4 1 THE PRESS-VISITOR, jKALEIQH. N. C. M III.ISIIKH BV TUE VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY INCORPORATED!. CONSOLIDATION OP THK VISITOR, KNTAKI.lSiil) 1878, AND THE PRESS, h.STAHUSHKU 1S94 Office in the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager. JASPER N. McRARY, Jtolloltlng Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 4 00 Six Months 2.00 One Month 35 Entered as Second Class Mail Matter UNION&2SLABL The Leader in ilie News and iu Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. TUESDAY May 4 The Greek-letter fraternity craze has invaded the high schools of the land, and chapters are being orga nized in many towns. One of them, Kappa Phi, is a girls' society. Alpha Delta Sig-na, a boys' fraternity, is said to be extended throughout the United States. The San Antonio Express boast fully declares the recsnt exodus of Texas actors and actresses to the New York stage, the victories of Texas writers and painters in the world's competitions and the boom in the Bailey style of dress coat would indicate that Hoyfs predic tion was about to come true, and New York was now coming to the Lone Star state for her art, litera ture and fashions, as well as her Texas steers. Though the tomb of General Grant is now practically completed there yet remains some work of ornamen tation to be done. It is intended to place upon the cap of the pyramidal top of the monument a colossal statue of peace. General Porter says that provision has been made for the erection of this statue, and that work upon it will sxn begin. There remaius iu the treasury of the as sociation $12,000. The statue mav cost $15,000, but there is no fear that there will be difficulty in rais ing a few extra thousand to complete the tomb. A Pittsburg paper notes a $000. 000 order to a manufacturing corn pany near that city for steel freight cars. The same paper prophecies that steel will supplant wood alto gether in the manufacture of freight cars; that the life of an ordinary wooden car is about ten years, while it is expected that the steel ones will last a lifetime. The weight of the steel cars is 35,000 pounds and their carrying capacity 50 tons. The cost will be $1,000 each, and the cars will be fitted with air brakes and many new and valuable appli ances. In Archbishop Ireland's work, just published, he has an interest ing chapter on ' Intemperance and Law," in which he estimated that throughout the United States (1,00 , J00 persons frequent bar rooms and indulge immoderately in alcoholic drink, writes Robert P. Porter. It is estimated that the annual dru-k bill of the country falls but little, if at all, under the enormous sum of one billion dollars. These estimates were based undoubtedly on the fig ures of ten years ago. The Arch bishop, if he has not consulted the more recent figures, will be glad to . learn that there are evidences of improvement in this respect, and that more recent statistics cut' the total down to (862,000,000, which, when you consider the increase of population, is a good showing. In comparison with the , united kingdom, the United States has every reason to feel gratified, as the per capita expended for alcoholic drink is $17. 15 in the one case, against $10 20 in the other. Fart of this difference nj be due to the fact that alcohol to beverages are undoubtedly cheaper here than on the other side, but a considerable part" of the decrease may be directly traced to the excel lent temperance work done, not only by the Catholic church, which has been potent in the work of drink re form, but by all other religious or ganizations. More rational amuse ments, such as bicycling and the constant increase in outdoor attrac tions in our large cities, are entitled also to credit for the reduction of the drink bill of the United States. Nevertheless, much still remains to be done, and the archbishop's strong words on the evils of the liquor traffic should be heeded and his ad vice followed . An amount twice as great as our annual national expen ditures expended in this way is sapping thelife out of the country and ruining the physique of many My Neighbor Told Mo About Hood's Sarsaparilla and ad vised me to try it This is the kind of advertising which gives Hood's Sarsaparilla the largest sales in the world. Friend tells friend that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures, that it gives strength, health, vitality and vigo, and whole neighborhoods use it as a family medicine. Hood's Pills are the best after dinner pill; assist digestion, cure headache. 25 cents. Bneklen'a Arnica Salva. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all slrin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all druggists. Hocd's Sarsaparilla is known to be an honest medicine, and it actu ally cures when all others fail. Take it uow. Violet Perfume la all the go just now, and we have the best Violet there is on the market. We h,ve It in bottles and by measure, ranging in price from 40c to 75c per ounce and all prices In bottles. Don't Uku our word for it, but como and get a trial bottle and be convinced. HENRY T. HICKS, Prescription Druggist. New Shoe Store. S. lay fayetteville St. A Handful of . . Men's Pants worth S3, 3 50, 4 00 and 5 00. reduced to SI 50, $2, $2 50 and S3. Boys' Pants 25, 35 and 50c. Boys' Suits $1.49, and 1.75 $2, Men's Shirts 25, 35, 38 and 49c. Coming, 1,000 pairs lOc Socks to sell for 5c a pair. (Can't This is the complaint ot Sat . thousands at this season. BJLjiT They have no appetite; food ! does not relish. Theyneedthetoningupof the stomach and digestive organs, which course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also put 1 a and enriches the blood, cures that t'.istress after eating and lnternci misery only a dyspeptic can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervous headaches, that it aeems to have almost "a magic touch." Hoodi Sarsaparilla Is the beat - In fact the One True BlmjP-iriS'S.' xX'tt are the be5t I'tcr dinner ilOOd'S PlllS pills, alii clim-stu.ii. -m. EE. M. Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco A Positive cure for: Hay Fever, Catarrh, Asthma, Golds, Etc. They may be smoked not only with pleasure and impunity, but with pronounced benefit. Try Them. Ask your dealer for them, con tinue to use them and cure is as sured. POOL & MORING, WHOLESALE AGENTS, mal5tf Raleigh. N. C. Unprecedented Shoe Bargains. Indies' Black, Tan and Chocolate Oxford Ties, heel or sp-ing heel, sold in all stores for $1 25 and $1 50 our price 75c. Misses 'Ox ford Ties Hi t2, worth $1, our price 05c. Children's Oxford lies, SJ to 2, worth $1, our price 00c Above goods were bought at a sacrifice for cash. Below are goods manufactured for us: Black, Chocolate anu Ox Illood Oxford Ties, Strap Sandals, etc,, f rom $1 to $3 50. We will inako this a gala week in the shoe trade. C. POOL. 8. B. NORRIS, Manager. MONEY FOR YOU. CRAWFORD '97 Models, $50, Are unsurpassed and unequalled. They are guaranteed for one year, manufactured in Hagerstown, Md. Soly only by Julius Levis Hardware Company, RALEIGH, N. C. Harris' Liffiia Carbonated liiiiitiiiisiiiliUliti"uuM nmTnlTiTnnnnn itimiiiii We guarai.tee that one glass of Harris' Llthla Carbonated Water will relieve any case of indigestion in one minute's time"br money re funded, or if taken after each meal will cure any case of indigestion. Read what the noted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C, has to say for it: Mb. J. T. HARRIS: Dear Siu For the past eight months I have been using Harris' Llthla Water, with the moat excellent results, where I have been able to get my pa tients to drink a sultlcient quantity daily. The Carbonated has no equal In Gastric disturbances. In old chronic dyspeptics if you will wash the stomach with salt and water, and have an hour later have your patient drink the Car bonated Lithia you will make many friends and Improve many stomachs. It is an excellent table water. It is an excellent laxative, and Is a sure cure for flatulent dyspepsia. S. M. DAVEGA, M. D. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers, And wholesale agents for Harthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. Marcb.18 ly U.H.&R.S.TUC(EBCO Perry Clonth of Pay. Constant Attraction' and Plenty of Them. the Next. A GREAT May s first week begins a Great sales- The greatest values in silk we ever knew or you. Collection No. 1. Special Table Sale Price, 49 Cents Per Yard. Collection No. 2 Special Table Sale Price, 99 Cents Per Yard. These prices do not represent one half their values, the quantities in each collection are not limited yet the first choice means always the best choosing, so be on hand early ues will surprise you. W. H, k R. S. imosons CURES NASAL CATARRH. Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, A City Alley 200 -13 U - c3 ! u ' c ; ci L i Jt 6 66 I 66 Wilmington Ten Iaree an valuable city lot home place of the lata Hon, A s. Valuable ton street, near Peaoe Institute. Parties wishing to purchase lot for homes or investment in a most desirable location slil please call at once, as it is our intention of diepoting of this property very aukkiy, sod pur wori for it, if you neglect this opportunity property or this class ior sail!, w ui taxe my ana mailing rignt prices. A. W. MOYE & CO., Real Estate and Fire Insurance Agts., 224 Fayetteville street. Phone 207 C. apl 16 Ira NUTICR OF SALE UNUBft EJpCF TIOV, J. D. Turner 1 North Carolina, vs. Wake County, J. .1. Whitehead. Raleigh Township, By virtue of an execution directed to tho undersigned from J. C. Mar- com, J. f. or saia townnip in the above entitled action, l mill on Mon day, the 3d lay ) of May, 18K7 at 12 I o clock noon at me court nouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for casb to satuiy saia e ecu t'on all the rbht, title and interest which the said -I. J. Whitehead, de fendant, has in the following personal property, to wit: 9 cane bottom chairs, 4 rockers, 1 centre table, 1 large lamp, I open rrankiln stove, i sewmg ma chine, 1 laree safe, 1 washstand (mar ble top), 1 dresser (marble top) 1 cen ter table (marble top) 1 large bed stead, spring and mattress. 1 feather beti, 1 bolster, 4 pillows and one stu dent Kmp. HAM T. JONES, - onarin waceiaunty. Raklgh, N. C, April H. 1897. BICYCLES, Each Week Prepares Surprises SILK SALE! Silk Sale, or rather two great silk Monday morning. The great silk val TUCKER & CO. Ointmont Property for Sale. 321 120 60 60 60 60 60 Street. now oa sale, l.ncludli the elegant I Merrunon, situate on wumtng- you will regret it, as there it no otftep j pleasure in snowing 70B toe prop? I V) Morgan stm. MANUFACTURERS OF FarnVagons.Duggies Spring Wagons, City, te. Repairing done promptly". ' Horset aad mules shod skilful). Our wagon department will be an der the management of Mr. T. A Bowes, who la well knows at the boat wages .LIMITED Drains- DOUBLEDAIIY SERVICE TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 7, '07. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv.N.Y.,Pen.R.R.1100am 900pm Lv.Philadelphia" 112pm 1205am Lv Baltimore, 315pm 250am Lv.Washington, 440pm 430am Lv.Richmond,A.CL.856pm 905am Lv.Norfolk,S.A.L,830pm 905am Ly.Portsmouth, " 845pm 920am Lv.Weldon, " Ml 28pm 11 55am Ar.Henderson, "1266am M39pm Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, t732am f409pm t520pm tH 10am Ar.Raleigh, " Ar.Sanford; " Ar.Sou'n Pines, " Ar.Hamlet, " Ar.Wadesboro, " Ar.Monroe, " 21 bam 335ara 422am 510am 554am 643am 334pm 503 pm 5 55pm 653pm 811pm 912pm Ar.Charlotte, " 830am 1025pm Ar.Ctaesrer, 810am M047pm Lv.Oolumbia,CN&LRU . . . t600pm Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 945am 1210am Ar.Greenwood, " 1035am 107am Ar.Abbeville, " 1105am 140am ArElberton, " 1207pm 241am Ar. Athens, " 115pm 345am Ar. Winder, " 159pm 430am Ar. Atlanta (cnttime)2 50pm 520am NOETH bound. No 402. No. 38. L.V Atlanta, SAL. 1200pm 750pm LvWinder, " 240pm 1042pm Lv Athens, " 216pm 1126pm LvElberton, " 4 15pm 12 33am LvAhbeville. " 515nm 140am LvGreenwood," 541pm 1 Oltam LvCUnton, " b34prn 3 0Sam ArColumbiaON&LRK, .... t7 00am LvChester, S.A.L 8 13pm 4 33am ArCharlotte, " 1025pm 8 30am LvMonroe, " 940pm 6 05am LvHamlet, " Ml 23pm 815am ArWllmington" J530atu M230pm LvSou'nPines " M214am 9 20am LvRalelgh, " 216am 1135am ArHenderson, " 828am MOOpm ArDurham, " f732am t40!)pm LvDurhamf " t520pm til 10am ArWeldon, " 455am 300pm ArRichmond, ACL. 815am 650pm ArWash'g.PenRR. 1231pm 11 10pm Ar Baltimore, " 143pm 1248am ArPhiladphia," 350pm 345am ArNewYork, " 623pm 6 53am ArPortsmouth " 730am 550pm ArNorfolk, " 750am 605pm Dally. fDally Except Sunday. J Daily Except Monday. Nos. 403 and 402, 1 'The Atlanta Spe cial, "SQld Vestibuled Train of Pull man Bleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38, "The S. A. u Ex press, bond Train, (Joacbes and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Company sleep ers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. i or tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. Newland, Gen. Asrt. P. Dept. 6 Him ball House, Atlanta, Ga. H. S. Leard, Sal Pas. Agt, Ral eigh, N. O. J. at. Jobn. Vice President and General Manager. a. W. is. Ulover, Traffic Manager. V. E. McBee, General Superinten dent. T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. Ueneral offices: Portsmouth, Va, pJa of Valuable finJ. By virtue of a des-ree of the Supe rior court of Wake county, N. C, made, and entered at the February term, 1897 of tald court in the case of jc a. uarbee, lurviving partner ot tne firm of Bar bee it Barbee, against Kionara Taylor ana wire, uora a. Taylor, it being No. 138 upon the summons aocnei oi saia court, i win offer for said at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the court- house door to tne city or Kaielgh, N C.'pn Mphday the J9th day of April 1897, at 12 o'clock ni., the following dlscribed tract of land situated In falc county about one mile north-east of Betelgh. N. C, adjoinlngthe dower land of Mr. BUsabeth Taylor and others, and bounded as follows: Be fflnulner at a stake the north-west cor' Br of the dower land of Mrs.Elijabeth Taylor, thenoe north 86 degrees, east lie pole to Crabtree creek, thenoe up saia oreeK to tne mouta oi tne line branch, thenoe up said branch 278 let to a stake, tne nee east a poles the betrinnlntr. containing 72 acres. ore or less, asd being Lot No. 2 in asa Deing Lot jno. i in of Hip hnd' of the late trior, as 'ap bears upon Qffloe of the Clerk of the up aivuuiD u GeorffeC. Te record in tne office Superior court of Wake county In record book of partition of land pages 483 ad S4 ABMbTEAPJOVKS. Commissioner Administrator's Notice I Havlnr Qualified at administrator Of the estate of David H. Kins-, de ceased, late of wake county, N. c, title it to notify all persons having WW fl r !. Pre sent tnem to tne unaersiffnea on or be fore the 6th day of February, 18a3, br this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons Indebted to the saia estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersigned. ,.,. j, Vm makcom, Admlntstrator of Tavld H. Kn You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious Question What to Give the Bride By spending a lew moments looking through our new and complete' stock of Sterling Ware, -Cut Glass, Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, Brioa-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SONS, Jewelers and Opticians. Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations," etc. Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, For outdoor planting. Hoses, chrysanthemums, colons and all kinds of bedding plants. Vines for the veranda. Cabbage, Tomatoes, Egg and other vegetable plants. Evergreen, magnolias and shade trees. Extra-strong Mareschal Neil ROSES. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peaoe I n titute. Phone 113. octn Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as Execu tor of the (state of tho late Crady Blake, deceased, this is to give notice to all parties having claims against said party will present them to me on or before the lsth day of November 1897, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery . A J ELLIS, o19 Iswiiw Executor SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINB.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14, 18o6. TrnlnB Leave Kulelgh lall. "Norfolk and Clialtunoofia Llinllod." 4,12 p, m. Dally, Solid vestibuled train witli sleeper from Nurfulk to Chattanooga via. Salis bury, MortSRnt.il), Aslivllle, nut springs and Knoxville. Connects at Ourlmm for Ox'ord. Ularksvlllc and Keyavtlle, except 8uuday. At Oreeus boro with Ilie Waslihinton and South western Vestii uled (Limited), train (or all points North, and witli mala Hue train No. It for Danville. Klchmoud anil Intermediate Iocs stations; alto hs oonueetlon for Wlnston-Saleio and witli main line train No. 39, ' united statu rast vail" fur charlotte Spartanburg. Ureeu vtlle, Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia, Augusta Charleston, Savannah, Jackson ville and all points in Florida Sleeping Car (or Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte wllh Sleeping Car (or Auwista. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:43 A. n. Dally Solid I rain Hinstsriu Pullman Sleeping cars anil coaehes from Clia tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 5 too pm In time to connect with the f)J loiilnipii Merchants' nnd Miners' N rfoik and Wans Ington and balilniore Chesapeake and Hkli raond 8 8 Co's for all polutvuorth and east Connects at Seima for Fayetteville aud m terniedlate ttatious on the Wilson and Fa ' etteville Short LUU dally, except Sunday lor New em and Morehead 1 Ity dally (or Uoldt boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on ti e Wilmington and Weldon Kallroad. Express Train. 8:80 A. M. Dally Connects t Durham (or Oxford, Keysvllle, Kl limoud; at Greens hor (or Wsshlugion and all points north. ' Kx press Trali(. :W V. n. Daily For Uoldsboro apd later mediate stations. Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M, Connects at Greensboro lor al p nits (or North and South aud Wlnston-aaleui and points on the Northwestern North Carolln 1 Railroad. At Salisbury, (or aU points in West ern North i arollna Knoxville, Tenn , Cluctn nail and western points; at Charlotte, fr Rpi ' tauburg, Greenville. Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C.. . Express Traisj. 'j j :0s P. M. Dally From Atlanta. CliartoUe Greensboro and all points South. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited 4:1a P.M. Dally From all points east, Mpr (oik Tarboro, WUson and water lines. From Onldsboro, Wilmington, Fayet eyllr and all points in Eastern Carolina, Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited, 11:40 A. T. Dally From New York, Waaiiini - ton. Lynchburg Danville and Greensboro, Chat tanooga, Knoxville, Hot springs and asbeyill Express Train S.BO a. ai. Dally from onldsboro and Intw meqjate tawou.') Local. 7:20 A. rl. Dally From Ureensboro ana a" ."- points North and South. P'eeplug Car frotn Oreeniboro to Balelgb. :e0p a Dally exe pi Supday-Froai (IpMi boro and all points East. Local freight traUt also carry passengers. Pullman ear on night train from Kairle1 lv Greensboro. Through rulluwn vestibul d nrawuii Boom Buffet sleeping Car and Vestibuled coaches wlUiontetuuige on orfolk flmiti d. Dnuble dal)y frfllns between Raleigh Cfiar totM and Atlanta. Uuick time: unexcelled ao- ommodatloB, W. H. GHKrK, llriieral Hnptrlnitior . A. T0H. Ueneral Passenger Agrni Waalilnttton. D.U. J. M Onu, Traflic Manawct .

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