-' THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIQH. If. C. PI'BLISUED BY THE V1SITOR-PRES9 COMPANY fINCOHPOILATED. A CONSOLIDATION OF THE VISITOR, KSTABLISED 1878, AND THE PRESS, ESTABLISHED 1894. Office in the Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie Streets. GREEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager. IASPER N. MoHAKY. ri iSollertlna Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 4.00 Six Months 2.00 One Month 35 Entered as Second Class Mail Matter J rii Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE No. 168. MONDAY July 19 Wheelmen generally will support the rule endorsed in manv city in structing police officers to receive wheels as collateral for appearance in peases where wheelmen are ar rested for violating ordinances for the regulation of bicycling. This is a request to which there should he no objection. chair, while from the creation of the State until that date there were but 230 hangings in all the counties." In other wordi, there has been an increase in executions of over 200 per cent, a year as comp ired w ith the number during the preceding one hundred years. Chief Clerk Baker, of the prison department, thinks that the increase has been due to the fact that juries, believing in the humanity of the present sys tem, are more liable to convict; and also that the placeof execution bein removed from the county where the criminal is known there is less like lihood of securing executive clem Baoklen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively curespiles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all druggists. Tired. N'ervous, Steeples Men and women how gratefully they write about Hood's Sarsapa rilla. Once helpless and discouraged having lost all faith in medicines, now in good health and "able to do mv own work," because Hood'sSar saparilla has power to enrich and purify the blood and make the weak strong this is experience of a host of people. flood's Pills are the best family cathart.c and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, sure. Went 'Merit talks" the ORB intrinsic value ot I Jjfc I 1 A C Hood's Sarsaparilla. fclllW Merit In medicine means the power to cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses actual and unequalled curative power and there tore it has true merit. When you buy Hood's Sarsaparilla, and take it according to directions, to purify your blood, or cure any of the many blood diseases, you are morally certain to receive benefit. The power to cure ii there. You are not trying an experiment. It will make your blood pure, rich and nourishing, and thus drive out the germs of disease, strengthen the nerves and build up the wholesystem. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best. In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. It is reported that ex-President Cleveland will, in November, be formally tendered the office of presi dent of the University of Virginia. Heretofore the chairman of the faculty has been at the head of the university The invitation would have been made to Mr. Cleveland after the finals last month had it not been for the hot dissension that rent the dieetings in twain and success fully thwarted any action for the present. j THE NEW CATALOGUE -OF- St. Mary's School For the Annual Session of '97 and '!S can be had at A. Williams & Co's Book store or upon application to the Rector, REV. B. SMEDES. ju 22 3m u j , T.t I ,lt puree, pain or HOOd S PlIlS tripe. AlfdnWats-aso. AT COST. To close up our business we offer our ontiro stock of Jewelry, consist ing of DIAMONDS, Fine Watches, Sterling Silver Clocks, Silver Novelties, &c. AT COST. Ordors by mail will have our prompt attention. : : -There is no wheel like the - - CRAWFORD For easy riding, light running, qualities there is no wheel on the market which will compare favorably with Crawford Bicycle. 2G Crawford Wheels for Boys and Girls 30 00 28 Crawford Wheels for Men and Ladies $50 00 28 Crawford Wheels, '!6 Models $10 00 No extra charge for Christy Saddles. Julius Lewis Hardware Company, RALEIGH, N.C. Harris' Lithia Carbonated niiiiuiiiiuiiiiiimiuiiim winTmnfinfifinHnffHlT MRS. jl2-lm S V. FASNACH, Executrix. NOTICE. Hairing this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of Siou D. Williams, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment on or before the lith day of June, 1898, or this notioe will be plead in bar of recoseiy. All persons lnaemea to saiu estate will please pay without further demand. Bettie G. Williams, Administratrix, etc. Raleigh, June 1!, '97. If anything makes pleasant read ing these drowsy and meditative summer days, it. is those delightful stories of the Alaska gold fields, where the pure ore is being brought in by the careless and fortuuate miners in sacks and jars even jelly tumblers in everything in which the precious metal may be carried. Everybody, it seems, is making money indeed, has it "to burn," in the graphic phrase of the day, al though gold luckily, is a thing you can't burn.'' RUTA-BAGA AND Turnip Seeds. fk.w crop just received from the grow..-, AUu Collard and Cabbage S.v.U. I1KNRY T. TUCKS, I'ivbci ij ! ion Druggist, The statement of the exports and imports of the United States issued by the Bureau of Statistics shows that never before in the history of the country have the exports of mer chandise, which include practically all exports except gold and silver, reached so high a figure as during the fiscal year ended Junt 90, 1807. When the existing tariff was under discussion it was contended by the Protectionists that it would flood the country with manufactured goods. The result rather proves that the Wilson tariff has made the country a Billion Dollar country in the mat ter of exports. We guarantee that one glass of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water will relieve any case of indigestion in one minute's time or money re funded, or if taken after each meal will cure any case of indigestion. Read what the noted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C, has to say for It: Mil. J. T. HARRIS: Deak Sik For the past eight months I have been using Harris' Lithia Water, with the most excellent results, where I have been able to get my pa tients to drink a sufficient quantity daily. Tho Carbonated has no equal in Gastric disturbances. In old chronic dyspeptics if you will wash the stomach witn salt and water, ami nave au Hour later nave your patient drink the Car bonated Lithia you will make many friends and improve manv stomachs. II is an excellent table water. It is an excellent laxative, and is a sure cure for flatulent dyspasia. S. M. DAVEGA, M. D, Soli by J. R. Ferrall $ Op., Grocers, And wholesale agents for Ilarthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. Marcbl8-lv Haywood, Snow Tucker, Trustees. Our Great Sale OF THE STOCK OP U.H.eK.S .TUGKERiCO COOL SHOES FOR HOT SUMMER WEAR & Built for Comfort, Dressy, and wjll wear. NOTE THE FOLLOWING PRjCKS: Ladies' black and colored Oxford !-Ties: Lt No 2 Reduced tn .Tip T.-it V,, Reduced to $1. Lot No 4 -Reduced to $1 25. Lot No ii Reduced to $1 ;"U Lot No (i Reduced to $1 75. Lot No 7 Reduced to 2. The prices on the iibove goods are CUT HALF IN TWO. Never before has such bargains been offered on foot "Millinery. " S. C. POOL. 130 Fayetteville St. l,ot No 1 He luced to 60c will be found more interesting than ever this week; we will make it so by still greater re ductions in prices; -we offer merchandise more valuable than money. HAYWOOD, SNOW and TUCKER, TRUSTEES. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co.'s Great Dissolution Sales. Simoson's Ointment CURES SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. la Effect Jan 14, I So. Trains Leave Raleigh Dally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited.' 3,40 p. m, Dally, Solid reatlbuled train will, sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. salla bury, Morganton, slietlle, not iprings and moirtlle. Connects at Durham lor Oxford. Clarkavillr and Ksysrllle, except Sunday. At Orterns boro with the Washington and South western Vestlhuled (Limited), train (or all points North, and with main line train No. II for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate Ioca stations ; also has connection for Winston-Salem and with main line train No. 38, "united states rastnaU" for Charlotte, SpartanbHrg, Green ville, Atlanta and all points South ; I so Colum bia, Augusta, Charleston, Savannah, Jackson Tllle. and all points In Florida. Sleeping Car for Atlanta, Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car for Auiruata, "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. tr.4S A. n. Dally Solid train, conslstin Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga w Norfolk, arriving Norfolk S:W pm In time to oonnect with the Old I'omljlon Merchants' and Miners,' Norfolk and Walis lngton and Baltimore, Chesapeake aud Klch mond S B Co's for all polntnortli and east. Connects at Selma for Fayettevllle aud in termediate stations on the Wilson and F.i etterille 8hort cut, dally, except Sunday for Hew era and Morehead City, dally for ttolds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. :S3 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham lor Oxford, Keysvllle, Rl'bmond; at Ureensbor for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 3:40 P. fl. Dally For Ooldsboro and Inter mediate station;, Looal Accommodation. a:00 A. M.-Connects at Greensboro for al p Into for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carol hi Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points in West era North ( arollna, Knoxvllle, Tenn., Cinch: uatl and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spai tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: Express Train, 3:4,0 P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Cliarlott. Greeuabovo and all points South. No -folk and Chattanooga Liuited 3:40 P. M. Dallv From all point east. Not folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsbuo. Wilmington, Fayet evlll and all points in Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. ii -.41 A. n. Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lynohburg, Danville and Greensboro, Chat tanooga, inoxville, Hot springs aud ashevllle Express Train 8,S3 a, m. Dally From Ooldsboro and Intel mediate stations. Local. 7:20 A. n. Dally From Greensboro aud a points North and South. Sleep'ug Car from Greeusboro to Raleigh. :O0 p. m. Dally exc pt Bunday-From Golds boro and all points East Local freight tral.is also carry passengers. Pullman cars on night train from KalelKb to Greensboro Through Pullman vestlbul d Drawing Room Bullet sleeping Car and Vestlbuled coaches without change on norfolk limited. Double dally trains between Raleiuh. Char lotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled ac commodation. W. II. GREEN, General Superintend) W. A. TURK, General Passenger Agent Washincton. D C. J. MCrri.p, Traffic M.in.-ure.i A very Sauces, Oi. sweet mixed, . . Midgets, Chow-Ci, . in bottles or by measu- We Offer Today An extra fine lot of Southampton, Va., Hams. Utmost care taken in the curing and smoking of these Hams. Also best brands of sugar cured and North Carolina Hams Breakfast Gacon, etc. We want you to try a small SAM PLE sack of our unsurpassed Melrose" Flour. It will surely please you. This Flour is ground from finest se lected wheat and has all the prop erties that go to make the best bread, etc. No Shoddy Stuff Kept. My complete line of staple and fancy Groceries are fresh and of the best quality obtainable. Your orders will bo appreciated and will have our prompt and care careful attention. J. D. TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax 8ts. Telephone 12fi ISSStJ , LIMITtp D0UBi:EJ)AJ EX- SERVICE TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 7, '97. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41. Lv.N.Y., Pen. RR.11 00am 900pm Lv. Philadelphia" J 12pm 1205am Lv. Baltimore, 315pm 250am Lv. Washington, 440pm 130am Lv. Richmond, A.CL.856pm 905am Lv.Norfolk, S.A.L, 830pm 905am Lv-Portsmouth, " 845pm 920am Lv.Weldon, " 11 28nm 11 55am Ar. Henderson, "125Gam 139pm A The opinion has become general that the President has abandoned the idea of sending in a message re commending that he be given au thority to appoint a commission to examine into and report upon the best plans and methods of reforming the currency and financial systems of the country. It was given out jWith something of a flourish of trum pets immediately upon the passage of the tariff bill through the Senate that the executive would urge Con gress to give him the necessary au thority to name an official monetary commission. The days since then have sped by, as days have a habit of doing when they are not watched, and the message has not come in. The public was assured that it was written and only needed the signa ture of the President and the ser- vices of Major Pruden to lay it be fore Congress and the people. Statistics just completed by the Superintendent of Stale Prisons in New York show that "since the pres ent law took effect, in 1890, forty persona have died in the electric J I u I U a t A Cold Day in July When we get left on low prices. One lot women and misses' slippers that sold lormerly at $1, 1 25 and 1 oU, now 75c. , Misses' tan hose, former price 10c and 15c, now 5c. Night shirts 14 to 19, silk mushed, former price 75c. now 4iJc. We will save you money on anything in our line. NASAL CATARRH. Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, etc. Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, For outdoor planting. Roses, chrysanthemums, cnlriis :in,l all kinds of bedding plants. v iues ior me veranua. . Cabbage, Tomatoes, Kgg and other vegetable plants. Evergreen, magnolias and shade trees. Extra-strong Mareschal Neil RQSES. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In Btituie. r-nona 113.. octn Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, t732am tOflpm' f520pm til 10am Ar. Raleigh, " Ar.Sauford, " Ar.Sou'n Pines, " Ar. Hamlet, " Ar.Wadesboro, " Ar. Monroe, " 21(iam 334pm 335am 5 03 om 422am 555pm 51 (lain f53pm 5 54am 811 pm 643am 912pm Ar. Charlotte, 830am 1025pm Ar.Chester, 810ara 1047pm Lv.Columbia,CN&LRU ... f600pm Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 945am 1210am Ar.Grecnwood, " 1035am 107ara Ar. Abbeville, ' Jip&am 140am ArElberton, " 1207pm 34lam Ar.Athens, " 115pm 345am Ar.Winder, " 159nm 430am Ar. Atlanta (cnttime)250pm 520am NORTH BOUND. LvAtlanta, SAL. Lv Winder, " LvAthens, " LvElberton, " LvAbbeville, " LvG reenwood," LvClinton, " No 402. 1200pm 240pm 21f!pm 4 15pm 515pm 541pm 634pm No. 38. 750pm 1042pm 1126pm 1233am 140am 1 09am 3 05am ArColumbiaON&LRK, .... f7 00am LvChester, S.A.L. ArCharlotte, " ' 813pm t4 33am 1025pm 830arft JllE MQST Delightful Roufe To New York and Northern and Eastern Summer Itcsorts is via tin! OLD DOMINION LINE 'And Rail Connections. Always copl on the ocean. Fast handsome steamships leave Norfolk, Va , dally, Including Sun day, at 7.30 p. ra., to New York di rect, affording- opportunity for through passengers from the South, Southwest and West to Visit Rich mond, Old Point Comfort and Vir ginia Beach en route. f irst class ticket include meals ana room. For tickets and perioral information apply to railroad ticket agents, or to M u. uroweii, Agent. Norfolk-, va ; I. F. Mayer, Agent, 1212 Main street, Kicbmond, Va. VV, L.Oumaiileu, Vice President and Traffl Manager, Mew York, N. y, tJul is PEACE Institute, i RALEIGH.NC One of (he grpat female schools ' of North Carolina, Advanced. 2 iHurougn, acieei. Moat rcason-1 able prices. Send for catalogue. JAMES DINWIDDIE. M. A. ( of Univ. of Va ) JAI TIIEUMVERSITY Then Banj waa alck, wa gam her CMtorla, Wheal aha waa Child, aha cried for Caatorla, When ahe became Miss aha clung to Caatorla. IPhen ahe had Children, ahe gar 'htm Caatrra 41 teachers. 413 students. I wuoui jofai oja Board S a month. Three brief courses, three full courses, and MsJual Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses ODen to women. Kummnr scnooi ror teachers. Scholarships nuu iuini ror tne neeay. Address PRESIDENT ALDEREUN june7 . Chapel Hill, N. C. IF YOU HAVE HEARD of the great popularity of "Canadian Club" Whisky rid feel dlspoied to try It, t. or If you are already one of Its admirers, BEWARE of the counterfeits of our labels and capsules. They are very dangerous. So is the whisky the public are thereby Induced to purchase. You cm invariably tel "CANADIAN CLUB" by Its fine quality. Wien you find apparently good labeU but undoubtedly bad whisky, please write o us. HIRAM WALKER SONS. Uaj'd. WaJfcervllie, Canada? Lv Monroe, LvHamlet, 940pm 11 23pm 6 05am 815am ArWilmlngton" J530am 1280pm LvSou'nl'ines " LvRaleigh, " ArHenderson, " ArDurham, LvDurhamf 1214am 920am 216am 1135am 828am 10Qpm t732am t409pm t520pra fl! 10am "Pofft-nf a U. S. and Foreign pro- son, Solicitor and Attorney In Patent i ington, 0. C. Office established 1868 Charges mr derate. (JQrrespondeDO rotuwtMl MULES and HORSES. J ust received an extra nloe lot nf Horses and Mules. Lartre lot of uutfsrieR ana f arm wairons which win oe soiu cneap. J. M. PACE. Ill past Martin St., EaleiCh, N. G. spiif Biliousness C Wed bj torpid Uver, which prevent! dlges iopsmj permlafood to ferment and rmtrllTln dMstOBMak. T.Mkdlzxinesheadaclifl, Ar Weldon, " ?455am !3( Artiichmond.ACL. 815am B50bn ArWash'B.PenRR.1231nm llinf, ArBaltimore, 143pm 184r$m ArPhiladphia, " 350pm 845atr. ArNewYork, " 623pm 6r3am ArPortsmouth " 730am 550pm ArNorfolk, " 750am 605pm Dally. tDaily Kxcept Sunday. : Daily Except Monday. LrJOOdl tnamnliia, Denouauss, and, kt not relieved, bUkms fever or bkwa pabomnf. Hood's Puis attnalats tba stoaaeb. mm the Jver.eara headaehe, dizziness, em. Mlpatton, eto. It eents. Hold hv all dnigrinta. imma rim ie saae wua Uood rUrMinrilat Nos. 403and402."ThfiAtlantJl!5. cial, ' ' Solid Vestibuled Train of Pull man slfeepej-s and oachea between Washington and Atlanta. aWRnlf: man sleeners between tinrtomni.'tl and Chester, S. C, r-y iNos. 41 and 38, "The S. A. L. Ex. press, Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman SleeDers batwnen Pnt. mouth and Atlanta. Company sieg ers between Columbia and AtlaotS. Both trains make immediate m. nections at Atlanta for Montgomery 1 Mobile. New Orleans. OVrnV cJ:'. fornia, Mexico, Chattanoojja, Nanb- viue, aiempnis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleeners. to B. A. Newlanrf Onn AKttI Dept. 6 Himbdimouse, Atlanta, Gk . E. St. John, Vie. President and General Manager. W.B.G10W, Traffic Mannger, V. E. McBee, General Superinton dent T. J. Anderson, General Pussen-' ger Agent. , General offices: Portsmouth. Va, 3 k.