THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH. N. C. I'l'IILISHED BY TUB VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY f INCORPORATED!. A CONSOLIDATION OF THE VISITOR, KHTABU9ED 1878, AND THE PRESS, K8T A BUSHED 1894. Ollice in the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteviile and Davie Streets UWF.KK O. ANDREWS. Editor end Manager. JASPER N. McHARY. Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. hif Year 4-00 six Months 200 i ni' Month 35 Kntered as Second Class Mail Matter rii Leader in the News and hi Circulation. TKLKPHONK No. 188. THURSDAY ..June.'! THE VETERANS AT NASHt Il.LI". The official programme for the re union of the United .Confederate Veterans at Nashville. Tenn , June 22, 23 and 24 has been announced. This gathering 'of old veterans promises to be the largest ever held in the South. Col. George Moor man, assistant adjutant general, an nounces that nine hundred and seventy-five camps of United Con federate Veterans have been orga nized, and that about one hundred applications for the organization of camps are now pending. Texas heads the list, with two hundred andjtwenty-one camps, while Ala bama and North Carolina follow with ninety -one camps each. Mary land has six camps, Virginia thirty seven, West Virginia seventeen and the District of Columbia one. The following is the programme for th Nashville re-union. Tuesday, June 22, at 10 a. m.. the Daughters of the Confederacy will meet at the State capitol in Nashville in a general re union. On the evening of the saint day they will give a reception to the Confederate Veterans. At 12m. on the same day the convention of Confederate Camps will hold a ses sion in the large tabernacle. Kach division will be assigned to its own position. Speeches of welcome will then be made and responses. Hon J W Reagan is orator of the occasion, and immediately upon the close of his address willeomethe usual orga nization for transaction of business. For Wednesday, June 23, the con vention will meet at Ida. m. and will transact important business which will come before it, requiring a full day's session. The evening will be devoted to a concert, which will be given in honor of the spon sors and maids of honor. Thev will be seated upon the platform, with special escort of Confederate Veter ans. For Thursday, June 24, the grand parade, Gen. W. H. Jackson, chief marshal of the division, will be in charge.All division, will beas signed positions and each camp will carry a banner or old Confederate battle flag, which will be still more appropriate. The sponsors and maids of honor from the different States will ride in open carriages in front of their own State division The reunion will close with a gen eral reception that night. The New Orleans papers announce that the Illinois Central Railroad potnpany has determined to goon with its terminal improvements in that city without awaiting the result of an application for a rehearing in the case recently decided adversely to the company ,by the Supreme Court of Louisiana. Commenting, the Picayune says: "It was an nounced when the Stuy vesant docks decision was first rendered that the Illinois Central would do nothing more in the matter f improving its facilities until a final decision was reached settling bcyrnd dispute And appeal its right to operate free wharves, etc., but it has reconsid ered its action and will go on with the work. It will extend its wharves along the entire river front of its property and cover them with a system of sheds so as to protect merchandise and labor. It will erect the necessary warehouses, build another million-bushel eleva tor and make other suggested im provements. When these are com pleted New Orleans will have caught up with all that New York and other rival cities have done during the interval when the hands of the Illinois Central Railroad were tied by the Supreme Court decision." A Point to Remember. If vou wish to Durifv vonr you should take a medicine which cures blood diseases. The record of cures by Hood's Sarsaparilhi proves that this is the best medi cine for the blood ever produced. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures the most stubborn cases and it is the medi cine for you to take if your blood is impure. Hood's pills act easily and prompt ly on the liver ami bowels. Cure sick headache. ent Made and Merit Maintains the confidence ot the people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. I f a medicine cures yon when sick; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond 11 question that medicineposseuses merit. Made That is just the truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit because it cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousnndj ami thousands of cases. We know it cures, atiHOlutely, permanently, when all others lail to do'any good whatever. We repeat S60 Dicyclos for 849. We have in stock today three tt0 Ladies' Crawford Bicycles which we offer at Forty Dollars. Thev are perfect In every respect and are guaranteed for one year. e can furnish no more at this price, If you want a bargain now is the time to get it. Experience proves the merit of Hood's harsaparilla. It cures all forms of blood diseases tl,.. stomach, builds up the nerves. flood's Sarsaparilla Is the lu st in fact the One True liloixl Purifier. u it f-n cmv nausea, indigestion. nOOll S PlllS biliousness, .'cents. Rebuilding Sale Prices. Ilncklen'a Arnica Salve The best salve in the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns: ami nil cLri,, eruptions, and positively curespiles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to trive Derferf.,i.tir,n . money refunded. Price 25 cents pr box. For sale by all druirtrists. KXKCUTOItS NOT1CK. Ilavinir muililleil na Pviiin.. .i... d i ..nuwi i.,, nit; last will and testament of Charles McLean, deceased, th is ii t1 nnt i tr 1 I persons haviiirr .,- .1,.. said Charles McLean to present the same on or before the jth day of April. 1'J8, Or this nof.iee u-ill K., I ;' - . "... UIVOU 111 bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said pnti. u-m ,.i.,. make immediate payment to me or my attorneys. This 5th dav of Anril -ut Daxiki. Mi-Lean, Executor. Arjjo jfc Snow, Attorneys. Woolen I 'lull lie- 111.-, win I h IV. PouMe width Woolen 'bailies :'ie. worth :iOc. Calicos at 3 l-2c. Ginghams at 3c. Summer Corset-at ''K real value 75e. l.adie-' Kibbeil i-S from .''. Ladies' and children's Trimneil and I'utrinimeil Ilais. flowers, IliMmn aml Chiffon at astonishingly low prices in order to close out before re building. GOME AND SEE US. I. Rosenthal, Julius Lewis Hardware Company, RALEIGH, N.C.' HT0P1D Harris' Lithia Carbonated iilUialUiUUlUiUiilUlUial mav 1- -1 1 Fayetteviile Str. i t DESTROYERS ! ME IIAVK Til KM .' Knockout Drops for Uoaehes and Hugs: Paris tireenfor Potato Hu-s: Moth Halls for Moths, etc.: London I urple for Hugs and Worms. Sticky Fly Paper for F,ie.. These are ail best of their Km. I and the prices are riht. The Knockout Drops are the best remed v et discovered for Uoaehes ami W ater Hugs, as wvil as Hi"-,. IIL'XUV T HICKS. Presei j.iioii Druggist. We guarantee th.,t one glass of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water will relieve an v case of indigestion in one minute's time or money re funded, or if taken after each meal will cure any case of indigestion. Read what the noted Pr. Havega, of Chester, S. C, has to say for it: Mil. J. T. HARRIS: ' Dkai; Silt For the past eight months I have been using Harris' Lithia Water, with the most excellent results, where I have been ahta tn wt m nu- lient to drink a sufficient quantity daily. The Carbonated has no equal in Castric disturbances. In old chronic dyspeptics if you will wash the stomach with salt and water, and have an hour later havs your patient drink the Car bonated Lithia you will make many friends and improve many stomach. . It is an i xcellcnt table water. It is an excellent laxative, and is a sure cure for flatulent, dyspepsia. s. M. DA VEGA, M. D. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers, And wholesale agents for Harthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. Marchl8 ly A very fine Ike of Pickles, Cutsups, Sauces, Olives, etc. Any variety of sweet mixed, sour mixed . Gerkins, Midgets, Chow-Chow, Picallili, etc.. in bottles or by measure. We Offer Today An extra fine lot nt ftnnihan, Va.. Hams. Utmost the curing and smoking of these ..oiun. .niso oesi oranas or sugar cured and North Carolina Hams. Breakfast Bacon, etc. We want you to try a small SAM PLE sack of our unsurpassed "Melrose" Flour. It will ui twur is ground irom nnest se lected wheat and haa all il.o ..,; ... . , - F'- etc. No Shoddy Stuff Kept. MV COinnlfitO HnA nt cUnla n.,.l fancy Groceries are fresh and oT the oess quality obtainable. Your orders will he fimre,.i.,i,..i auu win nave our prompt and earo careful attention. J. D. TURNER, lor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. Telephone 125 U.H.HR .S.TUCCIER&CO jnav . ..ataa .LIMITED DOUBtEDAILY SERSUCE TO Great Dissolution Sale. Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. I SCHKOULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 7, '97. SOUTH sonifn. No dfM Lv.N. Y..Pen.R.R11 ftflam Lv.Philadelphia " 12pm Liv. Baltimore, 315pm Lv.Washino-tui iitlnm Lv.Richmond,A.CL.866pm No. 41. 900pm 1205am 250am 430am 905am New Shoe Store. Special Shoe Bargains For This Week. High Class Footwear Popular Prices. J1L.T) IJIack :inil r,,l,,,-..,i n.-r,.i ties for ladies, Met'er grades Irom up. 50 and 11(1 I'lwntt n.l n.. 131ood Shoes for men, 1 MS. 1'iner grades irom r. -j up. t 1)0 Missex' f)vt,,,-,l t;.,c co. Don t Tail to visit this sjn'ciul slioe suit . Tlirougli their Trustees, Messrs. Snow, Tucker and Haywood, will begin Friday morning, June 11th, at 8 o'clock. Simoson's Lv. Norfolk, S. A. L. 8 30pm 9 05am Ly. Portsmouth, " 845pm 9203m Lv.Weldon, "Ml 28pm Ml 55am Ar.Henderson, "M256am M39pm You Can Settle the Ever Vexation Question What to Give the Bride II V SOendilll' a 1 1' iv niiiinxiiiu I.w.HiV,,' through our new and complete stock of Sterling Ware. Cut Glass, Iron and Brass Lamps China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. H. MAHLER'S SONS, Jewclerr and Opticians. Have your eyes tested. No c harge for examination. Cut Flowers Roses. Carnations, etc. Bouquets, Floral Designs,, Dalms, JFertis, For outdoor planting. Roses, chrysanthemums, cofetrs anip II kinds of hedding plants. Vines for the veranda. Cabbami. Tomal .ruiu liTir nti.l illtoK vegetable plants. Kvercreen. mnrrnnlinn ami trees. Extra-strong Mareschal NeiL ROSES. H. Stein metz, Florist North Halifax Street, near Peace In. itltute. Phone 11.1. octll Ar.Durham. Lv. Durham, t732am t409Dm t520pm tlllOam Oinfmonf Ar.Raleigh, Ar.Sanford. Ar.Sou'n Pines, Ar.Hamlet, ' Ar.Wadesboro, ' Ar.Monroe, 21 Gam 335am 422am 510am 554am 643am 334pm 503 pm 555pm 0 o.ipm 811pm 312pm Executor's Notice. flavin? thlft dAV nnnliltnfl aa lTvu... tor of the estate of the late Crady Blake, deceased, this is to give notice to all parties having claims against, said nartv will m-eHeiit thm tj ma or before the 18th day of November 180V, or this will be plead in bar of thoir recovery. A J ELLIS, ovltt lawtiw fOxecutor SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Ar.Charlotte, Ar.Chester, 1H0 Fayetteviile St S. C. POOL. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. Right Into It. In the Midcurrent of Low Prices White shirts 30e. enlnmrl shirts 48c, former price 75c; LI 'fin enlnrod sliirfe flmf i IJ ' - ' m uiui t cn; 'Vl.iSS1 flow Rdo lOr. 4Vv Dc per pair; 20c suspenders & now 10c. 50c Walking Canes now 25 and 35c. Pant stretchers that were I now 75c. Clothing at very low prices. Pants that were 3 50, $1 and 4 50 now reduced to $2. A big bargain ! Boys' Pants 25, 35 and 50, See our counter of men's suits at 4.98. Our Prices are Money-Savers CURES NASAL CATARRH. A Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. Lv.Columbia,CN&LRU Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 945am 1210am I A r. Green wood " KlSfiam l mam Ar.Abbevllle, " 1105am 1 40am Ar.EIberton, " 1207pm 241am Ar.Athens, " 115pm 345am Ar. Winder. " IMnm .tin,.... I Ar.Atlanta(cnttime)250pm 520am (PIEDMONT AIK-LINB.) Condensed Schedule. In effect Juim 14, 1 8. Trains Leave Kalelgh lHy. "Norfolk and Chattanooga l.laied. 1.40 n nllw U..II.I ii...i... . . ... 3Uam 105pm sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. talis- iD1fi. n,7 -"""'"'" .""r.iuo, ma springs ana 810am 1047pm Knoxville. Connects at Durham for Oxiord. ClarksvUlr TO UUpm I and Keysvllle, except Sunday. At flrcuui. boro with THE MOST I 5x Deligiitful Px Ron Route To New York and Northern and Kastern Summer Kesorts is via the OLD DOMINION LINE And Kail Connections. Always cool on the ocean. Fast handsome stcamshins leave Norfolk, Ya , daily, including- Sun day, at 7-W p. m., to New York dl rfi'f. A n it n if.w tfr through passengers from the South, ouumwesb anu v usi u visit xicn mond, Oid Point Comfort and Vir ginia Beaeh en route. f irst class tickets include meals and room. For tickets and srcncral information apply to railroad ticket agents, or to W. U. (.'rowell, Agent, Worrolk, va ; J. F. Maver. Acent. 1212 Main street. iiicnmona, v a. VV. I Ci u illnvicleii. Vice President and Tralli Manaeer. New York, N. Y . tJul IS Mineral Hotel, Chas City, Va. Uandsoniely I'alnted ana Prepared Thoroughly Kenovated. YANCEY & BOYEN, 1 10 Morgan street. MANUFACTUREK8 OF Farm Wagons, 3uggie$ Spring Wagons, Carts, k. NORTH BOUND. Lv Atlanta. SAL LvWinder, " Lv Athens, " LvElberton, " LvAbbeville. " ILvGreenwood," LvClInton, " No 402. 1200pm 240pm 216pm 415pm 515pm 541pm "bd4pm No. 38. 750pm 1042pm 1120pm 1233am 140am 1 09am 3 05am ArColumblaCNALRK, .... f7 00am LvChester, S.A.L. 813pm 4 33am ArCharlotte, " 1025pm 830am Lv Monroe, " 940pm 6 05am LvHamlet, " 1123pm 815am Ar Wilmington" 1530am 1230pm LvSou'nPines " 1214am 9 20am LvRaleigh, " lSam 1135am ArHendersOn, " 828am 100pm ArDurham, " t732am f409pm LTDurhamf " f520pm fll 10am Repairing done promptly. Horses and mules shod skilfully. Our wapon denartmnt will ha der the management of Mr. T. A Bowen, who is well known as the bow wagon maker. ml2 lm rWpldon kpt. a aa ArRichmond,ACL. 815am 650pm ArWwk'ff.PenRR 1!1rvm 111ft lArBaltimorn " 1 43rn WiSm ArPhiladphia, " 350pm 345am ArNewYork, " 623pm 653am Tte Dew Ideau Am Kvll. . A h Pientr of Ideae of your on, atoo aanai eaouck to grup good aew maa wtJZ TSSjSSSJR. J" rrSTJ2;"a uiuauaiaa Maatklr Fa iS " " aTsmaa, TUM WBW IBKA CO., M "road way, Hmr To Ctt ArPortsmouth ' ArNorfolk, ' 730am 750am The celebrated Chase City Lithia and Chloride Calcium Waters are found here. Specific for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion, Torpid Lived and all Skin, Blood and Kidne.v Dl8P.A.Rna. Only those who are guests of the Kl lit., i ..a . mineral xiowji anuoi sucn private res idences as have made arrangements with the for t.hA dation of guests, are permitted to ue these waters. Write for descriptive circulars, testimonials, etc. W. 1. PAXTOV, i Proprietor. june2 lm KEf YCHK DSICAl KZ3. The kaaaasaMBt anM j i-j.u, - ArnrcaaMBoteaKttpamaa4B Tka HI TOM ItmiCAL BCM c4 awaaway Tnaatia WaHllag, New Ta. "ImHi 4lil. 3 P. fis22M5K " f'aiai fawk. 550om 605pm Daily. tDaily Except Sunday. Daily auuept aonaay. Nos. 403and402, "The AtlantaSpe- a!b I'Oi: J IT..!l , 1 m . . 1 . . vuu, uuiiu vesnuuieu i rain oi lr'ull man sleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleeiwra tutwMn I . . v u AVIWIUVUUI and Chester, S. C. JNos. 41 and 38. "The S. A. L. Ex. press," Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman SleeDers between Porta. mOUth And Atlanta nnmncn.liu era between Columbia and Atlanta. ioin trains make immediate con- uecuons at Atlanta lor Montgomery, ,Ii- the WaslilUKton and Hiiuta western Vestli uled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train No. It ' for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate lock stations j also has connection for Winston-Salvai and with main line train No. 96, united states rust Mall" for Charlotte, Spartanburg. Urees vlUe, Atlanta ami all points South ; Iso Colum bia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah. Jacxaoo vllle. and all points In Florida. Sleeping 1,'ai for Atlanta. Jacksonville and at Charlotte wttk, Sleeping Car for Auniiita. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. Ii:4a A. H. Dally-Solid train Mtaslsth. Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Oha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 6:m pm In time to connect with the Old I cmt Ion Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Walis Ington and Baltimore, Cbeaapeake and klcti mondS 8 Ob's for all polnbmorth and cast. uonnects at Be Una for Fayetteviile and in termediate stations on the Wilson and etteville Short cut, any, except f((r Kew era and Morehead City, dally lor Golds boro, and Wilmington and Interned late sta tions on the Wilmington and Wetdon Railroad, Express Train. :W A. M. Dally Connects at Durham fot Oxford, Keysvllle, El hmoad; at (ireensbot or wasnington and all points north. Express Train. :4 P. fl. DaUy-For Goldshoro and Inter mediate stations, Leoal Aaoommodation. a:00 A. M. Connect! at Oreensboro for a P tats for North and Boath aad Winston-Sales ana points on toe Northwestern Narth Carol! n Ballroad. At Sallebury, lor all points In West em North C arolina, Ksoxvine, Teas., Clncla -natl and western points; at Charlotte, ft Spat tanburg, Greenville, Athena, Atlanta aad points boom. Trains Arrive at kalelgh. a, c.i Eaavaas Train. j:40P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points Sooth. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited 3:40 P. M. Dally From all points east. Hot folk Tarboro, WUson and water Unea. From uoldsbwo, WUmlngton, Fayetevlll and all points n Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11 :4S A. H. DallyFrom New York, Wasbhw too, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, okat tanooga, anoiville, Hot springs and Aabavllle ExDraaa Train ,M a. m. Dally rrom ooldsboro aad Inter mediate stations,; Looal. 7:M A. ft Daily From Greensboro and a points North and South. Rianm. n h Mobile. New OrWna 1W n.ii' Oreeusboro to Balelgh. fornia, Mexico, Chattanooga. Nash. L 4"" .. '"v-From uoin nvwn, Bieeucrs, etc., apDIV to B. A. Newland, Gen. Agt P. Dept. 6 Himbali House, Atlanta, Ga. H. S. Leard. Kul Puna At u..i elgh,N.C. ' . St. John. VfM Profil4nt A Ueneral Manager. H. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager. V. K. HmTIm dent. ; T. J. Anderson, flnnnral n..n ger Ajrent eneral offices: Portsmouth, Va, llUfitm MMCMMa FHUmaa ears on nlsht train in. w.i.i. Grasnsboro. TJirough rullman vestlbul d srawhag ttoooi nOet sleeping Car and VestibulMl, coackea without change on aorfolk llmKrd, Double dally trains between Waieivi. a lotto and Atlanta. Quick llmev MMxrelled ae eoounodatliio. a. II. tlllKRN. tlpneral hiiurrliitriHlp. . V. A. TURK. . Ueneral Faaseaiirf Agmi ' WaeakictiNi !. (. ' : J. M Oni.r-. Triftii' 1 . 0

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