!. J- '3 ! 1" rr-l: miTOn, J. -r'-"f RiJLElGH, 5.. C. THOS. J. PENCE City Editor. THURSDAY Sept 23 Intra to Haw AdTrtlMBma. Dugi Special. Notice of Sale J N Holding. T A Bowen & Son Buggies wag ons, etc. THE WEATHER The following is the weather pre diction for Baleigta and vicinity (not extending bevond a radius of 20 miles) issued at 8 a. m. today, September 23: Clearing this afternoon; fair, warmer, Friday. The following were the weather conditions at 8 a. m. today: Barometer (ins.) 29.94 Dry bulb (dee.) 60 Change in 24 hours Wet bulb 58 Maximum temperature 58 Wind velocity... -. Lt. Rainfall in past 24 hours. .. . .36 Direction of wind N State of weather Cloudy Dr J L More, of Apex, was here today. Mr E A Humphrey of Goldsboro is in the city. Mr. R L Gray returned from Chapel Hill today. Mr H S Leard returned from a trip to Norfolk today. Mr J T Hedrick of Lexington in was in the city today. Dr George Renn returned from Greensboro this morning. Mr and Mrs Armstrong and two children of Wilmington are register ed at the Yarboro Mrs, S. M. Ijman is in the city visiting her parents, on her way from Atlanta to New York. Mr. John M. Sherwood is in the city. He came to attend the funera of his father-in- law, Mr B R Hard ing. Mr. W R Tucker hasgonetoMore head to attend a meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic and North Carolira Railroad. Mr. Logan D. Terrell is in the city and his friends bere are pleased to see him. Mr. Terrell is now traveling for a Baltimore drug firm Lieut. L. D. Tyson, a prominent young attorney of Knoxville, Tenn is in the city on legal business and is stopping with his sister, Mrs Paul H Lee. Misses Elizabeth and Sarah Ches hire, daughters of Bishop Cheshire, who have been visiting their aunts the Misses Webb, at Hillsboro, have returned to Raleigh. Note the change of advertisement ofthejopular clothing firm of Messrs Cross & Lineban. Don't fail to remember them while buying your fall clothing. Mr. Wm. Fowler, formerly with Messrs. Sherwood Higs & Co., has accepted a position with Messrs Job P. Wyatt & Bros., where he will be pleased to have his friends call. When You're "A-weary of Life" It's your liver's fault. Anheuser Busch 's Malt-Nutrine will enlighten your speed. At all druggists. Mr. J. W. Jones, a brother of Sheriff Jones, is in the city and he will remain here temporarily to as sist in the collection of taxes, a work that has increased the duties in the Sheriff 's office considerably. Mr. J. W. Jones is one of Wake's most pop ular citizens and his many Raleigh acquaintances will be pleased to know that he is to reside here, though temporarily. The Hebrew New York 5o"58 be gins after sundown next Sunday All Hebrew establishments in the city will remain closed on Monday. What Hood 's Sarsaparilla has done for others it will also do for you. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures all blood diseases. BUSINESS ITEMS. Yresh oysters tomorrow morning atDughi's. Lost. A speckled pup with liver spots; aged 6 months; answers "Don." Finder return to P. W. Dowd. Dughi opened day. his restaurant to- - Oysters received same day they i are opened at B WUpcburch s,Har gett street. , . Fine California peaches at Dughi'i . . .. , T' " , Foetal. A boy's Cresent Bicycle in good order, $15.00. ' Apply at McKim mon's drug stor. . 2t Finest Norfolk oysters cnd 35c per quart at B W Upchurch'a. No water when you buy oysters from me. se22 (3) 2t B W Upchtjrch CaliforniaHoquagrapesatDughi's Icedelivered anywhere within one mile of the city, day or night. Mail orders will hae prompt attention Harris Ice House, lust HargeM Street, between Wilmington and Blount. , lmj Concord, Niagara and Delaware grapes, ft ib. baskets at Dugbi's. Calendar for '08. Guy V. Barnes has a full line of calendars from Auguit Gast, the prettiest ever seen in the city. Par ties wanting a good advertisement for 1898, will do well to call and see him early. Gast is the largest house of the kind in the world. WE WARRANT . . Crescent Bicycles ONE I YEAR We haye made parts good free of charge after Cres cents had been used. . 14 l.MJTIIS We give any saddle a cus tomer wishes. Men's Crescents, $40. Ladies' Crescents, $40. Lasts longer than many so-called high-grade Bicy cles. Thos, H. Briggs & Sons. IMPORTANT NOTICE! We will close out all IMPERIAL PATTERNS now in stock at 10c, re gardless of former prices. MAGGIE REESE. School FOR CHILDREN ARE NQW INTERESTING OUR PEBBLE GRAIN SHOES With patent tips are good looking, long-wearing and low in price. Children's 5 to 8 at GOc Children's 8 to 12 at 75c Misses' 13 to Sat 95c This big store is doing you good this season. We are usins ever effort to hold down prices, and we tne oaiance corn Dined. New Lines of Hosiery opened. I yard wide Soft Bleaching 5c; Checked Apron Ginghams 3!c. NEW SILKS. NEW VELVETS. NEW DRESS GOODS. NEW CARPETS. NEW RUGS. NEW EVERYTHING ! 18x.'i( all linen towels, each 10c. 24x48 all linen towels, each, 20c. 10x32 cotton huck towels, each 5c. 19x38 heavy, soft Turkish bath towels, each 15c. Bleached cotton fringed, each 8c. towel, 19x38, Brown cottons, the yard, 3c. Misses black nitted l..e, as to 10's, good 15c ones at 10c Half wool yard 40c. ingrain carpets, the Men's heavy cotton sox, fast black instead of 15c, here at 10c. Irish point lace curtains, large full sizes at the pair $2 50, 3 50, $5, $6 50 to 18. We have our millinery opening sou inursuay.; n you nave not oougnt ail your iauanu winter millinery before then you may s e something at this opening that will do you good. tutieiga peopie were Kino enougn to say mat our spring opening was by far the best display ever attempted in the city. We want to do better this ran. we certainly have the best selected stock we ever had. Just keep it in mind and come and see nqxt Wednesday and Thursday. THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS: SMITH'S MENTHOL INHALERS B'or cold in the head, hay fever, catarrh, etc. Elm Lozenges For the throat and lungs McKimmon's TAR-COUGH BaLSAM. McKimmon's CAPSULES For Gri ppe, Colds, Neuralgia, etc. Lots of folks suffering with catarrhal colds, hay fever, etc, and these rem. edies are good for such troubles. James McKimmon 4 Co UHED IH DOUBT As to which drug store to pat ronize, try us. We have what you want; the best of everything; not some thing "just as good." Our drugs are the purest obtainable, and your prescrip tions will be looked after by ex perienced and competent phar macists only. W. H. KING & CO., Druggists, Fnetteville Street. hoes are doinir it. against Dins?lev and a Nottingham lace cuatains, entire new stock just opened .18, 50, 7a, !)0c, $1 25 up to $5. urusseis carpet, new goods, spe cial this week as a starter, the yard ooc. Chenielle curtains, heavy ball and innge tassels, dado at top and bot tom, should be $3 50, here at $2 50. Tapistry curtains, curtain, $3 50 to $5. the coming Cbeneille table covers, handsome designs 40, 75c, f 1 25 each. Floor oil carpet, 4-4, 6-4 and 8 wide 25, 35, 40c square yard. Lot Roman stripe ribbons to close t the yard I2Jc. Japanese cloth screens, four-fold, nve ieet nign, decorated, at f3 VJ. the 2.9th and 30th (next Wednesday KALE1GH.N.C. Fresh Cakes M Crackers. It must be provoking to the misters of the house to find the cakes and crackers just from the grocers to open up stale. The grocer is not always to olme; however, for no one can keep cakes or crackers during the hot sum mer weather We have just received ana opened a fresh lot. of plain and tine goods that will suit the most fas tidious, a few of which are: Standard Soda Biscuit 10c Ib , or 3 for 25c. Cream Lunch Biscuit 10c Ib , or 3 for 25c . Family Ginger Snaps 10c lb., or 3 for 25c. Monitor Oyster Crackers 10c II)., or 3 for 25c. Pineapple Sandwiches 15c lb., or Java Coffee Cake 15c II) , or 2 for 25c. Diamond Mixture 15e lb., or 2 for 25c Vale Bars 15c lb., or 2 for 25c. Nie Naes 10c lb., or 3 for 25c. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone 2H. Excellence and Perfection While our stock of fall and winter Clothing is complete, our buyer is still on the market forwarding daily novolties and staple wearables, an importation of which will convince the most fastidious that our stock rep resents the highest excellence to be obtained in the manufacture of cloth ing, made of the very best naterial. In perfect good taste, and our anx iety to acquaint you with the merits of our superb stock accounts for the low price. All of our departments are filled with well selected and carefully bought wearables. Men's Clothing, Boys' Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Neckwear, Hats for Men, Boys, and Children. Our stock of boys' clothing is perfect in every particular. We have given special attention this season to school suits for boys, which for style, finish and durability are unexcelled. Start your boy off with one of our double-breasted suits of all wool blue cheviot, nothing nicer. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Our reputation for fair dealing is our reward. Cur prices are the same to every one. S. & 0. BERWANGER, WIDE AWAKK Leading One Price Clothiers. STRICTLY IN IT ! That's what we are in our BIG STORE. Corner Wilmington and Hargett Streets. Three floors filled with Furniture and Housefurnishings. Royall I Borden TELEPHONE 260 Heller Brothers, Best Goods ! Fit Well. Wear OUR SHOES. i The schools commence this week. That means shoes, shoes, shoes. There are shoe bargains flying some good and some not so good. We simply talk shop sense when we summer shoe can't travel on its shape, oe nonest clear to rougn. we sell only man is willing to guarantee. amous Old Bay State School Children In Kangaroo and 1.35. 150 to A FLYER Ladies' Kid Button Shoes in all of the new shapes and toes bought to sell at $2; this' week $1 65 per pair. bame line in spring neel.fl 70 per pair. A. B. STRONACH, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES.. New Lot of Enameled Ware To come in this week of the very best make, and the popular low prices still prevail at Uiggau's Toy Store. Your nickels and dimes buy the most at Iiiggan'n in anything we keep. School Supplies. Hook Baps 5c, 10c, lfio, 25c and 60c. Tablets of any kind and always the best at the price. Pencil boxes and book straps. Odd pieces in china and salad dishes in Jap and German, as well as other bowls, teapots and sugar dishes and creams Banquet and parlor lamps. A big job lot of vases and fancy ar ticles at only half the regular price. It's a large lot of samples of the best goods. Beautiful thin blown tumblers only 25c set. Engraved band of the same at ;!0c set. The same engraved in birds and flowers at only 40c set, and pitch ers to match 75c kind for 50c. Ironstone cups and saucers 35c set of six; gilt band 50c set of six. Opaque ohina plates 35c set. Opaque cups and saucers 50c set. Ilemember we sell you the best candy at 20c lb, and all the newest and latest toys at the regular manufacturer's prices, or less. A few more saucers at le each. Riggan's Toy Store. Furniture Comp'y B. For Autumn wear at Heller's. Best quality, lowest prices, lat est styles. Gent's colored Russia calf Lace Leather-Lined brass eyelets and hooks, price $3 50 a pair. Same as above iu blaek box calf for M 60 a pair. Ladles' Patent Tin and Plain Toe Shoes II 50 and 12 00 a pair. Children's and Misses scnooi snoes ci uu ana l Zo a pair. Very large assortment of Trunks and Traveling Bags at very small prices. 134 Fayettexille St Least to Pav ! NEWSHOES FITS- Well. Look well. say look sharp to your fall shoe. A but your fall and winter wear must good snoes snoes that our shoe Shoes for Boys, Hisses and Glove Grain-Jl, 1.25, 2.00 per Pair. CLEARING SALE Line of Men's Fine French Calf Shoes, were $3 50 to $4, now $2 59 Line Men's Fine $4 50 to $5, now $3 69. Shoes, . were Woollcott & Son, 14 E. Martin Street, Tventy-four Years of Successful Store-Keeping. Dress Goods. AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Our line of Black Dress Goods for this fall is unusually attractive, and embraces all the grades of Serges, Henriettas and fancy weaves from 10c toll 25 a yard. In Fancy Dress Goods we are showing good things at 20, 25, 35 and 50c. Full assortment of cheaper goods, such as outings and fancy tlannrl lets at 5, 7J, 10, 12J and 15c. All colors of velvets at 50, 5c and . $1.00. I Our new Capes and Cloaks are we can sell them to you cheaper than Shoes. VERY IMPORTANT. We have never before mide such efforts in this department to have what you want. We have extensive lines of school shoes to sell at 75c, 85c, $1,1 15, 1 25, 1 35 and 1 60. Crossett's $3 shoes for men are the best on earth. In ladies shoes we have the best lines in the city at $1 25, 1 50, 2 00 and 2 50 We would like everybody to see this stock, We defy competition not only in the stock, but in all depart ments. Our prices areas low as the lowest. D F1VI F t R P O ? Whenever you see goods advertised very cheap lower. AGENTS FOR luttericli wo, Sffteto illinery Opening Ueeli. With this fall opening we ask your judg ment. It is our masterpiece, the culmina tion of a busy business life. Think of the preparation. Think of the resources involved. Think of the modern spirit ever moving, never content. We have grown by natural evolution into the perfect store. Yet, we have not stopped growing. Farlrom it; wo shall progress" up & and up; we shall go ever higher. Thisis-but the start, the end is far alone can be considered, and by the present we will be judged, fearless of fair, discrimi nating criticism. Silhs. Much 8ilk Activity, Fancy changeable Taffetas, 20 differ ent shades and combina- f Km tions t. .. WW Fancy Taffetas, large plaids, CJI Roman stripes, rare values V Fancy figured Taffeta. 75 C Black Satin Duchess, 24 01 4C in., under price, ex. value Black Brocades, small, medium and large designs on Satin and OC. Gros Grain grounds. . . . . . HOC WW I Millinery. For years we have had the reputa tion of carrying the beststock of these goods in the State. Our prices have always been reasonable and the styles arc always up to date. Our stock is complete and we are ready to take your order for your Fall Hat Our millinery buyer has bad years of experience and she says she can show you what you want. ready for the trade and we are sure any house in the city. Crockery, Dinner Sets $4 08, 5 98, 10 00. Tea Sets $4, 4 50, 5 00. Toilet Sets, $2 98 to 11 23. -All kinds of fancy decorated ware in stock. Groceries. This department has proved a grand success. We sell only for cash and our prices are below all others in town. Try our new cheese at 15c; best Mocha and Java Coffee at 29c; Ar buckles' coffee 121c; pickles, olives and spices. you will probably find our prices Patterns. distant ; the present Dress Goods Four Special Valnes. We are showing the most com plete collection of Fall and winter dress goods in Raleigh. Everything that is new and desirable, from the richest novelties to the plainest of weaves, is here, and at prices ex ceptionally low. A line of Fancies in mixed, dark nnd seasonable effects Intro- 4CM ductorv Undervalue rfi-lno uC All wool, two toned, Jacqua'rd Nov- eny, new uice latterns, in com binations of navy and black, brown and black and a host of other choice colors; also all wool fancy mixed Cheviots and Suit- Cfli Insrs. worth 69n. DUG All wool, two toned Diagonal and wool iLpingime, raDge" of colors, $1.00.. m a choice worth IE Black, a I wool, fine twilled Frnnh Serges, J acquard Novelty Cfl and Henriettas WWW r

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