"A Shame if They Do The Greensboro Record I of ye.e day says: Attbis distance from the fray it looks like Raleigh's new board of al dermen is going to defeat Charley Heartt for chief of police. We of course can't tell from here, but if they do it will be a burning smamc one of which they will repent be fore the year is out Greensboro tried this same thing once, and will never forget her ex perience. Men are not made to or der for a place like this they are born for the work and when you get a man suited for it, keep him. A Cereal Cycle. The Durham Sun of yesterday says: A beautiful Ferris wheel, made of corn, oats and rye, was Thursday afternoon loaded on a flat car and shipped to Charlotte for exhibition at the Woman's Exposition, It be longed to the Occoneecho farm, and was indeed an artistic thing, and will show off the products of the farm to good advantage. The wheel was boxed up in a frame so that it could not be injured in any way and then covered over with thick canvas to keep from getting wet in trans portation. VALUABLE LOTS -IN- "Idlewild" For Sale. On Monday, the 24th day of May, 1397, the Raleigh Land and Improve ment Company will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder several val uable building lots, sit. inted in tho ad dition to tho city of Raleigh, N. C. known as "Idlewild," a m.vp of which is recorded in tho office of tho Regis ter 01 Deeds for Wake county, N. C, in book 112, at page 432, nferenco to whi"h is made, said lots being desig nated on said map as lots numbered 3, 5, 7 and 8 of block I; lots numbered 6 and 11 of block II; lots numbered 0, 4 and 14 of block III; lots numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 of block IV; lots numbered 2, 4, 7 and 11 of block V; lots numbered 4 and 8 of block VI; lot number 3 of block VII; lot number 2 of block VIII; lots num bered S and 6 in block IX; lots num bered 1, 2 and 3 of block X; for full description of i -hich reference is made to said map. Of said lots, Number 3, of block I, will be sold by virtue of authority conferred by a certain writ ten agreement, under seal, between said Company and E. G. Horton, dat ed July 8, .8tfl; number 5, of block I, will be sold by virtueofauthortty con ferrtd by a certain written agreement, under seal, between said Company and Henry M. Cowan, dated July 8, 181)1; number 7 of block I, will be sold by virtue of authority conferred by a cer tain written agreement, under seal, be tween said company and J. R. Up church, dated July 8, 1S91; number 0 of block III, will be sold by virtue of authority conferred by a certain writ ten agreement, under seal, between said company and O. W. Morris and Mrs. Hattie E. Morris, dated July 8, 189i; number 8 of block III, will be sold by virtue of authority conferred by a certain written agreement, under seal, between said company and U. C, Mangum, dited July 8, 1891: number 14 of block ill, and number 2 of block VIII, will be sold by virtue of author ity conferred by a certain vritton agreement, under seal, between said company and I. Wlnetrob, dated July 8, 1891; number 1 of block IV, will be sold by virtue of authority conferred by a certain written agreement, under seal, between said company and Chas. F. Lumsden, dated May 22, 1891; num ber 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 of blook IV, will be sold by virtue of authority con ferred by a certain written agreement, under seal, between said company and R. R. Bridgers, dated May 31, 1891; number 6 and 6 of block IX, and num ber 1, 2 and o of block X, will be sold by virtue of authority conferred by a certain written agreement, under seal, between said company and R. R. Brldger, dated May 20, 189 ; number 8 qf block VI, will be sold by virtue pf authority conferred by a certain written agreement, under seal, between said company and S. II- Crocker and C. L. Woodall, dated July 8, 1891. Full Information can be had from either W. N. Jones, secretary, or from Ernest Haywood, attorney of said pqinpany. iPlace of Bale: Co court house door in Halelgh N. C. Time of sale: 12 o'clock ro. Terms of sale: One-third purchase price in cash; one-third payable in six months from day of sale, and one third payable in twelve months from day of sale, the deferi ed payments to bear interest from day of sale at the rate of six per cent per annum, and title to be retained until purchase price is paid in full. Raleigh Land & Improvement Co. Ernest Haywood, Attorney. ap23-tds Notice of Dissolution. The firm of B. C. Rogers & Co., druggists of the city of Raleigh, has this dayj-been dissolved by mutual consent. Samuel T. Smith and John U. Smjth having purchased the inter est of B. 0. Rogers in the business, will continue it at the John Y- Mc Rae store on the corner of Wilming ton and Martin s'.reets. They will settle all claims against the firm of B. C. Roirers & Co. and all debts due said Arm can be paid to them. B. 0. Rogers, Samuel T. Smith, John U. Smith. April 21, 1897 tf Notice. Pursuant to the resolutions of tho board of directors of tho Ra'eigh & Gaston Railroad Company, adopted at a meeting held April 10th, 1897, a general meeting of the stockholders of said company will be held at tbe plfloe A tiH company in tbe city of Raleigh, N C on Wednesday, 12th day of May, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m. Qy order of the board of directors, R. C. Hoffman, President. apl2 lin stronach'S Carriage Harness Repository ? - AND- Livery and Sales Stable?. When you want a nice team, cither double or single, you can find it, at my Ham any day in the week. Ev erything will be done for the com fort and pleasure of our customers. Give us a call when you want a ride. For Sale. 1 have eight head of nice family broke horses which I w ill sell cheap for cash. Or they e.m be bought on time. Vehicles and Harness. I have anything you want in the way of vehicles and harness which I'll sell nt factory prices for cash. FRANK STRONACH, LIVERYMAN. HAVE JUST OPENED A vm-tr finp lit p of Pirklps flutsilns. Sauces, Olives, etc. Any variety of sweet mixeu, sour uhai-u. ueihius, Midgets, Chow-Chow, Picallili, etc., in bottles or by measure. We Offer Today An extra line lot of Southampton, Va., Hams. Utmost care taken in tho curing and smoking of these Hams. Also best brands of sugar- cured and North Carolina Hams, Breakfast Bacon, etc. We want you to t ry a small SA M -PLE sack of our unsurpassed "Melrose" Flour. It will surely please you. This Flour is ground from finest se lected wheat and has all the prop erties that go to make the best bread, etc. No Shoddy Stuff Kept. Mv complete line of staple and fancy Groceries are fresh and of the best quality obtainable. Your orders will bo appreciated and will have our prompt and care careful attention. J. D. TURNER. Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. Telephone 125 LOST BOND. On the 3d day of January, ISDti, Ardrew G. Hill and wife, Mary A. Hill, executed and delivered to me their bond, under seal, secured by mortgage, on real estate for two hun dred dollar with 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annually, duo and pay able on the 3d day of January, 18U7, which mortgage I have, but the bond I have lost or misplaced and cannot flnu, and I hereby warn any and all persons from buying or trading for said bond with any person who may have found the same, as I have settled the debt with said Hill and wife by agreement. 30d Eddie W. Thompson For the Benefit V THE L. O'S. Branch Confederate Veterans. Gen. Thomas L. Rosser To exhibit Edison's Latet-l ami Most Wonderful Invention. The Kinetoscope, At Metropolitan Hall, Monday and Tuesday evenings, May 10 to 11. During tho intermissions war scenes will be shown and explained by Gen eral Rosser, of the Army of Northern Virginia. General admission, 25c; reserved chairs, 10c extra; for matinee, chil dren, 10c: adults, 25c. m Tk Dew idea.. Are yon bright and clever If so, yon have Elonty of Ideas o( your own, also sense eoougn gnup good new one when offe Ted. What'io ou think of a W column Illustrated Monthly Pa per, each bene containing a Piece of Music, vocal or Instrumental, Latest Fashion, Good Stories, Dramatio News and Portraits of Pretty Actresses, Household, Toilet and Fancy Work Hint, all fpr IB cents a year, postpaid Beems too good to or true, but we give you exactly what we advertise. Sena 80 cents and see for yourself. TBE NEW IDEA CO., 1441 Broadway, New York City. Agents wasted. Liberal commission paid. NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO. The handsome musical and f asHloa Journal In America, full sheet miuuo sise, 82 peM and hand some cover, containing from ten to twelve pieces of Tonal or Instrumental music, besides four or five portraits of leading actresses. Subscription by the year, $1.50, sample copy, 10 ota. Addraa Tk RW TOM HCsICaL ECHO CO., BrasJwsy Theatre Building, J!sw York, Bntwanoi. liberal onnnn iseloa paid, Pnfonf c u- s- anH" Fore'ffu )ro X atUto cured. EugenoW. John son, Solicitor and Attorney In Patent Causes, 1729 Now York Avenue, Wash ington, D. C. Office established 1868. Charges mc derate. Correspondence equested ! ECONOMY May be necessary in many ways when dollars are scarce and wants many, but it Is not desirable to practice it In the purchase of food, which is life. Below a certain standard food imperfectly nourishes; up to that stand ard it costs a reasonable price. We never want more than a reasonable price for our Groceries.". RAPID SALES Give our customers the benefit of close margins. We never keep any thing that is not the best of Its kind, and we only want a fair profit on what we invest in it. CHOICE CROCERIES Always in -tock and promptly deli vered when ordered THOS. PESCUD. SALE OF LAND. I!y authority of a judgment of the Superior Court of Wake county, made in special proceedings entitled L. B. Young, executor, Wm Mitchell vs. An nie K. Debnam and others, I will on Wednesday, 5th of May, 'D7,12o'elock, m. at tho court house door of Wake county, sell to th.i highest bidder at pub'ie auction a certain tract of land in Wake Forest township, Wake county, beginning at a stake on the cedar prong, Scarboro's corner, thenee south 2i degrees west 1"0 poles to a stake in tho Penny Hill tract ol land, thence east 101 poles to a olaek oak, corner of Penny Hill tract, thence north 2J degrees east ;S9J poles to a stake, thence south 87 degrees east '25 poles to a white oak, thence north 2 degrees east l.'tt) poles to a poplar at the low grounds, them e along with the low grounds to a red oak on the banks of the creek, thenee up said creok to the. beginning, containing 150 acres, and known as the Haitsfield land. Sale made . to make real estato as sets. Terms of sale, one-fourth cash, balance within six mouths from sale day with interest Title reserved until purchase uion--y i- piid. V. N. .H INKS, Com'r. H.VIjK Oh' CITY PKOl'KUTY. Uy virtue of a decree of the Supe rior Court of Wakn county, N. C, in the causo entitleu "Hill, trustee, vs. Elizabeth Heaves et a Is," I will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Raleigh, N. O., on Monday, the 3d nay of May, 18U7, at 12 o'clock noon, the following lot of land: Situate in the city of Rn.leigh adjoining the land o. the estate of the late Churchell Harris and others on the east side of South Blount street, and beginning at said Churchell Har ris' southwest corner on said Blount street, thence east with said Harris lino 127i feet to another lino of said Harris, thence south with said line otij feet to Bledsoe avenue, thenee west with Sitid avenue 1274 feet to Blount street, thence north with east side of said Blount street, WJ feet to the be ginning, aai being the lot conveyed to Elizabeth Rivers by S. P. Penning ton, mortgagee, deed recorded in Book IT!, page 452, Register of Deeds ollice for Wake county. This is a corner lot near Shaw University and is val uable property. B. C. BECK WITH, Com'r. March 31, '07 tds Nofice to Contractors. Sealed proposals for the erection of an annex to the northern exposure of the colored department of the North Carolina Institution for the Education o( the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind, In the city of llaleigh, will be receiv ed at the oflice of the principal until noon of May 10, 1897. Plans and specifications can be seen by applying to the principal. The Institution will furnish brick and the contractors all other materials. The Board of Trustees will require bond for the faithful performance of the contract, and will reserve the right to reject any bid or bids. 20 lOt JOHN E. KAY, Principal. SALE OP RAILROAD STOCK. As attorney for the pledgee. I will at 12 o'clock m. on Saturday the 22d day of May, 1807 at the court house door in Raleigh, expose to sale at public auction eighty shares of the capital stock of the Hoffman & Troy Railroad company, of the par value of twenty-five dollars each. Terms cash. R. T GRAY, ap28 Attorney for Pledgee. KXECUTOR'S NOT1CI2. , Having qualified as Exeoutor of the last will and testament of Charles McL?an, deceased, this Is to notify all persons having' claims against the said Charles McLean to present the same on or before the 5th day of April, IHSts, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovory. All persons In debted to the said estate will please make Immediate payment to me or my attornovs. This 5th day of April, '97. Daniel McLean, Executor. Argo & Snow. Altornevs. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business conducted for moocratc Fere. , OUSnrncillvprailT u. rimrwrnoi find we can secure patent in less tuns ttian those, remote trora wssnington. Send model, d raxing or photo with descrip tion. We advise, if nateniable or not. free of charge. Our fee not dus till patent Is secured. , i A PassS'HlCT, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost oi sama in the U. S. and farcin countries jsent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. I On Osw. aTtKT Omei, wse:rioTtii. o. C. Mattings, Baby Special Prices on Baby Carriages THOMAS AND Cross & YOURS FAITHFULLY. This is the subscription with which we would sign ourselves in every transaction with the people. We would be FAITHFUL in giving you just such qualities as is good, not only to look at, butto wear. FAITH FUL in serving you in as pleasant, as careful and a prompt a way as we can. FAITHFUL in making our prices as low as it is possible for us to reduce them by oua business skill and immense buying facilities. FAITH FUL in representing goods in our advertisements and in the store just s they are and in fulfilling every promise made to the public. FAITHFUL in exchanging goods or refunding money just as cheerfully as we made the sale, if the purchase has not proven satisfactory. During this week we will offer all the styles and patterns in Gentlemen's Youth's and Boys' Clothing, Latest styles, nobbiest patterns, exclusive designs at prices you cannot duplicate anywhere for same quality We desire to call especial attention to our Shirt Department. I u White Shirts we have the best iu the world for $1 , either plaited or plain. A famous line of Negligee Shirts, consisting of exclusive patterns, special designs, prices 50c and up. Latest London and Paris High classNovclties in stiff bosom Fancy Shirts Madras and Percale, price $1 and up These goods must be seen to be appreciated. Yours Faithfully. Gross and Linehan. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Page & Marshall, Pr0prietors. Rubber Stamps of All Kinds Made to order on Isaac's Celebrated Glucium Pens 1.00 gross, $10.00 great gross Alfred Williams & Go. Tbe Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Depoits .... $300,000.00 OfTers its customers every accommodation consistent with safe banking Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Some good business oflices to let J.J. THOMAS, President, ALF A. THOMPSON, Vice President. II S. JKRMAN Casns H. JACKSON Assistant Cashier Carriages and Parlor Linehan. ! We Are Prepared To do all kind of Bicycle repair ing, and will bo ready in a few days to do enamel and plate work. We can plate anything made of metal and make it look lido new. We are going to do an all round Bicycle business, sell, buy old wheels, rent, in fact ev everything except make wheels and give them away. Come to see us. We have a first-class workman just from Richmond. Va ) 'PHONE 87. 24 hours' notice. Suits will be Our Specials if sr star8?ir-p if mm - it 111111 fci 'A -i. W i Next Week. 3G0 to Seiect From. CAMPBELL. GENUINE Early Rose White Star SEED POTATOES. Ordered direct from Miehiean, the best potato country, lie sure to get the best and at low prices of Jones & Powell. Goal! Goal! Goal! Kureka 1-1 lack Splint i very hard and durable. Jellico Splint, very free burning. Anthracite. N:i' St u vi and Kgg. POCAUoXT.xS STKAM CUAI. comes from the celebrated I'ncahoMns Flat Top "Field" where there are about forty operations or s-cpniate mining companies, .some time in this -visited the general I 'oeahontas Coal in arranged that only We h: ve Field" ,d 11 agents I..,- u Philadelphia a: 'In- best eoal this Hold he shipped lo are receiving, or shall i this kind. This means ti coal in America. Those who want the he. to save money in fuel should burn this coal have "money to burn" more rapidly by burning A 1 1 e :-. I- . s'.e.ll-.J Mild b.'iier- Thosa- hO e:-.n do mi olhJr eoa I.-. Weiirht and quality L'Uai-an: 1 l.v authoriev "f theireneial a.-nl. Jones & Pewe!!, Miners' Agents, Raleigh, N. ('. I 'hones -11 and 71. SALK OF ltKAli AM) 1 pitori:urv. i:ksoa i, By authority of a judgment of the Superior Court of VYal;e counly in an action entitled T I! ("rowih-r ;nd N M Rand trading ;is Crowder ami Rand vs. E G Rogers and others, rendered at February term 1 M'T, 1 will on Monday, April li'lh, 1X7 at 12 o'clock 111. lit the court housedonr of Wake county, sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash the following described real and personal property: First parcel begins at tin point where the eastern line of Saunders street extended touches the Rhamcat road, thence north eastwardly with said road 52: feet to the southwest corner of lot No. 2 in block 8 of the lands of the Rex hos pital trustees thenee north with the line of lot No. 2, f)! feet to slake corner of Fidelia T. Rogers, thence west wi'h her line 52 1-2 feet to Saunders street. 1 hence south with said street .' feet to the beginning Second parsel Begins at the west side of Saunders street at R M. Utz man's corner, runs west with said Utzman's line and that of R. Whit aker !S feet to a stake, thence south wardly 20 feet to a stake, thence eastwardly 84 feet to Saunders street, thence north with said street 2." feet to the beginning. . At the same time and place under the aforesaid judgment 1 will also sell to the highest bidder for cash, one eight horse Hope engine, one hand planer made by Fay it Co . and one saw anil tixlures. W. N. Jones, Commissioner. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Tills, for no medi cine ever contained so great curative power In so small sjoce. They are a whole medicine chest, nlaays r. a.'jr, Hi ways efficient. nl ways sat isfactory; prevent a eold or lever eurc all liver Ills, Pills Sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. Sflc Tbe only Fills to take with Hood's SarupsrllU. rOCiS for Next Week ! KwvlfjwJBirl,WVl u&3 O S3 1 P era CD GO GO -3 rt o to nnri' QO X TO THE L South cm v Baptist . . Convention AT WILMINGTON, N. C Way 5th to 14th, 1897. THE eaboard Sir Line oitki;- Bssf Service ! Quickest Routes ! AND A HALF RATE. I n addition to the regular super!' double dai y srrvice. it is proposed to run Three "Baptist Special Trains' FROM iriiiui. Noilh ("iimlimi. south Otiollnn iinj (ienrgin. Mauing immediate connections w ith trains from all points,- North south. I'ast and Wcni For special printed matter, maps, time tallies, rales, tickets, sleepers and ail information, address or cal on I! A. Nkwi.axh. Cu-ii'l Ag t Pass r Dept. ii Kimball House, Atlanta, (-a. On T .1 A xi.K3.son. (ien 1 Pass'r t. . Portsmouth, Va. ROBT. PORTNER Brewing Co.'s Bock Now on sale. Our greatest success Superior to Bavarian Beer, There are others, but you willkn.i PORTNER'S by the Delicious Flavor, ( Heavy Body, Rich, Creamy White Form. Gall for Porfner's. Ale and Porter $1 per dozen tmiilr ; for prlyate families.- I - Thos R. Jones, marl lw Raleigh, N. C. When Baoy w sick, we gave bar Castorih When she waa a Child, she cried for Oaetoria, I When she became Miss, she cbiaf to Ceatorfck, ' W"bse she had OtOdren, she gar Iwsa Oastrrfe a b H I rmt n n (-i.: . run TiBivir x Beer I