a Cold in One Day. Take Lixittve Bromo Qiiniue TablitS All druL'trists refund toe momV If it fails to eure. 25u Tbe genuine has L B Q on each tablet. Holtdav kates for Schools and t'ollcgcs. To enable teachers and students to spend the Christmas holidays at K-boma the S A L will sell round trip tickets from Raleigh to all stations at rate of one fare and one third for tbe rouud trip, upou presentation of certificates signed by the superin- Iteodents, principals or presiden's. TintcHts to he sold December llitb tJ 25th inclusive, such tickets to bear final limit January 1th, 1808. ,'r)r further information write or call on the undersigned: H S lard, T P A; W C Kimball, D T A; Z P Smith, C T A, Raleigh, N C Wise Men know. It is folly to build uion a poor foun dation, either in architecture or ii. health. . A foundation of s nd is in secure, tnd to deaden symptoms by jfia'rootics or nerve compounds is equally dangerous and deceptive. The true way to build up health is e your blood pure, rich and Lottrishing by taking Hood's Sar- 'paparilla. ? Hood's Pills act easily ;ind promp tly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick h-adache. Ckrlstiaas Nates in s A. I.. On account of the lio id i.ys the Seaboard Air Line will sell round 'trip tickets from Raleigh to thefil lowing points: Portsmouth, Va, ill !0; Peters burg, Va, 6 5M; Washington, T) C, 11 20; Charlotte, N C, C 9."); Charles ton, S C, 10 &; Richmond, Va, 7 fill; Suffolk, V, ti 2; Wilmington. N C. t 30; Columbia, S C. '. 70; Chester. S C, 7 80. i. Tickets to be sold Tl-.-eemlvr llL'.l to 2oth inclusive, and IVc'inUr :i iili to January lt. inclusive, limited mi til January -4 . Ii , IS'.W For further infonuatioti write or call on the undersigned. HSLeaid, T PA; WC Kimba l, "D T A; Z P Smith, C T A; lt.il -eigh, N C. Fre of I'harRc to Sufferer. Cut this out and take it to your druggist and get a samr le bo't e free of Dr. King's New Discov-ry. for consumption and co'ds. Tliey do not ask you to buv before trying This will show you the great merits this truly wonderful remedy, and 0W you what can be accomplished thfl rptruliir size bottle. 1 his IS r experiment, and would be disas rous to the proprietors, did they int. know it would invariably cure Many of the ties1 physicans are now bsing it in their practice with great esults,and are reiving on it in ui"st 'severe cases It is guarann-eo. Trial bottles free at anv drug s'ore. Regular size Ml cents - nd t nil. For Over l ift- Yt.ars Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Svrup I. as been used for over -fifty years iv millions of mothers for their "liil dren while toelhin-.', with perfect Success. It soot lies the child, so'oois he gums, allays all pain, cures w ind colic, and is the Ivst i-cmedv for diarrhoea. It. will relieve ihe ) r Jttle sulTerer immediately . So',1 i v all druggist in every part uf the world. 2") cents a b.tt'e I'e surp and as! 'ir "Mrs. Winsio x 's I Soothing Syrup. " an, I t;i!'i i her j kind ! Chnstmns Kates ia s A. I.. On account of the Christmas I o!i days the Seaboard Air Line will -e1! round trip tickets to all pointsiu'h of the Ohio and Potomac and east i f the Mississippi river, at ,-ate of one and one third firsiclass fares, i x cept that in s.l inu' from, to nr be tween points in Virginia, North and South Ca:olina, we will use a rate of four cents per mile one wuv for the J round trip, no rate between points j OD 3eabeard A'r Line, however, to j be higher than tV-i X. to be sold December L'L'd to 25th inclusive, and Decemb-r ."tli to January 1st inclusive, limited un til January 4, lS'.KS. : For further information in regatd to rates and schedules, write or cuii on the undersigned. II S Leard, T PA; WC Kimball, D T A; Z 1 Smith, C T A, Raleigh. N C. $100 to Any f.hn. Wlliti PY $IOO ANY Asl Of Wetknem In Men They Treat and Kail to cure. An Omaha company p lives for the flrst time before the public a Mauical. TREATMT for the cure of Lost Vi tality. Nerousand Sexual 'VcakncsH. and "Restoration of Life Force in old and young men. No worn-out French remedy; contains no I'lio.-plioron.i or other- harmful druir. It is a WON DERFUL TKEAtmknt magical in it- fleets positive in its cure. All read era, who are suffering from a weak ness that blights their life, causing that mental and physical suffering pe- uliar to Lost Manhood, siioniu write the STATU MKl)lt.'AL.t o.vir.; i , suite 64t. Kamge hmldinsr. tiioaha, Neb., and they will send you abso lutely FREE, a valuable paper on these dlea8ee, and positive pi oofs of their truly Magical iw-atmknt. Thousads of men. who hav.; lost all hope of cure, are being restored by the n ti a perfect. condition. This Magical Trkatmknt may be ta ten at home un J. r their dinxaions, or thj will payrailroad fare and ho tel bills to all who prefer to go there for treatment, if liny fail to euro. T-ioy are perfectly reliable: h.i"c n ytt Frewription-, Fiw me, F.'-c Samule. or O O D. fako. They have U50,UO0 oapital, and guarantee to c : Wiry case they treat or refund every dolliri o- their onartre. may be deo ttod t banktobepald to thm ..hci tire Is write hsno4T JlUPumatiMii i(Jure U guarametd to be absolutely harmless, and a strong tunic In building up the weak and debilitated. It cures acute or niuwotar rheuma tism In from one to five days, (sharp, shooting pain In any part of the body stopped la a few doses. A prompt, eompleto and permuru'Dt euro for lameness. soreness, stiif bark a ad all pains In hips and loliiH. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain la the twit aro speedily Cured. It seldom falls to srlv relief from one 10 two dose, and almost Invariably cures h-'fore one bottle has been used. The Muuvon Remedy Company prepare a separate cure for cacU uiseuHe. aibii orueKisis zocentsa vuu. jryounetvi medical advice write Prof. Munyon, 1U5 ArUi ptreet, rniiaueipma. i is aosoiuteiy iree. Easy to Take asy to Operate Are features pwuliar to ITomTs rills. Small In le, taMcless, elilcient, tliorougli. As imp man voil: Ynu never know yon ihvp uiktMi fi pill till it is all over.' '7yc. C. I. MoodtSt Co., Proprietors. Lowell, Mass. i Ii- only pills to take with Hood 'a Harsaiiariliar Msiropolitan Opera House. Special Holiday Attraction! ONE NICHT ONLY. DEC. 30 T The New Farcical Comedy The Much Praised Laughing Suc cess of the Season . A strictly refined up-to date Com edy with fascinating musical mem bers and specialties, presented by a genuine first class company. Popular Holiday Prices 25, 50c, and 75c. Seats on sale at W. H King & Co 's Notice to City Tax Payers. The citv tax list for 18H7 having been placed in my hands for collee 011, I can be found in my oflire for at purpose every day from !) a in 4 pm. All taxes not paid by nnuarv 1 will be subject to a pen alt v of one per cent, beginning Dec. 1, 18H7, and an additional 1 per cent for each month thereafter until paid. CllARl.KS F Ll MSDKN, Citv Tax Collector. Dee. 15i h till an. 1. tor 15 B SURE YOU (JET THE "( l RKI.IAIII.K" Tl RNKll N 0 Al MA SAC ISilS For sale at Al.'red Uik iains & Co.'s, Booksellers. City. I" ice I Of, or by Jas H En.mss, I'uldi-her, lialeigh, N C. no! HI litawlm Momiitr.i: SAl.K OF I. AMI. Uv virtue of power conferred by ni'O ti;aL'e executed tome.bv Literal v lilake, VV C lake and wife .VI f, U . ike and A K Mnoney hum. on the L'4'li January, 18i4, which said mortgage is recorded in the i ffice of thi- register of deeds for Wake rout ty iii book 131, pagel!'"), I will sell at 12 o'clock m , a. the court l ouse door in the city of Raleigh, at public auction for cash, to the Mi! I est bidder on Saturday, Jan 24, A D lS'.'S the following described tract, of land, lying and situate in IV. Ln eonntir n House s (Jteek tw,lslip, h(,in(, the iiina occu . ed Lucraty Blake (at the t me i f the i-xecuiion or sam mortgaee;, ano me sarnie which was conveyed to Mrs Maiinda Howie by Lewis W Peck administrator of William Peck by deed dated Mi.y 2, 1853 (ee re-is-ter's office for Wake county, book Ft. page 555) and Trom W Tie s Howie to said Lucraty Blake and nthersby deed dated 21st January, 1880 (see register's office for Wake countv, book 58, page 232) which said deeds are made a pait hereof, and which said tract of land) contains one hun dred acres W R Bi.ake, dec 23 30t Mortgagee. sate of Valuable Insurance Polices. Under and by virtue of a decree of Wake SuperiorCourt in a cause there in pending entitled John T. Pulfcn, administrator of Mary A. Morehead, deceased, I will on Thursday, the j:M day of December, 18H7, expose to sile at public auction, for cash, the following described policies of insur ance, with the right tp pay the prem iums thereon and keep the policies in force to-wit: Policy No. 2731 of the Marylar.d Life Insurance Company, issued May 4. 1874, on the life of W. K. Davis for $5,000. Policy No SstfTlof the ConneeMjut Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, issued October 10, IHHS, ; on the li'e of WK Davis for tdO.OOo. i Also, at same time, and as a part of the sale of sr.ld policies to be trans ferred therewith, one judgmeut of Wake Superior Court in favor of J 1 T Pullen, administrator, against W K Favis tor 1H,437. 6 with interest on I5 il7.Xt thereof frlm 26th day of February, lts4, untilopaid, for which said policies of Jniuraace aresecurity. Term9 cash. . JOHN T. PCLLEN. Ad minUtrator of M. A. Moreheid. Help HaAtd'M4le.r Agents jtet Cfts- eote on each dollar) Bo" eupp.rlettce ' oecmy fUJ t(1f a(,anl H outfit; Addfe 2 filZ fiettlwr j To i:'lDu0110 n? " ' tttniwf r. Pi X nuuresa 8. Pills TOST A BRIDE." A LARGE STOCK i OF ChristmasGoods AT ','1 .'t WM 1 OMiPBELL Are receiving a well selected line of Fur niture for Christmas Presents, which they will sell at sacrifice prices; fancy Rockers of every description. Centre tables in endless variety. 1 he pret tiest line of desks, tables and book cases, etc., ever seen in llaleigh; wardrobes-plain and fancy-oak, cherry and walnut. A beautiful line of A beautiful extention table, (5 feet long, for S3.98. A $30.00 Fancy Leather Couch now for 'S2U. A few Fancy Corduroy Couches which we sold from 10 to Slo, we will now sell from 0 to S10, slightly damaged in transportation. Single and lied Lounges will share the same fate. If you need anything for Christinas he sure and see our line before buying. Yours for business, Thomas flit and 12 I'ist Mm-tin Academy of Music. One lVi foi m.iiH'e Onlv, TUESDAY, DI-X'KM Mli jSth ...A Notable Kve-nt... Presentation of the Famous Corned v, NEVER AGAIfL The LOl.DKST LAl fill OF A LIFE TIME .. Illustrated bv a MAC.MFI CEXT COMPANY. And all the handsome scenic environment and staje oar niture which character ized the production, 250 NIGHTS IN NEW YORK 125 NIGHTS IN CHICAGO. Circuit Coukt or I Eastern DUtriet, United Statics i' North enroling No. Ill Lihel. United Sutes ajrainst twenty-live hurtvls of corn whiskey, seized at Wilson, N. ('..am) claimed hv ,1. (J. Patterson To J. O Patterson mid to all whom it may concern (ireutint:: Notice is hereby (riven, tha the above mentioned ripi-r'y was m-izcil by V. M. Sinmons. ('olleetor )f ln ttrnal Mevenuc lor the Fourth Colh e tion District of North Carolina, on the 19th day of March, 1SH7, as forfeited to the ubos of the United States, for violation of tho Internal Uevenue Laws, and the same is libelled ami prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said lihel of informa tion set forth; and that the said causes will stand for trial at the Court room of said Court, in the city of Kaleiyh, on tbe first Monday of l)eeein'r next, if that he a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction ther after, when and where you and pers'ins are warned to appear to how cause why condemnation should not he decreed, and judgment accordingly entered herein, and to iitervene for their interest. Given under my hand, at office in Raleigh, this 25th day of Nov , 197. O. J. Capuoli.. U. S. Marshal Notice of Administration. Having q-ialified as administrator c the estate of Win E Munlev, de ceased, late of Wake Countv. N C, h s is to notify all persons holding 0 aims against the said estate to pre sent them to the undersignec! at his office in Raleigh, on or before the 12th day of November, 18118, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to the said estate will please ninke Immediate payment to tbe under Signed. . . J 0 Masocw, im r. AtRt Snow, . COST. Don't fail to see them. Sideboards from $7 up. Street. Phone 2l!l 0. mokt; icK s.i-k: Umli r Ihe provisions of a deed of iiiorliraire e.cuted hv Sainlrel (I. I', lifee. II. I '1 :i,V I!. II. IVaiei' to (1 U in 11I lief ;mil n j.'is'eri'(l in the rliiri' of the K'L'ister of I) c Is of W.i!,"i nnit ;n mini; ;.!,"i i;i'e 117. the 11 1 lii-isi hi 'I will t pnsi' In pitl) lie si"1 at ihe eiuiii courlli'iiise door in the 1 ity of llah ij,'!: on Mon (I. v, .1 an nary lo, at 1. o'cock 111. a ei ila n tract uf land in New I. Ii Ti iv ! 1 1 j i 11. WaUe eniiMty, ail j 1 iii.' 1 lie hin.U uf T N l.'a and nt". rs. I. ;..ivii as 1 c . t Nn '1 ih the ill visit. 1, n'" 'l.e !iit ;!s ,.' llerr ll.itri- , n.. . i'i ec.ist 1! . 1 r z I Iii 'l inleil as fo' il.i vs: e. ti.nitijf at a -i.il.e. enrnet , uf a t N.i I ii lie' i'l 1 f saiil j l.i nils 1 ' ! N. lise liVi'i', fUlll.il.;: ; I iKIiiv N -!0 lli'LO-ees. .Mil ...;e, I 1 a s'.i.lie. lliei.ee S .-7 lie.- , K as I p. 1 e , S -2 .l.vr- s W -1'li po'is ! ' Neu-e river, tiieia'e ujis-iid r.ver jtlie De.r-'llli!!! alel i'i ' ' ' I I i ' ' i 1 1 IT t( I aere. h- in l; the h,,.il -.1 n ieil m ilia wi In' S i i:,i m- (1 I'i.iivi' fi'i'ii. I 'iii fit'er, iserfi I ! I I is ie , (leee.is 1 eil, land divisi.ai. I The note secured by the almve ! mill'! e-.lye lias Lee 1 11 jailed Ii lie j Na-ion ,1 ll.ink of Ui'eiyh. 1 'l'eiins uf sale: . - Ii 1 L 'oo!.il r. MortL' 'k'ee. ! AI.D v s J I) Hav is. trustees ii - fi lathe re. s in la. 1 of L Wo alii f, IllHI':;' 1 I'i'. C. M 1 ; 1 - A 'lorn v. D ci tola r lo, l'-:7 -1 ' Vital. 1.9 L Victor itl Siijn mid Fnsi it Vni)ilcr. Aiti-'ii' Interior l. ntions and Land Senpe Work a specially. Will h" triad to liuw samples to thoe intere-teil si' iutcre-teil , ) Calls .-:t at Mr. Heed's bi. d usa W'c-t Martin sir. et l l housa TRAINED NURSLjJ: Bureau of Monition. Docti-rs it rid pa'icnts in nrod of thn at McK iiiiiiioii' I Jim? Store, Haleitrh. X. C. ep24 i'Le Dew Me&. Are you brljrht nml cu-ver? If so yon have plcniy of wi.-.iM of '-ur jwii, also senst fiionyh ,i K'iip goNl 8 Iii-m ell I1!. What io "uu think of a iv'eoiuinn lllistruU'l Monthly Pa (ht, each issHiTuiit'iiiimft I'lcc of .Music. VHal r Inslrnm ulul, Latent FiWtiio.,jt. (hmhI JSlorics. h amntif Ni'wsanj 1'urt raits of Jttv Actretcfen, ll'nisi l'id.i, Toiit-tand Fancy Work Hints, ail for & tvnt-s a year postpaid Seems to" K'nxI to tnif, hut we vj'e you exarth hat woadvertia ttend Si6 ctuUToid see for yourself. ' TIflli NEW IDEA CO., 1411 Broadway, New York Citw agents wanted. Liberal ooniinirtsloa paid. j KLtV YOaK niltll ECHO. 1io lmnt mt nmw.i and farnton Journal hi ' :: :-i. t.L1 8 j't iiuwic fize, 3t 1 fis and hand .. ,.. ,.o-f-r, K-n-'Jninsr fnnu ten ti twelve pice- I "i.'tnl or iiis.nnwMitelr niuMT, besiiles four 01 p TMi.t "f if..difi3 octn!ffes. Sutiiitloi t h & tchi. Jl.W. samplocop, 10 eta. Atr-w fifMr TWtre rtuilHlntr. Kr Toif Campbell LOOK FOR THE LYON RACKET STORE Ijeforo luiving toys of tiny kind, lor tliey are selling tlu'tn cheaper than ever this year. Such bargains as have never been seen, and we hav e them to suit the old and please the young pleased lo have you call and see our toys. Now wc cannot name every article, liuL will name a. few: IVajriHis from Hie to $2 00 I 'ill Is ' 111 to 1 all .'arriaee- " 20 to -i M rtiielin Unices ... " III! to 4 On ll'il.liv ' " 81 IK) to Kl Trickles " '1 0(1 to it la Hi i. ins " 25 lo 1 (Kl Cans " Id to 2 ' I "is 1 1 is " to "(' Hums " 1 to 2i". Trains ' fill to 2 aU T.ji.I liux ' 2a to 1 HO Dolls " 2 to 2 0(1 Vases " 2.". to 2 5(1 Lamps " 22 to 2 5(1 Albums " 25 to 4 00 H injus. " 1 "(I to 4 4(1 Viul'ms " 1 25 to fi Oil (Jaiiiirs " 2 1(1 to N iKi ( all ami sec ami you will he iileased. Vuurri to jiU'itst', Lyon Racket, 1 6 E. Martain St. OVER $100,000,000 7 typewriter., Ribbons and General Supplies. T. B. HEARTT, Agt., Xov. hUf RALEIGH, X. C. KLONDIKE! i't ro there unless you Simpson's Yon are more than likely '.o be mi't use Simpson's Ointment, which FARMERS' B. I R DKALKR IN AgrlsiiIfiiraS Implements, SEEDS, FEED AND FERTILIZERS, IM('Y''U.s IlAUDW I!I0, STANDARD SEWING M ACH1NKS. RALEIGH, N. C. The Commercial and Farmers' Bank, of Raleigh, B. C. Chartered by General Assembly 1891. Paid up Capital . $100,000.00 Deposits .... $300,000.00 OiTers its customers evei v ccomuioilation consistent with safe 'safe" Deposit Boxes for Rent on Reasonable Terms. Some jrooil business ottiCv S to let I J Ti iMAS President, ALP-A. THOMPSON. Vice I resident. IH'VW r.w,.. r. H W. JACKSON, Assist-mt Pahier. MOHTG (JK 8il.i;. I'i.der ilie provisions of a deed of mMite;i;e executed by (ieorsje W 'arce and wife. V. Carolina 1'iaree. to L Woodliif and registered in the office of tlie rejis er of d eds of Wuke countv. in bonk 104. piiL'e :M.', the iindei signed will expose to public sale at i lie c. unit v court house di.i.r in the cilv of U.dei.'.'li on .Monday. January lo, ISilS. at 2 o'ldm-U in., a e. rtain t raci of land in New Tiielil township, Wills" countv, adjoininjr the hinds of James A li.iv. lietsey Ann Hadev. VV I'erry and others, bounded as follows, viz: ltc.'innin(r at a pos'oak, rui ning' thence N .'? de crees, K 41 po'es to a slake, t'lence S H itejreps. K 114 poles, thence S 2o detrrees, K "i4 poles 10 New Tju'it roinl. and thence whh said road to the beinniiii?, containint; l!7 acres, more or less, and kno-ii as the (ie Tire VV IVuree and w ife land, lot No 7 in special proceeding No 259 ofliep of Superior courtclerk of Wake county. The no'p secured by thp above morttrniie has b"en ossisrned to the Niitional hank of Rah ij;h Terms of sale: Cash. h VVootit.iKK, ortpnirce. A L Davis. J D I) vis trust' es and attorneys la fact of U VVo'idliwf, alorttfaife-. delflaOd C M BcBFat. Attorne' For Housekeep ers. We take pleasure in offering a very line line of ncasouable goods, such as PUKK FRUIT Preserves, Jellies and Jams lu fancy patent lass i rs or by- pound. Atinore's mince meat, plum pudding, etc. NEW prepared Huekwlieat, with pure sap maple syrup in quart or t gallon eaus. NKVV CHOI' Raisins, Currants, Cit ron, ele , Olives, Ulion Oil, Cutsups and Sauces of liiiest quality. CANNKD GOODS inendlers variety from best packer;. W K believe we have the best Four on the market. Itdta you tried It V Our famous '.MKLitoSK'' brand. KVF.RVTHING purchased of us is e;uaranleec to be of the linest ijiialily. Orders tilled carefully and delivered witb dispatch J.O. TURNER, "plcnhnDe 1? Annually Earned by Opera tives of the Remington Standard Typewriter. Just think of it ! More than ithe GOLD RESERVE OF p THE UXITED STATES. The, " ReminijtoTi dues the writing of the world. are well supplied with Liver Pills! troubled with Nasal Catarrh if you is a sure cure. SUPPLIES! B Y, a) Sale of I. and Bv virtue of a certain mortpare leeil executed to me by Wm. M. Ma honey and wife, M E. Mahoney. and i has. H. Clarke and wife, M A f'l&rlro. mid registered in the office of Itccrisb-r of Deeds of Wake county. N. C, in book f, p :):14, I will sell to the highest bidder In public auction, at the Court House in the city of lie h igh, on the .id dayof .lanuary. A.1V.W at 12 o'clock M.. the property described in said mortgage, to-wit: A tract of land in Wake county, beginning at the North Carolina Uailroad in Cnrl ton's line, thence with his line S. K poles to Murry's corner in the Chapel Hill road', thence with said road N "8 degrees, 10 minutes W. 44 poles to a i-take near the edge of the lane, thence S. 20 decrees, VV. to a stake near an ash on the side of Reedy Branch near its junct on with Walnut Creek Murry's corner thence up said branch S ?2 degrees, W 30 poles, thence S 65 degrees, W CO poles, thence W W0 polls, thence 3 K2 degrees, W 30$ poles to a post oak. We-ley Jones' corner, thence N 100 poles to a stake and pointers. Goodwin's corner, thence E 50 poles to pine, A. Morris cor ner, thence V 185 po'es to a stake and notrrs. Slid Morris' corner, thence E poles to a roek. snid Morris' corner, thence N :!$ poles to the rail road liie. thence with said lim of ro:vd to the besinnlne, containing 300 acre, more br less. Terms of tale oashi W. t. tTpCHUKCH, Moftirsifee. Mi AWtN, Attortwyj HQ &f A WARNING. Gold Weather Coming Coal is a necessity. Now is tb time to lay in your supply. Poca bontas is the very best high grad coal that can be had. Suitable foi urates, open stoves, cooking pur poses and for steam is far ahead of any other coal on tbe market. We have any and all kinds of coal. W are the old reliable Wood furnishers short wood, long wood, sawetf wood, pine wood, oak wood, in any lengih. Weight in coal, measure in wood guaranteed Have you horses, cows, bogs, or any other live stock to feed? Yfe always keep a fresh supply and give you Just What is Suitable of fresh, palpataole, wholesomefood. Don 't forget where to get any or all of t ie above. We are leaders and can't be undersold We buy in large quantities, at low pricps, and give our customers the benefit of our casb price. Telephone 41 for office, yard tele phone, 71. Jones & Powell, Coal Wood, Ice, Feed, Laths and Suing e Dealers. iki.TlT Cofirr OF Eastern District, Unitkii States f North Carolina. No. 112 Libel. t'rited States apainstthirteen barrelsofeorn whiskey s- ized at Fayetteville, N. C, and cjainied as the property of W. S. avis. To W. S. Davis and to whom it may concern (r. eting': Notice is hereby given, that the above nicnwoned property was seized by F. .M. Simmons Collector of In ternal ltevenue for the Fourth Collec tion District of North Carolina, on the I7lh day of July, lH7.as forfeited to the Uf-eof the I'nitedStates.for viola ion of the Intirnal iicvenue Laws, and the same is libelled ami prosecuted in the Circuit Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said libel of information set forth: and that the said causes will stand for trial at the Court room, in the city of lvaleigh, on the first Monday of De cember next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the iiext day of jurisdiction thereafter, when and where you and all persons are warned to ap pear and show cause why condemna tion shoulj not be decreed, and judg ment accordingly entered herein, and ,o intervene tor their interest. Given under my hand, at office in Haleigh, this 25th day of Nov., ISD7. O. J. CARKOI.L, U. S. Marshal. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. (PIEDMONT AIR-LINE.) Condensed Schedule. In effect June 14, 18oO- Trains Leave Raleigh Dally. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. jt40 p, m, Dally, Solid vestlbuled train wt sleeper from Norfolk to c liattauooga via. Bali bury Morgautou, ASlieville, not Bprlugs an Kuoxvllle. Conuects at Durham foi Oxford Clark svl 11 and Keysville, except Sunday. At Greens buro with the WastiinKton and South western Vestl uled (Limited) train for point North and witli mam line train No. for Danville Klchmond and intermediate loc stHMons; also h connection for wimttou-Halem and with main line train Nn. 36, ' united statea Fast Mall" for 'harl:tie Hpartauliwr Greeu- . Atlanta and all points South ; Iso Colum hia Augusta Charleston, Savannah Jackson ville and all point In Kloriua leepiu car for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte wU 'leeuiiiK Car for Auirusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A. n. Dally Solid :raiu JODHistin Pullniau Sleeping cars and coaches from Oh tJtnooa io Norfolk trrivluK Norfolk 5:00 p lu time to conueet with tbe Old Dominion MHrelutnts' ami Miners' N"rtolk and Walia iugtou and Balllmore Chesapeake and Klch mond H $ Co's for all point-north and east. Connects at Selma (or Kayettevllle and 11 termediate station! on the Wilson and f etteville Short Cut daily, except Buuday fo New ern and Morehead 1 Ity daily for Uulds horo, and vviimiiijitou and iutemiediate sta tions on the V llmiugton and Weldon Kailroad. Kxprcsa Train. 8:S3 A. M. Dally Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysville. Kl hmond; at Ureenslor for WashluKton and all points north. Kxpress Train. 3:40 P. n. Dally For Goldsboro and Intar mediate stations Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M. 4!onueets at Jreeusboro for al p tuts for North and South and Wiustou-Saleiu and points on the Northwestern North Carotin Kailroad. At Salisbury, for all points iu West ern North arotiua Kuoxville Teun , Ciucm natt and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spat tanhurg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta ana points South. Trains Arrive at Raleigh. N. C: Express Train. 3:40 P. M. Dally From Atlauta, Charlotte-. Oreensboro and all points South. No 'folk and Chattanooga Lli.iitcd 3:40 P M. Dallv From all points east. Nor folk Tarboro. Wilson and water lines. From Ooldsbbio VllmlnKtoo, Fayet evill and all points In Katein Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A n- Dally From New York, Washing ton. Lynchburg Danville and Oreenshoro, chat tanooga, Knoxville. Hot springs and Ashevtlle Express Train 8,S3 a. n. Dally rrom ooldstmro and inte mediate stations. Local. 7:20 A- n. Dally From Ureensborn and a points North and 4outh Sleeping Car Greeushoro to Raleigh. 9:00 p b Dally exc pt Sunday From oll. boro and all points East. Local freight tralas also carry passengers. Pullman ears on night train from Ralelgi to Oreensnoro Through pullman vestl bul d Draw 00 miffet sleeping Car and Vesttbuled coahe without ehnnge on Norfolk limited. Double tally train between Raletgi Char lotte and Atlanta. Quick tinii, Ubturfld ar vommodaftnn. Uumi uper1nt!Fn- w. A. TDK itinera 1 oimuxm A.cent ...ftlKMMM n c I M nt-r. Truffle Muni1 7 r p.- S ft, v 1

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