. i ,.-,f v. ,--t.-.":-"v.:;v ."';"' ' "" ."'' '"' VISITOR. r 1 PRE NUMBER 7053. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 17. 81.00 PER YEAR- THE, DUNCAN APPOINTED Named for Collector of Reve nue Todav. SECRETARY GAGE'S BILL His 1'luo Is Discussed Uc fore the Cora mittce on Bunking and Currency A Man and Four Children Ilurned to Death Other News. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Washington, Dec. 17. Secretary Gage resumed the exposition of his currency bill in the house committee of banking and currency today. Chairman Walker had left the citv. Congressman B-rosius of Pennsyl vania, presided. Some semi-political questions were asked. Kepre- : sentativt Hill of Connecticut asked if, the purpose was not to commit ) the country to the iold standard? Secretary Gage said he didn't think the more firmly fixing of the gold standard on the country did'ntcon . Ilict with the St Louis platform; the new bill in no way prejudiced any steps that might be taken towards bring silver to a higher standard of value; but designed to give such a confidence in the financial ability of the government that the discrimina tions would largely dacrease. Cox, dem , of Tenn , asked if the result of the Gage bill would not eventually lead to one kind of paper money, bank notes and no silver excent sub sidiary? Secretary Gage said noth ing was in the plan to operate to that extent now. It is in that direction, and with further legislation might ultimately lead to such a result. But he could'nt say silver would be re stricted to subsidiary The consid eration of the bill by sections was continued. Duncan Appointed. By Telegraph to the l'ress-Visitor. Washington, Dec. IT Nomina tions sent to the Senate today were: William W Thomas, of Maine, consul to Sweden; Nathan B Scott, W Vir ginia, commissioner of inter nal reve nue; Edward C Duncan, North Caro lina, collector of internal revenue for the fourth d'strict in North Carolina. Shucd Suicides. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. New Youk, Dec. 17 Quite a see- : sation was caused on Wall street to- j day when it was announced that JacobSchwed, connected with Henry Clews & Co., had suicided at Mont gomery, Ala. Clews does not be lieve the report, and says that his accounts are all straight. He had a large income from relatives abroad, and was in business at Anniston, Ala., several, years. Had charge of the cotton department of Clews A Company. Dcrished in the I- lames. By Telegraph to the Preas-Viaiior. Ottawa, Dec. 17 The residence of Patrick Leahy was burned this morning. Leahy and live children perished in the fire. Mrs. Leahy and boy Frank were saved. Leahy's dropping a lighted lamp is the sup posed cause. Cause not Known. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. A i.han v, Dec. 17 The state rail road commissioners today made known their decision in the fatal de cision at Garrison October 24. The commissioners are unable to determ ine the cause of the accident. The commissioners recommend that the New York Central, Erie and Lackawanna and similar roads whose embankment are alony watercourses give such sections as about the water careful and frequent examinations. j MeCov and Crccdon. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. New York, Dec. 17. BothMcCoy and Creedon are reported feeling first-class today. Doth are confi dent of victory in the twenty round fight at Long Island City Athletic Club tonight. Many sports arear- riving from all over the country. The experts are almost evenly divi ded as to the merits of both men. McCoy is slightly the favorite. Later. At the instance of the purification society of Long Island City McCoy and Creeden were both arrested but will give bond. Fight will ptobably be pulled off. An important call meeting of the Euphrosyne Club will be held in their rooms this eveaingatto'clock. Every member is requested to be "pi esent. JUDGE IIOKE MARRIED. lie Lied Miss Mamlo McUee to the Altar at l.incolnton Last Evening- An event of state-wide interest was the marriage at C o'clock yes terday evening of Judgo W A Hoke, of the bench of the Superior court, and Miss Mamie, daughter of Mr and Mrs V A McBee. The ceremony took place in the Episcopal church at Lincolnton. The father and mother of the bride preceeded her into the church. She entered leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr Silas McBee, of the Churchman, of New York. She was met in front of the chancel by her in tended husband, who entered from the left, accompanied by his best man, MrDW Robinson, and followed by Gen R V Hoke, of Raleigh, and Miss Sallie Badger Hoke. The ceremony was performed by Rev W R Wetmore, rector of the parish, in the impressive service of the Episcopal church, and tho bride's father gave her away. She was very attractive in her bridal robe, while I the room never ,ooked more distin guished. The bridal couple wentto Morgan ton this morning whe,re they spent the day with Dr and Mrs PL Mur phy. This evening they leave for a bridal tour north, going direct to New York. They will spend Christ mas in Philadelphia. Among the visitors' at the mar riage were: Gen R F Hoke and Mrs William Grimes, of this city; Mr Donaldson, of Greenville, S C; Dr and Mrs P L Murphy, of Mor ganton; Mr and Mrs T S McBee, of Salisbury; Mrs R E Gibson, of Con cord; Miss Erwin, of Reidsville; Dr Chas D Mclver, of Greensboro; Mrs H C Jones and Miss Connie Jones, Mrs Frank I Osborne and MrJP Caldwell, of Charlotte. Christmas Intertninment. Saturday evening, the 18th, at 8 o'clock, the pupils of St. Mary's school will give an entertainment appropriate for the Christmas season, consisting bf choruses, qarols, violin selections, to conclude with a sym phony of eighteen pieces, The pat rons and friends of the school are cordially invited. The invitation does not include the young men of the town. Passenger Train Held 1 p. The southbound local train on the Southern, which left Charlotte yes terday at 12:20 o'clock, was held up at Spartanburg for one bour in con sequence of the arrest there of the engineer by the chief of police of that city. It appears that an ordi nance was pissed for the benefit of the sleepers of Spartanburg, pro hibiting the blowing of locomotive whistles within the corporate limits of the town. TheengineerofNo.il was arrested on charge of violating this ordinance, the penalty of which is twenty-five dollars a blow. With the engineer under arrest, Conductor Jones got to work on a wire with Capt. Ryder's office, while the pos tal clerks notified the mayor that be was engaged in a serious piece of business in obstructing the United States mails, engineer had put up a bluff about not going up town under arrest, and the chief of police had given him 15 minutes in which to pay the $25 fine or go to the lock-up. The mayor stood firm, and the re sult was that in the end the engineer paid over the fine, and the train was permitted to proceed, after a detention of one hour, during which time the passengers bad become ra'her weary of the scenery about Spartanburg. Charlotte Observer. A Popular "10 to 1" Performance. Of course this means the Clara Schurmann Ladies' Orchestra. Six teen fair female forms gracefully manipulating as many instruments under the leading of one man, the capable young conductor Frank W McKee. This orchestra has been in constant service for the past three years, touring in nearly every state in the union. It will appear in this city at the Metropolitan Opera house on the evening 8of Dec. 22nd, '97. Tickets on sale at W H King's drug store. Mr Phil Bronghton Married. Mr Phil Broughton, son of Mr Z T Broughton, was united in marri age in Durham last evening to Miss May Stevens, of that place. The ceremony occurred at the residence of the bride at 9 o'clock. Miss Ma mie Edwards, Mr Gaston A Brough ton, Mr Z T Broughton and Mr Claude Broughton, of Raleigh, ac companied the groom to Durham last evening. The public schools have a two weeks holiday from today. WALTERS A i'OLICEMAN. Chosen to Succeed Officer I'aueett Drs. McGcc and Kenn Re elected The Democratic members of the board of aldermen caucussed last evening. All members were present save Mr J D Boushall. The nomination of a member of the police force to succeed Officer Faucette, who tendered his resigna tion, was gone into. There were 14 applicants, and after six ballots, Mr C M Walters was the selection of the caucus. Mr Walters had seen six years of excellent service in the po lice affairs of ihe county. Mr Walter Parii.b, chairman of the police committee, made a report recommending the selection of Mr. Robert Hicks, but it was defeated. It was decided after some discus sion, not to nominate a candidate for the position of station turnkey cp succeed J H Hamil. Doctors J W McGee and George Renn were re elected city physicians for a term of two years, dating from January 1st. The board of aldermen will not meet in called session tonight as had been anticipated. Tlie meeting has been deferred until one night next week. A TURBULENT WIFE. old Mr. (.rady's Testimony Mayor Ritss a Hypnotist. Mr. J. W. Grady, the poor old xe- soldier who peddles pencils, watches, whistles and other little trinkets about the city in a basket, was brought before the mayor this morning charged with having a row' in front of his house with his wife. Old man Grady fell in love with a young woman in this city and laid aside the decrep itations of age seveaal years ago and started out a hustling for a liv ing. The old fellow works hard, but he has a rough lime in his home. His wife has spells in which it is not easy for anyone to get along with her. Two witnesses swore that the old man swore and raised a general row in the street Two otliersswore that Grady did no'iiing to create a disturbance. But the witnesses against Grady gave the .strongest testimony. The old man said: "Mr Mayor, this was merely a little family dis turbance one which happens any time in every family throughout the city at least I suppose it does. A man has a wife heexpects something like this." The mayor allowed Gra dy to pay the costs. The next offenders were Harriet Whitaker and Benjamin Hinton, both colored. Tbey submitted to the charge of a little assault but when the mayor came to examine two of the witnesses to find the gravity of the trouble they all testi fied that there hadn't been any trouble. The mayor le.ned back and rubbed his head. Two wit nesses swear that there has been co row and yet the defendants had submitted. But there was one more witness summoned for the pro secution so the mayor said: "Come in here, Frank Montgomery. You're a new one. I want to see if you'll tell about this. Now just take the book and think intently, I can't speak anything but the truth. I can't think of anything but the truth. I must speak the truth.' I'll see if I can't hypnotise you," added the mayor. But the mayor seems to have failed on his subject for Frank corroborated the other witnesses that Harriet and Ben were ouly in fun. One witness was asked, "Did Hariet look mad?" "No, sir, she never looked mad, she just sat there looking 'dry and easy,' like she al ways do." The mayor said, "Well, both of you pay $2 and cost since you submitted and go along. ' The next offender was a colored boy, James Whitaker, charged with disorderly conduct last night on the steps into the hall. The mayor fined hime two dollars and costs and told him if it happened again he would be fined $25 and cost. At this point the mayor added, "I just want to say that there shall be no more cigarette smoking on the steps or at the head of the steps around the entrance into the ball. It is a nuisance and must be stopped." He said that he had rather smell a pile of guano at the door than to encounter a fog of cigarette smoke. If you want to smoke a cigarette yon must go down stairs the mayor says. The ladies have .been complaining about the nuicsance. Mr H S Leard has gone to Ports mouth to attend a meeting of the traveling freightagents of the S. A. L. They meet there today. MR. J. S. CARR'S SPEECH. His 'I a Ik lie fore the Bankers Attracts w idc Attention. The Atlanta Journal of yesterday has au editorial from which the fol lowing is taken: "The brief speech of Mr Julian S Carr, of North Carolina, at the ban ker s convention yesterday afternoon was one of the most notable events of the session, because it indicated that differences as to the standard of the currency do not divide the supporters of the movement for a more liberal and better distributed currency. Mr Carr is an extreme free silver man, but he is heart and soul with the declared purposes of the convention held here yesterday. Among other things ha said: "One speaker has told us today that we have only 'M cents of circu lation per capita in the south, while in the northern states it is nearly P'. They tell us that we don't want any more money. I say that a man ought to be able to go to the bank and be able to borrow on his credit us well as on ;onds. ' " hied From Hydrophobic A special from Guilford Cohegi. to the Greensboro Telegram says: David Moore, the seven-year-old son of Mrs. Moore, at this place died in great agony this morning. About three weeks ago the little fel low was petting a stray eat which had been there a day or two when suddenly the oat began acting strangely and jumped into his face and bit him over the eye. About a week ago he was taken with a chill ana on yesterday tie grew worse, when Dr. Robinson was called in. After examination he announced that there was every symptom of hydro phobia. The little sufferer grew worse until death came to his relief this morning. The sad and untimely affair has put Dr Robinson iD a rather uneasy frame of mind as he was bitten by the same cat a few days ago while handling it. Tb3 bite is on his ear. At present there is no indication of the dreaded disease attacking him but great anxiety is felt for him by his friends. BAIN TOMORROW. Hut ue ore Promised Colder Weather After Saturday. The forecast of the weather bureau for Raleigh and vicinity is threaten ing weather with ra'i. lonight and Saturday, followed by decidedly colder weather Saturday night and Sunday. The slight storm yesterday over Texas has developed and now forms a wedge shaped barometric depres sion up the Mississippi and Ohio valleys, which has confined the cold wave to the west. This depression will probably move eastward today and tomorrow and permit the cold wave to flow to the south. The tem perature is li! at St Ixmis, 12 at Chicago and 10 at Amarillo, north ern Texas, and remains below zero in the northwest. Warm, cloudy weather, with scat tered light rains, prevails in the east. It is snowing at Cleveland, Davenport and Detroit and Cleve land, and sleeting at St Louis. The weather is clear on the Rocky moun tain slope. Miss Lula Dunn, of Wake Forest, spent last evening in Raleigh. Miss Field, of Greensboro, is vis iting Mrs Powers. Mr and Mrs J U Batchelor hafe returned from a visit to Baltimore. The children's entertainment will be given Monday afternoon a four o'clock . Capt J E Ham rick, who has been visiting Mr J B Fortune, returned home today. Mr Jordan, special agent of the New York Underwriters' Insurance Company, was in the city today. Mr George Terrell left this morn ing for the eastern part of the state in the interest of the Rasin Fertilizer company. Mr Charles J Parker, secretary of the state teachers' 'assembly has gone to (Rock Hill where he will visit Winthrop college. Miss Pattie Carter, who has been teaching at Cedar Rock in Franklin county, has returned tospend Christ mas with her parents. Messrs J L Wegman and E M Wil burn, otherwise known as "Kis-me Johnny" and "Kis-me Dick," rep presenting the Kis-me ChewingGum Company, of Louisville, Ky., are in the city. RESIGNATION TENDERED Mr. I . F. nipentcr Resigns tendent. iis .upci id- Mr K I' Carpenter, superintendent of the Raleigh Electric Company, yesterday afternoon tendered his resignation of this position in order to follow other linesof business. .Mr Carpenter s friends here hop- that lie will continue to make Raleigh his inT.ie, I lie l.ees LaM Night. Another big house greeted the Lees last night and enjoyed the per formance highly. This entertain ment is the most wonderful and amusing of all shows. Everybody is talking about hypnotism The Lees have certainly aroused more interest here than anything Hut has boon here in a long time. There will be a fine performance tcnight in which a basebail game will be given. They w.ll give a special matinee lo morrow at 2:311 and from all indica tions the house will he packed. A large number of ladies will go on the stage at the matinee. Doors will open at 1 :.')". Go early to get a good seat. Murderer Areher. Ity Cable to the Press-Visitor. Lo.NliON, Dec. 17 Herbert Archer, who stabbed to death the actor Ter riss last night was remanded to l!ow street station until Wednesday. He was greeted with hoops and hisses by thoso present. His real name is Prince. He is unmarried. He said that Terriss blackmailed him ten years ago. llieclcs Ulirned. By Telcgraphto the Press-Visitor. Nkw Youic, Dec. 17 Amysterious fire at s o'clock this morning in L. CJandorf& Cos, building al.'!21, Broadway, bicycle dealers, totally destroyed 1,101) bicycles. Ten thou sand dollars damage was done to the building. TODAY'S MARKETS. he Movements In New York anj Liter pool .Markctx By private wire to W Portcr !'ild & Co. New York Cotton. Mouths. High, Low. Clos. December.. 5 (14 5 (if ii Cjoi.j ill! January. ... 5 (17 5 (1(1 ft (i7( ." (18 February. . (! 70 5 70 5 TOpi,") 71 March. ... 5 7.") 5 7.'! ." 71oi5 7j April 5 7! 5 78 5 711(7,5 SO May 5 8T 5 8.'! 5 84o.f 85 June 5 811 5 87 u 88(f 81) July 5 5 !)2 : icv, j n August 5 'J7 5 I'll 5 I75 '.18 September., ft lis 5 !W 5 !i7(,io lis October . . I U0. f !'.i ll OOoHl 01 November . i; oilcHl 01 Tone; steady: sales Si), sou. Livkhi'ooi., Dec. 171 p. Spots good business done, prices unchanged; middling .'!.'! 1(1; sales 12,000, of which 11,400 were Ameri: can. Receipts 4, 000. American :5,500. Futures opened iuiet at lust night ligures: closing prices were half of one sixty-fourth lower with tone quiet. Liverpool Cotton Market. The following were the closing limi tations of the Liverpool eottou market today : December 3.os December-January U.oss January-February 3.0S February-March March-April .'1.01'-. April-May :I.101 May-June .'l.lls June-July ;i.i:ib July-August . , :i. Lib August-September .'(.lib September-October a.l.lb October-November ,'l.lBb Chicago Grain and Provision Market. The folio wing were the closing quo tations on the Chicago Grain and Pro vision market todav: Wheat-Dec. l)9i; May Hi, ' Corn Dec., 25i; May 2K Oats Dec. 22 J; May 21s. Pork Jan. S.50; May b.TT. Lard Jan. 4.50; May 4,t7. Clear Rib Sides Jan. 4 .'ii; .May 4. 47. New York Stock Market. The following were the closing quotations on the New York Stock Exchange : Sugar l;jiij American Tobacco K5i Chicago Gas 1)5 Manhattan loaj Louisville and Nashville alii Western Union Sf'i Jersey Central Burlington and Quincy WHJ Omaha 79 Rock Island uoj St. Paul 95 B. & 0 13 Chesapeake & Ohio 21 Missouri Pacific 328 New York central 1074 Southern Preferred 321 Union Pacific 25i Wabash Preferred 18 Chicago & North Western 119J US. Leather Preferred "J i short statements; Minor Matters for tin- .Maiiipul.iti Main. AKOI'NI) IN THE env . I'otl'tmrrl of the por - Point, uti.l I' I'l.ktJ i.i I Miplv' ill.-.l, I'l I hv lig to o tcrtuii.iiieiiK of the chainl)' be field this Notice v.il! Ih later. ,1 out! ! II P. ( deeiU for tl, lias written I)': ( ' t. accepting the invitation t the emancipation ce!e:i.tl eigh on t lie first day , ;' .1 a ai; at Pal- Superintendent Pay. o; ; home, has I) pn pariiig lor Christmas, lie kiliec yesterday, the aveia lifted! moiit h , ami 1 1 weight bei ug .'l.l'o I A gentleman of tl.l- . to some friends thi his wife ivj, the m i-,t i woman in the wor! b I el-'ven pigs go age being e'i r ag'ivgate i' V :'i 'h wl.cd moliili.g that vei. tempered ".Sue certainly . co:, tinned, a, I. is even tempered. '!. "for she is eternal ly ma, Head the on I Ih page nickel p'.ati id of .Mr .la He t'ui s a .T. brass pol M iii.-,i:up Kinds of lag, etc., bicycle t:tees all and also has an up to ,1 repair shop. He gua work. The children of the Christian Sun day school will give tlu ;r Christmas exercises next Thursday night i Dee. 21!). The exercises v i:'. be conducted by the children and composed of songs and recitations. The public is invited The Governor s Guards meet in their armory at 10 o'clock Sunday morning and go to the Baptist Tab ernacle in a body at 1 1 o'clock, at which time the chaplain of the com pany, Rev Dr A M Simms.w iil preach the regular semi annual sermon be fore the company, I'l L Mollil, editor of the Christian Sun, has returned from Virginia with his bride nee Miss I'lila .May Rhodes, of Lin villi: The couple accompanied bv K Moflit, K.sq . of Ashcboro. ami I 'nil ,1 I Atkinson of Klon Coilege, went to Ashcboro where Mr Mellil's sister, .Viss Rowena and Mr Iv.l Morns w. is mar ried iast nighi Mr Warren V Hall, chief c'erU to the commissioner of labor s'.ails!, es, has gone to his home in Cleveland county to sp -ml Christmas, lie completed his work on the repml of the commissioner before leaving. Mr Hal! is a hard worker an I has picntvol energy. 1 ue report ll year will In issued. Prof. He the in is imtile! t ver . iinin I Xi'dd, w ho :! Kiiglish at ha- uist issued occupies the chaii Wake forest Col leg a neat lilt ie vol nine poems have been I'll bv souk- of the In of I" These i . i in-ii t- ' conij ent ic- s. The e among :h Prof. ie price volume is lii.ding a i cad those who are acquaint' Sledd s ubilit v as a poet is $1,0(1. The state guard have d H out eight times duru; the adjutant genera ' t! e past year report will e called out It Kaieigh, state. Twice they were eal at Henderson, twice at It tw ice at Rockingham, once at Ashe villi! and once at Kliz ibeth City. The national guard lias not been called into service as ufleii during the past year. The regular meeting of the Italcigh Academy otM dicine was held Wed nesday night. The annual reports were submitted by the various oil; cers and the following ellicers were elected for the ensuing year: Presi dent, Dr A W Knox . vice president. Dr J It Rogers, secretary,1 Dr 11 A Royster; treasuier, Dr A Y Good win; board of censors, Dr K P Bat tle, Jr.. Dr .1 I' Haywood and Dr V 1 Royster. Mr. G. Ii. Aiford of Holly Springs was in the city today to attend the fjueral of his aunt, Mrs PK Wil liams. Mrs Wii.iams before her marriage was the ninih daughter of Green Aiford, the grandfather of Mr (! 1$ Aiford. She was named Ninny because she was the ninth daughter. Mr Aiford is deeply in terested in the geanology of the Ai ford family. He traces, his decent directly from one of the Mayflower party. Mr. X T Cobb, of lUeigh, who arrived here last night with his family, will make his home in Char j lotte He will take the position of j cashier in the Seaboard's freight i j department here, made vacant by j the resignation of Mr A J Bagley. . .Mr Ikiglev has accepted a more lu- ' crativc position elsewhere and will ieave Charlotte. His friends Jhere , ! wish him success in his new posi- lion. M r and M rs Cobb are warmly ! we.cwiicil M Charlotte. - Charlotte j News. ; Tu.'sd.iy. Dec. 21st, from I to 7 p u!. will In- the first a'ternoon of the I do!; ii ccplion at the woman's ex- i.ingc, Dolls and their belongs. I j Til i. j uc-. historic ai:d modern. Also. !l!:s and Hun belongs for sale. l!c!Y .-.i.iih.i. Is will be served by .cry Mnaii children in regular doll i I:-M ,,; Any person in towu 'wi.,iig any old and interesting icciii.ci. Iiciongiiig u the doll king dom will confer a favor by a loan of (he same lor exhibition at the wo man 's exchange. It. is hoped a generous public will patronize the movement and thus aid the ladies of the Presbyterian church in their irinliKivur to carpet the new Sunday school room. Price of admission 10 cents. Ihe Slate Ceoit-gii-.il bjard was in session yesterday. The meeting was held at the executive office and there was a full attendance. Gov. Itusscil, as chairman cx-oflieio of the board, presided. Mr J Turner Morchead. of Lcaksville, and Mr Chas McNamee, of Biltmore, the other members, were present, as was Prof Holmes, tbestategeologist. The principal busiuess was the reading of the full and prepared an nual report of state geologist Holmes. George Brown, the negro who struck another negro Harrison over the bead with a beer bottle a few days since, was arrested last even ing. He attempted to run aud the oHieer fired to scare him, but the bali struck Brown's hand. He is not. hurt bud. however. Brown was l ave been given a preliminary hearing this morning, but Harrison had been dismissed from the hospi tal early this morning and had gone in the country. The hearing will probably come off tomorrow. HOARD ADJOURNS The i icnltiirul Hoard Completed their l.ahui this Morning. The state board of agriculture held another session this morniug and then adjjurned until next June. The business done this morniug wa chicily of a routiue character. No engineer was selected for the agricultural building but the matter was left in the hands of Messrs. Harris, lying and Allen. A Mr King is the engineer at present and it is probable that he will be retained. The board adjourned to meet in June but the attorney for the board Mr .1 C L Harris was empowered to call a meeting before this time if the I'nited .States supreme court should decide that tue tax imposed on fer tdi,: -rs oy this state is uncoustitu lioual. All the money which ruus this department is raised by this tax and if the supreme court decided against the board there will proba bly be no department ,ol agriculture in North Carolina. I iiikouI of Mrs Williams. Tin- funeral over the remains of the late .Mrs P H Williams was held from the First Baptist church this alteruoon at - o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev Dr J V Car ter. A number of friends uud rela lives attended. The interment was in Oak wood Cemetery, The pallbearers were .1 T l'uilen, J M Allen, J A Briggs, .lames Car roll, .lames l'arham and Chas Parks. Hea Sen. Ity Telc-craiu to the Press Visitor. Nkw Youk, Dec, H North Ger man' Lloyd Steamer Saale arrived to dav, having encountered hurricanes and immense waves which broke over her all the way over. A num- I ber Of ships are overdue, and it is feared that some less steady craft will not weather the sea. i Will Curr Unngcd.. i By Telegram to the Press-Visitor. Kansas Citv, Mo., Dec. 17 Wil liam Carr, the back woods man who sought to please his second wife by drowning his three-year-old daugh ter, was hanged this morning. Call Made. By Telegraph to the Press Visitor. Washington, Dec. 16 The comp troller of the currency has issued a call for a statement of the condition of National banks at the close of bus iness December 15. i I

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