can be had for first-class work. A KRETH, 122 South Mc Do well street. It fioe large egg plants for sale by R P. Howell, 19 City Market. Farm telephone 262 c . Strawberries have commenced to oome in from my fields now and you vaa look for a full supply, always fresh at stall 19 Citv Market Tele phone 247 B. R. P. Howeir, s , 1 1 ' Did Ton Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles It not, get a ooiue now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and 1 at all druggists. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with periect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sutl'erer immediately . Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup," and take no other kind. " Notice of IHssolutioa. The firm of B. C. Rogers & Co., druggists of the city of Raleigh, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Samuel T. Smith aud John V. Smith having purchased the inter est of B. C. Rogers in the business, will continue it at the John Y. Mc Rau store on the corner of Wilming ton and Martin s'.rsets. They will settle all claims against the firm of 15. C. Rogers & Co. and all debts due said firm can be paid u, '.in..;. B. C. Uocehs, SAurr.r, T. Smith. John U. Smith. April 21, JS'jT-tf Stands at the Head. Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only hing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller 1 have. " J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, 1 cannot say enough for its merits." Dr King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds "is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at a'.l druggists. I or Kent The handsome new cottage, 127 North Wilmington street. All mod ern conveniences. Apply to Dr, V. J. Haywood. may 1 4t I repair all kinds of musical in struments. Rehairing violin bows a specialty, (loot' work, reasonable prices R G. Ui'fiiritcii, At A. D. Royster & Bros. uniyl lw Installment Bills l.ot Lost between John Jor 1 ,.i's shop and Thomas & Campbe . s store A liberal reward will be paid f.u iheir return to Thomas it Campb . ap20 tf Cottage I Kent. A nice cottage, .n goo, i i-air, pleasant location, six rooms, for rent on Oak wood avenue at 1- .V) per month Apply to M . T. l'.-uli, tf. Spectacles l.o'st. A pair of gold spectacles, k, case, were lost in Oak wood cemetery. Re ward will be paid if left at Mrs. Fisher's on West Hargett street a pr 27 1 w IHssolntion Notice. The linn of Ilorton & Lee, grocers of the city of Raleigh, has this day been dissolved bv mutual consent, 1 1. I iuey Lee having purchased the entire interest of C. 1! ilorton. E. lluey Lee will eontinuethe business at the old stand of Ilorton t Lee, corner of Lane and Blood worth streets. E Hue; Lee will settle all accounts of Morton & Lee and all accounts due Ilorton i'c Me will be I paid directly to E. Iluey Lee. I C. E. HoliTON. E. Hi kv Lkk. May 1. l-i:i7. Lost. Tall, s'im pointer dog. Answers to name of "Bub.'' Long head and nose, rather short, tail. Flee speck ed and liver colored. Liberal re ward olTered by Jxo W Cross. PEC1AL Kid Glove Sale. MWNNHHMMWWM - We have secured the best Kid Glove Bargain we ever had. They are the very best and newest, things ot the season, white or black, all sizes, black with Ltavy white stitching and white with heavy black stitch ing, button or hooks. These gloves are, perfect in all respects and were made to retail at $1 00 the pair. A big jobber closed a factory about 1,000 dozen. A friend helped to get us 25 dozen of them, all they would let any one merchant have Wednesday we put the whole lot on sale at our glove counter, only two pairs to a customer, at 89c the Paid All of this lot, left from that sale, will be II 00 the pair after Wed nesday. . Sale from 10 to 12 o'clock Wednesday morning, W E. JONES. I 15 Carloads Of 3,622 CRESCENT BIGYGL Were shipped from factory in one shipment to New York agents. This is the only solid traiidoad and the largest Bicycle shipment ever made. This shows their great popularity. Seventy thousand Bicycles made in lS'Jii. The factory is hard at work, but is about three weeks behind on orders. Bl Y A CRESCENT Thos.- H. Briggs & Sons, KALEIGIf. i. C. GET ACQUAINTED With our Soda Fountain now. V.ui will need it this prini:' am! summer. We have one of the most 'UiJ-to date" s.ui.i wah i ilepnit mcnts in the State, and in its arrange ment have tried to ! .no out mulling which would auY to the pleasure and convenience of .our customers. Absolute purity aud eleanl inos have made us many frlencK and is what one expects to tin 1 at our Foun tain. Glasses a!! washed in fresh running water. We lead the process nc-, in the drinking line temperance drinks, of course) and anything you want from a glass of Vichy to an lee Cream So.?a you can e;ct for -j cents at W. H. KING CO.'S Drug Store. t 4 t j 'PAPOID J fi ABLETS" I ? A:- vt'rv iiulu --M-iou liilV f A , ... whcc:s and 'u the roi.iu.s f i quickiy and cflcctual.v when thev are needed for diges.ti.ui. 9 4 You call enj-iy the b ggest 6 jjj dinners if you have one or two ' T of these little tablets to take T just after eating. Try them. ! James McKimmon & Co., P1IAKM.U ISTS. 9 MULES and HORSES. Just received an extra nice lot of Horses and iules. Large lot of Buggies and Farm Wagons w hich will be sold cheap. J. M. PACE. Ill East Martin St , Raleigh, N. C. ap!23tf l- ...... ' -" ' S Admltiistrator's Notice. I Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Susan V. Alford, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before tho 6th day of Acril, 1808, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery; and all persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the uu dersigucd. J." II. Ai.ford, aprti lawGw Adur. A O M I 1 8X1 1 -V 1' O K S N O T 1 CK . Having qualified as administrator of Hie estate of Nancy Harris, de ceased, late of Wuke county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present then! to the undersigned at hisolliee in Raleigh. N. Con or be fore the 2t!ih d:n of .M.rvh l'-i, or this notice wiil he plead ill bar of their recovery, and all parlies in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the un dersigned .1- C. Maucom, Administrator. 1!. r. Heck with, Ally. m2f) tiw IVirsuant to the resolutions of the board of directors of the Ra'eigh & Gaston Railroad Company, adopted at a meeting held April luth, 1897, a gencivl meeting of the stockholders of said company will be held at the ollicc .-I uie company in the city of Raleigh. N C on Monday, the 12th day of May, lsl'T, at 1(1 o'clock a. m. Hy order 'of the board of directors, l C. Hi n man. President. np!2 hn or Spring Opening. ROYALL & If you will visit our store you will see one of tlii' finest displays of Furniture and House Furnishing goods you ever saw. We are opening d lily new goods in all depart ments. Our Knbv Carriages are the best in liiileigh. Open at Leaders of XtaT I'avetteville Sleet Entrance Telephone No. 2tli B. Swept We ( hn- ioiyer while Eist last week bought all the suits two of the clev etest manufacturers had on their floors. There about 400 of them in all. These sir'ts were made up in anticipation of the re orders that always eoiii.' in the wake of a busy season. The weather kept far too cool for these re orders Beginning tomorrow morning you can take your choice of thi., line of ti ..o. 8 all, i'J (10 and $10 00 suits for Six Dollars. These are the suits that come marked if! tut. We had the cash and trov d us lo take such a step lt is without parallel. 1 he suits are all fi c- h. I rand new, without fault or flaw, ia all the latest fashionable effects We give you the same assurance of tir-t tins soring and at $il to SI more man ho permits this onportunity to pass is blind to his own best inter ests We are proud of the achievemert; it is your timo to turn it to good account for yourselves Just think of it; in the very morning of the sea son, hen you nre on the point of buying, these hundreds of suits that are worth from $" SO to $10 are placed at your disposal at a price that mocks the v.due l fill. 3. & D. BERWANGER, Leading One A. B. STRONACH. We Didn't Steal These, May So Valois Lace Lawns. I'.Kek prounds, with white and col ored figures and flowers, made to Bell at loe. Your choice today at "ic a yard. , Gisipure Uce LawNs. Li;ht tinted grounds with figure and flower sprayx, made to to sell at 15c, jours today at "Jc a yard. Irish Lawns. Cool, dainty patterns, n.ade to sell 121c, yours today at "ie. YOURS TODAY: The prettiest line of Waist lercals ever shown in the city, yard wide? 7 l-2c and 12 l-2c a yard. - , . . : NEW l G. Cabbage We are uow receiving daily ship ments of nice fresh N. C. Cabbage direct from one of the largest truck farms iu Eastern Carolina and will supply the trade at lowest wholesale price. Order one day ahead if pos sible. We are headquarters for New N. C. Cut Herring In common parlance "Eastern Bae-.n Now is the time to lay in your supply They are getting plentiful rd cheap. We are receiv ing lat v shipments direct from the fisheries around Edsnton, N. C, and can fill orders for big or small lets at the lowest prices. Write or call at D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. I 'hone 28. BORDEN Night. Low Prices. through Stronach's dry goods store the Deck. in our recent great purchase and are the courage, two mighty levers that satisfaction as if they were bought a suit. Sizps are from .14 to ii. lhe Price Clothiers. Although the Prices Look. Silk Stripped Challjfs- For childrens' dress wrappers, etc, made to soil at 16 cents the yard, yours today at 10c a yard. Lawn Stripes In large and small figures and flow ers made to sell at 15c, yours today at He a yard. Linen Cold Lattice Lawns. And French Organdies' manufactur ed to sell at 25c, yours today at 1 So yd BORDELJ, Wooilcott & Will give you more goods for your mouey than any house in the city. We have the largest assortment of goods of any house in the State and our business is conducted on1 a cash basis, hence the lowest possible prices prevail. In Dress Goods we are offering splendid values iu woolen goods, Organdies, Lawns, Silks Ducks, Tissues and other new style goods. Our Millinery Department has no equal iu the State, either in style or price. We receive daily new things for this department and have at all times the very best assortment of shapes, Ribbons, Flowers, Tips and other trimmings. Chiffon and Mouseline deSoie in all colors. We would like you to see four special lines of Shirt Waists at 50, "& 88c and $1 00 that we are showing this season. You will be pleased with the style and fit of each of them - The knowledge of experience is the best business knowledge. We have 30 years' experience in business and it has learned us two good thi ngs: To buy goods close and sell them at a reasonably low price. We do that, as everyone knows. We have gradually added different lines to our business until we have an immense department store full of all kind of goods. Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Shoes, Crockery. Glass and Tinware, Gent's Furnishings and many other lines. Shoes and Oxfords A neat fitting shoe adds to tho looks of anyone. We have an elegant line of Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords, ranging in price from 50c to $2 00. Our $1 25, 1 50 aud 1 75 Oxfords are wortbyof yourattention. Let us show them to you at once while the line is complete New Home and Challenge Sewing Machines for sale for catdi or on lease. Needles and parts for sale. If you have any idea of buying a sewing machine wo can interest you in them. We sell New Home Machines lower than they have ever been sold here before. See our stock of Rugs, 60c to $t! 25. All Goods Sold for Cash. Our Grocery department is a success and we would like you to see it if you have not already done so. BUTTEBICK Ladies' Brown Kid Lace Shoes, new coin toe, $2 oO. Ladies' Cloth Top Button Shoes, Ziegler's make, $2 60 a pair. Ladies' Black and Brown Kid Oxford Ties, real stylish and very durable, $1 50 and t2 25. , an ri Gent's Patent Leather Lace Shoes, dark brown color. o 50 a pair a great bargain. Gent's Russia Calf Bals, stylish toes, 00 a pair. Heller Bros. Shoe Store, Established 1876. STKKJfiT CAR TICKETS Books containing 20 street car tickets for 90c, on sale at tho office of Sherwood Higgs & Co. j Anniversary Week of Our Grand Rebuilding Sale RIBBON SPECIAL 50 pieces. New Taffettas, all shades, new purples, new shades of greens and reds: Dlentv whites for commence ments, 3 inches wide, regular 25c ribbons found only in our millinery departments at Ho NEW ETCHINGS. ' Neckwear, Fans, Veilings, Chif fons, Flowers and Laces. BIG SPECIAL PERCAL SALE. One case, yard wide, full pieces, no remnants, none at wholesale, not over 10 yards to a customer. Hurry if wanted . Regular 12 J c qualities, as long as tbey iast ....... .5o SHIRT WAIST SALE. Hiffh class' novelties, all new. This season's goods, made from the accepted and most stylish cotton fabrics of the season, detachable col lars and cuffs, divided into four lots for quick delivery. Lot 1, worth 50 and 75c, to go at 45o 2, worth 88c and ft to go at. .we 8, worth $1 25 and $1 50 at. ,8!)c 4. worth $1 75 and $2 to go at 9f o NEW SHIRT WAIST PERCALS NOVELTIES. None ever seen like them before. I New Prints, new . Foulards, new I 9UCCFSSORS to C. A: Son, PATTERNS NEW Spring Footwear AT Heller's. Corals, new Geisha, new cheviots and Polka Dots 10c Ladies' White Kid Belts JOc THAT SHIRT LEADER. Tbo great 49c shirt sale. Doubt less distributing the greatest quan tity of Colored Negligee Shirts, within the shortest time, ever sold in the 'city. All that is left from this sale have been marked down to clean them up. This closes the big gest shirt offering ever made in Ral eieh. The collars and cuffs of some . re worth more than the price asked.. 29c Gents' Linen Belts . . '. 25c LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Ecru and bleached sleeveless vests So Ladies' One ribbed vests, silk rib bons.. 10c Perfect fitting, ribbed, elastic seam, sleeveless vest, fine finish 12c Swiss ribbed Lisle thread vest, regular 40c quality .25c Pure silk Jersey-bodice, low neck, no sleeevs, small lot, few dozen left, cheap at $1, special price 50c Children's ribbed Jersey vests at popular prices, down as low as. .5c !SHERWOCTb & CO. :