a ; lUlDdMT to Anlat Minus." ' ; The Washington Post says- "Sec retary Blisa, of the department of the Interior, yesterday Instructed the commissioner of education to have the reindeer now at Teller station, Alaska, which .have been broken to work, forwarded to St Michaels, to be held there for use in forwarding supplies to the Klon dyke country lor case of emergency. There aura'bout eighty of the deer, cElt is believed by the admin istration can be utilized in this way, and the opinion prevails that they would be much more useful than dogs, because they travel more rapidly, draw more, and can live on the little forage the country pro duces. The secretary says that each reindeer will carry about 300 pounds and will travel a hundred miles a day. They are to be sent to St. Michaels -in preference to other places, because of the available stores at that point. anheuser-Busoh Brewing Association Kcommends the use of the greatest of all tonics. "Malt-Nutrine," and guarantees the merits claimed for it. For sale by all druggists. In Hanging Dog'a Vicinity. The snow that fell during July and August has commenced to melt. W. J. Rose of Ogreeta was In town Tuesday to have histeeth upset. So many sheep have passed the Bulletin office lately that the senior editor says he dreams of 'em, and baas in hissleep. Col, C. N, Hickersoa near An drews has and ensilage pit in solid marble 10x12; 16 feet deep with a tunnel pa southeast side to draw feed out from the bottom. Where is there a duplicate of it in the United States ?-Murphy (N. C.) Bulletin. Wis Men Know It is folly to build upon a poor foun dation, either in architecture or in health. A foundation of sand is in secure, and to deaden. symptoms by narcotics or nerve compounds is equally dangerous and deceptive. The true way to build up health is to make your blood pure, rich and nourishing by taking Hood's Sarsa parilla. Hood 'sPillsact easily and prompt y on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. Yea. He Would. "Madam," said Weary Walker to U.o Human nirylfl "I'm lnnkinir for work." "Pooh 1" replied that good wo . man. "Yas wouldn't know work if -you were to And it. " ''I beg your pardon, madam, for contradicting you, but let me ask bow I should becable to dodge work it I did not know it when I saw it?" Stands at the Head. Aug. J, Bogel, the leading drug- Sist of Shreveport, La., says. "Dr. ing's New Discovery is the only ihlng that cures my cough, and it is the bestseller I have." J. F. Camp bell, merchant of Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is olaimed for it; it nevei fails and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds, I cannot say enough for Its merits." Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and coldsisnotan experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of century, and today stands at f e head. It never disappoints. Free trial bot tles at all druggists. For Over Fifty Yean Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with perfect success. U soqtbeB the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, ana is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor llVVtU MUWa iujuwwm""; "- J all druggists in every part oi me world. 25 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask Iw "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other Kind. RI4 v9n Pr T V.lantnln Rtttnva AS a KflTTlfinV for your troubles? If not. get ft bottle now and get relief. This medicine Has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all lemaie oompiainw, exerting wuu ierful direct Influence in giving' strength and tone to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, oonstipa- tion, headache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dzzy spells, Electrlo Bitters is the medi cine rqu"i,eea and. Strength are guaranteed ,y utw. cents and l at ajraruggtsta- THE MEW CATALOGUE OF Mary's School For the Annual Session of '97 and "98 can be bad at A- Williams A Cq'g Book store or upon ' application to the Rector, - - . REV.B.SMEDES. ju 22 3m asy to Take asy to Operate Are featnrei peculiar to Rood's Pills. Small In Hie, tasteless, efflolent, thorough. . As one man said: "You never know you hare taken a pill till It Is all Pills orer." 26o. c. I. Hood A Co. Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. The only pills to take with Hood's Raraarrilo A very fine Hue of Pickles, Cutsups, Sauces, Olives, etc. Any variety of sweet mixed, sour mixed. Gerkins, Midgets, Chow-Chow, Picallili, etc., in bottles or by measure. We Offer Today An extra fine lot of Southampton, Va., Hams. Utmost care taken in the curing and smoking of these Hams. Also best brands of sugar -cured and North Carolina Hams Breakfast Bacon, etc. We want you to try a small SAM PLE sack of our unsurpassed "Melrose" Flour. It will surely please you. This Flour is ground from finest selected wheat and has all the properties that go to make the best bread, etc. No Shoddy Staff Kept. My complete line of staple and fancy Groceries are fresh and of the best quality obtainable. Your orders are appreciated and will receive prompt attention. J. D. TURNER, Telephone 125 Something Nice. Ferris Hams, Springfield Hams, winter cored. Smlthfleld. Va., Hama Large invoices of the above goods have Just been received and are offer ed for your selection. New Roe Herrings in barrels and half barrels. New Shad Roe in kits. We have something particularly ap petizing In our Stuffed Sweet Mango Pickle, and the famous Kalamazoo Celery Pickle. They are both recent arriyais ana are wormy a wiai. Full line of Curtis' famous Pre serves in Glass. Our Mocha and Java Coffee Is the best that can be produced at any price. Try it. TIIOS. PESCUD, The Grocer. READ THIS ! Don't throw away your old locks, but send them to me and have them repaired. It will save you - Money and Trouble ' I make all kinds of keys and can fit them at prices that defy competition. When your locks are giving you trouble or you need a key, be sure to give me a call. T. F. BrocHell. " " 213 South Salisbury St. Dr. E. E. TERRY, 1 -, ' VETERINARIAN. Offloe and sanitarium Davie street, be tween Wilmington ana oioun ou. fma Pal la answered to all pais of city ana cp.udtry. virp Kpofodenpe tree N. C. WHIM It. C McQlvin, wrllhTerry Belentlflo Horse-Bhoer. Fault Dalta remedied, diseased and 7 . r n ... , j, jtffM. crippled a specially, maaea umoi ent kinds of shoes. Davie street, Rat eigh, N. r July 19 "Mothers Friend" rim CHILD BIRTH EASY. rviMn T.. TW a inA Ifvvrifa need TQTHJW'B WVOStlO bailor hr third Timtlntwrr, ana sayw uam miui am Tttfiont M for Banarwu ox aauara. DOCK KHJU5. Sent b ssirsss io. receipt of prlcv M P 0. Book "la Mothw." maiWfiM. BHADTtmUt MSUUTW OO, JUST OPENED Sun-Burst A bright spot In the life of every -nan or boy whose purpose is to buy a suit of clothes this fall. We have arranged for a moment of pleasure and profit for every one of our former patrons and for hundreds of new ones, and we desire every prospective purchaser of clothing or gent's furnishing goods to hang on to Mb dollar until Ije sees our Dollar Stretching Solid Fact Bargains. We played havoc with all old goods during the past few weeks; we just cut and slashed prices until it got too hot for them ani they moved out of our way. We went into the market early, and we went in heeled. We made dol lars talk as they have never talked before, and wa just skinned the market of the very cream of style, fabric, fit nnd finish. We had made room for them, and now we have every nook and corner piled up with the most popular styles, tlje latest novelties, the most standard grades and the very newest attractions In Men's and Boys' Clothing. We can fit every man or boy, bo he stout, slim, big or little to regular tailor made inspection. It is a little early and a little warm vet, but what's the difference, the goods are here, the styles are correct, the prices right, and the best time to select is before the stock is broken. It will be a special de light to just take a glance at our stock; it will be refreshing. Come tp See us Early and Often. Cross & Linehan. with heavy beveled edge, French Glass Ma hogany and Cherry Suits. Our Combination Desk and Table is the latest and most convenient thing out. (See our cut.) Our combination desk and book cases are the prettiest for the money you ever saw. We are daily receiving car loads of Taney bedroom suits, wardrobes, book cases, parlor floods 0f every description, chairs and rockers in end less varieties. Sideboards! Sideboards! For Everybody! We are buying by the car load and will give all our customers the benefit of the large discount allowed us Come and see us before buying. Yours to please, THOMAS & CAMPBELL. and colors. See our line and get see our beautiful line of Wall Paper. wher irb at mir linn of hard wood thing prettv in the way of Mantels, be sure and see our line. Prices to suit you. Will call at your request with a full line of samples. All or ders promptly attended to. L. G. WEATHERS, Manager, BENJAMIN IRBY, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL Seeds, Feed 305 Fayetteville cdppt at.ttttq. Tlnirv Fivt.nrps. Feed Cutters and Shrdders, Harvesting Machines, Grain Drills " . ..... I, . . Tl Mills, Tread Mills, uotion uins, farm mKiucu, v.u - kinds. BVtilizer for special crops and soils. Special ready-mixed J) eas for milk cows. " , .... ' m a cna.;fl.atinna tnr hiirns and other farm buildings. 1 mui aim on iiuv.v"-'. Correspondence solicited. aug 30 tf The Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital Deposits . . . Offers its customers every banking. Safe Deposit Boxes for Some good business offices to let J.J. THOMAS. President. A.LF A. THOMPSON B. S. JERMAN Casoier. ' H. Valuable Property for Sale. Tile two storv frame house known as the Pace Building, situated on north east corner of Martin and Salisbury streets, belonging to the Capital Club, must be sold at once to make room for the new club house. For Information as to terms, etc. apply to . D. E. BVERITT, 7tf Chairman House Committee. of Bargains. We Would Be Glad To call special atten tion to our $8 and $12 Oak Suits THE SOUTHERN WALL PAPER CO. L. C. WEATHERS, Manager, 126 Fayettevills St. The Southern Wall Paper Company de sires to call your attention to their Window Shade Department. We will show vou something that you have never seen before in this line. We can furnish you with shades of all sizes our prices before you ouy. au anu You can't see a prettier line any- Mantles. If you want to see some 126 Fayetteville Street. s IMPLEMENTS, and Fertilizers. St., opp. Postofflce. ana naniers, nay jresse., mu T.- ! nAI,nll nnA IJQCC fit all V. 1 Respecttully, BENJ. IRBY,PropV. Raleigh. N. C. N.C. . $100,000.00 . $300,000,00 -ccommodatQP consistent with safe Rent on Reasonable Terms. Vice President W. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier. Pafanfa u- 8- and Foreign pro X illAiULo cured. EusreneW. John son, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, 1729 Now York Avenue, Wash Ington, D. C. Office established 1868 Charges mr derate. Corresponded eq nested PAGE & r Ifo noh n no onHn Lnr Vnn IQIUQUlU UUQl LallUo IU OdlGi , By virtue and in pursuance of a de- cree of the Circuit Court of the United fatates for the Eastern District of Nnrt.h f'ainlina ealA lima ') 1 UU7 (n I a cause in equity in said court, entit led William F. Uenszev and others vs. the Langdon-Henszey Coal. Mining Company and others, we will on the 8th day of October, 1897, at 12 m.. at the company's store house on the premises, at Cuuir.ock, in Chatham county, North Carolina, sell at public auction, all of the property, real, per son m or mixed, and premises, rights, immunities and franchises lately be longing to and owned by the Lingdon Henszey Coal Mining Company, and the Egypt Coal Company in Chatham county, North Carolina, on Deep river, and known as the Cumnock mines, formerly the Egypt Coal Mines, wun an tne mining rights and pnyi mining rights and p: engine and boiler h leges, with engine and boiler house containing hoisting, pumping and other machinery, also platform, chutes ana otner structures used in the min ing and shipping of coal; also fan house containing engine, fan, 2i in diameter and connections; otllce build ing, store house, blacksmith and tool house at the mine; laree board ins- house, store house and fifty (60) tene ments, more or lees, buildings for the occupancy of employees, together with all tools, supplies, etc., now at the mine or store, now in the hands of the receiver as the property of the Langdon-Henszey coal mining company. i ne saiu properly win De ottered lor sale in the following order: First, All the property, real, per sonal or mixed, and premises, rights, immunities and franchises, of every kind and description, covered by the deed of trust of June 1, 1S8N, of the Egypt coal company to the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Philadelphia, and registered in the of fice or the iiegister of Deeds for Chat ham county, North Carolina, on June 12th, loots, consisting of three several tracts o( land of 1,115, 4U0 and 1004 acres respectively, described in taid deed of mortgage, together with all machinery and personal property, fix ed and appertaiDingthereto, excepting therefrom the town site of Cumnock containing 125 acres described in said deed of trust, but including the min eral rights therein, and also a tract of nve aires of land included in the above, known as the homestead de scribed in deed of J-.angdon-Henszey Coal Mining Company to the Mercan tile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore, Md., hereinafter referred to which will be sold separately if the price obtained for the other land and property is not sufficient to satisfy the first mortgage bond-! of the Egypt coal iiij i ijj nuu an j'. ivi lieu, auu uuoifo, but the mineral k'Mfi in the Bala homestead will be t old In any event. Second, All the premises, rights, privileges, immunity and franchises of every description ci vered by the deed of trust of December 1, 1B91, of the Langdon-Henszey Coal Mining Company to the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore, regis tered in the office of Register of Deeds of Chatham county, on April 30, 1895, which are not covered by the deed of trust of June 1, 1?SS, above described, namely: Two tracts of land of 427 i and 73i acres respectively, described in said deed of trust of December 1, 1891. subject to the reservations and excep tions set forth in said deed of trust so far as the same have reference to the said tracts of land, and the personal property, the same being covered by the deed o. trust oi December 1, 1894, bu,t fto.t covered by the deed of trust of June 1, 1888, a schedule of which can be seen in the hands of the commis sioners. Third, All other propel ty of every kind belonging to and owned by the said L.ngdon-Henszey Coal Mining Company not covered by either of said deeds of trust, which includes among other things the town site of Cumnock containing 125 acres hereinafter refer red to excepting the homestead here inbefore referred to, also including the certain personal property, a schedule of which can be Been in the hands of the commissioners. Fourth, All property of every de scription which has been acquired by Samuel ttenszey, receiver oi tneijang- don-Henszey Coal Mining Company, a schedule of which can De seen in tne hands of the commissioners. Terms of sale: Any bidier at said sale before his bid shall be receiyed will be required to make a deposit with the commissioners of 10,000 in cash or in a certified check deemed by the commissioners equivalent to cash, as security for the faithful performance oi tne leruis or the sale, and upon account thereof. After the confirmation of the sale by the court, the purchaser or purchasers will be required to pay the balance of their respective bids into the depositary of the Court, in cash, but after the payment by the said purchasers into the depositary of this oourt to the credit of this cause, a sum inclusive of any sum theretofore paid by said purchaser or purchasers sufficient to satisfy and discharge the costs of this cause, and all proper costs and charges attendant upon said sale or sales, inoluding the com pensation of the commissioners ap pointed to make the game, and to the payment of all compensation, allow ance and disbursements of the com plainants herein and of their respec tive attorneys and counsel, and solic itored, and of the reoeiverof bis coun sel and solicitors respectively, and of the respective trustees named in said deeds of trnst, and their respective counsel, and also such otner pro; oper dis- allowances, compensation and bursement to the parties and their nnnniiel &a mav be directed to be paid by the order of this court, all queB- t.nna aa to these matters being re served by the court, the pvrchaser or purchasers at his or their option may pay the remainder in cash or In any linna unon said DrODOrtV to the extent that such liens may beentitledto share If You Have Anything Thatneids briplil.'iiinf; U), send it to ub and have it nickel plated, polished or lacquered. We do it all. Urasa puU.shing- a specialty. We call your attention to sam pie at our door. Drop in and inquire the numerous articles that can be made to look ax good m nejv. Don't Forget Our Bicycle Repair Shop, is in full blast. It MARSHALL, PROPRIETORS. m the purchase money, according to their respective priorities, as estab lished by the court as follows 1. The receivers certificates now is sued being (15 000 in amount, and such other as shall have been lawfully issued at the time of the sale which constitute a first lien upon all the property. 2. The receivers indebtedness as as certained by the court, which consti tutes a lien upon all the property. 3 The bonds of the E?ypt Coal Company secured by deed of tni9t of said company to the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company of Phila delphia, dated June lBt, 1888, together with all over due and unpaid coupons and interest accrued to the date of de posit, which are hereby declared to be the next lien upon all the property de scribed in said deed of trust. 4. Judgments docketed prior to the receivership, which are f eclared to be a lien next after the tirt and second items upon the real property, not cov ered by the deed of trust by the Egypt Coal Company to the Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Company and the deed of trust by the Langdon Hens.ey Coal Mining Company to the Mercan tio Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore. 5. Judgments in the damage suits, amounting to $5,600.00 and costs and such claims for work and labor done and material and supplies furnishd to the Langdon Henszey Coal Mining Company as shall be adjudged to have lawful priority over the first consoli dated mortgage bonds of the Langdon Henszey Coal Mining Company. 6. The bonds legally out standing of the Langdon-Henszey Coal Mining Company secured by deed of trust of said trust to the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore, dated December 1st, 1894, together withal overdue and unpaid cVponsand inter est accrued to the date of deposit which is hereby declared to be the next lien on all the property described in said deed of trust. For further information apply to the commissioners. A. II TAYLOR, 205 K. German St., Baltimore, Md. J. W. HINSDALE and T. B. VVOMAC'K Raleigh, N. ;. Commissioners. NOTICE. North Carolina, I In the Superioi Wake County. ( Court, Octobe Term, 1897. E. B. Burbee and C'. B. Barbee, trad ing as Barbee & Co. vs. E. B Cuthbcrt and W. E. Young, Jr. trading as E. B. Cuthbert & Co. The defendants E. B. Cuthbert and W. E. Young, Jr., trading as E. B Cuthbert Co., will take notice tha the plaintiffs, E. B. Barbee and C. B Barbee, trading as Barbee & Co have this day instituted an action in the Superior Court of said county against the said defendants to recover the sum of seven hundred and neventy five dollars due by said defendants to the plaintiffs for office rest, and for money du on account. That the sum mons in the said action is returnable to said Superior Court, which con venes in Raleigh, N. C, on the "th Monday afUjr the 1st Monday of Sep tember, 1897, it being tho 25th of Octo ber, 1897, acd the said defendants are hereby notified and required to appear and and answer or demur to the com plaint at the court house in Raleigh. N. C, on the said 7th Monday after the 1st Monday of September, 1897. The said defendants above named are hereby further notified that a war rant of attachment has been issued in the above entitled case against the property of the defendants, the amount claimed by the plaintiffs being seven hundred and seventy-five dollars for office rent and money due on account, alleged to be due by defendants, and the said warrant of attachment is re turnable before tho judge of the Supe rior Court holding the courts of the Fourth Judicial District at the court house in the city of Raleigh, N. C, on the 7th Monday after the 1st Monday of September, 1897, it be ing the 25th day of October, '.897. Given this 4th of September, 1897 D. H. YorNii, Clerk of Superior Court Wake County, N. C. NOTICE OV 8 A lifcl. By virtue of authority given in a deed of trust from J B llobbitt to the virtue of authority given undersigned, recorded in book 135, of the Rjgistcr s oftlce of Wake county, at page 779, I will sell on Monday, the 25th day of October, 1897, at public auction at the court house door of Wake county, in the city of Raleigh, at the hour of 12 o'clock m., the fol lowing described tract of land situated in said county of Wake, in St. Mary's township, about throe miles southeast of Haleigh. lying on east side of the old Wilmington and Smithtield road, adioinintr the lands of N A Spence, Alex Terry and others, and begins at a post oak standing on the south sidt. of the Fool road, about 11 chains cast of the Meadow branch, and runs thence south 25 degrees, west b chains to a stake: thence south 8 degrees, east 3 chains to a stake; thence south 27J de grees, east 3 chains, 5 links to a stake; thence south 41i degrees, east 7 chains tn a. stake: thence south 8 decrees, cast 3 chains to a stake; thence south 3C2 degrees, east 10 chains, 75 links to a poplar near a arain; tnence suuiu degrees, west 5 chains, 9 links to a pine stump; thence south 6 1-2 degrees, east 9 chains to a stake; thence south 17 degrees, west 22 chains, s links to a stake and pointers oo the north side of the aforetalri old road; thence north wardly along its various courses 80 chains, 35 links to where it intersects with the centre of said Pool road; thence along said Pool road southeast ward It 11 chains, 24 links to the be ginning, oonta'ning 108 8-10 acres mote or less, excepting out of boundaries above given 237-100 acres cold to Alex Terry by deed recorded in book 113, naire l (Mi ox aaia neguter s uiuue. Terms of sale cash J. N. Holding, Trustee. This Sept. 23, 67. tds II Of Anything Is None Too Good. If you want a Carriage, Wagon, Buggy or anything in our line, you can geu the best from us. The T. A. Bowen Wagons, Drays and Carts, HACKNEY BROS. Carriages and Buggies are one trrade, one guarantee. You get our personal guarantee wan each joo. Repairs of All Kinds at lowest prices consistent with first class material aod workman ship. )r STANDARD FOR QUAUT? See our stock before you buy, or write for catalogue and prices. T. A. Bowen & Son, Harp's Factory, 130 East Morgan Street, Raleigh, N. C. sep23 A WARNING. Gold Weather Coming. Coal is a necessity. Now is the time to lay '.in your supply. Poca hontas is the very best high grade coal that can be had. Suitable for grates, open stoves, cooking pur poses and for steam is far ahead of any other coal on the market. We have any and all kinds of coal. We are the old reliable Wood furnishers short wood, long wood, sawed wood, pine wood, oak wood, in any length. Weight in coal, measure in wood guaranteed. Have you horses, cows, hogs, or any other live stock to feed? We always keep a fresh supply and give you Just What is Suitable of fresh, palpataole, wholesome food. Don't forget, where to get any or all of the above. We are leaders and can't be undersold. We buy in large quantities, at low prices, and give our customers the benefit of our cash price. Telephone 41 for office, yard tele phone, 71. Jones & Powell, Coal, Wood, Ice, Feed, Laths and Shingle Dealers. SI00 to Any Man. WILL PAY $100 FOR ANY CASK Or Weakness in Men The; Treat and Fall to Care. At Omaha company pla fcr tho ilic time before the public .IACI1CAI, Treatm:'" for the cure of Lost Vi tality, Nervous ad Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Liiio Force in old and young men. No worn-out Frer.cn remedy; contains no Phosphorous or other harmful drugs. It is a WON nr.RFi L. Treatment magical in its effects -positive in its cure. All read ers, who are suffering from a weak ness that blights their life, causing that menta1. and physical suffering pe culiar to Lost Manhood, should wriie to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY, suite 644, Itamge building, Omaha, Neb., and they will send you abso lutely FREE, a valuable paper on these dieases, and positive proofs of their truly Mauiual treatment. Thousads of men, who have lost all hope of a cure, are being restored by them to a perfect condition. This Macical Treatment may be taken at home under their directions, or they will payrailroad fare and ho tel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment, if they fail to cure. They are erfectly reliable; have no Free Prescriptions, Free cure, Free Sample, or C O. D. fake. They have $250,000 capital, and guarantee to cure every case they treat or refund every dollar: or their charges may be depos ited in a bank to be paid to them when a cure is effected. Write them today. The Dew Id&. Are you bright and clever t If W you ha plenty of idetui of your own, also senae eoougn to Knisp good new rwiea when offeied. V nat'lo "on think of a &i column Illustrated Monthly Fa- nnr. each iasupooDLaini.il? ft Pieoa of Music, vo ocal 1 . .. . . i v . v." l : rt.A at i or Instrumental, LsteM Fashions. Good Stories, Dramatic News and rortnuts or rreuy ctree, Household, Toilet and Fancy Work Hints, all for 25 cents a year, postpaid f Seems loo good to bf true, but we kvto you exactly what we advertise Send ffl cents and see for yourself. THE NEW IDEA CO., 1441 Broadway, New York Clta wenta wanted. Liberal comminslon paid. HEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO. "he handsomest musical and fashion Jonrnal M .tineriea, full sheet music sute, SS . ves and hand some oover, containing from ten to fwelye pieces of yocal or Instrumental music, besides tour of Ave potirasa of leading actresses. BubacrtpUoa hy the year, $1.60, sample copy, 10 ota. aiklr 1 Tka ITCW TORI MUSICAL SCBO CO., Broadway Theatre Building, Hew Tor genbiwrauri. Liberal oommfsetoa sat! When Bany was sick, we gate hsr Castotie, When she was a CSiIM, she cried for Oatorla When she became Kiss, she clang to Osatorl. Wham she had OuUrea, she ftrt iham Castors) I. "4

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