THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. FRIDAY May 21 TU09. J. PENCE City Editor. Index to New Advertisements. Wood -J G Ball. Show Case Wanted. THE WEATHER The following is the weather pre diction for Raleigh ami vicinity (not extending beyond a radius of 20 miles) issued at X a. in. today. May 21 : Fair tonight Sal n ri'.uv : cooler. and COLD Conditions nf the tVeotlu The following were the conditions at S a in today: Barometer (ins). Dry bulb (deg.). . Change in 2-1 hours Wet bulb Minimum tempera! u re Wind velocity Rainfall Direct ion of wind State of weather . . 'at her ji).:;o. liS. fi. CO. i!2. Lt. I) (in S. L'lenr. PF.KSONAI.. Mr -S M llollon of Durham is here today. Mr Washington Puke, of I'liiliani. is in t he city . Mr Mam T Smith and Capt J W Wier returned todav fi'-un a visit t) Stagville. Misses Sadie and Minnie Tinker left yesterday for Nash vide to attend the Centennial K. position Mr Butler J ustiee. of Lincoluton, a prominent young lawyer from western North Carolina. ''.- in the city. Mr I' C Ivu.'ss. :" lUUrijjh. the discoverer of the l.ot Tribes, is here to attend th M lei. era! Assembly -Charlotte Observer. Dr. Cyrus Thompson lias e.l to the city from his home in Ons low county. I)r Thompson was ao LOinpanied by Mrs Thompson and their t wo children Mr J I. William-, of Chicago, is here visiting his father. Mr John L Williams, who is very sick at the residence of his daughter eh Soirh Dawsi in st reel I he M lisicil I INistpoiK'd. At a meeting of Luke's Circle of the Kind's Daughters on yester day afternoon it was decided best to defer the musical which was to have been given at the Park Hotel until after tic Tarboro convention of the Kino's Ituughtersand Sons, of North Carolina Mis- II. M. MooKK. Secretary If the system is fortified oy flood's Sarsapanlla. which makes rich, red h'ooil, there is lit! le danger of sickness. IusTnessItems. ; antcj. A good second-hand ollii-e desk. Apply at this ollii-e. Send for catalogue of oihu 'i' frigerators to W II Ih.ghrs To buy a show ea'-e about live or six feet long. Addri ss "I',' 'care Press-Visitor Orders for wood left with J G Ball will be promptly tilled. Sea sjned pine at $1 7,') per cord, sea soned oak at $2 25 per cord. my2I For Sole. "20 shares Raieigh Savings Bank: 10 shares Mechanics' Dime Savings BanU; 20 shares Mechanics' and In vt'tins' I'nion. mill Wynxk. Ei.unoton & Co. ) Screen doors and windows, wire dish covers, etc , at Hughes', may 20 2t A New Thins --1'lish it Along. B. Jacobs, of Richmond, Va , will open a Loan Ofliee at No. 203 Wil mington street (Sign 3 Cold Balls over door) about June 1st, for the purpose of lending money in small or large amounts, on Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Furniture clothing, etc , to all persons that may be in need. Don't forget the place. 207, Wil mington street. Sign 3 Gold Balls over door. may 14 llj Did You Ever Try Klectric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spellfj, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and tl at all druggists. For Over FlftT Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millioDSof mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggists iu every part of the world. 2.i cents a bottle Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind The Great Suecess of Fox's XXXX Square Wafer But ter Crackers has lea to many nmia lions, but it is generally admitted, and a comparison will easily prove, that none equal Fox's XXXX in ile lieiousness and nutritive qualities. They are baked from the highest orade materials. " See that the; crackers bear the sin print ''Fox'' n them before von buy them. '- ;it Stands at the Head Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only lung that cures my cough, and it is the bestseller I have." J. V. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it nevei fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and coUN. cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at all druggists. WHY BUY Seeoml hand Hicycles when you an I'tiv a nice. cl"un. f :- - I -. ' Iv uuaranteeil Crescent Rambler. We have a special bargain for some one. I. lutes' New Rambler, Sold a'. 10u: our priec. iio. We have oniy four of tlie.-e Bicycles: cannot L'et any more Vou have an opportunity to get Men f,n- Will you buy one ' Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, RALEIGH. N. C. v i-:. .M)M-;s. AN EMBROIDERY AHD LACE SENSATION FOR MONDAY. Several days ago we bough: of a man nf.iei urer sagent several hundred yards of line Kinbroider'.es, ranging from '21 i 1) ii wiih'. -ill of the linest work and material. The value of the goods runs from III).- to T.'ie Ihe yard, wholesale price These goods have jus! come ami will be opcii'd and put on sale Mond iy morningat one price for the eulire line, 20c a Yard. Sah" from 10 to 12 o clm-U only. See window. LACES Also from same parly a splendid line of the new Laces in cotton and silks. The right kind of Laces are get ting scarce, eveu now, and we feel that we were very fortu nate in securing these-cl.oii patterns. I 'rices range from 12c to 50e the yard. Opened and on sale Monday morning. A $6 HAT FOR THE BEST A $4 HAT FOR THE NEXT BEST. We want 3l! bright women to write us 3t bright millinery ads. The one writing the best ad has the prettiest and nicest hat we can make, made to her ordr; the next best can order the best hat we can get up for $4; size of ad. must be single column, 3 inches long; only the first 30 that come in can be used; they will be numbered 1, 2,3, etc., just as we receive them. They will be printed each day in this space. Open to all ladies from 10 to 100 years old. A committee of three competent judges will de cide which is best, and next best. Send them in right away, write plainly and sign your full name and address and direct to "W. E. Jones, Raleigh, N. C. " The i.ame of writer will not be revealed without permission. Come in at any time and get ail the points you desire. We ought to get some splendid ads. You have a theme dear to every lady's heart to write about, and you have the nicest, freshest, brightest and most tasty line of millinery in the State for your subject. We believe there are lots of ladies with bright, good ideas in their pretty heads, and we want to know some of them. 4 2 ! j'PAPOID j T ABLETS" I ? Are very industrious little J wheels ami "go tin' rounds" T quickly and effectually when A jji they are needed for digestion. f 4 You can enjoy the biggest 0 J dinners if vou have one or two 1 f of these little tablets to take T just after eating. Trvlheui. 4 ! James McKimmon & Co,, J I'll AKM.U'ISTS. ! I Go Where !ou Please, Pay what you please, you will find no better SODA WATER Purer Drugs than we tive you. W. H. KINO & GO.'S Druggists, I'm ! tovillo Slrool. w. i;. ,iom:s W. E. JONES. Rakes, 15c. Wire Hefting 6c yd. Matting Tacks. Lawn Mowers. Gem Ice Freezers. Ice Picks. Cream ALLEN & NICHOLS' MAS'nwa While in Bed I lave i : ihoiieht of tin- mattress? U ii is hi. com!'.. i i!i;e. send it at once tot'. .1. U i : I lll .1 . S Mai t r. ss Works ami haw it made new. All kinds of i,, made or renovated at short notice in the best slvle and at very moderate prices. j Write a postal to C, .1. Woodell or ( telephone the Central Hotel and he will call. Ilesi work anil satisfac-! tion guaraiiii o mvl!) I w Our Spring Opening. ROYALL & If you will visit our store you will see one of the finest displays of Furniture and House Furnishing goods you ever saw. We are opening daily new goods in all depart menis. Our Hahv Carriages are the best in igh. Open at Night. Leaders of a" i'avetteviil,' Sti'i't Kntranco Telepl.oi i Xo, 2tlli 1!. L.idies' Oxford Ties, Ziegler's make, heels and spring heels, tl 50 i 'ill's liussia Calf Hals, new coin toe, per pair 3 00 l.idies' Patent Leather Slippers, per pair. 1 50 io i.t's i;iacl and Colored Patent Leather Shoes, per pair. 3 50 La-lies' two button Low Shoes, real pretty and stylish 2 50 eller's Shoe Store, Established 1876. A. B. STRONACH. Good Taste Says the Dry Goods Chronicle of May 15th: "With the advent of the shirt waist season every merchant is un doubtedly interested iu procuring wash fabrics that are at once sightly and fashionable. We are led to this conclusion as a result of our visit duriug the week to the departments in the big stores where shirt waists are sold. Such a heterogenous collection of ugly patterns and unittrac tive colorings we never sa massed in a pile as they were in the retail stores of Greater New York. The purchasers of these must have got hold of the tail-ends of last years' drives in wash goods. No person of good taste would ever be guilty of drawfting his sense of the beautiful by buy ing such stuT. Hence we conclude that to make many profitable sales a wash goods stock must comprise the most beautiful styles and patterns." We have won golden opinions for our choice in this direction. No such beauties and values anywhere as we are showing in PERCALES. DIMITIES. JACONETS. ORGANDIES. LAPPET MULLS. LAWNS. 0c, "Jc, Pic, 10c and 12c a yard. ThJfncw Polka Dots in Percals, Organdies and Lappet Mulls. Shepherd Plaids for Skirts and Dresses. Three Numbers 12Jc a yard. Half Price Sale of ICE FOR SALE. Retail prices same as last season, which are lower than other places, as follows: Delivered from wagons each morning and evening, except Sundays, or at factory evkry pav. Five lbs, and less thau ten lbs, at one time, tide per 1(H) lbs. Ten lb-, and less than 23 lbs. at one time, 5(c per 100 lbs. 23 lbs and less than 100 lbs. at one time, 10c per 100 lbs. 100 lbs and less than 1,000 lbs. at one time, .'13c per 100 lbs. 1.000 lbs. and less thau 2,000 lbs. ut one time, 30c per 100 lbs. 2.000 lbs ur more at one time, 25c per 100 lbs Drivers are authorized to sell tickets for cash by the package at above prices. They are expected to be accommodating; toannounce their arrival at front gate and deliver ice theraon receipt of ticket or money, but will not have time to wait or leave wagons to deliver ice in houses. We wish to serve all reg ularly and request the co-operation of all the people. Those wishing ice will please give notice a day in advance. Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. t'liones 41 and 71. BORDEN BORDEN, Low Prices. through Stronach's dry goods store. Heller Bros. OFFKU THIS WEEK Some Special Bargains Required. White Parasols Woollcott & Son, Money-Saving Store of the People. REMINDERS We are stili offering that extra soft finished sea island cotton at bile a yard. Heavy unbleached yard wide, smooth finished dohieslic at 51c a yard, 5c value. We sell Borated Talcum powder at 20c a box. OXFORD TIES We would like vou to sec our $1 25, 1 50, and 1 75 lines of Oxfords in plain and fancy tips, patent leath er or cloth tops. We also have an Oxford Tie at $1 which looks well and will wear well . SEWING MACHINES At prices never before equalled. Three drawer New Home -sewing machine for $30; three drawer Chal lenge sewing machine for 125. We also have one Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine used two or three times that we will sell for $22. No such prices as these have ever been offered in this city before for first class high grade machines. Can or der any part of these machines for you at any time. Needles and oil for sale. MILLINERY Our trimmed hat $.1 50, $4, $5 and $0 are tasty, elegant looking affairs from the designer's hands. All the latest shapes in sailors constantly in CROCKERY A giand assortment on limn!, kind of an odd piece you want. J mil RUGS Smyrna and Moquet Iiugs from size, fringed IJrussels lluga to sell at 41 BEFORE CLOSING ljt us call your attention to our ever increasing Grocery trade. We have a large and well selected stock of Fancy Groceries, all pure and whole some. Our meats are sweat and tender and .you will enjoy your breakfast if you will trv a few slices of our sweet sugar cured Breakfast Strip BUTTEE1ICK PATTERNS WOOLLCOTT & SON. GRAND Floral Display Of Artificial Flowers. Thousands of fine French Flowers, representingthe Herries, Fruits' Foliage and Blossoms from the Fields, Forest and Cultivated Gardens Your choice of the whole collection of any or all for ONE THIRD PRICK- Conveniently arranged in show cases, they may be seen at a glancr. Selection is easy. Roses. Geraniums, Wild Flowers, Grasses, etc., etc., that usually retail at 50 and 75c, are now selling at 25c. Fine Silk Flowers, made iu France, such as Gladiolus, Wisterias, Poppies, Violets, Lilacs, Roses, etc., etc , usually $1 and $1 25, during this sale your choice for 50c. The public appreciation and encouragement received awakens our enthusiasm, and no efforts will be spared to make this department second to none in the State. Pattern Hats aud Models will be closed at half price. Yale, Columbia and Boston - Sailor Hats, Short back Sailors, all colors, swell crowns, rough and ready brims. All the fashionable combinations of braids. Prices Are Breaking on Every Hand. Bargain opportunities come thick and fast and with shrewd discern ment, the choicest are selected. Our special purchases are far beyond anything the past has revealed and to maintain the leadership so well be gun, we shall offer you surprising cut-price bargains for the balance of this week. Six dozen Sailors, in blacks and whites, usually 25c., all this week at 19c. 10 Dezen-Our Leadcrs-iors Usually retailed at 50c. Our price has been STx: All this season's goods black, white and navy, seuelte braids. During this week at 25c. 10 Dozen High Crown Sailors. Blacks and whites, usually retail at 75c. Our price lias been 56c; during this week, 30c. ft-nfrl1 ne 'ot crowns, for this sale, 75c. THE KNOX, THE DUNLAP, And all the new shapes and styles in two-tone brims, will go at th wholesale price, $2 00. SUCCESSORS TO C.A stock 20c to $1 75. Our stock of untrimmed hats, Dowers, feathers, chill'ens aud ribbons is very large and unusually pretty. Do not make the mistake of buying vour hat before seeing what we have. TWO ITEMS FOR YE LADYS 74 and 100 cents are the prices of our ladies' wrappers, suitable for the season. Muslin underwear for all sizes gowns, drawers, corset covers, ele. Chemise either plain or trimmed, al prices from 25c to $1 50, cheaper to buy than to make. DRESS GOODS Irish lawn (fancy) 40 inches wide are now 15c a yard. Dress duck, all colors, 10c yard; lace striped or gandies 7c yard; 39 inch fancy lawns 7jc yard;elegannt assortment of silks for shirt waists 25, 35, 49, 50 and 08c; silk ginghams 25c yard. LININGS Rainbow linings 12-le yard, all colors, plain lawn linings, 40 inches, wide at 10c; silecials, all colors, 10 12J and 15c; canvas, wiggan, drill ing, rustling silk, fibre chamois,, jeans, percalines, cambric, crino lines, hair cloth and grass cloth. We also sell spool silk, twist, cotton, whalebone, hooks and eyes. O inner. Tea Sets anil Toilet Sets. Any inures are useful: we have a pretty line. fife to $ii 2,". We also hav tiy. A few ilol squares left. e a niee BE slJ''t K,r:w feather weight, nobby black and whites, usual price f 1 3", .SHERV?p?Jb & Co.

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