IS: THE PRESS-VISITOR J RALEIGH, N. C. WILLI4 G. BKIGQS . . City Kdltor. FRIDAY November "G. The Merry Makersat Metropolitan all next week. Plenty of good ir.u-.ic and dancing, and full of fun. Get your seals early. Tor Sale ehcap. Graphopboiie and complete oullit including about l!.") good selection. A bargain. Addres- I. O. Box 1-T, City. i D0W3l- illltcd. Moulders and one or two strong boys to learn. Also i-xvinaker. nov -11 Iw J- H ; 1 1 -1 - liitlJ lost. A Cliap-1 " ''''' s'" il lv badge wi'li (Ireel; i nsi-riot " n and initials ".I II V." eiiiirav.d A reward will be na'ul for its return to .1. I1.M, ioi:isiiT. If M ihiuii liih rotaun.. Large white Mr.oolli. in .;e country. Get pneos r- l.u . m.' Of " ,loNl .V ' ' K I ' Wunu-d. Two youi.g gentlemen l.n!'t private f.xni.y Ieition ll.e ' e-' Address "II. " care Pkkss Vl. :: no9tf 1 1 -..lU ( 11'.. .11111' 1 is. -j,rre etc. o. : !,.;:: .-w and most. .-):: v , . .ii hi -'" il hvuws i.i Ujie : ai . ...n "l' ' "'' '"' " U'U T II.MilMN... octli tf Park I'laee. t I' Desirab'e six ivom c.'U.i v - Ah kitchen, norlli end Halifax Apply to V T Harding. f lo Cure a CulJ in .lni.-l;: Take Laxative. Bivniu t,u.iinie i. '.' iels. All druggists refund Hi money if it fails to cure. L'.'i Ha' genuine has L Lil on each table! For Sale, Winesap and J"h;i-"n apples in barrels, sound and best ol eating apples. Also, lri.-h Potatoes and Tested Kggs. W. .S. Uinies iV. Co , liOl, Fayetteville street. novlii ,'!t For Kent lttccmhcr IM. A new and attractive live cottage, most conveniently arranged and desirably located on North Per son street on street car line. Apply to .Mrs. J. M. I leek , :;ti! North Ulouut street. Nov -II lit Colonial Water is a cure for all stomach, liver, kidney ami bladder troubles. Especially persistent nau sea. Pamphlets free, containing' an alysis and physicians certificates. Address Colonial Wa'.er Co., Il ch nund, Va. N.o.Lln- 1 I or Over I il't cats Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been uscil for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their chil dren while teething, with pence! success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures ind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the ! ' or .ittle sufferer immediately . Soi'.l by all druggists in every part of the world. cents a bottle lie sure and asi; fir "airs. Winslow s Soothino Syrup. " and lake no o:hei' kind- Oim.TIT Corux OK i Pastern Di.-uiet. L'NiTKK States V North Carolina. N'O. Ill Libfl. PlliU'tl .S' ite jiirainL twenty-live barrels of t- .r,: whiskey, seized at Wi'son, N. (.'..ami aimed by .1. O. l'atters-on. To J. ti. Patterson and to all ni.fiii it may concern (irte!inLr: Notice is hereby veil . Ui.r. :iie above mentioned proiN-rty u;i? t ivd by F. M. Si unions. ('olk-etui1 f in ternal Revenue for ihe i''ou;tii ' ol! tion District of North Cui-oiina. mi '.lie l'.lth day of Mareh, l!i7, a forfered to the uses of the I'niled Static, for violation of the Intern il Kevei ue Laws, and the same is iilielit d anil Iirosecuted in the Circuit Court of the Pnited States for condcmria'.ion for the causes in the said libel of infoniia U6n set forth: and that the said cause a will stand for trial at the Court room of said Court, in the city of Kak-i;:h, on the tirst Monday o' December next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where you and persons are warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should tot be decreed, and judgment accordingly entered herein, ami to i itervt ne lor their interest. Given under my hand, at olllce in Raleigh, this Hath day of Nov , I !7. O. .1. CapkpLI. P. S. Marshal. Cuter IT Court OF ) Eastern District, Unitkd States f North Carolina. No. 112 Libel. Prited States againstthirtcen barrelsofeorn A-hiskey seized at Eayetteville, N. C. and claimed as the property of V. 3. Davis. To V. S. Davis and to whom it may concern Greeting:: Notice is hereby Riven, that the above mentioned property was seized by F. M. Simmons Collector of In ternal Revenue for the Fourth Collec tion District of North Carolina, on the nth day of July, forfeited to the use of the UnitedStates,for violat iou of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is libelled and prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said libel of information set forth; and that the said causes will stand for trial at the Court room, in the city of Raleigh, on-the first Monday of De cember next, if that be a jurisdiction dfty, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where you and all persons are warned to ap pear and show cause why condemna tion shouli not be decreed, and judg ment accordingly entered herein, and to intervene for their interest. Given uuuor my hand, at office in R'.eigbr this 25th day of Nov., 1897. O. J. Carroll, I. S. Marshal. BUSINESS ITEMS. TUCKERS' STORE. SPECIAL SALES. Best makes imported Cart wright and Warmer.Maii lei u'zsteam shrunk and J aesers-Sanitary natural wool underwear for men and women, taken out of the boxes and reduced for rapid selling to only $U' per garment, former prices til SO and $4 UU per garment. Sales going on now. IIaywooh, Snow & Titkku, Trustees. Ti'CKERS' STOliE. Si'Kcl.M. Sails. vnint' Silks a Tull table- E just al P 'avetlcville street entrance the b'gt -a! 7a c real c ia tif s II st Bargain ever ollered in silks I at one pi ice and thai price only enis-manv of this.- silks are ly worth ml p'r yard. You i' air nil lii miss ihisbargain rale iks. Sales going on now. AVV.i'i'!', SnoW AM" Ttt'KKIl, Trust"cs. TI CKERS' STORE Sl'Ki l i Sai.ks. Vcivi W-A full table j'ista Fayet tt viPe street entrance; not apiece worth less that K!.II0 per yard. Your : h'.rce in this sale at $1 at) pt r ,-tl. elvet is the choice of fash it i U,is s' as, in. Sales goin" new. j ; 1 v . - ,.. N-. j'. . M .. Tr .si- - i'ckkks' .st :;; SI- ',.. hAI i s. A'..ntl::v, N.tveniber -'.Uh we will h .vc agrca' big table of Remnants , ,' Mi-es, (loiuls -all the aecuinuja C 'ii cf Reiiiuaiils from the great sales of lress CI. . nK ! h is fail. Every r uiiiant will have trie measure and lb,' price in plain figures. You can wii.i on f, the prices will h.irdiy pay the salary of the sales per-on. they will lie so low. Trustees. litnUrs Cundv Is recogn!.''tl as the standard of purity and excellency. Try our Peanut. Ilnttle and Putter Cups, '-'be per lb., fresh every day. A P R.'VsiKit Uuo. Tooth Brushes That Don't Shod Their Bristles. We have a lot jiirt in wl.Vh c a:v selling for t a 'h I ' ry bi-esli g '..:.r.: .1. Just Received. A large -in- "f ' 5o;.. . aul Toi let W.i Va-e'.ir.e Pis i'.iratit'ii.- it; .ill kiutl Huyler's Candies Kiv-ii every wt-.'k. W. H. KING Sij.GO., Oriiirirists, J -.i-'.".i3 i''a xt t t i'N il ! ; St l't'tot. rur Tir.-ii rn New Coin Toes. Paten-. Leather Tips, Heels and Spring Heels, all sizes ami widths, at jnly 1m) a pair. Just as serviceable and stylish as any .t.00 sh ie oilert'tt anywhere. Heller Brothers' Shoe Store. CHRISTMAS Ralrii'h's His; Store is lakintron its holiday display now, and for I the few days between now ant! Christmas everything will be bustle and ictiviU'. ir- r. t ., 1 . . .... n L-l . ... I ii t, .1 icimcn rt manu itiitucAnrte nf flnltnrc IIM IjH.V 11.11 r U .til"! b llltlt. ..I worth of useful, pretty anil seasonaoie jrooas uur aim anu uesire is mi -educe our stock to the verv lowest possible limit by the 1st of January We have made biu reductions 'o further increase your interest, we i n ps. We hav2 nuite a larue line oi We want to disDose of every single item in this line, therefore, on Monday we onen the doors of the store on the sale of dolls and toys and kindri d things you ever saw. Everything is marked in plain figures- no subterfuge, no humbug, no sham. We put be lowest price on these goods ever maue Dy any nouse we Kno t, iomw ind look at them. If you are not sure that you are saving money no need to buy MONDAY, 9 to 10 O'CLOCK, 50 dozen glass tumblers, full size, several patterns 19c the dozen. -At same Lour, 50 dozen heavy goblets at 39c the dozen. These prices you notice are for dozens, and not sets as is usual. One dozen only to each buyer, and Monday only. 83,000 CrGSCfillt Bicycles Made and Sold in 1S97. Tin- public have strictly approved the one price at which Crescents are Sold. CKKSCENT 1'H ICES FOE JSHS. Men's Chainless Crescents . ".". 00 Ladies' Chainless Crescents. 7.").00 Men's7,iCliain Bicvcles,189S. 50,00 Ladies'7.)Chain Ricycles,18!N f.0 .00 Tandems " 00 CRESCENTS Ar.' n.'t cut price wheels. You i;ui buy one as cheap as your neigh born. Thos, H. Briggs & Sons Raleigh, N. C. I Be Strictly On the Watch S- that C-hi Wrath cr is coininy and take I Petroleum E for BROXC1IIT1S. caucus. COLDS and dEX'L DEBILITY. Yrnj truly. ilJames McKimmon & Co AJminlslrator s Xoticc. IlaviiiK -lualilied as administra tor of the late A V Emery, deceased, this is to nive notice to all persons I, iving claims against said estate to ...... cunt tiipni to me on or before the day ot .Novemoer, iot-, or mi ...-.t 'in.-, will lie nip ailed in bar of thci recovery. Those indebted to the estate will make immediate payment UltVANT Smith, Ad 111. I. C. L. li hhi, Atorncy. rov l!-lat!w. . Wm. La Blanche, I'n lorial Siin and Fresco Painter. v.iijti.. I I' Dfeorul ions and i ,.i t....,,.. Wiii-U si Snccialtv. Will lw L'lad to liow samples to those intere-ted. Calls left at Mr. Reed's beardin hoas.'. West Morgan street. k GREAT VALUE IFOR S2 Ladies' Kid Button and Lace Shoes AT THBIG STORE Wl ...u... .. .. v u .j.. ' . w. in prices all through the stock, but have made still greater cuts on somi toys ana lancy cooas ior me nouaays greatest cut-prbe, give away almost RALQQH.ti.C.1 MY, WHAT A CROWD. The Ttanksgiving Sacrifice sale has been an unqualified success. Not a single moment during the week has there been a lull, and at many times lloor space was unequal to tbe crowd. Such bargains are appreciated. Dress - Goods BARGAIN CAPES AT Sacrifice Sale Prices. Plain and Fancy Dres- Goods in all the styles and new colors of the season tbe latest and correct weaves, including entire liuo of up to 4c values all go on sale 9Rm at the sacrilice price fcww Plain and Fancy Dress Materials plain all-wool Serges and Mixed l''ancy Novelties, in magnificent variety, including our grand 50c line, go on sale at the the sa- lOl g criliee price IW'JM Seventy-live pieces of the latest and most desirable Imported Dress Fabrics, the season 's best and new est styles including our 75c to 11.00 line of Hroadcloihs, all AQ shades, sacrilice price (July 10 Dress 1'atternslelt oitnose Imported Novelties, they are $150 values silk and wool mixtures QQm sacrifice price Www Women's Underwear AT NAi'ltlKlLE l'IUL'S. 1200 Women s White Ribbed Vests, all covered seams, pearl buttons and gussets, silk edges and tapes in sizes I and a -regular price OEa was 4ie. sacrifice price Half Wool White Vests and Pants, with silk tapes, pearl buttons Kfl regular priceT.") sacrifice price WI Extra fin- Ribbed Shaped Vests in white, made of the finest Australian wool and containing ten per cent of cotton. French band pants of similar tjualityatthesame price reg- "TCa ularprice?1.2A-sacrilice price lIU Heavy Camel's Hair Vests and Aants made of specially so't wool and nicely liuishpd usual TRm price $1.25 sacrilice price I WW FOR LIEN Heavy Wool Hack Fleeced Lined Shirtsand Drawers-odd sizes Eflfi usual price 75c sacrilice price vUU Switx Conda Heavy Natural Wool Shirts ane Drawers of extra quality mii superior finish usual Ek price $1.00 sacrifice price llfc Extra Fine Camel's Hair Shirts and Drawers, carefully made of Au stralian stock and finished in the best style regular price QQ 1 25 sacrilice price WWW Christmas Stock NOW HEADY AT Riggan's Toy Store. Dolls Dolls Dolls G ames : Games : Games : I 'locks blocks Hlocks Books . Wagons : Velocipedes Books : Wagons : Velocipedes Books : Wagons : Velocipedes Sleighs : Balls : Fancy Tricks Sleighs : Balls : Fancy Tricks Sleighs : Balls : Fancy Tricks "The Largest Stock South of Wash ington:" "Best Stock South of Wash- ton, "all this has been told ug by many traveling people that know. We tell you we have the Inrgest and best goods made for the price we ask. Is approaching and wo all want a good dinner on that day. It is right and proper to bave as good a dinner as we can afford and make those around and out us happy. We bave so much to bo thankful for. Now, do not snoil what otherwise would be a good dinner by trying to get it upon too cheap a scale and using cheap, common materials. We can give you the best goods at a low price. SEE: A good fat Turkey at 75c to $1 50 if ordered a few days in advance). Tbe best Mince meat made 1-Jc lb Good Mince Meat 10c lb. Finest Cranberries 12Jc qt, Kalamazoo Celery 10, 25 and 50c bunches. Seedless Raisins 15c lb; Cleaned Currants 10c. Finest Glace Citron 25c lb. New Crop English Walnuts 15c lb " Almonds 20c lb. " " Pecans, very fine, 15c lb Brazil Nuts, 15c lb. Fine Table Butter, 25c lb. Fifth Avenue Coffee 3 lbs, tl. Fine Coco and Chocolate. D. T. JOHNSON, AGENT. Phone . I. mm I ' 'izfei? TTX' I ' AT , Sacrifice Sale Prices. There's consternation among the garment makers, a backward season leaves them with a big stock un loading tactics have begun, as usual we're buying on the breaks this means rare money savings for those ho are watching, this entire lot was received Saturday by express, at d lil be placed on Monday morn ii e at nine. no Unlies' Astrican Capo Empire Hack, Sacrilice 1 1 1 I'd Lad it s' Asl-icau Cape high collar and very stylish ffO CA . , lice eric e V U ia no Indies' Extra Heavy Beaver - double cape, trimmed All wiih braid and fur sac- UU rilicc price $1 00 LadiesSingle cape Eflft "just for fun" sacrifice price wUB $2 OOLadifcs' Ix)ng Cape 110 inch sweep, with fur collar sac- QQft rifice price SOB $2 60 Ladies' Double Cape with Velvet Trimmings sac- Ql C( rifice price $3 00 Ladies' Doublo Cape fur trimmings sacrilice 0fl AO. price VC W $1 50 Children's Uecfers, just as a teaser save doctor bills EQ sacrilice price OCV This is only a few shots, "as there are others" just as hot not ndver tisted. Dao't rush. Handkerchiefs The time for handkerchiefs and Xmas is coming. We are rerdy with our Christmas handkerchiefs by now while the assortment is com plete. The handkerchief depart ment is about four as large as usual. Children's School Handker- I a chiefs, al! colors, sacrilice Drico Ladies' All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs as a leader sa- C crillch price w Ladies' axtra duality Pure Irish Linen. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs specially soft and undress- flt ed finish sacrifice sale IWw 15c Embroidered Handkerchiefs 2.1 1 stvles all fine work sacri- If)- ti e price I WW STRONAGH'S The Ladies' Dry Goods Store . . . Sales to the Right of Us, Sales to the Left ol" U Volley and Thunder. CONFERENCE SUGGESTIONS. SHEETS CASES. AND PILLOW Standard Muslin laundered ready for use Sheeting: price I less than by the yard. Hemmed Pillow Cases, full size, ioc, I2c and 15c; Hemmed Bolster Cases, full size, 25c; Hemmed Sheets, full sizes, 50c, 58c, 6t,c at A. B. STRONACIPS. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND TOWELS. Il you buy right, a little money goes a good ways ; if you are not careful, you may waste a tidy sum and not get what you should have. You can't go wrong if you buy here. Linen Table Damask 25c, 40c, 50c, to $1.50 Linen Napkins 50c, 60c, 75c, to $3.50, Linen Towls ioc, i2ic, 15c to 75c. Extra quality Bath Towels ioc at A. B. STRONACH'S. LACE CURTAINS. To be successful in any line of goods it is necessary to be "right," quality, price and style must be correct. Our sales of Lace. Curtains this season is con clusive evidence this department is properly equipped. Nottingham Lace 50c to $5.00 Tambour Muslin 2.50 to 3.50 Irish Point Lace 3.50 to 6.50 Ruffled Nottjnghams 2.00 to 2.50, Applique Net 5.00, A. B. STRONACH'S. BLANKETS & COMFORTS. Better warm blankets at once than pneumonia bye and bye. We are selling this season s blankets at less than last season's prices. A. Ii. STRONACH'S. Woollcott & Son, 14 E. Martin Street. Our buyer has just returned cured a lot of bargains for every department. There are too many to tell you about in this ad and therefore wc ask you to call and look over the stock . We Still Have Quite an Assortment of Ladies' t:!.()0 aud $2.50 Shoes that from 1 j to b. This lot of goods is the the past a years. Children's Gaps. In our Millinery Department we are showing all the latest styles of caps, all colors. Skull caps and Tarns. Uur regular millinery stock is complete and prices are unusual ly low rnd style is very high. Capes and Jackets. All capes and Jackets are marked at very low prices at from $1.50 to 8. Latest styles and finish. We have a very few jackets left from last season that wo will sell you at such prices that you will be glad to buy one and have the sleeves changed. Dress Goods. Our lines of black goods at 25, -111, 50,00,75, 85c, 11.00 aud f 1.35 are very good. In fancy weaves we are showing extraordinary good styles at 25. W and 50c. Outings 5, 7 . Sj and 10c. All colors, eiderdown 25c R ARK Duttericli Patterns. The only pattern that is ahvaysi-satisfactory. The December Fash ion Sheets are now ready . The Delineator is $1 .00 a yea" or 15c a copy. WOOLLCOTT & SON. A Feast of Fashion A Banquet ol Values ON OUR TABLES. They are spread with the most magnificent display of Winter Suits and Overcoats that have ever been made. l'Vast your eyes upon the choicest deli cacies of the sartorial art. Feast your appreciation upon an assortment many times larger than any other stoie shows upon the wonderful values and upon the astonishing prices. They are-spread in three sections: Good, Better and Best. Section 1 The Finest Garments that can be made. We know that's claiming a good deal, but we have the garments to substantiate the statement. Finest Fabrics, Finest Trimminsrs, and hott workmanship. Tailor prices would be $25.00 to $50,00 our prices tor these sails and overcoats $15 00 to $25,011. Section 2 A wealth of quality that is unrivaled. Generous with the value, but watchful of every detail saves waste and ei. allies us to offer better Suits and Overcoats for lets money than others. $10 to $!." are the most pop ular grades the largest variety, and you are assured of a bigger money's worth than others can furnish. Section '.I Cheapest in price, but good, honest Suits and Overcoats. The lower the price the more care we take, the more zealous we husband our re sources. For to find a place In our stock there must he values aboves suspic ion. From $S to $10 we show you the same ualitics as are $7.50 to $12.50 in every other store in town. The color and quality, as well as the wear is fully and confidently guaranteed In every garment we sell. Your money back if you don't find them up to standard. S. & D. BERWANGER, WIDE AWAKU Leading One Price Clothiers. Send Your Work to the OAK CITY STEAM 1 A And secure toe sible. PAGE & Royall Boron corner Wilmington and Hargett Streets. the1F7oTuy. - We are making some speci prices in Sideboards, Rockers and Suits which are worth your considerfeion. They are all of the Brest make, too, but we must have room for our -'. - ' HOLIDAf GOODS. A Full Quarter-Sawed Oak Board for $23.00, . Sulfs of tke Same Wood for $50.00, ROCKERS QF ALL WODS AT ANY PRICE TELEPHONE aodB, from the Northern markets and se wo are closing out at !,(!", all sixes. best shoe offer made in the city ill Something Gocd to Ea Our special prices for grocerii from now until Thursday only: J Cranberries, a quart 12c Mince Meat, a lb Oc Dried Apples, a lb 5c Raisins, alb. 10 Currents, alb 10c Citron. Granulated Sugar cheaper than the cheapes' . Irish Potatoes. Dried Peaches and Apricots White Deans, a quart 8c Country Jluttcr. Preserves, a lb 15c Prunes, alb... 10c All kinds of Crackers and Cakes. Canned goods of all kinds. Al - 'iNTS YOU TT1VTIDV" best laundry work pos- MARSHALL, PROPRIETORS. Furniture Comp'y J J il I' .k r

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