G V L-V ' j, it1- r V X J - THE PRESS-VISITOR, atALEIOH, N. C. WILLIS. G. UKIUtiS . . i.tr f dllor., TUESDAY December 28. Tbe Coming Woman. Who goes to the club while her hus band tends the babv, as well as ihe good old fashioned woman who looks after her borne, will both at times net run down in health. They wi I be troubled with loss of appetite, headaches, sUeplessness, fai tit in tr or dm spells. The most wonder ful remedy for these women is Elec tric Bitters Thousands of suger ers from lame back and weak kil neys rise up and call it blessed. ! is the medicine for women. Female complaints and nervous troubles, of all kinds are soon relieved by ttie use of Electric Bitter Delicate o men should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. OnU 50c per bottle. For sale by aii druggists. Mantco Lodge, I. O- O. F Man too Lodge, No. 8, I. O. O. F., meets tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Every member is earnestly requested to be on hand. To Cure a Cold in one Duv Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All drutrt'ists refund th money if it fails to cure. l!."ic The genuine has L BQ on each tablet TUCKER S STORK. NEVER AGAIN Such Bargain-; Big selling before Christmas Now we want to sell the consequences. The Remnants the left overs. We Cut the Pricks Yor no tiik BUYINU. A table of evening silks at ."!!ic. We C i t tiik Piiicks. Yor no tfik BUYINfl. A table of rich heavy day silks at 59c. A E ULT THE t'ltll'FS, 101 no THE Burma. A table of fancy Velvetsand plain Silk Velvets for Waists the most fashionablemid- winter Waist at li:c We Ct t the PitK Es, Yor no the Bt YINti A table of Chiffons and Mouselines de Soie at 30c We thank a generous public for their splendid holiday patronage and now show our hitrh apprecia tion by giving them genuine bar gains, never airait, to be equaled. Haywood, Snow & Ti cker, Trustees After serious illness Hood's Sar saparilla has wonderful building up power. It purines the blood and restores perfect health. For Kent. The seven-room new house. modern improvements, hot and cold water 12!) Wilmington street, corner Jones Possession iriven immediately Ap ply to Dr F J Haywood or "Win 1 Grimes. dee27 1 w Wanted: A bright, active and reliah'e bo or voung man as clerk ; one not afrai( of work and long hours if necessary Apply to C. P. Sowers, Kvcekio Steam Laundry. dc27 tf "Only nervous" is a sure indica tion that the hlood is not nure Hood 'sSarsaparilla purilies tnc blood and cures nervousness Private Hoarding I have one nice Ijrire front room furnished or unfurnished. Aro'v at once to R G Reid. 213 west .Mar tain street. The old liitchelor resi dence. Terms reasonable In line lonnd' White and liver colored se'ter pup about four months old, piece of tail cut off. Owner can get same bv calling on Charles B HoMaday and paying for this notice. rj Candy is not a side-line with u-. Its our sole business to make candy and to make it good. Take no chances, but buy ROYSTER'S CANDY. While on tbe subject of CANDY we suggest that to get the best buy ROYSTER'S CANDY. " A desirable house ished . Appl v to Wvnne. ' for rent fun. :ilineton Ar Go The Game OF CARROMS A fine game that pleases children and old people. RAISIN SEEDERS Which will seedfaisins. lOne of IThe Sights t t 4 4 4. in the city is our store It is f i- worth your time to see it, also our jj J display of Jewelry, Silverware Novelties, etcr You miht find i something to take home with you i t H. MAHLER'S SONS, f k Jewelers and Opticians. k No charge for examination of A 4 eyes. 4 Oysters for Christmas The liest and Largest you ever bought for the mm ey. Come and see for yourself. Regular 50c oysters only 35c per q uart. Regular 35c oysters only 25c per quart Regular 25c oysters only 20c per quart. Solid Measure. Let us have your orders ahead, if possible. Large bunches of celery 25c; promptly delivered. Yours to please, B. W. Upchurch, 15 EAST HARGETT ST. Phone 238. SEE THIS! From now on we will keep a full line of roses, carnations anil other cut Mowers Bouquets and Moral designs made up in best style at shortest notice. Call on us for palms, ferns, and all kind of plants and bultrs. Sliarlo trees anil ever greens to order. Plants keplreason able. J.LO'Quinn & Co Raleigh, N. C TELEPHONE 149. tf Waiter A. Pini.i.ii-s D. C. Smith. New Firm. New Goods Have just opened at Emery's old s'and, corner of Dawson and Cabar rus s! reels, with a full line of Staple nil Fancy (iroceries. Satisfastion given in all sales. A delivery wagon to send all orlers to your door. Prompt attention given. Give us a call for your holiday goods and ! sure you will be satisfied. Also a-e nave-: nice lot of dry pine and 1.1k w. id on hand. We also receive 1 1 sh lish and ovs'ers daily. ! I I il I II .- A f J 11 P Desirable Residence lor Kent. A commodious ten-room bouse with cellar, kitchen, stable and other Outhouses; good well water; excel lent arden spot; six acres of land; fine orchard; at head of Saunders street, adjoining the Devereux prop erty. Possession given immedi ately. Joun W. Hinsdale. W. H. KING & CO., Druggists, Are Agents for Huyler's Fine Candies. A nice Christmas gift. They also have a well selected stock of other goods suitable for pres ents. Call and see them before purchasing. 1 1 tired slip in and get a cup of Hot Chocolate, Cof fee or Bouillon. SANTA CLAUS : AND: Riggan's Toy Store is all business now, and if you want the best Dolls, Toys, (iames, Books, Crockery, Glass and Chi na. Jap'.inees Gooils anil Bric-a-Brac, and for the Least Money Examine carefully our assortment and prices. Fireworks and Fire cracker in end less variety. Rip's Toy Store. Something Nice. Ferri. HaniH, Springfield Ham, winter currtl Snill hllelil. Va , Haiim Large invoices of the above goods have just bii'u received ami are otter ed for your selection. New Iloe Herrings in barn la and hai' barrels. New Shad floe in kits. We have something particularly ap petizing in our StulTed Swi et Mhiil'o Pickle, and .he famous Kalamazoo Celery Pickle. They are both receu' arriyals and are worthy a trial Full line of Curtis' famous Pre serves in Class. Our Mocha and .lava Coffee w lit best that can tic pro.lueed at an price. Try it. THOS. PESCUB, The (iroeof. Special Announcement. THE " PARK HOTEL '' 5 ST Will take seventy-five steady boarder-, ut I,) A LIVING RATKS. Fifty tine rooms to I'm. Come and see us. We intend to fill our house. We want you. The rate will please you. Table unsurpassed. Service second to none. House is firs! c'a-.-., hu; will run at living rates from now on. Respectfully, PARK HOTEL. 16 to 1. Tomorrow. (Wednesday) 10 to 11 o'clock, we nlTer the entire balance of Christmas stock of Toys and Fancy Goods at $1.00 Crescent -Bicycles. Tbos. H. Briggs & Sons Raleigh, N. C, For your choice of any article in the entire collection. Every article has been collected and placed on tables in rear of store One dollar takes any article on the tables. Some are worth f2 On, 3 00, $4 00 to 15 00. This price is for one hour only, 10 to 11 O'clock, to nor row morning. if i jones ssas? Just a Few More Days of Christmas Selling . . . THE GRAND GIVE-AWAY SALE. Wo have arranged on three tables in the store all the Xmas Stock, left from last week, ami same will be closed out at one-hid! lhe marked price. Kvervthing must sell while fresh at some price. Nothing can stay here to get old. This sale will include all the German Novelties, Leather (ioods. Toilet Goods. Picture Frames, IJisijue Ware, Drums, Dolls, etc., and in fact everything that was bought for the holiday trade. 5c Articles 10c Articles 15c Articles 25c Articles 35c Articles 50c Articles 2 l-2c 5c 7 l-2c 12 l-2c 17 1-2 25c And everything just half the marked price. We will have a few more pleasant surprises for you in a few days. Keep your eyes on the store that leads. A. B. STRONACH. Suggestions lor Sensib e tills It's the GKKAT VALIUMS we oiler that draws the crowds which ihr. 'iig our store Irom the opening to the i losing of tli e doors. I 'nr ( ''ipi's oi( Ciillu rlti's s! rifli Hons I 'uijin: l.ixis 'nut s ( 'oyic.v 'mhrrllds I lil!t(l!;iTt li irfs I linn s T'lhlc I.iiit'tx Xnjil.iiis, lhiifl iex , Slier fx, Toirrlx : 1'illotr Cases ' t)iills ( 'omftn ts I. ailic.s Kint Skills " Jlalmoral ' Sill; Skirts L et Cm til ins While Amins COM K KARLY. If you can't come early, come as early as you can. ( ur lorce is hard-worked, and we close as soon as we can cicar our counters. A. B. STRONACH, Ladies' Dry Good Store. WHAT SUITS BETTER FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAN A PAIR OF . , . SLJ P P E R Sj Ladies' Felt Romeos . . tl.60 Misse's Felt Romeos . . . 1.25 dents' Leather Slippers . . 1.50 Ladies' Overgaiters . . . 25c dents' Embroideried Slippers 75c Trunks, Hand Bags and Suit Cases Make Nice Presents Heller Brothers' Shoe Store. For Rent or Sale. Desirable six room cottajre with kitehe,n, north end Halifax street, known as the "'oaks.'' Nine rooms, bath room, lar;e garret etc. One of the handsomest and most convenient inside finished houses in Raleiph, No. 52G N Rlount street. For particulars anulv to. or address, Wm T Harding. oct6 tf Park Place, Blount st , city There's no Question hnnt it Hood'sSftrsapftrllla la the beat blood purlOtr. Tbla In prorta by its wondirtul sura of blood taM; Something Hew in Raleigh. Nickel platint;, brass polishing ano lacquering special attention paid to renewing old cbandeleers, etc. I also have the best fitted bi cycle repair shop in tbe state. All work guaranteed. Prices lower than the lowest. Work called for and delivered James M. Bishop. No, 216, Fayetteville St. At Oak City Steam Laundry. Woollcott & Son, 14 E. Martin Street Dec. 24 to Jan. 2. Entire Stock Of White And Grey Blankets At Cost. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY! rTTfTTTfTTTTTmTmrfnTnrfmtTTTTTTt WOOLLCOTT & SON. Etris Kringlo is Here Ttajr and hatrtratre. His plentioas proviiliiii's till every eon nter and cor' ner of the people's favorite store, and the l't product of the whde world o' creation is spread 01 1 In-fore jou in ifualitiiw that are inrompimiMe in a va riety that is umnaU'hahle and at prie s that rest on the lied rock of commerc ial possibility. More than ever should Bcrwaiifjer's corner U' the rendezvous f r i ft. buyers. MEN'S CLOTHING What can make a belter present than "so ruiliicr to wear?" when it com 'S from our stock of perfection. Men's Suits. Leave it to the men f ilks tliems"lves and they'd conn here where they al ways come. They know thiu there's a (i ll i sll Mio touch to our clothes that be speaks better tits, lietter niakini.', hit ter suits in every way. Thev come here, too, because they like the im meiise variety they havt to choose from. If you're thinking of srivinjr a suit, if vou wint it to please him. Business Suits. $ii to $S. Dress Suits, 12 SO to 25. Kull Dress Suit-. :iU to :I5. Tuxedo Coats ami Vests, tin S. & D. 6 VVIDK Leading One Men's Overcoats. I'.veiy style that on the fashion plat arid I popular demand are rep- resenb'd m our reat slock of 'Creat Coats " Itea nt ifs for presents hand s ine sraiinei is - clefaii'ly made ptr feet litiinjj. and if il does not happen to lit, i r suit iii any way, changes in a jiiTy. Y.ut don't pay any more than t'lere's iju.iiity tor Lere.. Keeps us from $t to below all others. Dress I'oats, T ail to J2.i. Ulsters, .r, to H. Price Clothiers. Send Your Work to the OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. siblc. And secure the best laundry work pos- J. K. MARSHALL. PROPRIETOR Tf Vriu want rMwlnb fai m tn Xroaa driaka. Daatan will futufi thm to ye (rti Christmas Thanksgiving. For their irenerous njitrnnmrp itni-imr ik ,i .t . pi...: , . U ' lj' i.ii.i- in IUIl lS. M'liSOIl, WO "ui urai-iy luaiiKs 10 me pro .ie ol Uilei.'h and vicinilv Although our store lonj; since v. on tbe name of" the "L ader' " our eleven years of experience shows no paral! d to the wonderful business of tbe last few weeks. Our natural gratification over this h ippv situation is enhanced .-v the knowledge that every Christmas purchaser will be a friend in the f.i- ture--that every article that went out of our doors was worthy reliable, caprmaahlu anil ... , ,r. I . . I : : ' ..wuu.u uiiu tvuimmivai I IJ pi l't. j Those who follow the pleasant and time-honored custom of rftn. u berinif their friends on New Year s Dav. those who forirnt some friend in the excitement of the Christmas rush, and those who ish fc rervnr rate for unexpected ffilU, will find this store and this stock jut . hit thejr ere a month ago ready for any possible drmand Before Christmas, after Christmas, at any and all times of the y a , t K id la tra naani nnn. I. f : a. . T . 1 1 ' Corner Wilmington and Utrett Stxeati, Como'v r ; 7 -'f.'-.