1 THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, ti.. C. SATURDAY May 8 TUOS. ). PENCE City Editor. Mule to f Advertisement. Hue hi Speuiul Tucker's Specials. Mechanics acd lnvestoi s Uuiou. Saloon for Sale E V Den toe. Typewriters Burkhead & r'ar well. HRIEI'S. Mr 11 J Young weut ilown to Lit tleton this morning The Southern vestibule tr.iin was several hours late today. Mr F. II. Dewey. J r, of t'orts inou'h, is in the citv visiting rela tives and friends It is learned thai a well kuowu herd of cattle at one of the big farms near Italcigh is being examined for ttibecolosis. It is nit thought that Capt. Chas I) Heart! will accept the position of assistant chief of police to w hich he whs elected hist night. All the banks oi the city nil! bp closed Monday in honor of Memorial day, which is a s'ate holiday Justice Montgomery of the Su preme Court w-;i iciko a talk at Murphy School on Monday at M. clock, describ'.i:- 1o the scholars interest'!;?;.' incidents and scenes of thenar and the part taken bv the North Carolina soldiers. The memb-rs of the Ladies' Me morial AssoLiat ion, the Daughters of the Confederacy and all who feel interested are requested to meet at Metropolitan Hall. Monday morning ut 9:30 o'cloc'; assist in decorat ing the hall Chiefof Police Norwood will prob ably take the oath of office Mon day. Hls bond of $j:000, which is given by a Baltimore surety com pany will probably reach here by that time In the window of the store of Mr W C S' ronaeh today was to be seen a beautiful painting representing a Confederate camp scene. It is a splendid piece ofartand is the work of Miss Miriam Seawa 1. The pic lure is true to life and will be ou the shve du rim; memorial exercises Morday. ft isearrest,v .Jcs.red that ah who have flowers to spare viU send t hem to the l.a:i early Monday morning jio thev can be arranged for the cem vtorv. There aiei.ow about seveti iiuiiUreit graws to be decorated and a urea', inauv tl jwi-rs are required in order that ' a. h neio may have hi ..'tler'.i g on Mcu.or'.al Day. The lu.l;.;.- school children will take part hi '.he memorial day exer cises and will lontitute one of the prettiest features of the occasion. It is hoped that all parents wili en courge their children to attend and will sic that they do so. The songs sung by them will be "Dixie" and the Hivouacof the Dead " The Ladies Memor A- ciatton has decided to engage only one. car riage for Memorial Day which will tie used for the orator and chaplain. Carrijges will be at the door of the hall and arrangements have been made with the hickuien s.i th"y can lie secured at moderate prices It is earnestly desired that as many as car. will go in the procession to the veirie'ery to assist in decorating ihe graves. If the system is fortified by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which makes rich, red blood, there islittledanger of sickness. "BUSINESS ITEHsT Pretty Labels don 't make irood crackers. It's the best of materials worked bv the 1 best obtainable skill that makes Fox S.XXXX Square Wafer Butter Crackers the best on the market. Send in orders tbis afternoon to Dughi for ice cream for Sunday din ner. For Sale. Denton's saloon and restaurant; good stand and well equipped; the leaning ana best Known saloon ana restaurant in the State. Terms rea sonable. Ed. V. Dentos. May 8-4t. Money. If you wish to own a home, or to complete payments, or w oorrow money on real estate, apply to the Mechanics and Investors Union, 22 Pullen building. May 8 3t. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. W inslow's Soothing Syrup baa been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oollo, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure ana ask for "Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup, "and take no other kind. - '. W.H. &R.S. Tucker & Co SPECIAL SALES MAY 12. TO MAY 15tb. We cannot resist calling your special attention to our regular weekly advertisement in mis issue of this paper. There is so much merit in the offerings we make. There isa certain peculiarity about the goods we advertise there is a certain merit a certain degree of satisfaction which becomes the high grades of the merchandise we oiler for sale, and never before have we offered more creditable Dress Goods StutTs not at such greatly reduced prices. They are yours for the choosing and there is great choice in the early choosing. V. H. R. S. Tccker Co. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. SPECIAL MAY SALES. All the week, May 10th to May 15th wa will in addition to the great cotton and High Grade Dress Goods Sales advertised today, continue the two great silk sales so successfully carried on last week. We have added to the -We. table a line of real Lyon's printed and fiuished Foulards 27 inches wide, real value 79c. per -yard, these are in full pieces and from which you can buy a dress. These are added to continue the'! interest in these great silk sales, and we will con tinue to add to this table all the week There will be good pickings everv dav. 3 W.' H. vv K. S. TUCKER & CO Pid Yon Ever Trv Electric Bitters as a reraeny for voiir troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and II at all druggists. Stands at the Head. Aug. J, Bogel. the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only hiug that cures my cough, and it is the bestseller I have." J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it nevei fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, I cannot say enough for its merits. " Dr. King s New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head . It never disappoints. Free trial hot ties at all druggists. Cutttige fur Rent. A nice cot'age, in rer'', pleasant location, six rooms, for rent on Oak wood avenue at tl- per month. Apply to M T. 1 aeh tf. JONES In the Millinery Store. We thought we were busy in we were, but we are tustas busy now. want We keep only what is correct, ladies, and even by some of our competitors, that we have by all odds the most tasty and artistic trimmers in the city. Our stock is fresh and up- to date at all times new goods coming all the time. Large quantities helnsusto lower prices. New things Veils this week. We have retrimmed several hats this week that were trimmed in other stores We could not fill the orders at the time and the uarties would not be satisfied with any TRIMMING We only mention this ionable business of the city. Our prices are hardly as high as the lowest of the others. Shirt Waist Silks at astonishingly low prices for next week s at traction new designs, splendid values 50 choice patterns on special table at attention to these during the coming SLIPPERS. 500 pairs new Oxfords and strap sandals, silk straps, pretty metal buckles, 60, 75c, $1 Oxfords new coin toes, patent tips, soft, flexible soles, comfortable and as neat, as a pin. value $1 ; price ?5c. French Kid Oxfords, turn sole, hand made, finest goods, cost the maker more than you'll pav ought to bring 2 00; price II 25. Children's slippers, near fifty styles, prices go from 40c up, not a kind in the lot priced as high as the worth. MEN'S SHIRTS. If vou are looking for a good shirt you are looking for this store- There is not a better shirt stock in Raleigh than is here. Puff Bosoms, $1 00 Plaited Bosoms, 85c Plain Bosoms, 50c Others at 42, 65, 75c and up. Hermsdorf-dyed sox at 10c the pair.. Ladies' all linen cuffs, worth-full 30c at only 15c. Ladies' linen collars at 10, 15, 20 and 25c, latest styles. Ladies' linen cuffs, latest popular styles, 20, 25, 35c pair. Ladies' shirt waists, new goods, new styles, well made, properly cut, W E. 15 Carloads Of 3,622 CRESCENT BICYCLES Were shipped from factory in one shipment to New York agents. 'This is the only solid traiuload and the largest Bicycle shipment ever made. This shows theirgreat popularity. Seven'y thousand Bicycles made in 18. The factory is hard at work, but is about three weeks behind on orders. BUY A CRESCENT ot Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, RALEHJII. N. C. "PAPOID TABLETS" Are very industrious little wheels Hnd 'go the rounds" quickly and effectually when they are needed for digestion. You can enjoy the biggest dinners if you have one or two of these little tablets to take just after eating. Try them. James McKimmon & Co., PHARMACISTS. Bicckensderfer Typewriter. Price, $35.00. Burkhead and Farwell. Room 4 Pullen Bld'g May S lm JONES the millinery store before Easter, and It's having the iroods the ladies and it is acknowledged by all the in Sailors, Ribbons, Chiffons and but THE BEST TRIMMING-OCR to show that we are doiig the fash and most attractive prices; about front or store e call your special week : a large line of colors, a big bargain for vou (5. 50, f8. 75.93c, $1 25 and iJC . CORSETS. We are proud of our corset stock; best ouc corset to be found Kand G corsets in all styles, extra long waists, 75c, $1, $1 25, $1 75 Nazareth waists for ladies, best thing ever used as substitute for a corset 95c. PARASOLS. i New styles, and some special good values. We have a new thing in parasols to come next week. It's the very latest, only one store in a town can get it. Tell you about it on arrival. Popular prices.. Windsor ties for ladies and chil dren in bright new styles, lovely goods 10, 15, 20, 25 and 35c each. STRAW MATTINGS. Nice, neat patterns 10, 121, 15, 18, 20, 25, 30c yard. RUGS. Splendid line, bright and elegant colorings 35, 60, 75, 98c, $1, $1 25 to $6 00. DRESS PATTERNS. New idea paper patterns, as good as any pattern made, fitguaranteed, any atyle made, all one price, 10c. Straw Hats 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 75, 85c each. JONES. Kola Wine Sarsaparilla Beef Iron and Wine. Nature cleans house nlieu win ter sues and decks herself in new apparel, and she make mankind feel the need of removing too. Try one of the it hove .New lilood- makinsr medicine-i. w hieii ''ell you at Sixty Gents a CotSle and it wil 'n ie-j ,.a e Hope, Xe-V ll:l .-pliiCM. W. H. KING & CO.'S Drug Store. MULES and HORSES. Just received an extra nice lot of Horses and Mules. Large lot of Huggies and Farm Wagons which will be sold cheap. .1 M. PACK. Ill Kist Martin St. Ivaleigh, X C. ap!23tf Our Spring ROYALL & BORDEN If you will visit our store you will see one of the Hnest displays of Furniture and House Furnishing goods you ever saw. We are opening !;iilv new goods in all depart- m :'.s. Our Hnhy Carriages are thebestin 1 a ilih. Open at HOVALL S Leaders of tser l .ivetteville Steet Kntrance Telephone .o. L'llti B. .H.&R.S.TUCKER&CO MAY'S SEGGND WEEK'S SURPRISES. Monday. 10th FIRST SPECIAL '1 he entire balance of our imported Scotch, Kngllsh, French and German printed high gra le cottons- Lippets, Balzexines, Etamlnes, Grenadines, &c .Su:.. including the highest grade printed cottons manufactured. These are now offered in this special uale at 25c per yard worth from 35c to 50e per yarc. SECOND SPECIAL The entire balance of our high grade imported pattern Dress Goods this season's choicest woolen Dress Fabrics, including highest Paris Silk and wool novelties, the handsomest goods of this season's propuction offered in this special sale at 99c per yard real Y. It & R. S. a.:b. stronach. Little Things. It s the little thintrs that count ud. You pay us no greater per eentage of profit on Notions than you THm WFFK 1 lUiJ W L-J I TVTCfiT T I1UCG 1 C, W L,lL C3 IVTrJiiT f IVCC iS C W LillX Er9 The Woman in White. New invoices of our popular 56 inch White French Organdies. 48 inch WnHe Swiss urganaies, ... . , 40 Inch Whit Lawna. . . India Linens, Victoria Lawns and White Silk Mulls. Ladies,' Hisses' and Children's Oxfcrds. The handsomest and lowest priced lines in the clt,,,. . ,' Fashions for May NEW J. G. Cabbage We are uow receiving daily shipj mentsof nice fresh N. C. Cabbage direct froiri one of the largest truck farms in Eastern Carolina and will supply the trade at lowest wholesale price. Order one day ahead if pos sible. We are headquarters for New N. C. Cut Herring In common parlance ''Eastern Uaco . N w U tjie time to lay in your sipplv They are getting plentiful rd cheap. We are receiv ing laip shipments direct from the fisheries around Ed'nton, N. C, and can fill orders for big or small lots at the lowest prices. Write or call at D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. Night. BORDEU, Low Prices. through Stro iach's dry goods store, to Saturday, 15th. SURPRISE SALE. SURPRISE SALE. values from 11.60 to $3.50 per yard. TUCKER & CO. do on Dress Goods. ; At lower prices than you will pay elsewhere. Ladles Linen Collars and Cuffs. Leather Belts, Belt Buckles. Pocket Books, Purses, Chatelaine Bags, Fans, Shirt Waist Setts. priced White Goods in Opening Woollcott1 & Son, Will give you more than any house in the city. We have the largest assortment of isonds of mi hm... i tu sii., and our business is conducted on a ftl HfACe HiWla n-.1 nta r.fT-; Organdies, Lawns, Silks Ducks, Tissues and other new style goods. Oil MllllnAl.. rinn . !.... or price. We receive daily new things for this department and have at all times the very best assortment of shapes. Ribbons, Flowers, Tips and other trimmings. , cm nan and Mouseline de Soie in all colors. We would like you to see four special lines of Shirt Waists at 50, 75 88c and $1 00 that we are showing this season. You will be pleased with the style and fit of each of them . The knowledge of experience is the best business knowledge. We have 30 years' experience in business and it has learned us two good things: To buy goods close and sell them at a reasonably low price. We do that, as everyone knows. We have gradually added different lines U our business until we have an immense department store full of all kind of goods. Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Shoes, Crockery. Glass and Tinware, Gent s Furnishings and many other lines. Shoes and Oxfords A neat fitting shoe adds to the looks of anyone. We have an elegant line of Ladies' and Misses' Oxfords, ranging in price from 50c to $2 00 Our $1 25, 1 50 and 1 75 Oxfords are worthy of your attention. Let us show them to you at once while the line is complete New Home and Challenge Sewing Machines for sale for cash or on lease. Needles and parts for sale. If you have any idea of buying u sewing machine we can interest you in them. We sell New Home Machines lower than they have ever been sold here before. See our stock of Rugs, 60c to (C 25 All Goods Sold for Cash. Our Grocery department is a success and we would like you to see it if you have not already done so BUTTERIOK J to Ladies' Brown Kid Lace Shoes, new coin toe, $2 50. Ladies' Cloth Top Button Shoes, Ziegler's make, $2 50 a pair. Ladies' Black ana Brown Kid Oxford Ties, real stylish and very durable, $1 50 and $2 25. Gent's Patent Leather Lace Shoes, dark brown color. $3 50 a pair a great bargain. Gent's Russia Calf Bals, stylish toes, $3 00 a pair. Heller Bros. Shoe Store, Established 1876. STREET CAR TICKETS Books containing 20 street car tickets for 90c, on sale at the office of Sherwood Higgs & Co. Anniversary Week of Onr Grand Rebuilding Sale RIBBON SPECIAL-50 pieces. New Taffettas, al! shades, new purples, new shades of greens and reds; plenty whites for commence ments, Si inches wide, regular 25c ribbons found only in our millinery departments at 14b NEW RUCH1NGS. Neckwear, Fans, Veilings,' Chif fons. Flowers and Laces. BIG SPECIAL PERCAL SALE. One case, yard wide, full pieces, no remnants, none at wholesale, not over 10 yards to a customer. Hurry If wanted. Regular 12Jo qualities. as long as they iast 5o SHIET WAIST SALE. Hiffh class novelties, all new. This season's goods, made from the accepted and frost stylish eoltoo fabrics of tne season, aetacnaoie col lars and cuff", divided into four lots for quick delivery. Lot 1, worth 50 and 75c, to go at 45c 2, worth Hcaoa II to go ai,.tto 3, worth $1 25 and tl 50 at. .89c 4, worth II 75 and $2 to go at 9?e NEW SHIRT WAIST PERCALS NOVELTIES. None ever seen like them before. 1 New Prints, new Foulards, ne '0CC SUCCESSORS TO goods for your money cash basis, hence the lowest possible 1 1 ! A I ... I ' l . I :.. !. O.... -: .. I - -.1 PATTERNS NEW Spring Footwear -AT- Heller's. Corals, new Geisha, new cheviots and Polka Dots 10c Ladies' White Kid Belts )0e THAT SHIRT LEADER. The great 49o shirt sale. Doubt- ' less distributing the greatest quan tity of Colored Negligee Shirts, within the shortest time, ever sold in the city. All that is left from this 6ale have been marked down to clean them up. This closes the big gest shirt offering ever made in Ral eigh. The collars and cuffs of some re worth more than the price asked 29c GenU' Linen Belts.1. 25c LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Ecru and bleached sleeveless vests .6c Ladies' fine ribbed vesta, silk rib bons 10c Perfect fitting, ribbed, elastic seam, sleeveless vest, fine finish 12c Swiss ribbed Lisle thread vest, regular 40c quality -. .25o Pure Silk Jersey bodice, low neck, no sleeevs, small lot. few dosen left. cheap at $1, special price .. . . . .60c uniidren a ribbed Jersey vests at popular prices, down as low as. ..6c tuffs? -v vAAi CA.SH ERWOOO & CO. .