a THE PRESS-VISITOR, M.U.EIGH, N. C. FRIDAY June 11.7 fllOS. J. PKNCK City Editor. Index to Net Advertisements rui;lj! Specials. Change in Firm Wynne & Bird song. Sale of Citv Property M T Mar tin. THE WEATHER The following is the weather pre diction for Ualcigh and vicinity (not extending beyond a radius of 20 miles) issued at S a. m. today, June 10: Fair lnnight and to morrow: continued warm. FAIR WARM t The following were the weather conditions at S a in. today : Barometer insl Pry bulb (deg.) Change in 21 hours . Wet bnib Minimum Mnperatnrc Wind velocity Rainfall Direct ioi: of wind State of weather . .".0. 10. C2. 02. 1 12. C2. Lt. 20. X. Clear. Il KSt'N.tL. Mr. W K White, oi Vcbane, is in the city. Mr C I. Iiuisay. of Chapei Ifiil, is in tli 0 city. Col Ch.is A Cooi; of Wurrenton is in the oil v. President 1'. A A'.derman of the State 1 : i vei'sit V is in the city. M .1 i' ( o:!'.e , who has been I u ; to ili. we are p!eaed to note, is better. J A Bashf i ii, , f lialeigh. is com missioned hv the governor a rail way policeman. .! 1) Massey was yesterday ap pointed jio!a:as1er at Si.iithtiold Johnson coan' v. ire J , A well re moved Miss lieoan.y of Wilmington and .Miss Chirk a' Tarbon 'are the guests of Miss M.iMle 1'ai eon North liioiint Street. Mr. J.J. 'vVoo:s of JIal if.f has bevn ap; .,, a position at one of the Mi,!., fan: probably Castle Ilayne. stand-, at the Mead. Aug. J, llogi'l, the leading drug gist of Slir. v, port. La., says. "Ir. King's NYw PiSi overy is the only filing that cures my cough, and it is the bestseller I have." J. 1'. Camp bell, mere'na' ' of Ariz. " "rites- "Dr. King's Ne.v 1 1 smvery is all that is claimed for :t uevi i fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, i cannot say enough for its merits. Dr King s New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is no! an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disaopo'uls. Free trial bot tles at all druggists. I'tJ Yon I cr Try Kiectrie Hitters as a rcu.eny for your troubles? ; i,,a. o,. a bottle now and get relief. Tins medicine has been found to tie peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female compl:i;nts, exerting a won derful direct iutluence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting' spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells. Kleclrie Hitters is the medi cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at all druggists. The mlidei of the people in Hood 's Sarsaparii'a is ilue to its un equalled record of wonderful cures. BUSINESS ITEMS. rhniiEe in linn. On account of a change which will take place in our lirm on July 1st. we desire to collect every dollar we have on our bonks before that time, so please pay up your account in full without delay, jll 2t WiwkA IJirlisoxh. Send your orders tomorrow to Dughi for Sunday ice cream. Lost. Silvir link bracelet with name "Annie'' on lock, last evening between Hargett and Hlountstreets, Rewa-d w.ll be paid if left at 117 E ist Hargett street. j9 2t Plenty of nice yellow bananas at Dughi's. Low Kates North and West. The following rates are now in eTect from Norfolk, Portsmouth and Old Point via Haltimore and the Rival Blue Lino (I? & O R R): Philadelphia, one av, $3.80, Philadelphia, round trip, $5.50. New York, one way, fti.HO. New York, round trip, $9.50. Also low rates to all points North and west via Washington or Balti more. For tickets, Pullman space and stateroom reservation on Wash ington or Baltimore steamers apply to Arthur G Lewis, Southern Passenger A;ent under Atlantic Hotel, Notfolk, Va. may lltf Bananas 15 and 2io til iJuhi's. Lemons 15c per dozen ut Dughi s. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sutTercr immediately. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle He sure and ask f-r "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind ltrvuu i:cursion Train leaves Raleigh June 14th, 0 am. Returning leaves Portsmouth Tuesday, loth, at 5 p m. Hound trip from Raleigh and all stations to Kit trell inclusive, $2 50; Henderson and all stations to Weldon, $2 Tiokets on sale at all stations and W H King & Co's drug store, Raleigh, N. C. W W Pavne, J S Groves, Managers, j;i j;t Norfolk, Va. Wanted. 20 pairs of old shoes. Harris' Steam Dye Works, juS at F.ast Hargett street. Hunted. Old clothes, shoes, hats, pistols, gum, watches, clocks. 'Cash paid for second hand clothing of every description at Harris' Steam Dye Works, east Hargett street, Raleigh. Suits cleaned 75c; cleaued and dyed 1 50. my27 2m Ice Cream Freezers, FKKKKS irs 1 MINUTES i":r t minute, civain mixes: Second miuule, cream begin to fri e.e: Third minute, nearly fro.en, L'ourih minute, perfectly frozen. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, RALEWII. N. ('. W. K. JII.VKS. WH1TK MOl'XTA IN Midsummer Millinery tin Thursday and Friday of next week we will inaugurate our an nual midsummer rnillinerv display. We have put forth reat efforts be fore and they have been crowned with success, and we hope our friends and eustomors will help us to make this opening equally so. We will present a line of strictly seasonable millinery, consisting of t rimmed and untrimmed Hats, Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, etc. Enormous values at bargains which will surpass anything ever before ottered : Mattings. Never have we offered such bril liant bargains in mattings as we are showing this week. L'oc quality at 15e "'.V quality at 20e Fifteen pieces of mattings running trorn 5 to 2b 3 ards at one third olT. Shoes. We have today added to our pre vious Mtfe shoe sa'e by putting in 58 pairs misses' Oxford Ties, sizes 11 to 2, reduced from 75c and $1. Men's Furnishings. Tomorrow (Saturday) is bargain day for men's furnishing goods. Note these prices: .Silk Club Ties, worth 15c at 10c Silk Bows, black and colored, very fine quality, at 19c, elsewhere 25c Unlaundried White Shirts made from good, heavy muslin, at 32c each Men's Puff Bosom Shirts at 85c, worth $1. Go Where You Please, Pay what you please, you will find no better SODA WATER OR Purer Drugs than we give you. W. H. KING & CO.'S Druggists, Fnyette ville Street. j'PAPOID j iTABLETS"! t T Are very ir industrious little Y wheels and "go the rounds quickly ami etTectually when A they are needed for digestion. You can enjoy the biggest I dinners if you have one or two jjj of these little tablets to take f just after eating. Try them. ! James McKimmon & Co., j t 4 PHARMACISTS. V. K. JUNKS. Silks. A continuance of yesterday's sale - fashisnablo Silks in .'! to JO yard lengths, just the thing for shirt waists. Two special lots, worth all the way from 3c up to $1 25 at 12 ami 39c per yard, Parasols. To make quick work of it we offer our, stock of ladies' and mhses' Parasols at half prices to close out. Straw Hats We know that Straw Hat season is only half gone, but tomorrow we will commence to reduce our prices. Men's Straw Hats from 25c up Boys' Straw Hats from 10c up Corsets 50 dozen R. and G., extra long lng waist Corsets at 50c the pair. W. E. JONES. Royall Borden INCORPORATED Wilmington and Fayetteville Streets. J. I ItonDKX, 1RESIHKNT. (i. r. UOVAI.L, VICE 1'RKSIIIKXT. Everything to Beautify Your Home COSTLY Suits I CHEAP DINING TABLES. S CORNER A beautiful line of Rockers. India Stools in Oak and Mahogany, 1 'ill each. Something new in Canopies. The Whitney Baby Carriage Has No Peer. We have them to suit any purse. I- Pavetteviile Steet Entrance through Stronach's dry goods store. Telephone No. 2Gb" B. If You Invest in a Pair of Heller's S3 Shoes. Var. ii of T-ts and in Black Calf. Chocolate Titan Calf. Vici Kid. A BEAUTY- Titan Calf Ch I, .ml sewed Heller's Shoe Store. 10 Cent Week STRONACH'S. Beginning Saturday We do not mean for you to understand that you can buy anything at Stronach's at )0c; but we do mean that from day to day we are going through our stock and will bring conspicuously to the front, lines of sea sonable new goods actually worth 121, 15 and 20o, and to make business we are going to offer these goods at the commoin, every-day, popular, within the rea h -of-all price of TEN CENTS, and we assure our custo mers that values shall be as great, or greater, than can be purchased elsewhere in the city. 15c Organdy Francais for 10c 15c Organdy Lisse for 10c 15c Lappet Mull for 10c 20c Tambom Farcies for 10c 15c Evening Sh des India Linon, 10c 15c Shepherd Plaid Suiting 10c 15c Linen Crash Suiting 10c 15c Striped Linen Crash 10c 15c 40-inch Linon D'lnde 10c 15c and 20c M0 inch Long Cloth.. 10c 15c 33 inch Dimity , ..10c 15c Plain India Linons 10c Our entire line of ladies' collars 15 and 20c, at 10c Our whole stock of percale, and we have the best and prettiest, at 10c. Satis factory prices will bo made on all other lines of goods not mentioned in the above; A. B. STRONACH. Furnilure Com'py T. P. JERMAN, JR.. 8KC. AND TREAS, MILES OOODWtH, INSTALLMENT M'flR. YOU'LL HAVE TWO HANDSOME FEET TO STAND ON morning, June 12, '97. 15c Russia Bath Towels 10c 15c Al'-Liuen Huck Towels 10c 15c Linen H. S. Handkerchiefs. .10o 15c Linen Em bd Handkerchiefs, 10c 15c Gent's Linen II. S Handk'fs, 10c 15c Black Silk Mills 10c 15c Black Hose : 10c 15c and 20c Silkaline 10c i 15c Evening Shades Creponnes, 10c 12 and 15c Embroideries 10c 15 and 20c Black and Tan Belts, 10c 12 and 15c Curtain Muslin. . . .10c 1JJ aud 15c Bicycle Suitings.. ..10c Picnicsand Excursions At this season of the year we all like to take an outing. During the next week or two the majority of the people will go out of town for a week or so. You do not care to spend very much money. We have got just what you want and at such prices that you can afford to buy your goods of us. Something to Wear. Full assortment of latest style la dies' trimmed sailors 25c to tl 75 All sizes and colors ladles' shirt waists 50, 75, 88c and tl Ready-made skirts of black material at tl 25, 1 50, 1 69, 1 98 and 1 75 All styles of fans from 5c apiece to 50c apiece. Palm leaf fans. Ladie' belts 10 to 15c Hosiery 10, 15 and 25e OXFORD TIES, Oongola patent tip 50c Dongola patent tip 7nc Dongola patent tip tl Dongola patent Up 1 25 Common sense Oxfords 90c and 1 25 Patent leather vamp ox 1 50 Cloth top dongola Oxfords I 25 Patent leather sandals I 25 Pat leather tip dongola Oxfords latest shapes I 50 and 1 75 HANDKEUCfllKFS. Our stock of latlies' handkerchiefs range from 5c to 50c apiece Large Block ladies' ready-made un derwear, cheaper to buy than to make. WoolIcott&Son SUCCESSORS TO C.A.SH ERVTOC-D & CO. "" Jobbers and manufacturers North need money. Our agent was in the market with the spot cash, and bought new fresh goods at less than fifty cents on the dollar to manufacturer and now on sale. THE GRAND Semi-Annual CLEARANCE SALE. Look What 5c. Will Buy This Week. Clearance 150 Dieces of Chateline. Marouise. Corded Mull, Ideal Tissue beautiful coloring we are going to sell this lot less than wholesale price. They retail at 12 12 and 15c, butl our price will be to close ' 2'-' 36 pieces, all Mouseline (36 inch) gold and silver striped, fast colors. All the Jobbers bad they are being sold by some at 25c; our -j 1 Clearance Sale Price 12W 37 pieces, 729 yards of New Doited Swiss. Not a piece worth less thau 35c, same sold as high as 50 to 75c. You will never bave a chance to get a white dress like this again. jQp Clearance sale price " w BARGINS IN WHITE GOODS. Small lots closed out from manufac turer -7 c check muslin PjQ 12c striped muslin, very sheer 5 cent white nainsook, good styles.. . . 7lc 3lc Something to Eat. Best grade sugar cured hams by the pound I2ic Best grade California or small pic nic hams 81c N. C. cared hams 10c Potted ham and tongv.c 5o Canned brawn 10c One pound corned beef 12c Two pounds corned beef 20e Cucumber pickle by doz 8c Chow chow and mixed pickle in J gallon jars 25c Fancy English spiced mixed pick les 24 and 28c Largo Dottle chow chow or mixed pickles :!le Prepared mustard s, 10 and He Selected queen olives, very line ones too 15 and 21c Red raspberry jam 18c Salt soda crackers 10c pound Ginger snaps 7c pound lx:mon cakes 7c pound fxMnons 14o dozen Sugar 5c pound UMBRELLAS. Sun umbrellas 50, (18 and 75c These are good enough to take on a picnic. We also have, a complete Htock of umbrellac from "i5e to $2 25 each. Woollcott&Son IO,722YardsWashGoodsaf5c A BIG PURCHASE. We found a Jobber with 250 . Pieces of New India Dimity, Linen Brodc, Koubin Fou lards (43 inches), and Fine Organdies all this season's goods, all worth from 10 to 12Jc. A Rrand bargain. Not very much in this for us, but they are yours as long as they last. - &aie Price CSo Special. This is 1 clearance week in the millinery department, and no dupli cates this season . All our model hats to be closed this week at less than fifty cents on the cost to trim. Models worth ffi, 7 50 (P r r q and $10, now .. 4)5."0 Models worth 13.50, $4 -4 fQ. and $5, now lVO This is the last week on Fancy Ribbons take vour choice of anv and all at one price. They sold for wi:, w, toe ana f i. i Clearance sale price One case Remnants of shirting prints at ... 25c 3jc 61c One case RemnantsofPer cals, standard worth 10c. 25c Bleached Turkish Bath Towels, 46x24, extra large. Clear- 4 tyi ance salo price. . . .. , . 1 4W2w SUCCESSORS TO CA?S HCFtv76oD'& CO.

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