A Non-Sinkabla Ship- George Shone, of 705 Collinsville avenue, East St. Louis, has a paten Tor a non-sinkable ship which be Wishes to sell to the Greek govern toe tit, says a St. Louis paper. Mr Shone's ship is a marvel, if it will accomplish all that he claims for it. A rock thrust through the hull Would have no more effect than th puncture of the outer coat of a bicy cle tire. As that tire consists of tube within a tube, so Mr. Shone 'i invention might be termed a ship within a ship. There are two hulls, with a space of 10 feet between them. For sub marine obstacles would penetrate the first crust and then smash into the second, 10 feet further in. Even if such were the case, the second hull is as strong as that on an ordi nary vessel, and wonld withstand tTe shock whose force had been broken. The Western Marshal'!! moved. Office to be The btatesvillo Landmark says "Marshal Millikan yesterday i wrote to the Attorney General for permis sion to move the marshal's office from Statetville to Greensboro. Permis sion will of course be granted and it is expected that the office wili be moved inside of ten days. This news will create little if any sur prise, it has been expected ever since Mr. Millikan 's appointment, that the office would eventually go to Greensboro. Mr. Willie Allison, son of ex-Marshal Allison, who was a clerk in the office under his father and has held his position since Mr. Millikan 's appointment, retired from the office yesterday. " Stands at the Head. Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug gist of bhreveport, La., says. ' Dr. King's New Discovery is the only i hing that cures my cough,- and it is the bestseller I have." J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, I cannot say enough for its merits. " Dr. King s New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at all druggists. Did Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly .adapted to the relief and cure of all tfemale complaints, exerting a won derful direct Influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If jrou have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or -are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy .-spells, Electric Bitters is the medi ine you need. Health and Strength Are guaranteed by its use. Fifty -cents and tl at all druggists. No Cripe "When you take Hood's nils. The big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In it with Hood's. Easy to take Hlood's and easy to operate, Is true of Hood's Tills, which are up to date In every respect Safe, certain and sure. All Pills druggists. Me. C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only nils to take with Hood's Raraparilkv Notice of Dissolution. The firm of B. C. Rogers & Co., druggists of the city of Raleigh, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Samuel T. Smith and John U. Smith having purchased the inter est of B. C. Rogers in the business, will continue it at the John Y. Mc Rae store on the corner of Wilming ton and Martin streets. They will settle all claims against the firm of B. C. Rogers & Co. and all debts due said firm can be paid to them. B. C. Rogers, Samuel T. Smith, John U. Smith. April 21, 1897 tf Ad ml ietrator'e Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Sucky Aubry, dee'd, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 23d day of May, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make Imme diate payment to the undersigned. J. C. Mahcom, Adm'r. May 22. '97 law6w Tk Dew ld&. Are yon bright and clerorf If as, yonhai plenty of Maaa of your own, also anas enough to grasp good Bev own when offamd. Whatdo you think of a M ooiumn Illustrated Moothlj Pa per, aaeh sane contain;. a Pleea of Music Vocal or Imtnunealal, latest Fashions, Good Stories, Dramatic News and Portiaita of Pretty ActreeMS, Howeboid,ToUstand Fancy Work Hints, ail for Bosnia a year, postpaid f Dams too good to b dw w kits you tncur was w. wma a oasts and aas for yourself. THB HsTW IDBA CO., 141 Broadway, New York at Bano Liberal oommlartnn paid. EEf YORK KUSIC1L ECHO. Th. kandsnnMst moafcal and fashion Joornal tm America, ful sheet music stsa. ft? pages and nand soma aossr, containing from ten to twelTS pleoaa of vooai or kutrumsntal muato, besides four or ars portrmaaof leading auUussus, Subsorlpttoa h theysar, tl.SQ, sample oopy, 10 Ota. AAlmsl The nW TOM ICBICJIi WHO CO., Broadway Thestrs Building, New York. ajsntawaasrt Liberal' Mahler and Voollcott, m 12 W. Hargett Street. BIG YGLE RE PAIR SHOP We carry the most complete line of Bicycle sundries in tbe city, and also have first-class Ladies and Gent's Wheels fo Rent ALSO A TANDEM. We ask you to nail and see our stock. All work guaran teed to give satisfaction. Charges Reasonable. Execution Sale. Washington Times and others vs. The Tribune Publishing Company (a corporation) Notice of Sale. By virtue of executions directed to the undersigned from the magis trate's court of Wake county in the above entitled actions, I will on Monday, the 14th day of June, 1897, at 12 o'clock noon at the Tribune Publishing Company's buildinsr at 122 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, Wake county, N.C., sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said executions, all the right, title and nterest which the said Tribune Publishing Company, defendant, has in the following described personal property, to wit: Composing Room. One large printing press and at tainments, (pulleys, beltings and shaftings,) 1 paper folder, both subject to a mortgage registered in liooklNo. 146, page 45b and page718; 1 electric motor, 1 small printing press, 2 job presses. 7 months lease on 2 Mergenthaler type setting ma chines, (leased Feb. 1st.. 1897:) 3 imposing stones and tables, 33 type gaueys, i lead cutter, mailing gal leys, 8 single chases, 2 twin chases, 50 wood galleys, 12composingsticks, 1 stove (coal,) a quantity of . lead. about 500 lbs. for Mergenthaler ma chines, ink, barrel, 3 chairs, a quantity of various job type on stones, 4 cases 1. p. type, 6 cases brevier type, 1 case pica type o. s., case g. primer, 1 case poster tvDe. 26 cases various job type, 5 case stands, 2 tables, 1 proof press. Second Moor. 1 paper cutter, 1 wire stitcher. 1 desk and table, 1 stove, 1 case new nonpariel type, 4 cases assorted type, one cabinet of job type, 45 cases job type, 2 cases leads and rules, 4 job chases, small lot of pa per. Office Room. 2 mailing tables, 1 water cooler. 1 counter,l desk, 1 office chair, 1 lounge, 1 table, 1 stove, 5 cane bottom chairs, 1 large desk, 1 safe and contents, 1 office desk, 1 office chair, 1 letter press, 1 letter tile, office railing, inS stand, six books on deck, 1 high stool, 51 bundles of newspaper in cellar. ine type advertised above has all been in use. P. S. Parties desiring to inspect the plant before day of sale can do so by calling upon the undersigned. H. T JONES, may28-td Sheriff Wake Co. LOST BOND. On the 3d day of January. 18tf6. Ardrew G. Hill and wife, Mary A. Hill, executed and delivered to me their bond, under seal, secured by mortgage, on real estate for two hun dred dollar with 9 per cent interest, payable semi-annually, due and nay- able on the 3d day of January, 189i. which mortgage I have, but the bond l nave lost or misplaced and cannot find, and I hereby warn any and all persons from buying or trading for said bond with any person who may have found the same, as I have settled the debt with said Hill and wife by agreement. 30d Eddie w. Thompson. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Nancy Harris, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. C -, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned at is omce in Kaieigh, N. Con or be rote the 26th day of March, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all parties in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the un dersigned. J. C. Mabcom, Administrator. B. C. Beckwith, Atty. m25 6w Administrator's Notice I Having qualified as administrator of the estate of David H. King, de ceased, late of Wake county, N. c, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or be fore the 6th day of February, 1893, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersigned. J. C. Marcom, Administrator of David H. King. Feb. 4. 1807 ltwflw Administrator's Notice, Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Emeline M. Holland, deceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of May, 1398. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. J. C. Marcom, Ad'mr. Battle ft Mordecai, Attorneys. May 16, '7, 8w Paf ATif a u s- ftnd Foreign pro X ateilLS cured. EugeneW. John son, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, 1729 New York Avenue, Wash ington, D. C. Office established 1868. Charges moderate. Correspondene requested. Something Nice. Ferris Hams. Springfield Hams, winter cured. Smith Held. Va., Hams Largo invoices of the above goods have just been received and are offer ed lor your selection. New Roe Herrings in barrels and half barrels. New Shad Roe in kits. We have something particularly ap petizing in our Stuffed Sweet Mango fickle, and tbe famous Kalamazoo Celery Pickle. They are both recent arrivals and are worthy a trial. Full line of serves in Glass. Curtis' famous Pre Our Mocha and Java Coffee is the best that can be produced at any price. Try it. ft TIIOS. PESGUD, The Grocer. Valuable Farm Lands for Sale, By virtue of authority conferred by two certain deeds of mortgage the one from J. N. Holding, to Willis Holding, dated April btn, 1889, and registered in the office of the Kegis ter of Deeds for Wake county, N. C, in book 106 at page 570; and the other from O. K. Holding to J. N. Holding, dated November 28th, 1894, and registered in said office in book 143 at page 78; we will on Thursday, June 10th, 1897, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, six tracts of land in Wake Forest township, Wake county, N. C, and more fully described as follows: nrst tract: contains au acres more or less, and is bounded by the lands or the Morebead estate, formerly owned by W D Jones and wife, the lands of W B Hunter, the dower lands of Sarah J Hunter, the lands of Isadore D Garner and the 100 acre tract hereinafter described, being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by W M Hunter and others by deed registered in said office in book 83 at page 300, reference to which is made. Second tract: Contains 100 acres more or less, and is bounded by the said 30 acre tract and the lands of Isadore D Garner, Dr A R Vann, W B Hunter and the 21J acre tract hereinafter described, being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by W W Hunter and others by deed registered in said office in Book 83 at page 300, reference to which is made. Third tract: Contains 21 acres, more or less, and is bounded by said 100 acre tracton the south, the lands of W. K. Hunter, deceased, on the east, and by Smith's creek and the Carver tract, hereinafter describ ed on the north, northwest and west and is the land conveyed to said Wil lis Holding by W. K. Hunter and wife by deed registered in said of fice in book 83 at page301, reference to which is made. Fourth tract: Contains six acres, more or less, and is bounded on the north by the Forestville path, lead ing from W. B. Dunn's farm house to Forestville, on the east by the lands of J. J. Thomas, on the south by. said "Carver tract," and on the west by Mrs. Frances C. Fort, and is the land conveyed to said Willis Holding by J. J, Thomas by deed registered in said office in book 106 at page 5G2, reference to which is made. Fifth tract: Contains 109 1-16 acres more or lessand is bounded on the north by the said six acre tract and the lands of said Fort and Thomas, on the east by the lands of W B Dunn and the ''Spring Tract," hereinafter described, on the south by Smith s creek and tbe said 100 acre tract, and on the west by the lands of Dr A R Vann and D W Allen, and the same is known as the "Carver tract oftheW M Alston lands, and being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by Arrmstead Jones, commissioner, by deed reg istered in said office in book 106 at page 559, reference to which ismade bixtn tract: Contains 38-1-1U acres more or less, and is bounded on the north by lot No. 5 of the W. M, Alston lands and the road lead ing from Wake Forest to Rolesville by said Alston's house, on the east by said lot No. 5, on the south by lot No. 1 of said Alston lands and the lands of W. K. Hunter deceased, and on the west by said "Carver Tract" and the landsof W. B.Dunn, and tbe same is known as the "Spring Tracf'of said Alston lands, and being the same conveyed to said Willis Holding by Armistead Jones, commissioner, by deed regis tered in said office in book 106 at page 559, reference towhich ismade. Time of sale, 12 o clock m. Place of sale county court house door in Raleigh, N. C. WlLiLilS HOLDING, Mortgagee. W. W. Vass, Executor of W. W. Vass, deceased, assignee of Mort gagee. J. N . Holding, Mortgagee. Isaac . Emeuson, assignee of Mort gagee. Ernest Haywood attorney for I. E. Emerson. May 10th, 1897. d. t. s. Proposal for Building. Sealed proposals for the erection of the Capital Club House in the city of Raleigh will be received un til noon of June 1st, 1897. Plans and specifications can be seen by ap plying to L A Mahler, secretary of the building committee. Tbe com mittee will reserve the riirht to re ject any and all bids. U & JJjVBBITT, Chm'n Bld'sr Committee. Raleigh, May 10, 1897, 10 tjl Cross & Special 150 Suits will be offered oilier words they are: 50 Suits at for $7.50. 50 Suits choice for $lO. 50 Suits at $15, your choice for $12.50. Theseare all new, clean goods and can't be duplicated anywhere at such prices. On sale this week only. Come and get the pick. A full and correct line of furnishings always on hand. Gross and Lineton. WASH SUITS. luuuninmmuminmin nnnnntinnnnnnnnnn Kverybody will be weariner a wash suit before the season is much nliW. We've got the line for you- the very domestic crash and linen suits that we the goods was shrunk before the suits from others, because they look as well CRASH, $3 00, $4 iing i We perfect, made up stylish at ti. We have to 50 for men, 14 to 19 for young men Irish Linen Suits, something entirely new and cool as a cucumlier. fit ets with short pants for boys, and the biggest assortment in Children's Nov elties in Crash, Linen and puck, made up and trimmed in the latest novelty fashion A to 8 years, price, 50c to .!. Serges, We don't care who buys a serge land or sea for dress or about your faction, holds its colors, because it is a pure indigo dye, they'll wear like iron- All sizrs in regular, slims and stouts, so it doesn't matter about your build, we can fit you. All styles of comfortable summer clothes are here. Straw Hats, Furnishings, Neckwear. S. & D. BERTANGER, THE PROGRESSIVE Leading One FfjALDGH. JM.C T A Nice Line of HAMMOCKS Can be seen at Alfred Williams & Co.'s Bookstore. We sell Hurd s line of Fine Stationery, The nicest line shown in the city. We can supply your wants. Phone 210. Yours Alfred Uilliams & Co. The Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, N.C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Depoits . . . . $300,000.00 Offers its customers every ccommolation consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Some Rood business offices to let J.J. THOMAS, President. ALP A. THOMPSON, Vice President. B. R. JERMAN Casn H JACKSON Assistant Cashipr Dissolution Notice. The firm of Horton & Lee, grocers of the city of Raleigh, has this day been dissolved bv mutual consent, E, Huey Lee having purchased the entire interest of C. E. Horton. B. Huey Lee will continue the business at the old stand of Horton & Lee, corner of Lane and Blood worth streets. E. Huey Lee will settle all accounts of Horton & Lee and all accounts due Horton & Lee will be paid directly to E. Huey Lee. CDiHJ C. E. Horton, E. Huev Leb. May 1, 1S97. Linehan. Suit Sale. in this sale this week for cash. In exchanging dollnrs with you. Here $10, your choice at $12.50, your exclusive stuff and styles imnortpd anil had made ud in the verv hHt stvli. and were mado, that makes them different after they are laundried as at tirst. 00, $5 00, $600. the Crash Suits in all sizes from 33 and bovs. 4 to 16 double-breasted Jack suits, Goats and Vests, sep arate double-breasted sack coats. garment. . or where vou wear it on business it will e-ive vou entire aatia- Price Clothiers. Learn to Ride a Wheel. Come around and take a free spin through our Academy and take a look at our Fowler and judge for yourself as to its beauty and merits. We do all kinds of Bicycle repairing, nickeling, etc., and do it in first class style, and rent good, easy running wheels. Come to see us when in any way interested in Bicycling, if it's nothing but to talk wheel. Page & Marshall, Phone 87. 216 Fayetteville street. Prices reasonable. truly, EXECUTOR'S NOTICK. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Charles McLean, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said Charles McLean to present the same on or before the 5th day of April, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons In debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to me or my attorneys. This 6th day of April, '7. Daniel McLean, Executor. Argo & Snow, Attorneys. What is mswm CoMtoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing1 Syrups and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrishnoss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrlnra and Wind Colic. Cast or iu relieves Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Howels, giving healthy and natural slep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother! Friend. Castoria. " Cm tor la in tin excellent medicine fir children. MuthtrM have re pen led !y toM me of its good effect upon their children." Ir. V. c. Ogr.ouo, Lowell. Mass "The use of Castoria is so universal and its merits so well known thai it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." i Carlos Marty, I). I)., New York City. I prescrihe Castoria every day for children who are suffering from constipation, with better effect than I receive from any other combination of drugs." Dr. I,. O. Morgan, South Amboy. N J. Children Cry for STRONACH'S Carriage Harness Repository -AND Horse Emporium. Nos. 319, 321 and 323 Wilmington St. VEHICLES We will commence from today to close out our entire stock of car riages, buggies, road carts and wag ons at cost. Harness, Whips, Robes, We will sell our entire stock of harness and h; se findings at cost. In making th. : offer to the trade of course we mean for the spot cash. Anybody wishing to buy on time we will give them liberal terms. We desire to make some additions to building as we have not got room for our growing business. Hence this opportunity to buy goods in our line cheaper than over before LIVERY STABLES Open every day in the week . Nice clean team. Prompt attentions. FRANK STRONACH, LIVERYMAN. PURE AND CHEAP ICE FOR SALE. Retail prices same as last season, which are lower than other places, as follows: Delivered from wagons each morning and evening, except Sundays, or at factory every hay. Five lbs, and less than ten lbs. at one time, 60c per 100 lbs. Ten lbs. and less than 25 lbs at one time, 50c per 100 lbs. 2j lbs and less than 100 lbs at one time, 40c per 100 lbs. 100 lbs and less than 1,000 lbs at one time, 35c per 100 lbs. 1,000 lbs. and less thau 2,000 lbs. at one time, 30c per 100 lbs. 2,000 lbs. or more at one time, 25c per 100 lbs Drivers are authorized to sell tickets for cash by the package at above prices. They are expected to be accommodating; toannounce their arrival at front gate and deliver ice there on receipt of ticket or money, but will not have time to wait or leavei wagons to deliver ice in houses We wish to serve all veg ularly and request the co-operation of all tbe people. Those wishing ice will please give notice a day in advance. Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones 41 and 11. m Carrau, tnd Tnte-Mttka obtained and all Fat-' CTtbuiiiw conducted for MeDimTi Fttm. OunOrrtctinOPPO.tTlU, . PkTCHTOrriet and we canaecore Datent ut kaa lints than tooac icaioc. Iran Washington, i Scad model, drawing or pnoto with descrip tion. Wo advise, if patentable or not. ireo of Jcnaiga. Onr fee not duo till patent la secured, j i a aasjpMUT, "now fountain ratents," mn 'cost of sajae lnthe U. S and foreiro countries seat free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO.! Ow. Patent Omei, WrmTrn. D. C.J 1 Castoria. "Castoria is so well ailupted to children that I lecummend it as supeiior to any pr- scritition known to me." II. A. Ahchhk, M.l., Brooklyn, N. V. " I'or several years I hive recommended Castoria, and shall always continue to da so as it lias invariably produmi beneficial results." i KnwiN I. Par ukf, M. TX, New York City. ' We have three children and they ' Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When we give one a dose, the others cry for one too. I shall always take pleasure in recommending this best child's medicine." Kev. W. A. Cooper, Newport, Ky. Pitcher's Castoria. FINE Creamery Butter For 25c Pound. This is the identical grade of But ter wbieh we have sold all winter and spring at 30c a pound, but having se cured a contract for the summer at a lower price. I am willing to give you the lieuelit of this reduction, hoping to increase our sales. As to the quality of the Iiutter we recommend it to be as Good As Any sold on this market. If you buy it and it does not suit, your money back for tha asking. I'ive cents a pound saved on the Butter you buy is quite an item. If you use ten pounds a month there is fide saved and you have had the best quality of butter. We receive it often a;id keep it nice and cool in our refrigerator. Try it. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. Blickeusderfer Typewriters ! Price, $35.00. Burkhead and Farwell. Room 4 Pullen Bld'g. May 8 lm. MULES and HORSES. Just received an extra nice lot of Horses and Mules. Large lot of Buggies and Farm Wagons which will be sold cheap. J. M. PACE, 111 East Martm St., Raleigh, N. C. ap!23tf PHOrOSALS r'OK WOOD AND COAL. Sealed proposals for furnishing wood and coal at the yards of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution will be received up to noon, June 14, 18t7. One hundred cords of old field pine wood, eight feet long, eplit and quar tered, free from knots, btraight and not over six months old at time bid is made: must be delivered and placed in suitable condition for inspection and measurement not later than October 1, 197. Three hundred and seventy-two tons of bituminous coal, run of the mine;1 seventy tons of anthracite egg coal, free from slate, 2,000 pounds to the ton. Bidders are required to state the mines from which their coal is taken, and whether their at thracite is red or white ash. Certificates of weight must accompany each load as delivered in quantities at each department of the institution as directed by the under signed . Delivery must r ot be later. than Sep tember 10, 97. The right to reject any and all bids or any part of any bid is reserved. W. H. RAND. Steward for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution. Raleigh, May 20, '7 lOd SALE OF RAILROAD STOCK. As attorney for the pledgee, I will at 12 o'clock m. on Saturday the 22d day of May, 1897 at the court house door in Raleigh, expose to rale at public auction eighty shares of the capital stock of the Hoffman & Troy Railroad company, of the ar value of twenty-five dollars each. Terms cash, i R T GRAY, Hp28 Attorney (or Pledgee.

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