THE PRESS-VISITOR, KALEIOU. N. C. I III ISIIKN IV TUB VISITOR-PRESS COMPANY fINCOKPORATEl A i; (NSOUDATION OF THE VISITOR, KNTAHL18KD 1878, ANl TUK PRESS, i-STAHI.lSHEU 1KH4. Oltic.e in tho Pulleu Building, comer Kayetteville and Davie Streets. iKKKK O. AKHKBWH. Editor and Manager. MSI'KH N. MoHAKV. Solicit In Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year Six Mouths One Month 36 Kntered an Second Class Mail Matter rap,7 CUNIO N St'y&tl LA BEL IV Lender in the Mews and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. TUESDAY June THE ANTI SCA1 lIVi LAWS. The recent enactment of anti ticket scalping laws i n New York and New Jersey is certain to in crease the pressure upon Congress for Federal legislation for the more effective abatement of this evil that has been such a proline source of annoyance to honest railroad man agement. The Chicago Herald savs: "The business of the ticket scal per has never been recognized as a leg.timate iudustry. There was a time, no doubt, when the broker in railway tickets conlincd his opera tions to the purchase and sale of un used tickets. But that lime has long since passed. Dishonest rail way officials have discovered in the business of the ticket scalper an op portunity to violate every honorable traffic agreement by placing tickets in his hands to be disposed of at cut rates. This surreptitious collusion with dishonest railway management makes the ticket, scalper a serious menace to legitimate railroading and demoralizes the entire passenger business in a way that is inimical to public interest. "According to statistics in the possession of the interstate com merce committee the ticket scalpers supply 20 per cent, of the railway transportation that is. sold in this country. It has been ascertained that packages of railway tickets un numbered and unstamped have been distributed by dishonest railway officials among ticket scalpers with instructions to dispose of them at any price so long as they got pas sengers with them. "It is easy to see also tint the na ture of the ticket scalping business is such as to offer many temptations to fraud. The statistics of railway operation prove conclusively that a certain percentage of the transpor tation sold by the ticket brokers is fraudulent and worthless. This of itself ought to condemn the busi ness and call for prompt legislative action to protect the public without any reference to the rights of the railway companies. "The ticket scalper has claimed that he is necessary as a middleman between the railroad and the public, and that without his intervention the public would be unable to secure reductions. This claim has been found to be untrue; in fact, the pres ence of the scalper is a menace to a reduction in rates, is the cause of annoying restrictions placed upon reduced rate tickets, and in very many cases prevents any reduction whatever. "Another claim of the ticket sca' per is that he is necessary to the traveling man in order that he can have a market for his unused tick ets. As a matter of fact no such necessity exists. Every reputable railroad in the United States will redeem unused tickets or portions of tickets that are valid for passage over it. During 1896 the New York Central Railroad Company aid 131,722.23 for the redemption of un used tickets. Under the bill now pending in Congress every railroad will be compelled to redeem at fu'l cash value unused tickets or por tions of tickets."" This will leave no legitimate business for the ticket scalper. "The best interests of the public demand that railroads shall be pro tected bv Federal statute in their undoubted right to regulate and control their passenger business without interference from men whose business it is to act in collu sion with dishonest railway ofli cials. " complete cure in a case of lockjaw is reported from the Cler man hospital, San Francisco. The case was treated by an injection of a tetanus anti toxine similar in its source to that used in cases of diph theria. Wus Soon Keeling iletler. "For three years I was troubled ith my heart and liver. I was run down in health and could hardly walk, I was so weak. I tried many medicines and finally bough a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 was soon feeling better, and after taking a few more bottles I was strong and able to work.' W S Harris, Cloverdale, Va. Hood 's Pills are the best cathar tic. Easy to tcke, gentle mild, "j cents. Hnoklen's Arniea Salt a. The best salve in the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pr box. For sale by all druggists. Are you going to Portsmouth Nor folk, Old Point or Virginia Beach? Special rates via Seaboard Air Line for t'l 50 for the round trip. Tick ets sold every Saturday, limited two dates from date of sale. Boils, pimples and eruptions, scrofula, salt rheum and all other manifestations of impure blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. DESTROYERS ! WK iiavi: them : Knockout Drops for Uoaelies ami Bugs; Paris Green for Potato Hugs: Moth Balls for Moths, etc.: London Purple for Bugs and Worms. Stisky Fly Paper for K it's. These are all best of their ki'i I and the prices are rieht. The Knockout l iups arc the best remedy et discovered for Uoaelies and Water Bugs, as well as Bed B.i-s. IlKNUV T !ircKS. PrcscT. pi ion Drucy ist. New Shoe Store. S. 130 Fayetteville St. jili 50c Walking Canes now 25 and 35c. Pant stretchers that were $1 now 75c. Clothing at very low prices. Pants that were $.'5 50, $1 and 4 50 now reduced to f2, A big bargain! Boys' Pants 25, 35 and 50.-. See our counter of men's suits at $4.98. Our Prices are Honey-Savers They "There are fads In nttlf medicine as well as in VUBHO other thinRS," said a busy Qplf . ii thn most remarkable thing aouuv parilla is that customers who try other remedies all come back to Hood's, and this is why the enormous sates of this great medicine HBB keep up and continue the TA'W round, steady W as a clock. "Why is it?" "O, simply because Hood's Sarsaparilla has more real cura tive merit than any medicine 1 ever sold. This iB ot daily occurrence in almost every drug store. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured more sickness, and made more happiness through restoration to health than nnv other medic-ilia. IHood' Sarsaparilla is the standard - the One True nioml Purifier. are the only ills to tane HOOd'S PUIS with UooU .sSanmuarilht. Rebuilding Sale Prices. Woolen Challic In.-, worth In-. Double width Woolen t'hall ies -iV. worth :i0e. Calicos at 3 l-2c. Ginghams at 3c. Summer Corsets at "'V. real value 75c. I.iulicV Uiblvil Vests from "e. Ladies' and children's Trimmed r.m rntrimtneil Hats, Flowers. KiMioii! and Chiil'on at astonishingly low prices in order to close out before re building. GOME AND SEE US. I. Rosenthal 211 Favetteviile Street. mav 12 I Special Shoe Sale -OK Ladies' Oxford Ties. We will place on sale Monday, "ill , 3.000 pairs Uxford Ties at just a small advance abort- the eo.-t of manufac turing. Every pair manufactured especially for us within tin- last till days. We bought too heavy, ho net- this TKKMKMIOl'g SACKII'ICK at Ihe beginning of the season. Don't fail to attend this Great Shoe s,ale Such bargains are seldom olTlred in lino up-to-date footwear. C. POOL. S. B. NORRIS, Manager. Hight Into It. In theMidcurrent of Low Prices White shirts 3Gc, colored shirts 48c, former price 75c; fine colored shirts that were $1 now 84c, 10c s6cks for 5c per pair; 20c suspenders now 10c. Twelve Months Is the length of time for which Crawford Bicycles crc guaranteed against any and all defects in material and workmanship. After selling a great number of these wheels during the past three years, we recommend them to prospective buyers as the best wheel for the money that can be bought. Remember, the price is several more 90 mooels which we offer iaS Harris' Lithia Garbonatod umiuiumumumiumu ItfmffrffTffftWffTTflnirnfl We guarantee that one glass of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water will relieve any case of indigestion in one minute's time or money re funded, or if taken after each meal will cure any case of indigestion. Read what the noted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C, has to say for it: Mn J T HARRIS: Deak Sm-For the past eight months I have, been vslog Harris' Litble Water, with the most excellent results, where I hare been able to get my p ,i..i in drink n sn tii.-it-nt nnantitv dailv. The Carbonated has no eqnal In Gastric disturbances. In old chronic dyspeptics if you will wash the stomach witi, - iii mid water, urn! have an hour later have Tour patient drink the Car- bonaied Lithia von will make many friends and improve many stomachs. It is an excellent table water. It is an excellent laxative, and is a sure core for flatulent dvspepsia. M. DAT fitly A , M. U. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co.. Bracers, A nd wholesa lo agents for Harthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. Marchl8 ly Great Dissolution Sales, Beginning Saturday morning, Jure 12, at 8 o'clock. i i e iloors of this well known will then be ooei.e 1 to admit you to been your fortune to see. Actual Under High Grade Merchandise By the Trustees, HAYWOOD, SNOW and TUCKER. dimosons CURES NASAL CATARRH. A Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. THE MOST v Deligiitful Route To New York and Northern and l'.astc-rn Summer I.esorts is via the OLD DOMINION LINE And Kail Connections. Always cool on the ocean. Fast handsome steamships leave Norfolk, Va , daily, including Sun day, at 7. M p. m., to New York di-rcj-t. affording opportunity for through passengers from the South, Southwest and West to visit Rich mond, Oid Point Comfort and Vir ginia Beach en route. First class tickets include meals and room. For tickets and general information apply to railroad ticket agents, or to M. U. Crowell, Agent, Norfolk, Va ; J. F. Mayer, Agent, 1212 Main street, Richmond, Va. "W. Li,Ouilla.deu, Vice President and Traffl Manager, New York, N. Y. tJul 16 Mineral Hotel, Chase City, Va. Handsomely Painted aiij Prepared Thoroughly Renovated. The celebrated Chase City Lithia and Chloride Calcium Waters are found here. Specifics for Dyspepsia, indi gestion, Torpid Lived and all hkin, Ulood and Kidney Ulseases. Only tnose who are guests of tho Mineral Hotel and of such private res idences as have made arrangements with the proprietor for the accommo dation of e icsls, are permitted to use ttieso waters. Write for descriptive circulars, testimonials, etc. , Proprietor. june2 lm only $60 for '97 machines. We have at 4U. Julius Lewis Hardware Company, RALEIGH, N.C. .S.TUCKER&CO and great Dry Goods establishment secure the greatest values it has ever - Cost Selling OP Oinimont J RALEIGH.N.0 T On of tha greet female schools A of North Carolina. Advanced, . y ihorooih. aeleot. Most reason k able prices. Send for catalogue. JAMES DINWIDDIE. f M. A. (of Univ. of Va ) TIIEUMVERSITY 47 teachers, 413 students, (summer school 158), total 648. board as a month. Three brief courses, three full courses, Law and Medloal Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate courses open to women. Summer school tor teaohers. oobolnrshlps ana loans tor the needy. Address PRESIDENT ALDERUAH june7 Chapel Hill, N. C. YANCEY & BOVEN, IllO Morgan street. MANUFACTURERS OK FarmY8gons, Spring Wagons, Carts, &c. Repairing done promptly. Horses and mule shod skilfully. Our wagon department will be na der the management of itr. T. A Uowen, who Is well known as the boss wagon maker. nil In Mil IT OPENED A very fine line of Pickles, Cutsups, Sauces, Olives, etc. Any variety of sweet mixed, sour mixed. Gerkins, Midgets, Chow-Chow, Picallili, etc., in bottles or by measure. We Offer Today An extra fine lot of Southampton, Vs., Hams. Utmost care taken in the ouring and smoking of these Hams. Also best brands of sugar oared and North Carolina Hams, Breakfast Bacon, etc. We want you to iry a small SAM PLE sack of our unsurpassed "Melrose" Flour. It will surely please you. This Flour is ground from finest se lected wheat and has all the prop erties that go to make the best bread, etc. No Shoddy Stuff Kept. My complete line of staple and fancy Groceries are fresh and of the best qaalitr obtainable. Tonr orders will be appreciated and will have oar prompt and care ear ef a 1 attention. J. D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax Sts. Telephone 126 hiutm D0UBLEDAILY SERXICE TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. 8CMDULJB IN KFFEOT FBIIKU ART 7, '07 SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41 Lv.N.Y.,Pen.RR1100am 900pm Lv.Phlladelphia" J 12pm 1206am Lv. Baltimore, 315pm 250am Lv. Washington, 440pm 430am Lv.Rlchmond,A.CL.8&6pm 90&am Lv.Norfolk,S.A.: Lv. Portsmouth, ' 8 30pm 845pm 9 05am 920am Lv.Weldon, Ar.Henderson, "1128pm "12 56am '11 55am 1 39pm Ar. Durham, Lt, Durham, " f732am " f520pm t409pm til 10am Ar.RaleLgh, Ar.Sanford. Ar.Sou'n Pines, 1 Ar. Hamlet, 1 Ar.Wadesboro, ' Ar. Monroe, 216am 335am 422am 510am 554am 643am 304pm 6 03 om 555pm 653pm 811pm 91Zpm Ar. Charlotte, 830am 1025pm Ar.Chester, 810am 1047pm Lv. Columbia, CNALRtt . . . 1 6 00pm Ar.Cllnton, S.A.L. 945am 1210am Ar.Qreenwood, " 1035am 107am Ar. Abbeville, " 1105am 140am Ar.Elberton, " 1207pm 241am Ar. Athens, " 115pm 345am Ar. Winder, " 159pm 430am Ar. Atlanta (cnt time)2 50pm 520am NOBTR BOUND. Lt Atlanta, SAL. LvWinder, " Lv Athena, " LvElberton, " LvAboevllle, " LvGreen wood, " LvOlinton, " No 402. 1200pm 240pm 216pm 415pm 515pm 541pm 634pm No. 38. 750pm 1042pm 1126pm 1233am 140am 109am 3 05am ArColamblaCNALRIt, . . . . f7 00am LvChester, S. A.L "8 13pm 4 33am ArOharlotte, " 1025pm 830am LvMonroe, " 940pm 6 05am LvHamlet, " '1123pm 815am Ar Wilmington" j530ani 1230pm LvSou'nPines " 1214am 9 20am LvRaleigh, " 216am 1135am ArHenderson, " 828am MOOpm ArDurham, " t732am t409pm LvDurharof " 1 5 20pm til 10am ArWeldon, " 45oam 300pm ArRlchmoud, AOL. 815am 650pm ArWasL'g.PenRR. 1231pm 11 10pm ArBaltimore, " 143pm 1248am ArPhiladphla, " 350pm 345am ArNewYork, " 623pm 663am ArPortsmouth " 730am 550pm ArNorfolk. " 750am 605pm Dally. tDally Except Sunday. Dally Except Monday. Nos. 403 and 402, ' 'The Atlanta Spe cial. "Hoi id vestibulea Train of pull- man sleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38, "The . A. L. Ex press, Bona Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Com Dan v sleeo- ers between Columbia and Atlcnta. Both trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon ana Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. Newland, Gen. A at. P. Dept. 6 Him ball House, Atlanta, Ga. H. R. Leard. Sal Pass. Aat., Ral eigh, N. O. E. St. John, Vice President and General Manager. H. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager. Y. JL MoBee. General Superinten dent. T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. oaeru omoes: rortsmoutn, va, You Can Settle the Ever Vexatious Question . What to Give - the Bride By spending a lew moments lookiug' through our new and complete stock of Sterling Ware, Cnt Glass, Iron and Brass LampSj China, Clocks, Bric-a-Brac. Ii. MAHLER'S SONS. Jiwelirs and Opticians. Have your eyes tested. No charge for examination. Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, etc. Bouqtiets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, For outdoor planting. Roses, chrysanthemums, coleus and all kinds of bedding plants. Vines for the veranda. Cabbage, Tomatoes, Egg and other vegetable plants. Evergreen, magnolias and shade trees. Extra-strong Mareschal Neil ROSES. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In stltute. Phone 113. oct!7 Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as Execu tor of the estate of the late Crady Blake, deceased, this is to give notice to all parties having claims against said party will present them to me on or before the loth day of November 1897, or this will be plead in bar of their recovery. A J ELLIS, ovlO lawtiw Executor SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14. 1 See. Trains Leave Raleigh Daily. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited.' J.40 p, Dally, Solid vestibuled train Kith sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. sails bury, Morganton, sshevtlle, not springs aiM EnoiTlUe. Connect, at Durham for Oxford. Clarksvlllv and KeySTllle, eicept Sunday. At Green, boro with the Washington and South weetern Ve.tll uled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train Mo. If for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate loca station.; also ha connect Ion for Winston-Salem and with main Une train No, 56, "united state, rust nail" for Charlotte. Spartanburg, ttreea Tllle, Atlanta and all points South ; I so Colum bia, Augusta, Charleston, Sarannah, Jaoason Tills, and all points In Florida. Bleeping Car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car for Auru.ta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. Ii:48 A. fl. Dally Solid train, eonslstln Pullman Sleeping can and coaebes from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk B: pn, In time to connect with the Old Eoml ilon Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Vali tngton, and Baltimore. Chesapeake and Kieh mond 8 B Go's for all polnttuorth and east. Connects at Be Una tor Fayetterlile and In termediate station, on the Wilson and Fx ettevlUe Short cut, dally, except ssuday for ew em and Morehead City dally for Oolda boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tion, on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. S:J A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysville, Rl bmond; at Ureenabor for Washington and all point, north. Express Train. 1:40 P. fl. Dally For Ooldaboro and Intnr mediate stations. Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects at Greenabora for al p tnts for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on Ihe Northwestern North Carotin Railroad. At Salisbury, for all joints In West era North Carolina. Knoxville, Tenn., Clneln nati and western points; at Charlotte, fe Spat Unburg, Greenville, Athena, Atlanta and points Booth. Trains Arrive at Raleigh. N. C: Expreaa Train. 1:40 P. M. Dally From Atlanta, OiiarlnUe. Greensboro and all points Booth. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited J;4CP. M. Dally From all points east, hot folk Tarboro, WlUon and water lines. From Goldsbofo, Wilmington, Fayet hvIII and all points In Hasten Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. :4I A. ft. Dally From New Turk. Washing ton, Lynchburg, UanrUle and Oreenibora, Chat tanooga, anoxvUIe, Hot springs and Asnevtlle Expreaa Train S.S3 a. ar. Dally From Ooldsboro and Inter mediate stations,; Local. 1:2 A. IT Dally From Greensboro and a points North and Sooth. Bleeping Car from Groeusboro to Ratelgii. 1 :00 p. at. Daily exe pi Sunday From Golds boro and all points East, Local freight tratji also carry passengers. Pullman ears on night train from Raleigh " Greensboro. Through rtiuman vesttbnl d Drawing Boom BafM sleeping Car and Veatl baled eoaehee wlthontchaoire on aorfolk llmtted. i Doable dally train, between Raleigh, Char lotte and Atlanta. Quick Umei mnexcelledae; W. B. GRKXIT, ... eoeral Snpetlatendeni. W. A. TURK. General Psasenger Agent Washington, D. a 3. M. CnxF, Traffio Manager.