r:.:cs-visiTOR. i City Editor. ,)AY, .October 4 i . .lei to N, Arrttoiint , . ution Sale H: T Jones. ,' je of Lots W T Smith, v. ssmao Wanted.' THK WEATHER Thti following is the weather pro ration lor Raleigh aud vicinity ,iOt extending! .beyond a radius of V miles) Issued at 8 a. m. today, ( ) lober 4: "U Fair and warm tonight and " I Tuesday. The following were the weather editions at 8 a. m. today arometer (ins.) 34.4o )rybulb(deg.). 52 Jhawre in 24 hours -4 Vet bulb . 48 (IiilmumtemDerature 48 jVind velocity . 18. -unfall In past 24 hours 00 'irectlon of wind N. tate of weather Clear Personals. Mr O J Carroll went to Magnolia today. Mr W W Ashe has returned to the city. Miss Iva Baker went to Taruoro today. VCol J D Sbaw, of Rockingham, is ,tbere. s fiMaJ H L Grant, of Goldsboro, is "Here. . I Mr B H Woodell left this after noon for Wi'kes county. A Page, of Aberdeen, was in e city today. jMr W T Bland is quite ill on West 3avie street. $Ht L D Stain back, of Henderson, fin the city. I Col Beneban Cameron arrived in fhe city today. J I Lybrook, Chief Marsha! of itate fair, was in the city today. h Richard Gwathiney, of Rich i.i. is in the city. MrWT Utley who fell from a lad fOZt last weeu is improving. Mr R M Nowell and Mr O G I ifrtech, of Clayton, are in the city. vijMr -Joel Whitakcr left for New rk today to enter the New York J'ntal School. 1 s'r Frank Hill, who travels for a V York firm, is here spending a llays with relatives and friends. . JSjS Daisy Branson, who lias ..euvisiUng relatives and friends Athens and Raleigh, has returned . the ciiy . Atlanta Journal. jf H Wilson, who bus been cm joyed by the Southern in Durham Jtkes charge of the night shifting frew in the yards here. I Mr P A Carter and M - James II JMoseley, two former Raleiuh men, Zand now traveling for prominent J Concerns, were in the city today : Mrs M W Separk, of Raleigh, is Visiting the family of her son, W D ' J3epark,,Her grand daughter. Miss tlaud Separk, accompanied her. iurhara Sun. Mp Albert Kramer, one of Dur on's leading and most progressive siness men, spent Sunday in the Tty, and received a warm welcome, t he always does among his many riends here. I What Hood 's Sarsaparilla has done for others it will also do for you. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures all blood tlneases. WARRANT Crescent Bicycles 4 YEAR j We have made parts good free of charge after Cres cents had bean used . . lOUTO We give any saddle a cus "y wishes. V " .MESf8 Cbkscxts, $40. j lUimta CESftct.TrB, $40. st longer than many . called high-grade Bicy- 3.H. Briggs& Sons. ONE . Rolling Car to Exhibit at tha Fair. The Car of North Carolina Rolling Exposition, is nearly completed. It ia now having the finishing touches put on it at the Jackson and Sharpe works at Wilmington, Delaware. The car is ceiled with native North Carolina woods. The Charlotte News says the managers expect to have it completed in time to have it on exhibition at the Raleigh fair the latter part of this month. The makers sav it is about the finest ear ever turned out from their works. The name "City of Charlotte" is painted in prominent letters on each side of the car. For several months the car will travel this State to show the people the fine display. Long Distance Telephones. The Norfolk branch of the Ameri can telephone and telegraph com pany's line has been completed, and messages have already passed be tween that city and distant places. The formal openim:, however, took place today. Hon Charles M Cooke, ex-Secretary of State arrived in the city today. Was soon Keeling Better. "For three years I was troubled with my heart and liver. I was run down in health and could hardly walk, I was so weak. I tried mat-y medicines and finally bough a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I was soon feeliug better, and after taking a few more bottles T was strong and able to work." W S Harris, Cloverdale, Va. Hood's Pills are the best cathar tic. Easy to take, gentle mild. 25 cents. BUSINESS ITEMS. Koystcr's Candy Is recognized as the standard of purity and excellency. Try our Peanut Brittle and Butter Cups, 20c per lb., fresh every day. A D Rovsteb & Bro. Good, sober pressman can get steady job- Must be competent to cut paper, "make ready, &c. Reecf. & ELAil, oet4 2t Greensboro, N. C. Best Brunswick stew and barbe cue served every dey by Sampson Anderson at the Bonanza Saloon, S. Trogrien, proprietor. Also oysters, sandwitches and everything for a tempting meal that the market af fords, oc 2 tf 50,000 -city of Kalcigh 5 per cent. Bunds for Sale. Sealed bids will be received by the City Treasurer until noon, Oc tober loth, for the purchas of $50, 000 city of Raleigh 5 percent bonds, running Ml) years. No bid less than 103 will be considered. All bids should be designated on outside of envelope as "Bids for the City Bonds," and addressed to the undersigned. Jos. G. Buown, City Treasurer. Sept 2D Oct 15. IN DOUBT As to which drug store to pat ronize, try us. We have what you want, the best of everything; not some thing "just as good." Our drugs are the purest obtainable, and your prescrip tions will be looked after by ex perienced and competent phar macists only. VY. H. KING & CO., Druggists, Fa,yetteville Street, THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS: SMITH'S MENTHOL INHALERS For cold in the head, hay fever, catarrh, etc. Elm Lozenges For the throat and lungs. McKimmon's tar-cough balsam. McKimmon's C APSULES For Grippe, Colds, Neuralgia, etc. Lots of folks suffering with catarrhal colds, hay fever, etc, and these rem edies are good, for such troubles. Vi James McKimmon 4 Co OCTOBER Frost in the air, cold winter winds are on the way to make us blow our fingers. You'll not have a not find at the big store to In August, when rid heat, vou did not realize that you'd ever need a nice heavy cloak or good warm thing about it, you had no these things for you. As work thinking and looking winter. We knew that vance and we wanted to ing to work in time we no advance over old prices Now the time has things, and you can see made for you. CARPETS. It's time to have your floors cov ered for cold weather; mattings are nice and cool for summer, but they won't keep out the frost; carpets are not expensive not here and they do add so much to the comfort of the home. We have ingrains at U cents; they are extra good for that price, but our 35 cents goods are all you could wish. We don't charge any thing for making or laying carpets, and thit is a consideration, for it is lots of trouble for you to make and put down a heavy carpet. 50c. carpets at 40c. 75c. carpets at 60c. tl.00 carpets at 85c. RUGS. Rugs are next to carpets in point of comfort; doesn't it feel good a coi.l night when you have to jump out of a good warm bed to slap your leet down on a cold floor, get or,.- t,f our nice, soft, warm moquette rugs by the side of your bed and you won't rare if baby does want water, you won't mind getting up. $2.25. $i 7. $3 50 and up. Small rugs 21' . 0St,7.-i t'Sc, $1 25; all prices. WINTER DRESS GOODS. You'll be wanting a heavy dress Ronn- it. is wise tn have italreadv for , . . -w .- - your needs. You can save some money on your winter dresses in our ctnIr All wtv mixtures worth 50c. at 40c. the yard; very popular goods and a bargain; it's nice heavy goods, makes a handsome dress. Serges '?hf 511c unit 7.V Snitinirsand cloths t!8c, 75c, 85 and $1.00 up. Plain fa brics, all colors and all prices, but you'll find a saving on each yard you buy. CAPES. The manufpetures told us, when in New York, they were selling 18 capes to 2 Jackets. Capes are stylish and convenient; we have both and in in all good grades and styles. Some stores say they have them all; they don't mean to misrepresent, its pure ignorance. We have a bet ter line, and charge less for them than any house you know of. You don't need to waste money don't buy until you've seen tho big store's line of stylish garments, then do as you please. BLANKETS. Do you know the best and cheap est blanket and comfort store in this part of the state ? Ask anybody on the street where you can get the best blanket for the least money, if they don't tell you the BigStore.they are strangers in town. If you value money your b'anket store is here. There isn't a thing you have to buy in dry goods that we haven't got, and we'll save you at least ten cents on every dollar you have to spend. If you persist in spending your dollars at high-price stores its your own fault, and as long as you do it times will be hard. Take care of the pennies is our advice. i-:iIrfh'ftallE&' BIG CASH 1 NEEDS want for winter comfort that you'll your satisfaction. you were almost melting in the tor blankets ; you didn't think any need to, its our place to think o early as July we were hard a for things for your comfort in the the tarifl' would cause prices to ad save you the advance, and by go got our winter supplies for you at at all. come when you have to have these and appreciate the saving we have SHOES. Kr!innl shoes for children, that look well, and yet wear well, and at reasonable prices, are tne .Daraesi things to hnd ot any snoe you nave tn hnv. We think we have solved the problem, and have a line of shoes that will till tne Dill in eviry panic ular; we have them in sevral grades and they are an guaranteed goous 65c, 75c 85c, $1 00, $1 25 to $1 50. LACE CURTAINS. New curtains add greatly to the appearnce of a room, and at small cost, we nave a spienuiu uno ui new . no. 1 OK 1 " - .. .1 RIBBONS. Nonr rihhnns liitr lot. came in Satur day, all the new things are here, we sell ribbons ot calico profit that's why we are the cheapest house on them you ever saw. We have said so much about millinery lately there is but little more to say, ana men too, every bodv knowsour millinery, for the best and cheapest to be foin-o. UNDEli EAR. We icceived 90 dz. men's under shirts last week, that we know, are the cheapest shirit ever brought to the state is as good aspny4DC. shirit you'll find; price 25c. Ladies and children s at za, 40, ouc ana up. SNAPS. Ball cotton, lc Needles, lc Pins, lc Hair pins lc Lead pencils lc Thimbles, lc Erarsers, lc Coats cotton, c Good ccnibs 5c Sterling silver thimbles, 20c IJair curlers, 5c Glycerine soap, 5c Cups and saucers, set 50c Plate large, set, 50c Imitation cut glass tumblers, doz. Joe Decorated chamber sets twelve pices $6 75, $10 00 Dress shields, 10c Silk dress shields, 25c Linen towels 10c Hooks and eyes, 3o Whalebones 5c Steel stays . . 3c Tape, 2 for 5c Hair brushes ... 10c Spool silks 7c li isting cotton 2c Corsets 20s Corsets 25c Corsets 35c Corsets 50c Corsets 75c Corsets, up up. Webster's Dictionary 78c STORE- ut 06 m&u KTlL1L4IUri.il A. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, We Will Inansrurate Our GRAND FALL OPENING Ladies' Misses' and Children's Jackets, Capes, Reefers and Separate Skirts. Ladies' Cloth Capes " Plush " Jackets Misses Jackets . Childrens' Reefers . . Ladies' Separate Skit Ladies' Taffeta Silk Skirts. People Raleigh Know a ioud Thing hen 1 hey Sec It. Beginning today for this week nt Riggan'o we offer you a bargain in fancy decorated Austrian China 1'lateg at one half value. 7J in. Austrian china plates 10c 8J " " " " 12c 91 " " " " I5c A small lot semi-porcelain white butter dishes, cover and drainer for only 15c, and a few sugar dishes to match for 15c each. Big bargain while they last. A few dozen white bone dish for only 5c each, six for 26c. If you want yellow baking pans and bowls we have them cheap. Decorated and plain lamps 20c to $2 50. It will be of great interest to you to see our imitation cut glass ware and lamps; also real line cut glass ware. The best make of enameled ware, any kind of a piece you want, at about one holf the regular prices. We have four oil heating stoves the Deiiz fire plabe heater that will keep a room twenty foot square com fortable. The factory price is $. To close out these four we offer them to you for t3.60. Don't forget Riggan's surpassing candy, only 20e pound. Riggan's Toy Store. (iOAT rugs White, Mixed and Black At 50 per cent lower than ever sold Lamps In Every Conceivable Design. A most select line of House Furnishings. Our Furniture is the best. Royall I Borden Corner Wilmington TELEPHONE S66 Heller Brothers 1 134 Fayetteville St. -OF- If You Dish To see the NEW STYLES in their virgin freshness, drop in any day, the sooner the better. A first pick is worth something this season, not only because it is first choice, but Cloaks will be higher. Our buyer made a masterly deal in Cloaks. We give you the beuc fit if you'll take it. Any w.iy, looking or buying we will be pleased to show you. $1 00 to 20 00 $3 00 to $25 00 $3 00 to $20 00 $2 00 to $10 00 $1 25 to $5 00 $1 50 to $10 00 Public Sale OF Building Lots. Excellent Building Lots for Sale on Long Credit. On Monday, the 11th day of Octo ber A. D. 1897, at one o'clock in the afternoon, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, without reserve, on the premises, thirty building lots, lying on Person, Smitofield and Blood worth streets in the .city of Raleigh. This is the property long known as Dodd'Mineral Spring Property," which has recently been developed by extending Person street and opening a street across it from east to west. The plat is divided into lots of suitable size for building, generally fifty feet in depth, or more, and is admirably located, near to business and to the colored schools. Terms are within the reach of ev erybody only one-sixth cash and the balance in twenty monthly in. stalments, without interest. Title perfect. Maps of the property can be obtained of Wynne, Ellington & Co., and of the undersigned. W. T. SMITH, Trustee. oc4 in Raleigh. Furniture Cdmp'y and Hargett Streets. B. HELLER BROS. Have just received the- new shapes in the J. A. Bannister Co's Fine Shoes for Autumn and Winter wear. Call and see them at Shoe Store, Woollcott & Son, 14 E. Martin Street, Twenty-four Successful Dress Goods. AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Our line of Black Dress Goods for this fall is unusually attractive, and embraces all the grades of Serges, Henriettas and fanjy weaves from 10c to $1 25 a yard. In Fancy Dress Goods we are showing good things at 20, 25, 33 and 50c. Full assortment of cheaper goods, such as outings and fancy flannrl lets at 5, 71, 10, 12 and 15c. All colors of velvets at 50, 75c and 11.00. Our new Capes and Cloaks are we can sell them to you cheaper than Shoes. VERY IMPORTANT. We have never before made such efforts in this department to have what you want. We have extensive lines of school shoes to sell at 75c, 85c, $1, 1 15, 1 25, 1 35 and 1 50. Crossett's $3 shoes for men are the best on earth. In ladies shoes we have the best lines in the city at Jt 25, 1 50, 2 00 and 2 50 We would like everybody to see this stock. We defy competition not only in the stock, but in all depart ments. Our prices areas low as the lowest. REMEMBER ! AGENTS FOR uttericd Uhen the Ueaf her Changes Ycu '11 change to heavier weights. It's a convenience not to have to bother till then. The mercury drops, you drop in here five minutes after time and out again with a handsome, stylish, perfect fitting, fault less in every way, Suit or Overcoat, or both and a quarter, maybe a third of money you expected to spend still in your pocket. Follow the best dresses, go where they go. Ask them, they'll tell you it's no secret Berwanger Clothes are a standard. It argues go3d judgment to come here. It means a saving, not at the expense of quality, but by reason of our facilities. We're not selling goods at cost, either. We buy them as close as money can git them. Avail yourselves of all cash discounts and tl-ey go to you at the very smallest advance of that. The finest talent is employed in cult ng and making our fine Suits and Overcoats. These mild days are good days to look, investigate, compare, decide.. Even where all is good there's a better and a best special excellence. In suits see our line (J 00, J7 50, 10. $12. $15, $18, $20 to $25 See how they are made and trimmed, see how perfect they fit, and you'll see why we are leaders. Same Way in Overcoats. Our stock is full of novelties, new effects original in every way. S. & D. BERWANGER, WIDE AWAKE Leading One Price Clothiers. BLANKETS. If the Blanket offerings are favored with intelligent examination, the present stock will be unequal to the immediate demand. These claims are not represented by catch penny prices; they make an honest 1 appeal to the most critical judgment. White Blankets. "Wellington" Blankets $2 00 A PAIR. White, well made, 60x70 inches, 4 lbs. "Kennebec" Blankets $2 75 A PAIR Very sightly and strong, 60x80 inches, 41 lbs. "Fort Dearborne" Blankets $3 50 A PAIR Extra heavy and all wool, 74x84 inches, very handsome. "North Star" Blankets $6 00 A PAIR - Pure wool and blue border, 76x88, 7 lbs. "White Cloud" Blankets. $10 00 A PAIR Extra fine finish and genuine California Blankets they come in boxes. Scarlet Blankets. "Aiiroro Red" Blankets $2 00 A PAIR Strong, warm and free from oils. Physicians' Favorite" Blankets at All wool, both warp and filling. ' Grey Blankets. f" "Royal" 11-4 Blankets at 75c PAIR - Soft and Pure Cotton. "Preston Blankets at Wool filling and mm Years of Store-Keeping. Millinery. For years we have had the reputa tion of curry ing the best stock of these goods in the State. Our prices have always been reasonable at d the styles arc always up to date. Our stock is complete and we are ready to take your order for your Fall Hat Our millinery buyer has had years of experience and she says she can show you what you want. ready for the trade and we are sun any house in the cily. Crockery. Dinner Sets $4 08, 5 98, 10 00. Tea Sets $4, 4 50, 5 00. Toilet Sets, $2 98 to 11 23. All kinds of fancy decorated ware in stock; Groceries. This department has proved a grand success. We sell only for cash and our prices are below all others in town. Try our new cheese at 15c; best Mocha and Java Coffee at 2!lc; Ar bucklcs' coffee 12Jc; pickles, olives and spices. Whenever you see goods advertised very cheap you will probably find our prices Patterns. iin i Dim -. $2 00 A PAIR light cotton warp.