THE POOLING BILL Senator Chilton Sides With Butler -Soys There Is Indecent Haste. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Washington, June 11: Republican ex-Congressmea are talking about any old thing of an office that comes within their reach these days. The latest catches in this line were ex Congressman Andrews, of Neb., who has been nominated to be auditor for the treasury department, and ex Congressman Brown, of Pa., who has been nominated to be auditor for the war department. Senator Chilton, of Texas, a mem ber of the interstate commerce com mitte, the chairman of which has been so active in trying to push the Foraker railroad pooling bill through the committee since the supreme court decision adverse to railroad pooling, took the side of Senator Butler, of N, C, when ho declared that there had been "indecenthaste" in pushing the bill. Chairman Cul lorn of the committee tried to deny the accusation by saying that the committee had been considering a pooling bill long before the supreme court decision. Senator Chilton said he had been a member of the committee for two years but had no knowledge of any attempt to press consideration of a pooling bill until after the adverse decision of the supreme court. Senator Butler gave notice that no railroad pooling bill could be acted upon by the Senate until the bill meeting the objection of the supreme court to an income tax had been acted upon. Special Rates Via South ern Railway. SrMMER School Yocnu Woman's Christian Association, Ashevii.le N. C . Junk 15-25, 1897. On account of the above occasion the Southern railway will sell tick ets from Raleigh to Ashe ville and re turn at $8.80 for round trip. Tickets on sale June 13, 14, 15 limited until June 27th. Summer School Y. M. C A. Knox- VILLE, Tenn., Jl NE 18 27, '97. On account of the above occasion the Southern railway will sell tick ets, to Knox ville, Tenn., and return at $12.65 for the round trip. Tiokets on sale June 16 to 19, limited until June 30. Grand Lodge of North Carolina of A, F. and A. M., Oxford, N. C, jVNE 24, '97. Qn account of the above occasion the Southern railway will sell tick ets from Raleigh to Oxford and re turn at $2.90 for round trip. Tickets on sale June 22nd, 23rd and 24th. good to return until June 28th, '97. Annual State Convention C. T. U. High Point, N. C, June 18th to 20th. On account of the above occasion the Southern railway will sell tick ets from Raleigh to High Point at $4.6.5 for round trip. Tickets on sale June 17th to 18th, limited to return until June 28th,. M kiting Grand Lopbe K. of P. at Charlotte Junk 15 to 18. On account of the above occasion the Southern railway will sell tick ets from Raleigh to Charlotte and return at $5 65 for round trip. Tick ets on sale June Hth and 15th, limi ted to return until June 20th. N. C. Teachers Assembly, More head City. On account of the above occ sion the Southern railway will sell tick ets Ironi Raleigh to Morehead Citv and return at $6 00 for round trip. Tickets on sale June 11th to 30th and good to return until July 15th, 1867. For further information write or call on Thad C Sturgis, T A, South ern railway, Union Depot, Raleigh, N C. J. M. Culp, Traffic M'ng'r. W. A. Turk, G. P. A. W. H. Green, Gen. Supt. No Cripe When yon take ITood's Pills. The big, old-fashioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take n OOd'S and eaiy to operate, Is true of Hood's Pills, which are up to date In every respect Safe, certain and sure. A" Pills druggists. 3fto, 0, I. Hood ft Co., Lowell. Mass. The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllhv Upeeial Ratet from Raleigh to Portsmouth Commencing Saturday, June 5th, the Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets from Raleigh to Portsmouth-Norfolk, Old Point Com fort, Virginia Beach and Ocean View, Va , for $2 50 for the round trip. Tickets good going on trains leaving Raleigh at 11:30 a. ra., Sat urday and 2:15 a. m , Sunday morn ing, good returning on trains leav ing Portsmouth at 8:45 p. m. Sun day nights and 9:15 a m. Monday mornings. For further information in regard to tickets, schedules etc., apply to H. S. Leard, S. P. A., Raleigh, N.C. Are you going to Portsmouth-Norfolk, Old Point or Virginia Beach? Special rates via Seaboard Air Line for $2 50 for the round trip. Tick ets sold every Saturday, limited two dates from date of .safe. Munyon's Humanity His Free Distribution of Remedies in His Home City. Fifty thon sand Invalids In Philadel phia, Munyon's home city, have been given Mun yon's Reme dies free. Such In Pmf Mnn. I yon's self-con- naence. 1 r Munyon's Remedies had (ailed to cure Munyon would have been driven out In dlBg-race. But they did cure, and Munyon's r latest record Mr. Thomas E. Roper. No. 1214 Bald win Street, Chattanooga, Tenn., says: " I have suffered greatly from Rheu matism. Have not been able to walk without a cane for four years, and some nine ago was connnea to my bed ror three weeks, since which time I have not been free from pain. Last Monday I procured a bottle of Munyon's Rheu matism Cure, and was so much relieved before using one vial that I have thrown away my cane and feel like a new man. It Is certainly a great cure, and I con sider It the greatest friend I ever found." Mr. W. D. Stratton, of 84 North For sythe Street. Atlanta. Oa.. says: " I am glad to give my name as one of the many who used Munyon's Rheumatism Cure with such marvelous success. My sufferlnra from Rheumatism naina anil lameness were very great and often pre vented me from working. I gave Mun yon's Remedies a faithful trial, and found a positive cure In a very few days. I can use my limbs as well as ever, ana am perfectly free rrom all rheumatlo palna" A separate cure ror eacn disease. At all drueirists. mostly 25 cents a vial. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon. 1.505 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., answered with free medical advice for any disease. Mahler and Voollcott, 12 W. Ilargett Street. BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP We carry the most complete lineof Bicycle sundries in the city, and also have first-class Ladies and Gent's Wheels to Rent ALSO A TANDEM. We ask you to call and see our stock. All work guaran teed to give satisfaction. Charges Reasonable. Execution Sale. Washington Times and others vs. The Tribune Publishing Company (a corporation) Notice of Sale. By virtue of executions directed to the undersigned from the magis trate's court of Wake county in the above entitled actions, I will on Monday, the 14th day of June, 1897, at 12 o'clock noon at the Tribune Publishing Company's building at 122 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, Wake county, N.C, sell to the high est bidder for cash to satisfy said executions, all the right, title and nterest which the said Tribune Publishing Company, defendant, has n the following described personal property, to wit: Composing Hoom. One large printing press and at tachments, (pulleys, beltings and shaftings,) 1 paper folder, both subject to a mortgage registered in Book No. 143, page 150 and page718; 1 electric motor, 1 small printing press, 2 job presses, 7 months lease on 2 Mergenthaler type setting ma chines, (leased f eb. 1st., 18;) A imposing stones and tables. Si type galleys, 1 lead cutter, 8 mailing gal leys, o single chases, & twin chases, 50 wood galleys, 12composingsticks, 1 stove (coal,) a quantity or lead, about 500 lbs. for Mergenthaler ma chines, ink, i barrel, 3 chairs, a quantity of various job type on stones, 4, cases 1. p. type, 6 cases brevier type, 1 case pica type o. s., 1 case g. primer, 1 case poster type, 26 cases various job type, 5 case stands, 2 tables, 1 proof press. Second Floor. 1 paper cutter, 1 wire stitcher, 1 desk and table, 1 stove, 1 case new nonpariel type, 4 cases assorted type, one cabinet of job type, 45 cases job typo, 2 cases leads and rules, 4 job chases, small lot or pa per. Office Room. 2 mailing tables, 1 water cooler, 1 counter,! desk, lofficechair, 1 lounge, 1 table. lstove.&canebottomchairs, 1 large desk, lsafeandcontents, 1 office desk, 1 office chair, 1 letter press, 1 letter file, office railing, ink stand, six books on desk, 1 high stool, 51 bundles of newspaper in cellar. The type advertised above has all been in use. P. S. Parties desiring to inspect the plant before day of sale can do so by calling upon the undersigned. H..T JONES, may28 td Sheriff Wake Co. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Eme line M, Holland, deceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of thoTf recovery, and all persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed. J, C. MARCOM, Ad'mr. Battle A Mordecai, Attorneys. May 15, '97, 6w Pofonto u- s- and Foreign pro JLUIUULB cured. EugeneW. John ton, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Cause, 1729 Now York Avenue, Wash ington, D. C. Office established 1868. Chargea moderate. ' Correspondenc eq nested. Something Nice. Ferris Hams. Springfield Hams, winter cured. Smithfleld. Vs., Hams Large invoices of the almve goods have just been received and are offer ed for your selection. New Roe Herrings in barrels and half barrels. New Shad Roe in kits. We have something particularly ap petizing in our Stuffed Sweet Mango Pickle, and the famous Kalamazoo Celery Pickle. They are both recent arrivals and are worthy a trial. Full line of Curtis' famous Pre serves in Glass. Our Mocha and Java Coffee is the best that can be produced at any price. Try it. TIIOS. PESCUD, Tlie Grocer. Valuable Farm Lands for Sale, By virtue of authority conferred by two certain deeds of mortgage, the one from J. N. Holding, to Willis Holding, dated April 6th, 1889, and registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Wake county, N. C, in book 106 at page 570; and the other from O. K. Holding to J. N. Holding, dated November 28th, 1894, and registered in said office in book 143 at page 78; we will on Thursday, June 10th, 1897, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, six tracts of land in Wake Forest township, Wake county, N. C, and more fully described as follows: First tract: Contains 30 acres more or less, and is bounded by the lands of the Morehead estate, formerly owned by W D Jones and wife, the lands of W B Hunter, the dower lands of Sarah J Hunter, the lands of lsadore li Uarner and the 100 acre tract hereinafter described, being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by W M Hunter and others by deed registered in said office in book 83 at page 300, leference to which is made. Second tract: Contains 100 acres more or less, and is bounded by the said 30 acre tract and the lands of lsadore D Garner, Dr A R Vann, W B Hunter and ihe 21 acre tract hereinafter described, being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by W M Hunter and others by deed registered in said office in Book 83 at page 300, reference to which is made. Third tract: Contains 21 J acres, more or less, and is bounded bysaid 100 acre tract on the south, the lands of W. K. Hunter, deceased, on the east, and by smith s creek and the ' Carver tract, hereinafter describ ed on the north, northwest and west and is the land conveyed to said Wil lis Holding by W. Iv. Hunter and wife by deed registered in said of fice in book 83 at page 301, reference to which is made. Fourth tract: Contains six acres, more or less, and is bounded on the north by the Forestville path, lead ing from W. B. Dunn's farm house to Forestville, on the east by the lands of J. J. Thomas, on the south by said "Carver tract," and on the west by Mrs. t rances u. t ort, and is the land conveyed to said Willis Holding by J. J, Thomas by deed registered in said office in book 106 at page 562, reference to which is made. Fifth tract: Contains 109 1-16 acres more or lessand is bounded on the north by the said six acre tract and the lands of said Fort and Thomas, on the east by the lands of W B Dunn and the "Spring Tract," hereinafter described, on the south bv Smith's creek and the said 100 acre tract, and on the west by the lands of Dr A R Vann and D W Allen, and the same is known as the "Carver tract" of the jW M Alston lands, and being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by Armistead Jones, commissioner, by deed reg istered in said office in book lUb at page 559, reference to which ismade Sixth tract: Contains 38-1-10 acres more or less, and is bounded on the north by lot No. 5 of the W. M, Alston lands and the road lead ing from Wake Forest to Rolesville bv said Alston's house, on the east by said lot No. 5, on the south by lot No. 1 of said Alston lands and the lands of W. K. Hunter deceased, and on the west by said "Carver Tract" and the landsof W. B. Dunn, and the same is known as the "SDrintr Tracf'of said Alston lands. and being the same conveyed to said Willis Holding by Armistead Jones, commissioner, by deed regis tered in said office in book 106 at page 559, referencetowhich ismade. Time of sale, 12 o'clock m. Place of sale county court house door in Raleigh. N. C. WILLIS HOLDING, Mortgagee. W. W. Vass, Executor of W. W. Vass, deceased, assignee of Mort gagee. J. N. Holding, Mortgagee. Isaac E. Emerson, assignee of Mort gagee. Ernest Haywood attorney for I. E. Emerson. May 10th, 1897. d. t. s. This sale has been postponed un V July 10th. Proposal for Building. Sealed proposals for the erection of the Capital Club House in the city of Raleigh will be received un til noon of Jane 1st, 1897. Plans and specifications can be seen by ap plying to L A Mahler, secretary of the building committee. The com mittee will reserve the right to re ject any and all bids. D E EVMtITT, Cbm'n Bid's Committee. Raleigh, May 10, 1897. 10 tjl Cross & Special Suit Sale. "IRA Qiii o will be offered words they are: 50 Suits at $10, your choice for $7.50. 50 Suits at $12.50, your choice for $10. 50 Suits at $15, your choice for $12.50. These are all new, clean goods and can't be duplicated anywhere at such priced. On sale this week only. Come and gel the pink. A full and correct line of furn'ahings always on haud. Gross Great Shirt Values. 50, $125 and $1 Shirts for 89 Cents. We placed on sale yesterday, and sold,,50 dozen Percale and Madras Colored Shirts at the sacrificing price of 89c. There isn't a shirt in the lot that is worth less than tl and the most of them are (1 25 and tt 60 values. You will find in the assortment some of Gar ner's finest percale and French Madras. Some have two and three extra sep arate collars some have collars and bodies with colored bosom and cuffs to 50c Waists for In sizes for boys from 7 to 13 years. There are no sizes smaller than for 7-year boys and none larger than 13 years. They are not the "Mothers' Friend," but the material is of same quality the sizes were broken, so we cut the price in twor and give you?50o Waists for '15c. The Several Hundred $( Suits Have dwindled down to about 50 all the lot there is a bargain for you. S. & D. BERWANGER, WIDE A."WA.KE Leading One A Nice Line of HAMMOCKS Can be seen at Alfred Williams & Co. 's Bookstore. Prices reasonable. We sell Hurd's line of Fine Stationery, The nicest line shown in the city. We can supply your wants. Phone 210. Yours truly, Alfred Williams & Co. Tbe Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Depoits .... $300,000.00 Offers its customers every -ccoinmodation consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Some Rood business offices to let J.J. THOMAS, President. ALP A. THOMPSON. Vice President. U.S. JKRMAN Ca8(if R JACKSON Assistant Cashier Dissolution Notice. The firm of Horton & Lee, grocers of the city of Raleigh, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, E. Huey Lee having purchased the entire interest of C. E. Horton. E. Huey Lee will continue the business at the old stand of Horton & Lee, corner of Lane and Bloodworth streets. E. Huey Lee will settle all accounts of Horton & Lee and all accounts due Horton & Lee will be paid directly to E. Huey Lee. n C. E. Horton, E. Hcby Lkb May 1, 1897. Linehan. in this sale this week for cash. In exchanging dollars with you. Here and Linehan, will continue until the last shirt is cuffs attached and some have white match bosom, All go at 89c. Boys for 25c. choice, new patters. If your size is in Price Clothiers. Learn to Ride a Wheel. Come around and take a free spin through our Academy and take a look at our Fowler and judge for yourself as to its beauty and merits. We do all kinds of Bicycle repairing, nickeling, etc., and do it in first class style, and rent good, easy running wheels. Come to see us when in any way interested in Bicycling, if it's nothing but talk wheel. Page & Marshall, Phone 87. 216 Fayetteville street. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last will and testament of Charles McLean, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said Charles McLean to present the same on or before the 5th day of April, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to me or my attorneys. This 6th day of April, '97. Daniel. McLean, Executor. Argo & Snow, Attorneys. Rakes, 15c. Wire Netting 6c yd. Matting Tacks. Lawn Mowers. Gem Ice Cream Freezers. Ice Picks. ALLEN & NICHOLS' Hardware Store. South Side Market. Irm PREPAYMENT GAS M ETERS. We are prepared to furnish prepay ment or coin-in-thi' -slot meters, by which you can pay (or your light as you using little or much as you desire, an i tell by the meter at all limes what it is costing you, as much so as you can what your coffee, tea, meat, etc , is costing. With this meter you can arrange to have your light to cost you less than any light, and with it you can do your cooking at small cost these hot das. Call at our office, No. U West Uar gett street, and see it at work. RALEIGH GAS CO. June 5, 38'JT lw elropolitan Opera House- Two Nights, Wednesday and Thurs day, June 1(! and IT. Paige's Players, With the popular little star, Ettima Myrkle In the great comedy successes, "The Circus Girl" and "Was Marriage a Failure'.'" At popular prices 10, 20 and :iOc. Reserved seats on sale at W H King & Co's Drug Store Monday morning. STRONACH'S Carriage Harness Repository AND- Norse Emporium. Nos. :il!, 321 and 323 Wilmington St. VEHICLES We will commence from today to close out our entire stock of car riages, buggies, road carts and wag ons at cost. Harness, Whips, Robes, We will sell our entire stock of harness and hi se findings at cost. In making th. ; offer 1o the trade of course we mean for the spot cash. Anybody wishing to buy on time we will give them liberal terms. We desire to make some additions to building as we have not got room for our growing business. Hence this opportunity to buy goods in our line cheaper than ever before LIVERY STABLKS Open every day in the week. Nice clean team. Prompt attentions. FRANK STRONACH, LIVERYMAN. PURE AND CHEAP ICE FOR SALE. Retail prices same as last season, which are lower than other places, as follows: Delivered from wagons each morning and evening, except Sundays, or at factory every pay. Five lbs, and less than ten lbs. at one time, tiOc per 100 lbs. Ten lb . and less than 25 lbs. at one time, 50c per 100 lbs. 20 lbs and less than 100 lbs at one time, 40c per 100 lbs. 100 lbs. and less than 1,000 lbs at one time, 35c per 100 lbs. 1,000 lbs. and less than 2,000 lbs. at one time, 30c per 100 lbs. . 2,000 lbs. or more at one time, 25c per 100 lbs. Drivers -are authorized to sell tickets for cash by the package at above prices. They are expected to be accommodating; toannoucce their arrival at front gate and deliver ice thereon receipt of ticket or money, but will not have time to wait or leave wagons to deliver ice in bouses We wish to serve all reg ularly and request the co-operation of all tbe people. Those wishing ice will please give notice a day in' advance. Jonos & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones 41 and 71. FINE Creamery Buffer For 25c Pound. This is the identical grade of But ter which we have sold all winter and spring at 30c a pound, but having se cured a contract for the summer at a lower price. 1 am willing to give you the beuelil of this reduction, hoping to increase our i4h.I.w Ad tj tUa mm lit. of the Butt' i- we recommend it to ba as Good As Atiy fold on this market. If vou buv it and it does not suit, your money back for the asking. Five cents a'pound saved on the liutter you buy is quite an item. If you use ten pounds a month there is 50c saved and you have had the best quality of butter. We receive it ofteu a;id keep it nice and cool in our refrigerator. Try it. 0: T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. MULES and HORSES. Just rpfMivfll ttn nvfl'n nin lr tt Horses and Mules. Lure lot of uuKgies ano rui-m wagons which will be sold cheap. 1 M PAPfi' 111 East Martin St., Italeigh, N. C. apiti Blicketisderfer Typewriters ! Price, $35.00. Burkhead and Farwell. Room -1 Pullen Bld'g. May 8 lm. Sale of Lot in East Raleigh. By virtue of a decree of Wake Su perior Court, in the case of Needham W. Poole, administrator of Irwin Poole, deceaser, vs. Dorsey Wall and others, being S. P. No. 771, a petition to sell land for assets, in which case the undersigned was appointed com missioner to sell the lands described in the petition, I will on Monday, the 12th day of July, 18117, at 12 o'clock in., at the court house door of Wake county, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land: A lot in East Raleigh, beginning at a point on the south side of Cotton Place street, the north west corner of Lot 34, running thence west aloiig the line of Cotton Place street fifty (50) feet to the northeast corner of Lot 36, thence south with the line of Lot 36 one hundreu and sixty one and one half (1HU) feet to the corner of Lots 36 and 57, thence east with the line of Lot 57 fifty (50) feet to the northwest corner of said lot and thence north one hundred and sixty one and one half ( ltU) feet to the be ginning, being Lot No. 35 in the plan of Cotton Place, as recorded in Hook 53, page 501 of the office of Register of Deeds of Wake county containing one-sixth of an acre, or thereabouts. A. B. Andrews, Jr., Com'r. .lune 10, '97 30d Sale of City Property- By virtue of the powers conferred upon me in a certain mortgage deed dated June fi, 1891, from Chas. A. Goodwin and Alice A. Goodwin, hi. wife, to Thomas D. Martin, which said mortgage deed is registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in book 112, page 779 I will on Monday, the 12th day of July, 1897, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, sell to the highest bidder for cash, two certain lots in the city of Raleigh, being the following: First Lot Situated on tbe north side of East Cabarrus street, bt ing part of lot No. 44 in the plan of the city of Raleigh as Bhown by Shalfer'B map of said city, and adjoins the land, of the late N. V. Denton, Mrs. Sallie Lassiter and described as follows: Beginning on Cabarrus street at N. V. Denton's southwest corner on said street, runs westward with the northern line of Baid street, fifty feet to W. H. J. Goodwin's corner, thence northward at right angels with said ttreet about two hundred and ten (210) feet to lot No. 60 in the plan of said city ol Ral eigh, thence eastward with the line of that lot to Denton's corner fifty feet, thence south with Denton's line about two hundred and ten feet to the begin ning, being the same lot conveyed to said C. A. Goodwin by V. J. Haywood D. G. Fowle and wife, et als, by deed recorded in book 1 4, at page 488 in the Register of Deeds office of Wake county. Second Lot Situated between Fay etteville and Wilmington streets, front ing about one hundred feet on each and situated about the middle of the block ltween Davie and Cabarru. streets ic the city of Raleigh, embrac ing about 50 by 210 feet of the northern portion of lot No. 50 and about 50 by 210 feet of the southern portion o. lot No. H according to the p an of the city of Raleigh as shown by Shaffer's map of said city and more (fully described and bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwest corntr of a lot owned by the late John Gatling or his wite ( News and Observer building) in the eastern line of Fayetteville .treet, thence east two hundred and ten feet to the western line of Wilmington street, thence south with the western line of said street about one hundred feet to the line of R. S. Tucker, thence west with his line two hundred and ten feet to the eastern line of Fayetteville street, thence north with the eastern line of Fayetteville street about one hundred feet to the place of beginning, containing nearly one-half of an acre, being the same land conveyed toChae. A. Goodwin by James Fenneetey by deed recorded in tbe office of the Re gister of Deed, of Wake ccunty in book 1 13, page 778. Time of sale 12 o'clock noon Place of .ale Court House door. Term. each. T. D. Martin, Mortgagee. lune 11, 1897.

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