v 3 THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. Tiios. J. PKNCB City Editor. Index to New Advertlnements. Ti tl Howells Specials. Whiting Bros. Specials House Furnishings -K b White. A Card J W Coin. J C S Lumsden Gasoline Stoves. WEDNESDAY July 28 THE WEATHER The following is the weather pre diction Mr Raleigh and vicinity (not extending beyond a radius of UO miles) issued at S a. in. today, July2S: pu7 Fair tonight and to WARM The following were 1ht conditions at S a in. todav Barometer (ins) Dry bulb (deg.) Change in 21 hours Wet bulb Maximum temperature. Wind velocity Rainfall Direction of wind . weattier . :io.ot (10 70 s: Lt (1.00 S State of weather Cloudy Personals. Mr R B Raney is now in Asheville Mr Frank Einerv has returned to the city. Rev George Washington Grillin went to Fayelteville today. Captain W H Dav and Mr Camer on MacRao have gone to Littleton Col Adam Davis, of Goldsboro. spent today in the city. He says the watermelon crop in Wayne county is excellent; raanv melons have been shipped north. Mr Arthur Ballentine, Mr Dave Berwanger aud several othergeutle men will leave this afternoon for Fiujuay's Mineral Springs to attend the big picnic there tomorrow. I rand Secretary 3 II Woodell left this morning for tlatescounty where lie will spend a week in the interest of the I O O P. BUSINESS ITEMS. Canadian Club whiskey at Den ton's, sole agent. If you don't want the best don't ask for Whiting Bros grapes or ders taken . jul 2S :!t rue eontiuVnce of the people in Hood's Sarsapurilla is due to its un equalled record of wonderful cures. 100,000 of the finest variety of cel ery plants at ,00c. per hundred. All kinds of home-grown vegetables de livered fresh by R- Howf.i.i.. A tine lot of Chicago beef just re ceived at the Metropolitan Meat Mar ket. Also other meats in cold storage- Tenderness guaranteed. K. P. Howf.1.1.. Take a bird's eye view of J. D. Carroll's North Carolina Bacon, Hams, Shoulders and Sides. Prices to suit the times. 22.) South Wil mington street, Raleigh. X. C. jlo Cool rooms, with or without table board, within two squares of the capital, corner Wilmington and Lane streets. Mhs. Devfheix. jv22 eod 4w I am now offering the famous An nerundel cantelopes at the Metro politan Market, the most delicious melon on the market. R. P Howell. I ffill for the next 30 days sell Cedar Run whiskey, 8yearsold, has had 6,000 miles sea voyage for $1 per quart or 4 per gallon, guaran teed represented. ju!27 3t Ed V Denton. Canvassers for responsible house, pays $40 to f50 per month guaran teed salary. Call on Allen and Pace, over Mahler's jewelery store. jul 27 2t I llnve Some Xdlcwild Lots for Sale and I am going to sell them. Any onedesiring cheap building lots can get this property atagreat sacrifice. I say I am going to sell and I mean it. Lome to see me. Jab. A. Sanders. A Card. To my friends and patrons: I would say that 1 have opened my jewelry, shop in the furniture store of Thomas & Campbell, where I will be pleased to sell you a good watch or do your watch, clock and jewelry work with neatness and dispatch. Remember the place, Thomas & Camp bell's, between Whiting Bros and Woollcott & Son, No. 12 East Mar tin street, Raleigh, N. C. jul28 2t J. W. Cole. , Uodm Furnishing. For a few days only my samples can be seen at No. 13 West ilarget stref. Carpets, draperies, curtains furniture and everythng pertaining to house furnishing; new and stylish effects, representing the immense stock of Minch and Eisenbrey, Bal timore. Orders taken for present or future delivery, and house-keepers Are cordially invitt d to see my ex hibit: Very respectfully, -ju281t ' - B. & Whiti Just received Ausrustenesbrau, the best imported beer sold in the Uni ted States, price 20c per bottle, former price 25c at Denton's. Bouse fot Kent. Dwelling house. Desirable part of the city. Possession first July. Apply to G. Hi LtfACH, tr .103 Wilmington street WHITE MOUNTAIN" Ice Cream Freezers, FKEEZES IN -1 MINUTES tfii-ik mimitn. cream mixes: Seeond minute, cream begins to freeze; Third minute, nearly fro.en, Fourth minute, perfectly fro.On Thos. H. Briggs & Sons, RALEIGII. N. C. A LIBERAL OFFER. We sell a drink of anything at our fountain and and a package contain ing three pieces of nice chewing gum, all for live cents This is ei-rtainly giving you the ivort.li of vour money. We have enough to give every man, woman and child in Raleigh a piece of gum, and our fountain luvcr runs dry. Hieycle riders ought to be. interested in this oiler. W. II. KING & CO., Druggists. IViyetteville S reet, Gasoline Stoves, Itotli Vapor ami Generator Burin r. One. two, three, and four hole stoves. Kight new ones to arrive Thursday, July 20th. Come and see them. We'll cheerfully explain ev ery point about them. Also... DKNZTXK, CASOLTXE, and N APT HA FOR SALK. liespectfuilv, J. G. S. LUMSDEN, Henry Building, Opp. Postofiice. J. M. PACE, Dealer in-- Mules and Horses, Buggies, Wagons I have on hand a good lot of Bug gies and Waggons, and will make prices to suit the times. J. M. PACE, jll East Martin street, Raleigh, N. C. LINES ON LININGS. We have just gone over plicate piece, or shade to prices that will help run up your expense a nutshell: 5c Yard. For 10 and 121 Siletdas and Perealinps, odd shades of 30 inch goods, mostly Tans and Lavenders, 5c Yard. 10 pieces of Figured Silesia, the 8jc kind 30 inches wide, Drab colors, witn neat black figures and stripes. Also-- 15 dozen of ladies, 5 inch 25o kind in sizes 8. 8i, 9, TrMVTCC BIG L206Fayettevillo Street. purnip Seedsj McKIMMON'S Drug Store. STILL THEY GO. Riggan's selling to reduce stock still on. This week we come again to give away (so to speak I some things all need. Saturday Special We will sell you one box of three cakes buttermilk toilet soap for only 5. Monday Special We have a few dozen of those plain glass water tum blers left. To close them all out we otter vou airain for lie a set of six also we let you have the same day ( Monday ) one half gallon glass pitcher for loc. Tuesday Special Pour inch square or round Derrv or ice cream nappies imitation cut trlass. the finish and pol ish for 3c each, 3tie doen. Wednesday's Special All yellow ware, bakers' nappies and 1owIb, all sizes! We take 25 )er cent off the price. Uur price is tne lowest, tuus 25 per cent lesn Thursday's S(ecial You take nine inch tin pie plates for 2". each and our large size dust pan for only 5c, all good, cheapest prices, but these prices take the cuke. Send anybody to buy for you, and if not what you want. you get your money nacK. Riggan's Toy Store jy3 lui Is the Place. We have over 1,000 Lbs. North Carolina Bacon now in store which is perhaps the finest lot seen here this season. It is cut and cured on the order of Virginia meat. The Hams are close cut, round, plump and sound as a dollar. The sides are small, "streak o' lean and streak o fat" with rib left in; all is smoked to a rich brown color, which preserves and imparts to it that sweet, delicious flavor so much sought after and ap preciated by connoisseurs. The party who cut and cured this bacon is a man of experience, who enjoys a well earno-J reputation for fine cured meats It must be seen to be appreciated. J. 5 to 15 lbs. 12jc per pound. CLf4no h'UilO lbs. 10c per ib. CJjfiO vut strips) 5 toll OlvlCS lbs., 10c per pound. Jf you want sugar cured Hams or fine English cured Breakfast Stftfps (small and taw ) we nave them at l2je to I'iic pound. 0. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. nioiiM 2K. the entire lining stock. Every du that we will not carry this fall is cut you fix over that old dress and not account. Here is the lining story in turnback white licen cuffs, the 9J for.. -Qq Pgjj STORE.... EJ A very fine Hlo of Pickles, Cutsups, Sanppss. Olives, etc. Anv variety of sweet mixed, sour mixed- Gerkins, Midgets, Chow-Chow, ttcaiuii, etc., in bottles or by measure. We Offer Today An pvtrn finn Int. nf Smil.liamnton. Va., Hams. Utmost care taken in the curing and smoking of these Hains. Also best brands of sugar cured and North Carolina Hams Breakfast Bacon, etc. Ho Shoddy Staff Kept. J. D. TURNER, Cor Johnson and Halifax St Telephone 12ft UST OPENED Lots of Comfort FOR LITTLE CASH . Is what ou wilt find in aur present Reduction Sale in all Spring and Summer Suits" in all sizes and all the fashionable sorts. There is lots of time to we;-.r these suits this season yet. but we have no further option and must pursue our established business policy. While others are following our plans, yet, our special sales are charac teristic, fu 1 of value and new styles, the result of our past record and true ness to our sneeial sales. It is your time for saving lots of cash: at this stago of the fame we can not, count a' few dollars loss: we must loose to clean, and to clear out. Who ever heard of an all-wool suit, nicely made up, nicely lined, lit as good as the best for to. The wholesale worth of these suits is $7 50, the actual retail price is $10 IX), sack suits only at this price. $7 Will buy any of our celebrated unlined to 51- ymir tailor eouiu not nt 'jr yet. $13 For the verv finest suits that we sold stripes, iniiuii".i i h. vn.i.s, c-asiui.-i-es skeleton back, Willi mIk hi hack of vest. 3. & D. BERWANGER, wim-: AWAKE Leading One Price Clothiers. Ruyall & Borden INCORPORATED. Wilmington and Fayelteville Streets. nORIlEN, PRESIDENT. KOVAI.I., VICE-PRESIDENT. We Do Not Pretend or Intend To sell Furniture at cost, but we do that are reasonable and terms that are every line. We respectfully ask your inspection. US' Fayetteville Steet Entrance throujrb Stronach's dry goods store. Telephone No. 266 B. Heller Brothers' Creat Deduction Sale! We find we have ton many of the following lines, so have made the pricps that will surely move them: Ladies' Tan Oxford Ties, formerly tl 50 and 12 a pair, now 75c. Ladies' Black Oxfords reduced from $2 25 to f 1 50. Gent's Russia calf Bals, formerly $4, now $3.- $5 Patent Leather Shoes now go for 14; 15 Russia Calf Bals, 13 50. Misses' Heeled Button Shoes 50c a pair, former pric $2. IM ID-SUMMER STRONACH'S, We are not slacking off because weather is depressing, but we are keeping right up with the wants of the people and we show this week: New Val Laces, 20c per yard up. New Morie and Taffetta Ribbons. New Embroideries, 3c per yard up. New line 40 inch. Lawns, 7jc up. - A new lot of our popular Bicycle Suitings ia tan, brown and gray, 12 c yd. 14 new lot of Sail Weave A porrect Jine of Hand Bags, Grips, Telescppes, Trunks and Trunk Straps. To close out the remnant of our slock of Shirt Waists we let the cus- omnr make the price. We do not carry over one Waist with this offer. 1 The shoe trade in mighty uigh A. B. STRONACH. Dr. E. E. TERRY, VETtamiRim. Office and sanitarium Davie street, be tween Wilmington and mount sis. Advice free. Calls answered to all part of city and country. Corre spondence free. RALEIGH, N. C. R. C. McOlvin, Kerry Scientific Horae-Shoer. Faulty gaits, remedied, diseased and crippled a specialty. Makes 42 differ ent kind of shoes. Davie street, Ral eigh, N. C. Julyl9 Wanted. OM el. lilies', shoes, hats, pistols, guiiH. wuiehes, clocks. Cash paid for second hand clothing of every description at Harris' Steam Dye Works. East Ilargett street, Raleigh. Suits cleaned 75c; cleaned and dyed $151). juTlro 50 Serge Suits that are worth from $10 suit you netier ior fio, newiy uu oiic. 50 for 122. $2u. $18 to $15. stylish plaids, and Clay Serges lined with silk and Furniture Comp'y T. P. JERMAN, JR., SEC, A(D TREAS, MILES OOODWIN, INSTALLMENT M OR propose to give our customers prices liberal. Uur stock is complete in Gent's Button Shoes $1 50, formerly sold for $4 and (5 a pair. Terms, spot cash. QHELLER'S Shoe Store. it's getting a little late, or that the White Duck, 10c per yard. Travellers' Goods. as free as tne shirt waist oner. 1873 WOOLLCOTT & SON. Nearly a 'quarter of in this eitv. We do very loud, but the people do blow very loud tor us. Here are a Few Toots From Our Horn: Dress Goods. A larje assortment of Lawns, Mulls. Orpandies. Lannets andother sheer goods for summer wear at low prices, as cheap as any other place. ONE PRICE and having what our customers wanted has made our rep utation. Oxford Ties. All $1 75 Oxfords are now All 1 50 " . " " All 1 25 ' " " All 100 ' " " All 90c " " " All 75c " " " 1 17 1 22 STc 75c G5c These goods are good ov.es at the regular price and are bargains at the closing out prices. A word about Sewing Machines: We sell NEW HOME Sewing Ma shines for $30.00 cash. It is the best machine made and this price is less than ever before offered. We also have a cheaper machine. 25c Towels. Just at present we are selling large size damask and huck towels fur 25c that are worth 35c. Best fan stock in the city, prices 5c to 50c. Ladies' collars, cuffs and neckwear. Fast black hose 25c. A Word About Millinery. If you want a sailor or hat trim med or untrimmed. We can show you one to suit. Always remember that we sell goods as cheap as anybody, and last but not least, we will say you can buy our fancy silks at cost. Woollcott & Son. A Triumph of Successfu Great Mill Sale of Wash Goods. Thousands of yurda of beautiful wash goods at less than half their usual value. Wash goods direct from the mills, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, DIMITIES. liAFPETS AT POSITIVELY KIUICULiOUS PRICES. Thousands of yards of handsome Lawns, Dimities and Lappets of tho handsomest patterns we could find. We consider them as pretty as any shown this season, no matter at what "price. These goods will wash and not fade, and wear and not grow to look bad. They are worth (spuaking as tho Kn market runs generally) all the way from 124 to 15c a yard. Our price, L UMBRELLAS. The end of a manufacturer's summer stocksix small lots, not enough to go around, all tine and well made goods. LOT No. 1. Ooly 10. Size 34 inch ladies' line serge sun umbrellas, usual retail price $1 25, the handles are worth more than we ask for the 7Rn whole umbrella, now f 0j LOT No. 2. Only 11, 24 Inch Ladies' Sun Umbrellas, made CM K( of Taffetta Silk and close rollers, usual retail price $2 60, now v I tvl LOT No. 3. Only 26, Size 20-inch gentlemen's line close rollers, taffeta silk, extra finish, they are sold by everyone at ti 50, some get $:). &1 Kf Our price qJJ. OU LOTS Nos. 4 and 5. Only 40. Size 26 Inch, gentlemen's tine J1 (fi silk serge, steel rod, a great value, usual retail price II 60, now. . . vl lvr LOT No. 6. Only 14. 16 inch gentlemen's tine silk umbrellas, want you to see the handles on this lot, close roller, should be retailed at ti 50 OQ ff now qp vvf Last Week of the Shoe Sale. New goods for our fall trade are beginning to arrive; as we told you last week we must have room for the large stock of shoes we have bought. Had to buy them earlv to save you the advance in prices; to make room the entire .uminer stock will be closed out at ridiculously low prices. Last week shoe news is worth repairing, quantities about half as large. Ladies' Patent Tip Oxfords, sizes 3 and 4, to clear the lot 29o Ladies' and Misses' Black Kid Oxfords, they wereourl 60, $2 anil ti 60 kind, sizes 11 to 2, heels and spring heels, surprising low price 4i)o Ladiss' Dongola Kid Patent Tip Oxfords, 3 to 8, all sizes, now. ! . . . .69o Ladle' Tan and Chocolate Oxfords, new toes, uppers tine kid skin, soles fine oak leather, all sizes, t'i and $2 5o kind, now $1 00 Mineral Hotel, Chase City, Va. llaiMlaomely Painted and Prepared ..Thoroughly Ilenovald. The celebrated Chase Citv uthia and Chloride Calcium Waters are found here. Specifics for Dyspepsia, Indi gestion1, Torpid Lived and all Skin, Blood and Kidney Diseases. Only those who are guests of tho Mineral Hotel and of such private res idence! as have made arrangement with the proprietor for the accommo dation of aruesls, are permitted to use theao waters. Write for descrintive circulars, testinv nials, etc. W. D. PAXTOJf, IVoprictor. 1097 a century in business not blow our own horn Special toots from . Grocery Dep t. Black and green tea 50c. The same you pay 75c for. We sell a 50c tea for 3!tc. Chipped beef 22c a pound. 2 lb corn beef 20c a can. Linn's roasted coffee l.'Wc. Corn starch 7c per pkg. Grits (very good) 2c. 10c condensed milk 8,t Good 5c washing soap ;to. Cut loaf sugar 7o lb. Sardines 4c and 10c a box. 25 lbs best lard 1 50. ;? " " " 21c. Breakfast strips, pic nic hams and sugar cured hams received twice a week always fresh and sweet. Large stock of plain and fancy pickles. Bleached Muslin. We put ou sale yesterday one case of the linest and best bleached mus lin ever brought to this city. It counts I!Xi threads to the inch and the price is !jc. It is belter thao cambric for urderwear. Oh, yes! Speaking about under wear, we'll say we have a large as sortment of Ladies' ready made un derwear of all kinds. North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Will Open Sept. 9th, H97. Thorough academic, scientific and technical courses. RxDericneed cialists in every department. Expenses Per Sc union. Including Board For countv students t93.pp for other students..'.... ; , . 123.0" Apply for catalogues to ALKXANDEUQ. HOLLADAY.LL.D, Purchase President, Ualelgh, . 0 July S 3w

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