.J o i ' .s. U Ji 1 Jj. i t i I. I v THE PRESS-VISITOR, &ALEIQH, N. C. MONDAY f July 19 THOS. J. PENCE City Editor. Index to New Advertisements. Tuckers' Specials, Dr E ifi Terry Veterinarian. Minch & Eisenbrey Furniture. Personals. Mr D S Butner, of Salem, is here. HrsERacb of Portsmouth, Va., is in the city. Mr W L McGhee, of FranHintou, was here yesterday. Miss Mattie Pace is visiting in Salisbury, the guest of M iss Mar gie Overman. Mr. S LCrowder, of the treasur er's office, spent Saturday and Sun day with relatives at Kidgeway. Mrs Nellie Carver and son, Mr. Henry Carver spent yesterday with relatives near Fore.stville. Mr S Schwartzhas returned to the city from Richmond, Va., where he has been since January. Mr Sen wartz's many friends here are glad to greet him in improved health. Free for All. Printers, as a rule, are perhaps the best spellers in the world, yet we frequently see in the daily pa pers a certain little word spelled wrong. We see it in editorials, news items and advertisements What is it? To the one firstguessingthe word, we will givea case of Panacea water; second correct guess received, six bottles of Panacea water; third, four bottles; fourth, two bottles; making two cases in all. Guesses will be numbered from one up, as received, and will be opened at 12 o'clock, July 31st. We are agents for this celebrated water and the only objection we have to selling it is that it cures everybody that drinks it and cutsu out of the sales of lots of medicines Just received $1,(00 worth of drugs, 17,000 cigars, 200 boxes chewing gum. We sell the best 2 cent cigar on earth. Six 5 cent tickets for 25 cents 25 for $1.00. We are making a big run on pre scription work. North Sinn Druo Stoke They Are Going Fast 1873 WOOLLCOTT & SON. The confidence of the people Hood's Sarsaparilla is duo to its un equalled record of" wonderful cures BUSINESS ITEMS. TUCKERS' STORE. At 47 cents French Dress Good A Good Thing in Dress Goods It is a big thing the greatest sacrifice ever made in line Dress Goods. Many inthis47J cents lot re actually worth this present sea son 1.50 to .'$ 50 per yard. We have sold in the past week many a yard still mftiiy are left to sell left for you to buy the quicker, the better. Havwimid, Snow & Tickkr, Trustees. W II & R S TUCKER & CO S. Great Dissoutiox Sai.es. THE GREAT DISSOLUTION SALES OF W. II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. HAYWOOD, SNOW & TRUSTEES. TUCKER, TALK ABOUT BARGAINS. THE GREAT "D. E." COUNTER. Just made up, and every article a bargain. If vou study economy rightly you will direct your steps to tins section . you will be greeted with the biggest saving revelations that you've witnessed in manyadav or will ever see again. Look after your own interests in a practical business way investigate this great oargain section and you will learn many a dollar-saving lesson. Every article is of use and merit and is to be sold irrespective of loss. This "D. E. " Section is right in the cen ier oi me store tne olu Tucker Glove section made larger by many tables on which are heaped thegreat est bargains ever oliered to any peoole. This one great bargain section will justify a trip to Raieigh. Haywood, Snow ami Titkek, Trustees. House fot Kent. Dwelling house. Desirabl of the city. Possession lirst Apply to (i. E Lk.m ii. 211 tf :ill."j Wilmington street part July. Old clothes, shoes, hats, pistols, guns, watches, clocks. Cash paid for second hand clothing of every description at Harris' Steam Dye Works, East Hargett street, Raleigh. Suits cleaned 75c; cleaned and dyed 1-50. ju 71m Furnish Your House. Until Aug. 1st, Minch & Eisen brey, of Baltimore will have on ex hibition at No. 13, West Hargett s' , a representative line of medium and high class House Furnishings in charge of Mr R S White. Every thing in the Furniture line; new and handsome patterns in all grades of carpets; the latest and most fash ionable effects in Lace Curtains; ar tistic Draperies; upholstery ma terials: couch covers, etc. Com munications by mail, or orders left at Wynne & Ellington's office, phone idj, win De promptly attended to, and everybody in Raleigh interested in House Furnishing is cordially in vited to see this exhibit. Minch & Eisesbbev, jl8-lt Baltimore. WHITE MOUNTAIN Ice Cream Freezers, FREEZES IN I M1MJTES First minute, cream mixes: Second minute, cream begins to freeze; Third minute, nearly frozen. Fourth minute, perfectly frozen. Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, RALEIGH. N. C. The Shade Of An Ice Wagon Isn't cooler ,uin a sparkling Soda Water drawn from our rla- Popular Fountain Irvonc or oui nmneroiw simmer drinks, always kepi a tl i v .mg point. You will feel ;:rire H rav ing the heat after it seuJs ne Lie into every nerve, anl leaves you as cool as a cucumber before the Min rises. Wc use pure fruit juices and distill ed water, ani anything we serve, from a glass of mineral water to an ice ream soda, costs you but A Nickel. W. H. KING & CO., Druggists, Eti.vettevillo Street. Dr. E. E. TERRY, VETERINARIAN. Otlieo and sanitarium Davie street, be tween Wilmington and Blount Sts. Advice free Calls answered to all parts of city and country. C'orre- ponuence free. UALEUai, N. C. R. C. McOlvin, With Dr. Terry. Si lent ille Horse-Shoer. Faulty gaits remedied, diseased and crippled a specialty. Makes 42 differ ent kinds of shoes. Davie street, Ka!- eigh, N. C. July 111 Turnip Seeds I McKIMMON'S I Drug Store. The Linen and Crash Suits at the present reduced nrlces. A dol- Tni.K. ........1-.. 4 . . i. !,: w.o lar0l-two saved on a suit makes nuite a difference. Tha $6 50 Dure Linen luaiij a Huaiici Ul a tClltUIV 1U uuruuow buits are now $5 00. The $6 00 India Crash Suits are now $4 50. The in t his oit.V Wn in Tint hlnw mil nwn hnm very loud, but the people do blow very loud lor us. 4 50 Crash Suits are now $3 50. The $3 00 Crash Suits are now $2 50. This is your time for saving money. Straw Hats at Off Prices ! - 50 Hiits for $1 7d. Any straw bat $1 50 and fl 25 for $1 in stock now. Special Inducement fo Buy a Derby. We have about five dozen of our celebrated 3 00 Derbvs mostly llrOCft OflAflc hat cases prior to incominsr full hats we L'lve vour choice for 2 00. He quick to get your size. Here are a Few Toots From Our Horn: All Boys' an.1 Children's Suits Tumble. We are not at all overstocked, hut that makes no difference, we never carry over any sio, u 11 low prices will sell them l ie same season bey were bought. I lie prices on our juvenile clothes worn ext.rpmelv low this season, but. during this remnant sale you save 15 per cent addi tional on every suit. Cassimere, cheviot or crash suits from three to nine teen years. This is a 'od time fur economical parents to clothe their boys tor school. Uns of medium weights in our stock. A laree assortment of Lawns, Mulls, Organdies, Lappets and other sheer goods for summer wear nl low prices, as cheap as any other place. ONE TRICK and ha' iiiir what our customers wanted has made ourrcp utation. Oxford Ties. DOWN GOES THE PRICE. The stock must he reduced at Ilig gan'a. Inventory has to be taken cttin ready lor the coming holidays, so here goes Saturday Special White granite oyster bowls, 5c size, go for ;;c: 10c size for 5c. Monday Special We give you one 9et of six water tumbles for 17c or one set of si goblets for 17c. Tuesday Special A crystal set of si pieces butter dish and cover, sugar dish and cover, creamer ami spoon holder, all for ;!0c. We have two bar rels of these to close and if you can duplicate for less than 50c we will re turn your money. Wednesday's Special We have one gross one half quart china pitchers, regular value 25c, to close out we sell you Wednesday for 10c only. Thursday's Special We eive vou three dozen boxes matches for 10c, sixty-live matches to a box. Think of it, 3ii boxes for 10c. One box of 21 sheets paper, 24 enve lopes for 5c, better for JOe and better for 15c; one pound (lfi ozs. ) writing paper only 10c. Linen paper 18c lb. For the old men and boys, lino walk ing canes at less than cost. Special Notice. You can send your servants or chil dren for any of the above articles and if you are not more than satistied we will cheerfully return your money. Riggsn's Toy Store jyS lm Is tha Place. S. & D. BERVANGER 5 WIDE AWAKE Leading One Price Clothiers. All $1 75 Oxfords are no,v . . $ All 1 51 " All 1 25 " "... All 100 " " All 90c " " "... All 75c " " " . . These t'oods are good ores at t" regular price and are the closing out prices. !)!c 87c 75c G5c the bargains at HI i Borden Furniture Comp'y Special toots from Grocery Dep't. Black and green tea 50c. The same vou pay 75c for. We sell a 50c tea "far 3!c Chipped beef 22c a pound. 2 lb corn beef 20c a can. Lion 's roasted coffee 18c. Corn starch 7c per pkg. Grits (very good) 2c. 10c condensed milk 80. Good 5c washing soap .'tc. Cut loaf sugar 7c )b. Sardines 4c and 10c a box . 25 lbs best lard 11 50. a ' 21c, Breakfast strips, pic-nic hams and sugar cured hams received twice a week always fresh and sweet.- Large stock of plain and fancy pickles. A word about SewiiiL' Machi lies! We sell NKW TTOMTT, SowiniT shines for :I0.00 cash. It is the best machine made and this price is than ever before offered. We also have a cheaper machine. Ma less IN'CORI'ORATED Wilmington ;inl Kavelteville Streets. 0. 1.. J. c. 110RHF.V, liov.ux, PRESIIIKNT. VICE l'UKSI DENT. T. P. JF.RMAN, JR., SEC. AM) TREAS, Ul! ES (IOOPWIN, INSTALLMENT MOB, 1 25c Towels. Just at present we are sellinir large size damask and huck towels far 25c that are worth 35c. Best fan stock in the city, uiices 5c to 50c. Ladies' collars, cuffs and neckwear. Fast black hose 25c. Japanese Screens An importation just received. A Word About Miilinerv. If you want a sailor or hat med or untrimmed. you one to suit. We trim- can show Bleached Muslin. We put on sale yesterday one case of the linest and best bleached mus lin ever brought to this city. It counts I!Hi threads to the inch and the price is ic. It is better than cambric for urderwear. Oh, yes! Speaking about under wear, we'll say we have a large as sortment of Ladies' ready made un derwear of all kinds. Always remember that we sell iroods r cheap as anybody, and last but not least, we win say you can buy our fancy silks at cost. There are many thiners to W flm 1 Cfttt Sr Kru-i nlCD f ill nun .. o4,T WVXWWH. WW iVllt rivwov J l kjj b III UUI O .Jl C v .... ; i uur prices ana terms are very reasonable. We have over IJOO Lbs. North Carolina liacon now in store which is perhaps the finest lot seen here this season. It is cut and cured on the order of Virginia meat. The Hams are close cut, round, phinio and sound as a dollar. The sides are mall, "streak o' lean and streak o' fat" with rib left in: all is smoked to a rich brown color, which preserves ivnd imparts to it that sweet, delicious flavor so much sought after and ai- reciated by connoisseurs. The nartv who cut and cured this bacon is a man of experience, who enjoys a well- earned reputation for line cured meats. t must le seen to be appreciated. Hams SUCCESSORS TO C.A.SHER 6c5o & Co. . lA Cool Sleeper Baltimore Wire Cots. I Favetteville Steot Telephone No. 2!6 13. Entrance through Stronach's dry goods store. Heller Brothers' Great Reduction Sale! The Store That Sets the Pace. All Values and All Bargains for All the People. MIIMilMIM 5 to 15 pound. ibs , 12 c per Shoulders l-- Sides (cut in strips) 5 to H lbs , 10c per pound. If you want suirar cured Hams or fine I'.nsrlish cured Breakfast Strius (siuaii anu minj we nave tnem at lc to l.'lie pound. v, k.... -t ; ,c I,.,, . "i ' 1 '""owing lines, so have made the r.,y;:",o . :" -i' " r H,es Tan Oxford Ties, formerly in iK ,; D , ,s ,5lack Oxfords reduced from $2 25 2JHJuJ'."Lt5V.alf.Bs"rD?e,-'' nw 3 5 Intent Leather C r J,,rI ua's' 50 Misses' Heeled Button 'enl s Hulton Shoes tl 50, formerly sold for i and $5 a pair. Terms, spot v-aau, 0. T. JOHNSON, HELLER'S Shoe Store. AGENT. eigh, N. U. July I!) rmne 28. LadTes' Hats af Half. We Wi Sell You I have some Idle wild Lots for sale and I am going to sell them. Any one desiring cheap building lots can get this property atasrreat sacrifice. I say I am going to sell and I mean it. Come to see me. Jas. A. Sanders. New Restaurant. Mr. Henry Olive has opened a restaurant at Barclay's old stand, next door to Denton's, where he is prepared to serve customers with meals at all hours. Barbecue served each Sunday. jll4 1w Take a bird's eje view of J. D. Carroll's North Carolina Bacon-, Hams, Shoulders and Sides. Prices to suit the times. 225 South Wil mington street, Raleigh. N. C. jl5 FOR SALE. A good grocery business with good will In city of Raleigh. Good vocation and ft built-up trade. Rent low. Address "C," caro Press- Price on all Trimmed Hats Cut in Half to Close. i ou Know our millinery. Jvery one for miles around does. All I our hats are trimmed by up to-date experts. They are tastv and becom ing, uur prices are always low. When we offer U cut these already low I prices to just nan it means a big bargain a tremendous big one. We do not carry gooas irom one season to the next; that's why we have cut the price i n two to maif e a quick, clean s eep. You have never setn such prices in your whole life as we are now I oucring seasonaoie gooas at. Tde whole store is full of attractive new ovooui.ouic 6Wu0 mai ncu m amazingly small prices. Six ladles' srauze vests for 25c: Turkish hath indole t d- m. penders at 9c; all calicoes, light colors, 4c; all ginghams 5c; small lot of , . " -a) "c.ucu jeoua uianers iw an straw nats 4!c: a 1 Chiif matatts t.A,.nA 1(1... . r ... . . .. ' t i cs 7Q i reujnantu oi mailings at naif; slippers reduced men a mue suiris at zjc; umorenas at oo, ou, To, ysc. ojux uua am jsajmjAIJn TABLE IT'S GREAT. CHOCK l UhisVl UUUD THINGS TO TEMPT YOU. 50 CENTS js u x a a DULiliA a o W0J5TH. 25 CENTS BOX OF SOAP, THEEE CAKES, JOE IS 1-2 CENTS, And there are others, but we would be glad for you to see them at the store. Don t let any consideration tempt you to part with your cash until you reach the big store. ' NEW SHOES In Ladies' Dongola Kid Patent Leather Tip Oxfords, Sizes 3 to 8, at 37c, worth 60c. Sizes 3 to 8, at 48c, worth 75c. Sizes 3 to 8, at 65c, worth tl. In Ladies' Extra Dongola Kid Patent Leather Tip Oxfords, Sizes 3 to 8, at 88c, worth tl 25. In Ladies' Extra Brown Dongola Kid Tip, same Oxfords, Sizes 3 to 8, at 88c, worth tl 25. In Ladies' Fine Kid Oxfords, Patent Leather Tip, , Sizes 3 to 8, at tl ; worth tl 50. Sizes 3 to 8, at tl 50, worth t2. In Ladies' Kid Opera Toe Sandals, Sizes 3 to 8, at tl. worth tl 25. Iu Ladies' Patent Leather Sandals, Sizes 3 to 8, at tl 25 worth tl 50. t& Your money back if you are not satisfied. Chocolate, Brown, Tan and Green Polish, Big Bottles 10e. July number of Fashions, our monthly magazine, now ready free to our customers. WOMEN S SHOES- You must consider our ndverlisinir seriously. Costs ton mn.-h f,, permit carelessness We prepare a, I imr advertisements, solemn lyremember that. : must force out our entire stnel? rf Kiimmm. must have room for the full shoes soon to arrive, as we have made great preparation for the fall business which we exneet to dn 60 pairs of Ladies' Patent Tip Oxfords, sizes :i and 4, to clear the lot "He 60 pairs Ladies' and Misses' Black Kid Oxfords thev were our tl 50 tl and 2 oO kind, sizes 11 to 2, heels and spring heels surpris ing low price of jn. 120 pairs Ladies' Dontrola Kid Patent, TinsOvfni-do'a t' n ;.,'.,' ' ' ' I'l-li ' 11 pairs Ladies Tan and Chocolate Oxfords, new toes, tinners (inn kid skin soles line oak leather, all sizps ' fin ,a tinn 15 pairs Ladies' High -Button Shoes on D last, size 2 and 2i. former price 2 and $2 50 5q RIBBONS- On account of the great demand our sineL- nt TViffoito R!kiv. :il be kept up all this season. All widths and all shades. Vnshinnnkl.. , men are retrimming silk and cotton dresses that are partly worn with a Delt and collar of white ribbons Thev use shonldnr and bows. No extra charge for tying bows when you buy ribbons of us Our experts are at vour command. SPECIAL 24 pieces of Miilinerv F price 50 and 75c, now ' jp. COTTON DRESS GOODS. Printed Organdies the proper, eminently proper was 25c, but the reckless price is 12jc A sort of half mast price is made out or respect to a departing " season. They must be sold. 25c French Organdies now 12Jc THOSE NEW POLKA DOTS. Fine Lawns in red, heliotrope, pink, green dots that are new, instead of 10c, now gc WOMEN'S VESTS. Lisle thread, white silk tape neck and sleeves. They goat two for 25c, the usual price of one Lisle Vest 25c SUCCESSORS TO C.A.SH ER v7o5b & Co. and W. E. JONES.) A. B. STRONACH, 'Mineral Hotel, Chase City, Va. I tlaiMlHumely Tainted and Prepared Thoroughly Renovated. The celebrated Chase Citvijithia and niorice (jaioium waters are, found Cere. Specifics, for DysDeiuiia. Indi cation, Torpid Lived and all Skin, Blood and Kidney Diseases. Only those who are guests of the Mineral Hotel and of such private res idences as have made arrangements with the proprietor for the accommo dation of guests, are permitted to use these waters. Write for descriptive oircnlars, testinv nials, etc. - - T: IV. I. PAXTON, . t-i : I'roprietor. JuneSlp' North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Will Open Sept. 9th, 1397. Thorough academic. Bnlnntinn ! technical courses. ExnerinnenH S... cialists in every department. Expenses Per Scsalon, Inelnding Board: For county students Ift.l.CO It I H .11 I. .. . .. J . . . ,A Applyor catalogues to ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAV.1X.D, w . J 2. v Visitob. . iy6tf - - P""Wenl, Raleigh, H. C . July ? 3w 4 ...'X M V