Ilk I w s" ' 1 . ' I: THE PRESS-VISITOR, RAl.MGII. N. C. Published by the Visitor-Press Company, Incorporated. CONSOLIDATION OF Tills VISITOR KS TA BUSHED 1878, AND TUK PllEsS, E6TABL1SUjD 1894. Office in the Pullen Building. 6REEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager. VEKMJji F. AlcKAHV. AJ enisling Aftent. Subscription Prices. One Year 4 Six Months. f- oo One Month " f Entered a. Second-Class Mail Matter i The Leader ill the News ami in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. ItiS. THURSDAY . . . . . . Januarv t. NATUA.NIHL MACON. The Wilmington Star says. "As was seated in theobituarv no tice of the late Mrs V A. Jsmd.-r-. mother of Mr. S. W. Sand-rs. she was the great-grand-dminter of '.he eminent statesman. N.itluti:.-: Ma con. Among the eiTeits of this es teemed lady there has b eu f.ui;.l some of the personal property of Nathaniel Macon relics of arost priceless value. Thev a'f in the possession of Mr. S. V. Studers. "One of these rare article cut glass wiue decant' without doubt, trac table of the great acter. It is .- tagun shape I. . . tag :. shaped stopper. s-io-h-. 1 -"" "V-a-i es of ( lener.i'. jjctiu i. '.a- . ware w I, ic.'i bavi? i ns sed down to his descendants io I e highly treasured for tlte ismii oss of their owner. Hut mor1 inlere-, -ing than either of these, is an i.'. : and cracked water dipper, tvi'h ' made of a cocoan ut sliel i , imm ::ted in pure silver, and with a :.m;, sie: dec handle. The newspaper, now old and vol low, and placed in a I t'.rne be! .! glass to prescrv it. is '.lie V st. county (lazc-tte, published at K-ngs i ton, N. Y., by Samuel Freer and I Son, January I, lbb. It is L'lxl inches in diameter, with four pages. The first page contains, iu the quaint type of the old days, an ad dress of the President, John Ad i:ns. i s a l . f ti. . e to congress; auuiess oi uie .ei.aie to the President; and several letters i containing European news. The j second and third pages 'are marked with heavy black columns, out of I grief at the death of George Wash isgton, who had died on the I It li of December previous. On the secoud page there are extracts from a letter from the Archduke Charles, and minutes of the House of Representa tives for Thursday, December II1. 1799, giving the eloquentand tender speech of Representative Mashall in submitting resolutions ou Gener al Washington's death. An elaborate account of the funer al appears on the third page. The fourth page is given up entirely to advertisements, many of which are "sheriff's sales" over the name of Peter Ten Brocck, Sheriff. One striking advertisement announces the sale of a saw mill and also a stou1, healthy, active negro wench. In fact, there are many things about this old paper that make it a very valuable relic. Conrad P. Heins, who left New York last September, to ride on a bicycle to San Francisco on a wager and make the Golden' Gate in 80 days, has been heard from. He writes here from 'Frisco that ho made the trip of 3,912 miles in 88 days, after going through seven rain storms, five snow storms, one blizzard and three sand storms. lie rode across the alkali plains when they were covered with mud and crossed snow covered mountains. In all the trip be had no serious break down. He used only one pair of tires and o .e wheel. H.s mount wasa Victor and was fitted with an American made year case. He lu bricated his chain only twice and repaired only three punctjres Eli total equipment weighed nearly forty pounds. He still hopes to make the t rip from eo ist to eoast in 80 clays, lint will remain in California this 'I o me u ( oldin One Hay IWr Lexai ive Ii; omo Quinine Tab c.s Ail druggists ri-l'tii'd the el hov if it f i ; s. in cure 2.V The . . nun, i has I, ii Q mi each t,.blet. : , : " ., . ii..f J.L. l)..i. ry. ,.l .his city, is ) -i-paring a Imhik on the Id" of the Lite Dr. I'nce Ail llie data has been secured and as soon as the , , , manuscript has been read and re-- ' vised it will be given to lhe pub- lisher" The buoi will contain the lull life work of Dr. Price, together .... . .f hi. h . -t n .....b,w : -a isliu rv Sun . Hnwlilen's Arnica suite. "he best salve in the world lor I .-uts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped j a.UiJs, chilblains, corns and all skin i r apt ions, and positively curt-spiles, ; ir :io nav reuuired. It is truarrar.- : ee.: to L'ive perfect satisfaction or I nottey refunded. Price '.'5 cents ! t" ' box. b'or sale bv all drusarists. I C.vt.tts, and TraJo-Marks obtained anJ ail I' ;-:;t L '..s;tiesSctMni'.:tted tor MODERATt Fct. OoROrricc is Opposite u. S. Patst;7 O we t.irjsf .: e i.i:- :.t. iu icoi tiiiit Lia;. rt:".' ret: :n a.-". :!.! a. 5 Scad r-.'del, ti w .: or yb. t , v 5:i ,i. e a : r, it ..t e or J ....r-e. lt:r It e t. t t! :c t .! r '-ut i i 0 A PAMPHLET, ' l w to - 1 1 "J -t 1 1 e-aaie ::i t!;e U. . and ' . i, . ISIasMC-VACC.; mil' Special Announcement. THE " PARK HOTEL" Will t I.lYINt; HAT1' PARK HOTEL. roof's Shoe -jL vj...vvt &' r. T S. Haywood, Snow 1 H. k R. S. TUCKER i GO. House-Keeper's Week. January 3 to to Saturday For rappid selling we have collected in one section, on the. first floor, all the Tucker & Co. furniture, carpets, curtains and drape ries, and propose to clean up the section this week. Prices will be marked in plain fig ures. This is the last chance at Tucker & Co.'s House-Keeping Goods. HA wOOD, SNOW TRUSTEES. SCROFULA It is Foul Blood's Advertise ment But It is Soon C'.trcc' by Hood's Sarsaparilii... Yes, Scrofula, if siiythin riny be cull, d the advertisement of foul lloo-l. It is t ho scourge of the world offensive, ;inft:l, debilitating, stubborn and well iie;li unendurable. Outward applications do not cure, tl-.t y only drive the dilliculty to new truitr i : s. Kniullielits may pallia'. e, they cum it abolish the evil. There is t :it one Mire way out, and that :s to eliminate the taint from the hloa.1. There is one tin: I cr.n effiet 'his, and it is the only one t ii it . no far as v. e know, tins almost inim . My sueeeeiled - even where the svstcui has been p.nsoiii ,1 by ,,, ymn ot lat. sml the ravage, to repaired are tremendous. That mainly is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Kead this: My daughter was nfilieted with ittt- pure blood. There were runniin; seres , . . ... ,. . ,, all over her body and they caused her nuM.h suffering. We tried medicines t hat were reeommended as blood purifiers, but could not see that they did any good. A friend told me about Hood's Sarsapn- rilla and I began Riving the girl thia med- leine. l he result was i mil sue t us pi-i - I feetly cured after taking a few bottles, i si... has had no svnuitoms of scrofula sore3 hilu.e tl)llt ti..-. maiuktta M. gM1Tlli south Middleboro, Muss, B S 9 SarSa- food's parilla U the Nki -in (.i.-t tin- tin- True m I r:r ti-r. '-' "'-"' -j()0js js -yi t. .'.!.-: I : i.l," ..i ' Us r:i t (. ! l.nerv, deeeasi d. t . . . ice to ail persoi s J-' ..oainst ..aid estate . ti me on or I le'ore tit i . , Noveinii- r. 1 '.'. or ih s , e "di be pleaded I u bar of I l.oi i e. erv. Those itideht. d to 1 1 , Jo a ill make iiuuied i.ite p . n t e ' I I1V AM S V 11 II. Ad III . ll.Mtltls. Atol'l.i V. IIOV 'Jo l.diw. ikc seventy-live steady U Tilers is tO ll I." ' f i n l-'iftv line rooi and see us. We intend to li.i our l,oii-e. We want yo-i rate will please you. Table unsurpassed. Service second to none. House is, lirs' e;a will run at living rates from now on. Respectfully, Ladies Health Shoes. With thii'k stilcsaiid ln ;ivv i.rr;;tlf Him.- tlnlii id, Willi liu'diulli I'cllliil tin's. ;U'c just lhe thiiii' tn htrp cu f m citi h inf imm during the tniniiir w;i.!t t', ( ! ("Oil I'M "THERE ARE OTHERS." and we have them from A to . in every shape, weight at.d style, hut all of tin best manufacture, and up to date ii every particular. C. POOL. E-Ml Favetteville St. 6c Tucker, TIU'ST EES. 8 Monday and TUCKE Wo m Mim it You can I feel poor when you see our goods and prices. What, though your dollars may be fewer, we will niak them go much farther Values were neer so marvelousl low as right now. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, etc. The completeness of our stock Guarantees Ever3rbody Perfect Satisfaction. fume aid see this choice selection of honest qualites. and learn why set sin e, economical people prefer to spend their money with us Our prices " ill eive your dol ar a no w d ion ity . Our line qualities wiil clear iwav sour last iiuiibt. There is no law against pav ing big prices, hut it isn't set si ble. You'll tnuk4 with us simply because you can't duplicate the g-oods at prices elsewhere. Cross & JLinehan, Lsf.s'crs of Up-to-Oate Clsthing. CHRISTMAS wii.i. soon J. R. Ferrall 6c Co. 1 1 .no on I,.,, d ; i Nit est and IV. si est l"AN( V ( 1 v ; -,. is M.I.I f ails,- eai lii.d ail the fresh Nuts, ) ,1, s. 1 1, .1'.. s. i ' a i dies. I ! i i i,s e er y t Lit -g, good to Mi. 1 In '. U in Stock ill's with at A PALM FOB EVERYBODY ! I l.n ..' : ii mi i-i : il. a d wish-t ba-l 1 1 "in I " w stoe s . I 1 a i in s in, to malo' lot in. 1 'II ojviit y r. il nee v ell as on other resh supptj ol' Impi'i'li .1 llultis Ai l il. it I ..i c: it I.s. Tui'.j si.i. Cliiiiesc Nae os 'or forciii j ami N il sissUS. at d Easier .!.! sr I' a: t Oh:ics Out Flowers Of i Ii isos. "I s. etc. Fill! I tes'i,.s al.d Fain . fs ("I- ail m e sio 1 a i d a 1 all I lues Ew rce. t s a'ol S:,ad'- Trees. H. Steinmetz, Florist, Vui-'l, iialiTi'.x s'lriet, (. nr I a-. I -til it. 1 'I. one 1 1 i M i u; '. i, i; I . s I i hi i mi liv vl'-'iieif p..wer conf.-rn d hv llioll ai'e .-. eu to I 'o tuo. bv 1 .11 Tat v l!ia;..e, W 11 l'.:ae and wife M I, I ! ' iIm' a 11! A E Moonev I : . . 1 1 1 . on the '-I'll Jai nary, lsHI. ' which said in. .linage Is recorded in t he olli'-e of the reoister of deeds for Wale . 01;' tv in book l.'ll, page 1 I'.'i, I wi - se'la' 1 J "'el' vU 111 , a. ll.e eon house door in the eOy of Ila'clgh. at public i.ic.ion fm-' casli. to th,.: ii i'si " n ; . : e 1 1 iu is.i 1 u 1 1 lay , ,1 a 11 1 A. I ls'ii1(. following described ' rac! oi air.i. ly m. Wase i"tiiily, in a ml sit uate i n He f f, I I IV. I. S; I 1, Ill'Uil' 'III 1.1 oi o l 11 p el . 1 1. 1 , . 1 r .1 i.v i.iietai ii.ahe lai tin- nine "t tm ,-.ccu,i .ti "I said mor.gaee), and the " h ;,h Vs, '"' vyed to .Mrs Aia 11. iia fiv f liv Lewis u I'ck ... . , , ,, , . ii 1 111 1 1' is' at. ir of Uiliiain I'ecK bv , , , , ., ...... . deed ...... d May 1 ers i.P; ,. f',r W ake ciiuntv, book 1!'. p.' L'1' a.'.i I anil from lhosMowte: to sa id I aicrat v lake al.d i''l.crsbv , deei!, d L'lst Januarv, ls-n (see register s oIli.'H for Wake ,mllltv, hook ."1. page which said d Is are made a pail hen of. and wi ich sa'd t rat ' of land) contains one hun - dred acres W I! El.Min, dec "II lint Mort'-aoee "'" sale of Vnluoble Insurance Cilices. Under and by virtue of a deeree of Wake SiiiieriorCourt in a cause tin - re - iu pending entitled John T. fullen, ailtiiinistrator of Mary A. Morehead, dceased, I will on Thursday, the iHtl day of Dieemter, IxiiT, expose to sale at public auction, for cash, the following deseri'ied policies of insur- anee. with the right to pay the pretn- iums tliereo'n and keep the policies in force to-wit: Policy No. 2TH1 of the Marylaril Life Insurance Company, issued May 4. 1.174,1m the life of VV. K. Davis for 5.0W. Policy No HKH71of tlie Co'inettieut Life lnsuranco Company of Hartford, C mnec' i.-ut, issued Oetolier it). I HiiS. on the lie of W K Davis for $KhO(l(i. Also, at same time, ami as a part of the sale of said policies to be trans- ferred therewith, one judgment of Wake Superior Court in favor of J T 4'ullen. administrator, against W K Pavis for ilS,4t7.n withinterest on lo.Zl"i.;l thereof frlm K6th day of I ebruary, PH4, untilopaid, for which ' aid policies of insurance aresecurlty. Tarma cash. JoHM T. POLLEN. ipistrator of M. A. Morehead. of for Hard Times! nr. n hue. ft I Tmm 88- Tr.i-k lie f I an.l. fll.le a ml Io. il l in of ll.o ' iwoi s eoMaoi..l i" a lie. ii oi teas' ex. euto.. bv F. I '- 1 1 i .tin- a nil Mi'.- to li.e o ti-.h-isicn 'I ai.t! r. eon e.l in ''...ok 1 In I at" -Hill, ife Isle'r of I), oils olliee for U iik--eoiiii'y. I will.nti Tl-ei'S'iay . lhe 1. Ill day ot I 'eeeliiber. IsfT. ex.ioso Io sale at rubli' aiietii-n. lor ea-h. ti at i . rin in tr et of luiel in St Malfliew s '1" w 1 1 -1 1 i J i . illl jolt ine tlie lands III s ('. oiey . .lanit'.s .lool'.- a nil Sidney I'ait in and otiaTs. an I bmimleil anil ile sei iU il as fidlons. io if By a line lieoiiiiiiiiir at the southwest corner of lhe II'. u t of html conveyed to Sidney t'arlin In F. K s'ltines et al. by lioeo rec.ii! il in IIoo'k Ho. at nae-e of liie llr.-l-'., 1' of lleens I'lli f of itke eoiinty 1 I'll' n iil' ' lienee so lit ii . .1 wo-l. ) ' I'ole-. t l ,. .-llli.e oil the llol'.il s'.le of a hraneli n ar its mo ith on tic iioiUi siii" of (.ral'Iiee creek near a 1" aeti loiuter: tli 'nee down anil w. ith the saai 1 I'.lt.treeel'e. k to a wll '.e oak lames Mi ore's eoi ner: tin neevt itli hi lineiioilli -oi net. 1J lit chains ' 1 1 a pllie; there.' nollli 1 east. 1.1'. ''Illl lis I'lal'ln." tl.'-ne" norili lis east, 11. 'a., elm iin to a I' lit' : tli. n 'e noi t Ii lit oil I , 4. 1'l eha i.- to a stalo : ti .-i-et- Miiitti 4 . a -t . I eha us to a p. in-: t lit nee mirth IJ.ia-t. ". an chains lo a i . l in : Ihonee south s(), east. chains to said Moore s not ' I ' a si corner: thenee m h th 5 .-el. ahoii! 124 poles to said slum y I'ariin's southeast corn, r; theree wiJi iiu,. u.'.neii'.l to th beL'inti i ng. eio.iainin 11" acres more or less. 'I'.'i tns ra-h. K. II. It.STTI.K. ,M.v. '.'i. l-nT. Trust, e. I I Vim- SmiW AMI Tl I Fv Hit. Tr ustecs. W.MlH.t A. I'll II. I.l I'S D C. Slut 1 n. flew Firm, ffaw Goods , ,;1V(, jst o,,,,,,,.,, iU Kmerv s old . f 1 , 1 p . . rus s reets.'wiih a full line of Staple and Fancy ! niceties. Satisfastiou given in sales. A delivery all orlers to your . J wagon to send s f, ,r ',,. ,,,,." u,xls and sun. V(1U wil satii,.d. Also . . . we rave a nice lot of ilrv pine and , , , , ... ; oak wood 011 hand. e also receive tr. sh fish and ovs'ors daily. I'll 1 ELI PS it SMITH. .1 iv.,t 1.,,, ,,;,-, 1 1 i .... . .. .. . . ;N1ll'KOKttKI7.niK AN'I U-:ii. ' Eastern District of North I'arolioa, 1 ut lUk-igh. I'nited States against I one sixliorse engine and maehiiiory, I 'wo wooden stills, four fcrmentii'j; j labs, one mash tub. one fan anil mo I jiackases of whiskey, eied as the , property of W. J . tarn-aster. I To . .1. Lane t.ster and to nil whom it may concern Urteting ! Notice Is hereby fivcn that the I above inon'ioncit property whs 1 by F. M. Simuions, t oll. et'irof ln- ternal Revenue for the Fourth Colle- tion District of North Carohin. on the 2MUi day of January. 1817, as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the Internal Revenue Laws, and the same is li boiled and prosecuted in the Circuit-Court of the United States for condemnation for the eaust-s in the said libel of informa- tion set forth: and that the said causes will stand for trial at the cmfk room of said court, in the city of Raleigh, on the lirst Monday of l)eeeint-r uext. if that he a jurisdiction dav, and if not, at the next itay of jurtsdii.-'i m thereafter, when and where you and all person are warred to appear to show cause why condemnation should not be decreed, and judgment accoru- ingly ent rtld herin, and to intervene for 'heir interest.. Given under my hand, at office In Raleigh, this 4th day of October, 1HV7. O. J . CARROLL, U. B. Marital, MISS MAGGIE REESE Clearance Sale. WE WILL ("LOSE OUT ALL MILLINER V h'EGA h'l LES iE COST. Expei-iaH ii oVr hnrtin i ns in Iriintii' il ijdiiiIs mill iiifmi.s rap. IIV (ire .silliii i a ijdiuI jiltiin co'.sc. Salisfm tiiiii ijuii ruiili id or iii'inii rtj iimlcil iij'rr lira trerks ;.. Price, 50,75c,$IOO MiSS MAGGIE REESE L'nlt Fayutteyille Street. Relief Free! All who ate sulTci'mi; Irom i!i.s orileivil stdtnach. caused by uvei - catitio C'hiislmns, are itivilcd to c i'. ill al .jo.) l'.i vottcv illt- .street. loppositi- posttit'lio') anil iliinls the Cfli'lu.iteil I'attiiii'.i W .iti r fit'f of C'ltai'oo. CoiiMilimi'tits ut the ACME WINE CO., Opposite Posl Cffics. ri,,,, I,- ;;'. Cape- Fear & Yadkin Valley R y John Cll.l.. Receiver. Condensed Schedule. IN HFKHCT (KT. Will. 1X!I7. N'oBlll ine NO. No 1' Duly. Leave Wilmington . - bd p m Arrive Fat i iieville . . ...II 111 " L. aveFayetteville 1 1 :-l " Leave Fay etle. ille J utictionl 1 :L's " Leave Sunford l'Jiail p m Leave Climax . .. I' ll' " Arrive Crcensnoro Ki'Jo " Leave (J -eeiisiiol'ii . . I'lilit Leave Stokesdale .. . .Lis Leave Walnut Cove I' n ' Leave Rural Hal' ... " Arrive Ml Airy tl la " sorniiiiu no. No. 1. ham v, Leave Mt Airv S.4H a m Leave Rural Hall Ul ul " Leue Walnut Cove ... Iu II.'! " Leave Stokesdale 11 M " A rri veil rcensiioro 1 1 :." Leave (ireensboro ... .12:1 " I eaveClimax 1'-': 13 " Leave Sanford :.' ' " Ar Favetteville J unction . It ati p m Arrive Favetteville. . . ...4:00 " Leave Favetteville 4 o " Arrive Wilmington 7:20 " NOKTUIIOIISO. No 4 Daily. Leave Bcnnetsville . MM' a m Arrive Maxton '.t;i'2 " Lea e Maxton i':07 " Leave Red Springs ! 117 " Leave Hope Mills 10:20 " Arrive Fuyettevi'ie 10:40 " SOI Til Hot N I) No. ;t Daily Leave Favetteville .. 4:45 p m Leave Hope Mills. - - a:l)2 " Leave Red Springs n 12 '' Arrive Vuxlou ti l I Li a e.Maxton . . li;l" " Arrive Itennettsville 7:1." " No. lti. Soltiil ltoN.Mi. niixeJ. Daily Exe'pt Sunday . Leave Ruiiscur 0:40 a in Lpavi-Cltniax H:-5 " Arrive Greensboro ..... . 9:17 " Leave Greensboro ! " Leave Stockesdale 11 :W7 pin Arrive Madison . . .... 11 :5a " No !." mixed sot'Tii Bot Ni). Daily Kxe'pt Sunday. Ijeave Madison 2:H." p m Leave StucKesdale ........ 1 2a Arrive Greensboro 2:4." " Leave Greensboro H;22 " Teave Climax 4:20 " Arrive Iiamseur U:05 " CONNECTIONS a1 Favetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with Carolina Cen tral Railroad, at Red Springs and How more Railroad, at Sanford with Seaboard Hai'way, at Gu f with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with Southern, at Wal nut Cove with Norfolk & Western Railway. J W FRY,, WE KYLE, Gn'l Mausgsr. Gsq'1 Pmi A.t. to Auauta. Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. V iiiniiitum, New Orleans f hattaiiiHioa, Nashville and New York, liosion, Philadelphia, Wash ington, Norfolk and Richmond. SCIIUDfl.l. IN 111 fill T -l.HHfAKY7, '97 sot th iioiMi. No. Ad'.i. No. 41 Ev.N.Y .lVu KK'llliiiam !t(H)pm Ev IMiilndelphia" I I'.'pm Ev l.altimore, Hl.'ipm '-!50ain l.v. Washinoton, 4 Itlpm IlKlain ,v. Richmond.. A C l,.V.:n'.w 9ll."am f, v.Norfolk, S.A.L. S,'!llpm !tllaam Ev I', " 8 4."iptn 920am Ev.Weldou, -Ar. 1 Icnder.son, 1 1 2Spm I I 55au '!-' f)i;am 13!)pm Ar. Durham, ' Ev. Durham, ' Ar.ltiileigli, Ar.Sanford. A r.Sou ii I't.'ics. ' Ar. Hamlet, A r. W'atlesboi o. Ar. Monroe, Ar. Charlotte, ' t732am t4P9pni tal'Opm til H'atn 21 bam '.' Maam .'i34im 5liim 4 22ain 5o.r)ptn ' It am G&tpui .rr4am 811pm tH.'iatn U12pm Sobatu K'jr(in Ar. Chester, " fi 1 bam 10 47pm Ev Columbia, f NtV I Mil . . tIOpin Ar Clinton, S.A.L. "Iltaam 1 2 KUiii A r l recli w ood, " Itld.'iam 1 tlTaiu Ar.Aoliovii.c, '" 1 1 o.'iam 1 4uain Ar Elliei ton, " E-'llTpm Jtlaui ArAliieiis, " 1 I a mi 11 laain Ar Winder, " I ."i!tpin 4IJli,uu A r. A I la li I a (cut t iiiH';.'."illpm a Jtlam Nolll'll IHU Mi. Ev.M anta, SAE. l.vUn.iler, Ev Auiens. L Elliei lon. No h2. No. .is. 'ILIoiipm 7 fitlpui J lupin lo4Jjiu 'J. Ii.piii 1 1 -' ll.ipin lil.i.,.Lll. a l.ipln 1 -Mam .'i ll pill I lll'..lll blilpm :: livAuuevilic, Lv tdiiili.n. A i Col u in bin ON A LI IR, . . . . t7 llilam LvCticsler, S. A. L 'Milpiu 4 .'.'iain ArCharlottc, " 'lllLTipin dll.tin Lv'Moiiroc, L llamict. PPlpm ti ttaaui ' 1 1 -li.pli) S 1 .1,1 in ArW ilmiiigteii " ;.il.0ai.i "lllllpin L."Sou nlines El li.i.elgli. 1 1 I li'l.lle I S. Ill, 11 lain 'HUtl.tlu lriain 1 1 d.iam s Sani 1 llUpm iidJain f-1 IK'ptii i.'i Jltpm fl 1 10am A r I lu t n. i"i, E I 'n I'halel A. - el ' Ma-uni ."oopm ArR. ACL s Liatn tijupiu AeUashg PciiRR. 1 2.1! pin llllipin Ar I iait tiiiore. " 1 II. pill l24Sam A rPin phut. " i.iOim ;i I. iain AiNcaYoi'u. '" i.2opm "ti.iii.m A r Pi .rtsuioiit h ' Ar.NoiIo.k, illiiain aallpm 7.i0am b0j)ui 'bail', ilh.i'y llxeept uiniay. JlJaily I . e j l .Mole lay . No.s. Iii.luin! He'. "Tlie AtlaiitaSpe c'u. i. Soiui Vest i bulod Train of Pull mat' so t p. i s ami coaches between Washington and At laiita, also Pull miin s.eepers between Portsmouth and Ches'ei S C. II and .Is. "The S. A. . Ex press. ' Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between I'oi'ts mouliiaiid Atlanta. Company sleep ers bettiein Co.iiiuliia anil Atlanta. Eoth trains make immediate con neclious al At. anta lor Montgomery, .Mold e. New ( h .eaiis, Texas, Cali fornia. AUwico, Chattanooga, Nash vibe, Meuiph.s, .Macon and Florida. I'm tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to li. A Nfwhtnil, Gen. Agt. V Dept. ti lliu, ball House, Atluuia, Ga li -s. Leurd, Sal Pass. Agt., Ral Olgh, N. C. E St. John, Vii . President and General Manager. 11. W. B Ci lover, Tratlic Manager V E Melice, General SuperinteD dent T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Agent. General oilices: Portsmouth, Va, sale of Land. liv an' hoi ity of a judgment of the superior court of Wukecoun'y, made in special proceedings entitled Anne Sykt s and others vs Serapha Ray and oi hers No S01 S P docket, as commissioner npptintcd by the court, I ni l on Monday, 27th day of December. Isi'7, ut 12 o'clock m, at the c. .ii it house door of Wake county Raleigh, N C, Sell to the highest bid der tor cash a t cu t ot land in New Light to.vnsliip. Wake county, being lot Not! in t he d i v ision of the lands of Wiley Harrison, deceased, among his heirs al law Said land begins at a black gum on the spring branch, corner of lot No a, thence down s.iid brum h to N-iise river, thence with lie i i. i io tl e ii oiiih of a branch, thenee i.p sa d bra:. cii to a willow, tl ei i: si mil, 411 niegrees cast 70 poles to the 11. oigh roail, thenee south wt'st along t .ml road to a stake, thence south li.'i il. glees east, i'lli poles lo the in .''-g, containing s! acres W N Jo.nhs, Con r. n.'JIiin.l Mil l; oi- tiMi, By authority of a mortgage froraiJ K I', an e and wi'e leconted in book 121. p i;: it:'"., ic- isiers ottiee, Wake cm ;:, I will on the a oh dav of Kit ii ii.ii; 1 ' at 13 o'clock m. at the court h use d.n r of Wake county, Raleigh, N C si fl to the highest bid-d"i- to. , ash a Ira i of land in Marks tire kTownsaip, Wakocouotw, bound ed on the north by lauds of D 1 Lee, on tlie east bv lands of S W P-ariw on the south by tiio Unds of W ter Deb 1 DHin and on ilu. west by LIUle River. j M 4-3oa w N Jonbs, Att,r. Contain!' g 4UU acres r- AV i.

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