'HE PRESS-VISITOR, U 11.EIGH, N. C. I'ublishcd !' Ihii Visitor-Press it.nipiiin ! Incorporated. 1 . CONSOLIDATION HI' Tllf. VlsiTult. t S- rAUi.isin:i) IST, A! thk I'uk-s, KSTAni.isiiitii li'l Ofuces in i be Academy of Music. GUI I k O AMHltW S. I.Jitor iind Manager. IHNO.N I-'. McKAKV. AJverliv.n;! Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year. Six Months One Month . :1 CO ;-J (III .' in Kntcrcd a Si'.-oini-t.'hi.- s Mail Mali, r Tlx' Lender i tin1 News and in Circulation. TKI.iil'liONK NO ICS 1 U I HAY 1 o IN I 1 U I . I IVi: I ll I I .!;..! 1 '-i l:' ' ' ' w'.n'.er t'ft 'I: : ; 1' T! i'i '" utt!.'. s.i vs ! it.- I'l.i. l'r i-i, This is s.T i t. !. ."( :'!' . i.t i ill ' ! i ..ii: I ' i v.: . ..u.i ..f l-:i. :C lg!.: :-. i . m. 1 .in ;nl,TeV i :'ti facl i-v '; .- : rir-t , :. :.iO l!.a' A:n i - . : . ,-a'v -.:.irL'iiv -r':":' ' ' kits if .:; V.. !:.'. .1 l.i! . fact lii.it J at .t'i i-. 1 s:.i: '! : -' in ll,c !. of l!.e i . . ' i i i j . i view ( :' l:.-' . -;. s.i s ii nai'ti i i ! 1 1 1. . .v 'iie out. j i' J apuio'se an; ,; . : . :, ,t' ;.t of tvil.iv, i ian I .-.i.u lis i s ; .toi'ii' if not : iti.i . nary. Miss K'.mira Mi-Coy. a tea' ' it in the pu'i. a- so'."' 'is '' '!' ''!'. ;. !i i' . maiie l;fi' fa! - as :i ....'; , . l.y set.iiin hou'.c 1 lihv of l.er ;-. wlio had boon laiii'o' o-.i-'i: ti 0 their breath mi -lit in' : o: -.'a' 'i.a:. 1 iinnouneod tiait to- '.oatU'r i.o j io who ati.' unions w.v.M be jvnti'f-i-sj to remain in t iio sciiool . M,ssMoOo was uphold by tl.e pri :a . p a' . ' : I t!:c pupils ail i.oiisiiin -.! iiy.-ti.er ., i! formed a p ot to ea! "i,.o-,-. (: y i..-. til the teacher sunvi.Ji t'.-ii v a surrendered. l tie I'ai'OM'o;' r'j l" i'0! ': l- '. inter, si ii.o acivt: : .' oft!:.' i"'i',i-.' . . ti:i' siot i;as naOors ' i.a' ha. -.- lu-- - ' i so p ipular in Loud 'a. You pi' it s i uiuoh money, ofvt ..; iy a pen! y a-td tlio aino'ji)' of o.is !.ut vim a pav for (Minos nto tin.' house. It iniii'u' be ueli for " r aa '!..-s t' 1 ok into'. i.o wiiii,'. . v 'i '. s i, -vice, '.villi a view of rsia'd a dollar-ia tlie-s'.ot systeei ..f o.,s i, c ters in IvU mil' ai i . sa a I . i a, extdiane iloeio'a is aa-. 1 o: l;ie!iiai ad. Those naa io i s , i-.a-been in use i-aiay a y.-tlr. The si'ent; ! i s s i; o of So ii'at.ii published I iy 11. i ry T. e.'ii ..' i f (ireenv ;!e, N. C . e 'Tin s ' . ii .ad Itisa journal di voted to iiiinr ino to lio'nt and iierpct ua' i i; o ui.d ters of interesl to the vetraas aimu: the eivil war. Ti.e fo!aui:.o ;tI l idet'.t is taken from its i nluian s : Near Yorktown. Yj., n eei.tly. v hi'e parties were looking over mm i Id papers a valuable relic of tie w was found. If, was an old poc ket Bible, about 5x1! inches in s'.o, and bound in black Morocco. On tiie fly-leaf in a dainty, feminine hands is, the presentation, which reads : "Presented to Daniel D, Oreutt by his friend, Jane Younj;, April 25. 1SG1." Just below, in a bold, mas culine hand, is written : ''Captured from the Yankees at Old Cold Har bor, June 27, 18C7, by Rebel A. F. D.; L. K. W. A." On the next paije there isanejvspaperciippin, which explains itself, and reads : "On the 8th instant, at the residence of Dr. Nelson, Smithfield, Jefferson county, of wounds received in the battle of Sbarpsburir, Lieutenant A. F. Dab ney, of Carter's Battery, another ooblo sacrifice, to the cause of liberty." The old book contains a lock of woman's hair of a decided auburn hue, and also the i-ftnaiu.- i what was once a white rose gerjni ii in This paper is alTorded jjreut pleas ure in pi'iutir.o; !!,,, folhuvino fr..m the I'dilorial ioi..in:is of tlic.Manu factureis Record: "I'l-orj A Holines. State .'colonist of Nurth C'.uo in;', in a recent, speech, whieii i publish ou anotucr tagv, coniriuu'eu aio.-a. of common sense to the discussion of the road problem of the outli Kv cry fanner, every b isiness nun. every manufacturer of iheSmth has a personal interest in oood roads, and the State is none the less con cerned. On this po.i.t Professor Holmes was oiiii'i ilic, and 'ii con nection with it h advocated the cm p'ovineni of convicts upon highway wink. !!' propi scd tli it. loi'.o term convicts shou'd 'oe used in crushir.o stone at centra! poin's. and that the short termoi.es in I lie i nun! ics should work upon tin' roads '1'hcre are manv vexatious oucstious invo'ved i i, 1 he it n ploy n.e i,l nfi 'iii'.es in the S.m'i . I-, iii.'ir i nip'.o uieu' iip.ni ;h,. ,e; o, , :,,s s.-.ais to I'll '1' II s.l !u ; i of 1 h,- j i it.li'iii and at liie same I co,,' i i oat ico K iv-'' I I" (he w ',. ; :' : i.e ::,''. 'I h, i e n: iy be olio..' h s a! pl's".o i; 'he way if a .e:a a . 'O' c :!. p ', it o'p. ,1,,. I" d rtuu.lv I (IjkiCi. ! A'lt1." SllllL' I it. ,,,-st sa;e in t'.c vvorid tor eats. P.' .Iscs, so'-es, ulcers, salt n:.o.:! few :' sores, tetter, chapped h . co-,, ei:i- ell :s. i or: sand all skin era i,t 1. as. and p , - . '. i :y cures piles, or ::o pay roj.:::-!'.;. it is ouarran i,i,l eiic ioi". c! satisfaction or a. .us.' reft:::. ted. Tr ee 25 cents ;i. r i! i. l'r sale by ; liruoois's. J e In',' .1 CeKI in III!.' t 'ii . T.i ' !. i , v.- lit. iii" t'liinine T,m . A: d: .'.:.os!s refund tae jo ,'i :(,; 1 ,l-i" i -5c. Tae ...li.chisl. I; i,1 on each Uldet. Wii.it !'", d s Sarsapari.la hasiioa" ;. ,a hot s '., i , 1 also do for you. 1 lood 's Sal's ipai ; i la cares ail blood d iscasc.s. V(!.'ii I", -, ,.s , . I;, ,., . ' fcnrn s,.' lias a Oh ',!, st," Wla'tisi... t . ir.ii.' Miss. - r. aou si. C lia.J i 'tia.Ircii, A Football Game $3 S. poors W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & GO. Hay v ood, Snow THE GREAT BARGAINS We are Offering in Tucker's Goods Must be of interest to all money-saving buyers. Blankets, Comforts, i Eiderdowns, Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Woolens, Silks, Dress Goods, Black Goods, Laces, Embroideries, etc. HAYWOOD, SNOW and TUCKER, TRUSTEES. Witti Hood's 3areapa- Talk rilln,"BnIe3Ti!lk,"and oh.e.v nmt tlna medi- cina has ei joycil publio ooufldenoe and patronage to a sveuier eitentthan accord ed any other rrojTictary medicine. Thia la simply 1 o.ausn it poesessea greater merit Eii.1 picuucca greater curea than any oilier. It in not what wo Bay, but what Hood's B upaparilla doea, that tella the story. All advertisements of Hood'a Barsararitta, tike Hood's SarsaparilU it ..n .' ,,. .., We bave never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, ia why the people have abiding foufldenee in it, and buy Sarsaparilla Alma it to the exclusion ot nil others. Try lu nvpure.i only by C. I- H.mI & Cos lowelU Mass. the only iittin to tike HOOd'S PillSw'th Hood's Barsiiwrill. FARMERS DIFFER IN OPINION. I Now ia tlie best time to sow Annual Clover Peed In the husk tliey are surer and bet- ; iprironthau Cleaned Seed, if ground is baked between your cotton and corn rows, 1 inn over very linhtly with cultivator ami sow broadcast thirty of cleaned or sixty iK'iinds ol seed in the husk. Hie month of September is the proper time to sow all grasses. Small plots should be spaded deep, and tields should lie broken with two-horse ploughs, and thoroughly pulverized with disc and harrow. i We arc giving this iuf"rmation from onr experience. We have seed to sell. We ciiurce only for them. We have now in stock Crimson Clover Seed, cleaned and in ! o... ),.b. i'l...a... no.1 f 'InvarR.! heat dual ity Orchard Lirass Seed; Blue Grass of hnest '(iialiiy for lawns, etc : Virginia Wiuter Ke, Virginia Winter Oats. "i liere is no advance in Held seed with the exception of wheat. Will be glad to gife prices on anything you wish in the seed line Nearly everything in the grooery line has advanced Jo to So per cent. We have been been compelled to advance the price of "I'.oller Champion Flour." Our "High Art Coffee," "He-No-Tea'' and "Clover Hill Palter " are retailed at former prices, al thnugli there has been material advance in price of butter. i aimed Hoods are very much higher. Will make it to the interest of persons buying in iarj:e lots to give us a call. V'G.Stronach& Sons Wholesale and Retail Grocers. Large Loans I in life insurance polities In stand an: Publish and AmerieanCompanies. Ten per cent more than the compan ies themselves loan on the samepoli at lower rates. Write or eu.piire of Philip Williams A . irett. inveslinjr asrent, Knglish Ani. t i. an Loan and Trust Co., Citl- I s' Xaiional I'ank Huilding, Ral- ,, N. V. :'nted-An Idea 2 Who ran tlilnk h .....n.lelll? IV - vr-.nr til'-nn; thOT niv ttrlug .u wen-. W. liHS' WKlHiEUBl'KN CO . Patent Attor-ti.-v WmiilnRt-.n. 1. C f..r their jyV pffW ml e v lint of one thou"ncJ iPTCQtlona Hood s Shoe Store. on Thanksgiving Slioulil remind you that your own font bai I needs proper attention. Weather is usually cold, damp and raw at that time, and you will need a pair i f our heaw French or Russia Call Skin, Vici Kid or 3.50 Shoes, if you wish to keep healthy, eomfor abie and up-to-date in the style of you r footwear. C. POOL. 130 Fayetteville St. 6c Tucker, TRUSTEES. COMMENCING WITH THIS, Thanksgiving Week, We are receiving and opening daily new creations in every department for the Holidav Trade, "Time tries the work in everything " Our Clothes Have Stood the Test- There is as much difference in clothing as there is in people. Some are expressive In their general appearance tbey have character. The style, de sign, workmanship, material all contribute to the desired i tied. Such clothes cost no more than the ordinary 'tis simply the difference between the plodders and the bright .imitations of tailoring genious. Good Judgment on you clothes that will wear well, wo can snow you more -newness ucn creations than you will lii.d e.cvhere. Overcoats. fn all tl . - if veins u ade the projicr length posseses an indescribable Somothinir h eh -tunit.s il cm as "High Class." You should see them. V'UKNI si l IN'i; ; K l. We have everything needful for a gentleman outfit. Come t see us. Cross & Linehan, Leaders of Up-to-Date Clothing. I have used iso's p for Consumption, and can recommend it above all others for Coughs and Colds. It is selling like hot cakes. T n ,0,1, f-tmm. OUSTAV FAL.K, Druggist, ClfRCpnarf.25as August 31, 1897. J. R. FERRALL & GO. GROCERS. Hams 10c 10c Just received 5,000 pounds Winchester Sugar-cured Hams that we are sellinoj for 10c pound. Everyone guaranteed. Weight from 8 to 15 pounds. Also nice lot California Hams A PALM FOR EVERYBODY 1 Having a large stock of Palms on hand, and wishing to make room, I shall from now on greatly reduce prices on them, as well as on other plants. Fresh Supply or Imported Bulbs Arrived . Hyancinths, Tulips, Narsissus, Fre3sia, Chinese Sacred and Easter Lilies for forcing and outdoor plant ing. Choice Cut Flowers Of Roses, Carnations, etc. Floral Designs and Flowers for all occa sions and at all times. Evergreens and Shade Trees. H. Steinmetz, Florist, North Halifax Street, near Peace Id Btitute Phone 113. octn SALE OF LAND. By authority of a deed of trust from W A Ferrell and wife, recorded in Book 128, page 786, Register's office for Wake county, I will on Monday, 20th of December, 1897, at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door of Wakecounty, Raleigh, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash a tract of land in Swift Creek town ship. Wake county, known as Lot Mo. & in the division oi me lanus oi Lorenzo Franke. deceased, begins at a stake and pointers corner of lot No. 4 of said division, tnence nortn 2 degrees east 38 poles to a stake and pointeis, thence norm i) ae trrees west 98 Doles to a rock and pointers, corner of lot No. 4, thence south 87J degrees east 198 poles to the beginning, containing acres W. N. JONES, Att y, nov 17-td m it hiMiiMMiMMiliifUiil far uaanm Wttm. m f i n n a ftiwMAHMtf land wacmnaecur patent i feat lUM Uum fcfcoae LtiiH. OwfaaMtdastiUpaMatliMm, S nimn, " How Okuia PmM," wmii StA " JZiT' ti V. t aW fcmvs .uliin c.A.sriov&co. S, F.TTitT omn, !MMWI. O. 0.1 Tells you buy nice clothes good e 1 o the s clothes that will look well Cure Hams 10c that we are selling at TJc pound. BALE OF LAND. By authority of a judgment of the superior court of Wake county ren- derd at April term, 18U7 in an action entitled C D Jones vs. Augustus Strotberand wife and othersascom missioner 1 will on Monday 6th, day of December, IB'.i", at 12 o'clock ro., at the court bouse door of Wake county, Raleigh, N C, seli to the htirhest bidder for cash tbe follow ing described lands, to wit: Two tracts of land situated in the county of Wake, state of N C, the first lvm on toe waters of tiuffalocreek. beginning at tbe North corner of Newbern Watkin's land thence east to said creek, SamT Jones corner, thence up said creek to Bryant Fai- son s line, tbence west to a post oak on the new road leading from Seth Jones' place to Rolesville thence boutb totbebeginmngatN Watkins corner adjoining the lands of H W Jones, Sam 'I Jones and others said to contain 1UU acres, more or less, known as tbe Lumford land. See book 54, page 84, Register's office Wake county lor description. Second tract, being the land con veyed to H W Jones and Wm A Horton, (said Hortonatter wards con veying his share to said Jones) by Joseph C Fowler, admr. of Moses King, Feb. 28th, 1858, and adjoining tbe lands of tl w Montague, setb Jones, Hartwell Horton and others. and contains 273 acres. For a more definite description see said deed recorded in book z, page less, Keg ister's office Wake county. W N Jones, Commissioner. nov-2-30d Nolle, of Sale. Br virtue of a power of sale con tained in a mortgage deed executed by Joel M. Edwards and Bettie C. Ed wards, his wife, to James Moore, guar dian, on tne zatnaayoi r enruary, is3, registered in tne Register OI needs onloe for Wake county in book 124, dapo 612. I will sell at nubile outcrv to the highest bidder for cash at the court House door of wake county, Raleigh, N. C, on Monday the 20th day of Deoember, 1817, at 12 o'clock m., the following described land, to wit: A tract of land situated on the R. & A. A. L. railroad near the Til lage of New Hill and mora definitely described aa follows: Beginning at pointer., corner of lot No. 1, home lot in the division of Warren Sugg', land, runhlng weat 19 polo, to pointers on the Big branch, thence down the .aid brancn to a .take, thence south 20tf pole, to a stake In a .mall drain, tbence ea.t S3 pole. totheR. A A.A.L. l t . A .1 A MmtA 11 A . rtlllvauiiOTUwiivwu .aiu . niuvau vj corner of lot Nc. 1, near J. W. Bow -ing'. .tore, thence north KM poles to the beginning, containing 78 acres and more full described lu the .aid dee above referred to. . . BART M. UATUNO, " '. Not. 18, 1887. . Attorney. MISS MAGGIE REESE FALL 1897 WINTER We have now ready for your inspec tion our stock of millinery, consisting of... Trimmed Hats, Salter lists, Alplns tlats. Soft and Stiff. Leather and Cloth Tarn O'Slutntcra. Infants' Silk, Velvet and Cashmere Caps. Ribbons iu all grades and color, for dresses as well as hats. Noveltie9 in Mlllii.s ; Trimmings and Furnishings. Many Fancy Notions. Linen Collars and Cuffs, Knit Tkirts and Leggins, Down Pillows, Drapery Silks, Hair Goods, etc., etc. Goods sent on approval, express paid one way. MISS MAGGIE REESE, Notice of Administration. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Harriett Crocker, de ceased, late of Wake County, N C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to pre sent them to tho undersigned on or before the iiOtb day of October, 1898, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons in debted to the said estate will please make immediate payment to the un dersigaed at Raleigh. N. C. J. C. Maiicom, Adm'r. Douglas & Holding. Att'ys. Oct. 29th, 1897. 6w Sale of Valuable Insurance Polices. Under and by virtue of a decree of Wake bupcriorCourt in acausetnere iu pending entitled John T. Pullen, administrator of Mary A. Morchead, deceased, 1 will on Thursday, the 23d day of December, 1897, expose to sale at public auction, for cash, the following described policies of insur ance, with the right to pay the prem iums thereon, and keep the policies in force to-wit: Policy No. 2731 of tne Maryland Lite Insurance Company, issued May 4, J3i4, on tne me oi w K. Davis for $5,000. Policy No 8S971 of the Connecticut Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, Issued October 10, 1868, on the li'e of W K Davis for 10,00o. Also, at same time, and as a part of the sale of said policies to be trans ferred therewith, one judgment of Wake superior Court in favor of J T Pullen, administrator, aealiibt W K Davis for tl8.437.61 with interest on $15,217. il thereof from 26th day of February, 1891, until paid, for which said policies of insurance an-security Terms cash. JOHN T. PULLEN, Administrator of M. A. Morehead. Cape Fear i$ Yadkin Valley R'y. John Gill, Receiver. Condensed Schedule, IN KFFKCT OCT. 10TH, 1807. NORTH IIOL'ND. No. 2. Daily. Leave Wilmington - 8,00 p ro Arrive Faytueville 11.10 " Leave Fayetteville 11:21 " Leave Fayetteville Junctionll:28 " Leave Sanford 12:50 pro Leave C'imax 2:49 " Arrive Greensboro 3:20 " Leave Greensboro 3:30 " Leave Stokesdalo 4.18 " Leave Walnut Cove 9 03 " Leave Rural Hall 5:19 " Arrive Mt Airy 6:45 south nou ni. No. 1. DAILY, Leave Mt Airy 8:40 am Leave Rural Hall 10:04 " Leave Walnut Cove 10:33 " Leave Stokesdale ...11:06 " ArriveGreensboro 11:55 " Leave Greensboro 12:15 " Leave Climax 12:43 " Leave Sanford 2:36 " Ar Fayetteville Junction . . 3.56 p m Arrive Fayetteville 4:00 Leave Fayetteville. ... 4:10 Arrive Wilmington 7:20 NORTHBOUND. No. 4 Daily. Leave Bennetsville. . 8:00 am Arrive Maxton 9:02 " Leave Maxton 9:07 " Leave Red Springs 9:37 " Leave Hope Mills 10:20 " Arrive Fayetteville 10:40 " BOUTnnoUND No. 3 Daily Leave Fayetteville . . 4:45 p tn Leave Hope Mills 5:02 " Leave Red Springs 5-42 " Arrive Maxton .6:11 " Leave Maxton 6:15 " Arrive Bennettsville 7:15 " No. 16. NORTH BONND. mixed. Daily Exc'pt Sunday. Leave Ramseur 6:40 am Leave Climax 8:25 " Arrive Greensboro 9:17 " Leave Greensboro 9.35 " Leave Stockesdale ll:07pra Arrive Madison Jl:55 " No 15 mixed south bound. Daily Exc'pt Sundav. Leave Madison 2:35 p m Leave Stockesdale 1:25 " ArriveGreensboro 2:45 " Leave Greensboro ..3:22 " Leave Climax 4:20 " Arrive Ramseur., 6:05 " CONNECTIONS at Favetteville with Atlantio Coast Line, at Maxton with Hamlin Pan- tral Railroad, at Red Springs and Bowmore Railroad, at Sanford with Seaboard Bai! way, at Gulf with the Durham and nhnrlnttA RbIImvuI Greensboro with Southern, at Wal nutuove witn Norfolk st western Railway. 1 W FRY. W K KYLfc Gen'l Manager. Gen') Pom Agt, TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmington, New Orleans Chattanooga, Nashville and New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. 8CHKDUUS IN KKU'ECT FKUKUAUV 7, 'Hi. SOUTH BOUND. No. 403. No. 41 Lv.N.Y.,Pen.R.RJ 100am 900pm Lv.Philadelphia" 1 12pm 1205am Lv. Baltimore, 315pm 250am Lv. Washington, 440pm 130am Lv.Ricbmond,A.CL.856pm 905am Lv.Norfolic, S. A.L. 830pm 905am ijv.i orismouiD, oapm yzuam Lv.Wcldon, "1128pm 1155au Ar.Hendorson, " 1256am 139nm Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, t732am t409pui t520pm til 10am Ar.Raleigh, " 21baiu 334pm Ar.oauforU, " di&ain 503pm Ar.Sou'n Pines, " 422am 555pm Ar. Hamlet, " 510am 653pm Ar.Wadosboro, " 554am Slloiu Ar.Monroe, " 643am 912pm Ar. Charlotte, " 830am 1025pni Ar.Chester, 8 10am 1047pm Lv.Columbia.CNALRU . 1 600pm Ar.Clinton, S.A.L. 945am 1210am Ar.Grcenwood, " 1035am 107am Ar.Abbeville, " 1105am 140am Ar.Elberton, " 1207pm 241am Ar.Athens, " 115pm 345am Ar. Winder, " 159pra 430am Ar,Atlanta(cnttime)250pm B'.'Oaui NORTH BOUND. LvAtlanta, SAL. LvWinder, " LvAthens, " LvElberton, " LvAbbeville, " LvGreenwood," LvClinton, " No 402. No. 3b. 7 50pm 1042pm 1126pm 1233air. 140am 109am 305am "1200pm 240pm 2 16pm 415pm 515pm 541pm 634pm ArColurabiaONALRR, . . . . t700am LvChester, S.A.L. 8 13pm 433am ArCharlotte, " 1025pm 8 30am LvMonroe, " 940pm 6 05ain LvHamlet, " 1123pm 815am ArWilmington" :530am 1230pm LvSou'nPines " 1214am 920am LvRalcigh, " 216am 1135am ArHenderson, " 828am MOOpm ArDurham, " t732am t409pm LvDurhamf " t520pm til 10am ArWeldon, " 455am 300pm ArRichmond,ACL. 815am 650pm A.-Wash'g.PenRK, 1231pm 11 10pm ArBaltimore, " 143pm 1248am ArPhiladphia, " 350pm 345atr.. ArNewYork. " 623pm 653am ArPortsmouth " 730am 550pm ArNorfolk, " 750am 605pm Daily. t Daily Except Sunday. JDaily Except Monday. Nos. 403 and 402, "The Atlanta Spe cial, "Solid Vestibulcd Train of Pull man sleepers and coaches between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull man sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester, S. C. Nos. 41 and 38, "The S. A. L. Ex press," Solid Train, Cpaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Con'pt.ny sleep ers between Columbia and Atlanta. Both trains make immediate con nections at Atlanta for Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Texas, Cali fornia, Mexico, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis, Macon and Floridn. For tickets, sleepers, etc., arrpiy to B. A. Newland, Gen. Act. P Dept. 6 Himball House, Atlanta, Ga H. S. Leard, Sal. Pass. Agt., Ral eigh, N. C, E. St. John, Vic. President and General Manager. H. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager V. E. McBee, General Superinten dent T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General offices: Portsmouth. Va, Sale of Land. By authority of a judgment of the superior court of Wake county, made in special proceedings entitled Aojo Sykes and others vs Serapha Ray" and others. No. 804 S P docket, as commiftsinner Ann. infnt K la court, I will on Monday, 28th day of ictcuiusr, ipa( , at JJ o ciookm, at the courthouse door of Wake county Ralelffh. N C. anil tn tho hicrh not der for cash a tract of land in New Light township, Wake county, being lot Nn fi in th liplfilnn nt iU IinJ. of Wiley Harrison, deceased, among his heirs at law. Said land begins at a black gum on the spring branch, corner of lot No 5, tbence down said branch to Neuse rivnr th the" river to the mouth of a branch, toence up said branch to a willow, thence south 40 degrees east 76 poles to the Raleigh road, thence south westaloncsaid rnnd Mnotjito iVmu south 65 degrees east 56 poles to the ueginnirg, containing ou acres. w jn j ones, Com r. no2430d Hale of Personal Property. The steck of rracerie. of the l&tn A ": v emery l. ior sale a. a who e or to suit purchaser, from now until Wednesday. December 1. 1897 If not disposed of then I will sell the .ama at public sale for cash, to the highest bidder liuyer can rent .tore OU 1 Alii OAU1U, Administrator. Not 23 Administrator'. Notice. Having qualified aa. administrator of the estate of Catherine R. Harding, deceased, this la to notify all persona having claims against said estate to present then for payment on or before October 6, 1898. All persona owing aid estate are requested to make im mediate payment. Wat. T. Hakdino. : Oct. 6, 1897.

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