..-Ill K.iLEIQH, N. C. Published by the Visitor-Press Company ! Incorporated. A CONSOLIDATION OF THE VISITOR, ES TABLISHED 1878, and the Press, ESTABLISHED 1894. Offices in the Academy of Music. GREEK O. ANDREWS, Editor and Manager. IA3PER N. MeRARY. Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 4 00 Six Months $2.00 One Month 35 Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. 168. WEDNESDAY Sept. Mr. Dinfflev feels confident that the revenue from the new tariff for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1898, will be ample. That is to say, not this year, but some other year. When Mr. Bryan requested the B. and M. line, in Nebraska, to bold his train for fifteen minutes to enable him to address a crowd there were several extra freights waiting to be sent forward, and he received the following telegram: "The B. and M. is not in politics; too busy hanliug dollar wheat. " it seems only yesterday that Rev. Dr. John Watson (' Ian Maclaren") was being assailed by his own pres bytery for alleged Arminianism in bis Scotch tales. And now his name is being urged in the candi dacy for the post of Moderator of the next Synod of the Presbyterian Church in England! He is evidently not to receive any literary profit as a result of being branded as a heretic. uey could get them at American prices plus the cost of exportation, duty, etc. A surgical operation, remarkaole in itself and wonderful for its so far successful result, says tbpSan Fran cisco Call, has b-eo performed by Dr. C. Hadleu Carlson upou Ad ran Dehertoghe, a veteran and skillful machinist of this city. Fifteen yards of -ilver wire, as large around as an ordinary hypodermic needle, have been introduced intoand coiled within his arta, the great arte ial channel leading directly from the heart. Those 45 feet of wire huve been in there for tlireu months, and they have saved his life. They were inserted at a time when death seemed certain because of com plications re sulting from a severely injurt'd ceorta. It was a desperate chance, but the man took it and became one of the very few who have ever sur vived such an operation. Strong Nerves just as surely come from the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla as does the cure of scrofula, salt rheum, or other so-called JJood diseases. This Is simply because the blood affects the condition of all the Her vs bones, muscles and ti-sues. If it is Im pure it cannot properly sustain these parts. If made pure. rich, red and vital ized by Hood's Sa ran pa HI a, it carries health instead of disease, and repairs the worn, nervous system as noi hing else can do. Thus nervous prostration, hysteria, neuralgia, heart ) Blimmion. a e cu-ed by Ho Sarsaparilla Because it is the One True Blood Purifier. tl r,.,, lire tin1 best ;iftT-linnf r HOOd S FlliS i.ilN.anl liirestH.ii. ado. BuUea'i Arniea Salve. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all druggists. NOTICK OF BALK. The Klondike craze has proved to be the salvation of Seattle, which was rather dull before the golden boom began. One hardware firm there takes in over $1,000 cash ev ery day, and a leading grocer has employed 40 extra clerics. All of the hotels and lodging houses are crowded. The business at the tele graph office is six times greater than it was. Longmont (Col.) merchants will boycott Denver banks because of a fee for exchange on local banks. Fort Collins bankers are consider ing two propositions in the way of retaliation the charging of 10 cents upon all checks given by Denver banks that come to Fort Collius for collection and the withdrawal of bal ances from the Denver backs and transferring the same to Omaha or Kansas City. Br virtue of authority mortgage from Burton Manguiu and wi'e recorded in Register's office of Wake county, in book ioti, page U-l, 1 will sell on Monday, the Z'th day of September, 1897, at public auction f r cash at the court house door of Wake county, the lands conveyed in said mortgage, same being situated near Wake Forest college, Wake county, N. C, adjoining the lands of the late W. G. Simmons, the late J. S. Pure- foy, the late W. T. Walters and oth ers, and described as fO:.ows: First Lot Begins at a pine corner of the land of said W. G. Simmons and W. T. Walters and runs thence south 39 degrees, west b 75-100 chains to a stone on south side of the Walters road; thence north S7i degrees, west i 28-100 chains to a stone on the Wal ters path: thence north 42 degrees, east 8-85 chains to the beginning, con taining 2 12-100 acres Second Lot Begins at a stone cor ner of above named lot on said Wal ters path, runs thence north -12 de grees, west 5 16-100 chains to a stone, corner of King Young's on Caroline Montague's lot, in said Simmons line: thence south 27 degrees, -ut 3 45 100 chains to a stone on the north side of said Walters path: thence south Hlj degrees, east 5-100 i-iiains to the be ginning, containing Si-100 of m acre, being land conveyed to Burton Man gum by deed recorded in said tvmir 106, page 143 Time or -ale 12 o'ciuca m. This Augu-tJti, J. N ii r.nijft:, ag27-30d .uurtgagec. Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, etc. Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, For outdoor planting. Roses, chrysanthemums, coleuj and all kinds of bedding plants, given in a ' Vines for the veranda. Cabbage, lomatoes, hgg and otm-i vegetable plants. Kvergreen, magnolias nd shade trees. Extra-strong Mareschal Neil H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, stitute Phone 113. near Peace 1 n octl7 Notice to Creditors of the l.ongdon Hcnszcy Coal Mining Company- Raleihh, N. C, Aug. 3, 1S07. Pursuaitto adjournment I shall proceed on Monday, August iti, 1S!1", at 10 o'clock a m., at ray offiVe inthePullen Building, in the city of Raleigh, to hear such testimony j as may be offered touching the ('aims tiled atfainst the Langdon llcnszey Coal Mining Company. All persons interested are invited to be present, and present such evidence as they may deem proper. . This hearing will be resumed on Thursday, September 23, 1897 at 10 I o'clock a ra, at the Federal court room in Raleigh, and continued till ,i ashed. Parties interested will take I notice. Sept 11, 18i7 Ed. Chambers Smith, Special Master. 5.00 CRAWFORD BICYCLES, 1897 Models. 28-inch Wheels. With regular equipment, cash, guaranteed for one vear 24 and-26-inch Wheels, S25.00. Julius Lewis Hardware Company, RALEIGH, N. C. Harris' Lit hia Carbonated of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water in one minute's time or money re- We guarai.tee that one glass will relieve any case of indigestion lunded, or if taken after each meal will cure any case of indigestion. Read what the noted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C, has to say for it: Mr. J. T. HARRIS: Dear Sir For the past eight months I have been using Harris' Lithia Water, with the most excellent results, where I have been able to get my pa tients to drink a sufficient quantity daily. The Carbonated has no equal in Gastric disturbances. In old chronic dvsnentics if Vnu will WAuh t.tio Blmanh with salt and water, and have an hour later have your patient ariuk the Car- k.umi u uiuua juii ma mane iimnj irienus ana improve many stomachs. It is an excellent talile water. It is an excellent laxati Vft. And fa ft. Biirrt onm ti- flatulent dyspepsia. s. M. DAVEGA, M. D. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers, And wholesale agents for Harthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. MarchlS lv Opening of Fall Shoes. -THE- Swellest Line1 in Town. TUCKERS' STORE. The Housekeeper's Chance To Save Money. Selling Carpets. Not many left what's left the best- Axminsters, Wilton Velvets, Body Brussels and Jlaschmers. Prices Make Them Bargains No charge for making and laying: HAYWOOD, SNOW and TUCKER, TRUSTEES. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co.'s Great Dissolution Sales. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, (PIEDMOrfT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In Effect June 14. 1 800. Trnlna Leave Katclgh Dally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited.' 3,40 p. m. Dally, Solid vestlbnled train witli sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga rt&. sails- bury, norg&ntnn, Ashevllle, not springs and Knoxvllle. Connects at Durham lor Ox'nrd. ClarksvlUr and Kaysvllle, except Sunday. At Oreem boro with - the Washington and South western VestH tiled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train Mo. li for Danrllle. Richmond and Intermediate loea stations r also has connection for Winston-Salem and with main Une train No. 85, ' united states rut nail" for Charlotte Spartanburg. Green ville, Atlanta and all points South ; Iso Colum bia. Augusta Charleston, Savannah. Jacxson vllle and all points In Florida Sleeping Car tor Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Bleeping Car for Auarusla. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A. n. Dally Solid train touslntln Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga 10 Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 1:00 pn In time to connect with the Old Doaanlon Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Waits Ington and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Rich mond 8 S Co's for all polntinorth and east Connects at Selma for Fayettevllle and in termed late stations on the Wilson and Fa etterllle Short Cut, dally, except Sunday for New em and Morehead City, dally for Oolds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8:53 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysville, Rlnmond; at flreenshor for Washington and all points north. 'Express Train. 3:40 P. n. Dally For roldsboro and Inter mediate stations. luteal Accommodation. :00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro lor al p luts for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carolln Railroad. At Salisbury, for aU poluta in Wesl era North Carolina, Knoxvllle, Tcnn , Cluotu nati and western points ; at Charlotte, fc Spai tanburg, Greenville, Athens. Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Kalclgh, N. C Express Train. 3:40 P. M. Dally-From Atlanta, Charlotte. Greensboro and all points South. No -folk and Chattanooga I. limited 3:40 P. M. Dallv From all points east. Not folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From UoliislxJo, Wilmington, Fayet evlll and all points lu Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11 :45 A. n. Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lynchburg Danville and Greensboro, Chat tanooga, Knoxvllle, Hot springs and asheville Expresa Train 5,53 a, m. Dally From ooldsborn anu tutei mediate stations, Local. 7:20 A. ft. Dally From Greensboro and a points North and South, gleepiug Car from Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p. m Dally exc pt Suoday-From Golds boro and all points East. Local freight trai as also carry passengers. Pullman cars on night train from Raleigh U Greensboro. Through Pullman vestlbult d Drawing Room Buffet sleeping Car and Vestlbuled coaches wlthoutchange on Norfolk limited. Double dally trains between RaleUh, Char lotte and Atlanta Qt.ick time, ...culled ac commodation. T-. 11. GREEN, itiimi iiiierlutenriem W. A. TUK' Genera' 1 jui, Agent V iiikku'U. D C. J M. vtii.p. Traffic Manaei MORTGAGE SALE. On Tuesday, October 26th, 1897, at the court house door in Raleigh, N C, I will sell at public auction a tract of land i.n Wake county ad joining the lands of H. L. Lassiter; Richardson B P Williamson auu uiuers, oegiuniug at 11 L LAKSl ter's north-west corner on Poplar creeav, runs thence up mid creek 102 poles to Richardson's corner; thence north 88 degrees eist, 325, poles to the Smithfield road; thence southwardly, with the road, 102 poles to B P Williamson 'a corner of atractof land formerly t ecu pied by Beverly Williamson; thence south 88 degrees west, 3251 poles to the beginning coutaining 200 acres more or less; it being the land con veyed to Gary Wall by B P William son and wife by deed delivered con temporaneously wifh the mortgage under which said sale will be made. Sale made by virtue of a purchase money mortgage from Gray Wall to B P Williamson, registered in book No 76 at page 458 of the Register of Deeds ollice of Wake county. Terms of sale: One third cash; residue in two equal installments one and two years ufier rlftvnfsalA at 6 per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B P Williamson, Mortgagee. N. li.- -22 other tracts of land will be sold at same time and place. B. P. Williamson. sept22-6w MORTGAGE SALE. On Tuesday, October aith, 1897, at tho court house door in Raleigh, N. C, I will sell at Dublin auetinn a twr. of land la Swift creek township, coun ty of Wake and State of North Caro lina, containing 49 59-100 aeroa. hound ed on tho north by tho lands of A. B. tmery, on the east and south by the lands of Williamson & tlnchupfih. nr. the west by the lands of Etachel Franks and Fab Stephenson; it being the land conveyed to John K. Newsome by B. 1 Williamson and his wife and W. G. Upchurch and his wife by deed de livered conteinporaueousl-r with the mortfi-age under which said sale will be made. Saie made by virtue of a purchase- money mortgage from John E. New some to Williamson & Upchurch, re gistered in book No. 118, at page 698 of the Register of Deeds office of Walrn county.' Terms of sale: One-third cash: resi due in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale; six per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B. P. Williamson, Surviving Partner and Trustee. N. B. 22 other tracta rf lanrl wilt lie sold at the same time and place. ii. r. w uuamson. We are daily receiving our new fal the new styles, new colors and new toes the cheapest and nobbiest line oi shoes ever shown in the city. hvery pair strictly up-to-date in styie and quality. Oxford Ties at cost. line of shoes," consisting of all TTT J '. i' , . . , . . , . we arc uispiaying ueciciotlly S. C. POOL. 130 Fayetteville St. The latest "Andree pigeon " may not prove to be a canard. Its mes sage bears the date of July 13 last, only two days after Andree soared aloft on his perilous airship voyage. That it has taken the pigeon over two months to convey the tidings back again seems at first blush an incredible feature of the report ; but on toe otner nana, tbe bird may well have drifted about aimlessly. The recent report of Consul Gen eral Mason, at Frankfort, Germany, that American shoes are steadily finding their way to London and Paris, and are meeting with ready sale in the large cities at high prices, should encourage our manufacturers to strike for that market by a more direct route and to increase their efforts to develop its full possibili ties. As the Consul says: "Such American shoes as are now sold here are offered as a costly luxury, where as the fact is that good factory made boots and shoes are cheaper, quality considered, in the United States than anywhere else in tbe world." If tbe Germans buy our shoes at luxury prices they would certainly buy them more largely if a a TTATir It is Done koii t-iaie jeweirv given away to those having drafts on us for the sair.e We have iust received a hand ri some show casecon'aimng$500 worth of useful Jewelry, such as watch cnains, cut! buttons, shirt buttons scarf pins, belt pins, link cuff buttons, breast pins, shirt waist sets, Ac All these are rolled plate and warranted. We are prepared to take up your drafts. OURFAIXSTOCK Is now complete and we can save you money. J ,UUU pairs 10c socks at 5c a pair. Simoson's Ointment CURES NASAL CATARRH. Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. THE MOST Delightful Route To New York and Northern atd Kastern Summer liesorts is via the OLD DOMINION LINE And Rail Connections. Always cool on the ocean. Fast handsome steamships leave Norfolk, Va , daily, including Sun day, at 7.30 p. m., to Mew York di rect, affording opportunity for through passengers from the South, aoutnwest ana west to visit Rich mond, Old Point Comfort and Vir ginia Beach en route. r lrst class ticket include meals and room. For tickets and general information apply to railroad ticket agents, or to .vi. a. tjroweu, Agent, worroiic, va.: F. Mayer, Agent, iziz Mam street. Richmond, Va. FARMERS DIFFER IN OPINION. W. L Gruillaudeu, Tram Manager, UullS Vice President and New York, N. Y. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Now ia the best time to sow Annual CIoveT ocea. in tue busk they are surer and bet ter crop than Cleaned Seed. Jf ground is uaaeu uctweeo your ooicon ami corn rows, run over very lightly with cultivator and sow broadcast thirty of cleaned or sixty pounds of seed in the busk. The moDth of September is the proper uiiuo iu bow an grasses, email plots snonid be spaded deep, and Uelds should be broken with two-horse ploughs, and thoroughly pulverized with disc and harrow. We are giving this inf 'nuation from our experience, we nava seed to sell. We cnarge only lor tbem. We have now in stock Crimson Clover Beed, cleaned and in the bosk: Choice Red Clover Seed: beat nnal. ity Orchard Grass Seed; Bine Grass of finest MORTGAGE 8AI.K. On Tuesday. October 20. 1897. at tne court House door in Kaleigb, N C, I will sell at public auction i tract of land in Wake county ad joining the lands of Gary Wall, A, Mial and others, and bounded as fol lows: Uefjins at a point where Poplar creek crosses the new road A T Mial'scorner, runs thence east wardly along said new road 1G7 2-3 poles to a slake, thence north 3 de grees west 124 Doles to a stake in the lines of B P Williamson and Gary uu s lanus, inence soutti h de grees west 175 poles to said Ponlar creek, thence down the various courses of said creek 97 poles to the oeginnmg, containing 119 acres. more or less, being the land convey ed to H L Lassiter by B P William son and wife by deed delivered con temporaneously with the mortgage under which said sale will be made. bale made by virtue of cowers conferred by a purchase money mortgage from H L Lassiter to B P Williamson, registered in Book 79. page 25 of the Register of Deeds of fice of Wake county. lermsotsale one third cash. rpsi. due in two equal installments one and two years after dav of ri1p. per ceni interest. Hour of sale 12 m. ti. P. ii.mamson. Mortcaffpa. N. B 22 other tracts of land will be sold at same tune and nlanp. R P Williamson. MORTGAGE SALE! On Tuesday October 26th, 1887, at the court house door in Raleigh, N C, I will sell at public auction a tract of land in Swift Creek township, Wake county, bounded on the North by tbe lands of Burwell S Franklin and Ben Franklin; on the East by the lands of Joe Woodard and William son and Upchurch; on the South by the lands of said Williamson and Upchurch; and on the West by tbe lands of James Patrick and F H Stephenson; containing 48 91-100 acres, more or less, it being the land conveyed to Archibald B Emery by B P Williamson and W G Up church and their wives by deed de livered contemporaneously with the mortgage under which said sale will be made. Sale made by virtue of powers con ferred by a purchase-money mort gage from Archibald B Emery to Williamson and Upchurch register ed in Book No. 114, at page 427 of the Register of Deeds ollice of Wake county. Terms of sale, one third cash; rpsidue in two equal installments one and two years after dav of sale. li per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B P Williamson, Surviving partner and Trustee. N li. 22 other tracts of land mill be sold at same time and nla R P Williamson. ay, October 2fl, 1897, at the i door in Raleigh, N. C, I MORTGAGE 8AL,E. On Tuesday, October 26tb. 1897. at the court house door in Raleigh I will sell at public auction the ttact of land in Swift creek townshin. Wake county, containing 65 acres beginning at a stake near a nine quality for lawns, etc: Virginia Winter Win Edwards' and Mullen's corner: .te'"te'VM.,..uJ run8 thence south 87 degrees, eas 70 poles to a stake, formerlv a ninp: thence with Campbell's line south There is no advance in field aeerl wiili th exception of wheat. Will be glad to give prices on anything yon wish in the seed line.. Nearly everything in the grocery line has dvanoed 45 to 60 per cent We have been een compelled to advance the price of Roller Champion Flour." Our "Hieh Art Coffee," "H-No-Tea" and ' Clover Hill Butter" are retailed at former prices, al though there has been material advance in price of butter. Canned Goods are verv much hisber.Will make it to the interest of neraona bnvlnir in targe una 10 give us a eaii. 7 G. Stronach & Sons Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix, of the estate of Mrs D R Riggan deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present the same, on or before tbe 20th day of July, 1898. or this notice will be plead ia bar of recovery. Maoou h Uattis. aug6 law6w . , PEACES One of the great female schools j or noma caroilaa. Advanced,, thoroorn. select. Most reasoa-i able priern. Send for MtalofQe. 1 JAMES DINWIDD1E, M. A. (of Univ. of Va ) 8 degrees, east 127 poles to a stake: lueuce norm oi degrees west 90 poles to a stake in Edwards' line: thence north 3 degrees 126 poles to the beginning! it being the land conveyed to Auderson Burt by B P Williamson and wife and W a Upchurch and wife by deed deliv ered contemporaneously with tbe mortgage under which said sale will be made. Sale made under powers confer red by a purchase-money mortgage from said Anderson Burt 4e Wil liamson and Upchurch, registered in book 101 at page 39 of the regis ter of deeds' office of Wake county. Terms of sale: One-third cash; residue in two equal installments one and two years afU-r day of sale, with 6 per cent Interest. Hour of sale 12 m. ' B P WnxiAM8oN, Surviving Partner and Trustee. N. B. 22 other tracts of land will be sold at same time and Dtace B P Williamson. se 22 tds HALE OF LAND. On Tuesday court house 1 win sell at public auction 1. tract of land in wake county. Mark's cranlr township, adjoining-the lands of Gary Wall, A. T. Mial. H. L. Lassiter and C. M. Williamson, beln the lanrl formerly occupied by Beverly William son, deceased, and now occupied by his family, containing about 200 aorna. This salo is made under powers con veyed in a paper made November 19, 1881, and recorded in book 67. nam 217, Register of Deeds office, Wake uuuncy. Terms of sale: One-third cash; resi due In two equal installments one and two years after day of sale; six per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B. P. Williamson. N. B. 22 other tracts of land will be Fold at the same time and place. B. P. Williamson. North Carolina, 1 Superior Court, Before D. H. Wake County. ) Young.C.S.O. Joel Brown, J. J. Maynard and others, ex partt. On Monday, the 25th day of Octo ber A. D. 1897, we, the undersigned commissioners appointed by the court in tbe above entitled special proceedings, win expose for sale at public outcry on the premises to the highest bidder for cash, or on a credit, as may be announced at sale, all that tract or parcel of land in Wake county, N. C, in Buck Horn township, bounded on the north by lands of Talitha Womble, on the east by Pe, gy Wilson, on the south by the lice of Thomas Womble, deo'd, on tbe west by Prescilla Womble, containing one hundred and ninety eight acres, more or' less and more fully described in deed recorded in ' office of Register of Deeds for Wake county in Book No. 28 at page 372, ' and in the complaint in said pro ceedings. Wr B. WOMBLaV--- W. J. Peel v Com 'rs. Perlp. A Mavnarrl Attnrnnva Tnm retttoners. ..." ;:,. - Wanted An Idea of nwl.aii.ia thlnalufiatatitt vnnv Mu r fthav aiav brtn vna Malta. - I Wrlw JOHW WKDDEKBDRM a CO.. Patent Attor. x aeyi , WMhlngtoa, D. 0., (or ttwrfr (1,100 iirw oOer ' and a v 1M ut eas latmmod lavaatloas vl M,