., ' - i -' ,.' ' t' " '" , - --r , i A .V, , , f -a 1 7 Keels as lie Looks. Patience What, is the ciii'ao.'s' looking thii g y.'ti ever su a- about a D.irwuin counte. ? P.itrice A hush.. inl .viiiting fr his A lfe. Yonkeis S .iIcmimii. Cull, liaj; uni Ihaimuii. Seniitor Risen. Oi.Lling was om- addressing the s.'iiaie in iin ini'ius-i-ioned ijia'iu-.'r ur.d sii'incd todirec' his remarks In Sei.atnr Thuriiiun At. length tin latter g"t irriliited "Do s the M'lii'nr Irn.n New York," lie roared, "exp'-et me in ili.SA'iT him i-ven- tim.' li. turi.s lo ine '!" l''or ;i mom -nt Mr leii ,li.g !. j. tated. and ever .- Ii. .- I v e-x; terrdie Xiaisi.in . Tl.'n air i-f cxii'.iisil ,. 'e-, - " A'lien I si,- ik nf t In I..U . to the si.ator from Ohio as ll SUllll.il. IUI'iIS low. lid M, ci-il h ;,): I inn " ll)S I tut I. In him as 1 iln tn ' Ii. law as tlie wnr'd lvijjlish L-nll:lllni i lll'ist, eni ms fnlliitain uf lu:inan jurispriideiiee. ' The usually dei nv.nis sena' e hi nku into a sl-irm nf apiilause, ami tin' Tliunnan e e nmisteiied alitt1!1. I' is ever a pleasure to be i-ninplian-i.t ed, but to be eciiipdiiientrd as a lawyer by Kn.si oe Cunkliii - tlia' was praise indeed. The two slates initn were the Ivst of friends ai.d really enj iyed ea.di nlher's sneu l when "nil 'duty " -I !i ! i i :u. rt- Ani r lean. To i urc a t:nlj in one liuy. 'lake Laxative Krnuio Quinine Tablets. All druisls refund It e Jnnney if il fails In cure. L'au Tin genuine has 1, Ii ( aeh tabl. i. Toil s loilvl. Mabel wears tine si.keu hnse I'urcdiased with her p pa s I ... k -. Iiut the old man al wa s e. ies Around in ten lent e it 'mi sin l.s riiieayn N.-.vs. This I'cIIm Where lleallli lln he l.ni'ij. And that is more iinooi taut than leakinj innnev. If ynurb nnd is ini pure, food's Sarsaiarilla is the medicine for you. Ii cures scrofula, sail rheum, rheum itisin, calarrh an.l all other di.MMses original in in or promoted bv impure lnoo.1 and io, slate of the system. Hoods 1' to operate. Its ar C u ri easy In lak. i ud i'i'st loa. h. I ierl liise ii JjJ. "He docsu '! seem I" amo i ; t much in the comm u n it v " "No. H" s so ii ii im p. eiuii t t i nobody ever s.-iuis him a eale- dai' Washineton S'ar. 1 he Greatest llis c.i el J el W N IJeplne, editor I'isk il u a "l.'ll'l'f. ' says- "We won 'l keep I without Dr Kind's New Hi,.-,, for cousunipt ion, coughs ai d . K.Xiei imented wilh nian mli. r lie ver L'ot tlie 1 rue rt in -o v n . i Used )r K i ue's New l):se..v. rv in her i . m '.ly can take its i ae our horn . s m it wc have a and sure cur.1 for iou:'hs. I i N w hoopine c.u-h. etc '' It is lie I experiment with other r.-meili eveu ifllievareureedonvi.il as j I t as tfO.KI as Dr Kiiil' s New l .sc.v--ry. They are not as eood, iietaos--this remedy has a record of cures and besides is eiiai-initeed It i.ever fai s to satisfy. Trial bo ties free at any d rue store. 1 or Over I ifty Vciirit Mrs. Winslow's Southing Svrup b.e. been used for over lifly years to millions of mothers for' their - t . i 1 dren while teelhino, w lii perfect success. It sivithes the child, sotien he ijums, allays all puin.t ur. s wind Colic, and is the best remedy for diarrho-a It will relieve the' po r .ittle sufferer immediately . Sold by all druoirists. in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle He sure and ask f )r "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind ear me sum-; vor .!;. tiik "Oi d Rki.iaiii.g" Ti'h'nkii N 0 Alma nac 181)8. For sale at Al.'rcd Wil liams & Co. s, M'loksellers. (lily. Price 10c, or by .I.s II Fnmss Publisher, Haleieh, N C. nolW d-'tawlm AcluiitiiMramr's Notice. Having (nialilieil as aibninistra'or of the estate of Catherine ll llar.hne deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against sai.l t slate to present the n for pajinenton or In oie October , 188. All persons owing mid estate are rciiuested to make im mediate payment. Wm. T Hakiung. Oot. . 1SII7. When Baoy was sick, bp .ivo her Ca gloria. Wnen she was a Chil.l, sh cri..! for Ca-storia. When ahe became Miss, sliu eiang to Castorla. tVnen she had Chililrpn. stie gave tipin Cast.-rja Mothers Friend" Mm GilllO' BIRTH Colvtn,Ii, Dor. X 18r;e.-lIyfifB i SjIHEB'B V .i-,- D boforo her c. a afinement, ai i , . aha -would no ' -.tiout tt for h. . I.i of dr.llura. Pent bf esprai t la. Book "To II iff nf price. (1,5(1 pn Is. n. aie.ll.ea. MKAOeiiiuo a it MHM.ITI JttK'iiuuili.MU L uro it Kiur..i.i.-. J l. hiirin !, and a b' mnv Iwitf m LuiM .u,' i pili Hint (IcIiiliUiifil. It c.:i-t r n.i..-. nl.-.r i iin.i Usui in l rum o io l li e l s. m p. It) imy p:ti'L u1 I In Ii dv ;.. ::l ti f ...llli; ... l-rmupl, c.i'i.j.li i.. :n, ! p,- -.:i.:l: :,t ( r j. n,,.m,( h.ir!irs, M:T li:i k juiU : "I -li.s in 1..; , i.; luii.s. I lirtHiic rti iMi.:ii t, k li i I : ; - r p.i;ii in t!t' li.i- k in.- spc-i-d.lv en., ,1. J - ?, ( uKUo r.-.it-r from one i. ivvc ., ,,.,( a.n..(-t iit:iriuhty rur.sl. tore "if lt . ! i;n he. n ,. 'I J:r M utvoii l.fiiicily c.iii ..n ripMtf n m -par.tr run- lr t'nt h disi'iiH Ai j.il iirui'mis- rrttitsfti;ii. Jivcuui.-.-! iiicilciil a-lvii-.. win,. T,,r. Mutm.ii, iou Ana Btrcel.rhila.l.'Iplihu It Is HhsoluloJv fr.V SI00 to Any Man. wii.i. imy. jiloi ynti ,NY ASI-. l' V. . I lit in t.-il The) Tri.il nli:l I- Hi! i.i eiii-c. A '1 ' '!:;! h i c.-ni ..;if - phi b -! linii- i...,-.. t,. ,:'i:,,.. I i;i:.'i jii.nt (. .i- U in ,. , ' l ny . X on a nit S.-aa I a .id 1 1- .s-i.rat i n nl IM'. and yonn;r in.-u. Nn worn- for lie . i M .I' M. f i- l'ea'K lles, tree ill oi.I lilt, l-'re'l-h remedy; contains no I 'I i . -1 .1 1 . . run-, or o'her hai-'nfiil ilriias. It is a Won iinii'i l. TiiKATMKNT - inajrical in it-ell'e.-ls po-itivc in its cure All rcinl '!. who arc MilTerin.; fn.m a weak-nch-i that hliubi-. their life, catisirj,' 'hat ineiita'. and physical sull'ci'inj.' pe culiar to Lot-t, Manhood, shoulil write to the STA I'M MKIlH'AI.CO.MI'AN'V, suite ii4l, l!anij'e tin i III i ntr. Omaha, Xeli.. and they will ynil yon ab.-o-lutely KKKK, a valuable paper on tiles.. dicases, anil positive proofs of their truly .M.i;uw. Thkatmknt. Thnusads nf men. who have lo.st all hnpe of h cure, are heinr rcstnrcd hv the n t.i a perfect condition. This Iai;ii',i, Ti;katmknt may he ta-cen al I ic uml. r their directions. or th.-v will pr yiailruad fare and ho tel I. ills tn all wh. i prefer to fro there fnr treatment, it they fail to cure. They arc perfectly reliable: have no Free I'resi riptioiw. Free cur.'. Free Sample, or C o. I), fake. Th.-v hae $''."i.ikki capital, and guarantee to cut--every case they treat or refund evciy dollar: n th. ir charL'e- may he il. pus il.'.l 'ii a bank to be paid t.. tie in whet, a cure m 'ect. .1 Write them today. SEE THIS! From now on we w line of roses, ear'i.it ill ke I a lull al nth. r cut tlowers Huiniit.ts and II.. ra ile-ieiis made up in l..st style at shortest notice. I all nn us for p.; bus. ferns, a ml all k iud of plants and bub.s Sha.'e tr andevei- ereens to order. I 'hints kept rcason abie. J.LO'Quinn & Co Raleigh, N. C TELF.PHCHE 143- "'''IT 'TUT "F I Iv'st' Ill llistriet 1 M i KO Statcs 1 North Ciroliiin. Xo. I p.' - I.i he!. Friteil St ins :.r ! 1 1 1 i 1 11 burr' I so'. -or 11 .vhi-k.o i.'i'd at Fay. ticville. N. ' ., anil a.llled as the l.l'opcrtv of W. s. ll, , Is To W. S. Davis and to w hom it 111.1 y .".vni -( . rectine; No: ice is hereby iriven. that the i '"V" n.' ir i"ii"d propcrlv was s,.ieii V F M. .Siinnions Collector of ln- r.'ial F.-vciiiie for the Fourth Code -on lstl-iet of ..rt!l 1 aro ina. on the Till ! ,v of I '-. 1 '7 as forfeited tilth.- i ' I t ie rinte.is-a'i s.'or v ola i : h I"'- m il M.-veniic Laws, ami iln- ''belle! aim pros. eu'. d in 'In II 0 I oil I t of the Flute I States for - oi-ieiiiii.tt'on for the causes in the ie! :i'.-l nl i'l-ormation s. t forth: and ie said cans, s w ill st md for ! r:a I a the Court room, ill theellvoi' i.a.'.eii, oil nil' ursl .Moil ay ot I Ie i- nd.er nei. if that be a jurbilietion 'I i' . and if not. at tin .,ot day of jui is.iietaiii tlierealter. when and win i you and all persons are warned to up near and show eau-e why coridenina ""iishoull nnt In- d. creed , and jiule nieiit aee.-rilinelv en'ered h"i'cin, and lo intcrvt'iii- for ilu ir interest. . ivi n under my hand, at nlliee in lla'.-ieli. Hi's 2ath day nf Nov , l-UT o'. .1. r.iim,i.i U. S. Marshal NOTICE l-'or l!:ds for Purchase nf W & U S Tucker A Cos Stock of (ioods. Notice is her by ;i ven t hat b.'t ween th- hours of four (-1) and live (5) o'clock on I he afternoon of U'edn s day. January 2dth. 1S!!8, ;it tlie W II A I! S Tucker A Co. store, in Ualeioh. X o., ivfi the undersign ed, will re.'eive bids for the purs chase at cash, of nil the W I! A S Tucker & Co. stock of oods, wares and merchandise, ou hand at that time as d- termined by Inven toi to he tiken by the Trustees af'cr bids are in. The bids should lie in wiitinir, sinned by the bidder and scaled up, and be nn the basis nf a certain "r cent, of their origi nal New York Cost (exclusive of I an Mine, freight and insurance) To lie considered, earn hid must be I aecompatiu (I hy a Ml 00 in cash in j 'oken of oond fii'h If the bid is j rej cted. said cash deposit will nc returned to ine milder; it the bid isaccepted.andtViepurcha.se carried out, said deposit will be credited as a part payment nn the purchase price; lint if the hid is ac cepted and the bidder fails to carrj out t' e purchase, the said deposit 'will be retained by the trustees as lapiidated damages for havine lo close the store, loss of time, trade, etc, in taking the inventory, etc The trustees reserve the ribt to reject any or all hiiU. This Dec. ISI'7, Kknkst Haywood, Wm Ii Snow, WKTickf.ii, Trustees W II & Ii S Tucker t Co. dds Siilc of lersonul Prupertv. ' lie ste -k of graecries of the late A r mcrj l- lor sal ai a whoie or to , sun, p rcua-ers irom now unni Wednesday. D.ccmlierl. Isi7 If not di-poscd of then I will 1 1 the same at public sile. for cash, to the highest o.unva' riuy?r eau rent e'ore UKYANT SMITH, Administrator Nov 29 A LARGE STOCK OF - 1 ll.S I Christmas AT Ml'lii ll'I'l Are rocci vina; a well fl IS '' RM 5 'Tf4 "s jt. r m PWH P "TZl : a niture for Christmas Presents, which they vi!l sell at sacrifice )riees; fancy Kockers of every description. Don't fail to see them. Centre ta ies in endless variety. The pret tiest line of desks, tables and book cases, etc., ever seen in linlcigh; wardrobes-plain and fancy -oak, cherry and w alnut. A beautiful line of Sideboards from 87 up. A beautiful extention table, (J feet Ions;, for $3.98. A $30.00 Fancy Leather Couch now for 820. A few Fancy Corduroy Couches which we sold from 10 to 81"), we will now sell from (5 to 810, slightly damaged in transportation. Single and lied Lounges will share the same fate. If you need anything for Christmas be sure and see our line before buying. Yours for business, Thomas K,st Mart 1 1, 1808. THE SUN 1H-JH. hai.timi ii:i:, mil I tie pap, the for p- oj le ;m,l w ith llone-i in motive ill Fprc-sion. So ciple. I'llsWervili; ton.' I' lu in- L'la ll-'e to ,'ht praeti .lit The Su n pu blishes u 1 1 1 he n the time, but it do t ll'lo Its oi' utll'is to be deoradeil by iniinoi-al or pu re! y sensa t i ter Ivlitoriallv, The Sun is U IM uiat- ih sistenl ami unohaiH'ii'o cliauipion and d'-fender of popol ,r rights and interests r.eainst political ma. hines and niotioiolics of ever.- cli.l.-acter. 1 ndcicndenl in aM t Ie "os. ev I renu in none. It is for .1 laws, co"d iTovcrnineiic and cood or-l.-r I!v mail Fifty Cents a month. KW Do'Iars a year. ClUiTlT C'liriiT of ( Fastern District. I'NITKIi Statks North ( aro in i No. Ill-Libel I 'nil ., Stltes against twenty-live barrels of corn whiskey, seized at Wilson. N ('..and claimed bv .1. o. I 'utter-son. I To .). O I'aUcrson and to all whom . tt may concern (ir. ctitiLr: Notice is hereby given, that t!i above mentioned property was s.-iei i by F. M. Sirmions. Collector of la- ternal Kcvenuc for the Foutt h ( 'ol 1 e-I t'on District of North ( 'arolina. on the lUtn day of .March, lsi,, as forfei'. d to the uses of the Fnited States, for violation of the Internal Kevenne Laws, am) the sam- is libelled and prosecuted iu the Circuit Court of ti c Fnited States for condemnation for the causes in the said libel of inform i tion set forth: and that the said causes will stand for trial at the Court rui m of said Court, in tlie city of Italcigh, on the first Monday of December next, if that be a jurist! i--t ion day, and if not. at the next day of jnrisd letien tlier after, w'.ien and when- you and p.-rs ns -ire warned to appear to show cause why condemnation should cot be decreed, and judgment acc,rdin'!y entered herein, and to i ltcrvenc for their interest. (liven under my hand, at, oftiep in Kaleigh, this 'Jath day of Nov , I s7 . ()! .1. CAl'iidl.i, U. S. Marshal Notice of Administration. I Having qualified as administrator : i. the estate of Wm K Manlev, de - cased, late of Wake Countv, N f! , ; h s i- to notify all prr-on- ho'ding c aims against the sai l e-ta'e to pre sent them 'o the undersigned at his .-(lice in Raleigh, on or before the ,(, jav ()f November. ISPS, or this j notice wio be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted I 'o Die said es'ate til plcsi m-.l e in. mei ate paymenfto the under signed. J C Marcom. iflm'r. Amn A Snow, U'y oods COST Ml I I I (III Mil It selected line of Fur- I' L'bl 0. JIDItTIi ir.K s tl.K! tlie provisions of a deed of I'l.ll.-f i.,i-le;i'i 'e.ll ce. eai-ee b .. I be nil f Vak-- t I'Accuteii by Sai'drei (.. II I'eace and I! II. , Wood lief and reeistered of tin- IJ.-eis'er of I). I'll mi nt y in l.ooU .'i.Y i.i"i 1 1 7. a i: i . d w . 1 1 ex pose to pub t the county courthouse eit v of I .'a leioh on Mull .rv in. IS! iS. al I - iiriii-l, l . .1 in. c itain tract of land in New l..-lr 'Ic'iiship. Wake con nt v. ;nl- j ll... lands of T. N I Jay and i s. known as lot No 2 in the di v.-ion ..' ihc lands of Kerry llarri son. dei cseil, and bounded as fill lew--: ll. einiiine at a stake, corner of lot No 1 in the division of said lauds ou Nensi river, runnino thence N 20 degrees. Villd poles to a slake, t hence S ST degrees K 58 pole . S -1 degrees W L'L'll poh s to Ne the aer is.- river, thence up said river to o-'s'iiiiiiiig and containing 77 s. b. mg t he land allotted or d ra w n I Sandrcl II ncil-v l!a l'carce frcm rison, deceas her 1,'hel'. cd. land do The note I'ortgae-e I sccirco by the above ias been assigned to the N.i'ion.,1 i. ink ol Kuleigh. Tel ms of sale: cash I. Woop i. it.r. Mortgagee. A I. 0 ivs. .1 I) Davis, trus-tees ai d attorneys in fact of L Woodli f. mort gaee-'. (' .M l!i sui t:. Attorney. D. c-embcr lo, 1SP7 " :(lf ti:. Mm. La Blanche, 7 toritd Siiju and Fresco rainier. i-ti.-tio Interior Dr Vnd Scape Work a Si 'orations and "cialty. will !.. dad to , how samnlcs lo those int. -re-led Clllis house W -tt at Mr, Heed's bcardirg st Martin street TRAINED NURSES' Bureau of Information. Doi't'-rs am! jKi'Jrnts in nt'oti (f Nurses' services ojin tri.-t full informa Lhifi at MK immon's Lftf Stori Kal'i:li. N. ('. 8-p24 IhQ Dew Meau Am j on hrierht and cicvorf If bo, you have P'i ntj of nir.iM of i u r awn, also sense tnoitKil ..- ,;i-i.'v go nl ni'w oni-s wlit-ii otYt M. What io u i ti.iiik of a -I'Jco'u.iim Il'ist mtfd Monllilv I?a ,i r, tvicii isKiu (ui!tuini.,i;a IVc of Music. Voral it intni!ti"'iiiiil, I,U'st Fasliio..s. (JikkI Storit-s imit!.' Nrwsanil I'ortraits of Pretty At-tnHes, -il'i, T'niet an.l Ynucy Work Himst, all for .s-iits a .Wr uostiwid fo-en too 4 to ' .-. 1. iu v yen pxaottv w-liftt w advertise ' ud wruuiSid aw for jouraeir. . the m:v id a; a to., 7411 Firoadway, New York Cltv. vr.j vnnU'd. Liberal coiruni'sion paid. KEWraWill ECHO. 'i - l.iiimff Biiwirj nJ fanlon Jonrnal u' sowt mu-icize, )K irandhand it- v r, ? iithtnmK rrom t.D V tweWe piece4 - c il 'T !iis;niiinital miitn, besides four or ., o.t.frntMi ieadinif actrwes. Sutoecriptiow isy iiv yeai $l.o0, nar.ipte cop, 10 eta. Adiiraal Ih XW YORK Sl SIf AL ECHO CO. Bn.1wty Thratrc jhitMin, New TOP Campbell. LOOK ! LCOEC! If Mian u a re i u eeed of a n v k i nd . f t's or ( l ii Its it w il I 1 1: i v you to examine the prices at the Lvou Ku. ket Store Ii fore huvitte else here U also l ave a nice line of Feather Pillows. Thesi I'd'owsa-e o'' the best feat hers, and wnv '.l,. M' eill l'J plil'l for thelll 1 e.'l, oil ' price ale. and you v. i.l lied us the same way in our enlire stock', as we arc I r y i ne to ru n stock down to i h lowest point b-fere stock taki'ie. which i 1 Ii" in a few .lavs. i'o. w c no not f r.'"t s'oek of aliki'd-. .". I hoi s.- btai.kets fio-n lis.- in?!! .VI Now remember 1 hat the w.aiheris eld and it pays to prepare for cold W. ;t lie-; ll on I (I ;ie lillie t.) l.CCp waruiceiiic to see iis.ind we can soon have you so you w ill be as comfort able as if you la d spent ifl'.i nil at some p'ace. Yours to p!c;;se. LYON RACKET STORE 16 East Martin Street. OVER $100,000,000 1 upewriicrs. Jfibbons and (I'licnd Siijtplics. T. 13. HEARTT, Agt., . ,- R A LEIOH. .V. C. KLONDIKE! on t go there iinle You arc more than likely 'o be 'l.m 't use Simp. . Ointment, which Simpson s FARMERS' SUPPLIES! B. IRBY, DF.AI.K.K IN AgrioulfuraS Implsments, SEEDS, FEED AND FERTILIZERS, ISICYCU'S, 1 1 . I ! D W . 1 1 F. , S T A N D A I ; D SKW1NG MAC HI NHS. RALEIGH, N. C. Send Your Work to the OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. And secure the best laundry work pos- siblc. J. K. MOKTGAGK S.VI.I I'nder the jirovisions of a deed nf mortgage executed by tienrge W I'-arce and wife, K Carolina IVarce. to Ij Woodlief and registered iu the ollice of the regis' er of d- edsof Wake county, in book lbl, page i!4."i. the undei signed will expose to public sale at the countv court house k...r in the city of Raleigh on lond..y, January 10, ISOS, at 12 o'clock m . a certain trad of land in New Light township, Wake county, adjoining the lands of James A Kay. Iict.se v Ann Hiiley, W I'crry and otlmrs. bounded as follows, viz: Hi ginnirg at a postoak, running thence N de grees, E41 poles to a stake, t'lenee S Mi degrees, h 1 1-4 poh s, 1 nencc S 25 degrees, E 54 poles to New Light 1 road, and thence with said road to i t l,u l..ri ni ., e. !.. -.T , , , ,' ' inore or less, and known as the i (.'e rge Pearce and wife land, lot I No 7 in special proe.-edii.g N i'Jo!! 1 ollice of Superior court clerk nf Wake j county i The note secured by th above j hinrtgaep has been assigned to tb , National bank of Kab igh Terins of sale- Ca-h L Woom.iEF, or .(Jagee, A L Davis, JUL) vis trust PR and attorneys in facUof L Wonrllief. BHV uey. For Housekeepers. V.' inl.!- (t--a s;i e in nJlVriny .a vi liru l)tn- of h itsM. abit: niJn, &ueb . 1MTKK Vil I ' T 1 'ret Jains in o ml. fancy ;tit . fte. 'lit. L'lH in i lieu -.a j is or by nn. 'at. plum NKVV pn-par-pi,r- cap map u ';il!on i.MM-. llurkvs buat, with iyi-uj) hi tjiiart or 5 N FAV ( I ; !' li.i i.-ifi. i uri-ani. il f ill, ric , '1 1 Vrn. i ), ion ). t, tit r-Up aii'i Saiii'i-r o( Iin. t ijuatit,. v'AN'NKI) coons ir Irom best packer-. idle V K believe we have the best Fruit on the market. ''- you tried ity Our famous "Al KLltoSK" brand. F.VKKi TIIINC purchased of as is euara nice.- to lie of tlie t' nest ijiiality Orders wilh di carefully and delivered patch 1 phone I:1 Aiuiviilh Ftunril Inj Ojirra iri'M of the Remington Standard Typewriter. Inst think of it .' Mori- than 'he (OLD HKSKlilK Ol ME 1' SITED STATKS. TliC " if-lllilKjt 'oil" (loci till- writ iny of the irorla. with Liver Pills ! t roubled with Nasal Catarrh if o is a sure cure. MARSHALL. I'l.OI'l.l KTOF. Sale of Land I!y viilne of a certain mortgage deed executed to me by Wm M. .Ma honey and wife, M 1-'.. Mahoney. and Ciias. il. Clarke and wife, M A Clarke, and registered in the ollice of Kesrister of D. cds of Wake county. N. C in book ."'H, p II U, I will sell to the highest bidder In imhlie auction, at ttii Court House in tlie city of It; Icigh. on th" .'.d dayof January. A. D 1S!IS. at IZ o'clocK M., the property de-cribed in said mortgage, to wit: A tract of laud in Wake county, bcL'inninj at the North Carolina Kailroad in Curl ton's line, thc.ici: with his line S. .v poles to Murr-y's enrncr in the Chapel ITill road", thenc' with said mail N 7H degrees, HI minutes. W. 44 polos to a ftakc near the edge of the lane, thence S. "0 degrees, W. tn a "tike near an ash on the side of Reedy rmi. near iw ju..ei-... i.. .to,,... yrcen Slurry s corner cm nee tip t.rei'k Murrv s corner said branch S "2 degrees, W HO poles thence Slia degrees, W fid p-les, thence "W - HO polis. tlv-n.-c s 2 degrees, W .'!0i poles to a post n-ik.Wo-'ry Jo"es' corner thence N 101) poles to a stake an i poini.-is (.oo.lwin's corner. thence K a" no! e to pine, A. Morris enr-ne-. thence V IS'; pu'es to a kckh and po n rs, sii l Morris' corner th- ne K ws poles t" a rock, ssid orri-' corner th.-nee N poles to th rail road li e, thence with said lin of road to the beL'inning. cntaining 300 acres, more or less. Term of sale eash. W. I). UpenURCH. Mnrtgatree JJ.TUUR, j M. N. Avna, At orney, 30 day SoriiLfhing dew in Raleigh. i Nickel plating, brass poHshing i and I. i-qut-t ii-g Special attention p.nci lo ri'i ewni; oiu cnanaeieers, etc I also have the best fitted bi cycle rcpai r sl op in the state. All work guaranteed Prices lower than the lowest. Work called for and delivered Ja.mks M UlSllop, No, ilti, Fayetteville St. AlO.ik City Mcum Laundry. For Rent cr Sale. D. sirable six room cottage with kin-Inn, north end Halifax street, k imwi, us 1 he "oaks " Nine rooms, bath room, larje garret etc. One of I he handsomest a. (I most convel ient inside finished muses in Kaieigh, No N H ount -tr. -.-I. l-'ur pai titulars apply to, or add ress, Wm T Habdimi, o. ni if I'.irk Place, lilount st., city A WARNING. Gold Weather Coming Coal is a necessity. Now is th lime to lay in your supply. Poca horitas is the very best high grade coal that can be had. Suitable foi grates, open stoves, cooking pur poses and for steam is far ahead of any other coal on the market. We have any and all ki'ds of coal. We are the old reliable Wood furnishers short wood, long wood, sawed wood, pine wood, oak wood, in aay ength. Weight in coal, measure in wood guaranteed. Have you horses, cows, hogs, or any other live stock to feed? We always keep a fresh supply and gi ve you Just What is Suitable of fresh, palpataule, wholesome food Don't forget where to get any or all if the above. We are leaders and can't be undersold Wc buy in large quantities, at low prices, and give our customers the benefit of our cash price. Telephone 41 for ollice, yard tele phone, 71. Jones & Powell, C-'al. Wood. Ice, Feed, Laths and fshing'e Dealers IS ft" PATENTABLE? r-Viid Sketch, description and fs.oo for exam, ination and GUARANTEED report. 1'rinU-J iulorinali.m altout PATENTS. TRADE-MARKS. DESIGNS and businis ttcluie the 1'aL-llt Office FREE. EUGENE W. JOHNSON, Attorney, JCstubhsln .1 iS,.s-,Var.lr llnihlinnr. Opposite IMU-ut oir.ee-, Washington, O. C. r 7- SOUTHERN nmorrTT (PIEDMONT AIW-LINE.1 Condensed Schedule. tn Rttect June 14. Iftoo. Train) Leave Reletfih hatly. "Norfolk and Chactanimga Limited. j,40 p, m. Dally, Solid vestlhuled train wl -let-per frmn Norfolk to ItHTtanma via. aall mry MorautoD Ashevillf, not springs an KlinxvillH Outiefts at Durham li Oiiord ClarksTtll md Kevsville. except Sunday: Kt Greens horo with the Washington and Soutb western Vestt1 uled (Limited) train for ioliit North p.nd with main tine train No. for Danville Kiclimoud and Intermediate Iocs stations; also h 9 conneotinn for winston-8alem and with main line train No. 35. united states Fast Mall" for Charlotte HpartanbHrg Greeu v , Atlanta and al) points South ; Iso Colum bia Augusta Charleston. Savannah JaCKSon ille and all points in Florida Sleeping Car for Atlanta Jacksonville and at Charlotte wltb UleepUiK Car for Augusta. "Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11:45 A. n. Dally Solid train consistln Pullman Sleeping cars and coaches from Ch tauooea 10 Ntirfolk arriving Norfolk 5:00 p in time to connect with the Old Dominion Merchants' and Miners ' Norfolk and Wahs tnctou and Baltimore Chesapeake and Rich mond S 8 Co's for all pointinorth and east. Connects at Selma for Kayetteville and 111 termediate stations on the Wilson and V etteville Short. Cut. daily, except Sunday tn New eru and Morehead City daily for Golds horo, and Wilmington and intermediate sta tions on tle Wilmington and Weldon Railroau. Express Train. 8 53 A. M. Daily Connects at Durham for Oxford, KeysvillH, Rl hniond; at Greensbor for Washiutiton and all points north. Express Train. 3:40 P. fl. Dally For Goldsboro and Inter mediate stations Local Accommodation. a:00 A. M. Connects al Greensboro for al p tuts for North and South and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carol in Railroad. At Salisbury, for all points in West ern North arolina Knoxville. Tenn , Oincic nati and western points; at Charlotte, fc Spai tanburg. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and points South. Trains Arrive at Kalulxn. V C. Express Train 3:40 P. M. Dally From Atlanta, Charlotte Greensboro and all points South. No 'folk and Chattanooga Llialted 3:40 P M. Dllv From all points east. Nor folk Tarboro. Wilson and water 11 net From Goh1sb.io VMlmlntfton. Fayet evlil and all points in F.astein Carolina. Norfolk and Chattanooga Limited. 11 :45 A H. Daily -From New York, Washln ton Lynchburg Danville and Greensboro, cha tanmga, Knoxville. Hot springs and Aslievlll Express Train 8,53 a. m. Dally From ooldsboro and Inte mediate stations. Local. 7 20 A. rt. Dally From Greensboro and a noii its North and South Hle-'ptug Oar Greexsboro to Raleigh. 0:00 p b Dally exc pt Sunday From Gold, boro and all points East Loral freight traljs also carry passengers. Pullman cars on night train from Raleigh u (ireensboro Through pultmnn vestibul d Draw 00 miff -t nieeotng Car and Vestlhuled coaohe without chivige on orfolk limited. Double 'ally train between Rfcleluiv Chr lotte i-iii AttautA Qi1k tl&m i.-.wled a. mmmodatWHi. v. . liKB'N. GtrnmAi upAVintaffMi A. TU' enrft' 1 aM uvcm irent r -1 'I A 'Si ' f 'J 1 i I . i vV 1- 7m,-'- . ""t- 1