THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. SATURDAY July 3 'HOS. J. PENCE City Editor. Index to New Advertisement. Tuckers' Specials. Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege. Tripple Liuk Xcursion. Personals. Mr Pagan lias gone to Martin county. Commissioner Mewborn eis out of the city. Jude-e Robinson wont to(!oldsboro today. Miss F.ucv Cobb has none t Goldsboro. Mr Henry Lilchford is spciidin Sunday out of the city. Mnvnr Puss and family have gone to Greenville, N. C. Miss Jesse Higgs lias gone to Beaufort on a visit. Miss Nellie Hinsdale has gone to Fayetteville on a visit to friends. Mrs J J Thomas and Master Jas. Thomas have gone to Philadelphia Mr Chas Kleupperbeurg and his ier from Charlotte have trone to New York. The confidence of the people in lloocl s Sarsaparma is uue 10 us un equalled record of wonderful cures BUSINESS ITEMS. SFXI JN; SI 'M M VAX SIIOKS. Notwithstanding the great shoe selling we haw experinced the last three weeks we can still lit you be vou man. woman or child, and never will vou again tret such shoes for such prices. IIavvvooh. Snow i Titkdr. Trustees W. II. A IX. S. Tl'CKKlt A COS tillKAT DlSSol.l rio.N S.I.K. SKI.I.IXi: DKKSS IHK'DS. The week. .1 illy .".lli to Peep Cut Reductions. We begin the sales of Presst loods in earnest with the intention of plac ing them at once. Kvery body fully appreciates the high character of V II A li S Tucker Co s stock of DressGoods. Stylish and true in everv particular and good for n .'t year. At the prices wo arc now making on them these dress goods are a most money saving purchase. Il.vvw.i.'.l. S.-w .V Ti w ki:. 'I' I- UStCi'S. w H ,v i: s Ti'CK'Ki; ,v co s. I ;ki:. I I is-oi I tion S 1 us. ALL WOOL OUKSS GO DS. No liner no more desirable dress goods were ever given to the public than the stock of W II A I! S Tucker A: Ci., now being sold by us. Sea sonable shades, plentiful assort ments and correct materials . sve ri lice prices. Sales start at s o'clock Mon day next. II.YVo..;, Snow A Tl 'KKK. Trustees. W H & US Tt'CKKU .v CO. S GlIKAT Dls-ol.l TloX S.U l. House fot Kent. Dwelling house. Desirable part of the city. Possession tirst July. Apply to G. K LEACH, '2'J tl :Wa Wilmington street. Board Wanted. Hoard wanted for asientleman aud wife and one child five years old; nice locality of the city, from a half to three-quarters of a mile of the capitol. No professional boarding house need apply. Aciuress "A 1 A, The Shade $4.50 Crash Suits for S3.S0 TIIK T1UMMINGS AS WKLL. J n oll'ering at sacrifice prices the entire stock ol stylish Dress Clouds of W II & KS Tucker A Co., we not only offer the Dress Goods but we have complete lines of correct and stylish Dress Trimmings, inatching the Dress Goods, and the prices are less than half. Monday morning July 5th at s o'clock the store opens and the special sales begin. Be on hand. Haywood, Snow ami Ti'ckkh, Trustees IT & R S Tn-KKii A: Co s. Gii eat Dissolution: W. ONCK IN A LIFK TIME. Only once in a life time does a lady get a chance at such a line of stylish Dress Goods, as the stock of W II & R S Tucker & Co, now being sold at such a sacrilice in prices. Many of these Dress Goods are specially good and stylish for late summer, early fall and mid winter use and wear. Manv are specially provided for traveling-just now so appropriate all go at once at sacrifice pi ices. Early comers will appreciate the great bargains in store for them. Haywood, Snow ami Tm nkii, Trustees. W II & R S TUCKER & CO.'S Great Dissolution Sales. To the Public. A few days ago I announced thai, .having purchased the interest of my former partner in the North Side Drug store, f would close out the entire stock within t he next 'M) or lib days. Since I have assumed charge of the, business, however 1 have had reason to change my plans, and oeg now to withdraw my former an nouncement, and to state that I will continue to serve my friends and patrons as heretofore. Mr Birdsong, whose carefulness and skill has built up so satisfactory a prescription trade will continue in charge of that Department. A. fuller and more complete stock ,of goods will be carried than ever before, and no pains will be spared to make the service of the North Side as heretofore, first class in .every particular. julj2 3t J S Wi NNB. l-'or Kent. One new four room cottage with pantry, back aud front porch, on tiiood worth, near Cabarrus street. je 2." En V Dknton. Wanted '. An agent tor the Confederate Sol dier in" the Civil War.' Address Box Raleigh, N. C. 2!i 4t Wanted. Two or three furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Address V, care Press-Visitor. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKIIN". I have sold my interest in the groc ery' business, 120 Fayetteville street to U. A. White & Co. All bills due me will be paid to uie. 1 will settle all leal claims on the business to date, .lane -2. 197. All ice tickets must be in bv the 10th dav of July. July 1 lw W. K. CARTKU. WHITE MOI'NTA IN Ice Cream Freezers, FJIEKKS I I MIMITKS First minute, cream mixes: Second minul cream begins in freeze: Third minute, nearly froen. Fourth niinule, perfectly frozen Tfios. H. Briggs & Sons, KALEIHH. M. C Of An Ice Wagon Isn't cooler nana sparkling glass of Soda Water drawn from our Popular Fountain Try one of oui numerous summer drinks, always kept at the freezing point. You will feel more like brav ing the heat after it sends new life into every nerve, and leaves you as cool as a cucumber before the sun rises. We use pure fruit juices and distill ml water, and anything we serve, from a glass of mineral water to an ice cream soda, costs you but A Nickel. W. H. KING & CO., Druggists, FViyotteville Htreet. r25B5a5H5a5a5H5H5B51 Tf vou are going to buy a Crash Suit this is the week and here Is the .dace o t it. The Story is short. Our buyer made a mistake in buying about 200 suits (of these our most popular suits) too many. kvbody knows that the season for Crash Suits opened over a moutu .:. are going to eacrincc our pruui r uuc . ii,,, int. nhnnt 20 suits that we had made late last We marked them 4 50 for this week. They as vou want' Among the lot ar , .... ,.A.i,,,tir,n Vmi line ttipm at i'i 50. This sale started Monday morning and ends Saturday night if the suits hold out: if not, we reserve the privilege to stop the sale at any time. Sizes from :t:i lo .".0. We can lit ail sizes of men. Orders through the mail will have the attention and the same reduction holds good, provided they are accompanied with the cash. The Serges Are -till favorius. Our.-especially. There is no dressier light-weight gar i.. ii,., ii. .,. c.iat.. Onat ami Vest or Suits. We have them in all shanes, regulars, slims and stouts; sizes to tit everjuody-33 to 50. At ur usual popular prices 9 --0 J'PAPOID jlABLETS T Ar wheels very industrious little tie "go the rounds" quickly and effectually when thev ai'i eeded for digestion. Vou can enjoy the biggest i dinners if you have one or two jjj ? of these little tablets to take y just after eating. Try them. 4 i James McKimmon Co,, f 'IIAIIMACISTS 2 4 S. & D. BERWAfJGER, WIDE AWAKE Leading One Price Clothiers. Royall & Garden Furniture Com'py INCORPORATED. Wilmington and Fayetteville Streets. .1. r iiohi'F.n, i'i(i:sini:v r. (1. C ItoVAl.t,. Vli'K-l'IIKSlPHXT. T. I'. .1KUMAN, JR., SKC, AN1 TBEAS Till KS IIOOliWIN, I.1STAI.I.MKNT M MR Woollcott & Son, 14 E. Martin Street, Leaders of Lou Prices. We invite any and all competition. We sell for cash and sell at a sinoAL Millinery Dep't. Grocery Dep t. JONES' g!S STORE.... 206 Fayetteville Street. Little Prices on Little Things. We are now making big inducements to you in all departments and we wish to impress you that now is the time to bu. Notions at Hot Weather Prices . . . See our window display of these staple goods for every day use al tempting prices: c w halebones 4c do. tic covered dress stays 3c doz 10c whalebones . .... Tic doz 10c colored dress stays .4c set li.'c leather pocket books. li'Je each :ibc needle outfit lite liSc steel saws liDc each 15c soap and wuli r.g for 8c (ic machineoil 4c 10c vaseline 5c So hook and eye tape lie yard luc paperand envelopes 'Je box JOe pack nails, assorted sizes, 5c pack 15c silk garter elastic .lie yard 15c hair curling irons !tc 15c box rubber hair pins.. . . He box He white corset steels 4c he hooks and eyes, black and while 3c card lie wire hair pins 4c box ,'ic pins lc paper 10c black leather pocket books. 5c 10c men s collar buttons 4c d.iz 20c hair brushes 12c 35c hair brushes "J.'ic 35c shoe brushes 23c 15c bav rum 0,: , Bixby's best black shoe dressing lie He black shoe dressing 4c Uest tan shoe polish He II Webster's dictionary t5e 15c Japanesp tire screen fans Pc 3c pack of Armour washing powder lc 8c cake Olive Glycerine Soap 5c cake Heavy yard wide Unbleached Muslin YffJ 5c A'ainance Plaids YdT( You wlil save many dollars in trading at Jones. This store's prices ire always the lowest. JIMS' BIB ST0E3E, 206 Fayetteville Street Be Careful of firecrackers on the 4th, and of poor furniture every day in the year. Poor Furniture is more to be dread ed than good firecrackers. Don' think that "everything goes" in the Furniture Tne. If popr Furniture "goes" at all, it goes to pieces. Be sides it costs just as much as good Furniture, because it's alwavs an imi tition of the good article, and is not made to sell on its real merits. The fraud is easy to detect. We eau tell you how to do it. US' Favctteville Stect Entrance through Stronaoh's dry goods store Telephone No. 2!b' B. YOU'LL HAYE TWO HANDSOME FEET TO STAND ON If You Invest in a Pair of Holler's S3 Shoos. Variety of Toes and in Ulack Calf, Chocolate Titan Calf, Vici Kid. A BEAUTY-- Titan Calf Chocolate, hand sewed, Heller's Shoe Store. We Will Sell You NEW SHOES In Ladies' Dongola Kid Patent Leather Tip Oxfords, Sizes 3 to 8, at 37c, worth tlOc. Sizes 3 to 8, at 4.8c, worth 75c. Size 3 to 8, at 65c, worth $1. In Ladies' Extra Dongola Kid Patent Leather Tip Oxfords, Sizes 3 to 8, at 88c-, worth $1 25. ' ' u Indies' Extra Brown Dongola Kid Tip, same Oxfords, Sizes 3 to 8. at 88c, 'worth tl 2$. In Ladles' Pine Kid Oxfords, Patent Leather Tip, Sizes :i to H, at tl; worth f 1 511. Sizes 3 to 8, at $1 50, worth 2. In Ladies' Kid Opera Toe Sandals, Sizes 3 to 8, at $1. worth $1 25. In Ladies' Patent Leather Sandals, Sizes 3 to 8, at ft 25 worth 1 50 tey Your money back if you are not satisfied Chocolat", Brown, Tan and Green Polish, Big Bottle , 10c. July number of Fashions, our monthly magazine, now ready and free to our customers. A. B. STRONACH. All trimmed and untrinmed hats at reduced prices. A good sailor hat reduced tc 25c A great reduction in Duck Suits, Wrappers and Extra Skirts. Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Pants from 25c a pair. Night Robes from 75c up Skirts from 25c each. Ladies' Ribbed Vests 5c each worth 10c Lace Curtains. We are offering in this depart ment an elegant assortment ami prices arc very low from 5flc pair. All Summer Silks at cost. Organdies at less than value. .von s led lc introduce I'ce to our .-. 'tilers we oiler I 13 c a Pound. Clcpp. lar.l :: J p.,.., Potted Ch. A e soap ,i l.uiii: Sard We Flour. 'ion: Urea; Beef. 2'-Y a pern it . : Tongue, 21c . p-'ui O. ,.: Can Corn ! -"c i Iain. 5c a can . Brawn, H'c. ml. . cake of waslni.i: ""q Worth 5c Starch, lie a cs, Ic a box. 11 Acme am! Vu-rh Stale I j I lams. Si c a pou ml. fast Strips, (Me a pound Woollcott & Scfn. if SUCCESSORS TO C. A. SHERWOOD & CO. Cost No) Considered OCCASION EXTRAORDINAI - Greatest Clearing Sale at Half Price, Keganhess of the Consequences a ni ,i r.. i. vt.. i, r i c -m ir . .i. i uuiu iiiAu iu iiiahc ii uituu k)wce amis ei'K l rue Cutting Knows No Bounds Yes. this will be an extraordinary wee':, and a bargain week, that, is bound to be remembered by thousands if wale awake buyers and watchful shoppers as one unapproachable ai d most momentous buying and money-saving occasion in years. The Semi-Annual Inventory of stock is voon io be taken, therefore goods in all departments must be reduce! at once. Cost or profit will not be considered. The goods must be so'd quickly, as the time is short. From our mammoth collection of wash gnods, vast stock (ient.s Fur nishings and enormous stock of shoes, comes a siuitling outburst ifif bar gains that could not be expected except, when compulsion forces gihods to be sold at any sacrifice. No such wonderful retailing in history uj equal this week's offering. ( Wash Goods Unmercifully Cut. Remnant Tables Loaded Down With Them. 12,000 ds new wash goo(s, special for this week, not more 0'f than 12 yards to a customer W-IV I AAfl Short Lengths and Remnants, priced for quick selling, that fvllU should create a noise. Smart buying people will be here early and in full force. Wa ask your patience during the hours of rush and we will acceptably Eerve your wants. 0"7f"k Special sale will continue this week on Negligee Shirts CL"7 " at the ridiculous low price for f I shirts at 57 and 50c O V shirts at 37c. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Every shoe in the house to be sold at manufacturers' prices. We mean by that the first original prime cost for any shoe of any kind in stock. Nothing eliminated, put aside or reservil. yards of fine Wash Fabrics, comprising new colorings in breezy fabrics, at just half price; conveniently arranged so that eyery customer can wait on themselves. C Ann yards new wash goods, special for this week, not more V)VVW Keith's $3 shoes swept down to $2 25 Keith's 2 " ' " 1 t0 Gent's calf $2 shoes " 1 50 Gent's Buff 1 60 shoes " 1 20 Gent's Buff 1 25 shoes " 1 00 Gent's Buff 1 00 shoes " $0 Ladies' Oxfords 2 25, reduced 1 50 1 ?5 (' 1 25 " I 60 I 00 " 1 00 " T5 ' 75 " 55 " 50 " 371 Ladies' Ijiitloii Boots, priced $2, 1 50 ' " "1 75, 1 25 ' ' 1 DO. 1 15 " ) 25, 1 00 " 1 00, M) CIII.REN'S OXKOHpS AJ) Sanpa.s. All 1 50 quality are now $1 PQ All 1 00 " " 75c AII75c " .. 65 All 50c " 37J Store closes promptly at 7 P. on-, except Saturday evenings, when w are open until 10:30, , J SUCCESSORS TO C.A hi A V .SH EBWOOb & CO.