V P' li V 1, t 5 X J J' i'-i " si, i.s 4 it i r ' i ,v ' n 'IT V 31 K - -in? pd HCtl, S. . Wll U- G BKllili THURSUA MrEbl'i.iek hsini j i- m Bi-hop i"lics:ure i- fi 'tniii i t; Mr K P lui ior ol l'.f i i- u. i., city. Mr D C Maojjutn, of Dull. .m. !! the city. M is Hannah Set-' I 1 1' i. ii ' ' Fl'ank'li.loii ltni.iv Mr 0 I Ji.-ruiii lia-y u - i t v i He. Mr J I' Kl i s. P .. ... Pi V UlnUt N .vhel i- b.- v i v era! weeks. Mr R C Strong left this inorni li ter ftiizabetrj City ou leira. business. He will be baeA next Monday. Mr Frank Faison vve.it to Die L'n iversity yesterday and came bae. today. He will return Monday lo resume hi studies. Miss Byrd Lawrence it ft Unlay for Luuisbur( KeuiaieColIxire -botv she has accepted a posrioii a-, teacher of elocution in that school. Miss Annie Sparrow returned yes terday after spending the holidays with her friend, Miss .Mat tie R us bee, in Durham In an Edinburgh schooi the other day an inspector, wishing to tesi the knowledge of a class in fractions asked one boy whether he would rather take a sixth or a seventh part of an orange if he got his choice Tbe boy promptly replied that he would take the siventh. At this the inspector explained at length to the class that the boy " ho wou'.l choose the smaller part as this boy bad done because i'. looked Un '.irsrer fraction was very foolish, but the lauoh was on the other side when the chirping voice of another urci.;n broke in in remonstr.uic . " 'Iim sir, but that boy disna like orai Westminster C.'tte To Cure a Cola in Take Laxative lirnmo lets. ' All drugge money if it fails t . ; genuine has R R . . y r B F gone to C h.i. shaped stoppe ike it, but there tri. .O' hi I it . A n v boil v "t'an try" it who h.is hiiiii' b.iek ami weak kidneys. Ma'uria or Nervou troubles We mean he can cure hirnsel' right awav by taking !'. trie liitters. Th s med erne toe s up the whole svsteiu. c s as a st .m ulanl to the liver ami kalin vs. is a blood purifier ar.d nerve tonic. It cures e lust i pat ion. he.uhu he. la t:t ing spells. sleepVssiiess a it u u; fholy. It is pure'.v veg.-tan 'e. a mild laxative, ai d r store Dm svs tern to its nat ur ii vigor Try R e. tric BUters and he e.eviare.l Di;.t S they are a miracle worer. Kver bottle guarar.teeii. O.ov a' . a oot tie at any drug s! u-e. The success i f the House nci-ping Sales has tieen iinur.ipeit- pe..pi,. are appveeiat ing M a' this is 'mm last chance o buy T..e o r s go-..: , Special house-!,, -.pirg goods s.f, -go tm tomorrow. 1-'im!.i u'el Sa' .i' dav. anil we .piov Ibgeow li-tiv Brussells " ami ii r'r.iine Cerriets .r $1 per yard and u.ake no i h.ii'ge f,.r making aud laving Davuoo;., S 't ,v Ti . l it. Trustees. VV. II. h R- S. TRCKKi: a- c ' CARPRTS. CURTAINS. DRAI'KRI RS. AND I TRN I ri'RR. CARRR r.S. CURTAINS. DR.-.l'KRI RS. AND FI'RMTI l.'li CARPRTS. CURTAINS. DRAI'KIII lis. AND I-VRXITURR. Selling for the last time Tucmo-'s Elousekeeping geods. Thursday and Saturday remain. Vim ca! no' miss this great, op port u I v. llA V Woo!'. SViU ,V Tl K Kit. Trustees. W II A i: s TUCRKR v CD. lltiiirdci-s WunicJ. Rooms large aid sunny, nice loe.i tion near the capitoi. lis Nort1. Wilmington street. ' jan I 1 w Mas c Smith. Handa's First-Class Restaurant Has moved back to the old stand under the market. Ail the delica cies of the season served in first class style. We hope to secure your patronage. , Yours respectfully, j3tf Mamma Pi nstos'. Huuse l--urnisliintis. You may not be able to visit our big store in Ualtimore, and see our immense lines of attractive Home Furnishings, but we make it con venient for yoti to see representa tive lines of medium and high class Carpets, Rugs, Draperies, Lace Curtains, and every description of Furniture, especially arranged for exhibition in the Southern States. At present this exhibit tan be seen in Raleigh, at No, 13 W. Harge't street in charge of Mr. RS White who will give you new ideas, and advantageous suggestions about Bouse Furnishing. ' r3 MlNCH & ElfiKNBREY, jao 6 It , ' I . Baltimore. , i, , iu. w i iii i iivii.-. . , ii Win i in tf. a unL 'y. I,;-,,;,,.,;!) '"-'".- . ;' 'V V-r. ... "lJ....w..s-.. .. s. ',,' ' Diseases often lurk in the blood bi fore they openly nirnifest ' h in-si-lves Therefore keep the bleed pure with Hood's Sarsapurilla. l!-'s' d .irv Bun. r 'Ja cents Ihs- at 1 . i; v.,.-. 's N , . K o, in. i . a' W D vi aim's ho ci n's per Mu .'ii in i !.".- p . s.iek : J W ,, n . a ! v n r p.-.-k I) w en d l. leu In in Die e-tv .'a I e.i lv. .1 D i AT! HOI 1. '..'-' Wl lie i of "I s' . I !.l elu h. N ( -t n .1 I I ' A 11 11 J He I . Ml . I'l. ..!.. v O.l K lit. A eoieiii.' i oi. s t. i -rooin li. u . i-eil.ir.k'ii hen. slatde ..ml other luiluuis'. o.iod well vater: exei-l lent .'iirdi-ii simt: six acres of laud, tine orehird. at head of Saunders si reet, ait j 'in int.' the Devereux prop ertv. I'ossession triven inunetli ;it iv. John W DiV'-hai k. I in Kent. Two nice rooms, northwest, cor D.ivieand Dawss.ni streets, one room turnished if desired. Would suit l'i iitleinau and iady or lodgers. Ap n v ar house. :'.t While on the subject of CANDY we sti.'i'i'st that to get the best buv KOVSTKIIS CANDY. llllR lllst. I. Mvelien setter - bine and white 'ire dog name " Dan " leather col I r on Report for reward to l.aptist S'ore, ID! Fayetteville, st . lor Rent. Six room eo'tage. No I'D1. Kast Morgan street; water, bath aud elee trie Tights. M T Reach. de::i I'wks A uesi ralile house for rent ;i -iied A pp! v to Wn.i'.'.1'"'' Candy is n our s- i:d I'.IHO HO CANDY. iiic mid Kent. ' 1 on .irawn anil sawed shingles. ..shels peas. all kinds, ab crates . Hint. tin anples, cheapest known; and all kinds country produce. We tre receiving tlailv from ev. ry set' i ion and will sell cheap Have several nice rooms in n-si dei.ee for rent, the best ami hi a th est in t he i it v. R 11 A 0 M s A S,,N. j 1 1 Ii-1 w K PeK ettnJ. lack and tan, white feet and .,...- i..O,o.l ,,.-, tl si, I., it "I e.isi . e.i, s , , ,,,,,,, ... weighs Hi! lbs Previously adver tised for. Apply at this otli.-e. all tf The Game OF CARROMS A line gam" tli.it pleases chidfell and old people. RAISIN SEEDERS Which will sivil raiins. Crescent Bicycles, ThoSiH. Briggs ft Son8:::?S.!rr; Raleigh, N. C. School Tomorrow, Friday, at 3 o'clock we give away to School Children only, all the balance of Christmas Toys in the house free. t t The Sights 4. " fl J T in the e t is our store It is f worth your time to ne it. also out 4 f 4 lisplay of Ii by, S l r;iiv' Nov it i .-. et. l' 'i mvl.t ! nil : t 9 -oni.-t io i:' lo t ne Imitle "It'.' o.l ' H. MAULER'S SONS, f ..-w. ..-r .iitt: i'.if iniif e 9 Nl ft m- t'xamiiuii i "i '! 4 4 t W. H. KING & CO., Druggists, Ate Agents li r Hurler's Fine Candies. A nice Christmas gin. T'i also have a well sol. . v.! -'.it k of other cok!s !.:-.t!.- 'i -t-nts. Call a-.i -eo ti- :.i : purcha-" !iu. 1: i ':. f get . . "I I I--: I'U.'t .'I a'e. v. el Iff i i l.iti!:..!:. SPECIAL RIGGAN'S "CASH ONLY." To I.II.V to clcilll-'e "HI- Sid. 'till I i ' i i c w il Ii 1i-oi lip ' Spi-i in !-." : S-i unlaw .1 illicit s It m l -ic.! V. b It.- I lp.-.'le I'liill't I'l-it.-s. - !:,-! -i,-. for -. i ..I' -. I'll'' - 'ii.'- hi !' ineli -ic :'."i.- f..r "I -' 1 ion s: iiiii- I '.oi . ' ". I i ; i -i'ii' - -e I pi,-, lake i' nil !.u . e !i. .1 i-' Ihi-k ! .:.h;e , ,-ul L'la-s villi' ."it rejiiliir mIui- '.'"h i ; i. ion.: .i Ui.-v "o fur l-'c cai'li. :! gro Trie1'- win'eer shoe polish. Tin le Miiilli A ( I.' lomv t ' a '1 ii-juiii- in. I ..iltles. til S.-il ur.l.iv .l.uiil.in 'Ii, it ii' l'i. fur ."ell lio!'!.'. :: jr.,.. Put , ,.-ii:i'i, -..-.p : I; i , c , ilo - : .1 Ii iv. mit .1 Stiu i -'l.iv ) on c i t n o ' ;i 1, ..I' tlin-i , ido-s. In .in r son! Ii Window v. .11 will -' . di-.l:u-t'il a In : "i "f l.i- ' if- Hew '-. .,'Ilv sPiii,).. c;,;,c pi ll,"-, pi. kit- li e.-. I', 1, lie, I liow b illl'i I'l Ot 1- "f I'l I Ii V -I;'' 1- atnl s'i-s; new Hii- i- out ,"!! 'ol of n ei'lilir.ttioll. Tin V "M 'loin In.' lo '".. eai-li To close 'lii- lot mil "ii s.,. ,,,1 . 1 nd Mutid.tv 011 ' ilo- our eh,,i. ,. ... 1 1 . lot for He. -oi 1 :i- 'f.'Ci pi' '. - -c- v ' ' w :ml lo!'.- ;i- ; ' i , t - lie- : - 1 i 1 ' , Iciiicc. .1 iind li M-ki'i'- -I no I'"!- ' ' li'i -! In- t,e-t lilii'lc. 1 h'.li-i t l.i' km -- ! , 1 ; i 1 1 :l ,r 1 1 i 1 1 .' . 1 1 ' w - lei.- 'it, 1 i' . .' I" iiilf diiitiiT t l' i- "lo'- l mi 1,:,; tern ..I the sit:: . j.""i-. : 'I .nn ti. llllliflli -n l.iOo'l i.rlv ; : '.'"1 h 'liutirr -ct . j 1 -' lie 'or a -ii, 1 1 !';iiui!y. I le on kn, ot -l l.i ' r ' -' ' - ''V I ' l formed 1" put up ti.e ; f;' ' ' ..'!.,' ", eltiimeli ,1 w 10- Wi :' 'let. -. i: d v.. ,!,' u"t kti'Ot y In !-e 1 , 1 ji 1 .'Oi 111 i ' !.;.' M' lutve :l s I -! " :.t ; I 1 ep 1' , ril I'-. II'IV te w III'' -It' I!,' C' I III Mill i 'll'li r tlii- .Sale " ' ellHllged. We -. 11 I In l.j' ll' l '"I e.,-1, only. Riggan's Toy tore Large Loans On life bi.-iii it p,,i i - 01 -t t l.i - tire Knglisli anil A iiii r eii 11 1 ouipa.i' -. Ten icr cent more tl;. in tre com -.t -ics tbt.'inselycs in. in tm tue -ante p e - ine:? at lower rates .ens' National I'auK l!ni in 1 ug. l.i ipn, N. 11. Children. 1 IO Wlflf KHt- rws s, Great January Sale of Muslin Underwear NOW GOING ON. "it Looks Just Like Hcma-Matfe," Said a carelu! woman after looking through the great piles of Miou v white. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. "I)nn't h.te the 'cheap and na.-ty look' ot re.itly-niatlo thin:; No wonder we ', mu-l : s is l.iio. ! ht-.aing la-t e.i lut-'i! it;ii r RoiiKs I... (,f t he st i-oneest feu' ure- ot he -..lie is 1 1 e nij'nt rube ulTerint's. i'm.isV to n rove the l.oneM of t ht' liare.i lis. Suppose you get a full. L'i'nci'ous patten;, figure out the cost of u..tti-n.i!. t r iniii ' sr. etc . ligure et ine and sewing worry, then eoini'.o'e vour t. ta' with the cost of! w,,.re more in evidenct than here .my similar g., rment i n t h is stoek ! V think that you'll agree that the You o be io'm 'sle d at the s.ivi ig 1 following lots are wonders of good there is m the ready to wear gar ' material-and price chaapiess men's as w e si ii t In in. Manv of Die lots w i II not last t he ' saie mit Matin I voii better try t" N I1 . 1 1 !' RDIi I '.S loeamougthelirst." ,.f go. d Viislo, Mo'hrr Ilabbar.l CORSRl' CDVRRS. stvle.tllt fu I. Illeketl oUe. Mere; ,,, .loo ,1, , . eers't Covers. a' Joe. i i! .io I Muslin. Surplice neck.! . of embi oniery ami line tucks, i I I. Ta o ut ipia itv i" most stores. II- re at .. . 'Il'' I - : 'line Mi. son. ami a d.'.eii sivles ! i i, 1,'oiu Y..ke Willi narrow ' ' . . I u. , io , le t' eiiuiro:ie .'s. t ill f ,!! a'.d careluiv made.' uliil v.ii if a' 7."ic. each I So I line M ; i s ! i i . a ll V desl retl st v 'i Oh trimimngso' ' h ml,ro'nlerv ;,;,,, We, ,t thin-as . .,1 gar, n n's i, sold anywhere e -e l.'ss til ii , ?! '.'.Y Here at 1 .mi ,.f ;,: e M S-- ecle.l embroi der.es. a . b -t s", :-s. beau iluil.v in ide. oi. I no a leader an v v i e re at -S 1 I D.-re at j I -.' -of line Can.-'r. vk"s liied 1 u , h line. nr.. o ilerv insertion and Ii. w.ih ...Ig'n .'. KiL'ieg .l,..v.i Dm fr-.a! Tbe price 1 an t , . . It' I l l . I.' si; I I ' l" Tt.es.' 1 its are t it going a begpig' for b i rs. A,, in . I ot goo I i-iiI'.mi ' or Li-.e cam c c. 1 r imiied as you won .1 order t le'iu i in el'' ".v vour iivii h -me s. '.en s' ress Priced a a a . i- t Ic ret. t cos' '! I' ire in. tie r ids. ,uel ,i: . t he s -a- in g worry .ley "vi, sli--. I i r i- V-r- ir 1 s 11 , I V. I , II t it :; 11' V usliii. wit '-i d-'ep e-u'Ooidei V. ei't V"-y lu.l ..111 ' of I'-u H't- jl 'I" tl.d 1 -'. II I'" .1' '" ' li le Usli 1 . li '11 11 r.'l .1 s ' 1 i p ' . II , , , I ,vo 11 A'l le I, 1 Wll. Il ' I'e e I . I g 1 'v i h !'. mi oel -r, . i'l.-'"' 11 p ices, tier at 1 U" A'. 1 s'K .'I A l.S i-'i 1:: i'!l!l.!i:;!'.' i' i. i '; ' r.-ii ( 1. .w ns t rin 111 ,1 vv 1 1 ' ; A. B. STRONACH. It lt.nks iikc MtjH't I'll'. 11- ailv.-'liMtig I" talk Slmes. You all k , o. Our Siiot-s." You kiifvv .mi' "Sli.if Man" the livat and in -I , ;mrii iKctl sii.ic I'll.'! in tin- State, but si.iiirtinies n-i.p!c .,!. ltd asltav i s..-t alN tl Imtoains like the une slmwn us the :j.r ,;.:- - v' shin's -i.lti lor .!..). our ti'gii'.it' pi'nc l.-r sum - l .e i.;n. MOK r.i'lLire ln:iiio other l', Iks' liaroains take a look Our Lady's Shoe. A 1 1. intimation i.l" all lli.it is Newest. Latest ami Best in the m.ii ki . .tut! "lit' prices an' until. i'.t liuble in these lines. 1 - lit.es "hat are g, i:,l - h, '. Done.. la ami krirn lio-toci s)u ing I led ; TV-, t'l'c. si on s iocs that are che lp. ( .1 1 f . Kitl'.git!-. le. 'J. en. .- -".. "o. a in! t h . I n n's Slioe ,,: -I.,.,-- for .Ire-- tl, in. 11- , 1 . p'-ice. wear. w i . ! s1;i y tv il the 1 '"'. 1 I.. . - a- .111.1 n. .011 per pair. A. B. STRONACH, Ladies Dry Good Store. Something Nice. 1-erriM HniiiM. Sprinjjfieltt llan.H. winter etirnl Minii litleltl. Vi., Hanoi -arire invoices of the above gomls have jtist Iteeti i-eceivetl ami are olf, r eti for vour selection. New- Hoe llerrintrs in barrels and half barrels. New Shad Uoe in kits. We have something particularly ap petizing in our Stuffed Sweet Manru fickle, and ,he famous Kalamazoo Cnjerv I'ickle. They are both rCent arrivals and are worthy a trial. Ful". line of Curtis' famous Pre serves in Glass. Our Mocha and Java Coffee is the beit that can be produced at any price. Trv it. gg TH03. FE3CUU, tm wontloi that this Januarys - 's.ilay In l.i . I Hainb'iiX' I'M '"'t-' reilucrd from -r" l to ' Roys Night Shirts trimmed with colored ami white braid, reduced I I'l ii u ."'He to CORSR r CDVRRS. The iuielistep prices which stamp everv item in this big sale, are no ,t.,ity made, both high anil low nick, buttons and bullonhoies A'isi's. At ? cents each. C,,rset covers, with surplice cut N'eutlv made and t rimmed, P n pr. t'y pat'erns if h iiihroidcr.v All si.es. Regulirly soal lit . 1 1 .. . i -. i. eelils. ticreai l.i cents ,. Kxeepl innallv goo.l value in ci.mbi ic corset covers, neat K i. broidery anil Pearl Rnttous lb-re at -' cents each. Corset co.i rs of I cambric, with Ivnhroide. v I t.suri i ng anil r dging. Sipiare neci, or Vslup-d Ali ! Here a' .M-. e..ts.-:..-ii. i);AVKRS To give yen uist the items h re ' wit h tlescri pt n uis ., i n prices of the ' tin) rent lots. i,- l.e si.llieient to thron-the ,, i.i.ie, oilh pleastd buyers dnro g tl..- el.' re period ol t Ic s e of go, ! , , ill' v M us in. cut w ide. d. cp 'it .1' ale! nai rotv t aclvS. The iis.i.t -J.'i cent ipia ity. lb re at li cenls ,a p or of go nl M iisl ill. uuibrei'.t shape Some I, IVC ti'ie t'.cs. o-ner vvillc t'.in, oic 11 ill' lb re .it cents :i 1 air. , p ie ii. is'i, . cut very wide. I ,eii,,t ',1 v in ide and ' t i 1 mi',1 wit I, I,, ,. !'.o:i. 'oi'h r . Will . " npare we I w-,' li an y .it 1 ' cents. II, if it' oil cents a p dr. of li -te sherr M us li 11, cut vei v v- id. aid with ta-efu -;y sei.'eted Km tii'.iiderv t riniuiiiig. fl wouhl bo a fair price, lb-re at 7. cents a p. 1 1 r. ,i- line M. is' iii. iiin'irer:i shape and 1 1 -i 'mil ,1 with tine V. idt'o'.lery ami inserting 1 1 m i'cIi. Never before less tn.l'i .sl.-.'i. here at 1 . Men's Fine Shoes "our liiokcti Lines ol men's 1 i tine Shues. 1 1" we can lit von tltero is a liar. rain in ev, rv nail'. " Why not Save ALL Vol: CAS IX 1S9S-; BUY GROCERIES FOR CASH All OooUs Guaranteed iht Rest or our Honey Back I B. W. Upchurch, la EAST HAWiKTT ST. Dried peaches, per lh 10c Uraiiulaletl suirar per lb 5 :! 4c Small hams per lb 10 and 8 1-3 Pure htifr lard, 10 11) lots (iac I'ickle pig's feet and tripe per lb. .7 1 2c Mb can corn, per can 7 1 2c (i 11) package buckwheat 28c Tarhill crcain cheese, per Hi 12 1 2c Water ground meal, per 1-2 hs'i 2"n: 4 year old vinegar, per gal 20c Minim and Java coffee per lb 25c Arliut kle's and Crescent coffee 12c Table peaches, per can 12 1 2 All gratle9 of flour. Oct our pricis before buyiug. Help Wantca --.Male. Agents get fifty cents on each dollar; no experieuoe ueuesNary. Write for agent's outfit. Address Tbe Catholic Naws, 0 Barclay St. New York, Aoo!lcott Si Son, 14 E. Martin Street A January Blizzard. Ihiriiuj this mitiilli 'In' Dnj (iinuls lnisinrss nsniillii stip '(... il I" liilicruuti'ii" ml" il" '"''' "' ' u rn; inn! pull il hole, hi njlrr it. Not So With Us. H'c ii')! unhi prttpusf In stun ""I oiir.srl rrx. hit ti uffcr such iw in niirii I n mi our ryoint (Is- In lirunj imi mil alsn. I IV will rv tiiitln()' thtriinj this .snlr Xnt at uimlesnlc prices, lint at less llmu tiint. on irlio Lame us l.-nmr Unit in- mnl:c no jiromism in-niu iscuniisl ij irillnmt j roil nciuij pn of The feel of the ijouinj nun dn hot liufjer ill the iloorirni for us. Here's the Goods Here's the Prices. Fur Itiiis m e imir $ !,r,0 to close, -s ;.V all wool 12-4 lUmili'ts are JJ."" " close; ivl other llluiil.ets in propoi I ton. Xot until ij left. Come ot nine ami keeji icnrin. If Ijoii iceitr il lliimtier three shoe trelr-ee r.ome si llhl tiff bttr ijililis to offer you. (hir (iroeeni ilepnrliiieiil is il wo is clemi ami ot I met I re. l.mlies tint! it a pleasure lo risit il. autl the j, rices arc the lowest in llillenjh. The l:li;. ;oril Inis st rtn l; oil r xlnehof .1 nel. el s n ml wraps for tail ies' unit eh ilil ecu . line no oheel on .lachels. We leant to close nut the entire si oel; this eomnnj Itiil;. Many tootl harijains will he foiiml in our Dress (loads slot I;. Il'e hare itunls for 'J-'.e. that enmil '"e ones anil foi ;n ami "(el iiiril we will aslomsh "'. We are Agents for Butterick Patterns. UiiUiiilUiiilUUiiUUiiUiiUUUV WOOLLCOTT & SON. Annual House-Cleaniny at tlie Great Home Store. BERWAHGER'S jBERWANGERS' U'c slnilll rimj in the Xete l'i or villi a Rattling Sale All Oyer the House. January 1st finds us with : I .ut s.'i .mi i.-,i niiiny line suits, some are ei.mplete lines, nlhers lire liii.kei, li.'s .mil n Ids uinl ends th.it we are de tenu! net! to in. ike cush of li-'fiu'e si, ck I. in ii'liiiie s'x weeks hence. We know how truant the doiiurs I ave ii. en t " in;. ': v 1 his season. We fully realize that the masses, and imi the ,-i.t-s. s. .ue I. , line the despondency of the times, whether real or im,irii...rt Kcoiioiiiv is I lie unlet- ..f I ho tl.. v 1 V. ', n re .ine t,i ir ve you a chance 'ii save at on r c pensi ! Tomorrow m irnine. a' th ' ni-n- ir of .nr don's, until Saturday nioht's elosi hit I line, ymi have Hie ui:r-'r ! 'd privileei' to select from our linest suits, eit her S.i,;, or ('u'ii . av ft.-e . thai are mat ked J-'i 50 f IS and f Ileal). Your Choice 1)15.00 Your Choice S. k 0. BEBfMOER'S Annual House-Clearing Sale. WIDK AM AKJ: Leading One Price Clothiers. Heller Broihsrs' Sssoe Store. As in the Past, So in tfie Future. Our store has been ami will io the '-Leatlei " in the Furni ture trade. One more year has h t n added to our eleven years' experience. We have profiled hv this. You will he the gainer, too. We are carrying a large line of suits in Mahogany and Walnut. Dark woods are becoming popular. A close inspection of our stock and a comparison of pric' s is all we ask from the public. Royall & Borden Furniture Co. Corner o( Ilrtrgett and Wilmigton Streets. OPEN AT NIGHT. AND WHAT SI' ITS P.KTTER FOR A L'lIklSTMAS 1 'RESENT T MAX A I'AIR OF . . . S L I P P E R S? I. ail ies' Fell l,oiueos . . tl.oO Misse's Fell Foineos . . . 1.25 leu I ' at her Si i ppers . . 1.60 lent i' s ( Irerijnilers . . . 25c Cents' t inhroiilerietl Slippers 7oc Trunks, Ksnd Dags and Suit Cases Flake Nice Presents il tit;

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