THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, S. C. THURSDAY June 3 TUOS. J. PENCE City Editor. Indn to New AdvcrtlMment. Tabernacle Excursion. Raleigh Day woman's exposition. Bryan Excursion. House for Rent Myalt & Hunter. Six-lejfged Cow for Sale. R W Upchurch Special. Munyon's Remedies. THE WEATHER The following is the weather pre diction for Raleigh and vicinity (not extending beyond a radius of 'JO miles) issued at S a. in today, June 4: RAIN Showers I might and Friday. WARM I Conditions of the Weather, The following were the weather conditions at S a in. t dav Uaronicter (ins). . Dry bulb (deg.) Change in 21 hours Wet bulb Minimum temperature Wind velocity Rain Tall Direction of wind . . Did Yon Em Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or -troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi ciue you need. Health and Strength, are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and 11 at all druggists. :M.1n Til. in:. till. Lt. 0 ill! S K. State of weather .... Cloudy PERSONAL. Mr W r. Scott of Burlington, is in the city. Mr. John C Fort of W'vatts was here today. Hon W D Priiden of Kdenton is in the city. Mr J W I!ai!ev has gone to Wake field, whei e he delivers the com lueneemeut address at Ihe high school there. Ilran I cursion. Train leaves Raleigh June 1 1. i! a m. Returning leaves Portsmouth Tuesday, lath, at ." p m. Round trip from Raleigh and all stations to Kittrell inclusive S- ."i0: Henderson and all stations to Weldon, 2. Tick ets on sale at all stations and W II King A Co.'s drug store, Ra'eigh. W W Www.. JS(i roves. .Managers. Norfolk, '.i NaleiKh Ha). Take the special tru'u on the Sea board Monday, June Tth to Char- iotte-attend the woman's exposi tion fare $2 nil for the round trip including admission to the exposi tion. W. 11. R.UI-KI 11. Manager Stands at the Head. Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only hing that cures my cough, and it is the bestseller I have." J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it nevei fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, 1 cannot say enough for its merits. " Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of eentun', and today stands at the head, lt never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at all druggists. Wanted. Old clothes, shoes, hats, pistols, guns, watches, clocks. Cash paid for second hand clothing of every description at Harris' Steam Dye Works, east Hargett street, Raleigh. Suits cleaned 7.V: cleaned and dyed 1 ail. mv27 2m WHITE Mi' I "NT A I N Ice Cream Freezers, FKEKZKS IiN 1 M1MITES First minute, cream mixes: Second minute, cream liegins to freeze: Third minute, nearly froon. Fourth minute, perfectly froen. Thos, H. Briggs & Sons, RALEIGH. X. t j'PAPOID J IT ABLETS" Are very industrious little A 4 wheels and "go the rounds" You can enjov the biggest i miiiier;. o yuu tunc unc or iwu a f of these little tablets to take T jj just after eating. Try them. l James McKimmoo & Co., ! 1'IIAllMAClSTS. quickly and effectually when they are needed for digestion. Rakes, 15c. Wire Netting 6c yd. Matting Tacks. Lawn Mowers. Gem Ice Cream Freezers. Ice Picks. ALLEN & NICHOLS' Hardware Store. Sou'.li SiJe Market. I ,"111 Go Where You Please Pay whnl you please, you will find no better SODA WATER OR Purer Drugs than we give you. W. H. KING & CO.'S Druggists, 1"ji. tcville Si root. If the system is fort i (iccl ; by Hood's Sarsuparilla. which makes rich, red blood, there is little danger of sickness. BUSINESS ITEMS. Notice . On Thursd.iv. June 10th. 1.-H7, 1 will sell at the court house door, at public auction for cash one six leg ged cow with cuif. This freak of nature has been exhibited at various fairs and drawn large crowds. She was sold recently for $2-l. She was shipped to .1 C Blackley at Raleigh. N C, from Caltimore. Md . and reached Raleieh. March "".h on which cow said Iilackley has refused to pay the freight due for transporta tion. This sale is made to satisfy two claims against said Blaekiev on account of the cow and calf. One for $22.50 for freight charges, and another for $15. (10 for feed charges. Ii T. I'orrs, Agent. t iune Id I V. K. .IO.VK.S The two wii.ning mis will In- printed in tomorrow':. r. 'J'hev should have appeared U-fotv. hut 1 lune lv,. kept from the store liv sickness and could not attend to it. T;,e committee meets this afternoon 'to decide which are to receive the pri.- 1 PRICES, LARGE VALUES. BIG SELLING, l or Over l-'iftv curs Mrs. Winslow's Sooth in tr Svrun has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for dianlm-a. lt will relieve the poor lit'le sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. ''.') cents a bottle. lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. " and take no other kind . THE FLOUR That Sells. The real value of any Flour, the satisfaction it gives to the customer, depends upon its baking qualities. Patapsco Snperlatiye Floor does this. It pleases housekeeper and never disappoints the family when they ir to eat it. It is the king of all family Hours. 5 75 per barrel, 13 per half barrel. We have good Hour that la cheaper- f l 50 per half barrel. All the advertising in the world won't make poor Gonee drink good. Neither will it make permanent custo mers, our Fifth Avenue Roasted Coffee Is a standing adver tisement. It advertises itself every time anybody drinks it The greatest care is taken by the importers to pre serve the tine qualities of this blend. We receive it often in small lots, so that we can fill our orders with fresh goods. I'riee 35c pound, three pounds for $1. We can give you Arbuckle's, Leverig's or the Crescent at 15c pound. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 2M. notions and Small Dares Read This and Keep it for Future Reference. Royall & Borden Furniture Com'py f 1 XCORTORATED. Wilmington and Favetteville Streets. I. 1.. IIOHPI'.X, I'llKMI'KM. '. i iio i i , I. i i'iii;siii:vr. T. 1'. JKR.MAN, JR., SEC. AND TREAS, Mil KS tlOOIVIN, INSTALLMENT .Xl'tlR, LF.AHKRS IX Furniture and Housefurnishing Goods ! A comple te stock in all lines. New goods. Jsemitif ul Hookers, Handsome Sluts. : Summer Goods Saw Car load of the Celebrated Whit ney Baby Carriages. ROYALL & BORDEN FURNITURE COMPANY. Leaders of Low Prices. Favetteviile Steet Entrance through Stronach's drv troods store. Telephone. No. 2l!u' 13. Neck ruche in white, very ) 25 full, each, ( cents Silver and gold belts, 60 "UKcu very preuy, ) cents Kid, leather, cloth, silk, 1 spangled, crinked and 10 to alligator belts, ) 50 cents Cuffs and collars for ladies, ) 10, 15 all the new shapes, ( and 25 Ladies' neckwear In all the ) 25 new colors and shapes, cents Porcelain clocks, beautiful Dres- dren decoratisn, $1 GS Infants' socks, i hose .and hose in black and colors, 10 and 15c Fine bristle hair brushes, small and large sizes, 50 and 75c Ladies' hose in fast black, cream, white and all colors, 25c Ladies' pursus, any shape or color, new line, 10 to 75c Shirt waist sets, pearl, gold and silver alumium nil iLovo ,i 50c Our AGCnrlmanl nf : . ...... ., . r , iuua WUIJ1 I all the colors made, 5 to 75c White kid gloves, stitched and edged in black or white, $1 Ladies' silk gloves and mitts, 15c to $1 White parasols, plain, 99c White parasols, one ruffle $1 48 White parasols, three ruflles, 1 99 Jean Marbenn fi tracts, very fine, 25 and 50c Niuht Lit n HQ rtlaiit anA LnAnn.l three kinds to select from, 25o Sewing machine oil, 5c Borated Talcum Powder, 20c Victoria toilet soapv 60 Bixby's shoe polish, lte Vasaline in bottles, 5 and lrte Family amonia, IXL, 10c Mocking bird food, 35c Crown hftir nurlora &n Sewing machine needles, 2e piece Glove stitched kid rollers, 10 and 15c dozen Darning cotton, 2jc spool Finishing braids, 5 and 10c Dress shields, 18 and 25c pair Woollcott&Son CORSETS. Satin-finished S C corset, $3 25 H and S black corsets, 1 25 Warner's health corset, 1 25 C B corsets in white, $1 Tampin corsets iu white, 75c Superb line corset, 50c. J uniata corsets, 25c No better line of corsets in the city than above. Gilt handled fancy dyed feather dusters, 10c Large feather dusters for house hold use, 25 and 40c Whist brooms, 10, 15 and 25c Blacking brnshes, 10, 18 and 25c Shoe blacking, Sand 5c box Carpet tacks in boxes, 5c Matting tacks per paper, 5c All size needles, 5c paper Tape lines, 5 and Klc Tack hammers, 5 and Irte Bread and cake boxes, :j to 50c Bread trays, 25c Biscuit boards, 35e Hassocks, 35 and (JOc Tin toilet sets, 98c and 1 2T Rolling pins, 10c Hat and coat rack (iron) 25c Foot tubs, 35 and 50c 5 lb flat iron, 20c 6 lb Hat irou, 24c 2 hoop cypress bucket, 20c Butter molds, 25c Shelf oil cloth, 10c yard Heavy kitchen set, fork and two spoons. 25c Quaker wash board, has no equal, 25c 15 inch wooden washboard useful and good, 10c Wood tooth picks, 5c Mouse traps (5 boles) 1 0c Dust pans. 10c Brooms, 10, 25 and 40e end. Good clothes brush, 10c Brighton coffee mill, 50e. Adjustable coffee mill, 25tj Tin boilers (large) 30c Glass water bottles, 70 and 75c Decorated cuspedores, Klc China cuspedores, 50c Porcelain tea stands, 15c Woollcott& Son successors to C. A.Sh ervTocJd & Co. - 2H lb. buckets pure Hog Lard II. 2.V 10 lb. lots t!jc. 10 to 2(1 11). sugar Cured ITjnif In cents; small sie 12' c lb. Finest Chip Beef 2')c 11). Virginia meat He lb. Dried apples 5c per pound. Arbuckies, Lion and Levering CoU'ees lfc lb. New I lor Herrings 20c doz ; S bars soap 25c. 13. W. Ul'Clll ltrli, 15 E. Hargett street. lor Kent. Five room residence on Hillsboro street, half block from capitol; home place of the late Dr. Dunn. Apply to Myatt Huntf r. It Metropolitan Hall to he Leased. Bids will be onened .Tune third hu the finance committee of the board of aldermen for the lease ot Metro politan Hall for a term of one or two or three years. The committee re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Ham F. Smith, City Clerk. tj3 Are you goingto Portsmouth-Norfolk, Old Point or Virginia Beach ? Spacial rates via Seaboard Air Line for $2 50 for the round trip. Tick ets sold every Saturday, limited two dates from date of sale. Jl.'NK AT .KINKS' is to be u month of activity. Kiglit kii 'i Kouu-. ul rigni prices win iraoc. It pnv-. to lime monev -.omctimes to make money: when we lose ini make: that is what we are losing for: we want you to make. nr price chopper has been let loose from end to end of the store, and he has made mad hnvne r nil tnrmor v., know our policy we never carry goods from one season to ,ll,nH V.. ).:...! .r . I, , ... ..... .111.-1. ..u mmi 1,1 goous are aiiowcu u remain 111 the house longer than the sensnn thev nrn I,,,,,., lit r,. 'ri,:.. :.. ' '"l- I.M. 1 i, I 1?, one of our iron-clad riile U'o Imm n,,t ,1,, r staple things to attract vour attention and draw you into a .:i .. uul wc nave inuue a general, itiorougn and noticeable re duction thrOUL'll evcrv den:irtninnt nn ,,...,.,1.1., ..!., w have made this big cut to move the goods, but we have a big 1 .iii.i hi ue sure oi Clearing out completely we heoin now. We have the best bought stm U of ,W for you to find as Inw j i irfs ;.s we are row nlTerin' vour . ... 1 ., 1,..... ; . r . I i -. . 'V - ...... iM.,.e i.-, .-.nine iii uic large cuie, ami it s doubtful then. Mir.f.lNKIlV Kvery hat trimmed or untrimmcd, every piece of ribbon, every llower, feather and yard of materiol is reduced in price WASH (;(X)DS- Same way; every piece has had a large block of the price split olT. WHITK GOODS Same 1 e,e: all grades, all prices; the price of each and all is cut down . SLIPPERS Prices cut here too; $1 5(lslippers now2;2 now fl 50: ! 25 now f 1 , $1 now 75c, etc. MKX'S TTATS-Prices here gone all to pieces; best values over offered loy ally house any where, men 's and boys': the hat opportunity that comes but once. PARASOLS Lovely line, new. popular goods, prices marked down; they must go; same in the umbrella stock. Now is your time. Don't wait for tomorrow. Ludifs' fi for 25c in proportion for Piano for Sale. One upright piano. Applycorner of Wilmington and Polk streets. For sale cheap. m31-3t Orders for wood left with J G Ball will be promptly filled. Sea soned pine at 91 75 per cord; sea soned oak at $2 25 per cord. my21 UNDERWEAR All the good kind the better ones. In a word we have put on more steam. Our low prices is our steam, and we are going to set a pretty live'y ace, for even below cost rushes too much. We mean hustling; if you have some cash to invest at big interest, come down and interview us today, tomorrow, or any day. Thecutpricesarefor keeps Heller Bros. OFFER THIS WEEK The Clearance Sale for the Mannfactiirer. Some Special Bargains m Clearance Sale for k IfflPorter- uv VIVUIUUVU MIUV 1V1 IUU UuUkUli Ladies' Oxford Ties, Ziegler's make, heels and spring heels. ( M ilt's Russia Calf Pals, new coin toe, per pair $1 50 3 00 l.adics" Tatent Leather Slippers, per pair 1 50 Kent's Blac'.i and Colored Patent Leather Shoes, per pair 3 50 Ladies' two button Low Shoes, real pretty and stylish 2 60 Heller's Shoe Store, Established 1876. , , fie-' R-l l -.IMlffll'-UiiiilK- All take advantage of this big sale to reduce their stock. Our ca pacity for handling large quantities and closing same out at a small mar gin is the reason why this store grows. Tnis coming week we will place on sale Special Bargains not for a minute hour or day, but as loug as tJX J'fU ,With the dvacing season we are on many goods making ONE DOLLAR do the purchasing work of TWO. Clearance sale on shirt-waists. 89 fine shirt waists to be cleared out, all we have.made of Lappett Mull. Grena dine brodee, Tissue brodee, fine organdies and linen Iflvni) Nrtf. n duIoI I ...... . 1 . i i . . .. . ic-i.-i man suuie scia ior iv ouana '. an sizes, an colors, with white detached collars and cuffs. One and all at the CA (IFIITA UU I o. Shirt Waists A. B. STRONACH. clearance sale price. . . Hpeclal 8mle on Bleaching. Onp PAHA nhnut ?t nUl vAa Vy.,U r.t , J US, 1 . Ul Loom yard wide bleaching, in pieces of five to fifteen yards, not oyer 20 Vards to & eilKtlmor Rnla it Iq as long as the goods. Clear- Cn J Just the Loveliest You Ever Saw Money. HANDKERCHIEFS. American Shirting Prints. Second case American shirting prints, new styles. These are fast colors and do not fade. Very pretty for waists and children's dresses. Clearance sale price '"Jl-i O2C Not a collection of job lots. A trade sale made up of the best ribbons from the best makers. The ribbons for dimity or organdy dress decoration can Ha hud fnr knlf r,isA t.ia C 3 - .... uii men, uau uuu luucy rihhnne all thia DU'lOtn 'a T.!mmlnn U 1. .('11' T i - i vu.o aiwu a. x . luiiuiu iiuwua 1 1 uui utc millinery ueparv- ance sale price. Summer Ribbons 54 pieces were 40 to 60c, QCp clearance sale price 16 pieces were 50c to $1, OQp clearance sale price OX7v Specials. 15c linen collars $1 dress shirts $1 25 hotel quilts 35c unlaundried shirts W. E. JONES. M l0s. , ,rlsh T,awn Hemstitched, plain and corded borders, 6c each; 50c doz Ladies Thread Cambric, every thread linen, double hemstitched, 10c e'eh Ladies Sheer Lawn hand embroideried hemstitched 10c each .'"H uvuiD.iM.uni, mi. uuttll.V I rn Indies 1 i ne Linen hand embroideried Hemstitched 25c I Ladies' Colored Embroideried Linen Handkerchiefs .'.25c I 600 n,gnt snlrts Best and Cheapest Line of Hosiery in the State. Our own import orders of ladies', misses' and children's Hose and Men is Half ll.ise in lisle thread and xcotton, brown, tan and black, best ... u ovi.vo, uiii-buulcu uccm aiiu ujvs. ov per parr ana ill )l - 111' I" 1 1 ., I .... . I. n .. 1 A 1 I i iunu juu uuj iiutrui eiaewaere. . Ladies" Hose, IS to 36c. worth.. : .. ..20 to40c Misses' Hose, 16 to 25c, worth.. .20to30c Al en 's Half Hose, 16 to 26c, worth '. 20 to 30o 2lc 57c 57c 29c 29c 10o 40 inch wide India aC3 Linons....... Ji 16c tissue mozambique ir 25c donegal suitings 4 yn 19ckaikai wash silks .... . 35c all silk Foulards...?.. Jq Specials. 7c striped grass linen 3?Q $125 white silk parasol 8QC 25c Guyot suspenders 15C 10c rustle lining (grey, f- 124c Sea Island percal, yard JQq 12Jc white organdies IOC 25c white organdies.... Ca 35cwhite organdies, 60 in- 25c lOo fine lawns 6C 12c colored organdies... 7JQ awcMMontN O. SHERWOOD ICQ. (vectssoft.T C.A.Sl1ERirO0DCa.,