if 1 ; v- I .' .it- - , 1 Pi THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIQH, N. C. MONDAY July 26 TUOS. J. PENCE City Editor. Tuckers' Specials. THE WEATHER The following is the weather pre dint.inn for Rulebrh uiul vicinity (not extending beyond u radius of 20 miles) issued ;it 8 ;i. in. today, July 27: FAIR WARM (3 00 G 0.00 s Tbe following were the weather conditions at 8 a in. today: Barometer (ins) :!o.OO Dry bulb (de;) Change in 2-1 hours Wet bulb Maximum temperature . . Wind velocity Rainfall Direction of wind ........ State of weather .... Cloudy I'ersontils. Mr lrvan Jones has returned from Nashville. The Misses ISurton are visiting in Warrenlou. Mrs W K Bishop is isitiiif: rela tives in Philadelphia. Mrs Darby went to Wilmi ngton on a visit yesterday. Mr. Robert N Siinms returned to Wake Forest today. Mr Frank Cooke is visiting Mr. Robert Leach. Mrs (leorge Thompson has re turned from I'ittsboro. Mr. J. C. Scarborough, of Cliar- lotte, is in the city. Mr W. M. Hrown is sick at his home on West Morgan street Mr Harry Heck and Miss Susie Heck went to Wake Forest today Denipsey Webb, after an absence of some length, has again appeared jn Raleigh. Misses Kvie Kllis and Addie Puryear have returned from the Nashville exposition. Mrs and Mrs W A Linehan havi returned from an extended bridal tour North and are stopping at tin' Varboro. Mr and Mrs. J I Holmes havi returned from a visit to relatives and friends at Wake Forest. Mr and Mrs C I Spruill have moved in their new residence on South Person street. Messrs Samuel Parrish, Harvev Johnson and Geo W Cooper have re turned from a trip to Toronto and the northern cities. BUSINESS ITEMS. . Boum fot Rent. Dwelling house. Desirable part of the city. Possession first July. Apply to U. Hi. LEACH, at) tf aoa Wilmington street I Have Some Idlowlld Lot for Sale and I am going to sell them. Any oue desiring cheap building lots can -at nvAiuiitii ataiyvont. caprifipe A.'" vuia ptvjyv. vj """ft ' " " r . . ,, J T n l say l am going to sen auu i iucuu it. come to see me. Jas. A. Sanders. Hams, Shoulders and Sides. Prices to suit the times. 22 South Wil mington street, Raleigh. N. C. jlD r....l n.ltK - wlliniif t:ihlo board, within two squares of the capitol, corner Wilmington and Lane streets. whs. lfkvkkeu.x. jv22 eod 4w pFBEnj Turnip Seeds --AT- r.icKinnofi's Drug Store. WHITE MOUNTAIN Ice Cream Freezers, FIIEEZES IN 1 MINUTES Kirst miniiti iMt:iin mixes: SoL'ond ininntr, iivaiii UinH to I Tliiri minntiv nr:.rlv froiMi. Fourth minute, perfectly froon. Thos. H. Briggs Sl Sons, KALKIUH. N. C. STILL THEY GO. Iiiggan's selling to reduce stock Ktill on. jnis week we eonie ai'inn to give away (so to speak i some things all need. Saturday Speeiul We will sell von one box of three cakes buttermilk toilet soap for only ik. Monclitv Soeetal Wi- linii, n W- dozen of those plain trlass water tnm- hlei's left. To losi tli.mi nil mt ,-. oiler you again for 17c a set of six, also we let von have tile mmip ilav I Mondav) one half (ration trtnud . . ' o - ..... w pltjlicr tor 1 jc. TuCSllav SlieiMAl Fnnr ilu'li c.nn,... or round bi rrv or lee cream nappies, imitation, cut glass, the tinishaiul pol- isn ior jc eacn, atc dozen. Wednesilav's Sn.M'inl All vnllrtw ware, bakers nappies aud bowls, all sizes. We take 25 per cent off the nrlce. Our uriiv is liip tim-twt. thiii -a er cent less. HAVE USTOPEII El A very fine lite of Pickles, Cutsups, Sauces, Olives, etc. Any variety of sweet mixed, sour mixed . Gerkins, Midgets, Cbow-Chow, Picallili, etc., in bottles or by measure. We Offer Today An extra fine lot of Southampton, Va.,Hams. Utmost care taken in the curing and smoking of these Hams. Also best brands of sugar cured and North Carolina Hams Breakfast Bacon, etc. No Shoddy Stuff Kept. J. D.TURNER, Cor. Johnson and Halifax- Sis Telephone 12S Dr. E. E. TERRY, . VETERIMRUH. Otttce and sanitarium Davie street, be tween Wilmington and Blount Sts. Advice free. Calls answered to all parts of city and country. Corre spondence free. liALEIGn, N. C. R. C. McOlvin, Ky Scientific Horse-Bhoer. Faulty waits remedied, diseaspfl and crippled a specialty. Makes 42 differ ent kinds of shoes. Flavin st.rwt. Ul. eign, rt. u. Julyl9 Wanted. Old i oihcs, shoes, bats, nistols. uiis. WiiH-hes. clocks. Cash naid lor seem ti iiand clothing of every di"crio'iiin at Harris' Steam l"vn Work--, K:isi Hargett street, Raleigh. Suits cleaned 75c; cleaned and dyed 1.50. ju71m Lots of Comfort FOR LITTLE CASH Is what ou will lind in our present Reduction Sale in all Spring and Summer Suits in all sizes and all tho fashionable sorts. There is lots of time to wear these suits this season yet, but we have no further option and must pursue our established business policy. While others are following our plans, yet, our special sales are charac teristic, full of value and new styles, the result of our past record and true ness to our i-peoial sales. It is your time for saving lots of cash: at this stage of the game we can not count a few dollars loss: we must loose to clean, and to clear out. Who ever heard of an all-wool suit, nicely made up, nioely lined, lit as good as the best for $,. The wholesale worth of these suits is $7 50, the actual retail price is I0 00, sack suit.s only at this price. $7 50 Will I,,,,. n,. r.f .., i .l ..1 1 t-. .1 . .. . "-mii"u uicu oerge ouus ina are worm irom to to i: M, your tailor could not lit or suit you better for $1H, nearly all sizes yet. $13 50 Norfolk AMuctfon Case Postponed. NoRKot.lv, Va., July i.'). The cae of the Commonwealth vs. Cannon. Hall and Smith, for abduction, was postponed until next Friday. Can uon and Smith arc out on bail, pend ing tueir appeal 111 the conspnacy case. Hail is in jail. AT 11.00 Dl'SLAl' S RF.STM AKKMKX ' STIFF H ATS GREAT DISSOLUTION SALES. TUCKER'S STORE. Men's Hats at 1.00. We mean by tnis the oest of Hats. Dunlap s, not Ibis oreseiit season's styles hut styles so recent that you can "keep your lace wun one 01 toese hats on your neau in any crowd. These uumap s nais are a great Dargain a full range of sizes in styles for al kinds of men. Come and see them. Yu will not miss buying one. Haywooh, Snow ani Ti ckf.r, Trustees. WH AGS TUCKER A CO. Given Away. With ea' li drink at our Fountain we give a package containing three three pieces of Nice Chewing Gum. This is certainly giving jua the worth of your nionev. We have enough to give everv in in, won, 1,1 and child in Raleigh a piece of gum, and our fountain never runs dry. Bicycle riders ought to lie in'.cicsted in this otter. W. H. KING & CO., Druggists, l-Viyetteville Htrefet. J. M. PACE, Dealer in Mules and Horses, Buggies, Wagons l have on hand a tr.totl lot n... tries and Waymms. ami will n,ui,.. prices 10 sun me times. J. M PACP ill East Martin street, Raleigh, N. C. Thlirsdav's SllrtMJll Vim till-., ninn inch tin Die tllatos for on.ch hmiI nnr larL'e size dust nan f.o onlv .rw nil good, cheapest prices, but these prices take the cuke. Send anybody to buy for vou. and if not. u-hnt. vo iiit. 1 you get your money back. Riggan's Toy Store jyS lai Is tho Place Wc lmve over i,G00 Lbs. North Carolina Ttiinn nnar in at.,n which is perhaps the finest lot seen otic LUIS Sanson. L is inr. ftn,l nitorl on the order of Virginia meat. The Hams are close cut. round nlnmn ,H sound as a dollar. The sides small, "streak o' lean and streak o' fat"' with rib left in: nil iu mM t, a rich brown color. whih nntBuhraB and imparts to it that sweet, delicious umursuuiucn sougnt alter ana ap preciated by connoisseurs. The party WhTl CUt and eiireil thifi hflfnn id a mim of exjierienee. who enjoys a well- eitrueu repuuiiion ior line cured meats. It must be seen to be appreciated. Hn-H-I c 5 to 15 ibs -'-c Per """-- txiund. For the very hncst suits that we sold for$22, 2o, I8 to 115, stylish plaids, stripes, imported elicviots, ca-sinn-res and Clay Serges lined with silk and skeleton back, with silk in back nf vest. S. & D. BERWANGER, AMDK AWAKE Leading One Price Clothiers. Royall & Borden Furniture Comp'y Wilmington and Eayelteville Streets. 1873 WOOLLCOTT & SON. 1897 Nearly a quarter of a century in business in this city. We do not blow our own horn very loud, but the people do blow very loud for us. Here are a Few Toots From Oar Horn: Dress Goods. A larye assortment, of T.awns Mulls, Organdies. Lappets and other sheer goods for summer wear at low prices, as cheap as any other place. ONE PRICE and haimr what o..r customers wanted has made ourrop- utation, Oxford Ties. All $1 All All All All All 1 1 25 1 00 !)0c 75c 75 Oxfords are now. 50 " " " 1 1 t7 22 We H7c 75c (!5c These coods are food oces at the regular nrice and are hariaini at. the closing out prices. Special toots from Grocery Dep t. Black and green tea 50p, The same you pay 75c for. We sell a 50c tea for :i!c. Chipped beef 22c a pound. 2 lb corn beef 20c a can. Lion's roasted colTee loji Corn starch 7c por pfcg. Grits (very good) 2c. 10c condensed milk Sc.. timid 5c washing soap .To-. Cut loaf scgar 7c lb. Sardines 4c and 10c a hox 25 lbs best lard 1 50. i " " " 21c. Breakfast strips, pie-nic hams antf sugar cure'd hams received twice a week always fresh and sweet. Large stock of plain and fancy-pickles. A WOrd about Sewimr Manhinns Vi cnll TMir.tr unvnc c.,,..:.,.. M. shines for WO. 00 cash. It is the best machine made and this price is less than ever before offered. We also have a cheaper machine. 25c Towels. Just at Dresenl we are sellinir large size damask and buck towels for 25c that are worth 35c. Best fan stock in the eitv m i 5c to 50c. Ladies' collars, culls and necuwear. fast black hose 2;c. A Word About Millinery. If vou want a sailor or hnt. trim med or untrimmcd. We can show you one to suit. j Bleached Muslin. I Wc put on sale yesterday one case 01 me uncsi anu Dost oieached mus lin over brought to this cilv. It counts I'.tti threads to the inch ami the price is :,'c It is better than cambric for urderwear. Oh, yes! Speaking about under wear, we'll say we have a large as sortment of Ladies' ready made un derwear of all kinds. Always remember that wo sr11 i-onl nC cheap as anybody, and last but not lst will say you can buy our fancy silks at cost. Woollcott Si Son. SUCCESSORS to C.A.ShervvocJd & Co. !. t.. llOItHKX, PRESIDENT. .1. C. KOVAl.I.. VII'K-PIIESIIIEVT T. T. JERMAN, JR., SEC, AND TREAS, MILES OOOVW1N. INSTALLMENT M OR, Ve Do Not Pretend or Intend To sell Furniture at cost, but we do propose to give our customers prices iui uii- u-asuuauie udu iernis mat are noerai. tur stock is complete in cii-ii 1111c. e respeuiiuuy bsk your mspectiou. " Fayetteville Steet Entrance through Stronach's dry iroods store fl1Io,.V.. .. oi;i ti 1IU. wuu 11. Successfu Purchase Heller Brothers' Creat Reduction Sale! (i1inHl1D "'to 10 lbs.. 1 CSlao (cut in strips) 5 to 10 10c per ib. lbs , 10c per pound. If VOU WAnt Allrr rnrfl TTai.io uuc r.ukriisu cureu irAifiMdr s im ( small and thin I wp hut th..n. ,. , i-n.. to l;iic pound. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 28. We tind we have too many of the following lines, so have made the tini'Afi thill nrill o, 1 .. mn.,.. . U . T-J:. m , m. it,,,.'.0 iauies lan uxrora lies, formerly f 1 50 and 2 a pair, now 75c, Todies' Black Oxfords reduced from 2 25 to II 50. Gent s Russia calf Hals, formerly $4, now $3 15 Patent Leather u..-, m.w Ku ior n; a uussia oa:i uals, f,i au. Misses Heeled Button oiiws .iuc a pair, lormer price fx. Gent's Button Shoes tl 50. formerly sold for U and $5 a pair. Terms, spot caso. GREAT DISSOLUTION svr.K Barhains. In view of the fact, that the people are loosing ior inings at a Uargain, we bring down stairs all the odd pairs of Lace Curtains, and Lace Draperies, and all the remnants of Scrim, Curtain Muslins, Japanese Muslins, Silkolines, etc., etc., and price tbetn in plain figures so low that there will be many fortunate prizes that will be highly appreciat ed by every bargain hunter. iUrwoon, Snow and Tccker, Trustees. W H A R S TUCKER & CO. GREAT DISSOLUTION SALES. TUCKER'S STORE, SELLING OFF SHOES. You do not want to miss this rare chance to buy the best shoes Tucker's shoes, at half prices. Come quickly if you want them every pair must be sold and we are selling them. Never again will you get such a chance. We can still fit you. Hatwood, Snow A Tucker Trustees W II & R S TUCKER A (XX ' .. -i Tbe confidence of the people in LTmvi'n Sarxarmrillii ia Aum u It un equalled record of wotHterful cures, j JONES STORK .... 20G Fayetteville Street. The Store That Sets the Price. This store is a hummer it's a price-clipper it's a value giver, too. Raleigh's Bargain Center ! When this storA seta a proacned outside. We have facilities for buying at headquarters that no .-. pvaaooara. i ur UIWI, UUiOUarQ OUT prices All Trimmed Millinery at just half price to close. All rmrncnlc of. 1 ki. iii- i . w " " r wiK iu mis Kiurs auu UJibia, uuiurs. ttb lURl null nnr nil ahnnara -A ,,.A A t i . . n . J andbpnng, at 35c; all straw hats at 40c; all 5c calicos and dimities at 4c: Drinted lawns at Nmnnntg nt cin nMi.. . l.ii.... l:. . soft shirts, value 35 U) 75o at 25c; sample kid gloves at less than cost to mnlr a ' 1 VI ill Uami 7j nAu . j c . 1 1 1 1 . .. i --j, v. kuwis, c; an kiiks reaucea to JZ, S, &H, 6J and 88c tbe yard, value a third more: silk club ties for men at 3 for 25c: man's chirta M Id H) u ' 1 , auu Cdl U, Our Bargain Counter Is full of the best values ever offered in any store. Come and see usorten. We have a very cool, pleasant store. You'll find an hour or two here full of interest and profit .HELLER'S Shoe Store. MID-SUMMER FAT STRONACH'S. A Tnumoli of i Great Mill Sale of Wash Goods. ORGANDIES, LAWNS, DIMITIES. LAfPETS AT POSITIVELY lUOICUIiOUS PRICES. handiest pattern8 'uid Hnl W.S this season, no matter at, what. r.... Thnon . ...m J. u J 8, auy. 8I)n and wear and not grow to look bad. They are worth (speaking a. t eT' market runs generally) all the way from 12J to 15c a yard. Our price! 0 UMBRELLAS. The end of & manufntn to go around, all fine and weTl made goods. ' ,0"' "l euough LOT No. 1. Only 10. " Size 34 inch ladies' line serge un umbrellas usual retail Driee il 2fl. the hnii... o,. ,k .... "moreiias, whole umbrella, now..:...... " l"au a8K ,or "e 750 Of Taffetta Silk and close rollers, usual retail price $2 50, now 3 1 OU ii. T?io.-u' "'y2- Size2ti-inch gentlemen's tine close rollers taffeta Silk, extra finish, thev an sn rt h . - en . I. lanel,a Our price 7.7.. .. m $1 50 .in, LOTS,Xo- and 6. Only 40. Size' i6'inch, gentiemen;s line Ol ff silk seree. steel rod, a great value, usual retail price tl 60, now bl 00 I A 1 No. ft Onlv 1 1 1ft I ..,.1. 1 . .- -. i . . '. ' ' , 7. j, v, gciHioucu line sun urn ore as, want von to see the handleson this lot, close roller, should be retailed at S3 50 0 iflrt V- V' Last Week of the Shoe Sale. ?ew fCtcn a fnr nut fall ta Aa a t a last week we munt hav mnm fi. th u-. u ' L . "f"1 Jou IT , . - , - . . itgc rii k ui Duut'a we nave iM.naht Had to buv thi-m PAr V tl av -rr.,, i 7 c U"U5f'-. , ... ' w-u3 m unueB w maKe room tho entire ummer slock will be closed out at ridiculously low prices I a-t w.U shoe news Is worth repairing, quantities about half as Iaree. Ladies Patent Tip Oxfords, sizes 3 and i, to clear tho lot. . . . 20c --ief, Misses' Black Kid Oxfords, they wereourl 50, Ka'ndi' ?T. kind, sizes 11 to 2, heels and spring heels, gurprisin- low price 4 Ladle,' Tan and ChoeoUte "oiKril'i'." " "S? fine oak leather, all sizes, 12 and $2 5o kind, now . . ' 2?ie" I 91 OO We are not slacking off because it's getting a little late, or that the weather is depressing, but we are keeping right up with tbe wants of the IIMIIiIa nnfl o Ms Ikio ibaaIi. New Val Traces, 20c per yard up. New Morie and TafTetta Ribbons. New Embroideries. 3c per vard ud. 1 New line 40 Inch Lawns. 71c 11 n Anew lot of our popular Bicycle Suitings in tan, brown and gray, 12Jc yd. a new tot or caii weave White Uuck, lUc per yard. A correct line of Travellers' Goods. Hand Bags. Grips, Telescopes, Trunks and Trunk Straps. Tft aIam Ant tltA Mmnanl sl b.mL Af Ck TTT.I.i. l.a. t omer make the price. W do not carry over one Waist with this offer. The Shoe trade is mlirhtr ninh as fnw u th ehirt mlai nff.. SUCCESSORS TO C. A.SH ERWOgb & CO. W. E. JONES. A. B. STRGNAGHi ineral Hotel, Chase City, Va. Handsomely Painted and Prepared Thoroughly Renovated. ThenAlRhmtori1 Phftaafltir 1 ,Ki.. j -..j 1 . 11 1 uu Chloride Calcium Wainra f.. here. Snecitics for DvHnprmia inHi. rauuu, luruiu uivea ana all Skin, lilood and Kidney Diseases. vmij uioae wno are guests of the Mineral Hotel and of such private res idences as have made arrangements with the proprietor for the accommo dation of CTMWta. am nmmlMjwl in theae waters. Write for descriptive circular, teatlnv nials, etc. . mAiu., ' l..i - North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Will Open Sept. 9th, 1897. Thorough ar.srlnrr.1 anl.:n . , . , . n,iCU,UU MOM technieAil rmiitaA V w n.; i i . claUsta in every department. Expense Per Session, Iaeladinf. Board- For count? students (93 00 i-ur au otner students 123 00 Apply for catalogues to ALEXANDER Q. HOLLADAY.LL D, f - - -.- V ProslUeut, Raleigh, . C i a July ?3w