- .V v J " i I -.-. - -I - gam R1FJ RALEIGH, N. C. Published by ttaa Vtaltor-Press Company Incorporated. I a consolidation of the visitob, is- , TABLISBED 1878, AND TH PRKKS, ESTABLISHED 1894. Offices in the Academy of Music. GREEK O. ANDREWS, Editor and Manager. Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year W 00 Six Months 2 00 r.,n Mnnth 35 f Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter 1 The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. 168. THURSDAY Sept. 23 Consul General Fitzhugh Lee is in Washington, but state department officials declare that his visit has no official significance, and that he will return to Cuba about the first of October. That is more, however, than Gen. Lee has said. Rev. Sam Small has gone to Ken tucky and Ohio. He will take an active part in the campaign in both States, making Democratic speeches He recently had a conference with Mr. Bryan, and he will probably tell the Kentucky and Ohio voters some of the things thay talked about. A motorman in Atlanta has been indefinitely suspended for resenting an insult offered a young lady on a traction car by one of the soldiers from Fort McPherson . A petition is being circulated among citizens asking his reinstatement and com mending him for his chivalry, which seems to be somewhat at a discount in Atlanta justnowespecially among Uncle Sam's brave soldier boys at the fort. A unique entertainment for charity purposes is on the Atlanta boards for the early part of next month. It is to be a prize military drill by a company of young ladies, given for the benefit of the Grady hospital under direction of the ladies' aux iliary of that institution. Forty young ladies have agreed to become members Jof the company and have been hard at work "shouldering arms" and right-wheeling for a week or more, drilling unde.' command of Lieutenant Foster, of the Capital City Guards. They will carry regu lation rifles and wear a natty uni form, being specially made for the event. The show is sure to draw a crowded house. The fact is noted that a suspected thief lately arrested by the Kansas City police carried in his pocket and diligently perused while in custody, not a tale of blood, murder and crime, but Beatrice Harraden's "Ships That Pass in the Night." This is taken as a singular circurn stance, it being a popular belief that most criminals are made so by read tng bad books, and that after they enter upon a career of systematic wickedness they read nothing else The observations made by the offi cers of prison libraries show that the literary tastes of prisoners are fairly good, and that they seem most inclined to standard fiction. IASPER IT. JACtiARY. If the Havanese shall not be alarm ed at the prospects of the dredging of the harbor of their city in order to admit the floating dock which has 'been towed over from Eugland for the use of the naval ships of Sp 'in they will display even more than their ordinary indifference for sani tary surroundings. Havana harbor has been (or nearly four hundred years the sink of a notoriously un salubrlous city, and the sluggish and tideless waters of the bay cover an accumulation of filth the stirring v up of which will mean death to all who shall breathe the noxious exha lations. The condition of LTtrana harbor, however, is merely typical of the rottenness which permeates Spain's colonial administration The newspaper men who trios to interview Mr. Gorman on politics meet with the usual result. He in terviews them and finds out what they nuow, but doeot tell thi-m what he knows. Whether Senator Gorman intends to retire froiii pub lic life at the expiration ! his pres ent term is a question that is still being discussed bolh by his friends and his enemies, but whatever may be his intentions about retiring, there is uo doubt about his inten tion to regain Maryland for the democratic party, nor of his confi dence in his ability to accomplish that result. His expansive smile when existing republican dissen sions in the State are mentioned shows his satisfaction with the situ ation. Boekien'a Arnisa Salve. The best salve in the world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by all druggists. NOTICE OP SALE. By virtue of authority given in a mortgage from Burton Manguui and wi'e recorded in Register's office of Wake county, in book 106, page 144, I will sell on Monday, the 27th day of September, 1897, at public auction for cash at the court house door of Wake county, the lfMids conveyed in said mortgage, same being situated near Wake Forest college, Wake county, N. C, adjoining the lands of the late W. G. Simmons, the late J. S. Pure foy, the late W. T. Walters and oth ers, and described as follows: First Lot Begins at a pine corner of the land of said W. U. Simmons and W. T. Walters and runs thence south 39 degrees, west 6 75-100 chains to a stone on south side of the Walters road; thence north S7i degrees, west 6 23-100 chains to a stone on the Wal ters path: thence north 42 degrees, east 8-85 chains to the beginning, con taining 2 12-100 acres Second Lot Begins at a stone cor ner of above named lot on said Wal ters path, runs thence north 42 de grees, west 5 16-100 chains to a stone, corner of King Young's on Caroline Montague's lot, in said Simmons line: thence south 27 degrees, west 3 45 100 chains to a stone on the north side of said Walters path; thence south 814 degrees, east 5 a-100 chain- to the be ginning, containing 83-100 of an acre, being land conyeyed to liurfin Man gum by deed recorded in s.iid book 106, page 143 Time of salt; 12 o'clock m. This August 2ti. IXMT J. N. H'ii.liimc;, ag27-30d Moree. We "are daily receiving our new fall line of shoes,! consisting of all thelnew styles, new colors and new toes. We are displaying decidedly the cheapest and nobbiest line oi shoes ever shown in the city. Every pair strictly up-to-date in styie and quality. Oxford Ties at cost. S. sCHOW Va ar scarf pins, belt pins, link cuff buttons, All these are rolled II ii rw "riw j We are prepared to take up your drafts. OURFALLSTOCK Is now complete and we can save you money. 1 ,000 pairs "JOc socks at 5c a pair. iron' Nerves just as snreljr'conm from the use of Hood') Barssparilla as doea the cure ot Bocotnta, salt rheum, or other ao-called blood dieeaeea. Thia is simply becaese the blood aBeota the condition ot all the bones, muscles and tissues. If it Is im pure it cannot properly sustain Jhese parts. If made pure. rich, red and vital lied by Hood's Saraapaiilla, it carries health Instead of disease, and repairs the worn, nervous system as not hint? else can do. Thus nervous prostra'ion, hysteria. neuralgia, ueari paipiwiiiuii, -j LMlood's Sarsaparilla Because It iB the One True Blood Purifier. "7. 7. . . ari- the bi-st after-dinner Hood s Pills iiiis. uiK'-sii"". w Cut Flowers Roses, Carnations, etc. Bouquets, Floral Designs, Palms, Ferns, For outdoor planting. Roses, chrysanthemums, coleu3 and all kinds of bedding plants. Vines for the veranda. Cabbage, Tomatoes, Egg and other vegetable plants. Evergreen, magnolias nd shade trees. Extra-strong Mareschal Neil HOSES. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace In stltute Phone 113. octn Noilec to Creditors of the Langdon Hcnszev Coal Mining Company. Ralemii, N. C, Aug. 3, 1897. Pursuant to adjournment I shall proceed on Monday, August 16, 1897, at 10 o'clock a. m., at my office in the Pullen Building, in the city of Raleigh, to hear suob testimony as may be offered touching the claims tiled against the Langdon ilei.sz -y Coal Mining Company. All persons interested are invited to be present, and present such evidence as they may deem proper. This hearing will be resumed on Thursday, September 23, 1S97 at 10 o'clock a m, at the Federal court Mm in Raleigh, and continued till ttiusuol. Parties interested will take notice. Sept 11, 18lJ7 Ed. Chambers Smith, Special Master. Opening of Fall Shoes. -THE Swellest Line in Town. C. POOL. 130 Fayetteville St. It is Done Ro" Plate Jeweirv given away to those having drafts on us for the same We have iust received a band some show case confining taOO worth of useful Jewelry, such as watch chains, cuff buttons, shirt buttons, breast pins, shirt waist sets, Ac ! plate and warranted. " ' '.: ' ' ' CRAWFORD 1897 Models. With regular equipment, cash, guaranteed for one vear. 24 and 26-inch Wheels, $25.00. Julius Lewis Hardware Company, RALEIGH. N. C. Harris' Lithia Carbonated We guaraUee that one glass will relieve any case of indigestion funded, or if taken after each meal what the noted Dr. Davega, of Chester, S. C, has to say for it: Mi J. T HARRIS: Dear Sib For the past eight months I have been using Harris' Lithia Water, with the most excellent results, whore I have been able to get my pa tients to drink a sufllcient quantity daily. The Carbonated has no equal in Gastric disturbances. In old chronic dyspeptics if you will wash the stomach hour later have vour Datient drink the Car bonated Lithia you will make many friends and improve many stomachs. It is an excellent table water. It is an excellent laxative, and is a sure cure for flatulent dyspepsia, . m. uaveaja, m. v. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers, And wholesale agents for Harthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. Marchl8 lv TUCKERS' The Housekeeper's Chance To Save MMMMKmaMMMMmM Selling Not many left Axminsters, Wilton Velvets, Body Brussels and Kaschmers. Prices Make Them Bargains No charge for making and laying. HAYWOOD, SNOW and TUCKER, TRUSTEES. W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co.'s Great Dissolution Sales. Simpson's CURES NASAL CATARRH. A Trial Will Convince You. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY. THE MOST Delightful Route To New York and Northern atd Eastern Summer Kesorts is via the OLD DOMINION LINE And Rail Connections. Always cool on the ocean, Vao IianrlaAmA BAftmBhlni IpJLtTA Norfolk, Va , daily, including Sun- aay, a .w p. in., w ibw vi ui rfifit. afford inir opportunity for mm the South. Southwest and West to visit Rich mond, Old Point uomiort na vir First class tickets include meals and room. . i..Unt anl mnoFai information apply to railroad ticket agents, op to M. B. CrowelJ, Agent, Honour, v., J. P. Mayor, Agent, 2l2 Main street, Richmond, V. W. I., Guillandetx, Vice President and Traffl Manager, New York, H. V. wuno -; ' ADBWnsTBATStt H0TICE. . TTatrintT llil riAT Qualified BS ftd- mlnistratrix, of the estate of Mrs D AppmuuiA- thia In to notifv all persons having claims' against the estate to presest me same, on or before the 20th day of July, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. - " : , . MAOQII t& U ATTIS. ' ftu6 law6r 5.00 BICYCLES, 28-inch Wheels; of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water in one minute's time or money re will cure any case of indigestion. Keaa STORE. Money. Carpets. what's left the best-- Ointment FARMERS DIFFER in opinion. Now is the beat time to sow Annual Clover Bead. In the bnak they anj surer and Bel ter crop than Cleaned Seed. If ground is baked between your cotton and oorn rows, ran over very lightly with cultivator and sow broadcast thirty of cleaned or fUty nonndaof seed in the husk. The month of September is the proper time to sow all grasses. Small plots should be spaded deep, and Held should be broken with two-horse ploughs, and thoroughly polvericed with di4 and harrow. We are giving this inf. rmation from onr experience. We have seed to sell. We charge only for them. We have now in stops: Crimson Clover Bead, cleaned and in the bnak; Choice Bed Clover Seed; best qual ity Orchard Grass Seed; Blue Great pf finest quality for lawns, etc ; Virginia Winter Bye, Virginia Winter Oats. There is no advance in paid seed with the exception of wheat Will be glad to give prices on anyuung you van in ma bbou line. Nearly everything hi the grocery line has savanoea o to ou per cenu m nam oeea bmn oomnalled to advanoa the brice of 'Boiler Champion Floor." Oar "High Art Coffee," "He-No-Tea" ana "Clover mil Batter" art retailed at- former prices, al though there has been material advanos in prios of batter. Canned Goods are very much higber.Will make it to the interest of persons baying in largs iot to pre as oalL 7C.Strcn2ch& Sent r Wholesale and Retail Grocers. . PEACE!! sfifutM ALEIGH,N.C One of the great famala school J thorough, selest. Moat reason - able prieeev- Sem4 for eatalogam. w,. . .... l at reason-T eatalogam.l )DIE, f . of Va ) t HO JAMES DINWIDDIJfl M. A. (of Unlv SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIBDWONT AIR-UNE.) Condensed Schedule. la Bthct June 14. IS. Trains Leave Raleigh Dally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited.' 3,40 p, m. Dally, Solid vestibuled train '1U sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. sails bury, Horgantoo. asheville, dot springs aim anoivllle. Connects at Durham for Oxford Clarksvilli and KeysTllle, except Bandar. At Greeiu boro with the Washington and South western Vestl' uled (Limited), train for all points North, and with main line train No. It for Danville, Richmond and Intermediate loca nations ; also hxs connection for Wlnston-Balem and with main Une train No. SS, "united states rastauU" for Charlotte. Bpartautmrg Green ville, Atlanta and all points South ; Iso Colum bia. Augusta Charleston, Savannah Jacxson vllle and all points In Florida Bleeping Oar for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte wlUi Bleeping Car for Auansta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. li:4S A. 11. Dally Solid train eonslstln Pullmas Sleeping cars and coaches from Cha tanooga to Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 8:00 p ra In time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners.' Norfolk and Waha lugton and Baltimore, Chesapeake and Rich mond S B Go's for all potnfcnortl and east. Connects at Selma lor Fayetteville and in. tennedlate stations on the Wilson and Fa ettevlUe Short cut, dally, except Sunday for Mew ern and Morehead City, daily for Oolds boro, and Wilmington and intermediate sta tions on the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Express Train. 8:S3 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, KeysTllle, Rl hmond; at Greenabor for Washington and all points north. Express Train. 4:40 P. n. Dally For Ooldsboro and Inter mediate stations. -Local Acoommodatton. j:00 A. M. Connects at Greensboro for al p tuts for North and South and Wlnston-Balem and points on the Northwestern North Carolin Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points In Weal ern North Carolina, Knoxvllle, Tpdu , Clnclt uatl and western points ; at Charlotte, fc Bpai tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: Express Train, j:40P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points South. No -folk and Chattanooga Llulted 3:40 P. M. Dallv From all points east. Not folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsbt-io, Wilmington. Fayet evill and all points in Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. nrs A. n. Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lynchburg Danville and Greensboro, chat' tanooga, Knoxvllle, Hot springs and Ashevillr Express Train 8, S3 a. ra, Dally From ooldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local. 7:20 A. I. Dally From Greensboro and a points North and South. Sleepiug Car from Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p. ra Dally exo pt Sunday From Golds boro and all points East. Local freight traJ ji also carry passengers. Pullman ears on night train from Raleigh to Greensboro. Through rullman vestibuled Drawing Room Buffet sleeping Car and Vestibuled coaches without change on Norfolk limited. Double dally trains between Raleigh, Char lotto and Atlanta qulek time, u.CAColld ac commodation. v.. U. GREEN, Otbeini biierlnteiMteit w. A. TUB' . Genera' I asmkc. Atjcul V -biiiuMfU, D C. i. M. Oiii.!", Traffic Manapi MORTGAGE S4.L.B. On Tuesday, October 26, 1897, at the court bouse door in Raleiirb, N C-, I will sell at public auction a tract of land in Wake county ad joining the lands of Gary Wall, A Mial and others, and bouuded as fol lows: Begins at a point where ioplar creek crosses the new road, A T Mial s comer, runs thence east wardly along said new road 167 2-3 poles to a stake, thence north 3 de grees west izi poles to a stake id the lines of B P Williamson and Gary Wall's lands, thence south 88 de grees west 175 poles to said Poplar creek, thence down the various courses of said creek 97 poles to the beginning, containing 119 acres, more or less, being toe land convey ed to H L Lassiter by B P William son and wife by deed delivered con temporaneously with the mortgage under which said sale will be made. Sale made by virtue of powers conferred by a purchase money mortgage from H L Lassiter to B P Williamson, registered in Book 79, page 3 or tne itegister or Deeds oi Hce of Wake county. Termsof sale one third cash, resi duo in two equal installments one and two years after day of sele, 6 per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B. P. WjixiAMgQN, Mortgagee. N. B 23 other tracts of fand will be sold at same time and place. B f Williamson, MORTGAGE 8AL.E. On Tuesday, October 2Ctb, 1897, at the court house door In Raleigh I will sell at public auction the tiact of land in bwift creek township, Wane county, containing ooj acres beginning at a stake near a pine, Win Edwards' and MuMen's corner: rung thence south 67 decrees, east yu poies to a spatfe. formerly a pine; thence with Campbell's line south 8 degrees, east 127 poles to a stake: thence north b7 degrees west 06 poles to a stake in Edwards' line; thence north S degrees 126 poles to the beginning; it being the land conveyed to Auderson Burt by B P Williamson and wife and W O Upchurch and wife by deed deliv ered contemporaneously with the mortgage : under which said sale will be made. y :; Sale made under powers confer . red by a purchase-money mortiraee from said Anderson Burt' to Wil li : j tt i i , . 1 itamson bdu upcuurun, : registerea In book 101 at page 39 of the regis ter of deeds' office of Wake county. Terms of sale: Od third cash: residue in two equal installments one and two years 'aft r day of sale, with 6 per cent interest, Hour of sale 12 m. -. :- t. - v ' B P Williamson, c,--r- j Surviving Partner and Trjustoe. , N. B. 22 other tracts of land will! be sold at same time and place B P Williamson. , - . se jkj tds MORTGAGE BALE. On Tuesday. October 26th, 1897. at the court bouse door in Raleigh, N O., I will sell at publio auction a tract of land in Wake county ad joiuing the lands of H. L. Lassller, Richardson B P Williamson and others, be)jnning at H L Lassl- ter 8 north-wesevcorner on ropiar craek; rut,s thenef up said creek 102 Doles to Kicnajason a oorner; thence north 88 degTSgs '-wt, iE .A uA c .iur.,1, -win r.rtAniv southwardly, with the roaa7-Wil poles to B P Williamson a corner of a tract of land formerly cccupied by Beverly Williamson; thence south 88 degrees west, 325 poles to the beginning containing zUOf acres more or less; it being the land con veyed to Gary Wall bv B P William son and wife by deed delivered con temporaneously wifh the mortgage . under which said sale will be made. Sale made by virtue of a purchase money mortgage from Gray Wall to B P Williamson, registered in book No 76 at page 458 of the Register of Deeds office of Wake county. Terms of sale: One-third cash; residue in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale, at 6 per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B P Williamson, Mortgagee. N. B.- -22 other tracts of land will be sold at same time and place. B. P. Williamson. sept226w MORTGAGE SALE. On Tuesday, October 26th. 1897, at tho court house door in Raleigh, N. C, I will sell at public auction a tract of land In Swift creek township, coun ty of Wake and State of North Caro lina, containing 49 59-100 acres, bound ed on tho north by the lands of A. B. Emery, on the east and south by the lands of Williamson & Upchurch, on the west by the lands of Rachel Franks and Fab Stephenson; it being the land conveyed to John E. Newsome by B. 1. Williamson and his wife and W. G. Upchurch and his wife by deed de livered contemporaneous!-? with the mortgage uuder which said sale will be made. Saie made by virtue of a purchase money mortgage from John E. New some to Williamson & Upchurch, re gistered in book No. 118, at page of the Register of Deeds office of Wake county. Terms of sale: One-third cash; resi due in two equal Installments one and two years after day of sale; six per vent interest. Hour of sale IZ m. B. P. Williamson, Surviving Partner and Trustee. N. B. 22 other tracts of land will be sold at the same time and place. B. P. Williamson. MORTGAGE SAIib! On Tuesday October 26th, 1887, at the court house door in Raleigh, N C, I will sell at public auction a tract of land in Swift Creek township, Wake county, bounded on the North by the lands of Burwell S Franklin and Ben Franklin; on the East by the lands of Joe Woodard and William son and Upchurch; on the South by the lands of said Williamson and Unchurch: nnrl nn (.hp Wpct hv r.VtA lands of James Patrick and FH Stephenson; coctaininir 48 91-100 acres, more or less, it being the land conveyed to Archibald B Emery by B P Williamson and W G Up church and their wives by deed de livered contemporaneously with the mortgage under which sojd sale will be made. Sale made by virtueof powers con ferred by a purchase-money mort gage from Archibald B Emery to Williamson and Upchurch register ed in Book No. 114, at page 427 of the Register of Deeds office of Wake coupty. Terms of sale, one third cash; residue in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale, 6 per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B P Williamson, Surviving partner and Trustee. N B. 22 other tracts of land will be sold at same time and place. B F Williamson. HALE OF LAND. On Tuesday, October 2, 1897, at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C, I will sell at public auction s tract of land in Wake county, Mark's creek township, adjoining the lands of Gary Wafl. A. T. Mia, H. f,. Lassiter and q. M. Williamson, being; the lajjd formerly oocupled by Beyer ly William: son, deceased, ana now nwcupled by his family, containing about JQ acres. This salo is made uuder poweVs. con veyed in a paper made November '--1881, and recorded in book 67, page 217, Register of Deeds office, Wake county. ' " Terms of sale: One-third cash; resi due In two equal Installments one and f;wo years after day of sale:' six per con'l latere jt. Hour of kalo IX m.v B. P. WilliamSom. " N. B.-22 other tracts of land will be Fold at the same time and pIaoe,- B. P. Williamson, North Carolina, I Superior Court, Before D. H. Wake County. ) Young.C.S.C. Joel Brown, J. J.' Maynard and otoers, ez paru.. . - On Monday, the 25th day of Octo ber A. D. 1897, we, the undersigned commissioners appointed by the court in tfie above entitled special proceedings, wjll expose for salp a Eublic outcry on the premises to the ighest bidder for cash, or on a credit, os may be announced at sale, all that tract or parcel of land la wake county, jn. v., in Buck Horn township, bounded on the north bv lands of Talitha Womble, on the east by Pe, gy Wilson, on the south by the lice of Thomas Womble. deo'd. ' on the west, by Prescilla Womble, containing one hundred and ninety eight acres, more or less and more fully described in deed recorded in office of Register ot Peeds for Waba county in Book No. 28 at pace 372. and in the complaint in said pro ceedings. Wt B. Wombm, W. J. Pkelx, Com'rs. Peele & Mavnard. Attorneys 'or Petitioner. . . ;. '":-: . - - Vanted-An Idea 'ffis thtnk sslmiss tealatOMIlllF fwrtecl your tdtti tfityyuMT trrtM yon wraith. . Writ JOB WICDDSKUURN ft Co7rt&tRt Attor sMTf , WMhlntton. D. C fnr their tt. nrlr oOat a4 vllifg(twrisRUwiif

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