'3 1 "i ,': mPRFxxVlxlTflR "tOa llOIIUIlj RALEIGU, N. C. Published by the Visitor-Press Company Incorporated. A CONSOLIDATION OF TIIE VISITOR, ES TABLISHED 1878, and the Press, ESTABLISHED 1804. Office in Pullen Building, corner Fayetteville and Davie streets. GKEEK O. ASDRKWS, Editor and .Manager. IASPER N. McRARY. Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. OaeYear 00 Six Months -00 One Month Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter The Leader in t lie News ami in Circulation. TELEPHONE, NO. UN THURSDAY. .August 1! The civil-service commission is overwhelmed with papers of exami nations for government offices and the corps of examiners is working overtime to dispose of the constant accumulation. So far during this administration more people have been examined bv the commission throughout the country than iu any previous year, largely the result of anticipated changes in the rules be cause of the change of administra tion. Over 14,700 papers are now on tile pending action, covering all kinds of examinations. The Chattanooga Trdesman. Au gust 10. says. "Reports from special correspondents at prominent busi ness centres of the South continue encouraging, and both merchants and manufacturers are looking for ward to a large volume of trade in the fall. As to iron and steel, prices are linn, with smiie advances, and inquiries are increasing. The de mand is active, and idle furnaces are being repaired and blown in. Lumber is mo'"i':g freely : and South ern cotton mills are well supplied with orders, and feu' the most part are running on full time The announcement of the purpose of Italy to abandon Red Sea colony of Eritrea conveys no news. The abaudonmeut of that ill starred colonial venture was the issue in the election of March, 1S!0, when the Marquis of Rudiui gained his overwhelming victory over Signor Cripi. The statement that Italy is negotiating a transferor her African possessions would be news, how ever, if it should prove to be true. That Belgium could desire to add Italy's African burden to her own cumbersome possession, the Kongo Free State, is almost incredible. The Japanese, in their eminently practical way, propose to develop the Island of Formosa, which was transferred to them as a part of the Chinese war indemnity, by building 1200 miles nf ra'lroad to facilitate trade. The railroads will also make it easier to preserve internal order. The rapidity with which Japan is constructing railways and building up its mercantile marine, is one of the later wonders of the world. Un der ordinary conditions the geo graphical nearness of Japan to the United States should m:,ke this country the natural source of supply for all the iron and steel equipments of these ships and railroads The Canadian government is evincing commendablp energy in its effort to establish telegraphic com munication with the Yukon gold re gion and in making provision for carrying the mails. It has also sig nified the humane intention, con jointly with the United States, to erect suitable places for shelter at intervals of from 40 to 50 miles along tbe route which may be adopted for forwarding the mails by dog trains during tbe winter. 1 is now very certain that no amount of govern ment precaution and provision will serve to, prevent the utmost Lard- iship and sufTering 00 the part . , ..nnrpnart!i ad venturer .v who will flock to inhospitaple Alaska in search of gold. Desperation has already led to crime, and crime to sudden death, up in the Alaskan wilderress. One poor fellow, having exhausted bis supply of provisions, stole a side of bacon and was summarily shot. In view of the fact that a large propor tion of the gold hunters are provided with barely enough food to last through a tramp 'to Dawson uuder the most favorable conditions, law lessness and suffering are bound to supervene in front of the blockaded passes when supplies shall run short. To be stranded in an Arctic waste wiihout money or food, and with no shelter against the winter except a tent, means death; and that will to t ne certain late oi a majority of the mad rushers for the Alaskan El Dorado. llnoklen's Arntoa Salve. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively curespiles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all druggists. Week Knil Tickets via Sout hern 11'. The Southern Railway has placed on sale every Saturday and Sunday round trip tickets from Raleigh to Old t'oint Comlort, Virginia Beach, Ocean View, Wilmington and More head City at $2 SO for the round trip, good to return Mondays following dates of sale. For further information, apply to Thad C. Sturgis. ticket agent Southern Ftailwav, 1'nion Station. J. M. Ci i.e. W A Ti-rk, Traffic Mgr. ;. P. A. W. II. CitrEN, Gen. Supt. 1 or Over I if lv Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over lifty vears by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhcea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. 2." cents a bottle lie sure and ask fir "Mrs. Win'iw't. Soothing Syrup." and take n other kind . Tlf Ollf C s- ''oi'eU". pro X. tltLllta clirL.J. M-no'', . John son, Solicitor and Attorn. 'i ii I'atent Causes, 17211 Xew York Av i.u . Wash ington. D. '. Oftl- t .-.I'.' .: liS Charges mcJerai- (mi , mili-nee f'jUt'stCil COOL SHOES FOR HOT SUMMER WEAR Built for Comfort, r ' Lot X 1 Reduced t) C!b L t X i 2-R du.-ed to S.'io. Lit Xo : Reduced to 1. Lot No 4 Reduced to $1 2."). Lit Xo "i-K-'duced to $1 ."ill. Lot Xo ii Reduced to $1 73. Lot Xo 7 Reduced to $2 The prices-Jon the above goods are CUT HALF IN TWO- Never beforejhas such bargains been offered on foot "Millinerv." S. C. POOL. VW Fayetteville St. A Just Arrived : Fall styles Stiff and Soft Hats. They "There are lads in fiSYSf medicine as well as in other things,"said a busy CSjsplf druggist, "but the most SCVIV remarkable thing about Hood's Barea parilla is that customers who try other remedies all come buck to Hood's, and this is why the enormous sales ot this great medicine BOH keep up and continue the jTyv hole year round, steady H W as a clock. "Why is it?" "O, simply because Hood's Sarsaparilla has more real cura tive merit than any medicine 1 ever sol-. This is of daily occurrence in almost every drug store. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured more sickness, and made won happiness through restoration to health than any omer cicuivi. Sarsaparilla Is the standard - the One True Blood Purifier. ... are the only jillls U tak HOOd'S PlllS wlUiUuodaaraPar'"- THE NEW CATALOGUE OF- St. Mary's School For the Annual Session of '!'7 and ''.'S ran be had at A. Williams A Go's Hook store or upon application to the Rector, REV. B.SMEDES ju 22 I'm Notice to Creditors of the l.angJon Hensey Coal Mining Company, Kalkii.11. N. C. Aug. 3, 1S97. Pursuaitlo adjournment I shall proceed on Monday. August iG, 1SH7, at 10 o'clock a. in., at my ofiice in the Pullen Building, in the city of Raleigh, to hear such testimony as may be oll'ered touching the claims filed against the Langdon Hens.ey Coal Mining Company. All persons interested are invited to be present, and present such evidence as they may deem proper. Kt. CiiA.MiiF.its Smith, Special Master. aug ;l tus NOT1CK. Hiving this day qu.-ililled as ad o.iratrixuf tile estate of Siou 1). Williams, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present the same to me for in viient on or before the Hull day of j liu. IS'S, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay v.t'i'iiit further demand. LSkttik G. Williams. Administratrix, etc. Raleigh June 1!L "J7. Dressy, and will wear. XOTET1IK FOLLOWING I'KICKS: Ladies' black and colored Oxford Ties: What is Sweeter Than 'Move in ;i cottage?" Why, Whiting Bros, line Bagged Fancy Grapes. They are sweel and clean, free from trash, imperfect berries and insects. Hereafter they will be on sale daily at our store 3-Lb. Baskets 25c. a lb. baskets Mle. The hitler makes a beautiful present for a friend. Bloods - -j Harris' Lithia INNNNNNNNNNNIIHNHI We guarat.tce that one glass of Harris Lithia Carbonated Water will relieve any case of indigestion in one minute's time or money re funded, or if taken after each meal will cure any case of indigestion. Read what the noted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C, has to say far it: Mr. J. T. HARRIS: Dear Sir For the past eight months I have been using Harris' Lithia r with t.ho most excellent results, where I have been able to get my pa tients to drink a sufficient quantity daily. The Carbonated has no equal In Gastric disturbances. In old chronic dyspeptics if you will wash the stomach with salt and water, and have an hour later have your patient arink the Car bonated Lithia you will make many friends and Improve many stomachs. It is an excellent table wator. It is an excellent laxative, and is a sure cure for flatulent dyspepsia. S. M. DAVEGA, M. D. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers, And wholesale agents for llarthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. Marchl8 lv 33 l-3c ON THE DOLLAR. A Quick Good-bye At TUCKER'S STORE To the Balance of Summer Shoes. 6 BINS 6 In order lo make a clean sweep, what's left of the great stock of summer shoes, w - have made up six bins at 33Jc on the dollar. 1st BIN. $1 Your choice of any Ladies' Tan Oxfords or Strap San dals, sizes 1 to 41. for 1. 2d BIN 7.v Your choice of .Hill S.111ll:lls v 1 to ii. for T.'ic 3d BIX, I f - Your ohnioe of any Ladies' Brown Linen Button and Iiced Oxfords, mz -s 1 to r. Mr 4!lo. 4th BIX. 2."e Your choice of any Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords, sizes 1 lo 7. for 2.V. 5'h BIN, 4'A: Your choice of any Misses' Black, Tan, Maroon and Linen Oxfords, sv.es 11 to 1. for 4Hc. lith BIX. :rc Your choice of any Children's Oxfords, Black and Tan and Linen, sizes 7 to 1 OA , for Jiac. This Six Bin Sale of Shoes is the greatest shoe ev.iiit Raleigh has ever had. Kvery'jody can wait on themselves. HAYWOOD, SNOW and TUCKER, TRUSTEES. W. II. A R. S. Tucker & Co.'s Great Dissolution Sales. Simosgn's CURES NASAL CATARRH. Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. A THE MOST Delightful Route To Xew York and Northern and Katcrn Summer Resorts is via the OLD DOMINION LINE And Hail Connections. Always cool on the ocean. Fast handsome steamships leave Norfolk. Va . daily, in.-lndlng Sun d;iy, at 7. .10 p. m., to iew York di rect, affording opportunity for through passengers from the South, Southwest and West to visit Kich mond, Did I'oint Comfort and Vir ginia Beach en route. First class ticket include meals and room. For tickets and general information apply to railroad ticket agents, or to M. li. Crowell, Agent, Norfolk, Va ; J. F. Mayer, Agent, 1212 Main street, Richmond, Va. W. I inillnmlevu Vice I 'resident and Tram' Manager, New York. N. Y. t-lullS THEUNIVERSITY 47 tuaehers, 413 students, (summer sehool 1'), total 549 Board W ft month. Three hrie( courses, three full courses, l.w and MeJical scnoois an I School of Pharmacy. Graduate nnursna (iwn t WOUlen. Summer seh'iol for taehers. Scbolsrships and loans for the needy. Address PRESIDENT ALDERMAN jnc7 Chapel Hill, N. C. IPEACESS RALEIGH.I C One of tho rat famal schools T of North Carolina. Advanoed. thorough, salaat. Most reaaon-1 i able prices. ea ror uiaiuai.i I JAMES DINWIDDIE, M. A. (of UnlT. oi va ) IThen Bauj in sick, gs her Cauorte. (Then she was a Child, she cried for Cwiarla, When she became Miss, sba ohnu to Csrtorla: When she had ChlMim, she raw em Osatrrtl Carbonated any Ladies" Patent Leather Oxfords Ointment IToTHh COMPANY, , Gentk'ii.'-i: With delight I reconimend your foi CONSUMPTION to others, ior it alone saved my i life. ADOLPH ZIMMER, ) Bellwood, Neb., Apr. 13, 1895. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havine auallfled as administrator of we estate ot Lilzzle bpenoer, deceased, late of Wake county, this ia to notify all uersons having claims against the said estate to present them to the un- derslgned on or before the 19th day of June, 18MS, or this notice will oe pli I all i in oar or tneir recovery; ana all per- buus (uuBuiou to tne saia estate win please make immediate payment to the undersigned. HENRY J VOCNO, June 19, 1837-tiw Adm'r. UlKr IT All PAT fldBHTa Mr Mill I. altfal pl,iiU H SrW wy rmrmtMM 10. im In, l, wl Ii I iw m,M Tfct Mm Caa a: laaaa aaatl I ar U Warl ,mmmi n.wuiMiuiiwMaiu4 amtA Sav turn factory aS aaa aaaUi aaS aaaafa (BFFCalllkM aa anl aXar tat lrlai m Uri. fral t K 1 1 lalarl, lulaaialali aa OltataaM f laa Warla1 Tmrnt tuuuie aft. W, Ml WMMS in, UltAIOJU SF1 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE. 1 Condensed Schedule. la Effect Jan 14. I806. Trains Lear Kalelgh Holly "Norfolk and Chattanooga l imited.' 3,40 p, at. Dally, Solid vestlbuled train win. sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga, via. aalin bury, HorRantou. ashevllle, riot springs and inoxvllle. Connects at Durham for Oxford Clnrksvlllr and Keysvlllc, except Sunday. At Greeun boro with the Washington and Souili western Vestlhuled (Limited), train for all points North, end with main Une train No. 11 for Danrille, Richmond and Intermediate loca stations ; also has connection for Wlnston-Salem and with main Hue train No. 36, ' united statrs Fast Mall" for Charlotte. Spartanburg, Ureeti rille, Atlanta and all points South ; lso Colum bia, Augusta. Charleston, Savannah, Jacitsou Tllle, and all points In Florida. Sleeping Car for Atlanta. Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car for Aumista. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A. n. Dally Solid train conalatlu Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Clia tanooga w Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 6:00 pm in time to connect with tbe Old DomlJlon Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Wahs Ington and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Kicb mond S 8 Co's for all poinfnorth and east. Connects at Selma for Fayetteville and In termediate stations on the Wilson and Fa ettevllle Short cut, daily, except sunduy for new era and Morehead City, dally for (iolds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on tlie Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8:53 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvlllc, Rl hmond; at (ireenslmr for Washington and all points norlh. Kj press Train. 3:40 P. ft. Dally For Goldsboro ami inter mediate stations, Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro lor al p luts for North and South and Winstoii-Knleiii and points on the Northwestern North Carolln Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points In West era North Carolina, Knoxvllle, Tenn , Cineln nati and western points; at Charlotte, lo Spai tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Uali-igh, N. C: Express Train. j:40P. M. Dally From Atlanta. Charlotte. Greensboro and all points South. No -fulk and Chattanooga Lli.iltcd 3:40 P. M. Dallv From all points east. Not folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsbuo, Wilmington, Faytt evlll and all points in Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:4s A. n. Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, Chat tanooga, Knoxvllle, Hot springs and AslieHlle Express Train 8.53 a. n, Dally From aoldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local. 7:20 A. fl. Dally From Greensboro and a points North and South. Sleeplug Car from Greensboro to Raleigh. O:0O p. m. Dally exc pi Sunday From Golds boro and all points East. Local freight tral js also carry passengers. Pullman cars on night train from Kaleli;ti te Greensboro. Through Pullman vestlhuled Drawing Room HiiSet Bleeping Car and Vestibul-Hl coaches without change on Norfolk limited. Double dally trains between Kaleigh, Chat lotte and Atlanta. Quick time; unexcelled ac commodation. W. II. GKKKN. lionerjll Suporlntt'i den W. A. TUKK, General Passenger Agenl Washington. I) i.'. J. M O111.P, Traffic. Miinurei Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, etc. Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, For outdoor planting. Hoses, chrysanthemums, eoleus and all kinds of bedding plants. Vines for the veranda. Cabbage, Tomatoes, Kjjjj and other vegetable plants. Evergreen, magnolias nd shade trees. Extra-strong Mareschal Neil RO ES. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace I n etitute Phone lli.- octl7 Notice of Seizure and Libel. Circuit Court of the United States, Eastern Distr'ct of North Carolina, at Kaleigh. United States vs. one copper still, cap and worms, seven beer tubs, one empty barrel, copper pump and Iron pump and twelve casks of corn whis key (about 485 gallons) seized in the possession of 1). P. Williams at Hose boro, N. C. To D. P. William? and to all whom it may concern Greeting: Notice is hereby given that the above mentioned property was seized by F. M. Simmonn, collector of inter nal revenue for the 4th collection dis trict of North Carolina, on the lllth day of January, 1897, as forfeited to the use of the. United States, for viola tion of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted In the Circuit Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes In the said libel of information set forth: and that tho said causes will stand for trial at the rourt room of said court, in the city of Raleigh, on the fourth Monday of December nest. If that be a Jurisdiction day, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter. when and where you and all persons arc warned to appear to show ctuse why condemnation should not be de creed, and judgment accordingly en tered herein, and to intervene for their Interest. Given under my hand, at office In Raleigh, this 6th day of August 1897. u.j. i;AriKUL,Li, u. . Aiartnall. aug 7 law42 " Boils, pimples and eruptions. scrofula, salt rheum and all other manifestations of impure blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Wanted-An Idea Protect jrmr Idnuj they mtj bring you wealth. Writ JOHN WKnnCttltfTRM ntt Pal-ant Attnp. .11 MITE DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmiinfton, New Orleans Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 7, '97. SOUTH HOUND. No. 403. No. 41 Lv.N. Y.,Pen.K.RU 00am 900pm Lv.Phiiadelphia" 112pm 1205am Lv. Baltimore, 315pm 250am Lv. Washington, 440pm i.-wam Lv. Richmond, A. C L. 8 5fipm 9 06am LNorfollS.Alv830pm 005am Lv. Portsmouth, " 84'ipm 920am Lv. Weldon, Ar. Henderson, " 112pm 1155aro " 125u.m 13!lpm Ar Durham, Lv. Durham, 7 32am t409pn 15 20pm tUlOain Ar.Raloigh, " 21liam 334pni Ar.Siinford, " 335am 503um Ar.Sou'n Pines, " 422am 555pn A r. Hamlet, " 510am fi53pm Ar.Wadesboro, " 554am 811pm Ar.Monroe, 043am 912pm A r. Charlotte, 8 30am 10 25pm Ar.Chesler, " 810am 1047pm Lv.Columbia,CN& LUK . . . tfiOOpiu Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 945am 1210am Ar.Greenwood, " 1035am 107am Ar. Abbeville, " 1105am 140am Ar.Elberton, " 1207pm 241am Ar. Athens, " 115pm 345aro Ar.Winder, " 159pm 430am Ar. Atlanta (en ttime)2 50pm 520am noiitii iioi'NU. No 402. No. 38. LvAtlanta, SAL. M 200pm 7 50pm LvWinder, " 240pm 1042pm LvAthens, " 2111pm 112lipm LvKlberton, " 415pm 12 3;atr. Lv Abbeville, " 515pm 140am Lvtireetnvood," 541pm 109am LvClinton, " t!34pm 3 05am ArColumbiaCN&LUK, .... 7 00am LvChester.S.A.L. 813pm 4:ttim ArCharlotte, " 1025pin 8 30am LvMonroe, LvIIamlet, 940pm (i05ain '1123pm 815ara ArWilmington" J530ar,i 1230pm LvSou'nPines " LvIJaleigh, Arllenderson, " 1214am 920am 216am 1135am 828am 1 OOpra ArDurham, LvDurhamf t732am t409pm t520pm til 10am ArWeldon, " 455ani 300pm ArRichniond, ACL. 8 15am (i5(lpm Ai-Wash'jj.PenRK. 1231pm 11 10pm ArBaltimore, " 143pm 1248am ArPhiladphia, " 350pm 3 45atr. ArNewYork, " li23pm l)53aiu Arl'ortsmouth ' ArNorfolk, ' '30am 550pm f 50am b' 05pm Daily. f Daily Except Sunday. JDaily Except Monday. Nos. 403aud 402, "The AtlautaSpe cial," Solid Vestibuled Train of Pull man sleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38, "The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Company sleep ers bet wet n Columbia and Atlanta. Roth trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to Li. A. Newland, Gen. Agt. P. Dept. (i llimball House, Atlanta, Ga. 11. S. Leard, Sal Pass. Agt., Ral eigh, N. C. K. St . John, Vic . President and General Manager. H. W. H. Glover, Traflic Manager. V. K. McRee, General Superinteu dent T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General offices: Portsmouth, Va, Suutliorn Hallway Company. Week ending rates, on sale via Southern railway. Tbe Southern railway have placed on sale every Saturday and Sunday week end tickets to following sea shore and mountain resorts from r , , ivaieigii: rates. To Asheville and return $b 40 To Black Mountain and return 5 10 To Round Knob and return ... 4 90 To Marion and return 4 (',0 To Morgantou and return . ... 4 20 To Connelly Springsand return 4 00 To Hickory and return 4 00 To Old Point Comfort and return 2 50 To Virginia Reach and return 2 50 To Ocean View and return 2 50 To Wilmington and return 2 50 To Morehead City and return . . 2 50 The above tickets are good to re turn on the following Monday after date of sale. For full particulars cal. . o- Write Thad C. Sturgis, ticket agent at the Southern railway union station, Raleigb, N C. WH Green. Gen'l Supt. W A Turk, OPA. J M Culp, T. M. Adml Istraiors Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Sucky Aubry, deo'd, late of Wake county, this is to notify a'l persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before tbe 23d day of May, 1S!)8, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recov ery, and all persons indebted to tbe said estate will please make imme diate payment to the undersigned. j. v. marcom, Adm'r. I: rs

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