-rrx: THE PRESS-VISITOR, KALEIQH, N. C. Published by the Visitor-Press Company, Incorporated. CONSOLIDATION OF TH8 VISITOR, ES TABLISHED 1878, and the Press, ESTABLISHED 1894. Office in the Pullen Building. 6REEK 0. ANDREWS, Editor and Manager. VEHNOM F. McRARY, Advertising Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year 4 no Six Months $2 00 One Month 35 f Entered as Second-Class Mail Matter fx The Leader in the News am! in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. ItiS. TUESDAY . . . December 2S. The ninth annual report of the in terstate commerce commission shows that more freight was carried in the year ended June 30, 1806, than in any previous year in the history of our railway system; so that pros perity really had a pretty clear track ahead of her some time before she desired to go upon the road. Merit To Cure a Coldln One Day Take Laxative Bi omo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money if it. fails to cure 25c. The genuine has L B Q on each tablet. Made and Merit JIaintnins the confidence oi trie people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a medicine cures you w hen sick; if it makes womle.-f u! curat evsr where. 1 hen beyond sllquustiun I but rosdiciiH-j-osaeissts merit. M1 m $ p Commissioner Caldwell has retur i.ed from Slatesville. Tha; is juet the truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit because it cures, not once or twice or at hundred time-, but in thousands and thousands of rases. We know it cures, aiisohitely. permanent Iv. w hen all oihers fail to do aiiy yood whatever. We repeat We are liking it Hot for Hard Times! ONE OK THE GKKATKSl I1EI1A I ES IN UISTOKY. After the peace ol 1703 the British Ministry attempted to lay a direct internal tax upon the colonics. This was the first muttering of ati approaching storm. Its significance was seen by Franklin and other agents of the colonies in England, and in a few months the colonies were filled with indignation aud alarm. The Stamp Act provided that a'l business doauments and instruments such as deeds, wills, leases, all pa pers in legal proceedings, writs, warrants, licenses, aud even college degrees, should be null and void unless written on stamped paper furnished by the Government and sold by stamp officers. The act was to go into effect on November 1, 17(ia. There was then a great debate. Charles Townshend, on the Gov. rn ment side, supported the bill with a speech in which he said: "Now will these Americans children planted by our care, nourished up by our indulgence, and protected by our arms will they grudge to contrib ute their mite to relieve us from the heavy weight of that burden which we lie under ?" To this appeal Colore! Barre, a friend of America in the House of Commons, replied in this eloquent strain: They planted by your care ! No ! Your oiipession planted them in Am erica! Fled from your tyranny to a then uncultivated and inhospitable country, where they exposed them selves to "almost all the hardships to which human nature is liable, and yet, actuated by principles of true English liberty, they met ali hardships with pleasure, ccmpareu with those they suffered in their own country, from the hands of those who should have been their friends. They nourished up by your in dulgence! They grew by your neg lect of them. As soon as you began to care for them, that care wasexer cised in sending persons to rule them, to spy out their liberties, to misrepresentj,their actions, and to prey upon them men whose be havior on many occasions hascaused the blood of those sons of liberty to recoil within them. They protected by your arms! They have nobly taken up arms in your defence, have exerted their valor, amidst their constant and laborious industry, for the defence of a Country whose frontier was drenched in blood. The Stamp Act was passed in the House of Commons by a vote of 2'.)4 to 42, on March 22, 1764. The night after the passage of the Stamp Act, which has been called a "monument of ministerial folly," Franklin wrote to Charles Thompson, afterward secretary of congress, as follows: "The sun of liberty is set; you must light up the candlesjof industry and economy." Mr Thompson replied, Id the spirit of the Revolution: "Be assured we shall light up torches of another sort From "The PreJimf narr Period of the Revolution," In Oodey'i Magulne tor January, Iln..-.l;n'i arnica Naive. flu- nest salve in the world tor ii'.s, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt ileum, fever sores, tetter, chapped Hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund d. Price 25 cents pr box. For sale by all druggists. Notice of Sulc . In pursuance of authority given in section 1783 of the Code of North Carolina. I will, on the 16th day of December, 1897, at 12 o'clock noon, in frout of my sl op, No 210 West Morgan street, in the city of Kaleigh, N C. sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, one open top single seated buggy. Thomas Vates. deo2 2w Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True ISIoou Punller. tI r., cure nittii. :;. imiiL'esiion liOOirS PlllS biliousness. '. ins. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administra tor of the late A V Emery, deceased, this is to vive notice to all persons having claims against .--aid estate to present them to me on or before the 23d nay of Novembi r. lS'.l.s, or Urs notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to tie estate will make immediate pa irei.' 1 it y a nt Smith. Ad'm J. C. L. Hakhis, Atorney. nov 23 hit! w. Proud as a PeacocK and tender as a sucking dove art' our Chris'mas turkeys now being ter-dcrly nurtured on corn and tid bits for the Yu'etide feast. There will be no vi r able patriarchs among the choice birds thM will hang in this market, but only the ne plus ultra of the poultry raisers pride, as we have spotted the choices! from every brood around. We also have ou hand a nice line of fruits, fresh vegetables, chickens, eggs, etc. We'll be please' to get your order for your Christmas turkey and will guarantee to please you. Let us have yourorder before the rush so we Ciin give you the choice. Stall No. 4 City Market. COP1 Ri6rT lljtj Yours for busir es, G. W. MARSH and SON 'ool's Shoe Store. Ladies Health Shoes. With thick solesand heavy grade Dm goia Kid, with medium round toes. ar just the thing to siep y u from Catch mg cold during the oming winter. ( l course "THERE ARE OTHERS." i l ,A"t .. s f ' fl , V&j$k -3 and we have thetn from A to Z in even fL-j.T tt yV; shape, weight and style, but ail of the ' i0' j best manufacture, and up to date in "-W.Tif-' every particular. S. C. POOL. 130 Favetteville St. THE REMNANTS For Sale. Busy selling prior to Christmas has left so many Remnants that we institute for the week, Monday, December 27th, to Saturday, January 1st, a Great Remnant Sale. All remnants will be gotton out and marked in plain figures and will be sold. A great harvest of bargains to be gathered in by money savers. Every woman within a radius of one hundred miles of Raleigh should be interested and will be repaid for the trip to Raleigh. IV. H. & R. S. TUCKER &G0. HAv WOOD, SNOW and TUCKER, TRUSTEES You can'l fee! ti or wl t 'i you see our goods and prices. What, though your d. liars ' n ;.y er. we will mak them go much farther. Values were never so niarveV . . , low as right now. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, etc. The completeness of our stock Guarantees Everybody; Perfect Satisfaction. Come and see this choice selection of honest qualites, and learn why sensible, economical people prefer to spend their money with us. Our prices ill give vour dol ai a new dignity Our line qualities will fear awav yourlast doubt. Then' is 1:0 law against paying big prices, but it isu l sensi ble. You'll trade with us simply because you can't duplicate the goods at prices elsewhere. Cross & Linehan, Leaders of Up-to-Date Clothing. MISS MAGGIE REESE FALL 1897 WINTER We have now ready for your inspec tion our stock of millinery, consisting of... Trimmed Hats. Sailor Hals, Alpine Hats, Soft and Stiff, Leather ond Cloth Tam O'Shantcrs Infants' Silk, Velvet and Cashmere Caps. ' Ribbons in all grades aud colors for dresses as wed as hats. Novelties in Millinery, Trimmings and Furnishings. Many Fancy Notions. Lii ' o ollars ami ruffs, Knit Tkil". - ai . I Legging, Down Pillows, Drapery Silks, Hair Goods, etc., etc. Gouds sent on approval, express paii one way. MISS MAGGIE REESE. CHRI 1 STMAS WILL SOON UK IIKRK. J. R. Ferrall & Co. Have on h u d ti e Nicest and Freshest l' N C Y (i ROC KR1 KS. Santa Clause can ti ml all the fresh Nuts. F.gs. Dates. Oranges, Candies, Riisms and everything good to till the Children's Stockings with at J. R, FERRALL & GO. . Phone 88 For Window Shades, Curtain Poles and Wall Paper . CALL ON "PR IllPia MM AH B 3 PflRIPAOW All of our stock is entirely new. Window Shades made to order on short notice at low juices. Wall Taper from 3c per roll up; samples sent upon request. We carry a large line ol Mantles and Tiles. L. C. WEATHERS, Manager. 14 West Haruett Street. A PALM FOR EVEtiYCGSY ! Having a large stock of Palms on hand, and wishing to make room, 1 shall trom now ou gn-ai'y reduce prices ou them, as well as on other plants. Krexli Supply nf linp. ited llnlbs An iv. it . ivai.cinths. Tulips, Xarsissus, Fr- 'sia, Chinese Sai led and Easter r.ilies lor eir-.-iii and outdoor plant A. Choice Gui rowers Of Hoses, Can a n.nHT. Floral Designs and Flowers Wt' all occa sions aud at all limes. I Evergreens and Sn.ule Trees. H. Steinmetz, Floris, North Halifax Street, cear I'baee In stitute Phone 11 1 OetH Sale of personal Property. The sttyk of graceries of the late A V Kmery is for tale as a whole or to suit purchasers from now until f 'tdnesriay, Ducimlwr 1, IS'17 If not sposcd ot lien I will Sell the same at public silt for cash, to the highest bidder Buyer can rent store , v. l.UYANT SMITH, Administrator Nov 2,'t I Trustee's Sale of Land. i i Cutler and by virtue of the powers i contained in a deed of trust executed by F. P. Wilbams and wife to the uri I del-signed and recorded in Rook 110, ! page 4:1:1, Register of Deeds office for j Wake county, I will, on Thursday, the :i nh day of "December, J)7, expose to I sale at public auction, for cash, that 1 culain ti-Hct of land in St Matthew's I Township, adjoining the lands of s. C. I Coley, James Vloore and Sidney Part- in and others, and bounded and de scritied as follows, to wit: By a line beginning at the southwest corner ol ! the tract of land conveyed to feidney j Part in by E. 14 stamps et al. by deeu recorded in Hook 110, at page 242 of the Register of Deeds ollice of Wake county; running thence south, 3 west. 4u poles to .. stake on the north side of a branch n ar its mouth on the north side of Crabtree creek near a heach pointer; thnnce down and with the said Crabtree cre"k to a white oak. James Moore's corner; thence with his line north Wi east, 12.33 chains to a pine; thence north 1 east, 2. 00 chains to a pine; thence, north 4.14 east, il.v' chains to a pine; thence north 24 eai-t, 4. lti chains to a stake; thence south 4 east, 4 55 chains to a pine; thence north 1-4 east, 5.90 chains to a pine; thence south btii eastj 5.25 chains to said Moore's northeast corner; thence north 2! east, about 124 poles to said Sidney Partin's southeast corner; thence wkh his line westward to thf beginning, containing 130 acre's more or leas. Tarms cash. R. H. Battle, jnov. 29, 17. Trustee. Haywood, Snow and Tucker, Trustees. A1infnintriiT's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Catherine K. Harding deceased, this is to notify all persona haying claims against sail estate to present them for payment on or before October 8, 188. All persons owing aid estate are requested to make Im mediate pamant. WK. T HAWHi Oct, t, 1897, Large Loans On life insurance polities In stand ard English and American Companies. Ten per cent more than the compan ies themselves loan on tha same poli cial at lower rates. Write or euqulre of Philip William A rirett, investing agent, English' American Loan and Trust Co,, Cltl mbs' National rak BuilOUf , Ra lfai H Ot Relief Free! All who are sulVerinir from dis ordered stomach, caused by over eating Christmas, are invited t call at ,501) Fayelteville street, (opposite postoflice) and drink the celebrated Panacea Water free of Charge. Comjiliments of the ACME WINE CO., Opposite Post-Office. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R y John (Jim,. Receiver. Condensed Schedule. IN KFKKCT OCT. lol H, 1HI17. NORTH not' VII. No -. Daii.v. Leave Wilmington - S ml p in Arrive Fayt tteville II 111 " Iveave Favetteville " Leave Fayetteville Junction! 1 :2S " Leave Sanford 12:.riii p in Leave Climax 1!:4! " Arrive Grcenslioro :-d " Leave Greensboro .'iiiin " Leave Slokesdale. ... . . . 4. IS " Leave Walnut Cove !:! " Leave Rural Hall .r:l!l " Arrive Alt Airy (!:!" " SOCTllllOL'NI). No. 1. daii.v, Leave Mt Airy h:4H a 111 Leave Rural Hall 10:04 " Leave Walnut Cove . lll:.'i:t " Leave Stokesdale 1 1 :! " ArriveGreensboro 11:5 Leave Greensboro 12:1 " leaveClimax 12:411 " li'ave Sanford 2:Hti " Ar Fayetteville J unction . . H.fitl p 111 Arrive Fayetteville 41)0 " Leave Fayetteville. ...... .4:10 '' Arrive Wilmington 7:20 " nortiiiiocnd. No. 4 Daily. Leave Bennetsville X:W a 111 Arrive Maxtou !':02 " Leave Maxton !':07 " Leave Red Springs !l:l(7 " lave Mope Wills 10:20 " Ai rie l'yettevilie 10:40 " SOLTIIBOLND No. 'A Daily Leave Fayetteville 4:45 pm Leave Hope Mills 5:02 " Leave Red Springs 5 42 " Arrive .Vaxtou 0:11 " LeaM'Maxton 0:15 " Arrive Rennettsville 7:15 " No. Hi. north HONND. mixed. Daily Exc'pt Sunday. Leave Ramsrur b':40am LeaveClimax 8:25 " Arrive Greeusboro 9:17 " Leave Greensboro ; 9.35 " Leave Stockesdale 11:07pm Arrive Madison 11:55 " No 15 mixed south bound. Daily Exc'pt Sunday. Leave Madison 2:35 p m Leave Stocnesdale 1:25 " ArriveGreensboro 2:45 " Leave Greensboro 3:22 " Leave Climax 4:20 " Arrive Ramseur 0:05 " CONNECTIONS 1 at Fayetteville with Atlantic C iast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at Red Springs and Rowmore Railroad, at Sanford with Seaboard Rai'way, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at. Greensboro with Southern. Vai nut Cove with Kerfolk Western Railway, : " 1 .. i WftntY ' W1KYLB, Riii'l knm - ttt'iUn Ante w 'AlA.U-i-1 TO Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. Wilmintrton, New Orleans Chattanooga, Nashville and New VoA, Boston, Philadelphia, Wash, ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEKUXKIN EFFKCT FKIlKtTARY 7, '97. ROMTI! BOUND. No. 403. No. 41 Lv.N. Y.,Pen.R R.1100am 900pm Lv. Philadelphia" 1 12pm 1205am Lv Ftaltimore, 315pm 250am Lv. Washington, 440pm 130am Lv Richmond. A CL.''. ..:pm 905am v K,.i-fnllt S A T. M:!0nm !IOf:im Lv Portsmouth, " 845pm 9 20am Lv.Weldon, Ar. Henderson, "112Kpm 1155ar. "125Uam 139pm Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, Ar.Riileigh, Ar. Sanford, A r. Sou '11 Pines, Ar:llamlet, Ar . Wadesboro, A r. Mon roe, Ar.Clia rlotle, t732am t409pm t520pm tlllOam 334pm 5 1 IH 1 m 555pm (! 53pm 811pm 912pm 2 lliara 335am 422am 510am 5 54am t! 43am 830am 10 25ptr. Ar.Ciiesler, " 810ain 1047pm l.v Coiiiinijia,(. NovLKU . . . tu'dopm Ar Clinton, S.A.L. !l4."am 1210am Ar. Greenwood, " 1035am 1 Oiain Ar. Aotieville, " 1 1 O.iam 1 40am A r KllierUui, " 1207pm 241aui Ar Alliens, " 115pm 34.miii Ar Winder, " 1 5!lpm 43o.iin Ar.Allaiita (,cuttuiiej2.")0piu 520um MUti'll ItOIMl. No 402 LvAtiauta, bAI,. 12lHipm Lv jndcr, Lv Alliens, Lv hlOel loli, LvAuOeviuc, Lvlj reeuWvHid, LvCliulou, 2 lopm 2 llipin 4 i.ipin 5 l.i 1 mi 5 4 1 pm (i3lpm ArCol11mbiaO.Wv.LKR, LvCbcstcr, S.A.L ArCharlottc, " Lv .Monroe, Lv Hamlet, l,'lpm 1025pm 9 40pm 11 23pm No. .to. l jllpill liMpin 1 1 Jbplli 12 3h.ui. 1 4uaiu 1 IliUui .( 0.1am t7 OUum 4 33am 8 30ain Ar iimiiigion " l.'i.iOai.i LvSou'iiPines " Ivvlvalcigh, '' ;Vrileiiilerson, " ArDurham, " LvDurhaiui " Ai'Veldon, " ArllicLiuoud, ACL A. 'iVasI, g I'enKK. Arl-i.oluiniie, " Arl'LuLiUptua, " ArNett Yuri;, " A r Poi lsitiout h " ArNoiloiU, 12 14am 2 liiam SSam 1 732am 15 20pm 4 55am b 15am 1 2iil pm 1 43pm 3."0piii ti23,ni 7 oiiain 7 jt Jam 12 3Upm :i20ain 1 1 3oam 1 00pm t409pm til lOani 300pm O'OOplU 11 KlpiU 1 2 4s.ain 3 45air. ii 53am 550pm (iOaptn Daily. !D;tily Kxecpl uuday. JDaily l.xcept Monday. Nos. M.'iaiul 402, "The AllantaSpe eiil, "Sol ul Vcslibuled Tram ot Pull man sieeiers and coacheis between Washington and Atlanta, also Pull in. m sieepei's between Portsmouth aiiU Cncsiei . S. C. Nos. 41 and 3s, ' The S. A. L. Ex press. " Solid 1 rain, Coaches and Pulliniai Siecpcr.s between Ports mouth ami Atlanta. Company sicep cist'iiwiin Ci'iiuabia and Atlanta. liotli l,..)ns muhc immediate con iiect urns a At-iiuld for Aioiilgoincry, Mobile, New OiM-aus, Texas, Call torma, Aie.Vco, t tialtantxiga, Nash vilti, Ali lupins, Alucou aud Florida. I'oi tickets, sieepers, etc., apply to li. A Newland, Gen. Agt. P Dept. i llin.l'uli House, Atlanta, Ga. II. .-. Leurd, Sal Pass. Agt., lial eigh, N. C. K M. John, Vk. President and General Manager. II. V;. 15 Giover, Trallic Manager ' K. McBce, General Superiulcn dent T. J Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General olhces: Portsmouth, Va, sulc uf Land. liy nut hoi n v of a judgment of the superior court of V ake coun y, made in special proceedings entitled Anne S kes and others ys Serapha Ray .iiidoihei s No H04S P docket, as cuiiamssioner appi inled by the court, 1 wi.l on Monday, 27th day of Dcceinbt-r. 1H97, ut 12 o'clock m, at the courthouse door of Wake county Raleigh, N C,scli :o :l,e h ghest bid der lor cash a tract ot land in New Light UcAiiship. Wake county, being lot No li in the divisiou of the lauds of Wiley Harrison, deceased, among his heirs at law. Said laud begins at a black gum on thespring branch, corner of lot No 5, thence down Said branch to Neuse river, thence with the river lo the moulh of a branch, th. nee up said branch to a willow, thri ce houlh 40 uegi i-es east 7:iijoles to the Raieigh road, thence south west a'ougsaid road loa stake, thence south (15 di grees east ri poles U) the beginning, containing rG acres W N Junks, Co n r. no2430d "Mother Friend" i?.m ft-HO FiRTH EASY. Coitrln, La, Deo. 2, IBS 3. Jljrvrifs nsed IOTHEH'8 BIEKD before her third iruBnement, at.d or.ys she would not- bt a'lout it iit hundreds of dollars. COCK MKJJU S.n hT t'rM till MMits. of, tH 1J W -rn--'ti . ' ainuNsrijaMt