-3-VIS1T0R, KAI.EIQU, N. C. 1Kj hy tjf Vlaltor-Prcaa Companv j Incorporated. I v .. . , T roNKOUUATIOH OF Hit VISITOR, KS TAHLISMKD 1878,, AND TH PSBHS, KTABUHIKD 1894. . i,lice in tho Academy of Music. i GREEK O. ANDREWS t " - Editor and Manager. 4ty2BXH W. McRARY, Soliciting Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year. V.x Months,. One Month f4 00 12.00 .35 The Leader in the News and in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. 168. MONDAY. October 11 FUSION AGAIN. Entered a Second-Class Mail Matter 1 Some days since we publiihoil tl e following editorial from the Fayette Tilln Observer: "We can drive out the present gold-bug fusiomsts and vrecoyjyLf h6 state for clean and hon- nment by 'co operation' jjte Populists and Demo MuW'fi only question for pa Innd Is as to the particular form in nicb this 'co-operation' mav be ( effected. None but a traitor to his f State would oppose such co-opera f tion " The Observer informs us that the above quotation was a muti L lation of a lengthy editorial, and ( . says: "The extract, which all ' three of the papers named (Cili.on, Obi Charlotte erver and Iiileigh Press-Visitor) have begun with a .Jtitence cut in two, is one of half a hozen lines taken out of the body of fja article of 245 lines. This article i Consisted, twe-thirds, of an editorial -he Wilmington Messenger, all balance of the Observer's nllts, in which it expressed its 3 V&ntwllli tha Maccanirdr'cmn. .wi. These, as suggested by the jjttfger, we that co operation in the same white forces which i'esd the state last year for Bryan fjd rescue the state government If . control. The effect of the itiele was to declare that none but '(traitor to the state would oppose 'uch 'co-operation,' (that is, such as ihat declared by the Messenger) with the situation as portrayed and 4( the figures as given by the Mes oi ganger understood and accepted by v him Ourcontetnporaries have made p the Observer say that every man in (state who does not now believe in !th. necessity of fusion between the iTtemocrata and Populistsisatraitor, 'Vhich ia an entirely different prop t 'os'ition." ji We clipped the editorial from from some state paper and we very II gladly set the Observer aright. The ' . jjditorlal. ia reference has not come J dor our observation. Acceding to s3 Observer's request, we gladly ' produce the following: "If fusion l"etweeo Democrats and populists 'oe conceded to be the only means of turning out the present set, would not he be a traitor to the State who would prefer retaining the latter to doing the former? : As a matter of fact, 'fusion will not be necessary j if the, preferable course advocated "by the Observer last year, and still ' possible, beadopted, viz , to man the i party with Vance men throughout. " ' As for Joining forces with the popu ,;c's. this paper believes tbet the 'nocrats of the State have been pped in the face one time too many 'Butler and his crowd. The But f today is the Butler of four Vave of John Boyle O'Reilly, V Irish poet, in Holy wood -, outside of Boston, is kept ,.y decorated by floral emb- vo Lis numberless friends Dg, a young1 Chinese ; uilied medicine in this country, taking the degree of vi. D , is now ia charge of the Siaug Hu hospital at Foo Chow, and a story is told of a coolie who wheeled bis blind old mother 1,000 miles on a barrow to take her to the woman doctor. A double operation for cat aract was the result, and the old wo roau cau see as well as ever Dr. Hu King Eng is to be one of the dele gates to the Woman 's Congress to be held in London next year. Her grandfather, a mandarian of great wealth, was converted to Christian ity some years ago, and she herself is a Christian. Mrs. JelTerson Davis states thai she finds the air of New York city much more beneficial to her health than the more languid climate of the south, hence her residence i;i the metropolis. At her present time she also likes more society than she was able to have at Reauvoir, her Southern home, which was very iso lated; and, moreover, she was oblig ed to keep the house constantly open to visitors an." sight-seers, who at times almost overwhelmed her, greatly taxing her strength. " ' DDWjLien s amies saitp. The best salve in the world lor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents pr box. For sale by all druggists. TRAINED NURSES' Bureau of Information. Doctors and patients in need of Nurses' services fan rct full informa tion at MeKimmon'-i Drug Store, Raleigh, N. ('. sep24 A!miiiiHtratoi''-i Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of ( atherine It. Hardin;,', deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present then for payment on or before October ri, issiS. All persons owing said estate are requested to make im mediate payment. W.M. T. II.UiDiNi;. Oct. tl, 17. Notice to Creditors. "-laving qualified as executors of Bernard li. Harding, late of the city of Raleigh, we hereby notify all creditors of his estate to present their claims to us in I'a'eiyh by the 1st dav of October, 1S!S. Wm. T. Hauhimi, M K'atk ll.UUUNO, Executors rf B R Harding. Sept. .'Jit. 1!'7. law (w factured for the monev. Ask for the "Little At7."3, 11.00. 1 25, $1.5) and pay for th m to sell again. .7."). S. TUCKERS' The Housekeeper's Chance To Save Money. MMtMMMilMMKmMM Selling Carpets. Not many left what's left the hest Axminsters, Wilton Velvets, Body Brussels and Kaschmers. Prices Hake Them Bargains No charge for making and laying. HAYWOOD, SNOW and TUCKER, ; " '. TRUSTEES. ' W. H. & R S. Tucker & Co.'s Great Dissolution Sales. Nervei Ja-.t as rorcly come from I be ui Hood's Sarsaparilla n iloos the cur of scrofula, salt rheum, or other no-called blood diseases. This is simply lic-auso the bleod ai'tects the condition of nil the bones, muscles tud '.i--net. II it is im pure it cannot properly sutnin these parts. If iimdemr e. rich. "-d ard vital ized bv Hood's Si-mi,'- 1 -i. it earnes health instead of di xa-". a- it vran he worn, nervous svstem im no' i.in;t it can do. Thus ncrvors I'-O'lia Ki'i. hy-rterjit, neuralgia, bes.-t rut: ;:a:i,m.n em-it Dy Sarsaparilla Because it is the One True lilood I'urilier. s,r.- Hi-I.."t :t-t.T-tlinii.-r HOOd S PlIlS IMlKaul h'la.n. Sc. A PALM FOR EVERYBODY! Having a large stock of Palms on hand, and wishing to make room, 1 shall from now on greatly reduce prices on them, ;,s well as on other plants. Fresh Supply of Iuipoi'Ui! Ilulbs Arrived . Hyanc'niths, Tulips. Narsissus, Fre'jsia. Chinese Sacred and Easter Lilies for forcing and outdoor p!ant ing Choice Gut Flowers Of Roses, Carnations, etc. Floral Designs and Flowers for all occa sions and at all times. Evergreens and Shade Trees. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near 1'e.acc In stitute Phone 113. octK ZACHARY & ZAGHARY Wholesale and Retail Commission Dealers in All Kinds of Rough ami Dressed Lumber, Lai lis, I'ine And cypress shingles, frames, doors, sash ai.d blinds, hard and soft wood mantles, slate and marble mantles, iron and wooden tubs and tanks, iron columns, beams a.,d iron stairs and all other iron structures. Iron fenc ing a specialty. Iron and steel roof ing, sidinff and ceiling, linials ami sralvauized iron cornaces. E.ive trouirh, tin and galvanized coml'ictin piping; heating and ventilating appa ratus and all kinds of wood norkinjr machinery. Olliee, lij Mart'u street, op-osite Park Hotel. Correspondence mi:., ited. sep H-ltf The Little Giant School Shoes Is the cheapest and best school shoe for children . They are made of the best material, looks well ami will give double the wear of any other school shoe manu Giant" School Shoes, We sell shoos as cheap as Jolliers C. POOL. 130 Fayetteville St. ST ORE. ryj rvrurr?Q Weil Liked iood Judgm Tells you -hue nice ch t'n-s - t;ood clothes clothes that I-ok well on yo'i-c'ot i s tl at will wear well clothestlut will be an ou ward index of yi ur j.od taste -of your fc'i od jiuU'incnt. Appearance II. i a !'re;tt wav clothes make the man lirst impressions are the lies'. "most lasliii'f- clothes do ii the riyht kind OUR Clothes w:ll. We show more "NKWNK'sS" real novelties new crea tions in one aeiison than ml li lid in all :ilhers combined. Cross & Linehan, Leaders of Up-io-Dale Okthing. The best dressers in the State are weariu our clothes , DO YOU? BICYCLE mm WA Search Light, $4; Tally Ho, $5; Dazzler, $1.75; Favorite, 75c. Julius Lewis Hardware Company, RALEIGH, N. C. AtiKNi's ni:. CRAWFORD Harris' Lithia Carbonated We fjuarai.tfi-that one rhiss will relieve any case of indigestion funded. iv if taken after each meal a hat :' t noted Dr. Davoi, or Chester, S. C, has to say for it: Mr. .1. T. HARRIS: Oka k Sik For the pa: cifflit months T h:iv lM;en usinjr Harris' Uthia Water, witli the most excellent results, where I have heeu able to tret my pa tient., m drink a sultieieiit quantity daily. The Carbonated has no equal in Gastric disturbances. In old chronic dyspeptics if you will wash the stomach witki salt and water, and have an hour later have your pal'ent drink the Car-bo-v -I I.ithia you will ma':o many friends and improve many stomachs. It is iu . . 'lent table water. It is an excellent laxative, and is a sure cure for llatuleni .pepsia. S. M. DA V EG A , M. D. Sold by J. R. Ferrall & Co., Grocers, Ai.J wholesale agents for Harthorn Saratoga Water. Trade supplied. MarchlS lv KLONDIKE! IV. n't i'o there unle-is impson's You are more than likely to be Oon't use Simpson's O.i lnient, which ItADis'oAniismml Presenting J 'SkI J n0 JtfiSiW fcsAw All Eclipsing ZffW, Ct Hooting l" A reproduction or J tullmiTiilA$GEStltmRtitymmi). Raleigh, Tuesday, October 19th. Wear Longer. I f VI UH BICYCLES. of Harris' Lithia Carbonated Water in one minute's time or money re will cure any case of indigestion. Read you are well supplied with Liver Pills! troubled with Nasal Catanh if you is a sure cure. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. la eitoctJuo. 14, IRq6. Tralnn Leave Kalclgh Hall. "Norfolk and CliattaniMina Limited.' 3,40 p. m, Dally, Solid vestlbuled tralu wlui sleeper from Norfolk to Chattanooga via. Mils bury, Morgfintou AshevUle. tint springs and KIlOXTllle. CouDeota al Durham InrOa'urd ClarkuvlllH and Keysvllle. except Sunday. At Ureeua boro with the Washington and South western V'esll uled (Limited), train (or all points North and with main line train No. It tor Danville. Richmond and intermediate lora stations ; also h is connection (or Wlnston-Sakm and with main Hue train No. 36, ' united states rastataU" for Charlotte. Bpartanlmrg. O reeu Tiile, Atlanta and all points South ; Iso Colum bia, Augusta Charleston, Savannah, JacKSon ville and all points in Florida Sleeping Car (or Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte with Sleeping Car lor Aumista. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. (1:45 A. n. Dally Solid train eonslstin Pullman iieeplng cars and coaches from Cha taniHiKa w Norfolk, arriving Norfolk 8:00 pro in time to connect with the Old DomioioD vlerrliHiits' anil Miners ' Norfolk and Wain luxton and Baltimore. Chesapeake and Rich mond 8 $ Co's (or all polnt'north and east. Connects at Selma for Fayetteville anil in termediate stations on the Wilson and Fa pttevltle Short cut, daily, except sumlayfor New ern and Morehead City, dally for Gulds boro, and Wilmington and Intermediate sta tions on tl.e Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Express Train. 8:33 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysvllle, Rl bmond; at Greensbor (or Washington and all points north. .Express Train. 3:40 P. (1. Dally For Ooldsboro and Inter mediate stations. Local Accommodation. a:0O A. M. Connects at Greensboro fur al p hits for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carotin Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points In West ern North Carolina, Knoxvllle, Tenn., Clncln natl and western points ; at Charlotte, le Spai tanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh, N. C: Express Train. 3 :40 P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte. Greensboro and all points South. No 'folk and Chattanooga Lli.ilicd 3:40 P. M. Dallv From all points east. N01 folk Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. From Goldsbcio, Wilmington, Fayet evlll and all points In Eastern Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. :4s A. n. Dally From New York, Washing ton, Lyuchburg Danville and Greensboro, chat- tauooga, Knoxvllle, Hot springs and asbevllle Express Train 8,53 a. m, Dally From ooldsboro aud Intel mediate stations. Local. 7:20 A. ft. Dally From Ureeusboro aud a points North and South. Sleopiug Car from Greensboro to Raleigh. 9:00 p. n Dally exc pi Sunday From Golds boro and all points Bast Local freight tral as alto carry passengers. Pullman cars on night train from RaW-Irn to Greensboro. Through pullman vestlbul d Drawtnn Room Buffet sleeping Car and Vestibule! cicbes without change ou Norfolk limited, Double daily trains between RUc'sii, Char lotte and Atlanta Quick time, uncoiled ac commodation. V. . II. GREEN, tltviimni operintendeii V A. TUR' Genera I isscnaot Airent V i.uiuiuiu. D C. J . M. oiii.i', Traflic Manaei MOItTGAGK SALE. On Tuesday, October 2G, 1897, at the court house door in Raleigh, N C-, I will sell at public auction tract of land in Wake county ad joining the lands of Gary Wall, A Altai and others, and bounded as lol lows: Begins at a point where Poplar creek crosses the new road A T Mial'scorner, runs thence east wardlv along said new road 167 2-3 poles to a stake, thence north 3 de grees west 124 poles to a stake in the lines of B P Williamson and Gary ball's lands, thence south 88 de grees west 175 poles to said Poplar creek, thence down the various courses of said creek 97 poles to the beginning, containing 119 acres more or less, being the land convey ed to H L Lassiter by B P William son and wife by deed delivered con temporaneousiy with the mortgage under which said sale will be made. bale made by virtue 01 powers conferred by a purchase money mortgage from H L Lassiter to B P Williamson, registered in book va page 25 of the Register of Deeds of hce of Wake county. Termsof sale one third cash, resi due in two equal installments one and two years after day of sf le, 6 per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m i. P. Williamson, Mortgagee N. B 22 other tracts of land will be sold at same time and place. B P Williamson. MORTGAGE SALE. On Tuesday, October 26tb, 1&97 at the court house door in Raleigh I will sell at public auction the tiact of land in awift creek township, Wake county, containing 65 acres beginning at a stake near a pine Wm Edwards' and Mullen's corner runs thence south 87 degrees, east 70 poles to a stake, formerly a pine; thence with Campbell's line south 8 degrees, east 127 poles to a stake; thence north 87 degrees west 96 poles to a stake in Edwards' line; thence north 3 degrees 126 poles to the beginning; it being the land conveyed to Auderson Burt by B P Williamson and wife and W G Upchurch and wife by deed deliv ered contemporaneously with the mortgage under which said sale will be made. Sale made under powers confer red by a purchase-money mortgage from said Anderson Burt to Wil liamson and Upchurch, registered in book 101 at page 39 of the regis ter of deeds' office of Wake county. Terms of sale: One-third cash; residue in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale, with 6 per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B P Williamson, Surviving Partner and Trustee. N. B 22 other tracts of land will be sold at same time and place B P Williamson. , se22tds MOItTGAGK 8 ALU, On Tuesday, October 2Cth. 18i7, at the court house door in Raleigh, N C, I will sell at public auction a tract of land in Wake tuunty ad joining the lands of 11. L Las.siler, Kichardsou. IS r Williamson" and others, beiunin at II L-Lassi ter s north-west corner on Foplar creek; runs thence up said creek 1(11: poles to Kicbardson s corner; thence north 88 degrees east, 325 poles to the bimthheld road; thence southwardly, with the road, 102 poles to li P Williamson 3 corner of a tract of land formerly tccupiedby Beverly Williamson; thence south 88 degrees west, 325 poles to the beginning containing 2t)(i acr.es more or less; it being the land con veyed to (iary Wall by JJ P William son and wife by deed delivered con temporaneously wifh the mortgage under which said sale will be made. Sale made by virtue of a purchase- money mortgage from Gray Wall to H V Williamson, registered in book No 7(i at page 458 of the Register of Deeds office of Wake county. Terms of sale: One-third cash; residue in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale, at i per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. li V Williamson, Mortgagee. N . IS.- -22 other tracts of land will be sold at same time and place, li. P. Williamson. sept22-6w MORTGAGE SALE. Ou Tuesday', October 20th. 18U7. at the court house door in Haleigh, N. C, 1 will sell at public auction a tract 01 land in iswift creek township, coun ty of Wake and State of 'North Caro lina, containing 4U 511-100 acres, bound ed on the north by the lands of A. IS. hmery, on the east and south by the lands ol Williamson & Upchurch, on the west by the lands of Rachel Franks and t ab btephecson; it beiner the land conveyed to John E. Newsome by H. 1'. Williamson and it. a wife and w. G. Upchurch and his wife by deed de livered contemporaneousl-7 with the mortgage under which said sale will be made. Sale made by virtue of a purchase money mortgage from John E. New some to Williamson & Upchurch, re gistered in book No. 118, at page tiHS of the Register of Deeds otliceof Wake county. Terms of sale: One-third cash; resi due in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale; six per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B. 1. Williamson. Surviving Partner and Trust. . N. B. 22 other tracts of land ..1 be sold at the same time and plac . 15. P. Williamson. MORTGAGE SALK! On Tuesday October 26th, 1887, at the court house door in Raleigh, N C, I will sell at public auction a tract of land in Swift Creek township, Wake county, bounded on the North by the lands of Burwell S Franklin and Ben Prankliu; on the East by the lands of Joe Woodard and William son and Upchurch; on the South by the lands of said Williamson and Upchurch; and on the West by the lands of James Patrick and F H Stephenson; containing 48 91-100 acres, more or less, it. being the land conveyed to Archibald B Emery by B P Williamson and W G Up church and their wives by deed de livered contemporaneously with the mortgage under which said sale will be made. Sale made by virtue of powers con ferred by a purchase-money mort gage from Archibald B Emery to Williamson and Upchurch tegister ed in Book No. 114, at page 427 of the Register of Deeds olliee ol Wake county. Terms of sale, one third cash; residue in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale, 6 per cent interest. Ciilour of sale 12 m. ;B P Williamson, Surviving partner and Trustee. N B. 22 other tracts of land will be sold at same time and place. IS P Williamson. SALE OF LAND. On Tuesday, October 2fi, 1897, at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C, I will sell at public auction s. tract of land in Wake county, Mark's creek township, adjoining the lands of Gary Wall, A. T. Mlal, H. L. Lassiter and C. M. Williamson, being the land formerly occupied by Beverly William son, deceased, and now occupied by his family, containing about 200 acres. This salo is made under powers con veyed in a paper made Novtmber 19, 1881, and recorded in book 67, page 217, Register of Deeds office, Wake county. Terms of sale: One-third cash; resi due in two equal installments one and two years after day of sale; six per cent interest. Hour of sale 12 m. B. P. Williamson. N. B 22 other tracts of land will be fold at the same time and place. B. P. Williamson. NoRTn Carolina, ) Superior Court, Before D. H. Wake County. ) Young.C.S.C. Joel Brown, J. J. Maynard and others, ex parte. On Monday, the 25th day of Octo ber A. D. 1897, we, the undersigned commissioners appointed by the court in the above entitled special proceedings, will expose for sale at public outcry on the premises to the highest bidder for cash, or on a credit, as may be announced at sale, all that tract or parcel of land in Wake county, N. C, In Buck Horn township, bounded on the north by lands of Talitha Womble, on the east byPegy Wilson, on the south by the lice of Thomas Womble, deo'd, on the west by Prescilla Womble, containing one hundred and ninety eight acres, more or less and more fully described in deed recorded in office of Register of Deeds for Wake county in Book No. 28 at page 372, and in the complaint in said pro ceedings. W. B. Womble, W. J. Peklb, Com'rsl Peele Sc Maynard, Attorneys Tor Petitioners. I'lantort An Irloa think lUIMUU nil IUbU talBstopauintl Protest toot Mou t trier nay bring yam wraith. Writ JOHN WIUIIEKBURN ft CO., Ftoiit AUor mm. Wuhlanoa, D. C. for tbalr ' Brine pSar mmi w UN ul om Uxxraad laTaatkux ML or imple TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans Chattaiuoi;a, Nashville and New York, Boston, I'hiladelphia, Wash iugton, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEDULE IN KFFKCT FEBRUARY 7, "y7. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. Lv.N.Y.,Pen.R.K.1100am Lv.Philadelphia" 112pm Lv. Baltimore, 315pm Lv.Washington, 440pm Lv.Richmond,A.CL.85(ipm No. 41. 9M)pm 1205am 2 50am 130am 905am Lv.Norfolk.S.A.L, Lv. Portsmouth, " 830pm 905am 845pm 920am Lv. Weldon, "Ml 28pm Ml 55am Ar-Uenderson, "M256am M30pm Ar.Durham, Lv. Durham, t732am t409pm t520pm til 10am Ar.Raleigh, Ar.Sanford, " Ar.Sou'n Pines, " Ar. Hamlet, " Ar.Wadesboro, " Ar. Monroe, " 21tiam 335am 422am 510am 554am 6 43am 334 pin 503 pm 5 55pm 653pm 811 pin 912pm Ar.Charlotte, " 830am M025pm Ar. Chester " 810am M047pm Lv.Columbia,CN&LRR . . t600pm Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 945am M 2 10am 1 07am 1 40am 241am 345am 430am 520am Ar(t reftn wood. " 1035am Ar.Abbeville, " 1105am ArElberton, " 1207pm Ar.Athens, " 115pm Ar.Winder, " 159pin Ar,Atlanta(cnttimc)250pm NORTH BOUND. LvAtlanta, SAL, LvWinder, " LvAthens, " LvElberton, " LvAbbeville, " LvGreenwood," LvClinton, " No 402. No. 3f. 7 50pm 1042pm 1126 pm 12 33air 1 40am 109am 3 05am M 2 00pm 240pm 216pm 415pm 515pm 541pm 634pm ArColumbiaON&LUR,. t7 00am LvChester, S.A.L. 813pm 4 33ara ArCharlotte, M0 25pm 8 30am LvMonroe, Lvllamlet, 940pm 6 05aw 1123pm 815am i ArWilmington" J530ani M 2 30pm LvSou'nPines " M214am 9 20am LvRaleigh, " 216am 1135am Arllenderson, " 828am MOOpm ArDurhara, LvDurhamf 17 32am t409pm t520pm tlllOara ArWeldon, " 455am ArRichmond, ACL. 815am A.-Wash'g.PenRR. 1231pm 300pm 650pm 1110pm 12 48am 345air. 6 53am ArBaltiniore, 1 43 pm Arl'hiladphia, " ArNewYork, " ArPortsmouth " ArNorfolk, 3 50pm 623pm 730am 7 50am 550pm 6 05pm Daily. tDaily Except Sunday. JDaily Except Monday. Nos. 403 and 402, "The AtlantaSpe citl, "Solid Vestibuled Train of Pull man sleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38, "The S. A. L. Ex press, " Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Com pan y sleep ers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Florida. For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to B. A. Newland, Gen. Airt. P Dept. 6 Hin.ball House, Atlanta, Ga. H. S. Leard, Sal. Pass. Agt., Iiil eigh, N. C. E. St. John, Vic. President and General Manager. H. W. B. Glover, Traflic Manager V. E. McBee, General Superinten dent T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General offices: Portsmouth, Va, NOTICE Of SALE UNDEK EX ECUTION. North Carolina, I t n Magistrate's Wake county. ) Court. Ed V. Dentan vs. E. B. Cuthbert, trad ing as E. B. Cuthbert & Co. Notice of Execution. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from a magistrate's court of Wake county in the above entitled action, I will on Monday, the 25th day of October, 1897. at 12 o'clock noon, at the court bouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy Bald execution, all the right, title ar i interest which the said E. B. Cuthbert & Co., defendants, have in tho folliffing deserved personal property, tj wit: Two desks, one leather sofa six rocking chairs, six cane botto.n chairs,, one.mlmegraph, one typewriter, two blackboards, five tables, one water cooler, seven spit toons, one waste basket, two electric fans, one small clock, one wall clock, one bat rack, three pictures, three carpets (on floor. ) H. T. JONES, Sheriff Wake County. SALE OF LAND FOR ASSETS. By virtue of a judgment of Wake Superior Court in the Bpecial proceed ings entitled J. C. Marcom, adminis trator of Emetine M. Holland vs. J no. D. Holland and wife and others, I will, on Monday, November 1, 1897, at tha courthouse door in Raleigh, sell a tract of land belonging to the estate of the intestate in Middle Creek Town thip.Wake county, adjoining the lands of the laco A. M. Jones H. M. Hol land and others; beginning at a stake in Charles Suggs' line, A. M. Jones' corner, runs south 43 poles and 13 links to a stake, thence east 8IJ poles to a stake: A. M. Jones' line, thence north 43 poles und 18 links to a stake, then west 9U poles to the beginning containing 25 acres, mooe or less. Time of sale 12 m. Terms, one-third cash, residue payable In six months with interest; bond and security to be given,' J. U. MARCOM, COD). uaieign, . u., sept. z, isw. .

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