-IV. :.' : ? ' ' i : ..J. if I 'A vi - -, ' 5" I . THE PRESS-VISITOR, RALEIGH, N. C. Published by the Visitor-Press Company, Incorporated. CONSOLIDATION OF THE VISITOR, ES TABLISHED 1878, and the Press, ESTABLISHED 1894. Office in the Pullen Building. 6REEK O. ANDREWS. Editor and Manager- TEKNON F. KcRARY, Advertising Agent. Subscription Prices. One Year. . . Six Months. One Month . J4 (Kl 12.00 .35 f Eatered as Second-Class Mail Matter The Leader in the News ami in Circulation. TELEPHONE NO. 168. MONDAY January Id. nkwspaii:k ciiAHin. The newspapers of this country are subjected, now and then to criti cisms and even to abuse by persons who, though they have never at tempted to conduct any newspaper, are absolutely certain that the v know just bow all newspapers should be managed. But it is admitted even by the most narrow and unfair censors of newspapers that they are not always vicious; that sometimes they do help ful and noble things. Newspapers all over the country are famous for their readiness to help the unfortunate and suffering, for tln:r . "nest and effective work in 1 1 i . of charity. Ti'..' '' lelphi'i Record, when it found U..' there was a coal trust, in Ilia'- ..ij which charged unreasona ble prices, and, worse than that, gave short weight, established a yard of its own from which ceai was supplied at, absolute cost. In this way it " Jded to the comfort of thou s.: tU ) the poor and thepeopvof modi-rite means in Philadelphia. Tti; v-w Yurk Herald has for n'' v vo:,,ners past raised a free ice '.ud which hhs been of utitoid bete -fit to the poor of the metropolis. The New York Tribune gives every .summer a series of i xcu rsim.s to poor children. Mr, Joseph Puli'zer. of The World, has yiven several dinners to the poor on Thanksgiving day and Chrilmas, of which many thousands partook. Besides this he has en dowed beds in hospitals and estab lished schools for newsbovs. The Washington Star gives at its own expense a superb musical en tertainment every Christmas, to which the price of admission is at least one pound of some sort, of food, and there is no limit, to the number of pounds any person may contri bute, The entire proceeds are given to the poor of the city, and the proceeds are always very large. The New Orleans Times-Democrat has a noble habit of presenting a doll each Christmas to every poor child in that city. It announces that it will carry out this beautiful en terprise this year on a larger scale than ever. Hundreds, probably thousands, of children in New Or leans will thus receive a Christmas doll who would never have gotten that or any Christmas present but for the Times-Democrat. It is a grand thing to be the Santa Claus of those who would be passed by the regular distributor of Christ mas gifts and joys. We take our bat off to our New Orleans contem porary and hope that the number of such big-hearted newspapers may increase. Atlanta is now wrestling with the question of whether or not the Bible Bball be read in the public schools. Weyler says Cuba is lost to Spain. That means he Is "goioff to keep all be got down there. A remarkable coincidence shown in the report of Chief W. R Joyner, of the Atlanta fire department, is the fact that in fires 1897 tied exactly with 1896. There were 104 -fires during the past year, the same num ber that occurred in 1896, but the loss in 1896. was a little over $200, 000, while during the past year it was less than $100,000. To Cure a Coldin One l)u" Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the mohey if it fails to cure 25c. The genuine has L. B. O. on each tablet. The annual meeting of the board of trustees of the University will be held in the governor's olliee in this city on Thursday, January 27th, at 12 m. Bneklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world tor tuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents r,er box. For sale by all druggists. . v CO O 3? CO 3 v. 5s o & - , 5P BELLEMON A Pure Jve Whiskey ten me' low. Fspeciallv r nicnloi! 1 iott led and sold on v b v Acme Wine Co., Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Opposite I'ost.d'tkv. R . LI !! ' 1 I . . (.' Special Announcement. THE "PARK HOTEL" PARK HOTEL. Haywood, Snow Tucker's Store. The attention of the retail cus tomers of the late firm of W. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co. is directed to the fact that on 26th of Jan. the stock will be sold in bulk. Daily retail sales will go on until then, and never again will occur such an opportunity to buy the best goods at such low prices. Special bargains every day. HA tOOD,SNOW and TUCKER, TRUSTEES. W.U &IL-8.-TliCiSER.&r-oJ ;-atJon ss lit the world. I t Irni: i'i the bowi-lr ii;r;'tt liver, Jixli ij i". . a r 'I il-. .t.i-.'s a:..i!li.nMviily. '-"' AtldraitgM. .'.ii I II I i'... Lowell. M.-iss. ' i. ii,,,,,)'., sjirsaiKiri,, k Notice of Sule. Tiider and by virtue of a deed of trust from William Kllerbe and wife to the undersigned recorded in b ok 127, page 35ti. i will on Wednesday 9th day of February, 1 at 12 o'clock m , expose to sale at public auction at the eou t house door of Wake county, a certain lot or parcel of land Iving and being in the vil lage of Oberlin, county of Wake near Raleigh, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: By a line begiuning on the South side of Flag street or the line of Daniel Martiu's lot runs ning thence south 101 feet to corner of lot known as the Brvan Fort lo thence east 120 feet to the lot of John F Flag (formerly) thence uorth ml feet to Flag street, thence along the south side of said street west 12o fret to the beginningcontainingone half 1.1-2) acre, more or less, and being the lot of land conveyed to the undersigned by said deed. Terms of sale cash. j.tii7-3llt It T (in v. Trustee. Notice of A JminiMintlon. Having rualilied as administrator i o tne estate ol w in r. .Maniev. ue ' ccascil. late of WaKe Countv. N ('.. h s is to notil'v all person ho.dn g c aims against the said esta'e to pre si'iit tiiem to the undersigned at his olliee in Kaleigh. on or before the 12th day of November, 1S!!S. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to i he 'said estate wiil please make immediate payment to the under signed. J C M.uteoM, adm'r. Ariro & Snow, att'ys. SCavrats. and Trrnie-Marks obtained and all 1' rnt liuvintrssconJucted iT MooCHATC Fees. lOuROrrtcc isOppositc U. S. patck'i Ornct 5a:id we ciiiw -i:t; V '-t- i" Ks tuuc tu-iu . :ioac ! JtH-n. Ve a.iv;s-( if -.iirni,,. .e or n t, t;.o ol t ' fth.irse. Our U-e 'i t! .e r-'-"nt iSM ,T' j Smt vt hame in t!ie b. i. and ircuju toui ti.t.; i Jsc-it irec. AJ.:rs, 4 ; C.A.SNOW&CO.! 8 a n Will take seventy-live steady boarders ;i; LIVING RATKS. Fifty line rooms to lio. and see us. We intend to fill our house. We want o i. rate will please you. Table unsurpassed. Service second to none. House is first das will run at living rates from now on. Respectfully, l.o.V ( 'l ine The but & Tucker, tim s n-'.Ks. We are Ming it Hot for Hard Times! You can't feel poor when you see our goods and prices. What, though your dollars may be fewer, we will mak them go much farther. Values were never so marvelously low us right now. Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gent's Furnishings, etc. The completeness of our stock Guarantees Everybody Perfect Satisfaction. Come and see this choice selection of honest quaiites, and learn why sensible, ci-onomii.il piople prefer to spend t heir money with us Our prices will give your dol ar a new dignity. Our tine qualities will clear away your last doubt. There is r.o law against paying big prices, but it isn I si'iisi ble. You'll trade with us simply because you can't duplicate the goods at prices elsewhere. Cross & Linehan, Leaders of Up-to-Date Clothing. CH W I I.I. SOON J. R. Ferrall & Co. II. n, on hand the Nicest and Fivshjest FA N' ' Y ; l: T.I! I F.S. S int. i Clause cm in a l the fresh Nuts, F.gs. Il.it, s. ( Iranoi-s. Candies. Ilnsins and e very t li i ug. good to lid ihe I. InMivn 's Stock inex ii h a! J. H FERRALL k GO. , A PALM m EVERYBODY ! cnp! ol I in p. -( et I Itllllis tn IV. .1 . 'i.-. '!u'. os. N.n's.ssus. ' h . i.toI ,o li F..i-!er r . . j a! ' o i: Oi" .! o ai t Oiisice Out Flowers ( e I',, S.I' 'Acr- I. i '. r.'iwi.s ! S- aih' '1 I'.-.--. H. Steinmetz, Florist, i I !a : fa.v Street., neii r ! ' uix. I'' ' I ; ' l i ii; 1 1, i . i s v I ,i hi i n i vir'if.- . ' !, C-Hiferi-cil ,v - -.'a;-,- e, i 1, ! Ci I to III,'. I IV I. .cr.llV I i.aue. i ; I : a i ai il w if" .M I, I'.'.ike an. I A ;; Moottev ham. on Ihe. i.'1'h Januar;. . 1VI. ulocli said. lli.iflgage is ,-, onioil in t he olliee of t s::;!'i;'' ::; 3 ' t oase ijoor in the city of llale'oli. ;it ! liubiie tiitctior. for cash, to the '.iol i-t li'ii.ici' on Saturihiv. Jan 1' I A. Ih 1-lts'ti" I'olluning dcscrihed' i raet of latu) tng and situ;iti in '.ile coin, ty, in House's Creek township, heit, the land occupied I v l.ticratv 1 1 ' . ie (at t he t hup of t he i -vem ieti of s,i J inortgaee). and tin s itne which was conveyed to Mrs M. Cii da ll-ovlc by Lewis W I'eck ii'ltniiiisti ator of William I'eck In deed dated Mi.y IS.kI (spc rcris tor's i llice for Wake countv. book li'. p;ioe a. til i : i i , 1 1 1 1 out jnosiiowie to saiil l.uci aty lllake at d others hy deed dated 'Jlst January, ISSlI (see reoister's olliee for Wake countv, hook iW. Kiel' L'iiJ) which said deeds are n.dde a iatt hereof, and whic h said t nu t of land) contains one hun dred acres W R lil.AK K, dec 'S. .'lilt Mortgagee. Snlc of Ynlunhli; Insurance Polices. Undcr anil by virtue of a decree of Wake StiperiorCourt in a cause then -in pending entitled John T. I'ullen, administrator of Marv A. Morchead, deceased, I will on Thursday, the ii.'ld flay of December, lfMi, expose to sale at public auction, for cash, the following described policies of insttr-1 ance. with the right to pay the pn-ra- hints thereon and keep the policies in force to-wit: I'oliey No. 27.11 of the Marvhii.il Life Insurance t'ompanv i-siicil May 4. 1S74, on the life of W K. Davis for tfa.OOO. Policy No Mw"lof the Connecticut Life Insurance Company of Hartford, Connee'ieut. issued Uctolier 10, IW8, on the li e of W K Davis for 10,0no. 'Also, at same tune, and as a part of the sale of said policies to be trans-! thereafter, when and where you and ferred therewith, one judgment of all nersoni are warned to appear to Wake Superior Court In favor of J 1 show cause why condemnation should T Pullen, administrator, against W j not be decreed, and judgment accord K P.ivis for Sl417. ft with interest on J ingly entered herin, and to intervene Sl.j.IilT.xr thereof trim i-otii uay ot . ebruarv, 1SK4, untilopaid, for which aid policies ot, insurance rasecurlty. Term. cash. ; JOHN T. PrLLKS, "t "trator of M. A. Morahesd. RISTMAS HF. II Kl!K. Phone 88- 'I'i tislcc's s.ilc nf l.nnj. I'mler ami irtue of Lhe powers contained 111 a lie, il ol tru-t rxeeutei; l.y 1'. I'. Will am- anil wile lo tHe un- iifi-i. ti. il a''ii r rccii in lionk I III pa-.- I..', i.-te- .f ! .!. ol!iec for U .i i: i-oan'v . I . ! !. on T.oil'i;tx . the .. t .i ii .i ot . cccinl r. I -.0. e .o-c to -a . .it i 1 1 I i a'l.-Tjon, tor ,-a-h. tliat , . i t.i in tr el ot Li no ii, St Mat ! hew V I hi', i; -h . ail joi i, i nir the la il.-it s '. I . .lames Moor.-ami Siilnoy I'ar: , in at:u iplnrts. an ! iiouuileil lillil ile--ei lin ii a- lol Ion -. to v it : Hy a line t " i 1 1 1 1 i i . at tie- M'litliwi -t corner if ;!ir ir.i.'i ot laini oiiivi'Vol to siilncy I'al'.Oi t I'. K s'alll-- ii al. h ileeil I fl. if in Koo' in, at ia'i' Jl- ol li,.- i:, - r of ,i, oli: . of Waif i'.iiIi'I ; I I i i li 11 ll:. lie,- -olllll. .1 W.'.-!. I ' no!'-- to .. !-.ai,e on tin- north -.ii, o! a l.'aei'li n ar ii- nionlli on t!i-' inn I, - il.- of ' i a !! iv eel; tn ar a .-en iioi (,: r: t h M.ee (!o n ami it !i ' i.e -a hi i a r. e ci e-i; li.;i uliil n; .i.tnie- Vo.ie'-.-ni la !: tl.eli. ..with hi. : ; not-! h a t. IJ .. : elei it.- -,. a l- a--: I '.ei.i'e ti I hi t . .'...ii eiia II.- t o a In : t hi lie la !! h 1 : ea -t , : I m", in- in a ten. : I her,.-.. t h L ea-l . ( I in chain- t" a -taio : ll one.- so, ah -I , i a -t . I .',.", e! a ' 1 1 to a n, : , he lie.- tioi ' h , lia-t. t'i' i-Ii.i tn a i ua-: ti.eii.-,- I -olllll ij e.l-t. -',.'", eiaill to Mli)l i Moon- - iiottii. a-' . oria-r: thetiee noith ! -' ea-t. al'out ' li 1 .o e- to saitl siiln j ; I 'art i n V oii:ht a-i corn, r: tin -nee wi.h lo- line w e-o,-. a t-il to th ' lieei II 11 1 lli.'. eonta ininir aeri s more or h-s-I I'.n in- i-a-n. K. II. It 'l"l'l.l'.. .ov. "i. I''7. Tru.-t i'. II vo. , Sm.w ami Ti i'K Kit, i 'It'll -O'es. : W.M.I 'Kit A. Pll I I.I.I ! I). C. SmIIII. Kew Firm. New Goods Have just opened at Kmery s old stand, corner of Dan-son and Cahar rus S't'eets. with it fail line of Staple ai d Fancy (Iroeeries. Satisfastiou given it: 'all sales. A delivery 1.. .....,.i ..ii t,. ; , " ,i.i, ,,i ,;,,, i"i,.. us a call for your holiday goods and oe stir vou wiil lie satisfied. Alsif I we have a nice lot of dry pine and oak wood on hand. We also receive li'' sh lish and ovs'ers dailv. i i ... nun t tiic a- cvttru xoi icK of ski zr in-: am i.ihki.. '.astirn Di.-triet of North Cundina, at Ualuigh. United States acainst one six-horse ouirine and machinery , two wooden stills, four fermenting tubs, one mash tub, one fau and two packages of whiskey, seized as the property of W. J. Lancaster. To W. J. Lancaster and to all whom it may concern Greeting Notice Is hereby iven that the above mentioned property was seized by H. Al. Simmons, Collector of in- ternal Keveuue for the Fourth ColW";- i lion liixtriet ol worm I aroitna on ine ! 2ttth day of January, 1897, as forfeited to the uses of the United States, for violation of the Internal Itevenue Laws, and ihe same is libelled and j prosecuted in the Circnit'Court of the United States for condemnation for the causes in the said libel of informa tion set forth; and that the said eauses will stand for trial at the court room of said court, in the city of Kaleigh, on the lirst Monday of December next, if that be a jurisdiction day, and if not, at the next day of jurisdiction ior ineir interest. Given under mv hand, at olliee In RaleiKQ, this 4th day of October, 1897. O. i. CARROLL, - U. S. Marital, MISS MAGGIE REESE Clearance Sale. WE WILL CLOSE OUT ALL MILLINER Y REG A RD LKSS OE COST. Especially ofl'er hargaiiis in I rimmed ioods and infants caps. We are sellinq a iood fitting eorxet. Sat is faction tnaranteed or monei refunded after tiro weeks tri I. Price, SOJSc.SlOO MISS MAGGIE REESE 'li! Fayctteyille Street. Metropolitan Opera House. Wednesday, JANUARY 12 NOVKI.TY OF Tlll-i SKASOX. Polk Miller, Oscar Sisson, Ester Wallace Company. I'i Ai.i. Tin-: Way Tnum i;ii. SESSON & WALLACE. In tlie Funny Musical Conuily CousinEIIa'sVisit from the Country POLK MILLER. Thr fmimus Ncirm Ditilrrt ImiMT-niiiilnr Sturio, Ilaiijo I'ickinir, Suiil'. liiici filiation-, mid us "l n lr Dnriii'i" in OLD TIM KS DOWN SOl'Tll Tun hmirv -ii' 'V ii i-. Mirth mid Mer riment Tim e :u t. I 'i n-'s "in ami ?" th's. St itt on --.'ilt' at K iimV ilni.: -Im Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R'y John 1 m i. Kecei ver Condensed Schedule. IN KKI-T'.rT ) T. lol ll. 1.HOT. Nolllll lttl' i. .o J D.MIA l,e:uc Viilliini''oi . . . - nil i to Artivi- I'.im nevi.lo. . . .lllo l.c;ive Kayeti.A ill.- 1 1 :L'I " l.'-av. -';n ctle.il, e .1 unci oe! 1 J-i " I ,e;i VI' S.llilot'il .1 'J .'U ' III Le.ue C'.'l.UN . '-' I'.' " A i l l ve I : I'ceio.lioi'i i :n ' I .I'iiv e ( 1 reenlioro . . . . . itu l.ciivc St ok esihile. . . . l.H " Leave Will li nl Cove ... u:i l.e;ive Kural Hat . . . . . .".:l!l " Arrive .M t Airy li ." " sol lllllol'Mi. No. 1. li.MI V, Leave Mt Airy s'l'1 a in Leave Kural Hail .ln.nl " Leave Walnut Cove ... 111-:;:! Leave Slokcsilale 11:11.; A rri ve( i i-eciishori) I I .." Lea'c 1 1 reetislioro 12:1 I cavcClimax . . 12:1:' " Leave Sauford 2:i!li " Ar Kavetteville J unction . il.ali j, m Arrive Kavetteville 4110 " Leave Kavetteville. ...... 4:111 " Arrive Wiluiin'ton 7:20 " NOKTIIHOI'N ii. No. 4 Daily. Leave Ilcimelsville S:llO a in Arrive Maxlon '.UrJ " Leave Maxlon IhuT " Leave Keel Springs H.oT " Leave Hop.- A 1 1 1 ; ln:l'll A i it ve I'ayeitfvili.' 10:411 " soi niiioi li No. :i Daily Leave Kavcttevi i Ic . 4:4.pm Leave Hope Mills. . . ... . ,.r:0-J " Leave Keil Springs " 42 '.' A rri ve Vuxton . li: 1 1 " LeaveMaxtoti Ii:l") " Arrive Lfiineltsvilic 7:1,") '' No. Hi. Nolt'lll lii in N li. mixeJ. Daily K.xc'pt Sunday . Ii:4n a m 8:25 " . . . .. 0:17 " H 35 ' Il:li7pui .... 11:55 " No 15 mixed Daily Exc'pl Sunday. 2:35 p m .... 1 .25 " ... 2:45 ' " ...3:22 " 4:20 ' U:05 " Leave Kuniscu r . LeaveCliin.ix Arrive Greensboro Ivcave Greensboro Leave Stockesdale Arrive Madison . . SOl'Tll HOI NP. teave Madison .... Leave StocKesdUle Arrive Greensboro Ixa v e G ree n s bo ro Leave Climax ... . Arrive Kamseur . . . . CONNECTIONS at Fayetteville with Atlaniic Coast Line, at Maxlon with Carolina Ceo-, tral Railroad, 'at Red Springs and How more Railroad, at Sauford with Seaboard Rai'way, at Gu.f with the Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greensboro with Southern, at Wal out Cove with Norfolk & Western Railway. J W FRY, W E KYLE, Otn'l Manager. Gen'lPasa Airt. 10 Atlanta, Charlotte, Augusta, Ath ens. WilimniTlou, New Orleans ChattanH)a, Nashville and New York, IJoston, Philadelphia, Washj iuyton, Norfolk and Richmond. SCHEIUII.KIN KI- FKCT KKIIKUABY 7, 'B7. south BouNi. No. 40!!. No. 41 Lv.N. Y.,Peii.U.K.,ll OOain !IOIIpm Lv. Philadelphia" I 12pm 120.riam Lv Kaltimore, 315pm 25(lam Lv. Washington, 440pm tHOam Lv. Kichinond, A.CL.8ropm 90fam Lv. Norfolk, S. A L Lv Portsmouth, " Lv.Weldon, Ar. Henderson, "' ,830pm 84fpm '1128pm 125Gam ilOSam S20am Tl 55aiY 13il.m Ar. Durham, Lv. Durham, A r. Kaleigh, Ar.Sanford, Ar.Sou 'n Pines, Ar. Hamlet, Ar. Wadesboro, A r. Monroe, Ar.Charlotte, t7 32am t520pm 2 ltiam 335am 4 22am 5 10am 5 5 lam li 43am t409ptn til 10am 334pm 5 03 um 555pm li 53pin 811pm 912pm ,830am 1025pm Ar.Chester, " 810am 1047pm Lv.Coluuibia.CN&LKK . . tHOOpui Ar.ClinWn, S.A.L. tl45ain 1 1210am I Il7aiu 1 40ain 2 Ham 3 45am 4 3iiaiii 520ain Ar.G roe u wood, Ar. Abbeville, Ar Klberton, A r. Athens, lOilaam 1 1 Oiiam 1207pm 1 lapui A r. incler, i . ; j 1 1 1 A r, Atlanta (cut timc)250piu NOKTII HOI'NO. LvAtlanta, SAL. Lv Winder, LvAtliens, " LvKlbertoii, " Lv Abbeville, " LvCreetivvood," LvClinton, No 402. 'F2(l0pin 24llpiu 21lipui 4 l;'i)iu 5 15 pin 5 41 pin NiMlpin No. 3S. 7 50pin lll42piu 11 2lipui 12:iiau. 1 40am 1 M'.iam 3 0."iaiu A rColuiiibiaON LvChester, S.A ArCharlotte, " Lv Mou roe, Lvllatnlct, ALKK t7 00am .L 8J3pm 4 3.faui ' 102.'iiin 8 30ain '.MOptn t05aio 1 1 2.liio Pi I5.1IH A 1-V I imi iif'ti in ' ' i.'iiiOaiii l230ptn LvSou II 1'lllCS LvKaletli. A I'I leiiUi'l son. A rllu rhain, Lv Dui liaiiif 12l4ain H20aiil 21tiain 1 1 iiaain 828am "lOOpin t732am t-10!lpm t.'l.'Opill tl I HI.1III ArAeliloii, " 4 .Viaai :;onpiu A rlCictiiiiond, AC L I.i.nn li.'iupiu A, lal, c PeiiKK. 1231 pin lllOpni A r Halt iiiuue, " 1 4:ipm I248aiu A r I 'In lad phi. i, " ilaopin 34,,ni A I'Ni'n York, " "ii23itn 0.)3..m A rl'oi t-.tnoui Ii ' AiNotloik, 7 3n,iiii 5,'iOpin "i.'iliain '.' 1 1 1 "Daiiy. 'Daily l-'.xeept -umlay. iDaily l. 'I'i't. .Motiil.iy. Nos. (Oiiaiul (l''. "The AtlantaSpe ci; i. Siiinl Ye-.t iliuled Traill ol Pull man sieepei's ami coaches bet ween Wasliinolon and Atlaula. also Pull man siei u-l's beUveeu Poll slllo'i ' b ami Ciicsli I . S C. Nos. II and 3. -Th.- S. A. L. Kx press. Solid Train. Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Ports mouth and Atlanta. Coin puny sleep ers bet w ci ii Coiumhia and Atlant. . Hot h t tains make immediate con ncclions at Atlanta for Moiiteomer; , .Yloiiiit'. New Ofleans, Texas, Cal -fornia. .''ii'Xico, Clialtaiioo'a, Nash vilie, .Memphis, .Macon and Florin. . For tickets, sleepers, etc., apply to li. A. Newlaiid, lien. Aift. P Dept. ti llitiiball House. Atlanta, (ia ll. . Leard, Sal Pass. Aet... lal eioli, N. C. V. Si. John, Vii . I'l'csidetit and (Jcncral Maiairer. 11. W. I! Clover, T rathe Manager '. K. Mclh'c, tletieral Supcrintcn dent T. J. Anderson, General Passen ger Aoent. Ceneral ollices: Portsmouth. Va, snlc of l.unj. Ilv aulhoi ii y of a judoment of the superior court of Wakecouu'y,made in special proeeeiliny s entitled Anne Skes and others ys Serapha lay and others No. 801 S P docket, as commissioner appi inted by the court, 1 will on Monday, 27th day of December. 18M7, at 12 n't lock in, al the court house door of Wake county Kalei-rh, N C, sell lo the li hcst bid der lor cash a tract ot land in New Lii;ht township. Wake county, beiiij; lot No ti in the division of the lands of Wiley Harrison, deceased, among his heirs at law. Said land begins at a black yum on the spring branch, corner of lot No 5, theuce down said branch to Ncuse river, thence with the river lo the uioulh of a branch, thence up said branch to a willow, lhet.ee south 40 uegreescast.7li poles to the K.oetoli toad, thence south- est a Imi e said road to a stake, t hence south 05 degrees east 5ti poles lo the beginning, containing 58 acres W N Jon km, Com'r. no2430d HAl.f. OF l.ANII, l!y aullioi ity of a mortgage from J R Pearee and wile recorded in book 121, page ;i!if, registers otlice, Wake county I will on the .rji da? of Feliruary.l 98 at li o'clock m. at the court Icuse door of Wake county, Kaleigh, N C.sell to the highest bid der for cash a u-a t of land in Marks I'rci k Township, vt'ake countw, bound ed on the north hy lauiisof DP Lee, on the east by lands of S W Pearce on the south by th Unds of Walter Deb- nam ana on int. weak or uuin Kirar. Containing 40U nores. jia -30d W N JONXS, Att'y. k '