A KNOTTY QUESTION The Dispensary Matter to Com up Id Cumberland. The Fayetteville Observer o( yes terday says : Judge Mclver baa issued an order to the Board of oounty commission ers, Sheriff and Treasurer of the bounty and the Dispensary Board to appear before him on Saturday 19th and show cause why they should not be enjoined from establishing a dis pensary in Cumberland county. The order was issued upon appli cation of Mr. S. J. Guy, vho in his affidavit sets forth, the plea that the whole matter from beginning to end Is unconstitutional; had the sheriff, under the direction of the county commissioners, had already paid out to the dispensary board $100 of monies levied for other purposes; that the county commissioners had pledged the credit of the county to foster the dispensary, which was unconstitutional; that the sale of liquor by the county is illegal, and that there is no law to allow the county to use money in any such manner. The following is a copy of Judge Mclver's order: North Carolina, Moors Codnty, At Chambers, in Carthage. order to show cause. S J Quy vs. Board County Commis sioners and others: For the causes stated in affidavit the defendants will show cause be fore me at chambers in Carthage on Saturday 19th inst., why they should not be enjoined as prayed for in said affidavit until the hearing. This June 14, 1897. J as D McIvkr, Judge S. C. Messrs C W Broad foot and G M Rose represent the plaintiff in the action, and they have sent for the coroner, in order that the Judge's order may be served on the sheriff. If Judge Mclver issues an injunc tion restraining defendants from carrying out the dispensary, it will probably mean total prohibition for the next two years, as the county commissioners will most likely re fuse to issue liquor licenses. North Carolina Day at the Nashville Cen tennial Exposition. The Southern Railway will sell tickets from Raleigh to Nashville and return for the above occasion at $13.25 for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 19th, 20th, and 21st, limited ten days from date of sale, these tickets can be extended for ten days beyond the final limit by being deposited with the Joint Agent of the Terminal lines at Nash ville not later than June 26th, through sleepers Raleigh Nashville. This is a short through car line. Leave Raleigh 3:40 p. m. arrive at Nashville 1:50 p. m. next day, seven hourto advance of any other line. For tickets and sleeping car space write to or call on Tbad C. Sturgis ticket agentSouthern Railway union station. W A Tork, G P A., J M Culp, Traffic M'ng'r. W H Green, General Supt. Stands at th liaad. Aug. J, Bogel. the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only hing that cures my cough, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at all druggists. Did Yon Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles t Jf 'not? get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs, u you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy v mi n'ii I Al Jf anAiia Mimnr.pin nirrMrii i u i.riM niHii cine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at all druggists. , ' '. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty fears by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child. softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oollc, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggist in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. .. v: ' Bsoy was slot, w gvm her Castoria. atowasaCaM aborted toCastorte. ; WaaaaWaadCailaiabaiaw-haaiOistorla. Llahler and Woollcott, 12 W. Hargett Street. BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP We carry the most complete lineof Bicycle sundries in the city, and also have first-class Ladies and Gent's Wheels to Rent ALSO A TANDEM. We ask you to call and see our stock. All work guaran teed to give satisfaction. Charges Reasonable. STRONACH'S Carriage Harness Repository AND Horse Emporium. Nos. 319, 321 and 323 Wilmington St. VEHICLES We will commence from today to close out our entire stock of car riages, buggies, road carts and wag ons at cost. Harness, Whips, Robes, We will sell our entire stock of harness and hi se findings at cost. In making th. ; offer to the trade of course we mean for the spot cash. Anybody wishing to buy on time we will give them liberal terms. We desire to make some additions to building as we have not got room for our (rrowins business. Hence this opportunity to buy goods in our line cheaper than over before LIVERY STABLES Open every day in the week . Nice clean team. Prompt attentions. FRANK STRONACII, LIVERYMAN. Press and Folder for Sale. On Thursday, July 8, 1897, at No. 122 Fayetteville street, in the city of Raleigh, N. C, there will be sold at public auction one second-hand seven colutn quarto double feed Dispatch Babcock Printing Press and one Dex ter Intermediate Folder with paster and trimmer, together with the appur tanances thereto. Said property may be seen and examined upon appli cation to Battle & Mordecai. Sale made under powers conferred upon Barnhart Brothers & Spindler by two mortgages, registered in book No. 143 at pages 456 and 758 of.the Register of Deeds office of Wake county. Hour of sale, 12 m. Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. By Battle & Mordecai, Attorneys. June 17, 1897 20d MULES and HORSES. Just received an extra nice lot of Horses and Mules. Large lot of Buggies and Farm Wagons which will be sold cheap. J. M. PACE, 111 East Martin St., Raleigh, N. C. apl23tf Administrator's Notlcel Having qualified as administrator of the estate of David H. King, de ceased, late of wake county, N. c. , this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or be fore the 6th day of February, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersigned. J. C. Marcoh, Administrator of E;ivid H. King. Feb. 4. 1897 Itwflw ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lizzie Spencer, deceased, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or befqre the 19th day of Juqe,"1898, or thjs notice will be plead Jn, bar of- Jihelr recovery; and all per sons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. Henry J Youno, June 19, 1897-6w Adm'r Ad mi latrator'a Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Sucky Aubry, dee'd, late of Wake county, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 23d day of May, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery, and all persons indebted to the saia estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned. V J. 0. Marcom, Adm'r, May 22. '97 law6w - No Cripe man yon take Hood's Pills. The big, old-tasb-looad, sugar-eoated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Easy to take and assy to oporata, Is trua of Rood's Pills, which are opto data In every respect Bats, certain and sure. All druiglita. Ma. A I. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. Tba only rills to take with Haod's Sarsaparilkv Wanted-An Idea sssg tMntr W SB SI W warn tiling U ttU ( FroMOt Tmr wma l wct mar pnoJ"w m, WMhlnffto. D. 0. ft thrtr Ctf" CfH od'i s AaMWaMtf8MlMlMtiiaVUOMV 1 Something Nice. Ferrla Hama, Springfield Hams, winter cared, Bmltbfleldi Va., Hams Large invoices of the above goods have just been received and are offer ed lor your selection. New Roe Herrings in barrels and half barrels. New Shad Roe in kits. We have something particularly ap petizing in our Stuffed Sweet Mango Pickle, and the famous Kalamazoo Celery Pickle. They are both recent arrivals and are worthy a trial. Full line of Curtis' famous Pro serves in Glass. Our Moeha and Java Coffee is the best that can be produced at any price. Try it. TIIOS. PESGUD, Tlie Grocer. Valuable Farm Lands for Sale, By virtue of authority conferred by two certain deeds of mortgage, the one from J. N. Holding, to Willis Holding, dated April 6th, 1889, and registered in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Wake county, N. C, in book 106 at page 570: and the other from O. K. Holding to J. N. Holding, dated November UHtb, 1894, and registered in said office in book 14.1 at page 78; we will on Thursday, June 10th, 1897, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, six tracts of land in Wake Forest township, Wake county, N. C, and more fully described as follows: First tract: Contains 30 acres more or less, and is bounded by the lands of the Morebead estate, formerly owned by W D Jones and wife, the lands of W B Hunter, the dower lands of Sarah J Hunter, the lands of Isadore D Garner and the 100 acre tract hereinafter described, being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by W M Hunter and others by deed registered ir. said office in book 83 at page 300, reference to which is made. Second tract: Contains 100 acres more or less, and is bounded by the said 30 acre tract and the lands of Isadore D Garner, Dr A R Vann, W B Hunter and the 21 acre tract hereinafter described, being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by W M Hunter and others by deed registered in said office in Book 83 at page 300, reference to which is made. Third tract: Contains 21 acres, more or less, and is bounded by said 100 acre tracton the south, the lands of W. K. Hunter, deceased, on the east, and by Smith's creek and the "Carver tract, "hereinafter describ ed on the north, northwest and west and is the land conveyed to said Wil lis Holding by W. K. Hunter and wife by deed registered in said of fice in book 83 at page 301, reference to which is made. Fourth tract: Contains six acres, more or less, and is bounded on the north by the Forestville path, lead ing from W. B. Dunn's farm house to Forestville, on the east by the lands of J . J. Thomas, on the south by said "Carver tract," and on the west by Mrs. Frances C. Fort, and is the land conveyed to said Willis Holding by J. J, Thomas by deed registered in said office in book 106 at page 562, reference to which is made. Fifth tract: Contains 109 1-16 acres more or less and is bounded on the north by the said six acre tract and the lands of said Fort and Thomas, on the east by the lands of W B Dunn and the "Spring Tract," hereinafter described, on the south bv Smith 8 creek and the said 100 acre tract, and on the west by the lands of Dr A R Vann and D W Allen, and the same is known as the "Carver tract" of the ;W M Alston lands, and being the same conveyed to Willis Holding by Armistead Jones, commissioner, by deed reg istered in said office in book 106 at page 559, reference to which ismade Sixth, tract: Coptains 38-1-10 acres more or less, and is bounded on the north by lot No. 5 of the W. M, Alston lands and the road lead ing from Wake Forest to Rolesville by said Alston's house, on the east by said lot No. 5, on the south by lot No. 1 of said Alston lands and the lands of W. E. Hunter deceased, and on the west by said "Carver Tract" and the landsof W. B. Dunn, and the same is' known as the Spring Tracf'of Said Alston lands, and being the same conveyed to said Willis Holding by Armistead Jones, commissioner, by deed regis tered in said omoe in dook iuo at page 559, reference towhich ismade. Time of sale, 12 o'clock m. Tl -M 1 U.ma JTiWTO Ul Stilt? UUUUbJ WUIU UUuac door in Raleigh, N. C. WILLIS HOLDING, Mortgagee. W. W. Vass, Executor of W. W. Vass, deceased, assignee of Mort gagee. J. N. Holding, Mortgagee. Isaac E. Ehxbsok, assignee of Mort gagee. Ernest Hay wood attorney for I. E. Emerson. May 10th, 1897. d. t. s. This sale has been postponed un til July 10th. ,i Proposal for Building. Sealed proposals for the erection of the Capital Club House In the city of Raleigh will be received un til noon of June 1st, 1897. Plans and specifications can be seen by ap plying to L A Mahler, secretary of the building committee. The com mittee will reserve the right to re ject any and all bids. ' D E EVKBITT, , , Chm'n Bld'g Committee. Raleigh, May 10, 1897. 10 tjl WEATHER Are necessary dow. We've been ready for some time. Our stock Includes everything fashionable and comfortable. Crash Suits, all sizes, 34 to 50, $3 and (4 50. Irish Linen Suits, 33 to 42, 0 50. India Crash, 34 to 42, (6 00. Alapaca Coats, 34 to 50, $1 50, $2, $3 to 14 50. Serge Coats, Serge Coats and Vests, Serge Suils White Duck Pants 75c, Separate Crash Pants f 1. Office Coats 50c to $1. Separate Alapaca Vests, extra quality, at 50: white vests, fancy vests at I to 2. CrSBh suits for little and big boys in short and long pants suits, $2 50 to $1. Wash suits for little boys in fancy effects, 50c to fti. Complete line of Mothers' Friend" Waists and the largest line of separate pants at prices far below the regular. Another Shirt Reduction. $150,' $125 and $1 Valaes at 75c. To close the lot at onoe. Come early for your sizes so you may not be disappointed. At their regular prices these shirts were as low and lower than others sell them. Now they are real bargains. S. k D. BERWANGER, WIDE AWAKE Leading One Price Clothiers. Cross & Special Suit Sale. 1 Kf diila will be offered oilier words they are: 50 Suits at $10, your choice for $7.50. 50 Suits at $12. 50, your choice for $10. 50 Suits at $15, your choice for $12.50. These are all new, clean goods and can't be duplicated anywhere at such prices. On sale this week only. Come and get the pick. A full and correct line of furnishings always on hand. Gross and Linehan. Wait For the Conductors' Excursion For NORFOLK, Va., Tuesday, July 13, via S. A. L. Special coaches for ladies and attendants. Train will be personally conducted. No extra charge for baggage. Let everybody go. I" For tickets and other information, call on W. W. Newman at 222 Fayetteville street. A Nice Line of HAMMOCKS Can be seen at Alfred Williams & Co. 's Bookstore. Prices reasonable. We sell Hurd's line of Fine Stationery, The nicest line shown in the city. We can supply your, wants. Phone 210. Yours truly, Alfred Uilliams & Co. The Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Depoits .... $300,000.00 Offers Its customers every accommodation consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. on Reasonable Terms.; Some (rood business offices to let J.J. THOMAS, President, II. S. J REMAN Cw i vH.ES Linehan. in this sale this week for cash. In exchanging dollsrs with you. Here Jpe i Learn to Ride a Wheel. Come around and take a free spin through our Academy and take a look at our Fowler and udge for yourself as to its beauty and merits. We do all kinds of Bicycle repairing, nickeling, etc., and do it in first class style, and rent good, easy running wheels. Come to see us when in any way interested in Bicycling, if it's nothing but talk wheel. Page & Marshall, Phone 87. 216 Fayetteville street. ALF A. THOMPSON, Vice Presltleni. H. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Rakes. 15c. Wire Netting 6c yd. Matting Tacks. Lawn Mowers. Gem Ice Cream Freezers. Ice Picks. ALLEN & NICHOLS' Hardware Store. South Side Market. iNin AT COST. To close up our business we offer our entire stock of Jewelry, consist -ing of . . . . DIAMONDS, Fine Watches, Sterling Silver Clocks, Silver Novelties, 4c. AT COST. Orders by mail will have our prompt attention. MRS. S V. FASNACIT, j!2-lm Kxecutrix. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. la Effect June 14, 1 806. Trains Leave Kalelgh Ueily. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited.' 3,40 p, m, Dally, Solid vestibuled train witb sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. sails, bury, Horganton, asheville, not springs uud KnoxviUe. Connects at Durham for Oxford, ClarksTllle and Keyavllle, except Sunday. At Greens boro with the Washington and South western Vestihuled (Limited), train tor all points North, and with main Hue train No. It for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate loca stations ; also has connection for Wlnstou-8;tlem and with main line train No. 38, "united states past Mail" for Charlotte, Spartanburg, Green ville, Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia, Augusta, Charleston, Savannah, Jackson vllle, and all points In Florida, Sleeping Car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car for Aueusta. "Norfolk and Chattanoogo l imited. 11:45 A. n. Dally 8olld train, conslstlu Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 6 :00 p m In time to connect with the Old romljlon Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Wahs lngton and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Hlcb mond S 8 Co's for all polntnorth and east. Connects at Belma for Fayetteville aud In termediate stations on the Wilson and F 1 ettevllle Short cut, daily, except Sunday for New era and Morehead City, daily for Gotds- boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8:53 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysville, Rl hmond; at tireenshnr for Washington and all points north. Kxprcss Train. i-.O P. n. Dally For Goldsboro aud Inter mediate stations. Local Accommodation. i:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro for al p iuts for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carollu Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points in West era North ( arollna, KnoxviUe, Tenn., Clncin nati and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spai tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Kalelgh, N. C: Express Train, j :40 P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte. Greensboro and all points South. No "folk and Chattanooga Limited J:40 P. M. Dally From all points east. Nui folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsboio, Wilmington, Fayet evil I and all points In Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11 :4s A. IT. Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lyncbburg, Danville and Greensboro, Chat tanooga, KnoxviUe, Hot springs and Aslievllle Express Train 8,83 a, m. Dally From Ooldslmro and lutri mediate stations, ; Local. 7:20 A. n. Dally From Ureensboro aud a points North and South. Sleeping Car from Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p. m Daily exc pt Sunday From Golds boro and all points East. Local freight tralas also carry passengers. Pullman ears on night train from Kalelfli to Greensboro Through Pullman vestlbul d Drawing Room Buffet sleeping Car aud Vestibuled coaches without change on Norfolk limited. Double dally trains between Kalelgh, Char lotto and Atlanta. Quick time ; unexcelled ac commodation. W. U. GREEN, General Superiiitennpni. W. A. TURK, General Passeuger Ageni Washington. D. C. J. M. Cttlp. Traffic Miinajei . Tte Dew We&. Are you bright and clever f If bo, yon havf plenty of Ideas of your own, also Bense enough to grasp good new otea when ofTed. What-lo vou think of a &t column Illustrated Monthly Pa per, each Issuecontainiug a Pfeoa of Music, vocal or Instrumental, Latest Fashions, Good Stories, Dramatic News and Portraits of Pretty Actresses, Household, Toilet and Fancy Work Hints, all for 95 cents a year, postpaid f Seems too good to be true, but we give you ezactlv what we advertise. Send 85 cents and see for yourself, THE NEW IDEA CO., 1441 Broadway, Mew York Cttf. Ajrental waztted. Liberal commission paid. NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO. Th nandaonesl musical and fashion Joomal ta Anwrica, futt .beat music ataM, 8s pag. and band, soma omw, containing from ten to twain pteces of vocal or nutrumencal murio, beside, four or Are portralai of tading aotnaes. BubBcrlptioa by tb m, $l.sa sample copy, 10 eta. iifriraw Taa mnr tou xusicil who Co., Broadway Theatre Baildlng, New York. taentawaatKL IJliwal u.iimlaelmi nakl Are you going to Portsmout h-Norfolk, Old Point or Virginia Beach ? Special rates via Seaboard Air Line for $2 50 for the round trip. Tick ets sold every Saturday, limited two dates from date of sale. PURE AND CHEAP ICE FOR SALE. Retail prices same as last season, which are lower than other places, as follows: Delivered from wagons each morning and evening, except Sundays, or at factory EVEar DAT. Five lbs, and less than ten lbs, at one time, 00c per 100 lbs. Ten lb-i. and less than 25 lbs. at one time, 50c per 100 lbs. 25 lbs and less than 100 lbs. at one time, 40c per 100 lbs. 100 lbs and less than 1,000 lbs. at one time, .'55c per 100 lbs. 1,000 lbs. and less than 2,000 lbs, at one time, 30c per 100 lbs. 2,000 I ls. or more at one time, 25c per 100 lbs. Drivers .are authorized to sell tickets for cash by the package at above prices. They are expected to be accommodating; toannouuee their arrival at front gate and deliver ice llii'ra on receipt of ticket or money, but will not have time to wait or leave wagons to deliver ice in houses. We wish to serve all reg ularly and request the co-operation of all the people. Those wishing ice will please give notice a day in advance. Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. Phones 41 and 71. Blickensderfer Typewriters ! Price, $35.00. Burkhead and Farwell. Room 4 Pullen Bld'g. May 8 lm. Sale of Lot in East Raleigh. By virtue of a decree of Wake Su perior iJourt, in the case of Needhatn W. Poole, administrator of Irwin Poole, dectaser , vs. Dorsey Will and others, being S. P. No. 771, a petition to sell land for assets, in which case' the undersigned was appointed com missioner to sell the lands described in the petition, I will on Monday, the, 12th day of July, 1897, at 12 o'clock in., at the court house door of Wake, county, olTer for sale to the highest, bidder for cash the following described tract of land: A lot in East Raleigh, beginning at a point on the south side of Cotton Place street, the north west corner of Lot 34, running thence west along the line of Cotton Place street fifty (50) feet to the northeaslj corner of Lot 30, thence south with the line of Lot 36 one hundred and sixty one and oae half (lOli) feet to the corner of Lots 36 and 57, thence east with the line of Lot 57 fifty (50) feet to the northwest corner of said lot and thence north one hundred and sixty one and one half ( 16H) feet to the be ginning, being Lot No. 35 in the plan of Cotton Place, as recorded in Book 53. page 501 of the office of Register of Deeds of Wake county containing one-sixth of an acre, or thereabouts. A. B. Andrews, Jr., Com'?. June 10, '97-30d Sale of City Property- By virtue of the powers conferred) upon me in a certain mortgage deed dated June 6, 1891, from Chas. A Goodwin and Alice A. Goodwin, his wife, to Thomas D. Martin, which said mortgage deed is registered in the of fice of the Register 01 Deeds for Wake county, in book 112, page 779. I will on Monday, the 1 2th day of July, 1897, at the court house door in the city of Haleigh, sell to the highest bidder for cash, two certain lots in the city of Raleigh, being the following: f irst Lot situated on tne norm side of I'.ast Cabarrus street, tx ing part of lot No. 44 in the plan of the city of Raleigh as shown by Shaffer's map of said city, and adjoins the lands of the late N. V. Denton, Mrs. Salli Lassiter and described as follows: Beginning on Cabarrus street at N. V. Denton's southwest corner oa said street, runs westward with tha northern line of said street, fifty feet to W. H. J. Goodwin's corner, thenea northward at right angels with said street about two hundred and ten (210) feet to lot No. 60 in the plan of said city ol Ral eigh, thence eastward with the line of that lot to Denton's corner fifty feet, thence south with Denton's line about two hundred and ten feet to the begia ning, being the same lot conveyed to Baid C. A. Goodwin by F. J. Haywood D. G. Fowle and wife, et als, by deed recorded in book f.4, at page 488 in the Register of Deeds othce of Wake county. Second Lot Situated between Fay etteville and Wilmington streets, front ing about one hundred feet oa each and situated about the middle of the block between Davie and Cabarrus streets in the city of Raleigh, embrac ing about 50 by 210 feet of the northcra portion of lot No. 50 and about 50 by 210 feet of the southern portion 01 lot No. 66 according to the plan of the city of Raleigh as shown bv Shaffer's map of said city and more (fully described and bounded as follows: Beginning at the southwest corntr of a lot owned by the late John Gatling or his wife (News and Observer building) in the eastern line of Fayetteville street, thence east two hundred and ten feet to the western line of Wilmington street, thence south with the western line of said street about one hundred feet to the line of R. S. Tucker, thence west with his line two hundred and ten feet to the eastern line of Fayetteville street, thence north with the eastern line of Fayetteville street about one hundred feet to the place of beginning, containing nearly one-half of an acre, being the same land conveyed to Chas. A. Goodwin by James Fennessey by deed recorded In the office of the Re gister of Deeds of Wake oounty in book 113, page 778. Time of sale 12 o'clock noon Place of sale Court House door. Terms cash. T. D. Martin, Mortgagee. June 11, 1897. Wanted-An Idea taiMiaMitf riaiDla WWH . Attor-