A I t , -a t It 1; t. THE PRESS-VISITOR, BALEIQII, If. C. Published by the Vlaltor-Press Compaov Iiworparatad. A CONSOLIDATION OF TI1B VISITOR, JtS- TABLISHED 1878, AND Til It PRESS ESTABLISHED 1894. O.lice ia Pullen Building, comer Fayetteville and Davie streets. GKKKk O. ANI'KKWS, Editor and Manager. ASH K N. MeHARY, Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 4 (Ml Six Months 2.00 Uue Month .if) Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter England raised mare wheat than her people needed for bread Tt was then customary to sell the surplus to France, ant) upon several occa sions during the present century oargoes were sent to the United States This year the crop in Ex tend is below the average, and it will be sufficient to supply bread to the English people f ir only a few months during the year. Notwith. standing this scarcity of wheat for home consumption England has ex ported a small quantity of wheat to France during this present inonlh. This is said to bo due to the artili i al stimulation of the French market by speculators, who. it is said, are undertaking to corner the wheat market in that country. They All arrjs' Lithia Carbonated Come Back ) label: The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. ICS. WEDNESDAY Sept 1 Secretary Gage has made the first experiment with the Tarsney law providing fjr the competition of ar chitects in the design of public buildings by inviting seven archi tects to submit competitive designs and estimates for the Norfolk, Ya . building, for which there is an ap propriation of $190,0(10. It is thi intention of the Secretary also t" invite architects to submit plans for the new Ellis Island i in. ni grant ski tionatNew York, which is to cost $500,000. The Farmers' National Congress is in session in the hall of the House of Representatives of Minnesota, ui St. Paul. It is an interesting hod of men, and the subjects which tli.' will discuss will be of importance ti all citizens. The convention lakes place during the spring wheat har vest and the members wi'l make an excursion through the Valley of tin Red River of the North to see the operation of cutting wheat in In fertile fields of that section. "There are fads In medicine as well as in other things," snid a busy druggtat, "but the moat remarkable thing about Hood's Korea iarilla Is that customers who try other remedies all come Lack to Hood's, and this is why the enormous Bales o( this crreat medicine keep up and continue the H whole year round, steady as a clock "Why is it?" "O, simply because Hood's Sarsaparilla has more real cura tive merit than any medicine 1 ever sold.' This is o( daily occurrence in nlmosl every drug store, llood'a Hursaparilla has cured more sickness, and made leorc happiness through restoration to health than any other medicine, nJOOdS Haek-tan's Arnica salve. The best salve in the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped i hands, chilblains, corns and all skin ' eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents j pr box. For sale by all druggists Sarsaparilla Is the sLinilitril the One True HIixhI I'urincr , arc thu only pills t.i UK nOKl S PlIlS wan Hood's SaiMapaiilU THE NEW CATALOGUE -OF- What Hood's Sarsaparilla lias dune for others it will also do for you. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures all blood diseases. The Southern liailway lias placed on sale every Saturday anil Sunday round trip tickets from li.ileigh to Old Point Coinlort. Virginia Beach, Ocean View, VVilmiiuMon and Mure j head City at $2 50 fort he round trip, good to return Mondays following dates of sale. For further information, apply to 1 had C bturgis, ticket agent Southern Railway, Union Station. J. M. Cn.l, ' W A Ti n K, Traffic Mgr. ; . P. A. V. H. C" rkkn. Gen . Supt. Administrator's oiii-i-. Having tjualitied as executor of the estate o( W It. MeDaile. dee.-as.-d, this is to notify ii.ll ..tuii-, havoc- lainis against the .sun.- to iir.--.ei;t the same to uie for pa tu.-nt on or- l -fore tin-27tli day ot August. I!is, m this notice ill beple.nl in bur ot til-- i-ivcovei-y. All pi-i-soiisin.lebl.il to the '.-tate will please pay without fur. her lenan I. V ... AI.I.EN. Kxeeutor of V. K. MeDaile. I'ale'gli, N. C., Aug. T,, '!i7 St. Mary's School F. r the Annual Session of 97 and Ms can he li;ul at A Williams Co s lionk store or iikui api.licalioii to the Rector, REV. B. SMEDES jii 22 3m UaiuuiiJiiumMUiiuuiiu mniiHininiHifrmfi Tmitiii We guarantee th..t one glass of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water will relieve any case of indigestion in one minnle's time or money re funded, or if taken after each meal will cure any ease of indigestion Read what the noled Dr. Davega, of Chester, S C, has tn say for it: Mr. J. T. HARRIS: Dkak Sik For the past eight months I have li-s-n using Harris' f .ithia Water, with the most excellent results, when' I have lieen able to get tuy pa lients to drink a sullieient quantity daily. The Carbonated has no equal in Casti-ic disturbances. In old chronic dysieptic.s if you will wash the si.oinaeh with salt and water, anil have an hour later have your ptu!ent drink Hie Car bonated Lithia you will make many friends and improve many stomach. It is an excellent table water. It is an excellent laxative, and Is a sure cure for Hatulent dysiepsia. H. M. DAVKCA. M. I). Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers. And wholesale agents for llarlhorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. March!8 lv AT 971 CENTS. Atlanta book dealers deny that there is any trust and declare Ilia' there has been no effort to raise the price and all to sell them al a uni form schedule. The only thing that the booksellers say they have agreed among themselves to do is not to give away rulers, peucils. pads and the little things that usually go with a large purchase of school books These things do not anion el to any thing and it will take a great, many of them to bring any profit, to the dealers, but the profit is so little on school books that this little will help. (t Complete IA id AMD How to Atta'n It." A 'Wonderful Ne- Medical Book.wTilren for Men Only. One copy may bi- liad free on application. ERIE MEDICAL CO. Notice to Creditors of the I. ant-dun llcnszey Coal Mining Company UALEiiiii, N. C, Aug. 3, 1897. Pursuaitto adjournment I shall proceed on Monday, August ifi i Ittii, ni 10 o clock a in., at my office i in the Pullen liuiloing, in the city ol Kaleigh, to hear such testimony as may be tillered touching tin claims liled against the Langilon llenszey Coal Mining Company All persons interested are invited to he present, and present such evidence as they may deem proper. En. Cn.vMiiKits Smith," Special Master aug .'! tds NoTICK Having this day iii.ililieil as ad initiisii atrix of the estate of Sion I) W illianis. deceased, this is to notify all persons h iving claims against the estate to present the same to me for payment, on or before the Ittth day .nine, is:is, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons iniieireii to sain ei-iale will please pay wiliioul lurwicr ucuianti liUTI'IK (I. Wlt.I.lAMs, Administratrix etc Kaleigh .1u ni lit, '117. Opening of Fall Shoes. the Swellest Line in Town. w. dail v recei viiiL' our new f ill lin.w.r clu .,..:...:...... n the new styles, new colors and new loes UV .1...., ... the cheapest and nolib est. line oi shoe, ever shown in the r-it Every pair strictly up to date iu style and quality. Oxford Ties at cost. Beating the record is the order of the day in all sorts of sport, but. it has taken fifty years to reduce thi time of a pacer to a less than two minute record. Pacing is the ladies gait for horses, and it has been only within the period mentioned tha' speeding pacers has received an serious attention. rhe pdm has now been won by ''Star Pointer.' owned by Mr, James A. Murphy, of Chicago. The feat was accom plished on Saturday atReadville. Mass., and it is intererting to know that the record-breaker received hi spring training in Baltimore. The circular letter sent out li the joint committee appointed by L-. Camp and the Sons of Veterans, i Richmond, Va., appealing for contn butions to aid in erecting 111 mi. ments to mark the graves of t.; thousands of Confederates in North ern cemeteries, is meeting with re sponses. Several persons in Haiti more have already written inquiring to whom money shall be sent for thi object. It is estimated that ther are, exclusive of those buried al Camp Chase and Camp Douglas, thirty thousand Southern dead in Northern cemeteries, whose last resting places an unmarked. It is over these graves that the organiza tions referred to propose to under take to plac plain headstones. S. C. POOL. l.'M Fayetleville St. JUST ARRIVED! PROSPERITY? Oh, no, not quite, but a whole raft of Clothing, Hats and Shoes for men, boys nd children. 233 Manhattan Shirt Company's Negli gee and Fancy Shirts for men now offered at 97 1-2 Cents. Styles for early fall. Many are worth $3, not one less than $1,50. Men expect- bargains now. HAYWOOD, SNOW and TUCKER, TRUSTEES. W. II. & R. S. Tucker & Co. 's Ureal Dissolution Sales. Simoson's Ointment CURES A NASAL CATARRH. Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. MOST THK gx Delightful Route hundred or more years ag New Stock, New Styles, Low Price?. We have the best Boys' Pants in the c r,y for 50c. 25c Suspenders for 14c. lOc colored Laundered Shirts for 25c. 10i Socks for 5c. To Nfw York anil Northern and Eastern Summer Kesnrts is via ilie OLD DOMINION LINE And Kail Connections. Always cool on the ocean. h'al handsome sieamsliiiis leave Norf.ilk. Va , dailv. i in-1 itO i nr Sun- lay, al7. HI i. in., tn 'i' uric tli- 'eet, allortliiiL' opportunity fur tliroili'h passengers finni the Sniilli, SuuUiwest and West to visit, lilch mond, Old I'oint Comfort and Vir ginia (teach en route. rirst class ticket" include meals and rooiu. For tiekets ami general information 1 1 i I y to railioad ticket agents, or to M It. Crowell, Aifent. Norfolk, Va : I. V. Mayer, Aeent. 121- Main street, Richmond. Va. V. I j. Cnillnvulou, Vice l resident ami Tratli Manairer, J'oTHi: , . ;o COMPANY, (".".i'i K PA. (lentlemt'ii . With delight ! recommend your SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIU I.INB.) Condensed Schedule. In Hlloct Junc.M. I Hon Train. Lcavs Hnlclh Holly. "Nnrrnlk HnJ ChailimiMHia Limited. 3,40 p, tn. Dally, Solid vmlllnih-d irsln will slettper trom Nurlolk to liHttaiuMiKn via. tutUs bury. HurKUiUiu. Ashovllln, ant 8.rliiK nl kii.iivIIIh Cuiiiwcts Ht Hiirliain tor Oiuird clHrkTill. mill KeyHvilh. eicnpl Huuday. Al. liiwni buru with the WasMliiKliMi ami Hum I. western Vcsll uleil (l.linitcil) train lur all point) North end with main line train No. II fur Danville Kichnmnd Hint Iiiuritie.llnli Uw statlonri ; alto h 9 connei'l Ion fur U'liisUiii-Halnni aud Willi main Hue train No. 36. ' milted slatt-a nut Mali" fur Charlotte NpartauliHrK (Ireen. villn Atlanta and all points Himili; Is.i Culiim Ina AiiKiiHla Charlestoii, Haranuali .lacKSon vllle and all polnu in Klurlda Hleepm i.'hi for Atlanta .lack8ouvllle and ;it (harlotii will NlefthiK O.-ir for AuvimrA. "Norfolk and Chattunoogn l.lmlietf. I114S A. n. Dally -80II1I '.nun couslslli, PiilhnaH 'leophiK ears and coaches from eh tanooa ti Norfolk arriving Norfolk fi:im pn tn time to connect with the Old ronrftiioit Merchants' and Miners Norfolk and Wal Iniou and Kalilmore Cliesapoake and Hlcli moiid S ti Cos tor all pnhtL"iiort.h and east. Connects at Seluia fur Kayctteville and In tenttedlate slattons 011 the Wilson and Pn ettevllle Short out daily, except Sunday for New ern and Morehead i lty dally for Holds boro, and WiliniiiKton and intermediate sta tlons on tt-e WllinuiKron and Weldnu Kaitroan l-inprcsH Trtiin. 8:5J A. M. Dally lolltiecls al Durlialli lot Oxford. K'-ysvill.-, Kl Iniii.u.l; ;u iir.-.-i.il.... for VVashlii.'loii and all p.. nils north, V. press Train. 3:40 P.M. Dally-Kor (toldsl.oro and Intel mediate stations. Local Accommodation. j:00 A. M. 4'ouuects al Oret-iislMiro ..r 1. p lilts for North and South und tV iiiston S;tli and h. Ints 1,11 I lie Northwestern North I nr.-lil Kailroad. At Sallshury. for all polnis in Vies ern North arolina Knoxville. Tenn , eineii natl and western points at Cliarlolte l Si UinblirK. (ireenvillr. Athens. Allanla unit iMiints South Trains Arrive al KiilelKh. N. :.: Kiprcss T rain. j:40P. M. D.lly- I'roin Atlanta, Cliarloli. Ureeusboro and all points South. No -folk and Chattanooga Lli.ilied 3.10P M. I).ll -Kn.in all points east N.. folk Tarlmro. Wilson and water lines. From Coldsls.ii WilmhiKtou. Kayel hviii 4111I all points in Kastern (Carolina. Norfolk mid Cliattnnoogu Limited. 11:45 A n. Daily -Kroui New Vork, Waslilin tun. I.yiirhhiirn Dauvllleand (ireensimro. i lial tauiHiitu kiinxvllle. Hot sprliixs and ahIh-vIIi. ICKpresa Train H, 93 a. m. Dally rrom uoldshoro and 1111. iiiediiile stations. Local. 7:20 A. fl. Dally from Urccii-tlM.ro mill 1 IHiints North and South Mluepot car froi (Ireenstwim to Italelith :00p m Daily exc pi Sunday - Kr..m 0..I1I. Isiro aud all xints K.11L Ixwal In-lKliI tral js also carry iiasseuers. 1'iillnian cars 011 niuht tram from Kaieii'i, . Ureeusboro ThroiiKli riilliuaii vesiihul d nniwlin: Kisn- iiulfet sleeplni; far and Vestil.ii.-il rowiu--without cliauKe on forfolk limned. Dollhle oaily trains helween Kalell,, l h. otto and Atlituia ijiu.-k lone, 1 1. 1 n, -onimiMl.-tl ion V. II. IIKKI-.N. Oeiierai Niiierii,len.ii.i.. W A. IUIIK Oeiieral l'asselli-er Ai'enl Washiiutliiii II .'. .1 ,VI '.111. p. 'IValli. VI ,,, , ., tiuiTFn DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington,, New Orleans Chal tan ixiga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ino-ton, Norfolk and Richmond. SCIIKDTll.K IN EKFKCT FKIIKIJARY 7, '97. south bound. No. -103. No. 41 Lv.N. Y., Pen. U.R.'1 1 IMIam 9(K)pm Lv. Philadelphia" 1 12pm 1205am Lv Baltimore, Hlfipm 250am Lv. Washington, 'HOpm l.'iOam Lv. Richmond, A, CL.85(ipin 905am 9 05am 920am Lv.Norfolk,S.A L.830pin Lv. Portsmouth, " 845pm Lv. Weldon , " 1 1 2Hpm 1 1 55am Ar. Henderson, " 125am Ml-Wprh Ar. Durham, " t732am t409pm Lv. Durham, " t520pm til 10am Ar.lialei;h, " villain :!:t4pm Ar.Sanford, " 335ain 503pin Ar.Sou'n Pines, " 422am 555pm Ar. Hamlet, " 510am (5.'tpra A r. Wades boro, " 554um 811pm Ar.Monroe, " (i lifain 912pm Ar.Charlotte, ' 830ain 10 25pm Ar.Chester, ' 810am 1047p Lv.Colunibia,t;NALI!K . . . fliOOpin Ar.ClinUin, 8.A.L. !l4.ram 1210ain Ar.GrcenwiKKl, " lo:5am 1 07am Ar.Abbeville, " 1105am 1 40ain Ar Klberton, " 121.7pm 241am Ar.Athens, " 116pm H45am Ar.Winder, " 1 5!)pm 430am Ar. Atlanta (cut time)2 50pm 520am NOimi hound. No 402. LvAtlanta, SAL. 1200pm LvWinder, " 240pui Lv Athens, " 21lipm LvElberton, " 415pin LvAbbeville, " 515pm LvOr!enwood," 541 pin LvClinton, " (!34pm ArColunibia-JNALI.'U, LvChesler, S.A.L "Sl.ipin ArCharlotte, " "1025pm Lv Mon roe, Lvllamlet, No. 750pm 1042pm 112(ipm 12 33am 1 40am 1 09am 3 05ara tTOilam 4 33am 8 30am 940pm 1 1 2,'H m ti 05am 8 15am ArWilininirtoii" Jfi.'Muiu 12 30pm LvSou'nl'ines LvlJiileifjh, Arllenderson, ArDiiiliani, LvDiirhauif ' ArWeldon, " 455iun 3(Mipm ArUichmond, AOL 815aia 05llpm A. Wasl. PenliR. 1231 pm 1 1 10pm ArBaltimore, " 143pm 1248am ArPhiladphia, " 350pm 345air ArNewYork, " "Ii23pm 53am I214ii)i 9 2lam 21Ik.iii 1135am 82Si.ni lll(lpra t32;.m f 4 09pm f&20pm fll 11 lam New York. N. Y. tin I lr THE UNIVERSITY Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, etc. Bouquets, Flora) Designs, palms, Ferns, For oii ilnor planting Ito.sos, elir.vsanllieliiuiiiH eoli-u am all k ititls of lieililinp plants. V lues tor 1 lie veraiula. C'aliliau'e, Tomatoes. Ksrsr anil olliei vetfe'alile plants. I'.vertrreeii, matrnohas nil -.h:nl. trees. Extra-strong Maresctial Neil H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near I'eaei- li' atitute I'hone U:t.. oetl" 47 teacher!!, 41a etnilents, ( Hiiuimer school ln-1, total !i4'i ttoanl .H nioutli. Three brief courses, three full 0111-ses, Lhm' itnd MeJitti.1 Si-liools 111 1 Seliool of I'liariwj . Grrtiluat- oureH oiK-n 1 1 woim-n. Mimmer sen. hi fur teif-l cr. SeJiolrhliH and loans for the needy. Address PRESIDENT ILDERUAN june7 Chapel Hill. N. C. IPEACE!"f",le:! i RALKKJII.N C One of the crc t finJe kcIhhi t of (arth iiritliftii. .l.lviinct'tl X iht ntfh. tcler t rcnsMn J JAMES DINWrDDIE, M. A. (of I In v of Va ) llMB tinny was slek, wn gave her 1 a,4oria. Ilttm aba waa a Child, she cried f or Tamona. wTwaiaue beuama Uisa, abs duag to Oaatorte fTtieu aba had diUHren, alia gat W Qulrrii fol CONSUMPTION to others, ,for it alone saved mv life. ADOLPH ZIMMER, Bellwood,Neb.,Apr.l3, 1895. Nuiiee ol Seizure null I. ill. I. Circuit Court of the United -Suites Eastei n District of North Carolina at Kalcifrh. United States vs one Conner still. cap and worms, seven be r lulis. nm empty barrel, eOip.-r piimp and iron innnii anil twelve casks of i orn whis key (about 48ft .'alloiis) se zed in tin possession of f). I'. Williams at. Itoso- iKiro, N C To I). 1'. Williams and to nil whom ii may concern- ( 'recti iif;: Notieu is herebv e-iveii tli.it l.l..- bove mentioned property was seized ny r . m bimmons, collector of inter ml revenue for the 4ih collection dis trict of North Carolina, on Hie Pith day of Januni-v. iMli. us forf.-ii-.u u. the use of the United States, fur viola- tlon of the Internal Revenue Laws, and ArPortsiiiouth " 730um 5511pm ArNorfolk, " 750un IHlapm "Daily. fDaily Kxeept unday. JDaily Kxiept Mondaj . Nos. 403 and 402. "The Atlanta Spe eial, "Solid Yestibuled Train of Pall inau sleepers and coaches between Washington and Allanla, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth, anil Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38, "The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Company sleep ers between Columbia and Atlanta. Ilolli trains make imn ediate con nections at Atlanta for Monl -ornery, ' Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to R A. Newland, (ien. Aft. P. Dept. t! llimball House, Atlanta, Ga. H S. Leard, sa iass A, Ial eifjh, N. C. ' E St. John. V'ii Pri-siilent iin.l General Manager. H. V. H Clover, Traffic Manager. V. E. McHee, General Superinten dent T. J Anderson, Geueral Passen ger Aent. General ollices: Portsmouth. Va, Sonthnrn Hnllwny i umpiiiiy. Week endinj,' rates, on sale via Southern railway. The Southern railway have placed on sale every Saturday und Sunday week end tickets to following sea shore and mountain resorts from Raleigh: RAT,S To Asheville and return tlMO To Rlack Mountain and return 5 10 To Round Knob aud return ... 4 90 To Marion and return 4 i;o To Morganton and return . ... 4 20 To Conn -llv Springsand return 4 00 lo Hickory and return 4 (10 ToOld PointComfortand return ! fill ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Haviiiir nu iMfii-il as ailiniiilslrnlor ,l the estate ot Lizzie Spone. r. deceased. law 111 viike eountv. l.hi is Ij. ....i.if,. a II I I - . . . . ' .11 i;in.,nn nil,- luif eiHniiH iiirM Inst t.lu said esl:il. to iiri-seiit tliem t . il... lersiirned on .-r i-efoi-e Ll..- huh I line, H'H. or III n m ti.,- will l. ...'...i iu n.-tr 01 i.ni-ii l-e..-iiv,-i v: ,.,! -1, lh r. sons ind.-iit-d to tin- said eiiau- il iiles- iniike inun di vU-i.inni.-t.t l.. il unilei-slgii : :. HhNitv .1 Ynr.vo .Iiiiih I ft, IK iT-tiw Adm'r the same 1- liiK-iMi anu pi ..s,-,-uteU in To Virginia Heac h and return 2 50 the Circiiii. Court - f the United Slates Tn Oee.-Tr, Vi !.... ' lUrn t . for eoiideiiilia'iou lor HiuciiuseH tn Liu. Tn i;n.. :.. . . ' ' '"ru ' ' 6 said lihol of information set foul.; h '"""'". no return .... 2 50 that the shUI causes will stand r,. "'""renead City and return . . 2'5 trial at n e roin-t room of said court in abve tickets are good to re- in me city of Ualcigh. on he fourth vn nn l"" 'ollowing Monday after Monday of December next.' if that h n. jurisdiction day. and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where y..n hikI a , i-,,,,h arc warned to ap-iear to show ctnse wny c.iiiileniiiai.ion slioiild not l i- do. I creed, and jildi nient ni-i-oriliii(iy en tered herein, and to iutervene for their interest. ' . Given under in- hand :,i. ,n' i Ral. ich, i.l, is i.ih liny of A,... ust Sir;. "..i.i.fliii;ii.i. U.K. Man hall, aug 7 law)2 5SMiC irBMtf8ilBIII. Wmrit tm IMntnlna iralk rr?' "irk " aw K .i.k. in.u- lOu,, m inS'Pt Ttta., KM-nw 'cia. a'U. a.irjMii tnik uoii.; la. 2 i,',urr-i j-i - a. WmMtj ftr Ul.. . ll .. . ..: . rot. Iter facMry mU mm Atabe. W4 u.(' ana. f OIBalf 0- BO. M VtttMk An. CHIIAA0-U1 Doih, punpl.-s li . I i i iiptim.s. C--'. I . - il l I i il :, ,.. . m ii. if lui ... -. . f iii, i,i, eu eil be I Siosui nrilla date of sale. For full particulars -.. - o write maa u. Sturia, ticket auent at the Southern railway uniou station, R-ileigb, N O. . W H c;RtsiiN, Gen,'l Supti W A Tubk, G P Ai J M Ciw, T. M. ' JVanfedMn idea stt"-- mircl rsir iiu. , n. ....... "rfi'i ''.'.'. All in I Imrtuom Notice. Having qualilied as administrator of the estate of Sucky Aubry, dee d late of Wake county, this is to notify a'l persons having claims against the said estate lo nmcni n, , r..... .ucill IU the undersigned on or before tbe 23d day of May, 1898, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recov ery, and all persous indebted to the sa.d estate will please makfe imme diate payment to tbe undersigned oarr WaMiilaaM..,,. li . l.nr llMlr tl.Klj.rlTi auM v m u at ou uw ui lu,