Special Ratca Via Southern Railioad. First'AnDual Session of the Sum mer School of A.. A M, College, Greensboro, July' 27th, to Aug. 14th; ,97. Uu account or above occasion Southern Railway will sell tickets from Raleigh to Qreensb ro and re turn at 3 30 for round trip tickets on sale, July 26ih, 27th and 28tli limited good to return until Aug. lfith. Meeting of Durham Primitive Baptist Association at Burlington, July 31st to Aug. 2nd. On account of above occasion the Southern Railway will sell tickets from Raleigh to Burlington and re turn at $3.00. Tickets on sale July 2fllh, 30th, 31st and Aug 1st, limited good until Aug. 3rd. Meeting Eno Baptist Association, Durham, July 31st and Aug 2nd. On account of above occasion the Southern Railway will sell tickets from Raleigh to Durham and return at 11.50 for rountftrip. Tickets on sale July 2!Ub, 30th and 31st, limited until Aug. 4th. Annual Meeting of the District Grand Lodge G U O of O P at New born, Aug. 3rd ami 5th. On account of above occasion the Southern Railway will sell tickets from Raleigh toflewbernaud return at $5.50 for round trip. Tickets on sale Aug. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, limited good until Aug. 10th. For further information call on or write Thad C. Sturgis ticket agent Southern Railway, Union Station, Raleigh. Was Soon Feeling Better. "For three years I was troubled with my heart and liver. I was run down in health and could hardly walk, I was so weak. I tried matiy medicines and finally bough a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was soon feeling better, and after taking a few more bottles I was strong and able to work." W S Harris, Cloverdale, Va. Uood's Pills arc the best cathar tic. Easy to tuke, gentle mild. 25 cents. Only $2.00 for the Round Trip. The Seaboard Air Line will sell round trip tickets from Raleigh to Portsmouth, Norfolk, Old Point Comfort, Virginia Beach and Ocean View, Va., for $2 50 for the round trip. Tickets on sale for trains leaving Raleigh at 11:30 a. m. Sat urday mornings and 2:16 a. m. Sun day mornings, limited to return on trains leaving Norfolk at 8:45 p. m. Sunday nights and 0:15 a. m. Mon day mornings. For further infor mation write or apply to H S Leard. S P A, Raleigh, N C, Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remeny for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a won derful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipa tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the medi cine you ueed. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty cents and $1 at all druggists Stand at the Uead. Aug. J, Bogel, the. leading drug gist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only hlng that cures my cough, and it is the bestseller I have." J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "r. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, I cannot say enough for Its merits." Dr King s New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at all druggists. For Over Flftv Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over lifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolic, and is the best remedy for diarrhcea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle Be sure and ask hr "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Complete How to Attain It" A Wonderful No Medical Boot.wrltten for Men Only. One copy mar be bad treo oa application. ERIE MEDICAL CO. aurtaio, . v. win 1 MkHOT lil MOW TOO IT AMD AI flEIQHT. I IhM mt t TWt WftllBt ivMto I w ataub, alf-Mtt hm oo,lw ,if. mirth Mfcl mttUm J my ..'iTL d m inltt tmi tmrnft milt 1 JWt -I la FREE MlmrMMMtakWOllapOTlfeWM'.ni DDIs Like blllouineu, dyspepsia, headache, consti pation, tour stomach, Indigestion are promptly cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work (Hood's easly and thoroughly. P Jll Best after dinner pills. P I I I C 25 cents. All druggists. III W Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's BarsaparlUa. FRANK STRONACH'S Great Offers for 60 Days. Fifty Buggies, Carriages, Carts, Road Wagons at factory prices. I make this offer in order to close out a portion of my stojk to enlarge my business. I can sell you a nice Top Buggy for $55 to $00. Open Buggy $30 to $15. Canopy Top Phu'ton $75 to $85 and Extension Top Carriages for $115 to $1 10. Harness and Horse-findings the most complete lino in the State, at cost. Don't miss the oppirtunity. I mean business. I have several good horses for sale cheap. FRANK STRONACH, LIVERYMAN. The State Normal and Industrial College, Greensboro, N. C, Offers the young women of the State thorough professional, literary, classical, scientific, and industrial education. Annual expenses $90 to $1 30. Faculty of 25 members. More than 400 regular students. Practice school of 126 pupils for teachers. More than 1,200 matricu lates representing every county in i.hn StAt.fi excent three. CorresDond- ence invited from those desiring competent trainea teacners. o secure board, in dormitories all free tuition applications must be made before August 1. For catalogue and nformation, address President Chas. D. McIveb. July 12 lw RALEIGH MALE ACADEMY. I will, as nrincinal, beerin the next annual sens ion of the Raleigh Male Academy on August 30, with a compe tent assistant or assissants. For terms and other information, ap plication can be made to me at any time before that date. HUGH MOKSON, jy 12 lm Raleigh, N. C. Mahler and Voollcott, 12 VV. Hargett Street. BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP We carry the most complete lineof Bicycle sundries in the city, and also have first-class Ladies and Gent's Wheelsto Rent ALSO A TANDEM. We ask you to rail and see our stock. All work guaran teed to give satisfaction. Charges Reasonable. HOW MANY BICYCLES Arc There in Raleigh? R,mo aiv 300 qnmp 500 and still others say there are 800. We don't claim to know how many there are. But we are prepared to repair all that come our way in the quickest, neatest and most up-to aate manner. n,,oo vnnr whpil crack or saueak? If so, come around, we stop all noises for 10c. We re not saving mucnaooui, iir-na hut. aft mir nrices before vou place your order, we are sticking them on. in tat, our snop is hik place to get your repairing uone. T. F. Brockwell. 212 South Salisbury St. Weak End Tickets via Soul hern By The Southern Railway has placed nn caln pvArv Saturday and Sunday round trip tickets from Raleigh to Old Point Uomlort, v lrginia ueacn, Ocean View, Wilminuton and More UaaA CM.v nt 2 50 for the round trip. good to return Mondays following dates of sale. For further Information, apply to Thad C. Sturgis, ticket agnt Southern Railway, Union btation. J. M. Culp, W A Turk, Traffic Mgr. G. P. A. W. H. Green, Gen. Supt Something Nice. Ferris Ham. Rprlngflnld Hams, winter enrol. Smllhflelrl. Va., Hams Large invoices of the above goods have just been received and arc offer ed lor your selection. New Roe Herrings in barrels and half barrels. New Shad Itoe in kits. We have something particularly ap petizing in our Stuffed Sweet Mango I'iekle, and the famous Kalamazoo Celery Pickle. They are both recent arrivals and are worthy a trial. Full line of Curtis' famous Pre serves in Glass. Our Mocha and Java Coffee is the best that can be produced at any price. Try it. 8 TIIOS. PESGUD, The Grocer. P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy Cures all Skin and Blood Diseases. Physicians endorse P. P. I', as a splendid combination, and prescribe it with great tatisfaetion for the cures of all forms and stages of Primary, Sec ondary and Tertiary Syphilitic Kheu- P. P. P. Cures Jtheiimatism. Glandular Swellings, llheumatism, Malaria, Old Chronic Ulsterothat have resisted all treatment. Catarrh, Skin P. P. P. Cures Blood Foison. Diseases, Eczema. Chronic Female Complaints, Mercural Poison, Tetter, scald tteaci, etc., etc. P. P. P. is a powersul tonic, and an excellent appetizer, building up the P. P. P. Cures Scrofula. system rapidly. Ladies whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure conditian, duo to menstrual ir regularities, are peculiarly benefitted P. P. P. Cures Malaria. by the wonderful tonic and blood cleansing properties of P. P. P., Prickly Ashe, Poke Root and Potas sium. P. P. P. Cnrew Dyspepsia. Lippman Bros., PROPRIETORS, Druggists, Lippman's Block, Savan nah, Ga. Hook on Ulood Diseases mailed free. For sale by W. H. KING. Iff WAWRtri, PA. A (4 recommend I Ob lit I 1 CONSUMPTION I ;jto others, H for it alone U J saved my yj U ADOLPH ZIMMER, fi Bellwood,NebApr.i3,1895. Iff Cross & Special Suit Sale. 1 '"JO llitK w"l l ffercd lOVJ (jUlljO other words they are: 50 Suits at $10, your choice for $7.50. 50 Suits at $12.50, your choice for $10. 50 Suits at $15, yoar choice for $12.50. These are all new, clean goods and can"t lie duplicated anywhere at such prices. On sale this week only. Come and get the pick. A full and correct line of furn'shinga always on hand. Cross and Linehan. TWO NEW THINGS IN RALEIGH. uuuu An Automatic Instructor will learn you to r'ule a Hicvcle without any risk of falling. (Ladies anil Cents.) Try it. Second. A Puffin; Iron for Ladies' Shirt Waists, made especially for tbis purpose. Give us a trial. Don't Forget Our Bicycle Repair Shop. PAGE & MARSHALL, Alfred Uilliams & Co.'s BOOKSTORE. KODAKS. us. Hurd's Papers and Pa We and and best us. Hurd's Papers and Papestries All kind of office and typewriter supplies. Alfred Williams & Company. The Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, N. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Depoits .... $300,000.00 Offers its customers everv ..ccoinmodatioh consistent with safe banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent on easonable Terms. Some jjood business offices to let J.J. THOMAS, President, ALF A. THOMPSON. Vice President H. s. JRRMAN Case p U. JACKSON Assistant Cashier. Sale of Lot in East Raleigh. By virtue of a decree of Wake Su perior Court, in the case of Necdham W. Poole, administrator of Irwin Poole, deceaser. vb. Dorsey Wall and others, being S. P. No. 771, a petition to sell land for assets, in which case the undersigned was appointed com missioner to sell the lands described in the petition, I will on Monday, the 12th day of July, 1897, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door of Wake county, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land : A lot in East Raleigh, beginning at a point on the south side of Cotton Place street, the north west corner of Lot 34, running thence west along the line of Cotton Place street fifty (50) feet to the northeast corner of Lot 36, thence south with the line of Lot 3Q one hundred and sixty one and one half (1614) feet to the corner of Lots 36 and 57, thence east with the line of Lot .fty (50) feet to the northwest comer' of said lot and thence north one hundred and sixty one and one half ( 16U ) feet to the be ginning, being Lot No. 35 in the plan of Cotton Place, as recorded in Book 53, page 501 of the office of Register of Deeds of Wake county containing one-sixth of an acre, or thereabouts A. B. ANDREWS, Jr., Com'r. This sale continued to July 26 at 12 o'clock. Press and Folder for Sale. On Thursday, July S, 1897, at No. 122 Favetteville street, in thfi city of Raleigh, N. C, there will be sold at public auction one second-hand seven colum quarto double feed Dispatch Babcock Printing Press and one Dex ter Intermediate Folder with paster and trimmer, together with the appur tanances thereto. Said property may be seen and examined upon appli cation to Battle & Mordecai Sa made under powers conferred upon Barnhart Brothers & Spindler bv two morteraees. registered in book No. 143 at pages 456 and 758 of the RegUter of Deeds office of Wake county, iiour oi saie, it m. Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. By Battle & Mordecai, Attorneys June 17, 1397 20d PVIrU'C 'OB EITHER 8K LAwN O Tkla mtir Mn( i- GAfi INI OI UMM w 'tOrfiu,rtilrs n )lkut mt diet. Cnr- rwinm mm a lays. tfcullBlalBB All aula a - Linehan. in this sale this week for casl.. In exehancinp- dollars with vou. Hero are now agents for Eastman's Kodaks can fill all orders for the instrument films. Remember, you can et the selection of Pine Writing Papers from are not equalled by any other make. BRIGHT CHILDREN Munyon Looks Out for the Little Ones. A MOTHER'S RESPONSIBILITY. Munyon never forgets tti children. H realizes a mother's responsibility and is ever ready to give her the benvllt ot Ills knowledge and experience. Mun- Health, which may be ob tained free from any drug gist. Is es- fieclally expllc t in describing all children's diseases, and gives plain and complete In structions re garding their treatmen- Sickness often comes sudden ly, and every mother should be prepared by having MUN YON'S REM EDIES where he ran get them quickly. They are ab solutely harmleca, and so labeled there can be no mistake. Munyon' Collo and Crying Baby Cure cure bilious colic, painter's colic In children, ana griping pains of every de scription, promptly relieves hysteria, sleeplessness, pain from teething, and quiets crying babies. Munyon's Sore Throat Cure effects a prompt cure In diphtheria, and every form of sore throat. Munyon's Fever Cure will break any form of fever. It should be admin istered as soon as the fever appears. Munyon's Worm Cure causes the prompt removal of pin worms, anal worms. In testinal worms, and tape worms. Mun- J'on's Whooping Cough Cure Is thorough y reliable. It relieves at once and cures Promptly. Munvon'i Croup Cure posl ively controls all forms of croup. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly ! cents a vial. Per sonal letter to Prof. Munyon. l.ROn Aron Btreet.SPhlladelphla, Pa., answered with, free medical advice for any disease. ADMINISTItATOU'S NOT1CK. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Lizzie Spencer, deceased, late of Wake county, this i9 to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or nefore the 19th day of June, 18B8, or this notice will be plead in bar of ftheir recovery; and all per sons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. 1 Henry J Young, j June 19, 1897-6w Adm'r Just toll them that you saw me smoking the Magistrate. MSDONALO S CO., i.ii i kmi n mm Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'y. John CJii.l. Receiver. Condensed Schedule. IN KH'KCT MAY :OTIl, 1H07. NOUTII Il(l'-l Nil. Daii.v. Leave Wilmington - 12 15 p in Arrive Fa.yt nevillc ::!.') " Leave Kayetteville 3:4") " Leave Kayetlevillc J unction!: 47 '' Arrive Sanford .Villi ' LeaVi' Sanford 5:111 " . r,:.'i4 " . 7:25 " . 7:t."i " !hi:i " . !i::!ii " 11:11(1 ' No. 1. ll.MI.V, . . 5:25 a m ..(l:5ll ' ..7:1! ' ..7:52 '' . S:KI " !i;0(l " !:2'.' " .11:20 " Iji-aveXinniax Am ve tTh'e ns! Mini Leave Oreenshoro. Leave Slokesdale Leave Walnut Cove Leave Rural Mali . Arrive Mt Airy SOI Tllllol Nil. Leave Mt Airv Leave Rural Hall . Leave Walnut Cove . Leave Slokesdale . Arrive (ireensboro Leave (ireensboro LeaveClimax Leave Sanford Ar Favetteville J unction . 12.42 p m t Arrive Fayette vi lie . 12:4a Leave ravettevil 1:15 Arrive Wilininyton I'M " NoitTiinouNu. No. 4 Daily. Leave Rennetsville ... . 7:15am Arrive Maxton '.Mid " Leave Maxton !' o7 " Leave Red Springs . !i :i7 " Leave Hope Mills 1(1:2(1 " Arrive Favetteville 1(1:5(1 " sofTintor.Mi No. I! Daily Leave Fayetteville ... 4:45 p in Leave Hope Mills.. . . 5:02 " Leave Red Springs 5-42 ' Arrive Maxton 41:11 " Leave Maxton tl:15 " Arrive liennettsville . 7:2(1 ' No. ICi. Noinii bon mi mixed. Daily Exc')l Sunday . Leave Ramseur. 7:4(1 am LeaveClimax.. Ih'Xi " Arrive Greensboro ...Hi'Jtl " Leave Greensboro ... 10.55 " Leave Stockesdale 12:20pm Arrive Madison ... .1.1(1 " No 15 mixed sorni itocN n Daily Kxe'pt Sunday. Leave Madison . ... 2:10 p m Leave Stockesdale ...."! 05 " Arrive Greensboro . 4:.'i(i ' Leave Greensboro . 5 45 " Leave Climax ti:57 " Arrive. Ramseur S:.'t " rONNEf-moNs at Fayetteville with Atlantie Coast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at Sanford with Sea board Railway, at Greensboro with Southern, at Walnut Cove with Nor folk & Western Railway. J W FRY, W F. KYLE, Gen 'l Manager. Gen'l l'tss Al. Sale of City Property- By virtue of the powers conferred upon me in a certain mortgage deed dated June (i, 1.191, from Clias. A Goodwin and Alice A. (ioodwin, his wife, to Thomas D. Martin, which said mortgage deed is registered in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Wake county, in book 112, page ' I will on Monday, the 12th day of July, 1SH7, at the court house door in the city of Raleigh, sell to the highest bidder for cash, two certain lots in the city of Raleigh, being the following: First Lot Situated on the north side of East Cabarrus street, bi ing part of lot No. 44 in the plan of the city of Raleigh as shown by Shaffer s map of said city, and adjoins the lands of the late N. V. Denton, Mrs. Sallie Lassiter and descrilied as follows: Beginning on Cabarrus street at N. V. Denton's southwest corner on said street, runswestward with the northern line of said street, fifty feet to W. H. J. Goodwin's corner, thence northward at right angels with said street aticint two nunureu ana ten iiej icei i-o nn No. 1)0 in the plan of said city oi Ral eigh, thence eastward with the line of that lot to Denton's corner fifty feet, thence south with Denton's line about two hundred and ten feet to the begin ning, being the same lot conveyed to Baid C A. Goodwin by F. J. Haywood D. G. Fowle and wife, et als, by deed recorded in book (4, at page 488 in the Register of Deeds olllee of Wake county. Second Lot Situated between Fay t tteville and Wilmington streets, front ing about one hundred feet on each and situated about the middle of the block lietween Davie and Cabarrus streets in the city of Raleigh, embrac ing about .10 by 210 feet otthe northern portion of lot No. 50 and about 50 by 210 feet of the southern portion o. lot No. liti according to the pian of the city of Raleigh as shown bv Shaffer's map of said city and more fully described and bounded as follows: Beginning at tbc southwest corner of a lot owned by the late John Galling or his wife (News and Observer building) in the eastern line of Fayetteville street, thence east two hundred and ten feet to the western line of Wilmington street, thence south with the western line of said street about one hundred feet to the lineof It. S. Tucker, thence west with his line two hundred and ten feet to the eastern line of Fayetteville street, thence north with the eastern line of Fayetteville stieet about one hundred feet to the place of beginning, containing nearly one-half of an acre, being the Bamo land conveyed toChae. A. Goodwin by James Fennessey by deed recorded in the office of the Re gister of Deeds of Wake county in book 113, page 778. Time of sale 12 o'clock noon Place of sale Court House door. Terms cash. T. D. Martin, Mortgagee June 11, 1897. MAnV'rS. ClMClUMATi B I, rl- Ohio. PURE AND CHEAP I C E FOR SALE. Retail prices same as last season, which are lower than other places, as "follows: Delivered from wagons each morning and evening, except Sundays, or at factory KVtiiY day. Five lbs, and less than ten lbs, at one time, (illc per 100 lbs. J Ten lb-;, and less than 25 lbs. at one time, 50e per 100 lbs. 25 lbs anil less than 100 lbs. atone lime, 40o per 100 lbs. 100 lbs anil less than 1,000 lbs at one time, l!5c per 100 lbs. l.oiKl lbs. anil less than 2,000 lbs at inie time, .'(tie per 100 lbs. 2 mill lbs or more at one time. 25e per K ll lbs Drivers are aulliorizeil to sell tickets for cash by the package at above prices. They are expected to be accommodating; toannounee their arrival at f 'O'it, g;ate anil deliver ice thetvon receipt of t icket or money, but will nut have time to wait or leave wagons to deliver ice in li'iuses We w ish to serve all res; ii hi i-l v and roipiest the e-o-operation of all the pe-ople. Those wisliinf; ice will please give notice a day in advance. Jones & Powell, RALEIGH, N. C. t 'hones 41 and 71. I.im Kates North urn! West. The following rates are now in elTect from Norfolk, Portsmouth and Old Point via Baltimore and the Rival Blue Line (B & O R R): Philadelph a, one wav, $3 SO, Philadelphia, round trip, $5.50. New York, one way, $0 'M. New York, round trip, $9.50. Also low rates to all points North and west via Washington or Balti more. For tickets, Pullman space and stateroom reservation on Wash ington or Baltimore steamers apply to Aktiu r G Lewis, Southern Passenger Agent Jnder Atlantie Hotel, Not folk, Va. mav 11 tf Allininthlral'tr's Notice! Having qualified as administrator of the estate of David II. King, de ccised, late of Wake county, N. c. , this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or lie fore the 5th day of February, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersigned. J. C. Marcom, Administrator of David H. King. Feb. 4. 18H7 ltwliw Special Kcursicin Uutes via Seuheard Air Line. Rates to Norfolk, Va,, on account Chautauqua bv the sea, June I4th to July 14lh. IS! IT. On account of the above occasion the SAL will sell round trip tickets to Norfolk, Yu., from Raleigh for $0 05. Tickets to be sold June 1'Jlh to July 14tb inclusive, limited ten days from date of sale, with final limit July Kith. iirtli Carolinu State liaptist Sunday. Stfhmil I'lwiiitantjiin. Red Springs, N. C, August. 10th, 1S!I7. On account of the above occasion the S A L will sell round trip tickets to Red Springs, N. C., at the rate of one lirst class limited fare for the round trip. Tickets to be sold August 0th. 10th and 11th. with linaljiinit August 2dth. TLq Dew Jde&. Are you bright and clever f If bo, you hat plenty of iitaaa of your own, also sense enough to Krasp good new ones when offefied. What -to ou think of a 3Hooiumn Illustrated Monthly Ft iHfr.eaoh ifcriuecontaiumga Pieos of Music, Vocal r Instrumental, Latest Fashions, Good HUirtes, I ramatii' Nrws and Portraits of Pretty Acti'esses, Household, Toilet and Fancy Work Hints, all for i cents a year, postpaid r Seems too good to true, hut wt give you exactly what we advertise. Scud cento and see for yourself. TUB NEW IDEA CO., 1441 Broadway, New York City. i gents wanted. Liberal commission paid. NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO. "he tianddoraegt musical and fashion journal fct mrrica, full sheet music aise, 83 k es and hand some cover, containing from ten to twele piece .t vocal or Instrumental music, besides four or m e portraits of leading actresses. Bubsciiptioa hy the year, $1.50, sample copy, 10 Ota. Addraal Tha NEW YORK MUSICAL KCHO CO., Broadway Theatre Building, New York. ents w-pntp-1 Liberal commission Mid, Caveats, and Trade-Mark obtained and all Pat-1 entbusloeu conducted for MooiRATC Fees, I Oun Office is Opmiite U. 8. Patent Office 1 and we cansecure patent in leu tuna loan Ummc' remote irom wasninton. , Send model, drawing or photo., with descrlp-i tion. we advise, if patentable or not, free of char ire. Our fee not due till Datent it lecnred. ! j rAMPHLCT, " How to Obtain Patent," with J cost 01 same in tne u. a, ana foreign countries sent free. Addresn, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opr. Phtikt Omcr., Vi-loTrn. o. C. Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified as Exeeu tor of the estate of the late Crady Blake, deceased, this is to gire notic to all parties having claims against said party will present them to me 0 or before the 18th day of November 1897, or this be plead In bar of their recovery. A J. ELLIS, oe 1!) Jawfiw Ezerutor 1111