THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. THURSDAY May 20 TUOS. J. PENCE City Editor. Index to New Advertisements. Riggaa Special. W. H. Hughes Specials. Mattresses Made New C. J Woodell. THE WEATHER The following is tbc weal her pre diction for Raleigh and vicinity (not extending beyond ;i radius of 20 miles' issued at S :i. id. today. Mav 20: I l-'air tonight aiR R Friday: t limid I" warm. Condition of the U eathc WARM i For Over Fifty Year Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle He ,,.. .,.,,1 f.. uiu.o U,;.,l.i 3U1C uuu una lui iu i ct. ,i u Soothing Syrup, " and take no other K1IKI . The Ureut Success ,,f J.Y.V 'c VVYY Snimro Wnfpr !nt- ter Crackers has led to many imita tions, but it is generally admitted, and ;i comparison will pasilv Drove. that none equal Fox's XXXX in de- heiousness and nutritive qualities. Thev are baited from the highest grade materials. see tuat the. crackers oear me mi print ''Fox' on them before you buy them. m20 ;t 4 A f 4 4 f"PAPOID I H ABLETS"! Are very industrious liltlt R&kes, 15c. Wire Netting 6c yd. Matting Tacks. Lawn Mowers. Gem Ice Cream Freezers. Ice Picks. wheels and "go the rounds" Barometer (ins) .'M. 22. Dry bulb (deg.) HI Change in 24 hours .... 12. Wet bulb . Minimum temperature Wind velocity . . Lt. Rainfall ... 0 no Direction of wind . S. State of weather Clear. Ir KSON.ll . Solielior Claude ilernar.''. in the city. Prof J A Holm s.oftliel'nher.sity is in the city . Mr hlC Duncan, of lleawfort. was in the eitv today. Miss Mary Danie: lias gone to Coldsboro on a visit. Col F A Olds is in Char.. -tie I. -day. taking in the festivitiesof the' icea city. Judge Thomas II Sutton, of the eastern criminal court, is in the city. Mr Clarence V. Young, of New York, a popular iViivsou!atl ve of the largest long -distant telephone company in the world, was in the city yesterday and appealed h -fore the railroad eominissio.'; bnard. Mr. J X McRarv of the 1 k Vlsrroii who was suinnioned to Lex ington io the bed-sid- .f Lis sister. Mrs Everhart, returned to ihe , i;y this morning, and we are L'iad it note that his sister Is much better and it is hoped that she will recover. If the system is fortified by Hood's Sarsapariila. which make's rich, red blood, there islitlledanger of sickness. Stands at the Head. Aug. J, Bogel. the leading drug gist of ShrevopcTt. La., says. "Dr. King's Xew Discovery is the only hiug that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have. " J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's Xew Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say enough for its merits. " Dr. King's Xew Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at all druggists. WHY BUY Second baud Bicycle when vim can huv a nice, clean, fresh, fully guaranteed Crescent r Rambler. We have a special harain for tome one. I .ad if.-' I . . New Rambler, Sold at MiM: our price. iiu. We ac on'v fonr of llift-t- llicvcles: cannot tr l any nunc You have an opportunity to :v; -loo for j'.ti. Will you buy one - Thos. H. Brfe & Sons, ttALEWH. X. ('. i tlv ALLEN & NICHOLS' m iue aic neeueu mi cogesuon. 4 You can enjoy the bii'trest 4 T dinners if you have one or two 1 T of these little tablets to take A just after eating. Try them. ! James McKimmon fi Co,, J PURE AND CHEAP ICE FOR SALE. Hardware Store. While in Bed ! Go Where You Please, Pay what you please, you will iind no better SODA WATER Haeyou thought of the mattress? If it is in comforlable, send il at once to C. .1. WOODKLL S Maltn ss Works and have it made new. All kinds of mattresses made or renovated at short notice in the best style and at very moderate prices. Write a noslaf to C. J Wnnrlnll telephone the Central Hotel will call. Itest work and satisfac tion guaranteed tnvlO lw Retail prices same as last season, which are lower than other places, as follows: Delivered from wagons each morning and evening, except Sundays, or at factory every day. Five lbs, and less than ten lbs, at one timr, UOc per 100 lbs. Ten lb-i. and less than 25 lbs. at one time, 50oper 100 lbs. 25 lbs and less than 100 lbs. at one time, 40c per 100 lbs. 100 lbs. and less t.hnn 1 1100 Ihc ni one lime, viae per 100 lbs. 1,000 lbs. and less than 2,000 lbs. at one time, 30c per 100 lbs. 2,000 lbs. or more at one time, 25c per juu lbs Drivers are authorized to sell tickets for cash by the packago at above rtriecs Thpv nro nvnnia,i rt be accommodating; toannounce their univui ui irooi gate ana deliver ice thera on reeeint of t inkpf nr mnnav but will not have time to wait or leave wagons to deliver ice in houses. We wish to serve all reg ularly and request the co-operation in an iue people. Those wishing ice will please give uuncc a uuy in uuvance. Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones 41 and 71. Wool Icott & Son, Money-Saving Store of the People. REMINDERS We are still nfwin, tkt c , , , n CAUtt SOU Dnished sea ichin.l r.iinn ka a yard. Heavv unhlnflelipil var-A n,l,lo smooth finished domestic at 5Jc a yard, 5c value. We sell Borated T.ilei at 20c a box. 01; Purer Drugs than we jjive yon. W. H. KING & CO3 Druggists, I'Ji.vt'l t Si reel. BUSINESS ITEMS. ,iom:s. JllXIX anted. A good second-hand wtiet Apply at this oillee. Send for catalogue of oilorl frigerators to V II Hughe-.. Our Spring Opening. ROYALL & BORDEN If VOU will visit, Olir stnro vnii will c I va v y 1 f 111 OV V ui me unesi displays ol furniture and iivmi.m- r uniksjiiiig gooas you ever saw. We uv - jHNiiii daily new goods in all depart :i ,ts. Our llahy Carriages are the best in IJ I'eigli. Open at Night. YALL & BORDEN, Leaders of Low Prices. ItS?1 i '.IVettOviil.i Sl,ii l,'nti..,nn C 1. -. , T 1 1 i . v .) i "iiliihc I.UIUUKU oiruuiuiu a ury gixxis sioro. 1 " stock 20c to $1 75. Our stock of untrimmed hats, flowers, feathers, chifTi ns and ribbons is very large and unusually pretty. Do not make tb mistake of buying your bat before seeing what we have. TWO ITEMS FOR YE LAJ)YS 74 and 100 cents are the prices of our ladies' wrappers, suitable for the season. Muslin underwear for all sizes gowns, drawers, corset covers, etc. Chemise either prices from 25c to 1 50, cheaper to wu,y man iu uiUKC. OXFORD TIES We WOllM lilfo trn l-v cnn - " ' JVM out VIII tl 25, 1 50, and 1 75 lines of Oxfords iu piuin ana lancy tips, patent leath er or cloth tops. We also have an Oxford Tie at 1 which looks well and will wear well. SEWING MACHINES At prices never before equalled. Three drawer New Home sewing machine for $30; three drawer Chal lenge sewinc .mnehinA for -r Wo also have one Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine used two or three times that we will sell for nv. such prices as these have ever been offered in this city before for first class h it'll frnilp markings (Inn n der any part of these machines for yuu ui uny lime, needles and oil for sale. MILLINERY Our trimmer! but. fin J r. $6 are tasty, elegant looking affairs iroiu ine aesigner s nanus. All the latest shapes in sailors constantly in CROCKERY A PI And nn I, a ,1.1 rtr n ... o r., .,. n . n., f o . Tj .uiiiei , ivu. r-eis nun j onei sets. Any Kind of an odd piece you want. Jnrdineres me useful; we have a pretty linJ. DRESS GOODS Irish lawn (fancy) 40 inches wide are now 15c a yard. Dress duck,, all colors, 10c yard; lace striped or gandies 71c yard; 39 inch fancv lawns 7Jc yard;eleganut assortment of silks for shirt waists 25, 35, 41 50 and tiSc; silk ginghams 25c yard. LININGS liainbow linings 12Jc yard, alt colors, plain la vn linings, 40 inches wide at 10c; silecials, all colors, 10, 12 and 15c; canvas, wiggan, drill ing, rustling silk, fibre chamois, jeans, percalines, cambric, crino lines, hair cloth and grass cloth. We also sell spool silk, twist, cotton, whalebone, hooks and eyes. RUGS Smyrna Am Miwmof Hn f... r.n., . . .1- n 8i.e, fringed Brussels Rugs to sell at $1 26. A few dot wares ; loft. BEFORE CLOSING Ail 119 ftall Vniir Btnt.inn In ... ! . ! , , or(rC Wel1 8elouted etock of Fncy Groceries, all pure and whole- SOme. Our mentll ln aarnt inJ l. ..J .in ' . r , . . .. m in i.;7" i . uu .jui. win unjuy your nreaklast if you will try a few slices of our sweet sugar cured Breakfast Strip BUTTEBICK PATTERNS Co to Kiggis.s for x's .WW Uutter Wafers The erjeki r I or Sale. 20 shares I!aieit;li Savings liauk : ID shares Mechanics' Dime Sa ings Uauk: 20 shares Mechauies' and In vestors' f'nion. ni 1!) WVNNK, Kl.l.M,i,.v ,V C'i Screen dcors and windows, wire dish covers, etc , at Hughes', may 2o-2t l or Kent. Two rooms indwelling house, near 1'nion depot. Apply al tios ollice. mir 1 w A New lliin(;...liish it Alontf. B. Jacoos, of Richmond, 'a., will open a Loan Office at No. 20. Wil mington street (Sign :!( iold Calls over door) about June 1st, for the j purpose of lending monev in small or large amounts, on 'Diamonds, vvaicnes, uioeks, Jewelry, Cuns, Pistols, Furniture clothing, pfe , to' all persons that may be "in need. Don't forget the place. 207, Wil mington street. Sign :i Gold Balls over door. maylltlj A $6 HAT FOR THE BEST A $4 HAT FOR THE NEXT BEST. We wan' M . brii' ht woine?, to ivrii,. n -;r. !,,;..!. ' i . one n ting ihe best a.l has the prettiest and hat we can make made to her onU r. t. ,.xl ln,h, rdU ,.(l(.r .,. ,.st .V. f s:z' " ",ust sil '' column. Ii inches long: ,.v the lirst ::. tint nune , can be . they will be numbeivd 1, L-.:;, ete..' just as we receive hem lhey he p.-mle.l each day in .his space. (i;,en to all lad I ''J'" " to. '."".vcars old. A committee ol three comp. tent judges will d -cide winch is best, and next best. send Uiem in right awav. write plaiulv a address and direct to -'V. E. '.lones. Halei di N will not be revealed without permission. "(Join the points vou desire We ought to get some splemhd ads. You h ive i i .,.. d.. lady s heart to write about, and you have the nieesi. f,Vs!t ....,. "iiioueiy m im-aiaie l..r vour suh -ct. W.. Oelien theie are lots o adies w th h,-il,i ,,...i :.i : ' . . , nn " mr.13 in uie r ni-eirv ,inOj id sig c. iii a' mr fa ami . v I. name and of i Her mI get a.l r I iev r v brii-hlesi we want to know some of them' Did Vou Ever Try Electric Bitters as a romeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence Pn giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholv or tmnhlnri, j: I spells, Electric Bitters is the medi- PinA vsii n aaA ITnnUL i o , are guaranteed by its use. Fifty Watch Lost. A watch was lost during the me morial parade yesterday, Mav 10. A liberal reward will be paid if left at this office. i ii w BHckensderfer Typewriters! Price, $35.00. Eurkhead and Farwell. Room4Pullen Bld'g. V May 8-lm. I'RKTTV , If ixoua you cannot realize the ef ' feet of nice, prettv rugs laid : '.out a rice, cool, fresh laid matin g It gives a room such a t ne like, in viting appearance. '.ou may not know it. but that rug we sell at $1 is the besf value you ever saw. ' It's three feet wide and six feet lo and moquette rugs 10, 50, 75 and on up, all nice goods and cheap. . I I'ce curtains are CLRTAIN old: they have been SWISSES. used for years; they are hard to wash, too, and are not near as pretty as Swiss curtains. This uew line of Swisses are .lovely light, airv foods, nnd n.TA tint nvnnn. sive either-HO to 52 inches wide at ii, i - j , lo, 20 to .'iOc the yard. 0IL i 'M and 38 WINDOW SHADES inches wide, six and seven feet long, on spriog Elicit,, uest on nonanas, all colors, plain and dado 25, 30, 35, 45, 50c each. LADIES' ( 5C 10c 20c, 25c to 50c is the price range of this new line of summer vests just received. You haven't sepnas good values anvwhere nnt. oi7, koTo . , - " - " v. i . aa these are. lyuuij ireat UNDERWEAR FOR many men WARM MEN S can't stand heat. No reason why theyshouldn't; we have thin shirts that are coil well made shirts they are, and the fabric is strong, made for cool dura-bility-2. 2.".. :;.), J.".. ..lie and on up. but goodness goes up faster lhan the price. SIN Another big lot of UMBRELLAS those famous $100 umbrellas or ours came today and more of the better ones: for a best umbrella we recommend thjt beauty of ours, all silk, close roil, at 2. PRETTY Pretty fans are no PANS s more expensive than the others All the ladies like nil tl,,,;,. belongings to be pretty and dainty. Our fans seem to be just exactly the right kind; vou could nnt. Iind n..i tier ones and they are really just us low m prjce as lnany lf toeeom. monest kinds 2c to tl 25. ECOI'ORED ' Colorptl shirts tjHIKf.b formen in sum mer is as yreat a fnl as chirf ,n;i for ladies and thev able, too, and that is why they are ou uuuuiar our npjv fn nH . are beauties; .20 different kinds to select from 14, 50, C8, 75, 08c, tl 25 puff silk bosoms, $1, nowhere else at less than $1 50. ALL KINDS Yes, that express OF GLOVES i es it; we have about all kinds of good gloves to be bad cotton, silk, thread, kid, ete; mitts, too 15, 20, 25. 35, 50c, 1. Heller Bros. OFFER THIS WEEK Some Special Bargains Ladies' Oxford Tie?, Ziegler's make, heels and spring heels. . $1 50 (ent s Kussia Calf Bals, new coin toe, per pair 3 00 i atent ueatner tslippers, per pair 150 lient s Black and Colored Patent Leather Shoes, per pair 3 50 Ladies' two button Low Shoes, real pretty and stylish. 2 50 IB 19 4 yii-r- RumS A am"., I? ' ' 1 loiiui b v,w ..vw, y CctoM.VUJ IQ7C S JC,r A. B. STRONACH. WOOLLCOTT & SON. GRAND Floral Disolav M. m Of Artificial Flowers. ma miimiiiiiuii iii W. E. JONES. Good Taste Required. Says the Dry Goods Chronicle of Mav ifiih. "Willi ll o ( . . . ,in,,Ki 1 . . j l"c BU ,rl waist season every merchant is un- UOUbtedlV inlorpQtH in rvcnm.inr mnnl. I.. I : .L ... . .... durin" "t , t0 tbiS- CnC,USi0D -t - o-Vrtofi irJ 1 Tt kti I e dePai'tments in the big stores where shirt waiste ..." , . " ""K"iu wueciion or ugiy patterns and un ittruc tlVe CO Orinirs n-a natror can, mc. : ti .v... . . . . . ,. Vr- . t , "'r"" "s ,BeJ were in trie retail nMtfJ t Greter New York The purchHsers of these must have got hold or Ine tat -pnlc nr lac ve-' .. : l . .. 1 1 V . , 1 ca gooos. jo person or good taste would ever Kb irn hv nMrnr.,, .i . , . ? ing such stuf. Hence we conclude that to mal e many profitable sales a wash I'Allik clAf 1 n,i,c( n,.m.: ,k . . J ,!"""' Mies - ...M.,v .,.,, lU3 muj, ueuuiuui styles and patterns We have won golden opinions for our choice in this direction. No such beauties and values anywhere as we are showing in 4 PERCALES. DIMITIES. JACONETS. ORGANDIES LAPPET MULLS. LAWNS. 5c, 7c, 8Jc, 10o and 12jo a yard. The new Polka Dots in Percals, Orgiindies" and Lappet Mulls! Shepherd Plaids for Skirts and Dresses. Three Numbers 12Jc yard. Half Price Sale of White Parasols Tlinncfinc Ha FHnHAL T.n .. . Vnii. j di . "Tu r lowers, representingtne JJerr es, Fruits, Your?hnSOm f,ro,n he.Pields. forest and Cultivated Gardens, rour choice of the whole collection of any or all for ONE THIRD PRICE. Selection is easy. ' "a,,i;cu ,u hnow cases- lDey maV be sn at a glance. raUA SHnAnmi,mS' ild powers Grasses, etc., etc., that usually reun at. 50 and 75c, are now selling at 25c. Finn Si I Ij- Plmcurc mu : r , r PonnioV vs VV t "V ' o ' runee, sucn as tiiaaioias, Wisterias, Poppies, Violets, Lilacs. Roses, etc., etc , usually 1 and ti 25 during this sale your choice for 50c. ' uurln Thft nilhlin a ntMnni'n;nn . . pnthncinVm rp . ... u eul-""ragemeiH received awakens our to nonfifn thrdteff0rtS W'" b9 SpareJ 10 make this department second Pattern Hats and Models will be closed at half price Yale, Colombia and Boston Sailor Hats, Short back Sailors all colors, swell crowns, rough and ready brims. 'All luniniuarjic VUIII Ul UiiUUHS Of DrUlUS. Prices Are Breaking on Every Hand. Bargain nnnnrtnnWIaa nnmfl tk;Ai. ... .1 .i . ment t.h TH "urT. T" Jbl ttu.u w,in 8nrcwu discern- ftnvthin.FthV j special pur.nases are far beyond III 1 n1"? M revealed ad t maintain the leadership so well be fhis'week yU surpris,D cut Price bargains for the balance of Six dozen Sailors, in blank a 7 ti ill usually 25c, all this week at 19c. 10 Deen-Our Leaders-Sa"0" ffr,1o ui " i, V T r,ue uas ueen AH n s season's IfOOUS back. wIiMa nnrl nnvir u ... . ? . uittius. uunog week) at 25c. 10 Dozen High Crown Sailors. durintht 0ur Price bM Mei SoeCial"ne l(,t1P,tst';aw, feather weight, nobby for this sale 75c iacK B,,a wnites, usual price 1 25, THE KNOX, THE DUNLAP, wholeslleVrico!' MT 'n tW n? bri I at the - 4: SUCCESSORS TO C.A .SHEPt5o& CO. : f I-

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