- . sr ' . ' ' ,., . . .e; ' , , " I ' . V . ' - ---..i r i..iwiii;iii3 "MW ina nwaninriy AciVifi mi . itniMi(iitiifriiym'"'''J i v,so PRE S S y' NiMr.Ki: 7070 RALEiUil. X. !.. KKIDAY KVK.VIM, JANTAKY 7. $1.00 PER YEAR- THE - VISITOR. .f- ALDERMEN TONIGHT luijt 'l'tanl Health Oi'.iiiiiuici Will be Presented. A l.'AIMCAIi (Ml VX(JK lien (titer un the VI ar lath fur ;i l.iiiimr i.iee use - s,,,ne Improvements in the P. lue I lepiirt UK lit nillempluted Toi.ighl tin- r.-tr:i !;ir- iiicinllilv se sidii of 1 he board nf Aldermen will lie h". :it 7 .:" ill till' Mayor s I ll'.i-. Out of iLi' mosl important nullri's which will engage ilic attention i! tlic board will he in regard to I lie hl';ill h (I 'p ; rt lie 1 1 1 i if 1 he v Tin' coiiiinittce will recoiniiiei.d a radical ci.anee in this d. partmciil. An ordinance has been drawn n p and will bo I'l-osented which will p;acc the cleaning of outhouses as a duty of the city health department thus taking it out of the hands of private individuals, li is said that this is done in all cities aid is nccesaiv to insure cleanliness and protect the health of the city. This wbl I e done by the city, un der the supervision of the health o:licer,at the least possible cost, lii.t to accomplish this, f . r each nut hou -e about 7.' cents wi 1 be rciiiiri"l m ar ly. This amount will be paid by the , tenant, not by the landlord. It will : probably be made payable m Jauu arv each year. j Deputy Wallets will be elected policeman, lie has been serving as1 an extra i Mice.- by a(ipointineut from ' the mayor since Christmas I l.:.iior license w ill be granted to Mr Denton for the Wayside luu on lUo.int street. Hen Cater will come before the board with a petition signed by Kill citizens of K.ist U.dpiijli ask iu' for liiiior license for li s place on lv:st Ilaryett st reel . lien -a1, s 1 1, it in- , a properly o ner out ; m re ,o d mi old to have license since II e board has pranted license lo a tenant near him ! The chairman of the police com mitter; does not think that any or di Dance will c une u p tonight iimed ; to prevent the saloons having n-i t, ml'. nils attached from Kcepi::' open a'ler 11 p in. It will not be done tou-hi lui ii '. is probable that some improv. inent-, will belli nlo in the polieeilepartin. i l ' before many months, i J. . I . i ij 1 1 ha-, a sin dier inimb T of p ilieeiu 'ii thoi an oi la"' eo y its - :. a nd 1 1 e po ci'lntliit tee is cotisideri nir r. ruri mendinj; th.it the nii'ini"' he m cn ased to t went v ; a"so that a -v--tein ( f pO lce telct.'r.iph be piaieo throuehout the city. It is said Unit if the iiuiirier of j i it i m Mi" ii or in creased from II to u t his won Id lie sufficient for the next leu years As an argument for increasing ihej force a member of the pol ce cou.ini1 tee says that, since the eieclic lights have been plai ed throughout the City, any one cm stand on S, a.n street and by wati huio t he coin, r ol Wilmington and Mart in st reel s si just when the ollieer enters a; d leaves his beat. (;ooi xews. SAL Aeguircs Sixteen .cies of lunj urth of KuU'iyh. The Seaboard Air Lino has ui.iile a bit; purchase of land acjicent to its propurty. just north ol the city Thoamojnt of land purchased i fourteen acres I' was the pn per'y of the North Carolina Car company, and a coin, bio sum of money was paid theiN lor An (illicial of the Seibo.u d state, thai shops will li- r built on the and that the acquisition ol lie -perty will result in tln ir i.ul c. struction, as the necessity f,. il . establishment of the -Imj'- m !J, -eish becomes more ;i j : i . nt . ( , Jay. Two object! inrluei i .' 1 l'rc- .l St John in purchasin- lin-j i o,i, i i y Firstly the water supp'y w ;!i t .c present arrantrement is d quale. By transferrin!,' the water motor to the new property there will be no difficulty in supblyint; a sufficient quantity of water for engines and shops. The stream is stronger where it traverses the new proper ty, being augmented by several tributaries. Last summer the rails road was seriously handicapped bv the inadequate water supply, and for a lonjf while engines were re quired to take on water at Apex and Mil brook. Kr W W IVrish ia handsomely repainting Mr Sherwood Hirgs' hojseoa Blount ntrt. lll'.S ELL AND MCKINLEY ! I he ;iirrtior nf Nnrth atoliitll sc,s the j 1'i'iijtni, hut (iaiiiH Ni.'lhini; ! O .e cif the must unexpected things I which has hii p ni'il in olitical oir ! clcs hi'i't; fur some time was (Inv Kijsm'II s it-1 in u ft.' fur Washington Wednesday, Osumaoly , lo l ail wnli President. McKiulcy in bt li.ul f It e appointment of Chas Coo. at tone v t.'i' I he oaslei n distrct. I he rtslneglou sl..r t.f yi.slerd.iv con l.iincii I In- hi .low nig, in pari ol w h ich I hat ;t cr is mistaken : "North Carolinians havoa'so be. n ll ckieg to the white house Kvery 1 hi ug is ha n no uious w 1 1 h 1 1 cm, how ever, except over the district at loi ni'vship of the eastern district. J'ne I'lvskent is said to be friendly to C .M Henia.ru, who is the candi date of Representative Skinnpr. The president isarix'ous to do sotni th.i n' , f"1' Skinner for the work tl.e lat ! tor did for Senator l'ritchard in the ' lj-t senatorial lilit M r Sk inm r is a populist, but supported and win k od for Senator rVitchnrd. Mr Skin ner was at the white house tod.iy "Senator lYitchurd and Governor I Jus ell t f .North Carolina were a'.so at id white house. They had a loni; talk. ilh the president. Governor ljussell is here on business and want, il to pay h's respects. It is thought, however, that he is biking a hand in tile li'ht over the district altiii iieysh p. It is not kiio.vn how he st.iiids "John C Da'icy, the North C'arn li'ia colored man who made a li'hl f 'I' nii'er of deeds of the district, is here. When Cheatham was ap pointed recorder of deeds Senator l'ritchard promised to yi.e Dancy 'I"' position of collector of customs .'I Wi niiiieton. The promise has been kepi, and Dancy s name will snortly (jo to the senate for that pU"C. OXFORD OPHAXAIiE. ttctinu of the ItunrJ of I rastccs Held I in pi i v i-mcnls Con tcm pin tt-d. M.-ers N I!. Lirouehlon. and (I. IJiscbthal both returned icsterdav from Durham where they atteiKicd amectini; of the linance coumiiKce of the Oxford Orphan A s 1 urn. l'i.e report of this committee to (lie annual communication of the tli.md I.odep of Masons which will lie held in Oxford next Tuesday w.il be most incOiiiaL'ino During the year 1MI7 the receipts fir the ()rphuna;e amounted to There are 212 children e orphaue and accoinoda nnun .l nilel v be added for now in i tl'HI III! Ill Uiore I Oil il the vear four cottages W ei i t . I tr , this 1 1 a! built for the jjirls, eacli col a'-couiiiiodatin t liirty yn ls and plan has proved so satisfactory fourcoltatre will now lie bull' lor 1 l.e boys. I he I . V nrmmitic Cluh. The I'niversily Dramatic Ciub will be hero next Friday iii'ht. TI.ey will present the celebrated comedy, "L union Assurance," for t ie be i i tit of the libraries of the cit s schools. D.irinothe holidays the I'niver si' Dramatic Club eave this play in Tarboro, Wilson, (loldsboro ai d Wi mi ntjtciii. They made a bio hit every where, and had laroe houses. Ui'cioh will turu out in fuli force to see them, for id addition lo the at tract ion of the performance, every body wants to help the children in their effort to establish a ooml 1 1 lira r y at each school. COLDEK AUAIX. el J and I'.iir S j :;r I iy is ti:e t elOli I inn . . II. I I e f i -, c ist f ho wcL.t In r bu . c. t; liei. h an I vieini'y is fi,' ai d i- ton! ,-M; fcr Saturd iy. ic s oi'ni yesterday ever the r '.: io , p iss( d rapid I v i II t no Ki,i"d coisi, causing lijiht . 1 in o.i; I . in the east lastllioht i ijh pi cs-uie area now occupies (V.i.i vailov and south, with Tii hi' i tie- clear weather in the Mississippi valiey. A considerable depression has apiinared aoain io the northwest, which is causing cloudy and warmer weather, with southerly winds west j of the M ississippi. Presbytitiun i hureh Services preparatory to the com munion will be held in the Presby terian church this evening, com mencing promptly at half past seven (,':lock Vaj H It Graut, prospective Ser- Mr John Koyall, of Wake Forest, geaot at-arms of the United States ' Is hre taklnjf a course in the Busi Senate, le In Washington. 0ese Univenity. DURRANT EXECUTED All Efforts to Save llim Proved Futile ('A .ME TO THE YI1IY LAST I he Mlilil.lO' (if lEIillielK- i il un nit lid I hf Moi uini; I i ule-t in Hi - I iinii eence l.veeiniolt lines- sid II v Ills I Mllicr. S.w tvi i:iin l'i!i-o, l.'al . ,lau 7 Ail is I'eadv'for Durrani s I'.vecu' toi . Ills lawers are in Washineto , m.ikino another desperate i IT u t to save their eiieut. The p. i-om r yiVoii up nope. II s t'. i 1 1 . r i,i at tend ! lie i X''C 1 1 li in , Wa-immmos, I) C ,.1,11, 7 .--I'mm sel II ai diiiaii lor Durrani w in md.e liual appeal lor Ins client nefore the S.ipreine court at noon. If the court does no- issue an order within half hour Durr.iut will ibe on the scaf (old. Minimi lieiiie d. WsniNoTo.v, Jan. 7. The supreme court, unanimously declined the ap plication for a writ of habea- cor pus. I he l.veciltiuu. S,x (.Jt K.vriN, .Ian 7. -Du rrant was executed at III.. His father was present but his mother, who w ished to witless th' execution, was not admitted. The murderer died with out a sien of fear and bravely pro tested his innocence to the last . His mother paid her last vi-it shortly after ten and remained until the procession started lo the eal lows. Father Looan accompanied Du rrant to llio oaliows The Durrant trial was o. o of the most celebrated ever known in this country. Ho was convicted of the murd. r of lilanche Laiinint Her body was found in the chinch Dur rant was a prominent yoiiuo ISaotist in San Francisco. Many believe him innocent, and every cllorl was in ale in his behalf I luee NeBi-os MnileJ! I!y Teleeraph to the I'ress Visitor N i!i.K.Vs, Jan 7 - Three ileum desieradoes were hanoed accirdino to law at llahnvflle, thirty miles above here. They were tried in court and convic.ed of inurderino Lewis .loler, a pi dler Anoilier iiiiuiny. li.v Telegraph to the I 're--- ' i-lim-. (liir.HNnKi.n. Mass., Jan. 7 John O'Nell Was h.ino.d heie lo.jay fu tile iniirder of Mrs H.iHio llvelvn MeCI.'iid a! ii.u kiaii'l, M.i-s , Jan S, Is'.hi. About a hundred wi;ne--.ed i he execui ion. ( nis llitned. Hy Tcl"eraih to Ihe l're-s- Visitor. A ii.ama , J in. 7Thos Crus was hanoed here today for the inufi'crof Annie Johnson, with whom lie had been livine, on timlino her in i iiin pany wiih another man He then surrendered and passed the h.st d.iys in lie-poiidency. i le ex pre-sed sorrow for the act . Ihe M iller-Sis.siiil Wallaee I u. A lotio search would have inin. to be made to lind three more c. entertainers in their 'ine tl Miller, Oscar I' Sissou :.e Wallace. When you o in for:;:;'.iice at ; he Mi I r p. i :., House, J ai inn", I", i i i - ; hin'h linni s .i' : to ii . mpetent an I'nU I F.s-i r I" i I iirntll is li 'li . r pot-, at i 1 1 1 1 t is a h slm i i r ' S,-so'i ai .1 y, I --f V a' .lee ') "v .'i e a inu.-ical If. Mr art ihe 1'onii"' y 1 :i ! i lias 1 he dou hie at -Miss Wallace's char. t n ' i ' v oice and jolly Oscar Sisson's wholesome coined v work. Then ci in- s Polk in his regular line of story tcllino, banjo "pickin' " and sono sinoino and everybody kiimvs what this means. You lauuh one minute and scream the next, and then drop a tear, but before saul tear strikes the lloor another laurh is due. The third part Is taken up bv a character sketch billed as "O d Tiinos Down South," and hero is where Mr Miller makes a decidedly pew departure, and really yives us a true character study on the old plantation neyro. color, dialect and all. There wili be sons galore and dialogues full of wit and wisdom, a la old time nej;ro, and Oscar Sissnn and Ester Wallace have parts to play that will fit like a jr'ove. It is safe to say this clever combination is alone in the field EVENTS IN SOCIETY l.'t cepti.ins (iiven During the Wet k. l!!'.l7 (JA1LY W!- L ( M Kl 'I'l.i-I ir-l Week nf Ihe New W-ai h h Senile lit' llie -li.-I Itr 1 1 lii il I lie. Huns in the Misloi' of Knleiyli Soeiel . iked ep. The p ist w e, k has bed ti" the maty social oi Molui-y evi-uino tiie K,i Ctuli o,vo a dance Ilial'i- ei I 's. (b, il'nsvi.r e-'iupl - iiii ntarv lo several visi ic.r v..i,n; I id is. (In I'uesday afternoon bet w ecu I lie hoars of land 7, Mrs K T llmkin received her friends to meet Mrs John Yorke, of Concord Soft l;ehts threw their mellow hii ' over the haiidsoiue home w'lich was beauti fully decoi'aled for the occasion. Mi's HnykiD and Mrs Yorke were assisted in "ecci viii; by .Misses An drews, Annie liusboe, M Fn loum. of (loldsboro. Nannie Jones, I'attie Monlecai. while .M : s Julian Timber lake ushered the ouests into the din in a room where t he most tempting menu, consistino of sakcU and deli cious ices, was served. Those in the dinino it i. un were .Mesilaines M iss Hajh-y, ('.ok and Misses K Hadirer. liovki i. Ke h ouest. received a beautiful souvenir of the occasion -a copy of 1 1 i bsun 's i ii piil, d ra ,v n bv M.ssFul eiiin, ol' f loldsboro. I'l'i'iii I until 7 on Thursday after noon Mrs William liryat! (.'liuies oiitei la i nod !:" friends r i honor of Mis VViiliatn Holt Williams. u.. In spit, of t he ine I euian ev of t he wi a' li or the social elite of Halcioli was there. Mrs Crimes recriveil her friends, attired in a white mvur.iiii with w lute violet triinmijios. while Mrs Wil I inns, 'ii was bealr.'.. u a cria'ioii i f pink si.k ail .-i..tl ui. Those who received in lh trool par lor with the hostess were(Mcsd.'ii,es ( hni'i; t I'oster Spencer, o' K'eln Charles I iasker v i I te. of Chap", and Misses Minnie Tuckm lloke. I .it lie I-1 in Haywood ;,,' theritie Hidoer, Ushered the e ioiui . Mill; . ilia K.i- ests rior. ill'eo, ver M rs into the dintiio room from the p Mis Minnie ll.ieley .served tno punchbowl was presided oy .Mis Charles liusncc am I'lank Cameron poured chocolate. Those who served I lie delicious da'ulies were Mesdames Sidney il' iui.iti, I'ao lliisbeo, Thus Kenan, 1'ao Haywood. Misses Janet Hadecr and Manei 11. i e. The decora' ions ol Iheiliiii'o room were reil caru.it ions ami red i iiiiioiis and m y riads ol can dies of tlie same rich colorcast a soft c-io'.v ,a beauty. ( Ine of I he most brilliant events of ihe season ,.s I he elcoant reception oiven by Mrs I 'ace on Thursday evenino to present to society hi r dau 'hb r Miss .X'utlie. The chai nunc dciiutaute never looked prettier than last cvcnnio, when she roccivi d her ouests at tired in a rose colored ch Hon with si; ver a hue, Mr- t riiiimine-. w li i lo she carried nk loses, .'iss Pace were i , in the front . . i liusbeo, Ly cu and M r Harry b ol p : ;. i . - lllie III Wi.' -.,.. 1 1, ca , .1 .ine hall wore Misses I ,,ll'lS :.n, I I '.. 1 1 1 1 . i e 'l in ker. la the back parlor, those rec'iv iuo were Mr and Mrs iJoushal I. M i -s Frances Hoke and Adelaide Snow. Suit si rains of music were heard from . some hidden boAer while llio ouests passed into tin dinino roo n where they were chariuinoly served Oy Misses Theodore Marshal1, .av and Maryuente Crow, Mamie Nor ris uiid Mrs Crimes Cowper. The decorations in the dinino room were pink carnations and pink ribbons and lights, while yarlauds of sip.ilax were festooned in orace ful wreaths from the as liehts to the corners of the table. steamer Funndered. liy TeloL'rah to the Press Visitor. Mahs.ui.i.ks, Jan. 7 It is reported that a lar'e steamer, yet uuidenti- tied, lias foundered with all hands, oil Iteauduc, in the Mediterunian. Hover Numinated. By Telegraph to the Press-Visitor. Washington, Jan. 7 Henry K Buyer will be nominated, probably today, to succeed Herman Krelz, re fiirned. as superintendent of the PLiiude' phia iniut. We regret to note that Miss Rosa a Koa . I Ashe is extreemely 1 IK ! THE MARKETS TODAY Keports as Kteeived From Over the Wires THE STOCK OI'OTATIOXS I In ltuiu,: Impulse stuck Mmk.t - I ell w it! I oree in Uheiit llenefiud e Seal e 1 ul adv. . -The t rue li'in luvestmeut and the l Ihe Cold V in loll St. Nnv Yoi: i. , .1 an " per of t he oeuera! speculati(e inleiest pc rtai lis to some extent indicated bv the relative character of the business dune w hen stocks are inuler the hammer and when they are Inovino upwards Tin Creac' ion which be-all a week aoo was laroel v brought about by professional i ITorts for if an y im portant liquidation had been pro yoked transactions attl he exchange would have increasid instead of gradually d imi n ish i n Wednes days turn for better stimu'ated ill c easinc; dealinos and the buoyancy of yesterdays stock market was ac-1 companied by transactions larger than at any time since autumn. 'I he aninui iii'i'iii"!! t of the purchase of the control of N Y So WUailway, with ultimate hit ntion of trans f. rrii.j.' it to the laic railway, points to ihe iucrcasino tendency in the Anthracite coal trade towards the closer cousoi :dat ion of i iiterests. Its of course impossible to foreshadow the cll'ect of the transaction referred to on S iV V preferred stocks until its kno.vn what terms are to bo ollei'id to the minority stockholders i'is noticeao.e that in spile of the prevalence of much uessnnistccisin in the coal trade reports from the best informed sources indicate im provements. The prominence of the lirai.'ers in yesterdays advance was due t:) the receipt fromtne wesl ind.ca'ino conditions promisino a cont i n uance of la roe earn i nos. There has been no lalnnt; oil in the orain traffic, to the extent feared by some ouservers in the early part of the winter. It would lie surprising if some deminution in this class of re venue should r.ot come with llio spring but on the other land the western distribution of eeneral merchandise is reported tube highly sati-faclory. At the south 1 lit rail roads have been hainpeif'd by Ion prices of I'ollou and they show a fever i inburoo. lint it should be remembered that the south was the first section I i b om pquiiation when the hard times set in. and there a cm start progress in the diversification of crops and of m.inu f icHirers south of Mason ov Dixon's line, which in the end will tell f.tvorab y upon all the soul hern ra:l i o.uls. chie;io A heat. Clin ..,o, Jan 7. Wheat is yet tin; the lieiiclit of a cold wave scare which is to be proceeded in the middle west bv rain today. ( Mleritics of wheat have been small and the pit has acted as if short Corn steady at about last niohts prices. Country I'Herinos bear lieht. ntlini. Nl.w Yoltk, Jan 7 ruled dull, but sieady I i n ues a d isposit ion I irarket . I Stocks Nkw Vuiik Jan 7. '"ill ton has There con- support I he ui I Kill 11 1 In F.ncouraoed by higher list of quolations from Londoti the buy ini; inipuUc was felt w it h oi'ea! force. Dau , J i inks ov Co. liv private wire to V A Porter tield .v Co. New ink Cotton. Months. January . . February March. .'. . . llieh. Low. CIOS. ; 7:i 5 7S ." 7Soi." 71' 5 SO 5 fid 5 Siio 5 SI ."l S I 5 Ml ,"i Slli a a S4 a SS 5 S7 ." SS(, ." S) 5 !!." .") !1 .r !.'(.( a I'l! "i '.17 5 '.It! a !H vi.) '.17 ti ol ii 'in ii no. o in li Ha 11 iC, t! (Mml'i Ol i; ui ti n:t ii 114 ti 01; t; 11,") ii o.'ioi ti nti April i j .1 uno .... J uly August "September. October November Tone steady: sales Si'i.Sdll. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liv Kit pool, Jan. 71 p. " Spots opened steady; sales 1 .2000 of which 11,40(1 were American; re coipls 20,000, American lil.000; fu tures opened and closed at unchanj; ed prices Toue quiet and steady The following were the closin; quo tations of the Liverpool cotton market today: January 3.1 Is January -February 3.11b FebruaryMarch 3 lib March-April 3 lib A-j.il Mori., n-Miw . a. ish I Juns.. 8.131-. .Jure July :i 14b July-AuOit. :i.I"iii ; Allust-Sep'o uiher. . . I Septelnhe -( letolier . I ' I, lohel'-NoVeniher . . :i His 3.17b .1 -.s .1.1 "a .0V1-ud1er-l leeellilier Chicago Grain and I'rotislon Market. The folio win;; were the ciosinoq uo tat ions on the Chicaoo'i rai n and I'n -v ision market to. lav : Wtlei.l -.Ian. '. '' May I'll. ( ore .1 11 v .11-; ,'a, . 1 lal.- .1 a ly -. ; . .May i.: I'oi-k .Ian !i l'. .M iy L.ir-d Ian. I.Ti . M iV I. '.'.. 1 ' ti ar Uin Slue- .1 an 1 Ma New li rk Stocli Mnrket The followine; were the closing quotations 01 the Now York Stock Fxchaii;!' : Sutrar ... Ainerican '1'oltaei t.'iill (a.- antiaitan ''It Louisville and Nas shv, o 1 lot; 1'i c tl': .Hi I He VV esLern I n ion .leV.-ey ( 'elltrai Ituriinton ana luincy Koek Island ." Si. Paul ( hesiipeako .V ( Hi in . Missouri l';ie lie New York central SoiiLlicrn I '''.'lerred I'nion raeilie ('hieaeo.V North Wi stern 1'. S. leather I'l'L-fcrred A r.ov WHITES. 1 1 . i nil Cigarettes ore loin More Maim than N hi-ke he Sftls. To the editor: I read your piece in Ihe paper yesterday about boys smoking cigarettes. 1 think it is a oreal injury to boys, and men too I have smoked (nut my mother cured me of it four years aoo) out don't now. I have been to the public schools and know it will be hard for the teachers to break it, but I hope they will succeed. Children are day b day poisoniiic; themselves in that way. 1 stay at a store and know how they do. They say they want it for some one else when they want it for thonisei ves, or j;it a man to oot it for them. Wo have stopped solline; cigarettes altogether. I don't think whiskey is doing much more harm than cigarettes if as nj mil. K L. C. A boy u ruler 1 a years. CANNIBAL liOND.IOS. slaughter I telle h Soldiers, Natives nnd umen- Koast Iheltl for a l east. iiy Cable to Ihe Press-Visitor. P. Mils. Jan 7 The government re ceived information that ihe lioudjos attacked the French Congo postal Yakolo. They massacred the garri son together w ith fifteen natives and four women. Al'ier slaughtering tin soldiers, natives and women th P iiiilj is roasted their bodies and ate them lfmdj s secured a laree quantity of booty, incuding thirty thousand carl ridges. French Congo authorities are nimble to punish the llandj is as the troops are not avail able. A XKW Wild HUM. Messrs. ih, is. I! nude. ii. ileum, Jr , Hit) the.liihn 1 . MneKile Stand. Messrs Thos 1! and C D Heard. Jr., have purchased the Carolina drug company and its entire slock . which place of business is at the corner of Wi'inington, Martin and Market st roots. This is one of the best knowti and best established stores in thecity. having been found ed bv Mr John Y MacKio a number of years ago The deal was completed ves'erda v and the now owners wnl take pos session as soon as the inventory of stock, which is now in progress, is completed. Messrs Thomas and Dennis Heart t. the new proprietors, are two nf I'.al eigh's m ist popular and highly os teemed youcg men enjoying the acquaintance and cot, lidence of Ihe people of It.ileigh as few young men do. That success will attend them in their new enterprise every one hopes, and those who know both young men have no ihaibt on that score. Success to the lloartt broth ers. The pharmacy wi l bo under the entire management of Mr I' II lloartt, nf Durham, who, for some ve rs, has been a member of the firm of Hack ney & Heart', of Durham, one of the best known drug firms in the State. There is no more skilled and better quipped pharmacist in the State than Frank Heartt, of Durham. The new firm is fortunate, indeed, in having secured his services. He is well known and has a large circle of friends in Raleiyjh, who will extend to him a warm welcome, on again entering business in this city. It will he a pleasure to the many friends of Frank Heartt to welcome him baoic to uaieigu again i . . SHORT STATEMENTS Minor Matters Manipulated for the Many. AROUND IN THE CITY. Cot Mnurrl of the New I'letureJ on ' per Points and I'eopl lenlnentls Picked and Pithllr Pti In Print Mr and .Mrs V Peed, of Wake rt st, are in the city. Mr Dughi has an apple tree in his yard .vhicli is as green and fresh as it was in June. It is entirely un protected from the weather. lie does not k now the variety. Mr F D Hush, of Atlanta, division passenger agent of the Louisville and Nashville Railway, spent today in the city with Mr II S Leard. Mr and Mrs Omega H Fosler have issued cards for an "At Home," Monday, January 10th, from 8 to 11 o'clock, to meet Mr and Mrs Wil liam Holt Williamson. The board of eduaat ion isinsession again today. They were engaged this morning hearing a dispute from Uolesville. but when last heard from they had reached no conclusion. The finance committee has in structed the city tax collector to im pose the penalty, I per cent each month, on the delinquent tax pay ers, Mr. IJ. C. McAlyin has moved his blacksmith shop to south Blount street be. ween Davie and Cabarrus. McAlvm is an artist in his line and has won diplomas at the Fair on bis work. Capt 1! llrooks will take charge of the Soldier's Home February 1. lTiere are now about seventy sol liers in tne home. Capt Brooks visited the Maryland home when he .vas there recently. The School Supplement, was de layed on account of rush of work at t he printing office and some scholars did not receive a copy today. If they will go to VV. H KingA Cos., drug stdre at any tiinetonightortomoriow a copy will be given them. IJaleigh has another colored phy sician. Dr (eo W Williams, who has been engaged in the practice of tiedicine for the past two years in the town of vViisou. has moved rtere whore ho will practice his profes sion. Rev K F Tatum, returned mission ary from China, will come to Raleigh today and will deliver a lecture at vVest Raleigh Baptist Church lo nght at 7:ob on China, its customs nid habits, showing during the lec turc some of the articles of clothiug. I'his mouth's Christian Klucator -;ivs: "L ist spring Col .1 S Carr presented to the college library ibout sixty volumes of A ppietoii s Science Series. He has now com pleted the set, which forms a renur Kably interesting list of works. W C Lite-soy. of Raleigh, formers y with the business departments the Morning Post, has accepted a position in the insurance olli -e of W II McCabe, of lliis city. We are glad to have M- I.indsey with us. Durham Sun. F. W drove, president, of the Paris medical company, St Louis, who will soon i egin the manufacture of taste less quinine in this city, has leased the building. Is, South Main street. Mr drove is now in Knoxville on business pertaining to the proposed manufactory. Asheville Citizen. One of the curiosities in the htate prison is a negress who calls herself Queen of Sheba and devotes her en tire time lo cursing. She is in the department for the fema'e criminal insane. She has a group of subjects always near ber who yield implicit obedience to her will. Mr. Harry Watts, the clever and efficient Manager of VY. A Porter- field & Co., killed a fine large wild turkey weighing twenty-three pounds this . morning. Mr. Watts is a dead shot, and knows where to find a. wild turkey, on a frosty moening. He brought down this fine gobbler with his trusty gun this morning and invited a half dozen of his friends to enjoy it at di'inev- this eve ling. Mr. Wafts' hospitality is much appreciated, n A wn a rlnn hi ir nlfliiaant hi 1 tkUU CCl UUUUIJ TWU W W M V guests because of bis genial sod I courteous personality. hi v. V- r jK-,, ty IS i ' ti -f il v fi"- Js, 1." hi 1 -. . C .i. V

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